Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 31, 1917, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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I- i i i ,
lys to Bazin Origin ok
ichnd Ultimately of
World Freedom
Italy Untied in Faith,
Premier Wires Cadorna
tf Cerrepotifeii et the Evtntno Lrdatr totth
It tns tmtrtvan vtrmiWit France
FRANCE, Sept 27.
Wry day for the" hvjt fortnight I hare
MM4 an 0jd chateau, gjay as a rainy stfy.
Sp an outpn In architecture" tjiat txs-
;s tne nrreejitn century. It standi high
nui ana commands tho cquntry ror
about a" certain American dlvlalnnnl
luarteVa not far from where I wrlto.
mornln? I had nut ftnllfitfiri anrttnan
wMHHieur rnaKo a actour that I might visit
thW. ancient house at closer range. Wo
wtM, up a winding road typically French
H, find Us end at tho chateau Itself. It
was, closed and quite desorted, without even
the sign of a caretaker. I don't doubt that
t could very easily find Its history and
fcvayhap the present owner's permission to
ytalt its Interior, but It seems to mo as I
think of It after nn hour's close Inspection,
met following a constant dally vision of It!
Majesty at a distance, that I can tell Its
ale. And I hope In something of an
h)tlmacy of ownership, for do wo not each
and all own birthright in the things that
touch us closely, be they paintings or trees
or chateaus of Iho fifteenth century?
It- was basking In the morning sun, this
M chateau, every, window barred and the
weather-scarred gold of a crest over tho
atranco glittering still. Upon otio side
weie raagnlflcont forests and beyond a roll
ing plain of recently harvested land. In
tho ancient garden beforo were giant nn
trlmraed bos trees and old bushe3 of the
Hlaci Beyond them I could see a Held far
down In the va)lcy. a field rich In yellow
of the mustard and red of tho poppy. It
was, all rarely beautiful and amid a great
yeaco, nesplte that nearby khakl-clad
ftammecs were learning to kill.
"It's a long, long journey to tho days you
were, built, my chateau upon tho hill! And
the changes that, have como to Franco have
been many since your old doors were llrst
opened to the habitation of man. To
Imagine them all would tako great space.
May I choose a few?
First tho days of romance, of powdered
wlga and the sedan chair, in which glided
lackles carried ray- lady up and down your
low, broad Btalrs. And then the days when
Kings visited you, their men at arms rid
ing by their sides, tho days of feathered
fcats and the quick sword. And In courso
at time the revolution, when your master
took refuge within your portals from the
guillotine that later carried his life away
..And t!ien"fiVdown tho lino of time to
1870, whentho Prfosco. then as now the
Bdche, ruthlessly took you for a barracks
and'made an officers' shambles of you. And
then still further down the line to tho days
. et prosperous peaco ere 1914, when thoso
to whom -.you came by inheritance found
within your wall a dreamy homo amid
the hills. All tbeae things, and many more
were yourrpTtlon; and with them nil tho
Vicissitudes of mankind, tho Joys and sor
rows, the births, and deaths that are human
You stand upon your hill, solid and
trong.. majestic and beautiful, a part of
the Franco, that men have given their lives
to save from barbarian invasion, as much
as the land about you you are a part of
that which Franco spells and it Is no
mall part of what you and she stand for
that American youth havo crossed tho sea
to defend; that khakl-clad Sammees aro
training within but llttlo distanco of your
gates. For you typify tho home, tho tlo
that binds, the true starting point from
Which civilization begins, and tho yantngo
ground from which civilization vourd fall"
If tlje barbarian could havo his evil way.
Many of your counterpart has Iio destroyed
these last three years, destroyed ruthlessly
end brutally vas Jio has razed fruit trees,
poisoned weljs, and, desecrated churches. It
-was written that you should be erected
Within that consecrated part of France
where the Bocho has not found long resting
place and that In consequence your ancient
Mils should remain clean of his evil con
tact. With thq 'sweet scent of the nearby for
est In my nostrils and tho stillness of that
forest In my ears, I' seem to have pass In
review before me all your ancient history,
to have the present fall away from me,
the war and preparations for war an im
possibility, the trenches of practice and
tho trenches of blood that I havo seen but
h myth, nnd';that only you, my chateau
upon -the hill, are real in a world of gen
tleness, and peace, and the September morn
ing: sun.
ROME. Oct. 31.
formally Inducted into office suc
ceeding Paolo Bosclll today, tele
graphed General Cadorna that tho
Italian peoplo wero united In faith
and hope in the army.
