Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 26, 1917, Final, Page 20, Image 20

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Industrial Co-operative Study
Divides High School Pupil s
Timo Between Two Fields
"Fltchburgr Plan" Where Testeil, Meets
Approval of Boys, Parents, Manu
facturers and Educators
The Industrial co-operative course of
study, which combines the theoretical work
of the classroom with prAitlcnl shop work
In various' Industries. Is being; urged upon
the Boinl of LMucutlon In this city by the
committee nf chlllnn service and Inbor of
the Home Defense Committee, Recording to
announcement made today by Its chairman.
Franklin Spencer Kdmonds.
This plan provides that manual training
lilRh school Loys more than sixteen years of
tigs' shall be placed In shops for u period of
two weeks, and shall then spend two weeks
at their regular school work. For this pur
pose the school Is divided Into two sections.
While one section Is In the shop tho other is
'at school. When the flrst section has lln
lshed Its two weeks' work It returns to tho
school and Its place In the shops Is taken
by the second division.
The committee headed by Mr. IMmonds
has made a close study of this question The
plan Is known as the "Fltchburg system."
liming been started tome years ago in
Fltchburg, Mass. It was later taken up In
Cincinnati. Ohio, and then In York. Ta Its
value has been demonstrated In these places
by tho enthusiasm displayed by pupils,
teachers, industrial concerns and parents,
according to Mr. IJdmonds.
The resolution bb passed by the commit
tee on civilian service and labor, and as
communicated to tho Doard of Kducatlon,
Is as follows:
Resohed, That tho committee on civil
ian service and labor recommend to the
authorities of tho public, parochial and
private schools of Philadelphia the trial of
a plan for co-operative work and study on
the part of boys more than sixteen j ears
of age, with preference given to the boys
of upper classes, so that they may be
re'eased from school for Industrial work
as will give also a training In all branches
of a trade for a given period of time and
then continue studying for an equal pe
riod of time, alternating with other groups
of boys.
Provided, That this Industrial work
shall be done under the supervis on of
tho school authorities as to the hours
and conditions of employment nt not less
than the standard rate of wages paid by
the' employers of organized labor for
such emp'oyment.
In referring to the resolution, Mr. IM
rnopcls said-
"Th shortage of labor In so many Indus
trial lines which nro essential to the suc
cessful conduct of the vvnr hnn caused con
sideration to be given to what Is known at
the Fltchburg plan In several places It,
this count-y an attempt has been made to
.voik oui a co-operative plan of study and
employment for the older schoolboys.
"Under this p an boys of the same grade
would be dhlded Into two classes. Tho
flrst clnss works in the shops of some In
dustrial establishment for a period of two
weeks while the second class Is In school
The follow'ng two weeks the situation is
reversed. While the second class works In
the shops tV first Is nt school
"The ret result Is to give the family tome
Inccrno from the boys' labor and yet to
enable the boy to continue his education
Moreover, In many technical lines It Is
foil d thit the boy takes hold of his studies
w'tn nn added zest when he has seen the i
annHcitlon of his studies in the shop In
this way tho shup work has nn Important
educational bearing For Instance, In ship
building, where there Is a great demand
fo- labor todoy, the boy who has workeV
In the shop for ome time w 111 come back to
his mechan cal drawing, geometry, efe
with a fresh test and In many cases will
accomplish as much as he would even
though the time devoted to shop work had
been spent on his studies,
"It Is to be hoped that the educational
authorities In Philadelphia cm give this
pla i nn adequate trial so as to clemon
st ate whether It will help to solve tho
acute labor problem nt the present time "
IJ. Gastaud, Chef, Urges Ameri
can Housewives to Adopt
French Peasants' Method
The Oerman" have plotted against our
munitions plants, bridges and ship In our
htrbors, and now. It was pointed out to
day by Alexander (lastaud, pronounced
CoUoe, chef at the Illtz-Carlton, that the
germs of Teutonic shrewdness have been
planted In the kitchens of thousands of
American homes for many jears
"Does the American housewife reallzo
that she Is fostering a German uprising
every time she makes bread?" he asked
today. "Surprising as It may seem, not a
loaf of bread baked by the generally ac
cepted modern methods Is raised tod.i
without the assistance of a foreign agent
In the dough This agent is almost unl
ersally German beer eat."
