k ?p u'A. ' ,44 F?'f P J Svttioti EVENING EDOER-PHIIIABELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1917 HM riY-,VS CRAPPIX Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY By FONTAINE FOX r () INTERESTING SIGHT TO vJ'LTl" JqY WATCH THE SKIPPER aimt yek? gSf SINGLE-HANDED REPAIR A Np) BREAK IN THE " ,r tkolley' Wire. (Copright) Why Go to Bed? Parmer I suppose you won't bo wanting to get up very early the first few mornings? C-3 Substitute (formerly something tn the city) No, I'm afraid I um not used to It. Parmer All right; In that case we won't have breakfast till 4:30 a. in. Jennie's Idea The callers were staying very late, and little Jennie, who had becomo very tired, Anally tald: "Mamma, hadn't all of us better go to bed so Mr. Brown's folks can Bo home." To Be Sure I London Opinion, T "I suppose when I go back to Prance 1 you'll forget all about me?" "Oh, no, no. I have got your name and address, haven't I?" THE PADDED CELL ADVENTURES OF UTTLE RoLAMb DflAT tfH? SPEArj "h4aT A0EY ! I met it: W 4 ft OHB bAY LITTLE ' RbLAHb Gol IIP ' CHEERFUL AHfc Smiling, the. SUM WAS BRIGHT AMb HE HAN MAtr? A'6T?eat Resolve. i AFTER. VASHIMG HfS I AjECK AHb COMRIMG HIS HAIR AIpaTLv HE WANDEREb OUT UTo THE EAJCHAHTEb VILL46E STREETS To SST meeS A.Ajn Butter ahc tfTHER jewelry but FIRST HE HAt A fcl)TV Jo PERT&RArt. HE VYOULb BUY A LIBERTY BOND.1 STeFPWG BRAVELY TO TFJE TROHT HE REACHEh'fcoWM 1KTO HIS PAMTT PoCKeTs -AMD - VUR A HORRIBLE GlMCT APPEARED AT HIS -Slbe U iu IWUnu oaw I HAT HE YORE THE KAISERS IROAt CROSS .' "bOfiTYoO BUY TtlAT VOHj BE ABLE To PAY A1Y PRICES R?R f&jJ dtwisiN(, -101 rwr HI6N rtflCES riCUr" me liA bPPt ". H.tWAJSi Avoid This "What! You kicking about your food? I thought you boasted about your housekeeper's cooking t,o well " "Yes, but I muriied her and now we keep a cook." Boston Transcript. SCHOOL DAYS " j'0 sSr W'.'tJL i I I j I Hatotcl! For. 1 K ' &T Hill -t-i m i " -. 11 .iittiii rJ The YounR Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way says she overheard her father Bay he waa going to cut a melon downtown today and she supposes that's better for hlra than too much pastry. 1 bet- A Little Resuscitation Hy Them doctors is a glttln' ter every year. Cy Yep, I see they are going to revive Shakespeare tn New York. Common or Garden Quest Walter, I see you have tui tie soup on the menu. Is It mock turtle? Walter No, salij Jls plain very day ud turtle, sah. I'M' J ' " ' . . Jeebm gAPTOj Evans, In Baltimore American. , From Liverpool (Enr ) P01L THE WRONG IDEA ABOUT WAR WILD FRUIT H Hoover (to food profiteer): "You're supposed to put somothins in not Civilization: "And to think that this tree was planted in my narael" to take somcthinj: out." ' " J BONDS or ll BAG ' -0 To Sae To Enslave Zzz ' Democracy Democracy J McCaM, In Portland (Ore.) Evcnlnn Telegram, OUR MONEY OR OUR NATIONAL LIFE J'rom rasslns Show, London (Etf ) A FOOL AND HIS MONEY Hfeift .3H:-vl-1iCSb. Vl ramN itLl12-' 'fee '?2iWixrMl&dSsSB"ttlCkSS. vjSSi t Tytr . 7-1 JUlQ.'JL IjJ" CTfT Xlijljf-aMiIlii JL'' '"iwiJ ."-- N. : ? - ?3r i. .- '.K 53. X . S. &W?MzssLZ' From News of the World, London (Ens.). A GOING CONCERN From London Opinion ALAS! MY POOR BROTHER ri n'jiur -m lurir mpmvsti&ri -m "lj4& vwHTr- .. yA r,. jtKmy VitriLWAH liliJK'.' i- rfK.rV-ny dKi i;... rys ..JW&fil- K ft wM,dnmr?l - tf :TC&',& Itl '.'i,rTJ.l N &ij?a i'J-ifi mm wz&a. Oakr WIIIIiBM, Is Jb4I"11 ,) Nw. IN TMK fMW WGA.T wm WAilno, Bern ?u ! " i ,'iVk SUB PUFFED AND HE ''- .v;..4 , ' i ji H t.j.'-frnM. rvathiiiiiiii