tClf P PA''. ,v L'fftt Ur 9b r I t H? f riv was) bo ' frewf? X 12. -flaff- tf i I" h a Ln or t vw. y tkgE Hkd M' fy 'VpflW 4 tlllPOSTOFFICES IPENBDMANCE W )tHvery of Letters to Sam- mees ureauy acuitateu by New System NS OF MAIL HANDLED G. Maddox, Director of For eign Mails, in Charge of Big Work F"! ,. V ?' By HENRI BAZIN Corrfipoiidrat of fe ri"l tntoer wit ., ins American ,irmv i AXEIUCAN FIELD HEADQUAIlTEnS IN - FRANCE. Sept 24. American pogtomces aro now open Irt France. They are. In complete working op. eratlon. established by the Postit Depart wrent at Washington to expedite and facil itate the forwarding and receding of mall between France and the United States. Each office U designated by ft number, which, iconeequently. doea not dleclose the location of the receiving utatlon In France, rtor even specify ltd section of the army xone. This Is In accordance with the wise tirovlsioh as to secrecy In army movements' and locations. ,.,,. A method pursued by the British Gov ernment, and which caused a certain con fusion when Britain entered the war. has been wisely avoided. Correspondents of American Snmmees and officers desiring quick delivery of their malt mfter it reaches France can be nssured that from one to Jive days will always be eved between the receiving port and addressee. ,, .... ... To secure prompt delivery all that will ha necessary In addressing mall In the tlnlted States Is to specify the rank, com pany and regiment, plus the postofflce num ber with the words "United Htatcs Army Poitofflce" preceding Already many tons of mall are handled eUUy through these offices, despite the fact that letters are not yet addressed accord Ing to the new system. Forty experienced civilian clerks brought over from the United States are on the Job. They are under the personal direction of Superintendent It. G. Maddox, director of foreign malls at Wash ington, who has come over to Franco for this purpose. Before selecting the post efflce bases, the postal department consulted with Oenerat Pershing, and it was through this cable conference that points designated l the numbers were chosen. It Is pro posed that after a short period of tlmo motor' trucks will be In operation for the collection and dlstr'butlon of thn malia throughout the American zone. Domestic postage Is all that Is neccsary One of Superintendent Mnddox's nnslFt ants Is Colonel Cowart. of Confederate army fame. Colonel Cowart Is seventy years of age and has been for forty ears connected with postofflco work In wavh'ngton. where has has lived during that ptrlort. He Is designated as the special representative of Postmaster General Burleon. The ex-Confederate officer H a man An Idea of the volume of matter these offices will handle Is to lie found In the fact that for the last two days 1100 sacks of letters alone have been distributed, In addition to many more tons of newspapers and periodicals. 60,000 More Italians Reported Captured Continued from rase Oire union of all political elements and Home's unfaltering support and confidence. "Let the- country time confidence." Gen era I Cadorna concluded. Italian newspapers all over the country today commented on the nations extianr dlnary calm under the thr" of 'ie Germanic irnaslon. The eacuat!on to the new battle lines has been carried out with out serious losses. Every report from the front emphasized that the army was still of fighting efficiency. ITALY'S COAL NEEDS TO BE MET AT ONCE, GARFIELD PROMISES WASHINGTON. Nov 1 Fuel Administrator' Garfield announced oday that plans were complete to supply italy with nil he coal the wilt need. Ship ments have gone forward In largely in creased amounts nlnce news came of the Italian reverses. Many additional vessels soon will be available for this traffic. Coal shipments destined t Italian ports are now being sent from Atlantic ports at the rate of approximately 200,000 tons a month Within a short time, under the orders Is sued by the fuel administration, coal will be going to Italy at tho rate of 400,000 tons monthly. Twenty-five more vessels are to be pressed Into service to meet Italy's coal needs. The great battle of the northern Italian plains Is swinging Into the first stages of lta crisis today, With Von Mackensen's hosts now within gun range of the Taglla mento Illver at some points. General Ca dorna must soon indicate his plan ul de fense along that line. Cadorna apparently Js attempting to keep the German