Monsieur Oastaud cannot reconcile the
use of German yeast with the present status
r this great V i.ted State.i, at war wit.t
Germany, and Its millions of people saving
wheat by turning to substitutes In making
bread. He proposes the simple method of
the French peasant who bakes but once
every two weeks and then a large enough
batch to last till the next baking.
The French peasant saves enough, dough
from her batch to p.ss on to her neighbor.
who In turn does likewise. So does the
dough to round the row.
There Is but ono Oven for the whole
French village, and It never cooIsv nach
peasant Is booked' In turn, and she must be
ready with her two weeks' batch to slip Into
the oven, that her family may have bread
to eat for the ensuing fortnight.
Before the bread dougli '. r.nnlly shaped
Into loaves a plfc! Is taken off and set
aside. In France It Is passed on. nut In
this country It can be kept In the house
until the next batch Is mixed up, by which
time It will have soured. Some hot water
is poured over It and It Is prodded Into a
soft mass, which Is then kneedeJ Into the
rtw batch Tni simple process U repeated
for the next dough
Monsieur Castaud says that bread made
In this way keeps moist a long tjme He
ays that It doe not dry up as does tho
bread midej with German beer yeast, al
though of course he does not expect the
American housewife to keep her bread ro
:omj as the French peasant.
" New Yorli Mayor Ready to EJefy Hys
land at iiger iviuiicaucn iiceun
NKW YOItK Oct 26. Mayor M.tohel
last n'gb.t offered to appear at the ratlAca-
Nm meeMm at Tammany Hall thli ve
n1npr and face Judgs Hylan before his own
wtlence. He 1 no witling to answer que.
Mora any man Jn the hall may care ti
' The Mayor ierd a further point against
Ms Tammaty nnponent when he wrote a
Utter Irv Ung the latter to arp ar before
to budget conmjlt'ee af Its hearing-, either
Saturday or Monday, and say- just what
tiuubf b cut out of the budget of 1318.
Xr MytM tuM( Ylcorously attacked the
-QOTOBEB ,26, fllT
& HI il ""irvvi ' $$ 111 8 s n s "T "i yH" Hi i h i a I
' mSy ' " y fi
S w the woRn rutins .' J7- -C
J " - (OVER MO OVER) S 'r
Police Station Houses' Records
Show Two-thirds' Reduc
tion in "Drunks"
Drunkenness In the Tenderloin has de
creased more than two-thirds since this tlmo
last ear nnd tho police, with one accord
lay this to one major c.iuse und one minor
cauc They point out that the greatest
benefit has resulted from th" Increase of
liquor prices nnd that the prevalence of
Jobs to be had has been a minor contrib
uting factor In the decreae of Inebriety
One oar ago today there were twenty
six men lined up for drunkenness in the
Kleventh and Winter streets station Today
there were live One e.lr ago today there
were sixteen men taken Into the Tenth and
Uuttonwood streets station for being drunk,
and today there were sis For several weeks
past ever since "Doc" Kelly's five-cent
whisky was abolished things havo been the
same 'n the Tenderloin Also, crime has
"Wher? I used to take a wagonload of
twentv prisoners down to Mnjnmenslng
Prison or to the Correction boat a year
ago," said Maity Heffernan, driver of the
Tenderloin van, "I now have at the most ten
nnd sometimes only one or two."
no pmsoNints' what:
Marty neirly fell off his seat one morn
ing last week when there were no prisoners
for his attention Ills territory Includes the
Twentieth and Uuttonwood streets district,
home of the Callowhill street gang ; the
Tenth nnd Uuttonwood streets district, In
the heart of the so-called vice belt; the
Kleventh nnd Winter streets district, which
Includes Chinatown nnd the more garish
Tenderloin : the Fifteenth and Vine streets
dbtrlct. where they get more well-dressed
drunks than nnvwhere In town, and the
Klghth nnd Jefferson streets district. Many
times he Ind to make two trips to carry
the load nf prisoners.
