M HB1 WAWT35P-XAXB Continued rw PrrcMJiiro for dfopboltoni w fVBJi.e .1T Old York wMrsnii and carts. rota. , t-r-Mirn wanted. n familiar with the iSSSlnl " Mnitot trees. Apply Wm. t tgJSf,. loa n, tut LAhfMEM minimum full-time 4WwSf. M5.19: mutt b iti fSrlyArpiy t . m. until 6 evrne ............... ...... ire mi iftar. rHA LblS l M i. -pen , r . rmn Tlant.. ThA-l.1, F$. At, JSWW FtiayunK av. IDl WANTED t. OQOD rinnn.ns wanted, colored end white mcnt ,.3? ""rk! "ood wiki. Apply Wm. Foit.r. HSind K Co,, !! Thompson. rrarMfeOiw. for Wrlahtstown, N. J.: flO Wii5i re. hour lodstne- unci transportation fur. h! ffM from Philadelphia only. , Irwin A tifiKtpff lnl N. 12thst FtwMN Wanted, first-class nonunion elec "ft. HiM linemen! stesdv works Rood waies. l LOFTSMN WAilTBU first class CHESTER SIItlMITJTI.niNa CO.. ltd. EUPI-OYM".NT DEPARTMENT E JOS FINANCE RU1LDINQ lHllur.uiiuA "hi.hiil wttM to competent men. Apply In per- rYed. for work" Thurlnw steel Works rk.it? r". 7t1fl a. m. No lahor troubles: no "lift wnrk. Do not apply unless you can itirt at once. til. iilNIST All-around machinist wanted to reek on esperlmental work. Apply Lanston 5"trpe Co.. 2th and Locust. T..Wanted, eiperlenred man to lt In minssln factory of lame sweater mllti rne ac'u'lnttd with circular and Oermen flat Imltltne; machine; experienced In cutting nnd Seijnlnir; abllltv to control help essential. M 01. t PUT , num.. 1. . k. . lt. ub nt.rt tft take care of nnd" . . a atii.i,..w, for Fraternity House In COOK lor rTaierniir iiuiibo ii ... ..c....t..t..., pi.: mutt l' experienced Address N. Mathag, T.M.h university, a. n. mirn.ro, i-it. Can and wife wanted for cook: man for aar M.ntr ind handy for Inside work. Oall 24J2 llrrn Mawr ave. or phona Ovorbrook 38 W. tfiw v.at, youns colorrd man to attend door and clean front and halls, wb.s 10. no hmrd: aood reference required. Call rear 2012 Wilnut. MBN WANTED IOP. OFFICE nitll.DINO WINDOW CT,f!ANINa WHITE. STKADY KMPI)TMnNT APPLY ROOM 444 t WIDENEH IIUILDINO vkv geveral. wanted for stock room work. Apply Thomaa W. Trlco Taper Co . B03-50J IUfllOW ix. IfETAI, PATTEHN MAKEIIS nn-hour weeK and hlh waees. Apply or write th Talr binki ro ninnhamton. N. Y. i7lDl)LE-AOED JtAN wanted to assist atore keeper In a laritf machine tool works: must be active. Steady rmplnvment. I.litht, con enlil nnrk. Salnry 112 per week. Apply ilm f. 7S4. Ledger Central. NKW MEN Men wanted with some engine lithe eiperlence for nkht work, yood ray, with nonuiei See Mr. J. J. Duffy. 14fl May Itnd st.. Ocrmantown. Call between 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. PAPER nOI.LERB. first class, understandlnr bull L tlnale Hleknlc machines; ateadv, J. O. Shsw Ulank Dook Co.. 72.76 Walker it.. New York el'y , FlPB TOVEREnS and helpers wanted, to work t Wrlahtitnwn, N. J . ramp. Apply Amer trtn Iniulatlon Co., 1312 Filbert at., Iloom fci'iJ. in!; PBE88)3aN on Oordon and half Unlveraal prttieii careful workman wanted. Apply KettrllnujLltho f. Co.t 403 Arch at. IaLESMAN Wanfed, "experienced furniture, rui and drapery salesman, one who Is ar tlitle and has had experience In aollcltlna: work outside. Apply J. II. Van Sclver Co., Cimden, N. J. SALESMEN WANTED Our salesmen are not "Somewhere In the Field" they are out of the trenches. "Over the TopM and at 'em: out where the real fshtlnr and real money Is, If you have this kind of sales ability, hacked by honesty and education, we will make n place for you In the best and largest oriranlzaMon of Its kind to the world. Call early. II. A. YOST. 3d aoor. 189 S. 15th at. iALESMENf youaro between the aires 18 and 40. and can spare a few hours r week, ctll or write R12 Liberty Ilulldlns. and I will how you how to double your present salary. Mr. Huiton, . BALBSMEN Wanted 2 salesmen for rhlladel pnla, Bethlehem, Chester or Wilmington, ex perience not absolutely necessary, will assist while learning Call or write, r.12 Liberty , Balldlnr, Philadelphia, Mr. Hussnn. BHKET METAL WORKERS, 100. "union; (124c ?;r hour: lane out-of-town construction camp, rliMitown. N, J.; lodging nnd transporta tlon furnlihed free from Philadelphia only. Apply Irwin & Lelghton,iri4N.12that. , DI8AMFITTERS Fifty union men for Wrights. tewii. N, J.. 2Hc per hours, with plenty of jvrtlme: lodging nnd transportation furnished J'M 'torn .Philadelphia only. Irwin & Lel.h. ton. 154 N. lTth it. I 173?W"IAPJI. R. "t !! aalarr $1 to .".;:'" ' aian. Apply llMlu.u.N ARMS CO.. EDDYSTONE. PA. Drln rtf erincei. IKNOORArHER. young: unmarried; capable: ' IXV'1 nergetlc: Immediate and permanenti 004 Salary with .Hv.n. .m.nt. -Tn. f. f, , Aeims Co.. Manayunk. Pa. ,; "',ri;Sa.APHER. about 21 familiar with elec. 1. 