l ..- ,mmim' XEjpER-pHiiADEipniA, Tuesday, November c, mr cPAPPLtr Wit and Wisdom of a Busv World CAQTO WAT TOOK 8IMI- VER INON McNUTT EXPtODED A DEPTH DOME IN THE WATER HAZAI.D AT THE 7TII t ttti HULL, AND BLEW OUT ENOIjfiH fini.k' nAi.i a vn i ci. mu mr.r vu .. f JH HOLE AND BLEW OUT ENOUGH GOLF BALLS TO LAST HIM TEN YEA K?S. erfrt W lk.JJ ft i!M mt? . Y7 ft S ' cr i Z - -x V J I if O ) . I j , V . T l (ilf . , 'U I ', VM n. -s o ? &&L v It - 1 tV-V i j C5 U o .t &4-v-u " a "nvvj i i .' ft O I . - ii .. .t? ' v r c r Br FONTAINE FOX. (Copyright ) "0I --- PHdt THE PADDED CELL Iondon Opinion - ---- ...... .... ,ttau uii,cu iuiiuiijb p "Can you tell me whereabouts I am? urn jaree iss, zur, I can that j thla Tan b Farmer Tamsln's field She Suspected It First Girl My cheeka are all afire Second Girl I thought there was a rnell of burning paint Pearson's so Weekl. IV. 4sf, Of Course! I London Opinion Counsel Were none of the creditors fully paid? 15 Witness Tea, certainty! The law. a yera were. ) HESAC-SOSAEThM6 ) OH N - r . HMVVA.t V Unappreciated Art Artist (trlumphantlj) "What do you think of my picture of a peasant girl, Miss Featherbrain? Miss F (gushingly) It's splendid! What a lovely hat she has on! Is she going to a theatre? Artist (despondently) That's not a liat; she's carrying home a bundle of hay. The Young Lady Across the Way 4xr SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG The young lady across the way says the days will continue to grow shorter until we hae passed the December equinox. Forestalling a Touch "Poor Herbert, how I wish you did not have to slave so from morning to night," murmured his wife, aa with a fond caress she seated herself on her husband's knee and gently, stroked the gray streaked locks from his lofty brow. And the grave, stern man of business understood her at once, arfd answered. "Well, Suslo. what Is It, a hat or wht? Don't be jod, hard on ra, for Wr J JfrofitlMHI wr.V.- cupss i'll have; TO TRADE TJ-1P. FLIVERih FOR A 7 RASENC-EKi. ' --- -. , " - . 1 J rr-f huh K. vy S&ftMrtftrvJ U.(l'l(l. ) TTtTV TTIW . -i'i assr&pr iMsar asta '"?5?: -f -uja&, 5 ?I7 u V """-KtsuHDs; 2 tiff uia wJW& ' y-Niw-nwiiawflsgsi ?f . '?SafcCyff rf IHM I I iOmMSM ir HE'S GOING TO MAKE THE HILL WITH THAT LOAD Godwin, In Pittsburgh DltpUcb. KEEP UP TO DATE MAKINO HIS IMilAils'piGnT '"""" ihe Iniled States takes over $200,000,000 worth of profits on Teuton-owned corporations. m gwsniwsiM,hiJti fa, ..'" jTini,..,, ""-rrr -ri i-U,gTT-jfc alasek In Chlcsso IlertM. CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS FOR GERMANY xr THE "FRIGHTFULNESS" SPECULIST nt"01 (Canaa Bt"' Modern Piclnvick Fat Boy: "I wants to make "ter flesh creep!" BJMsiPwBJE8'3' 1 Henry, in Cuiell'a Saturday Journal, london, England WHO DARES TO TALK OF PEACE WITH THIS AT LAKGE! Nowell, In Woman's Wear, Naw York City, BREAK THE SPELLI . From Punch, Melbourne, AUatralla, A CLOUE l 0 BIGGER" THAN A MAN'S HAND f.njurg: "Sire J Sire! Even If we "f"18'' ,n Spokane Waah ) Bpoli.manJteTw. TUE ONLY LANGUAGE HE WILL EVER- UiiUE,K01AINlJ ' w w?r mvscks, tnis arm J-.L ( wruM ." "H :jta - ificiX'j 4.- i Jl