lllll Conner, of the Kighth District patrol
wagon who has carried many "loads" (In
other men's frames) Into the station house
for the last ten years, says "Wa used to
go places and find three nnd four of them
on the ground like after a battle We used
to have to pile 'em Into the patrol wagon
with the lightest and least loaded on top
for safety's s.ike. Now we bring them In
one nt a time nnd only at long Intervals.
The high pr ce of whisky is what does
this. Now we get only those who have been
wurklng nt some hlgh-Mlng place and
want to spend their stake The old-line
bums who used to hang nround and get
stewed for fifteen cents have gone some
place else "
Sergeant I.emaltre, of tho Tenth and
Hutt'i iwnod streets station, was called upon
to pull a "Solomon" this morning when
four "drunks" were lined up bef re him
One fellow had after the manner of al
Cfilmllc Joking affected sometimes, given a
friend's name when he had been brought
In A little while later the friend was
rounded up and became greatly Incensed
ivhen the ops hinted that he didn't know
nls own name and address "All right,"
ne said, and he cheerfully gave a phoney
name liuch of the four men lined up this
morning in fact had given a phoney name,
whic'v he didn't remember, the police win
locked them up were off clut" nnd there
was money coming to two of fie quartet
"Stick around sober today un.ll tonight.'
raid Sergeant Lemnitre. "nnd then come In
The sergmnt who received you may bo able
;o identify )ou and tell which of you had
the money."
Of course this morning there was n poor
soul who had lost his trousers In the shuttle
nnd nnother who wanted to know where
"I'lg Island where they make the gov'ment
ships was located" Hut these were the
"last of the I5o-hlccoughs" you might say
they personified tho groggy efforts of
the Demon Hum Just before the final knock
Ivories nnd Statuettes Bring Total of
Sale Up to Fully
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Some of the
more costly art objects In the "Diamond
Jim" Brady collection were reached yester
day In the sale at the American Art Asso
ciation, nnd larger price t were the rule.
The leading price was $580, which was
paid by A. Itudert. agent, for a statuette
In gilt bronze jt a bacchante by J. L.
Oerome Mr. Itudert also gave $410 for
a cameo carving by George Woodall and
$650 for two paintings on Ivory of Eliza
beth of France nnd Maria Theresa of
D D n'ocm paid $135 for a ewer and
a salver In Inp'.s and enamel ; Mlas It. II,
Lorenz. agent, bought a Japanese Ivory
for $15."; I. Fermer paid $180 for a stnt
uette of Kwannon; Countess de Valmont
gave $150 for a carved group In Ivory,
and II. J Foster paid $205 for a carved
Ivory tusk vase. For a second tusk vase
Mr. Foster gave $185.
A. W. Lamport b ught a Japanese tusk
vase for $300, a Japanese group in Ivory
for $290 and a pair of Chinese trays for
$160. II. S. Homer paid $280 for a figure
ot Kwannon In Ivory, Alexander Dyce gave
$210 for a Japanese Ivory group. A. Gro
shof bought a Japanese eagle In Ivory for
$275. G. O. Canfleld paid $125 for a statuette
of Chrysls In French Ivory and an Ivory
relief cirvlng went to Clapp & Graham
for $J90.
G. Illcky paid $175 for an enameled pot
tery plaque, n. R. Jacobs gave $290 for a
pair of Austrian enameled standing cups
with covers, and Mlas Llsberger bought a
silvered bronze statuette, called "The
Comet. for $200
The total for the afternoon was $17.