command In doubt about his .forthcoming stand. Only the barest in formation Is being given out through offl. clal channels leading here today Thes cables Indicate that the Italians are making a desperate effort try 6utflank the German brigades, taking advantage of every feature of the terrain to halt and confuse the ad vancing Teutons. It Is now believed the high point In the fighting will not be reached before Novem ber 7 or S, It la expected that the struggle Will still he In desperate progress Novem "htr 15, when the first great Allied confer cnee. with America participating, Is held in Paris. t?M CAMPS TO BE RID OF SPIES Special Officers Detailed at Canton ments for Intelligence Work ' WASHINCTON. Nov 1 To counteract any espionage work that might be done by "'onemy sympathizers In the vicinity of Na- " Wonal Army and National Guard camps while troops are In training, commanding JKcera informed the War Department to 4nr that special officers had been detailed . $mr Intelligence Work. The chief of this branch of service at each division will be given the title of as riMant chief of staff. Directly under him -wtil be an espionage officer, who will direct work of cnicers skilled in military In- nee. Fati U Fatal to Afced Veteran SVILLE.. Pa Nov. 1. Ira Troy. eighty-five, died at the PottavlUe Hos- 1 this morning from the effects of a LI fracture when he fell down a fllcht . ? JfyJjr' ij ?r nt hla home here yesterday. H L'V-Ww 4 ' member ' 'he National Llfrht Tn. Bntry, of this city, which was one of five a ecpvn!ei u ari" ui uaaiurujion nrsi mT lBe ca" m rr"i wincoin lor ttetw in APf". 'Jr " " ouioreag or tnt Civil War rhilVlph!a Oupk Cet tlUQ Verdict M.ifNT HOLLT. N, J, Nov 1-Dam- . - ,.tvult!rc to ItOOO have been awardd. i.. . H y In Judg Carrow's court in favor . 4 Mrs. William B Goddard. !0J . ,, , i,i .inUR, PhlladelphU, against IL i ,mi i .f I,neatewn, in a suit i it, - .-vr fw interim wmty4 fcy LEP0RZEDI CADORNA RESIST0N0ALNEMIC0 Lo Retroguardie e la Cavalleria Valorosamcnte Combattono Ostacolnndo l'Avanzata del eutoni L'EROISMO DI UN PRESIDIO Berlino Annunzia la Catturn di Cento- venti Mlla Italian! Prigionicri o di Millo Cannoni noMA, 1 nuvembre. Dalle notlzle che pervengono dalla fronte d battaglta Italians, appare che la sltua zlone mllltare e' molto mlgllorata e che, I'lmpeto della Irruzlone nemlcn e' stato attutlto e l'avanzata delle truppe austro tedeschc, per quanto rapldlsslma ncl prlml gtoml, precede ora lentnmento ostacolata dalla cavalleria Italians o dalle retro guardie che complono sforzl Innudltl ed erolcl per ostacolarla, e quanto meno rltir darla. La rltlrata secondo gll ordlnt emanatl dal Comando Supremo Itallano e quasi ultimata e rammnssamento sullo posizlonl che formeranno la nuova fronte dl dlfesa, formata dal corso del f.ume Tagllamento, procede col masslmo ordlne e tutta rego larlta'. Iji. cavalleria Itallana In unlono nl con tingent! formantl la retroguardla complono contlnuamcnte Incursion! ed attacchl per ostacotare rltardaro l'avanzata del ne mlco ft dare cost' tempo che 11 groHso delte annate Italians possa prendere posto nulla nuova llnea dt dlfesa del Tagllamento. Durante la glornata dl lerl 1'altro si erl flcarono vlolentl scontrl tra le aanguardle dell'eserclto Invasorc e le retroguardie lta Dane suite colllne dl SanDtnlele del Frulll, lungo II corso del canale Ledra, presso I'aslan ed a Pozzuolo. La cltta' dl San Danlele del Frlull tro vasl apprcjslmatlvamente a dodlcl mlglla o mezzo a nord-ovest di t'dlno e solo a circa quattro mlglla dal Tagllamento, e qulndl alia portata del cnnnonl della nuova fronte dl dlfesa su datto flume II canale Ledra puo' conslderarsl un piccolo ruscello che sabocca nel flume Tagllamento a pocho ml glla a norcl dl San Danlele. La clttadlna dl Paslan trovasl a tlrca tre mlglla a sud oest dl Udlne, come Pozzuolo trovasl a sel mlglla a sud dl detta cltta. Tenendo conto delle localita' ovc si Rono soltl gll ultlml combattlmcntl, sembrerebbe che le armate teutonlche abblano occunato mllle mlglla quadrate dl terrltorlo Itallano. Ecco 11 testo del comunlcato del generate Cadorna. pubbllcatn l'altra sera dal Jllnl- stero detla Guerra itallano- Durante la glornata dl lerl si sono verl flcnti arl scojitrl suite colllne dl San Danlele del Fr.ull. lungo II cana'e Ledra, a rnslan dl Schlavonesco cd a Pozzuolo. II valoroso contegno del contingent! formantl la retroguardla delle truppe In rltlrata o della raallera