1 It.. ' '"" preferred, but not necessary: rJjiri" ,ne and "1r,' J 850, Lei3r S J9. " wanted, thoroughly experienced In (Ji.-t?' yorsted. merino and cotton varn. "Mole of takln charse of yarn department; !t!c?nry.,,,ty for tUM man- a3- Tiil.-NE OPERATOR, night work: ood ll'lry tQ It. Ft Innlu nAMlntnn A-. .a sL?Msrru : i.io'i"0- '"" union, for Wrightstown N. ,.'a iiB p,r hour: plenty of overtime: lodilni 'i.i,n,p. rltlon furnished free from Fhlla O'lphla only. Aroly Irwin & Lelihton. 13. .al IraniDOrt.tlnn fu r,lV. t. vnm T3hl1. only. Apply Irwin & Lelihton, 134 "p-fl-tzih st. . 't!,.P.?SI0N.Kn8' experienced on llis and . ultores: excellent nnfwi.ttintttf a tk. .I.Vit K"- BARPl,r I,emlnton Arma Co.. Eddystone. T B!Ireference. nu.TJf,Mf,,RSw"nt'1- mlllar with trim. . fA .t0.,,n,d on, ""ir0" tapes: can I J?il!l 75 rr ,v'.w- W Ham Salmon, -. Lerim.. ,t w nrooklyn. N.- Y. RSStiaM? eV C,'r-..,.n Uri" "a1 "f el .ooa i IjSiiViXJH ".bltlpui person: hours 7 to 1 ItrUii?. ."JS'1. ,JI '' " Previous ex E ""'act and aalary. I' Til. ldrer Office. ??vAJ-. nnioiiT and Ac. inr . r7-.v i- ..-.-.:J AH pio J" WORK IN NEWS- OFFICP1: EXCELLENT a'ANOR Pd iKmmm ft! mSK'i X."m. "5VFVFfcf' ;?: nHetrUnA.N-a.bout 19...elrl0' w"h. """ S 1SK, .J1??.'" typewriting, for general clerical 13t oorl,,?.t.rli "nlur manufacturer) PerfinMr'.uJ?it,r ',or advancementt '! J-HXoc?. '',ry x'ct-. P 34. Lad. rUiii rTanteA " blueprints In LP n.ihni. . """ opportunity to learn In. 7.k wanted, one famlll.e wlth'r.r.1.: r.triT'.none. messages and .nm. Imn.iJ.. Sorth,,.iut,,..M- """ wH. -kSstr; V WeVl.'ni,dTwTin om knowledge of tSffljwk Apply Jliment-Mllis, Jlst n4 rrhTiT-V, ..... . JBiaJiaF" rc ""'' n5fL 8BHVICB COMPANY ate aepoail. IBU '......-t ,ik, inu; ..T.i.u lDln. Ini -Ait. enl, 4Di office. W P.. .: rattin. r- tjuiorerb .. y'fcoNEa. k -m, TfreTWV.Ano. 4&BBSKEr " Piaati PETEY Perfectly Natukl OOJ-4- auiumujn USED AUTOMOBILES PBINTINa I 1 To obtain satisfaction from your used-car purchase, you must study three elements: "the car," the price, "the house" these three, and the greatest of these is "the house." Cadillac-Automobile Sales Corporation 144 North Broad Street SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMI1ERMA1D or waltres;. white, alio cook, wish positions. Call B22S Morrla at.. Oer- mantown. . COMPANION or nurse Englishwoman, re turning to England shortly, would act na companion or nurse In return for passage. J 744. Ledger Central. GOVERNESS North Oermnn wishes position, good References J 7B8. Ledger Central. STENOaRAPHEU-HEfnKTAnY. ep , compe tent ami capable correspondent, understands office, details salary MS. J 841. Led. Cent. SITUATIONS WANTEjMALE ..... ... m ..VP,,,!,' 20 ears' banklt.. corpornted and arcountlna cxnerience. exceptional business and hanking reference, energetic and hard worker If Justly remunernted: am employed hut necessarv to ,.. .vin- lr,ii P fli. Ledger Office. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, experienced as su- perintenaent nnu Dryuumuii n,., .,a, graduate, actle and energetic: 20 years' ex perience, covering various phases of factory experience and management. M 7o., Ledger Central. JAPANESE wants position In private family. A 330. Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS KANE, nil S. 18th at .wants and sup plies all kinds first-class white help. Thone Spruce 8101. AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE to iiinr LIMOUSINES TOUIUNO CARS & TAXICAR bpcclal Shopping ltate J1.75 per hour. Ford Town Cars Autos for Weddings and Funerals. AMERICAN TAXICAI1 CO Spruce US. 14ULocust Race 243. TO HIRE Day or night, brand-new 3-passen-ger touring cars J1.23 hour, new 7-paeveng.r Limousines. 11.30 hour up. wedding, funerals " spoclalty. 1333 Ridge aye Bcil phones: io. 1211 or Pod. 1484 or Pop 1017: Hey- stone. Park 14S2. Special rates y aay. TRUCKS for hire, 1, 2 andS tons: quick serv ice: terms right. Melville. 22 N. 82d st Phono Uelmont 4825. HOESES DECAUSE OF A nECENT PURCHASE OP Automobile Delivery Trucks this company hai sent to us all of their horses to be sold to the highest bidder. SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th AT 10 A. M. ON PREMISES LEDC.ER STARLES 41P. NORTH AMERICAN ST. 75 HORSES 75 WAGONS 75 SETS HARNESS BI.ANKETS. ETC. Tha entire outfit now In the service ot THE EVENING LEDGER AND PUBLIC LEDGER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCORPORATE .-. . ovr nlfa a tA We Incorporate, organlie arid finance com naniea Interview without obligation r !f. guarantee, Co.. Drciel Hid; LIVE WIRE individual or concern to represent us in this localltv: manufacturers of eleo "rlci? supplies. Electrical zinc Prod. Co.. 11(10 Atlantic ave., Ilrooklyn, N. Y. YOUNO IJvDY desires to Invest a. small capital In millinery buslneMi young lady preferred. nnK V ai1a Of fir YOUNO LADY who desires to Invest 106b In apartment ,.i i?f "-""w ' address I OSS. Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDSGOLD SILVER AND PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT muy-"COMMISSIONS EXECUTED Expert Appraising for Ranks. Estates and Individuals 527 Perry Bldg,, 16th & Chestnut t arirq'"ANl) OENTLEMEN'8 cast-off cfoth LADIES .", VJiO ."J1X. .' Mv7nr discarded blothlne of all descriptions. Will call, day or evening c ty or suburbs. Call, write or phone Sell Poplar 5771. Open evenings. uen. ii"r ""tirjidKER. 1239 Poo ar it. FURNITURE repaired and made iood as Sir7fij?nU-Promptly WE'BUYDIAMONDS IIib TVMt rinlim iatet.otti.a a . Sykes' Detective Agency mvistiLVtion.. .. -. ntTIT ilTMl finiin OOQi 21 II rAHJVAL'Ji."'i''v,lJ'i,'.-'0'' mAWNDT.nHPAWNpT.CKET3 souaiiT II. KELLY, 082 Chestnut.. Roorn 31. DIAMONDS DOUOHT Pearls and emeralds Appraisement 1 per cent. 1IAURY W.S MIT1L 717 pansoro at. DON'T misjudge others: Detective. Millard guar, anteee you facta. Standard Detective Ilureau. MLV.'i.iii.J f,.. . m0 Chestnut. Estab. 1888. yuinuuaiivii .i i - : - -.- OLD OOLD. silver, Jlted vvare, platlnumj, fatso teeth diamonds, JKeyitoneJlef.Co .133 a. 8th. -.nnii'lllTI,!), HffMTKn NOnVsIRLB' MONTHS" S VISIUI.E MONTHS. IT i-AcrronifcmnLT typbwIuters ISAcfTORY HKtllJil.l iirfcwiiHiniii rft.niciVwITINO 1IACH1NK CO. rt:j.i... m .ifF. !ici tuiM i WAL. 2S4B. MAIN 826. HV3 iti.ai(ivi "' ATJTO SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING VULCANIZED AND USED TIRES YUWATeRCB CO .1427 TAIltMOUNT AVE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WIU, KXCHANOH twin motorcycla for Vlo mi. MM Federal rt. EVENING LBPGBRr-PHILADELPHlA, FRIDAY, NOYESIBEH 2, 1917 ' ' ' " ' " - - . s .. . " I Mistake of Henrietta's AI.t? l"! 7-raesenger: 2 hodlca: flrst-clasi con - ""'on: cheep, ;ciin tlnrnge. Him fhancclor. CADILLAC touring, excel, mechanical condition: C;Ights. starter, slip cuvers. Poplar 731. FOIID, 1010, touring: new body; fully equipped; mustselh 1411 Locust st. HUPMOllILE, 1017, O.pnssenger touring: Used very littlex bargain. 1411 J.ocust st MARMON ISin 1010 MODELS Also used cars of other makes. FANNINtI MAT1IIH CO. . . RROAD AND RACE STREETS John TCunrlnghnmu M.nager Used-Car Dept. PAIOE 1M0 TOUIUNO. n passenger. C.,18. fully equipped: paint and General condition very fine big bargain. 1830 JUr!WmejfMotor Co.. 30l N. Proad st. fAIOll 1010 touring 0-40. 7 piss , In exceptional condition throughout, specltllv priced. J8T5. nigelow-Wllley Motor Co , .lot N Uroad st. PAIOE 1017 TOUIUNO, 7 passenger, 0-M: Just like new fully guaranteed, bargain, $1400. IJ!? 'y iIqtor Co 804 N. Uroad st. sTAJ'!"',r u"" kerosne'fn"r fuel Can you beat It? Phone T.ncvut mnn for demonstration.. STANLEY MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. . 23W Chestnutjt. HEARSE, Iirown. for "sale: perfect condition; classpanels 1411 Locust at. Wnntert WANTED An Autocar truck with a coal dump body Linker. R31 Cherry at. EOR SALE DATIITURS, sinks, washslands. toilet and other enamel good cheap. 1420 8 sth. Ph. Dick 374 liEDROOM "Suites DININO ROOM "furniture! III'Y from WHOLESALE, SAVE 40 JOSEPH K. McCAIIE. lOlfi FIL11ERT ST. UILLIARD AND" POCKET TAULES. now and second hand, bowling alleys and supplies, phonographs nnd automobile tires. llruns-wick-llalke-Co. lender Company. 1022Arch at. UILLIARD TAULES IIOWLINO ALLEYS New and second hand Repairs Supplies ROSATTO-HARRY-STREBT, CO .222 H. 8TH BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2,1 hand, bouKht, enld, rented, exch'd Keafer. 3211 Qlrnrd ave HUSINESS FURNITURE Complete enulpments of desks, files, safes, telephone booths, etc . good na new, half the price; great assortment. Free delivery. H-OHBS, 11TH AND I1UTTONWOOD BUTCHERS' & GROCERS' Itefrlgcraters, electric coffee mills and meat crlnders computing scales: easy terms. HOWE SCALE CO. . JJ0U-8OH Arch s t. HOT-WATER 4 steam bollera. radiators, pipings & fittings cheap 1420 g8tjPh Dick 374, MEAT 8LICERS and computlnc scales: price tlO to 1100. HBACOCK, M N. 2d et. OFFICE FURNITURE Large line desku. safes, files, cabinets and general office furniture, store, fixtures, PATTEN FURNITURE CO. Locust 4070. 1127 Arch at. Race 2000. RECORDS 10-Inch, 3 for II; 12-Inch at 69 cents. 1208 Filbert st. Open evenings. Phone. 