272.50, making the grand total to dat
4C.m B"
of Proverbs: Tread on a worm and it will
Former Ambassador's Name
Stricken From Rolls War
Cuts Income $135,000
PltlNCinoN. N J., Oct 2fi War con
ditions have seriously affected the flnam.es
of Princeton l'nlverslt. the hoard of
trustees reve.ilid. The ilpnrturc, of under
graduates for active service has caused a
decrease In Income from room rents and
fees of $ir..ooo
By practicing economy In nil departments
the university Is having 120,00ft but despite
this n dellclt ; tnoro than $115 000 for tho
voir Is estimated Similar conditions have
been reported from Yale nnd Harvard
The finance committee leporteil gifts since
the June meting of the board of $112,000.
of which $1.1.000 Is for endowment and
$B7.000 for current expenses Other spe
cial gifts included $3000 for ti memorial
to Iman C. Hutler, of tbe class of 1910,
and $21. ono in Liberty UonUs fiom the
class of ItiOfi
Frederick Strauss, of the J. W Sellg
man Compin. of New York, was appointed
to the confeience committee In the depart
ment of economics.
In lieu of the revelations recently made
by tho State Department concerning the
operations of the (lermnn cmbissy in the
L'nltcd States, the board of trustees unani
mously passed a resolution thnl the name of
Count Johann von Iiernstorff. who was
granted a degree of doctor laws In 1013, be
stricken from tho rolls of the University
Two Conservation Days for New York
Ni:V YOItK, Oct 215 Arthur Williams,
New York's food administrator, will soon
decree two meatless dtys and two wlientlcss
days a week, he said today. He will also
dally announce honest prices for all staples
to thwart the profiteers.
At.I.nN On Ortoliir the Hth. 1017. HALI.tll
VHAItTON AIA.V.S. widow of the Intc I'rederlck
Atlfn nt thp n-ni'l'Mire of her riHURhtcr Mrs
William MarKhall lllnklc. 13:M N 1,1th. t . In
her 7."th vtnr llplitlves and rrltndN arp tnvlttd
to nttfnd the funeral st-nlcm on Haturdiv.
OcIoIkt the 27th. nt tl a m at the Oliver II.
Ilalr llu"dlnc ISL'o Chotnut st Interment prl
iatp Kindly omit flowers
Al.l,i:.s" Suddenly nt Jersev Oltv N j
Oct Si, llH'HAnl) AI.I.KN. aged nt 1'uner.il
private riat in in . rrnldenee of daushtera.
Sirs Hnhart llruker nnd Mrs (leraon t'oit.
Herder live Ilordentow n, N J. In". Itorden
t0AMimosn Oct 21. MAUOAUKT. wife of
Ii nnl Amiiro Kuneral Hat . s an a m .
renldonce ot John J llradley H r. ror 4Hth
nnd VVs 'islnj nve. HlBh mass Our Mother
of Sorrows I'hurch to n m. Int. Hob Croas
IVm JteUtlv. a and friend" Invited
rAIT.nv Oct. J3 formerlv of 2107 Inncrsotl
st CHAllI.r.S I, son of late Itol.ert I. and
Jnne II Jlallev Relatives nnd friends Local
No M. Metnl Lnthera' International Union.
Invited to funeral ervtc.o Sat. a p m.
brotlier-lti-laVs reildtnoe. Norwood P Holland,
121 S "Uth at Int prlvnte, Mt Vernon Cem.
Itemalns may le viewed I rl . 8 to 10 p m Auto
"llAKKIl At Vnlted Stutea Navsl Hospital,
nrookim n y Oct 21 lioiir.itT i: iiaki:ii.
of the United States Navy nited 11 n former
memb r of t'o F 4th lVnna Infnntn H, la
tle and friends Invited to funeral, Sun . 2 p
m. resilience of mother. Mis Ir m Kd.
wards 1110 N Crelchton st VVeat Thlla Int
I-Vrnwood Cem Auto fervlce. l'ottsvlllo papers
HAM., Oct 21 JOHN M, husband nf Mary
T Hrfll rn Donohuo) and sun of Thomas and
late Catharine Hall (nee (V)lrlen) Itelatlves
and friends all societies of which h was n
memb.r. Invited to funeral Sat, 8 30 4 m.