"Italians, profiting by their coun
try's invasion, havo composed their
internal dissentlons, enhancing their
energies and their unshakablo deter
mination," ho asserted. "As tho
people hailed tho army when vic
torious, they now draw closer to it
in its hour of adversity."
and In addition Is a "natural barrier against
invasion from tho north." Tho defensive
works on this lino 'extend across country
for many miles. Whllo the second and
third armies have been retreating threo
other armies, the bulk of tho nation's re
serves, havo been strengthening tho Taglla-
mento defenses, official cables state.
Cadorna Is executing a "masterly re
treat," the cable 6ays. Southeast of Udlne,
which has been sacrificed, the Italian third
army fa withdrawing slowly and, unless
overwhelmed by unexpected numbers of tho
enemy, may bo nblo to execute n flanking
movement designed to save much territory
At the northernmost corner of tho tri
angular battleground, more than 100 miles
from the Adriatic, lies Polccken In tho
Carnlc Alps, the pivotal point of tho entire
strategic plan of Von Mackensen nnd Ca
dornn. If the Italian Fourth army Is able
to hold tho path from this point tho Taglla
mento line' will bo safo for Cadorna. If
tho path Is lost to tho Italians, Von Mack
ensen will bo nblo to execute a flanking
movement and turn tho entire northern
wing of the Italian army. This would force
Cadorna to retreat Miuthward to tho l'iavc
River Italy's second natural lino of de
fense. Important towns like I'almanova, Ora
dlsca nnd Ccrvlgnano will be sacrificed like
pawns by Cadorna.
General Corsl, military critic of the Home
Trlbuna, Is optimistic about Cadorna's de
cision to mnko a stand at Tagllamento.
The Trlbuna Insists tho forthcoming battle
there will bo tho deciding struggle of tho
"For the third time," says this paper,
"Italy has been called on to save Europe
from the Austro-Germans, who are making
this supremo effort to savo Austria and
Germany from the terror of a fourth war
With tho nrrlval of coal from this coun
try, the Italian munition factories, many
of which have been cither Idle or greater
Incapacitated through lack of fuel, will be
ablo to resume operations. The belief hero
now Is that If Cadorna can check Von Mack
ensen for a week at tho Tagllamento the
crisis will havo been successfully passed
and re-enforcements of Allied troops, muni
tions and other supplies will turn the tide.
reiterated yesterday the unshakable faith
of the great city of Lomlnrdy in the army
and today has once mora confirmed t In a
solemn mass-meeting. At Itomo the peoplo
have greeted our heroic king with great
acclamation. The political parties of every
shade have shaken hands, forgetting all
their differences nnd frnterntzlng In tho
holy name oi tho fatherland.
"Both country nnd nrmy have tho firm
ana unanimous will to fight and win.
"To both country and nrmy In these days
of trials, tho attachment of tho great
coloiMt of America their communion of
alms and Ideals, their faith In tho high
destinies of the fatherland will be Of great
est help and assistance."
'Allies Speed Troops
to Aid Italy's Army
? 1
CemUnati frpm Fare On
KWi being withdrawn In orderly array to
Hs banks.
French and British gunners, co-operating
with the Italian troops, havo been of tre
mendous moral .support to General Ca
dorna's men.
The excellence of the military roads con
structed In Austrian territory which Ca
dorna seized last summer lias been of Im
mense aid to the enemy, Tho "network of
these highways has afforded the Austro
Germans quick means of concentrating men
and ptippllea.
The strongest proof of how Italy is now
Tallying to the-.cause.of repelling tho "in
vader was furnished in the quick formation
a Coalition Cabinet, Virtually all parties
threw aside their political differences and
joined In this ministry. Particularly em
phatic was the response of the Socialists,
the party which forced the downfall of the
Xoselll Cabinet i
As formed the Cabinet Includes these of
fleers: Premier and Minister of the Interior
Vlttorlo Orlando.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Baron Son
ulno. Minister of War General Alflerl.
Minister of Finance Slgnor Meda.
Minister of Pensions Slgnor Blssolatl.
Minister of the Treasury Slgnor Nlttl.
Tfhe War Office today called to tlie- col-
all classes from 1S74 to 1899,
i '
Gicantlo quantities of supplies -money.
jmiAKlons, fuel and food are being rushed
to. Italy today to help General Cadorna
t the tide of the Teuton Invasion. The
junenca inciuaea. morougniy awaKe
tta critical danger in Von Mackensen's
'rive, are pushing aid from all quarters.