8AKHS. fireproof Closing out at half price, 110 new nnd sllghtlv used safes; also some with thin wain: nig Bargains, im w, rourtn st. STOVES, all kinds, all sixes for coal, gas or wood. IT, M. Miller. K0 N 2d at. Market 09H, HAHOAINS IN HOUSEHOLD OOODS ln.pleee Jacobean dining room suit, 10.1, COST 1200. Upright piano. 138. cost 1400. Plrcssslan walnut nnd mahogany bedroom furniture, brass and enamel beds, library, parlor, dining room and kitchen furniture. Large lot of all-room else rugs to be sold AT A PA VINO OF 00 TO QUICK RtlYERS KHYBTONE HTORAOB S. E COR. RIDOE AVE. 4 WALLACE ST. 143.00 CORNET, C O. Conn make; silver trumpet model In leather case: value 170.00. Walter's Loan Office, 11th and Arch sts. PRINTERS, NOTE Big bargains In typo, presses, paper cutters cases, stands, cabinets, etc. phlla Printers' Supply Co.. 14 B. fith st. FOR SALE One United States Hoffman hosiery Rress In rood condition, Apply to n. Z, D. nlttlnr Co., Rockford, III MACHINERY AND TOOLS TOWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors boiler, steam and oil en gines, numns air compressors. FR4.NK TOOMBY. Inc. 127 N. 3d st, IIKATINO BOILERS. 2. 72"xl8'. "Penna. Holler Wk."i II. n T.. 70-lbs. pressure: free of all defects. L. F, Seyfert'i Sons. 437 N. 3dit. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS AND MACHINERY hmnht, sold YEAR8LEY CO., 224 N. 3d at, ALTERNATING and direct current motors: new and used, Q MINK. 227 N. 4th at. OLD OOLD OLD OOLD bought, silver, platinum, false teeth, also talking machines and records; highest prices paid. 4.1 N 10th. Thone Walnut B707 VAINTINO AND PAPERHANQING WE DO OOOD painting, P. F. Harris, 3017 Columbia. Bell phone pia. 8008. I'APERHANOINO 13 up; freoestlmatei, T. Nelgedeh, 041 N. 7th. STORAGE CLEAN AS YOUR HOME. OUARANTEB 8TORAQB CO. OF PJIILA,, INC.7 1817.1B Brown at. Established In 1872. Storage In separate rooms. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1611-mv MARKET ST. AND DISTANT l'OINTB. bOTJi I'HONB8. Hll MARKET. MILLION-dollar concrete fireproof warehouse) finest In the world for furniture. Est. free. N. Phlla. Storage Co.. 208- Lehigh. Da. 7300. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES , irnnnuAno nivninv ITERS RENTED. VISIBLE ; MONTHS, if.JO FACTORY KKHyiLf TYPfeWRITBRM AVIERIOANWRItINO MACHINMCO; 03 CsUMTMUT T, WAirsit. MAIN j;. . ' ' '' !,' ' 'B wcy, cot out TvtAr V r CoMr; oki y WfrfvtWMfoih ' """1 V" jfll f GoiwcTo-TMAtlTAMAKJ V MURR OP V Uw,IrT A 'Wmfflffi f?) VM0UeS'y lA.3 , - : 1 , Storage 1 month free. Qlve ua a trial on your SlOVINa. PACKINO AND SHIPPINO r 0ur "Wta'iU. teEiffiviraiB niDOB a WflwtB HTonXan co Bell telephone. Diamond 7022 BUY your Christmas enrds eirlyr make your selections from 12n designs: price 23o. to tl per dozen printed. The Card Shop, 020 Chest nut st. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broken Jewelry, gold, sl. ver. false teeth, feather beds. "Anthiiie." 028 Chestnut Phone J,Vnlnut72fl. Est. lSDO. BROKEN JEWELRY, nntl.ues. pistols, coins. Coin books with prlca I pay mailed, 13c J. II. Bp;sJPeo;,ie'a Store), gun ft. llth. Wal. 448(1. CAIti'tlTH. furniture and pianos Part or entire households, beet cash prices paid. MILLER t ..CO.. 1327 Ridge ave. Phone Poplar 4888. DIAMONDS BROKEN JEWELRY PAWN TICKETS FULL VALVE PAID 114 8. 8THST. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques, entire or part houses taught for cub, no matter liow Jarge. J BERNSTEIN. 13.M Ridge ave. I'URNlflTlin ETC "" BOl'OHT. KREKMTJlT 40-,S OIBARD AVE. J'HONE BARINQ 8200 BECORnt. ("olumbln nrd V'ctor; also tnlkln. machines, best prices Coin, 121 S.llthst ALL KINDS gentlemen's old clothing, shoes, hts; highest prices raid Call, city, country. day, eve. Phone Dickinson 0133. Friedman Pros.. 1444 South St. ROOMS FOli RENT CHESTNUT ST. 1800 Unfurnished- 2" rooms": near btth one room with private bath cum- munlcHtlns CHESTNUT-21n 'Unfurnished suite and fur- nlshed single room: second floor: private baths CHESTNUT. 4000 Rnome forgent'emen only 8ANSOM ST.-1030 Single or" communicating; priv fimlly gentlemen prefl,hI.oe. KIHy. SPRUCE. 4010 lcurnlshed rooms, single or en suite phone. WALNUT ST, 1721 Beautifully furnished room-, some with private hatha: finest cen tralresdencelocntlonjvveeJkjyrates TSTH. 8., 314 2d floor front room, single or ensulte: running hot wnjerj phone. TWO fl'OOMS " housekeeping, furnished, 13; 8 rooms JO 30. Apply Hoi N. lflthst. IIIOH-CLASH Orst-flnor nrrtment. furnishfj or unfurnished. 210 S 12th st. BOARDING Suburban OERMANTOWN. 00 13. Tenn St.: attractive ac cnm. for refined people desiring single suite of rooms, private hath, exc tshle; lee attrac. and cohv : reference. Phone Otn. 220. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION special scientific care; nervous elderly end rest cases, every com fort: nurses, booklet. Dr. Randal Chestnut Hill. I'hlts . and Wlldwood. N. J., by the ,,ea. APARTMENTS DE LANCEY PLACE 2310 Second-floor suite, 2 or 8 rooms, private bath; furnished or un- rurnisnea. CENTRAL APAnTXIENTS NORMAN SHBRWOOn A CCs. 1721. Walnut St. WEST PHILADELPHIA UNFURNISHED Two rooms and private hath In vlclnltv of 43th and Pine ats. A 330, Ledger Offlce HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AT THIS TIME IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to securo n re.lly satisfactory anirtment. We ire. however, able to offer a few 3-room housekeeping apartment, unfurnished at 3T and up. nlso several beautifully furnished 2 rooms and bath housekeeping apartments at 145 up: we also offer without dmiht the best selection of truly high-class CENTRAL APARTMENTS to bo found anywhere In Philadelphia W are. In truth. CENTRAL APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, and If jou rre searching for n first-class apartment on one-yenr lease or longer It will pay you to call upon us and let us solve your problems for you, nearly every desirable central apartment may bo secured through this offlco and with tho leat possible trouble and Inconvenience on y0UrNORMAN S. SHERWOOD & CO. 1721J.Valnutst; THE DRBXEI. ATvOVIiRBROOK STATION 08D AND OVERRROOK AVENUE Overlooking Philadelphia's most beautiful nnd exclusive suburb wo have an 8-room sulto; all outside rooms. Very large living and dining rooms. Three sleeping rooms, bath, maid s room. Also attractive bachelor apartment, 2 rooms and bath, to be vacnnt November 1. By nutomohile through Falrmount Park via CltyLhie nrOverbroolcaronthst. 5TRARD AVE . 1511 Housekeepln furnished apartments: nil conveniences OERMANTOWN 0 ROOMS, 3 baths, sublet, unfurnished. Merton Orelms. Liberty Bldg. Walnvt 0020. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE APARTMENTS 11TH AND PINE STREETS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE BWARTHMORE N. E. cor 22d and Walnut ;t. New 12-story family apartment hotel: unex celled location, also bachelor apartments; de. llghtful 1 ft 2-room suites, with private baths; every modern convenience, special table d'hote ffl.ST'prSpruc, a.D. Stott. ,& THEC LINTON bTOSS! 200 rooms: every convenience: furnished or unfurnished: either by lease or transiently; suites nfjineto four rooms with bath. THE LINCOLN ..Mif. TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT QUESTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CRAWFORD HOMES 10th and Wyoming Avenue 14200 TO 13300 Every modern convenience and appointment. SOME WITH PRIVATE OARAGES DANIEL CRAWFORD, Jr., Builder" NINE HOUSES for sale on Alrdrle st between llith and 20th: steam heat nnd electric lights, all rented, good condition, rent 123, will sell, 13000, clear; bargain. Apply owntr 103 S, 3dt. 2033""BORTON AVE.. 7 rooms, hrownstone; good location, 12300. Olenn, 1.117 Columbia. Building Lota, FaUory Biles. Etc. 02.800 SQUARE FEET corner 3 main streets, with railroad frontage: at grade and level with ral a: good labor market and easy hauling to all parts of city. MAURAN. DOLMAN fc CO.. N. K. cor. Broad and Chestnut. YAnD WANTED, containing 10,000 square feet, witn raurrra siaing or privnexu io inainii one. with or without Improvements, P 821), Ledger i jn ice Hirer Front Properties DELAWARE RIVER WHARF Plen 047 feet long Area about 08,000 square, feet MINTURN T. VRI0ilT & CO. Morris Building Stores and Dwellings 1804 COLUMBIA AVE. Oood location) can bo bought cheap. Olepn. 1317 Columbia ave. WE8rVIIIADXPHIA 13200 OVERBROOK SECTION On main atresti modern 2-story 8-room Dutch hall house) hot-waUr heat! electricity; sacrl. flea price Is for quick sale only) owner reserve! ADOLTII U, CASPAR, 00t Lanidowne 6210 HANSOM UT. Modern porch-front dwell. Ing. 4 bedrooms, all conveniences: Itrge lot: owner's prlca t0U0; will sacrifice fur quick ale. possession. t YOCUM POWERB CO.. 20 8. ISth it, THE unequaled. homei, Springfield ave,. i to BTlh. only 14200) now ieatureai each leatu tep. house .h "bWh. B'.W.Vr.Cl"'d porcbu. :- -:- -- ... -.. .. VTTllFllii REAL ESTATE POR SALE WEST I'lltLADI.LPHLV Continued from Frrctdtna Column ON EAST SIDE OF 51TH ST. at Springfield ave., 1300 block south and Just I block north of Chester ve . le located the most attractive row of 2-story houses that one can Imagine. They nre convenient to transportation, havo most ample and excellent hot-water heating, electric lighting, with