i n hiLlAFRONTEltALMA INFURIA LA BATTAGLIA Oli Austro-Tedcschl Hnnno Rl- portato un Iniziale Successo mn Sono Stati Arrestati 1 1WMA. 2C Ottohrc. palla fronte dl hnttaglla pervengino politic ilnlle nunll "I npprenJe chu mills rye nell'Isonzo, a norO de'.l'nltlplano dl jjSni,!tM. Infurla una grande battalia Kftza treeua, Horn che la divlslnni austro t(dfc!ic rlusclrono ml oitencrc unl intzlale vcctMo nel scttorp dl I'lczzo. Tolmlna e t) pord dell'nltlplnnn dl HalnMzza, hannn Incontrato una tenacc reilstenza unposta dalle valorosc trtipnc del generate Cndorna In unlone n contlngentl francesl ed inelesl, the hnnno cntiptetamente nrrcstata I'avnn tula delle forze tculonlchc. Da n;nt'' p' lrvenuto circa I comtiattl pifntl svnltel l'altro terl pi rllcva eh itll autro-tr(l?.ohI traem'o va-tnt;Klo della firt.i dl ponto dl F.intn Mnrln c Santo I.urla. eoml'nclarnno unn cffens'va sulla frnnlo dfll'Inontn pnrtandn la bnttncl'a sullc pen olfl della spnnc'n destra dl dettn fllim". F.inta Mntla e' un' piccolo vlllagglo alia eonnuenza. ddl'Idrla nellTsonzo o dlstantc tppina duo c'lllnmrtrl di Tolmlno. Cnntemporanenmente gli nuMrlacI erM tuarnno un poderoFo nttacco sulle pendlcl (jocldfntall dl Monte San (labrlelc. ma gll Jta'lanl rlitdrnno a rr-sp'cerlo ed a catttl rtre parccclile rentlnala dl prlglonlerl. Un nltro nttacco fu condotto rtngll nitro tedeschl sulle pendlcl merldlonnll dr Monte Jtomnon, nulla catena dcllp Alpl niullc. e. mil clgllone settentrlonalc rtell'AIllplano dl Balidzza attneco che si sppzzo' dl front" lla tenacc reslstciza rtegll Italian!. Kquale rnltenr.a trovarono I nemlcl alia stretta 6i Za(?a, a sucl dl Santa I.ueln dl Tolmlno. I un ittacco rnndotto molto a sud della strctta dl Znga. favorltl dtl una fitla nebhla che rise Impoislblll I 1 1 r 1 dl tban-amento delle nrtlgllcrlc Itallane. nil tustro-tedeschl rlusclrono a penetrare nolle llnee nvenznto Itallane sulla sinistra dl l'Isonzo. Ecco II testo del comnnlcnto del general? Caderna, pubbllcato lerl dal Mlnlstero della rtierra Itallano: lerl matt nn, dopo pnehe oro dl Itr.jr Tallflt le forze atmtro-tcdesclio rlprepm II i bnmbardamento lnngo tutta In frnnte mn potento funcn dlstnittre Fnccln'mente rnntro e pn.xlzlonl sullc pndlcl inerl dlornll del JIo"t riomhon ed II e'cllope merldlonale dell'altlnlano dl lla'ntzza. (love In segulto 'anclarono un poderopo tttaeeo dl fanterle. Alia Strctta dl Zapa reMptenimn ener gleament. ma pin' a nurt. favorlto da fltta nbhla che Impedl' I tlrl dl nbarranientn delln noftre Imtterle. I nemlco rluwl' n tfondnre le nostre llnee nvanzate milla ilr'tra deH'I.onzo Traendo vantaBBlo del'n testa dl ponte i Santa Mnrla p Santa Lucia (nelle vl clnaze dl Tolmlno) II nemlco Porto" la bat tarl'n mi'le pendlcl delln sponda destra de'l'Ioonzo, i Contemnoraneamente II nemlco lanclo" on poderoxo nttacco contro le. nostre pnslflonl nd occldente dl Volnll; e mille pendlcl occ'dntnll dl Monte San rjabrlele. Ma mil' II nemlci v"n arreitnto p con trattnecato. rlusclmmo a cntturare pareceb'e centlnaln dl pr'trlonlerl. Pul Tarso un vlolento bombardamentn da n'tn del ncm'iM fu rftettlvnmento controllato dalle nostre batterle. Nel clrcoll parlanientarl corre voce die II presldento del consljtHo del mlntrtrl. ono- revolo Iloselll, nhbla decl!o dl raseennre le ue dltnlsslonl o che mo to pmbabllmcnte taranno prcsentate orkI stesso In "unlone a quelle dl tuttl I suoi colleshl dl pablnetto. Ie raclonl delle dlmlsslonl del Riiblnetto