Government, has deciqeano extend
credit by $250,000,000 Immediately.
smt coal are already on the way to
civilian population and assist Italy
itaJntnf the morale of the people
( the lines.
rw is sendinr slant guns to Cadorna
Stfancthen the Tagllamento system of
tents., to 'which the Italian armies
r Tmclc for their first great stand
the Teutons.
the military situation la far from
Aaac Nearly official Soma eahlea Iri
tis Italians are eAverinr- their m.
'in te-MrHBieto successfully and
RM tha PJPcrws of Von Mackensen.
panine it a Teuton nosh southward
frees the i,nr Alp ani the threat of
' irW opcratJi.no- la the TreWino sector,
sm r&rarm wU n" hUriiktt of secrecy
JtawMfe We tjoeinr tit . tlur Austro-Swlaa
LONDON, Oct. 31.
The eyes of tho world nro turned today
on the Venetian plains in Italy, centering
on tho Tagllamento Itlver, where there Is
ocry reason to believe tho greatest battle
In the history of the war soon will be
Tho Teutonic nrmy, already in possession
of Udlne, today continued Its march toward
the river. Another German movement Is on
tho north, whero Von Bulow's forces havo
almost reached tho Upper Tagllamento.
Along tho Tagllamento and not fur from
Udlne General Cadorn's forces aro slowly
retreating. Burning their bridges behind
them, exercising n. rear guard check to
U'o enemy and fording tho swollen stream
whereer possible, tho retreat IS slow but
In the meantime, British and French as
sistance Is being hurried to tho sceno of
the Impeding conflict.
The political effect of the enemy drive
In Italy is rapidly becoming apparent.
Tho military viewpoint brings out the de
termination to stand firm and save Italy.
"Not a single whisper reached London
that re-enforcements were needed In Italy
to repel a possible Invasion," the Globo
declared today in an editorial, deprecat
ing accusations that England and France
did not heed Italian warnings.
"None doubted the solidarity of the Ital
ian military situation or questioned the
ability of the Italians to hold their recent
gains," tho newspaper declared.
"Italy nnd its great army aro in tho light
to win and aro sure of victory." This cheer
ing message today was sent to the Italians
throughout tho United States by Count V.
Macchl dl Cellere, tho Italian Ambassador.
Tho Ambassador's statement was mado be
cause tho Italians throughout tho country
have sent him assurances of their strong
faith In tho mother country and they
wanted to know whero Italy stood In tho
present crisis. "I wish to answer publicly
theso moving manifestations of patriotism,"
said the Ambassador.
"The news from Italy Is that the Austro
German coalition has attacked our army
with overpowering force, both In men and
artillery, and that tho Italian troops, ful
filling faithfully nnd bravely tho directions
of the supreme command, aro stemming
tho advanco of tho enemy. The country Is
upholding tho army with calm determina
tion. From our Allies wo receive the sup
port of their solidarity ani of their arms.
"If the enemy, in his first rush, has suc
ceeded in overcoming a few units of our
army, lnnumcrablo deeds of valor wero ac
complished. When particulars shall be
known, our country will find in them reason
to rejoice. It was only yesterday that a
glorious advance was accomplished. The
enemy coalition, seriously endangered by
our success, has concentrated in a supreme
.effort all his forces on the Italian front.
"Tho heroism of our soldiers nnd officers
and the sagacity of the command, thanks to
which we went so far in the direction of
Lelbach as to threaten Austria and the
Germanlo coalition, aro sure tokens that In
new, glorious enterprises the Italian army
will Insure the present and future safety
of the country and bring about the triumph
of the great Ideals for which It fights to
gether with the whole civilized world.
"Milan In a telegram to General Cadorna
1 a coop sH.ap0Wii5T55
Every modern banking aid
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Think it over.
Ofn A. M. 19 P. Kt
LONDON, Oct 31.
German troops failed to make any further
counter-attacks against newly gained Brit
ish positions on tho Passchendaele rldgo last
night. Field Marshal Halg reported today.
There was, however, considerable enemy ar
tillery flro directed against tho advanced
British lines.
In yesterday's renewed drive cast of
Tprcs, the British not only took Passchen
daele, near the tip of the rldgo over which
they have fought for moro than n month,
but passed through the vlllago nnd be
yond to Goebcrg, adjoining on tho north.
Altogether, tho advance for tho day was
more than half n mile.