permlse olle rlmanentl truppe dl procedure per l'occii pailone delle poslrloul che formeranno la nuova llnea dl dlft-ra Un dlspacclo de Londra annunzia rhe a Bcrllno Mono statl pubblicatl comunlcati ufficlall nel quail e' detto rhe 1 progressl complutl dalle forze nustro-tedesche. In nc cordo al planl etabllltl dalto htato mag gtoro tedesco, Kino stotl tall d i permettere alle truppe teutonlche dl fate prlglonlerl ccntoventl mlla Itallanl o dl catturure mllle cannoni. II liollettlno tedesco pubbllcato 1 altra sera dice. "In Italia abblamo avuto rom battlmentl con pleno successo nel planl del Tagllamento. II numero del prlglonlerl Ita llanl e' numentato a centoxcntl mlla 11 nu mero del cannoni catturatl a mllle." II bollcttlno tedesco pubbllcato lerl dice "I movlmentl dtlle truppe formantl la quat tordlceslma armata e l'armata cleH'Isonzo, che nvanzano sulle Alpl Carnlche si svol gono secondo le Inteuzlonl ed I plant del nostrl comandantl." Vn dlsp tcclo da Parlgl dice clip II go verno francese e' plenamcnte convlnto che gll Itallanl In unlone nlle truppe franco InglCkl, gla' Invlato dl rlnforzo, potronno arrestare 1'lnvaslone neinlca nel terrltorlo Itat.ano. II segretarlo generate per gll Affarl Es terl In Francla ha dlchiarato che II popolo Itallano e' un popolo forte e coraggloso e rapra' anche da solo rlparare alio sfor tunato Incldente capttato ad una parte delle sue armate. Egll e' convlnto cho lo forze Itallane devono esscre lsplrnte dalla ferma nttltudlne e dalla flducla del Ite Vlttorlo Emanuele. t'n dlspacclo dalla fronte dl battuglla dice che II p'u' devoto coragglo ed urdl mento e' stato dimostrato da un dlstacca mento dl truppe Itallane dl guarnlglone In una poslzlone Uolata. La posizione durante l'avanzata delle forze nemlche sUUa fronte tra Plezzo e Tolmtno fu assediata e rlfluto' dl arrendersl contlnuando a combattere e V2 ."T SMMNm.M-l.f uaub SHOES Styles in Walk-Over shoes are not euesses. Shoe-styles followthe mode in clothinp;. Not only do the designers of Walk-Over shoes secure advance information from clothing desiencrs of what men and women arc eoing to wear, but a special representative (a style expert) makes regular reports from Paris to the Walk-Over designers. From tip to heel a Walk-Over shoe is made en the Know-How plan. Thi 'KntwHtw" nmtsfnn 43 yean of txpsriincts The WALK - 1022 eh St, EVENING LEDGBRr-PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11917 a tener a bada l'awersano. Oil atro tedeschl allora laseiarono del contlngerttl Intorno atla poslzlone anildetta e prosegul rono oltre. Un plcclone vlagglatore lasclato llbero dalla erolca guarnlgiona Itallana glunto lerl 1'altro al comando recando un messaglo net quale t' detto: "Non cl ar renderemo mal I" . flembra che I'erolco presidio abbla vlverl soltanto per dodlcl glornl e che la poslzlone do csso dlfesa e' dt grande Importanza potra' avere un complto rllevantlsslmo quando gll Itallana rlusclranno a prendere la controffenslva. FIND PARTS OF BROTHER'S BODY AT DOCTOR'S HOME Doctor Chamberlain Fails to Explain How Gruesome Remains Got There niCHMOND. Va Nov. 1. Dr. Asa W. Chamberlain today was In a state of almost complete collapse following sensational dls coverles affecting tho accusation that he murdered his brother, Albert Chamberlain. Unabla to explain the presence of dis sected parts of his brother's body burled on his property, tho sixty-four-year-old physician continued to profess Innocence of the crime. To questions regarding dis covery of some of his brother's organs under the physician's Icehouse, and legs, arms and other members burled In post holes on his property, Doctor Chamberlain only shook his head, declaring his Inability to account for tho gruesome finds. Meantime authorities are waiting for re sentment In the physician's home county to subsldo before returning him there for pre liminary examination. TWO CHARGED WITH THEFT Man and Woman Accused of Lifting Diamond Pin and Ring William Patton. twenty-seven yoars old. of 18GS North Lambert street, and Clara Collins, twenty-live, of 1123 Thompson street, were held In $600 ball for a further hearing Monday, by Magistrate Collins In the Nineteenth and Oxford streets police station today, accused of the theft of a diamond ring from Frank Yerkes, of ST0 North Twenty-tecond street According to Yerkes ho met tho couple In a cafe at Twenty-fourth street and llldge aenue pctober 29 and treated them. Later he was taken to