Boselll doverebbero rlcercarsl nel rcccntl nt- tacchl fattl nl JUnltcro alia Camera del teputatl da parte del soclallstl. Moltl rl- tegono che talc pasRo sarebbe stato aftret- tato dall'lnlzlale successo ottenuto dalle forze austro-tedescho alia fronto Itallana dl battaglla. - N Teutons Push Ahead on Isonz'o Front Centlnoed from Vaur One nd of the front over which the offensive began, the Germans were able to make their way Into the Klltsch baaln, but violent fighting Is still In progress In that sector. ITALY WILL WEATHER STORM, VIEW IN LONDON LONDON", Oct. 2G. Germany's offensive against Italy lok terlous at the start but the season Is bad for tuch a campaign. Italy Is well mu nitioned and amply provided with troop-j, and observers nre united In complete con fidence of the nblllty to weather whatever ttor mthe Germans may ralso. This view was expressed In various quar ter! here today. What Interested British ebservers the most In the whole situation was the fact that the Isonzo offensive was regarded as further evidence, of Austria's military Impotence. It Is Germany which J, waging the Italian drive. German troop3, German ofllcers German munitions and German war plans are In control. Well-Informed observers here held the German control of this effort llkcwlso ettab Ushed Germany's Intention to keep Austria Under complete vassalage to Berlin. CHIROPRACTOR IS ACCUSED Perjury Alleged in Obtaining of Di vorce by Sayre Man TOWANDA. Oct. 2G. Horaco G. Lath Top chiropractor at Sayre, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by the District Attorney, the charge being perjury. Ho Jve ball for a further hearing. It Is alleged Hint Lathrop, who was a resident of Perm Tan. X. Y.. came to Sayre tome lime ago and engaged a room. On different occasions he occupied his apartment, but. It Is said, not enough to tain a residence in this State. Then he jued for a divorce In this county nnd ob tained It. Ills arrest Is on, the charge that he had perjured himself In claiming a resi dence In this State. is healing my eczema 50 quickly! You don't "have to wait to know that resinol is healing your skin trou.be! The first application Mually stops the itchingand make3 the skin look healthier. And its continued use rarely alls to clear , way all trace of skin sick;iess and soreness. Doctors have pre- contains nothinjr that could in Jure the ienderest skin, Soli by 8'l druggists. 1 JIKfeaillllll lip JtPr i&m I I'm KjBmI Resinol Allies Aaain Fttriki Northeast of Ypres Continued. frem Pate On llrl louny over tii. magnificent evidence X&& nllltnry stre conducting mnlni. nfr.i.... " ""'dueling two tatanl" nt,saul1tir'mSUnpd"crri"C"d" GERMANS, IN PANIC, ABANDON RIG GUNS IN RETREATFROM AISNE w.i.i. t r.nw. oct. 26. Mth everv hou- today the-c grew cvl Je"ce that O-neral Petsln's stroke on tho l-ne bid ltinpte,j on Germany her great pM d'at of 1M7. nemornlled by the triphammer blows of the p't-M French war mnehlre the Ger nnn ny were abandoning their guns In nn effcrt to retreat across the marshy "I'ettc vil'ev and the Alt'e nnd OIsp Canal. F'ghtlng with the desprrntlon of nn who know, they nre beaten, the enemy vn n-iv for tlie French wedge until to dny It had been Jammed more than three 'i!'c Irto fie nlvotal l-nsc of the German lire curving nrnund the western etrenv It' n' the C-em'n.