.1K.VI Ilrandvwlne st Itlsli mass St A.,itia'
Church III n m Int St IVnl s Cem
IIKOK. At Camp Hancock. Augusta. Os .
Oct 22 I.leut KAMI. I IIITK V S It non
of Herman and Christina Heck (nee, Kasscl).
aitd 22 Relatives nnd friends. Court Nlmrod
No m V of A . Oerman Ilene Union, No Fit,
.md l'hlln Turnuemclnde Invited to funeral.
Sun 2pm parents' residence. 31.17 N. 7th
t Int. Mt Peace Cem Auto funeral.
HKl.STKKI.INtl Oct 2.V MARY widow- of
Cant John J I leister llnV. ased ss Relatives
and friends Invlt'rt to funeral Mon . 2 n m
ln'i Rlpka ave, . Manajunk Int West Laurel
Hill Cem Friends ma rail Sun eve
nonn. vt 2- klizaiu-.th janh widow
of Levi a Ilobb need fill Relatives ami friends
Invited to funeral Sat . 1.. ID p m. K3t w
Somerset it Int Odd I ellows' Cem. Remains
may be viewed rrl.. K to 10 p. m
IIOOSS. Oct. 21. CHARI.KS V husband of
lite Ulllabetb lloosi. ased KN Relatives and
frlvnds Invllid to funeral services. Sat, ail
n m . 4137 N. Uber at Int. private. Northwood
-At I,os Anffeles Cal n., nn
wife nf Charles M Hrilrch. aaed
112 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
services, sal ; J" p. m . parlors or s i
Krankenfleld Sons .13U0 Vino t. Int. Ternwood
Crm Auto funeral
Hltl'IT Oct !M MAROARET. widow of
Jacob ltrelt. need fit Relatives and frln,t
Altar and Rosary Societies and Laacue of the
Sacred Heart of St Ilonavrnturn's Church and
Altar Socletv of St. Henry's Church. Invited
to funeral. Snt. 8.30 a m. residence of son-in-law
Kdw A Illetz, 2S48 N Marshall at
Solemn htsrh requiem mass St Ilonaventura'a
Church 10 a m Int Old St Peter's Cem
CLAIIK. Oct as. ItOIIRRTSON. formerly of
21(lt N. Tark ave . husband of Llllle Clark
aced 33 Relatives and friends Invited to fu.
neral Sun ,3pm npts Wm. H. Ilattersby
33111 N. Urood st. Int Northwood Cem Auto
"CoullNS. Oct. 52. suddenly WILLIAM F
son of William and Catharine, Collins (nee
Lome) Relatives nnd friends Invited to fu
neral. Sat . 8 .30 a. m, parents' residence. 3103
liolxrnda st. So'emn reaulem mass Church of
Nativity in a m. Int. St. Mary's Cem. Rox
bcrniih Auto funeral.
CONNOR. Suddenly. Oct. 22. ALVIN. hus.
band of Catharine Connor (nee Harris), and
son of QeorKe and Mary Connor. Relative, and
friends Invited to funeral services, Sat 11
a. m.. 2815 W. Clementine t Int. Odd Fel
Iowa' Cem., Gladuyne. Pa Itemalns may be
Vuwea ro., e, iw .,,, u' itiuerni
husband of Mary A Cooper, need (S3 Relutlvea
and friends Invited to funsrul services. Sat. It
a. m., residence of son. Charles K Cooper, Han
f Divinity at.. West ft'hlla. Int Mountain
Home. Pa.
COSTIQANK Suddenly. Oct 24. JILIZA
IIKTH N.. wl'e of George CostUane. Funeral
at the. convenience of the family.
CRANE. Oct. 25. JO.SKI'll HALRKV. of Day.
ton O at St. .Luke's llo.nl u I, New York. 2 j
m . aed 12, Husband of Julia Patterson Crane.
ind fnthcr nf '?"'" i vrane and Jefferson
I-. Ljrane. mi. oa,,, -w
D. m.. at ni.lnn r
. FRANK II.. hubami XV
ntta tXrknon (nrp Stottlet). acd ."tT itt.n..