Berlin admits that Passchendaele was lost
by tho Germans, but assorts It was recap
tured. Tho British seem to be driving
steadily toward lloulcrs, their next objec
tive, about five miles away and on the
direct line of operations.
On the Alsne, near Cerny, the French
repulsed a German attack Monday night.
There was lively artillery Ightlng at several
points along tho French line.
Field Marshal Halg's great galm In
Flanders during tho last month wero nt.
talned nt less cost In men than during tho
fighting In September, according to casualty
llBts published today. Tho total of all
casualties for tho month was S3.DS8. In
September it was 106.430; in August, CO,
373. nnd In July, 71,89!).
The detailed October figures were:
-, Killed WoundM Jllsulns Total
Officers i,4ns a.sm ,ns n.-nii
Men 13.018 (17.578 4 lSt 77.85S
Plrmasens, Twenty Miles Beyond Saar-
brucken, Attacked by Twclvo
English Fliers
LONDON, Oct 31. The British War
Office reports tho following air operntlonst
"Twclvo British machines attacked Plrma
sens, twenty miles beyond Saarbrucken,
Germany, Bombs wero scon to burst on
factories nnd gas works with excellent re
sults. "Last night British machines bombed
the railway station and lines around Saarbrucken."
Totals 17,11(1 M.442 ti.OOO 3 55S
The figures show, however, that the num
ber of officers killed, wounded nnd missing
is higher than for tho last thrco months.
PAIIIS, Oct. 81.
Sharp fighting Incident upon unsuccessful
German raids around Uereulllcs, In tho
Argonne. was reported In todav's official
statement. The enemy forces wero thrown
back with severo losses.
Tho statement reported artillery firing
around Kroidemont
Dunkirk wns bombed by German air
planes, but no Mctling wero reported.
Evidence of Scheme to Poison by Put
tine; Tetanus Germs in Vac
cine Serum
MCMPHIS. Tenn., Oct. 31. A nation
wide plot to kill American soldiers nnd
sailors by poisoning vacclno serum with
tetanus germs was believed to havo been
uncovered hero today following 11 o deaths
from tetanus traceable to vaccinations.
inis meory gained strength with tho re
ceipt of a message from Washington order
ing n ban on tho salo of vaccination
Philadelphia Woman's Gift Goes to Help
Militant Suffragists' Work
A check for $1000 has teen presented to
tho National Woman's Party by Mrs. Popo
Ycatman, of 1118 Spruco street, a mem
ber of tho State exocutive commlteo of tho
organization, for tho purpose of carrying
on the work of tho militant BUffrnglsts at
Washington. Tho check was taken to
Washington last night by Mrs. Lawrence
Lewis, of Phllndelnlila wlin wn nn nt
tho first of tho suffragists to be arrested
for picketing beforo tho Whlto House.
Mrs. Lewis returned to this city yester
day from Buffalo, whero sho conferred with
suffrage leaders nnd spent the day here
In conferenco with members of tho State
executive commlttco of tho National
Woman's Suffrage Party. Pennsylvania
women will attend tho dinner to bo given
next Sunday nt tho Cameron House, Wash
ington, in Honor or tho suffrago pickets
who aro to bo released then nt the end
of their sixty-day sentences In Occoquan
workhouse Among tho women who will
be released that day aro Miss Mary Wln
sor, of Hnverford, and Miss Lucy Burns,
of Brooklyn. N. Y., who Is a member of
thn national executlvo commltteo of the
Woman's Party.
One Delaware County Auto Found at
Falls of Schuylkill
The nutomoblle of Charles W. Taylor, of
Aldan, Pa., which was stolen from Nine
teenth and AValnut streets, was found aban
doned today nt Falls of Schuylkill. It Is
thought that the machine was taken by n
party of "Joyriders."
The autoinobllo of M. Buxbaum wns
stolen from In front or his home. 233G North
Broad street. It wns valued nt J2B0. Tho
machlno of James D. Clark, valued at $450,
wns taken rrom In front of 853 North Twenty-fifth
La Cnvallcria ed i Riparti degli
Arditi Compiono Atti Inau-
diti di Eroismo
ROMA, 31 Ottohrc.