((.iinmei. What mnd the Alsne victory nil the more demoralizing to the Germnn forces was the fact that on th's particular ridge Hlndenhurg changed his favorite battle tac tics. It hai been his scheme heretofore to refuse battle nnd plastically to fall back to prepared new positions. Dwindling man power Impelled the German high enmmann to hunhnnd all forces of men and not to fight and lose men where a retreat -of a few hundred yard" rr poss bly more might save troops. The lmp-rt inc of the Alsnc rldire. how ever, led Hlndenhurg to rush up his best troops and accept the battle offered by the French with nil the power at his command. The French wero victorious. Total c nt urea of men reached more than 12.000. More Ihnn 120 guns have been tnken si fnr Several hundred trench mor tars nnd machine guns arc not Included in this count. Two enormous guns des'gned tn fire tor Pdoes carrying 200 pounds of explosive, with which the Germans were apparently preparing to experiment, were nmong tho military booty captured nt Goblenaux. Neither of the guns hnd been fired. Judging from prisoners' stories nnd nn "tlm-ite of the mangle 1 heaps of the Ocr rnn dead, the German lo'ses In Tuesday's drive nnd Thursday's acceleration mav bo conservatively estimated at equivalent to three whoV German divi-lons approxi mately 4fi.O00 mrn. In proportion to the size of the battlo front reven mile i this In the heaviest loss which Germany has ever suffered In n single i-erles of mllltnrv operations since the disastrous German retreat last rprlng. N'ot only that, but the French victory Is a cumulative one. I'ollus now dominate the entire Alllette Vallry. Their hold on the ob-ervntnrlei here virtually renders untenable tho German lines nlcng the northern edg-s of the bloody Chemln-dPF-Dames all the way toward Craonne. far to tho cast. Hew great was the Jar to German army morale when Hundenburg's troops felt tho Impact of I'etaln's pivotal blow was evl denced In a fcoro of proofs today. Like a boxer struck a staggering blow on tho Jaw, the German army machine reeled backward. Its mind confused, every wnso t.t npiirehonalnn attuned to the Keenest point, nnd then with muddled, befogged comprehension strovp blindly to "cover un." One olllcer captured near I'lnon carried orders to abandon bis four mortars. Ills major tnken nt the same point had exactly contradictory orders first, to re treat ; second, to resist "regardless of cost." Six hundred prisoners tnken nt Plnon evidence this demoralization of the orderly German military brain through Vetaln's stngger ng blow. Tho Germans hadn't een thought of n defeat at the "corner" of their line where the French struck. Their lines were "Im pregnnble " When those "Impregnable" pisltlons melted before the French fire the demoralization must . have been sudden, dramatic and of bitter relish to tho Ger man high command. The new advanced French line today was an nverago of three and one-tenth ml'es beyond Monday's positions over a totnl front of virtually seven miles. Consolida tion of these lines today swept more nnd more German positions Into tho pollus' hands. Franco has already reoccupled tho tcirltory between Monkey Mountain and Fnrgny, capturing the vlllnges of I'lnon, I'argny and Fllaln. ' " ' M h 'W You'll find the Whole Family Healthy, Happy as a result of faithfully using non irritating, harmless, nutritious Formula by a digestive specialist who used them first in his own privatepractice. Contain nothing but the purest food elements. No drugs nor medicine. Cleanse and strengthen the bowels by natural, safe, positive action, maintaining a normal effect, and taking away that sluggish, heavy, tired-out eeling that comes from needless constipation. 