' nnd frtnda Invited to arcrw. Sat., L p. m..
POUOHERTY, Oct. 24. MICHAEL, husband
of Margaret Dougherty R-latllea and friends
tnvlt-4 u funeral. 8at...7d0 ra.. cor. Ruck
road and Walnut lam. Haverford pa 80i,mn
mass of requiem Church of Our Mother of Good
counsel, Ilryp Mawr. 0 a. m. Int. Cathedral
C,DilANSFIELD Oct 23. JENNIE, widow- of
James Dransdeld (ne. Erchert) and daughter of
Carrie and lata Stephen Johann. aged S7. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 7 Ju
a m , residence of son. Charles Erchert 02
Oransbaeh s . Mass t Ascension Church S
m Int Hnly Sepulchre Cem Omit rowers
husband of Martha C Drudlrur (ne. Davidson)
an, inn nf IJxxl. W- and lat. lewla nrnrilnv
aged S3 years Relative, ana friend, a 1m
Washington Csmr.. No. Jllfl. P. O. 8. of A-t
I ftatern.l Palrlotle Amerlran.. and employe.
1 pf Renew -.evil rs Invlte4 o'servlo.Moa.,
2pm, Mil Chestnut st Int. Arllnaton Cem.
Hi mains may be viewed Sun.. 7 to II p m
ih.i.iott Oct 23 iin.vnr r. yi ni..
LLIOTT, hcsbnnd of late Sophia Fulton i:intt
aired ill. IUlathcn nnd friends. Court Tlomi No'
118 V of A : Kensington I.ndae No "mt r'
O. O. F i Painting nnd Carpentera' Dent . Midi
vale Steel Works Invited to funeral services
Sat , 2 p. m . :i."48 Svdenham at . Tioga. Re!
nnlns nmj bo viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Int
Hillside Crm. '"
IH.I.ISON Oct 21, KLIX.AI1KTH widow- of
John P Ellison Relatives and friend Invited
to funeral Sat. 8 Jo n ni son-in-law's resi
dence. John J. Motley. 1121 Foulkrod st
Frnnkford Solemn requiem mas St. Joachim'
Church 111 n. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem
Auto funeral
FLUX Kit Oct 24 MARY, vvldow of Chris,
tlan riexer. nged SJ Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services Sat .2pm 43-.0
Mnnavunk nve.. Roxborough Int. private
FLINT Oct 24. CLAltA. widow of Thomas
It Flint nnd dnugbtir nf late Charles W nnd
Mary A Hums Relatives and friends Invited
to services. Sat 2 m , 207 Snude nve
Ksilwtton In Int private St. rnul's aerm-iii
Lutheran Cem . Ardmore. Pa
KOHSTNLH SuddinlJ. OU 23
.inns m-
husMinn 01 i;mn t. 1 orstner
aired r,S Relatives and frli mis.
Whlttaker Cctton Mllla. Wnuli n
Yarn Workers' Union. Nn. 82:
(Hop Ilnnrtl
emploe nf
and fnrpt
. lnvltetl to
Hrl.hn. ..
funeril Sat 1 p m , 212," K
Int. ureenwoou u or 1
vleued Frl. nfter 7 11
Cm. Hi mains may bo
FRKHMAN Suddenly. Oct 24. lt)17 IIRNnv
O KRLKMAN Jr funeral servkea and Int
OAMIH.H Oct. 23 nt Ilurllngton. N J
MARGAItirr widow of Joseph Qamble Rela
tives nnd frlendH Invltid to funeral Sat.. 1 S
m.. 214 Dlllwjn st Hurilngton. N J. mt
Lvercreen (em . Lumberton, N J.