Pattern's home and put to bed Next morning, ho testified, ho was sent homo In a taxi and upon his arrlal dis covered that a diamond stickpin and ring, allied nt J800, was missing. REARRESTED AT PRISON GATE Forger Must Stand Trial on Similar Charge From Poughkeopsie Andrew Kehn. of New York, today was arrested as he was released from the East ern Penitentiary, where he berved a term for forgers H Is accused of a similar offense In Poughkcepsle. and the nrresi was made by DetectUe Marks on u war rant from tjiat city Kelm was found guilts of swindling ho tels and stores on forged t lieckn SSDflS Borai S.B. COUGH DROPS Give the youngsters all they want. Smith Brothers' keep colds away and prevent sore throat. At druggists, grocers, confection ers also news and cigar stands. Tht world our, alt Walk-Oiir shots TradtMark. took for it. vet1 4? j? . 1 OVER Shop 1228 Mwket St. GERMS IN VACCINE KILL TEN CITIZENS Public Health Service Ad mits Lockjaw Has Fol lowed Scratching by Doctors MOSTLY IN ONE PRODUCT WASHINGTON', Nov. 1. Death from lockjaw lurks In smallpox vaccina sent to many cities and military camps In the United States. This was Indicated at the ruullc Health Service today by official admission that of ten deaths since July from tetanus follow ing smallpox vaccination, several of the fatalities occurred from tho product of ono manufacturer, ono of the country's biggest dealers In this acclno and largely patron ized by army and navy purchasing agents. It was emphatically denied that any deaths have been officially reported from Tennessee, where flvo are said to have died of lockjaw. Tho ten deaths admitted occurred at Ludlngton, Mich.; Cincinnati, 0. 1 Washington, D. C , nnd Jacksonville, Fia. Five died In the latter city. Xono of tho ten deaths officially Investi gated Mnce July occurred at any military camp. Although an analysis of the manufac turer's product failed to disclose tetanus germs, his entire output on the market has been recalled. Surgeon General Ilupert Blue, chief of tho Publlo Health Service, and Doctor Heet, his nBslslnnt. pleaded that there be no hjttcrla. Kvery manufacturer of vac cine. It was stated, Is under especially close watch. Utery one's output Is officially tested beforo being allowed on tho market. The manufacturer whrso vacelno devel oped cases of lackjaw Is not a flerman nnd Is not under suspicion, Doctor Bluo de clared. He Is a veteran chemist who in closo to tho Government and has always borno an excellent scientific reputation. imwssossRsmmsazaR ii i m i MASKED CROOKS REAP HARVEST HALLOWEEN Residence, Store nnd Auto Thieves Keep Police Depart ment Busy Criminals disguised as Halloween mas queraders reaped a small harvest In Phila delphia. Tho largest loss reported to tho police today was that of Wlllard Clough, S437 Queen lane, whose residence was entered by sneak thieves during tho night. A money box containing 1140 In. cash and a number of checks wcro Btolcn. Three adjacent stores, nt 1200, 1202 and 1200 South Ilrond street, were entered, but tho total loss was J5.61 In stamps taken from the drug storo of Hlmer U. Nallor, No. 1200. The restaurant of William K. Otter, at 1202, nnd the poolroom of Joseph Cow ard, nt 120C, were visited by tho thieves, who broke Into rear windows, but nothing of value was taken. The auto thief also got In a fairly busy night. The car of C. It Wannamacher. of 110 South Fourth street, valued at S2200, was stolen at the corner of Twentieth and Chestnut streets, -where It had been left stondlng. and that of O. K. Merts, of 29 Philip road, Germantown, valued at $760, was taken from the corner of Sixteenth and Filbert streets. Miss May Brannlgan, of 537 West Krle avenue, left her car for a short while during a lslt to friends In the neighborhood of Glrard avenue nnd Carllslo street, nnd when she had finished her visit tho car was gone. It was later recovered nt the corner of Eighteenth nnd Master streets, with every Indication that it had been borrowed by Joy riders Tho plate glass window of Samuel Lodge. 