N wi.'i ki" . : (i xr W& tf m, 1. :''. t ?.FI1 ' -.-(' t Ir: . "" B- i . i H I, I in m & w, ' ' - V, .. a -i' 7 ii ?. : mmma it -1 T t't&'-ftk.)! . EVElTOH LEDEHr-PHirABEBTHlAV PBBDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1Q17 . . -. , ' ? . . . -1 , ', i ' 1 1 ;crappix Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World CAPTO THE POWERFUL KATUINKA CERTAINLY MADE QUICK WOHK OF THE ORGANGRINDER WHO It, REFUSED TO MPVE ON WHEN HL'B MISTRESS HAD A HEADACHE ...; 'xX '.-.:-.... ; X r By FONTAINE FOX (Copyright.) None of His Business A$ Caell' Saturday Journal. "Mike, darllnt, shuro an It's out golden wedding termorrow. Shall wo kill th' pig?" 'Th' pig, la ut! And phwafa tlio pig got to do wld phwat happened fifty years ago?" His Real Display London Opinion. The Captain Before I proposed I told her all my past life. Don't you think I showed a wonderful courage? The Major M'yes, and a still more wonderful memory! THE PADDED CELL V WELX,WHATOFlT f Mean Young Arthur was wrestling with a lesson In grammar. "Father," said he, thoughtfully, "what part of, speech Is woman?" "Woman, my boy, Is 'not a part of speech; she Is all of It," returned father. Milwaukee Sentinel. SCHOOL DAYS i fflllW-V tnika. ToaGrcd" ! ttnas Jnfo. & 'ianSwa &ro H inaaa woe 1 6 h.iw w Ixjerii? ou The Young Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way says she saw In the paper that the Germans were thinking about evacuatlnr Bel glum to the last man and she wouldn't put anything past them after what they've already .done. Why She Was Silent Bessie was dressing her doll, whlls Master Frank, who was out of 'humor, spoke to her In a very teasing: way. She was quick tempered, but In this instance did not retort. "Bessie," her mamma said, "Frank talked very disagreeably to you. It was very, nice of you not to answer back, as you do sometimes." "Mamma," replied Bessie. "I wanted to, but couldn't My. mouth was full of sia." I w k ' - r t- ii ! SM vmm V0U.(3OTTflaSTfll0GJ on .Reducgo T?flTon5?' mis wmTBT!.t Its flLLTHE"Fflsriiot Nowadays flt Vou'ap hO EXCEPTION. i THRTS RisrtT Pop! (H1K6 Hiii" REDUCE THRT ABNORMAL 3lftT y JwK Valastk, In Brooklyn Citizen DANCING TO THE SAME OLD TUNE F. O. 8., In Knickerbocker Frets, Albany, N "I FUEL CONSERVATION , o. A Kite. "Stvott: A no TO 'L.VAXNO XOVi THl1 VOO OOGHT TO COMYxOM'Vn. TO VV' StACjC.H JB Sb j3( ,i09,r0 , Jo 0 1 i.: r ' J GOOD ADVICE Terry, In Sioux City (Iowa) Journal Harding', In Brooklyn Etftr LET IT RAIN TODAY v$Ly& Taylor, In Loj Anctles (Cal.) Tims A SENDOFF ., -,,. .... Donahey, In Cleveland (Ohio) Plain Dealer "DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS NATION IS AT WAR?" Vas full of u.' B4e, la Bpokan (WAh.) epokeimm-lUrleW HAVK YOU A -SUBSTITUTK OK-THK FIRING UNlSt. - f . x..nn. Orne, In New Jfork City Kvenlat'Telesr' ,. 'J PRUSSIAN CAMOUFLAGK " o '. .i-,' , ....'" ' vii ; a ' ;.i,f'N 'Vr- a: '1-1, ,.-:., t';?.11"'-. - .- )' rrf? Jl J lfL. - ii ''"