handsome fixtures, good looking, substantial hardwood floors, unu'inlly fine cabinet gas range and u hundred nnd one extra rer-iements which make them perfect little bei'jtlea: they are. in truth. THE HOMES YOU HAVE BEEN IAK1KINO FOR your heart's desire In every way. Most unusual circumstances make the prl'e ridiculously low; we hivo nrranged the easiest kind of term for a email cash payment a perrert new homo Is yours tho balance to suit your purse Vy us a visit NOW beautifully fur nished snmrlo hou.e Is open day and evening come see far ourself how much more sensible It is to toko advantage of this opportunity than to continuo rentlnir an old-fashioned, unuttrnctlw home We nwnlt vour call. NORMAN H SHERWOOD It CO. Spruce 3071. 1721 WALNUT ST lUce 3023. 6009 and 6031 Jefferson St. tery High Location) bedrooinsl nnil h.th! Iiur'jlinl ftii.,rM. eirciric ngnis. newly papered and p.iini- v Liiiiiuifimui Ai.lt.vi TO SUIT PURCHASER Open fur Inept ttlon. Central Trust & Savings Co. 4TH AND MARKET STS S.. A 43 rnqPKRTIK"4. .1st. Arch. Market sts ; a'll rented never lost penny rent. Apply Owner. 3 0 i H 3dst OERMANTOWN WE HAVE A FEW DETACHED DWELLINOS built before the great Increase In prices which can lie purchased advantageously. Particulars furnished upon request MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO.. N E cor. Broad and Chestnut OVERLOOKING" Lincoln Drive New Colonial house 420 W. Hortter st . 11 rooms and 2 oaths, sleeping porch tli'JOO. OPEN .ITERNOONS LAROE LIST OF OERMANTOWN HOMES HMtTT.T.W . 11A1IT1V Liberty Building. Broad and Chestnut. Chestnut Hill CHOICE TROPERTIEff for sale In CHESTNUT HILL and ST. MARTINS, all sl2ca JOSEPH M JENNINOS riir,r,MiT 1111,1,. l'A. 1'runKforil FRANKFORD HOMES IIUILDINO SITES SCI I W EITZ ER . 444U FltANKFORD AVE. 1T.NXSYI.VAMA SUBURBAN ALDAN Selling rapidly. Only n few loft of those elegant new detached homes, with large lots; beautifully located. Elm ave,, south of Providence road. Secure one wlille you can; prices very reasonable; Ta fare from fliith st. or via P. It. R., 17 minutes from Broad St. Station. OLIVER H. KEELY & CO. 4370 Main St.. Manayunk. Both phones. OLENSIDE A rnra opportunity: 2-sty. 8-room detached stone nnd frame dwelling; gas nnd electricity; hot-water heat: open fireplace, good lot; convenient terms 14300. call today. RENNI.S'OER & RENNINOER Olenslde. Pa OLENSIDE Callfornln - planned bungalow: enlendld surroundings, gas. sewer, fireplace, doublo floors: well built: convenient. W. T. 11. ROBERTS SON, Olenslde, at sta OLENSIDE New Colonial 8-room house; open fireplace, attractive location: can and eleo trlcitv laundry, otc : rnoo terms-call today. ItENNINOER ii HENNINOF.lt. 01enslde.Ptti OLENSIDE New 7-room house, gaa and elec tric, god lot; terms to suit. 13300. 1300 cash call today JlENNINdER Jr RENNINR.OIenstdPa. SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and bulld" Inr Bites to suit all requirements H C. HUNTER, Wayne, Pa, NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN WOODBURY. N. J. 8 MILES OUT FINEST FACILITIES For best property, all clasactt F. I. Wllklns. ISCooper t . Woodbury N. J. 41 ACRES of "fine oak" bottorr land "with direct frontage on State automobile road to Atlantic City: near electrlo railroad station: good trnln service; stores, etc . handy: every Inch till able: cne of the highest elevations In Atlantic County. Price 130 per acre: worth 30 per cent more. Will sell part or nil on small monthly payments. No trifiera. V 1)12. Ledger Offlce, BEAUTIFUL S-ronm bungalow. For particulars phone Uaddon Heights 721 R or call at 700 King's Hlthway. Haddon Heights. N J. PENNSYLVANIA WHY In the "Dickens" don't you investlfate the 22-aere slate, brick and atone property at "Peach Bottom." York Co., Pa.7 Do It now, there la a fortune In It for some one: we hope It may be you; Bend for descriptive folder, no charge. 18 acres on Skfppack pike 0 miles from Philadelphia city line 11-room house; all con veniences and necessary outbuildings, coo feet front on pike: 112.300' moro adjoining land If wanted. OARIS & SIIIMER Wooltvorth Bide . Bethlehem. Pa. Bul(UietjiFactorrMte, Etc. FACTOBY SITE, In Bethlehem. Pa . near It. R. and river. 3V4 -story stone building. 80x00 feet, on lot 300x170 feet; price 13300; 2M-tory frame building. 90x38 feet, lot 110x81 feet. 2 fronts, onposlte 11. It. statloni price Jtuno, well worth Investigating OARIS & SIIIMER, Bethlehem. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS 0 OOOD GLOUCESTER COUNTY farms, with from 8 to 111 acrea: well located near Thlla. mkts. ; this is your oppor : make an appoint. to see them. T. iorke Smith (either phono 310). 