25c per package At all first-class Drug and Grocery Stores, or direct from Dr. Von's Health Biscuit Co. 2218-2220 Market St. EVENING LBDGBRPHII,ABELPHIA, FltlDiY, OCTOBER 26, 1917 FRENCH ARTILLERISTS OVERCOME MttBKBQIMBPIB'WTSWgflMlfllli 1 ' ' v fv ', ' ".' ,-v (-, . . , .-..,...,-.. .-,..,,..,..,..,,, . . -,.. tu'wrnt - o oluck n memuii to tno nuns, tins larRe trench ku.. is be'iig extricated bv its crew that it may be rushed forward to jotn in General Pctain's advance on the west front. Tho recent French success along the Aisne, which is still progressing, was accomplished in the face of similar difiicultics. LONDON SCORNS GERMAN WHIMPER OVER REPRISALS By ED L. KEEN LONDON'. Oct. 2fi. A Germany that orders repeated "baby kllllng" aerial raids over Kngland and France nnd putsues a murder policy on tho Kens no less than on the land, now complaining In nd ranee of Allied "bru tality," Is tlip astounding spectacle pre sented In t'nlted Press llerlln dispatches today. Olllclals txpressed Intense Interest In the authoritative Interview sent by the I'nltcd Press staff correspondent In ltcrlln It was regarded as a itrcnuous effott of the Knbpr's war machine to n'lay apprehension caured by Knglnnd'H recent announcement of a reprisal policy which would demand of Germany "an eye for nn cyo and a tooth for a tooth" for Its aerial assassina tions. Germany was guilty of unheard-of itroc ltles In llelglum and France anil sho stroo to "over up" by charging tho Alile.i with similar atrocities. Germany Invented poison gas nnd brought liquid fire Into use from the Dark Ages nnd then sought to blame tho Allies "for cruelty" In Its use. Get ninny's great guns deliberately smashed1 tho lthelms Cathedral and other master piece:! of medlevnl architecture and Ger many whined about Allied shells over her lines. Germany Inaugurated rutblrsr.'iers on the seas In her submarine warfare and protested bitterly when Allied vessels refused, with knowledgo of German treach ery, to rescue t'-boat crews. Germany de vised assassination of women and children from tho skies and whimpers "brutality" when, nfter three yenrs, Knglaud reluctant ly decides the dexll'mu.'t lie fought with bis own weapon RUSSIANS PUSH ADVANCE ON 20-MILE RIGA FRONT PIJTIlOGHAn. Oct. 20. Russian forces cast of Illga are advanc ing on a front of thlrty-tbreo kilometers (twenty miles), while tho Germans con tinue to retire. Military experts expressed the opinion today that tho Germans lack men to hold this lino nnd may fall back to the left bank of the Dvlna Illver On the ItiWnnlan front fighting n'ct'vltles are .increased. The Germans arc building powerful fortifications nnd arc massing heavy artillery. Tho railway station and city of Marasheshtl In Moldavia were bom barded by the Germans yesterday. f ;S(Sr5BSMK5- -li ZEiH'll LLOYI) GEOHGE LOSES POINT First Defeat in Commons, However, Will Not AfTect Ministry's Tenure LONDON'. Oct 16. The Crst defeat for Premier Lloyd Gen'rge's Government oc curred In the House of Commons last night. In tlie Government bill to promote the pro duction of petroleum In the United Kingdom provision was mado" f.ir a payment of n loyalty of nine pence prr fin. An amend ment striking this pruvlilon out was carried, 4 4 to 3.V The defeat of the Government Is regarded Men's "CheIford")$ HATS I Soft Itnlk Late.'t colors nnd styles. IVrlilc- .let black fur felt. f. ....,,.. . .., Roys' & Children's Hals, 98c to $5.98 doth, plush, chinchilla and velour. I. It llnillirrn SECOND FL (Oil, TTH Never Such a Sale of A : They Are Actually In this .season of ad rcuiced costs such an event is indeed stril:inp! All-wool materials are scarce at extraordinary is this phenomenal purchase of ours! One of America's best-known makers has turned his plant over to war work. He sold us these coat 575,000 worth of them at a price decid edly under their wholesale value. Again Let Us Impress Upon You That Everij Coat Is Absolutely All-Wool and Is Quarter Lined With High-Grade Satin Don't let this opportunity go by unheeded, for every wearer of medium-priced cloth ing can save $7.50 to $10 on the overcoat' lie ivants. Other Overcoats Up to $J5 Men's Good SUITS.... ( $- These, too, are exceptional at their t jj. imcc. Sincrlo and double breasted models and worsteds. Other Suits. SIS Men's Good $4.50 Wanted dark striped effects in all t-iiuLaiiiinnniiEitti:Mitinicanitniiii!itJi:itiiiMiiitainiiiiniitt3iiiiMniiicatii:iiiiiiiitJiiiMiiiiiiicsiiiiiiii!inti!iitiii!iitit3tni!iini!it3iiii!ttiiit!C3iii3 Girls' ii oiiuwmij ! Belted I H.ivo patch Tots' Wlvct n'nlnjra E -- I I gii!t:mi;iiiimriiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiit:iiiimiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiitiiimiiiim:iiimiimiitiuniiimiitiiii utimi iiHiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiMiug Men, Women and Children Can Share These Kemarkable Offerings ol High-Grade Shoes j $ A X. Tinniilnu TiMllAfl ALIUpUlUl X lltCB Women's Smart Shoes $5 to nf natent colt. KUn-metnl calf, brown elared kid, white and gray nubuck. Ihl" l, ""vv " . - Men's Shoes ratent colt, Klazed kid, tan, brown and J gunmetal calf. Women's Cloth Spats, $2.50 In fawn, gray and white. Women's New Spat Pumps. $5.50 Soft kid or patent colt. Hand-turned soles. Children's Shoes Save 10 to 25 Infants' Shoes $1 AQ to $0 Sizes 1 to 5 x.- - Children's Shoes. . . . $.1 7Q Sires 4 to 8 j a Girls" Shoes $9 9R Sixes SV4 toll "... All wanted leathers. Regular and nigh Priced according to leather and size, es' SIl0es$O CA to $f Ji? llAta" J '' m. JffiyST: $2.50'?s5. 141 Drotlier FIRST FLOOn, KORTII 5. ' . VISIT, OUB BAD ROADS as purely mechanical and will not affect the Government's tenuro of oillce. Girl Scouts Go to New York Fourteen Philadelphia girl scouts will attend the National Conference of Girl Scouts In New York today nnd tomorrow. The lornl delegates Includo Miss Ilcrtha Green, Miss Klizabeth Sehafthauser. Miss Alpvna McCorklp, Miss Kdwlna Hinder, Miss Molly Halls, Miss Anna Mowbray. MIs.h Minerva Stern, Miss Harriet I leaver. Miss Mllcn Cas.iatt. Mls Katherlno Hut chinson, Miss Almce Stone nnd Mlsa Ldlth Harper. T STOIli: OPENS HlStl A. M. 1-98 17'.S' TRIMMED Mill lIprfii ONK YKLLOW TKADINfi STA.Mi' WITH EVERY PURCHASE ALL DAY ' Market Eighth ST. -iD- -a- Worth $22.50 to $25 ' in cheviots, eassimcres to $35 Trousers, $3.19 popular materials. . 7 IIOvvM SECONP FLOOIt. Coats & Dresses! no i-turtv i nut. jiitjt ir tun. inu ituog Keen Thought Of Velour Cloth Coats, $5.98 pockctH, gun-metal bucklo and buttons Chinchilla Coats, S3.98 lend a smart touch to tlin collars anil a 7 a s? or cuffs. Have lap pockets anil belts Warmly lined, y Sizes 2 to G years'. One p'clvrnt. g Wool Serpe Frocks, Sfi.98 B In navy anil brown. Have velvet pipings, belt, silk g tie and full plaited skirt. SlrcH 8 to 14 cars. g Lit llrotbers SKCOXD FLOOD g in i?"""'