Dalle notlile pervenute dalla fronto dl
battaglln si rlleva che lo forzo del generalo
Cadorna, complctamento rlorganUrato con
nuovi rlnforzl, contlnuano valorosamcnto
ad opporro una dlsperata rcslstenza al ne
mlco e permettono rammassamonto del
.- .in f.imn. Itnllnnn nello poslzlonl
sulla sponda occidental del flumo Taglla--.L
nnnlztnnl nonn stato precedente-
monte fortlflcate splendldnmento o da qui'
II generalo Cadorna si apprcsta n sconflg-
-. a cltar-M trn 11 nemlco
La cavallerla ltallana o' conttnuamente
a contatto dcll'avanguardla delle forzo aus-tro-tedescho
cd crolcamento combatto per
ostacolaro 1'avanzata del nemlco. Anche 1
riparti dcgll "Arditi," compostl dl truppe
scclto e pronto a tuttl I rlschl. si gettano
ovunquo sul nemlco con ardoro mara
vlglloso o slanclo Irresistible, rlusccndo
In moltl puntl a resplngero lo truppe avver
sarlo o ad ostacolarne 1'avanzata. Net
brilliant! attacchi alia balonetta gll Ardltl
hanno rlportato del brllllantl nuccossl ed
hanno Inflltto perdlto gra-Wssimc al
nemlco. ,
II Minlstero dclla Gucrra Itallano lerl ha
pubbllcato il scguento cotnunlcnto tiel gen
eralo Cadorna:
Duranto tutta la glornata til lerl con
tlnuo' la ritlratn, tlelle nostro- truppo
sullo ntiovo poslzlonl.
La dlstruzlone del pontl sull'lsonzo
compluta dallo nostro truppo o lo efflcacl
azlonl del nostrl riparti cho coprono la
rltirata, hanno rltardata l'uanzuta del
nemlco. ,
La nostra cavallerla e' In contlnuo con
tatto con l'avanguardia nemlca,
Dallo notlzle mandate dal corrlspondentl
dl guerra si npprende cho lo operuzionl nello
poslzlonl avanzate ill nord si so!gono In
mezzo ad un tempo pesslmo o sotto plogglo
torrenzlall o ncvlcate incessantl, II rreddo
o' lntenso.
I corrlspondentl dlchlnrano die Innnedintl
alutl devono cssero lnvlatt all'Italia q che
a qualunquo costo si devo urrestaro l'ln
vaslone austro-tedesca dell'Italla settentrl
onale. II corrispondento Inglese .Tullust Price,
addetto al Quartler Generalo Itallano, dlco
che non I e' momento da perdere c cho
Ilnalmentp II nemlco c" nll'npcrto ruorl dello
sue elaborate trlncce o lontano dalle
niuragllo prptrcttlcl del montl. So la
Goes From Lehigh Valley to State
Chamber of Commerce
P. n. Stevens, agriculturist or the Le
high Valley Railroad, has been appointed
agricultural secretary or the Pennsylvania
State Chamber or Commerce. Announce
ment or the fact has Just been mado by
P. II. Burnett. Industrial commlsloncr of
the Lehigh Valley, who said Mr. Stevens's
resignation would bo accepted with tho
greatest regret.
Although Mr. Stevens leaves tho Lehigh
Valley organization, it Is not the intention
or the railroad management to abandon tho
agricultural work he has been doing. As
agriculturist Mr. Stevens reported to Mr.,
Burnett, who will now handle all agricul
tural matters direct and through the county
The ofllces maintained by Mr. Stevens at
Geneva will be temporarily discontinued,
but ienewed efforts will be made to keep
In close touch with farmers along the
line of tho Lehigh Valey and to give them
the benefit of the latest thought In the
agricultural world.
Messinger Is Xamed for Stauffer's Post
HAimiSBUBG, Oct. 31. Charles S.
Messinger, of Tatamy, today was appointed
by the Governor to bo Register of Wills for
Northampton County. Messlncer miprofriu
Asher V. Stauffer, who ended his lifo last !
weeK wnen agents or tlie Auditor General's
department round his accounts short.
Good Coffee for Everybody
uct inc true coirce llavor and aroma with
none of the bitter taste by using a
This Klcctric Percolator comes In many handsome
patterns and they are all famous coffee makers. It
has for years been selling faster than any other
percolator in the world. That's proof that it Is the
percolator jou want. Call and select the style that
suits you.
We are hradnuartrri forall kinds of Eleclrle labor-siting
appliances. Vou need Ihem In jrour home. Visit our show
roomslet our experts demonstrate and adle you. No
obligation to buy our service Is FHKE. riiovr. n aluvttiot.