432 Market St.. Camden, N. J. PHOTOPLAYS CTD Air Otn.Av.atVenango.E.ofBroad J A JArtlNJ-f TODAY AND TOMORROW FIRST NORTH PHILADELPHIA SHOWING SESSUE HAYAKAWA ;;; ,., Added Mack Bennett's "Bedroom Blunder" FRANKFOF(DyomVorrOw FIRST FBANKFORD 6HOWINO Jack Pickford and Louise Huff In "THE OIIOST HOUSE" I OPI IQT M" AND LOCU8T STREETS lJlU3 1 TODAY AND TOMORROW FIRST 1iVE8T PHILADELPHIA SHOWINO B1LL1E BURKE In "ARMS AND THE OIRL" fr".. TQCI TPlT Market Between BOth It COth VVJU.lOC.t-'lVl TODAY AND TOMORROW VIVIAN MARTIN in "Sunset Trail" r,n,r.D coth and cedar ave. twnl TODAY AND TOMORROW MME. PETROVA "Exile in nn MHMT MD ABOVR MAltKET Dti4lViv-'lN I Mats, liJO. 8:30. Ev, T. 8. Bchoot Chlldren'i Dally JIatlnee 8;30 I M. "Jack and the Beanstalk" if lr.nri FRONT AND Q1RARD AVE. J U lViDV jumbo Junction on Frankf or "I,M LILLIAN WALKER ir "Gold, the Lust of Ages" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ('oiilliinrd from l'rcccdtiw Column I'i:.NVLVNIA FARMS DON'T BUY A FARM until you get our catalogue; farms near Nor rlstown, Lansdale Ambler, Pottstown. Phoe nlxvllle state your meds H f. REESE SON. tt E Airy, Norrlsti.wn. Pa. BUCKS and Mnntg io fnrms nil sl7es t. prlc's. RENNINdElt S. RENNINor-R, Olenilde. l'a. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR TO RENT 17 S. 21et St., Phlla delphln Pa. Address M W. Little. 67 W. 67th, Newjfork Building I.ot, Factory Mtoi, Etc. LOT OF OIlOUND, 11 ncres. with several build ings and power, for light or heavy manufac turlng purposes: rullrosd Ht nropertv close to Phlla ; will divide. J K42 ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Investment houees. jl on tho linn. Thos. It Smith 22d & Tinker Ph. Dick 631. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ci rv WHY PAY RENT? We will finance the pur chase of vour prorertv nn a monthly pay ment of 17.20 fur each 11(100 nf tho colt of your home: let us tell jou how this can he done without a large tush payment. J. W. Ponder Co., 412-413 Perry Duildlnc. 2217 ST. JAMES PLACE, 10 rooms and 2 bathe. 120 S. 22d et , 0 rooms nnd bathe HAM- UEL W. LEVIS. Real Estate. Trim Bids. VINE ST., 1133-37 2 stores and dwgs., ti rooms each; pood order, nil convs . 138; will alter to suit Stratton r.OS Chestnut st l,om 4147. Fntrorlea, Warehouses, Mfg, Tloors FLOORS LAROE -MALL W. BRUCE HARROW, 130 N. 12th et. Established 1SS0. Factorlesa Specialty, TWO "LAROE ROOMS "suitable fo7 storage or light tniinufHcturlng. 2H13 Fletcher at, rent 123. (1EOEUE Jt. KOJILElt, 221 N. 20th street. 4-STORY building. lSx.'.O. 7th and Cherry; suit any light manufacturing. MORRIS co Ridgent Broad FACTORIES .. Hour space nf every description Phlla. and vicinity FACTORY EXCHANUE, Steplien Olrnrd Bldg. rilhert 4700 Race 2073. HAVE PARTY who "will erect'bulldlnB. rfontral or other locatlnn fir satisfactory tenant. DIETEIUCH. 737 Walnut et. 4TH ST . N.. 110-23 Manufacturing floors: Meant heat and power. Apply Pennsylvania Co . 617 fheBtnut et. River Tront Properties FOR SALE OR RENT SHIPBUILDING SITE TACTORY SITES. 2 It R FRONTS LARO'! FACTORY D. S. B CHEW, S20 Commercial Trust Bldg. Oarages OARAOE and machine shop. 2S00-11 Susque hannn nve. , rent 133. Goo. II. Kohlor. 2248 N. 20th St; omens. ursiNES'ijKooMs, jetc. DREXEl, BLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Oround floor. 1100. 1120, 1200. 220. 240,tr,0. Suites 2 rms .$160, $21ll). $223. J250.$273.$300. Suites 3 rms .$273. $400. $160. $.100 $530.lllOO. Corner suites, it to 6 rooms, $373 to $nn. First floor. Bdlolnlng 6th st entrance, $2500. Basement corner 6th and Snnsom ets . $330. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. r-00Drcxel BuJJdlng. BURD BUILDING 000 CHESTNUT ST De sirable offices. J20 and $30 per month; light, heat. Janitor and elevator service. Apply LEA ESTATES, 700 Sansom st $12 50 VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES $16 00 HEED BUILDINll $18.50 121t-16FILUi:RT ,-n 123.00 DESK ROOM, conveniently located, on Chestnut at.. In center of city. J 731. Ledger Central. PHOTOPLAYS The Stanley Booking Corporation aiF.r?,L..w.wd before exhibition. Ask for tho theatre In your locality ATLANTIC, CITY WHEN IN ATLANTIC CITr Visit THE COLONIAL A I UAninRA !" Morris & Passyunk Ave. ALnAMDKA Mat. Dally at 2: Ev.s. 0:15-9. WILLIAM FARNUM ln "THE CONQUEROR A T-M I f B2D AND THOMPSON APOLLO MATINEE DAILY MME. OLGA PETROVA In "THE SILENCE SELLERS ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW lnTH MARGUERITE CLARK. In "BAB'S BURGLAR" AUDITORIUM AbToKfsid. JACK PICKFORD In "THE GHOST HOUSE" BIST i. BALTIMORE O