-- ,""fc-,"",- $19.50 1 A $7 Styles A i it II $Ei 9J 5 I A D J OC - i to $0 . J -r to $l V mum, - rt - Chic Dresses LCt cut. i ' of serge, messullno satin. CA I crepe da chine nnd satin. wr i jn nrown, ioncoru, uopen' hagen. navy bluo and Charming styles. black. 0-ta.-fc-a-w--.r M Ml I Bv I1IQ KfaSTACKANT UE8T OJT JSVU NO TERROR TO TEUTONS IN THREATS OF BOMBING Berlin Ofllcinldom Scoffs at Re ports Allies Plan Air-Itaid Reprisals Hy JOHN GRANDENS Vnttrit ret Staff Correspondent llKHLLN' (via London), Oct, 26. If the Allies, Kngland In particular, hope by bombing unfortified Ocrman cltlcn to bring Germany to bcr knees, that hope Is In vain, according to the belief expressed In the highest oniclnl iiuartcra today. The I'nltcd Press was told, on highest authority, that the Kntente should not for get that th -re nre numerous French cltleu n easy reach of German bombing nlr fleet!, f tho Allies. Including America, carry out nny program of attack on open German towns This same authoritative source, declared- "The Ilrltlsh press tries to comfort the Itrltish population with nssurances thnt,' at lie beginning of winter cessation of the Flanders battle. Kngllsh air fleets, nlded by numerous new Kngl'sh. American and Ital ian planes, will bombard fortified and un ftit titled Gorman cities "We know the Allies nre Incapable of an Increased nlr offensive, because: PERFECT FIT ASSURED Wp carry the largest assortment of slr.es In town. Includ.ng sizes 1 to 8 In ladles' shoes. AAAA to KK widths. (AAAA Is sold nowhere elso In Phila.) Auto Delivery Service Everywhere. U hard to lit or hard to suit, TltY IWltliY'K. CLOSES AT 8:30 P. M. FREE OF CHARGE 10c Filbert Seventh Ml 11 Wool Overcoats : Sale Price Choose from more than 50 different patterns in M the newest styles, includ injr the good-looking, popular military models. Li Big Values in This 1 $7 A Boys7 Clothing at ( i OU SUITS In cheviots, cassimerea and serge. Military and g ! Norfolk styles. CHINCHILLA POLO COATS In blue, brown and gray. t JWilitary style, with convertible collar. Also a splendid I lot of polo coats in brown and gray mixtures. ( OVERCOATS Military models, in cassimeres, tweeds, lancy cnoviots, scoicn cneviots anu mixtures. MACKINAW'S Norfolk effects, in mixtures, checks and blanket plaids. Sizes Throughout 2 to 18 Year Boys' Popular-Priced Suits,) $ Reefers and Top Coats I Norfolk and military effects, as well as Junior Norfolk, Tommy Tucker, Billy Iloy and Sports suits for the younger boys. Sizes throughout 21 to 18 years. HATS TRIMMED FREE : New ReadytoWear They feature fur cloth edges II MstfSKP Ordinarily you would pay $4 for'hats of their chio. Designed of black elvet In picturesque large effecta.. sailor or upturned brim styles with fnncy shirred crowns, The selection Is Indeed fine. Sketch hIiowd one. y a J. VELVET HATS, Children's Hi QQ Velvet Hats l'JO Have colored facings. Mc " isses' and Women's Apparel DM Ahin IMDnOTANT QATTWnAV PTfPPAPATirtN I Arc Winter's Smartest and Values MISSES' COATS, $12.98 Of Thibet cloth in black. Oxford and navy blue belted style, wit . largo novelty pockets nnd kit coney collar. Also military coats of novelty mixtures with Inverted plaits,, wide belts and patch pockets. One llluntruted. Misses' Fur-Trimmed & Tailored Coats $25 Fashioned of wool velour. fTbla ctjeviot, mannish coating, gabardine