1017-21 Race Street
sltunzlone verra' stretta da Cadorna nel suo
pugno, dlco II Price, e dlretta dal suo genlo
strateglco, si puo' affermare con tutta
ccrtezza cho la forte nUBtro-ledscho tro
vcranno la loro Waterloo nella planum del
Krlul. . , ,
H Comunlcato ufflclale cmesso lerl a
llerllno cosl' dlco: "Udlne e' stata presa
dallo truppo nlleate delta qunttordlcesimn
urtnntn. La gia' sedo del comnndo supremo
Itallano cade nello nostro manl al sesto
glorno delln. nostra vlttorlosa offcnslva.
Indifferent! nl sa.crlflcl che vengono loro
rlchlesll. le nostre tllvlslonl avanzano
Irreslstlbllmente hclla planum verso II corso
del Tagllamento. La rltirata dello scon
fltto cserclto nemlco si va nrrcstnndo nl
I pochl vnrchl del flume cho e' ora in-
grossato per lo leccnti pioggie. io nostro
truppe cho hanno nvnnzato dalle Alpl
Varnlcho hanno messo pledo sul suolo del
Vencto lungo 1'lntero fronto ed ora
avanzano verso l'nlto Tngllumento."
11 nuovo Bablnctto Itnllano o' stato cbsl'
Prcsldonza del Conslgllo o Minlstero del
Intcrno Vlttorlo Kmnnuclo Orlando.
Mlnlstro degll Affarl ICsterl Barono
Minlstero dello Colonlo Gaspare Co
loslmo. Minlstero della Glustlzla Sacchl.
Minlstero delle Finalize Meda.
Minlstero del Tesoro Francesco Saverlo
Minlstero dolla Gucrra Generate Alflerl.
Minlstero della Marina Vice jimmlralglo
Del Bono.
Minlstero tlelle Muuizloni Generalo Al
fredo Dall'Ollo.
Minlstero del Subsldle Mllltarl Pcnslonl dl
Guerra Lconlda Blssolatl.
Minlstero dcll'Istruzlone Pubbllca Berc
nlnl. Minlstero del Lavorl Pubbllcl Darl
Minlstero dl Agrlcoltura Mlllanl
Minlstero del Commerclo o I.avoro Cluf- '
Minlstero dello Poste Sera.
Minlstero del Trasportl Senaluro Itlc
cardo Blanchl.
0 Celebrate
' ' j7 Hallowe'en I
at the I
Restaurant I
Chantilly I
hRH Dance to the B
HfljM Marimba Band M
i UkklHUBTjllllllllllUlllllllllllKJiiHiiiiiH
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Liberty Bond, accepted at their
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SOROSIS SHOE CO. 1314 chestnut st.
Glove Shop mil open at
123 South 13th Street
about November 15th, 1917
Men's and women's gloves with the
traditional Centemeri elegance of
style and finish, for every social and
business requirement.
Special .designs for our soldiers and
. sailors.
For forty years the name
Centemeri has been asso
ciated in Philadelphia
with gloves of quality.
An Exclusive Glove Shop
Special Glove Cleaning Service
During November, December and January
wo shall operate both stores. Beginning
February 1st our Chestnut Street stock will
bo on solo at our new store
" ' " ' ' ' IW ., -'
Until January 31it at
1223 Chestnut Street
(Also at 400 Fifth Ave., Nev York)
Music Is the Soul
of the Home
It develops the finer-sensibilities. It creates an at
mosphere of refinement and good morals. It binds
parents and children into a firm, happy, loving union.
It is restful. It is inspiring. It is entertaining.
Bring the world's Jbest music into every home and
every member of the family can play the selections he
likes best just as he feels them.
Easiest to pedal and control
Easiest to accent and give individuality
Fewer levers, avoiding confusion "
Never sound mechanical
Air channels more direct
Finer tonal results
Perfection of construction
Tone and action last
Notwithstanding its admitted pre-eminence, it la just as easy
to own a Lester Player-Piano as one of the inferior kinds. Being
sold direct, nil the "in-between" profits of jobber apd agent are
eliminated. We will gladly demonstrate.
1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Gentlemen Please serld me booklet arid complete description
or your
Lester Player-Piano
ttfso details of casy-payment plan wlthput Interest" or extras.
Address ..,..,., ; '
III 10-SM7
weht rmr.A.
SOS Houtli d Bt,
ISIS.U X, Alletiar
820 Hroatlivajr
0Q KoitiSUte St.
15 North 8IU St.
m ' Halo St.
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