AL 1 UViWrVC Avn. MAT. 2:30. MARY PICKFORD In "REBECCA OF BL'NNYBROOK FARM" BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE. OLGA PETROVA In "EXILE" BROADWAY B.DAAvmx MME. OLGA PETROVA In "MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY" EMPRESS MAIN STREET MANAYUNK FANNIE WARD In "ON THE LEVEL' FA1RMOUNT sm,0I.X&D AVVKm GEORGE BEDAN In "LOST IN TRANSIT" r-Al!Ti V THEATRE 1811 MARKET BT. b AlVlll-il NJJff Kill It ALL OHOAW DICK ROSSEN In "CASSIDY" .T CT THEATRE Below Spruce POlrlOi. MAT. DAILY MAE MARSH " "u.TTr Monday and Tuesday "COME THROUOH" GREAT NORTHERN J&. MAXINE ELLIOTT In "FIQHTINO ODD9" llvDlTDi A! C0T and WALNUT STS. lMrHlAI" Mats 3:30 Evs. T . WM. S. HART In "THE ARYAN" FURE1A 40TH MARKETI 8t'a' ANITA STEWART in "The Girl Phillipa" ,-, i .' i w-, C jytias&SSiel WKKMEBBtsKU MAIN LINE. It. R. RADNOR Country seat, 10 acres with atone house, 17 rooms, 4 baths: electricity. Spring, held water, garage, stable; fine old shade, fruit: $1600 per yenr J- M. FRONE. IELD. Wayne. Penna. FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY 240 s. 22D 0 'rooms, 1 bath, for the winter season; low rent. MORTGAGES 130 NOTE OR MORTOAOB immediate Settlement Unsettled Estate Loans Bull,lln ANrtnetntlnn ICiinda TO $1000 DEJ1PSEY & CO. 27 B llith St. rUNDS FOR -ST AND 2D MORTOAGE3 ANY AMOUNT POTTS. THOMSON, 2321 Frankford ave. MONEY for first mortgages, 'also building asso clntlnn first nnd eecond. MYERS A BAIllIf Ridge ave, and 10th. SECOND MORTGAGES, city or nuhurbs. placed quickly also first mortgages, CHESTER OSBORNE, 1324 Chestnut at. FUNDS for good first and second mortgages, Philadelphia or near bv. New Jersey and Pennsylvania Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut st. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND WORKINOMEN On ir, Interest $ 4t On $20 Interest I. St On JS lnteret 73 On $30 Interest ,0 On S31 interest 1 0", On $40 Interest 1.2o On $30 Interest 1 60 On $76 Interest 2.2.1 On $100 lntere.t 3 00 On $200 Interest 4.00 . Vr month. Taymenta on principal reduce Intereat. This cempsnv was incorporated. licensed and bonded for tre purpose of loinlng money at low rntes to men and women whom banks will net accommodate If you have n loan elsewhere bring la your receipts nnd wo show you how much you can shvo by borrowing from us. Call, write or phone Walnut 2349. MARKET STREET LOAN CO. 1031 MARKET ST.. SECOND Ft01t OPPOSITE BINOHAM IfOTEL Hours 8 to 6. Fridays to 8 P. m. MONEY TO LOAN It us nrrfinj. a loan for you Strictly legal rntei. Pajmrnts as low aa 12 per month. Our irtpp Ih courteous considerate, sate, AMERICAN LOAN CO. !&,. 1208 CHESTNUT ST. .,. Keystone, Ruce 40-111 Belt, Filbert 48-30. -READY MONEY - United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD ST. 411 S. Bth t. 2348 Qermantown ave. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. ETC. $25 AND UP 2 PER CENT $7.. AND UP Hi PER CENT $3011 AND UP . . 1 PER CENT RIEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. HIDGE AVE AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH STS. MONEY loaned privately, confidentially, quickly on household goods in use or other approved security, personal note; at a legal rate of In. tercet: terms to sult. P. O Box 147.. NO HONEST "EMPLOYE refused money without accurlty. also furniture loans at legal ratea. D. D. DRAKE. Room S01. 10 N 4th at. PHOTOPLAYS JEFFERSON ist,,s.e?3auphw MARGUERITE CLARK in "BAB'S DIARY" LEADER lST AND LANCASTEn AVB JULIAN ELTINGE in "PRINCESS CltARMINO" LIBERTY nnoAD and " iJ - COLUMBIA WALLACE REID In "THE HOSTAOE" MARKET ST. Theatre T t.very Wed. Helen Holmes In "Lost Express." OVERBROOK" C3D HAVERFORD RUTH CLIFFORD In "THE DESIRE OF THE MOTH" PALACE I2M MAn.KET flYREKT ZENA KEEFE "ndALAN HALE In "ONE HOUR" PAR.. "'DOE AVE. DAUPHIN BT. I .rtlr Mat. 2:1S. Evg. 6:45 t 11. MADGE KENNEDY In "BABY MINE" PRINCESS M,SiB" .' . . . ALL.STAR CAST In "THE HEART OF A SLACKER" RFOFNT 10S MARKfcT STREET DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In. "THE MAN FROM PAINTED POST" Rl A I TO OERMANTOWN AV. 1 r 4 1 XT TULPEHOCKEN , MAE MARSH In "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" RT I R V MARKET 8TREET w O I BELOW 7TH 8Taff EDNA GOODRICH In "QUEEN X" SAVOY .tJSIS?" JUNE ELV1DGE In "SHALL WE rORQIVE HERr SHERWOOD BraVuBf,,. . Montagu Love and Jurte Elvidge In "RASPUTIN. THE BI-VCK MONK" l STANLEY StSPS ov U71 GERALDINE FARRAR ln,THB WOMAN ODD FOROOT" VICTORIA ""fiAkn CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG JB "MAOPA." mmmmmmmmmmmmmm RIDGE AVENUE "JWSW GERALDINE FAHRAR wi "Joan Ae Woman" ftar v . . o fs J B. v. . . 'Afr