928 Poplar street, was smashed with u brick during the night, and a sweater, a shirtwaist, a man's union suit and miscella neous articles of clothing of the total value of $1E were stolen. Collieries Close for All Saints' Day POTTHVIf,I,i;, Pa., Nov. 1 -- All but three of tho collieries In the lower anthracite region are Idle today, due to the observ ance of All Saints' Day The exceptions are Good Spring, Drookside and Lincoln, Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company operations In tho west end of this county, where they aro working short-handed. mzMmfi SysttqvfsP5yfcjMBP?s ft u SSHHKETTXSsTraH'nSTilHHKs To iniure Victor quality, always look for the famoui trademark, "His Master's Voice.",, It is on all genuine products of the Victor Talking Machine Company, Out to-day NewVLctor Records for November McCormack sings "Send Me Away With a Smile" A popular "soldier" song. McCormack sings it with that touch of reality which he knows so well how to impart. Vlctro!. Bed Sc.l Record N1. Ta-!ach. It A tender Riley poem sung by Alma Gluck The lovely voice of Alma GIuck matches admirably the tender sentiment so beautifully expressed by James Whitcomb Riley in his "Praver Perfect." VictroU Red Seal Reeori M713. Ten-Inch, Jl Frances White in two "kid" impersonations . "s.ix TTimes, six'' an,4 "M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i" two hits she sings in Hitchy-Koo. Presented here in the same delight iul manner. Vlct0r Blue Llbe, Record 45137 TenInch $1 Conway's Band plays two new Sousa marches Two delightful Hawaiian duets by Louise and Ferera Lively numbers by Six Brown Brothers and Van Eps Trio Sterling Trio and Campbell and Burr in popular songs 71 others 8 Interesting Orchestral Numbers 3 Superb Operatic Arias 10 Tuneful Dance Selections Hear these new Victor Recordi today at any Victor dtalcr't. He will gladly fire you a' complttt descriptive hit and play any music you vrish to hear. Ask to hear the Saenger Voice Culture Recordi. 1 here are Victon and VicUolaj in great variety of styles from $10 to $400. ' Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. '"' Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Hachlass art scientifically coordinated and imchroaUsd by our iptciaa ".' procsHC of manufactura. and their uss, en with tho other, la abaolutely essential to a perfect Victor raprodwUoa. , T N.w Victor Racords damooatniad at all cUalar 00 tbo Irt ( aacfc month Victrola "VictroU"' ii the RetUter.d Trada-mark of the Victor Talklnf Machlna Company dsslioatlnf tba product or OU Company May. Warnlnp The vat of tho word Victrola upon or la Um promotion or sals of asy other Talking Machine or Phonograph products la mUlaadiag and Illegal, mgk MEANS IS INDICraD AS SLAYER OF MRS. KING Pleads Not Guilty After Grand Jury Acts Examines All State Witnesses CONCORD, N. C, Nov, 1. Gaston P.. Means today was indicted by the Carrabus County Grand Jury for the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, wealthy widow of New York and Chicago. Means was her business agent and It has been charged that' he had dissipated her fortune. He was brought Into court and arraigned before Judge Cllne. Through his counsel, he entered a plea of not guilty. Tho Indictment followed three days' In vestigation by the Jury, which examined a scoro of witnesses, Including a group of Chlcngo bankers and witnesses presented by Asslstnnt District Attorney Doollng, ot New York ctty. The feature of the investigation was the Perfumed Lingerie A novelty in jewelry which appeals to fashionable women. Made of green gold, beau tifully engine-turned, with an invisible pad which can be saturated with your favorite perfume per pair $6. S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Is! including 3 Masterlv Violin Solos 8 Delightful Concert Songs 20 Popular Song Successes m lury' obvious Inslstenca on discovering a clear-cut mouyc ioi " v. .-.--. Up to the t(me of the verdict Means and his supporters hsd appeared to grow In creasingly confident of his release, basing their confidence on the fact that the Jury had Insisted on examining the entire IUt of S.late witnesses Wills Probated Today Wills probated today Include those ot William Cook, 1312 South Ruby street, which In private bequests disposes -of prop, crty valued at I1J.000; Isabella de Coursey, 1032 Spruce street, 110,000 i Millard P. Gates, Jefferson Hospital, :200: Michael folller. 674 Union street, $6600: Emma I Decider. Methodist Hospital, $4620, and Anna ! Lange, 1217 North Randolph street, $2225. City Balance $21,874,553 The amount paid Into the city treasury during tho week was $918,690, nnd the pay ments were $776,635, This, with tho balance on hand from last week, not Including the sinking fund account, leaves a balance of $21,874,663. Clasps i r Mi fjdr wtwn fl Mttjt clarfcfcu- . "W!QW'tej 1 "sW. Pr Msmm m