and wool plush in all newest shades with kit coney, plush Inlaid or Kcraml banded collars and peau de cygno lining. Misses' Suits, Special at $18 50 Kxceltent choosing In tailored und dressy ' A.vv suits of cheviot, burella cloth, serge and poplin. In navy blue, Mack, nrown, green ana oiner rasmoname coionngs. Some have braiding and Inlaid velvet collars. Women's Suits, $19.50 Many 3'rlwimcil tcltft I'ur or Velvet Very Uprcial Tailored and dressy models of Tolret twill, m'xed suitings, gabardine, serge, broadcloth und poplin. Coats are cut In new length with fur bandings, velvet trimmings and collars that button In military effect. Some Norfolk styles also. Satin lined. One llluntruted. Lit Hrotliern SECOND FLOOR --'"- UYX1IINO Aj; J.OWKSI PUICES. rum M a ii.ifei , m ja "First On .fteeewtt rf imt nr mna conaion in Central Bun. " . "Second. If lb concluslott o th VMJr ucm iitcusiva rnieaes iirillsn JHtlliLJ IllCPWlKA IVfll l-olMtta HI,-..!. nl.M.. 1 r -...., :,, lMII I1C . " "Thiru. According to Entente pr in our nanus, America is not in a to send many machines, evert Uy ; spring. Fourth. The hasty training of EiJ nyera will make their losses four ti or ours, proved bl ofllclal casuaHV'l Moreover, American flyers also are t4ta ing hastily and en rriasse. which okil. likely to Increase the disparity of Io.,' 1,Mftl, n,. l.Hm. .& I. -a -J ability for Instance, on occasion of fre French raids. HAVE FOUND SUBSTITUTES , "Our enemies hope the lack of raw ma terial will force us to our knees. Tmt hope Is fruitless. Wo have solved tS problem of substitutes so well that Mil English are considering whether they should not Imitate some of these sub tutes. ', "Our raids on London are Justle Lloyd-George, In June) 1015, declared .tht London had become "a second Woolwich. (Note Woolwich Is one of England's great arsenals and munitions plants.) "Whereas our enemies have Incessantly bombed open towns such as Karlsruhe. Frnnkfort-on-Maln, Baden, Freiburg and Tueblngen, the effect on the populaltcw has been tho opposite of, that Intended. It has strengthened the public's determina tion to hold on,"' n pWnlllltw W r SAVE MONEY VISIT WEST PHILADELPHIA'S UNIQUE SHOE STORE 5408 to 14 De Lancey Street (llttwrtn Hprurr timl Pine) opi:n vntiij 10 i m. hat'ij'y untii 11 r. m. itnnufactnrrrn' tiamplt drf canceled orders chtcH trr jmrchn&ed from the vioit flcpriitiaMc fnctorlea at ttg reduction enable im tn offtr the moHt NtutinU itotteh in Autumn 1'oattcrar at rt fraction of thrir rial value, J uutititv of material, finish and cnrkuanh& these N'tOM u rf unexcelled bv any (it the city, mo .iaffir tthai uice you pay. SATURDAY GLOVE SPECIALS Men's Mocha-Finished SO OC Suede Gloves ; -J One-clasp. In gray or gray with black backs. Ilegular and cadet sizes. Women's Duplex Gloves, $1.59 Two-clasp. White wlth self and black backs. llrotliers FIIIST FLOOR. EIGHTH ST. any price Sec, then, how and Very Special Value Hats, $2.98 and ribbon trimmings with colored facings I $2 93 fc. fc - 0 J. I 3 mi , PIumaRC Hats, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 to $7.98 riosc-flmnK and rolled-br ni styles. In black, taupe, purple, sand, white nnd iridescent colorings. I.lt nrotlieri FIIIST FLOOIt. NORTH Throughout Are Unexcelled Uw Mr-1 ''A I fsif i i Hi W&M I H . i I Tm asStll 1 K , i Jl f i3 If $12.98 f if :$m - !.: Vr i r i t t ' i -,:. A NP- ' VfW'-'t'L, Wf - 'ST,;?-- ,., 3h -MMSM:'- r:W jiKii-.Hi'j . ..VMMafeiftiMHHBH