mBE,; r4p'$W3flflH -1. ."' . J?JU' EVENING LEDGJSKr-HILADELHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1917 i'.AT , ".1 TTOTUKHUlSk "W . 4 a. .SZim mro . 3sR?BHHreJlfliKvi . jt'i'ffawm r I iisi'i -i I us IB I m'nm mftmv m w , M m m i h li fij fl&r Hagjcw -.& wi TJI A TT A TIT A lT IH Patented and -Made Only by the great Aeolian Company C. J. Hcppc & Son, Philadelphia Representative Tke ability to play the piano to express clearly, perfectly, the music that is within you The Master Player-Piano that is the Pianola. Master not only in theory but in fact. Over 300 patents protect the more vital features from imitation. Surely an instrument with 300 exclusive improvements must be superior. Such is every Piariola. Such is the Stroud. Two attachments in themselves are worth the price of a Pianola the Metrostyle and the Themo dist. The Metrostvle gives you correct interpreta tion the talent that disfinguishes a master from an ordinary pianist. It is in the Stroud. The Themodist gives vou the solo of the com position the theme the talent that distinguishes a human pianist from an ordinary player-piano. It is on the Stroud. The Graduated Accompaniment i s another Aeolian feature it o-jves vou the accompaniment prooerlv balanced with the melody vou can dis tingnish the solo from your accompaniment. The Pianola in every sense is the master player piano. And the Stroud is a genuine Pianola made in the same factories, undprte same supervision, with the same rre. and with t1 cme o-uarante as the Steinwav. Weher, Steck ad Wheelock the four other mes of the p-enune Pianola. The Stroud has a tmst attractive case, its action is solid and light of touch. Its tone is superb. The Most Popular Player-Piano in Philadelphia When a piano merchant in the regular course of business can repeatedly sell as many as five or six instruments of one style in a single day as we have frequently done with the Stroud Pianola its popularity is certainly unquestioned. We actually guarantee that it is the equal of any player-piano sold in any other store at' any price. If you can find a better value within 30 days after your purchase, we will refund your money. This offer has gone out with every Stroud we have ever sold and no better value has been found. . For you who want the best quality and a reasonable price, we wholeheartedly recommend the Stroud. HHHH BHIHKHHIH9Hi PRICE, $600 If you are not prepared to pay the entire amount at the time of your purchase, we will gladly accommodate you through our rental-payment plan, which applies all the rent to purchase. We will also take your plain piano in exchange at its present value. One Price Only at Heppe'sand throughout the world C. J. HEPPE & SON Downtown 1117-1119 Chestnut Stree Uptown 6th & Thompson Streets sa v-'-i -i , A jj-' " ;--ti .".. ,VfV3 W:iVliw mWSM Founded 18G5 - ri .v.!fl S InK e. v :-" i4 .'.".. ;.. a , tti til fun ni S':1'1" '-" t,t fiS" l'- 9 v; .,-?. T fi "W HHHIHflHflB9BHHHHHHBPHBpUBHKi75 - : ,