(IlLMOt'R Oct 24, JAMKS. husband nf
Isiliella Ollmour (neo Petrle). Relatlies nnd
friends emploses of C. II. Newbold estate In.
vlied to funeral" services, Mon, 2.10 p m
Fox Chase mud. Jenklntown. Pa. Int private'
Law nv lew Cem. Remains may bo viewed Sun '
7 to 11 p m "
(11THENS Oct. 2S, MARION S , husband
nf llertha fJlthcna (nee Knppenhenfer). Rela
tives and friends members of Hnokhlndors'
Friendly Soilet of Phlla . Apollo Lodge No
3 S of H and lllble clas of HMnuVrinnnn
Ave Prcshterlnn Church, Invited to funernl
services Sat , J m . apartmenta 0f Harold
II Mulligan. 2.VO N 10th st (cor 1 0(1, nnd
(lermantown ave ) Int private Htmalns mav
be vl. wed Frl eve Auln funeral "ay
ORIFFIN At Rerlln. N ,T Oct 21 MAR.
C.ARF.r. wife of heth (I Urlrfln nged .111 lel".
tlves and friends Invited to fumrnl services
Sat , 3 v in late nsidence, Rerlln. N j'
Int Utrl.n Cem
HACKElt On Oitnber 22, 1017. at her
residence, 1H2H S Rlttenhouie square HArtAii
KARLK. wife nf the late Charles Hacker Serv
ices private New York und Ntw England pa
pers pleas 1 opv
HOTTENSTINE Oct. 24. MARY, vvldow of
lite Francis It Hnttenstlne, Relatives and
friends Kemtrmle Council No 127, D of P
8,,at, the .W'."' 'a.'U,!. No- 32' Shepherds oi
llethlehem. Invited to funeral services Sa
2 n. m residence of niece. Mrs. Saillo Pallatt"
213 W. Tabor rd Remains mav be view id Frl
J n' ni" "' m' In' 1I"l8ld0 Ccm' Ma auto
HCMPHRIKS. Suddenly, Oct. 24 STE
PHEN T . husband of Elizabeth Humphries (nee
Urban) Relatives nnd friend, empluna of
Lucas Paint Co nnd Ilrejer's Ice Crvam Co
Invited to fumrnl services, Mon . 2 p m par
lors of Ueorge W llarrett N E cor P.irk nnd
Lehigh nvea Int Hillside Cem . via funeral
ar. Remains may be viewed Sun . H to 10
l m
JUNES. Oct. 2.-.. DORIS S. wife of Jona
than It Jones Funeral servlies. It R Hrlng
hurst & Co . 1024 Arch at . Mon . 2 p m. Int.
. K'JLLEY Oct 24. SAHINA. wife of Hugh
Andrew Durkln Relatives nnd friends Invited tc
funeral. Sat . S 3D n. m.. 23V. N 2.M at. Sol
emn requiem mass St. Columlm'a Church 10 a.
m Int Holv Sepulchre dm. Auto funeral
KELLY Oil 21 MARV. wife nf John Kelly
(nee Mtxgerald) Relatives nnd friends Invited
tri funeral. Mon . 8 30 a m . 3717 Aspen st.
High mass of requiem St Agnes' Churth 10
a m Int Hnl Croas Cem.
MNDIO Suddenlv. Oct 23. ANNA MARY,
widow of Henri K Klndlg Relatlvs and friend
Invited to funeral services .Sat . J n m , resi
dence of brother. II c Wagner. 4004 Cedar
uve Int. private Auto service.
KNOEI.L Suddenly. Oct 23. ANNIE II .
wife of William C KnoeR (nee Rlssell), aged
41 Relatives and friends members of Arch
confraternllv Holy Fumllv of St. Peter's
Church. Ladles' Auxlllarv of II P o. E., In
vited to funeral. Sat . s 30 a m , inio N 4th
t Solemn high requiem mass St. Peter's
Church in a. m Int private Auto service.
KULI.MANN Oct 23 OEOROE. husband of
Anna Kullmnn (nee Klrschner). ngid r1 Re'a
tlvea and friends memltors of Idaho Tribe. No.
7.1. I O. R M , Franklin Castle. No 24. A O.
K of M. C. , Phlla Ilutchers' Ilenenctal sso ,
No I, Phlla Schuetzen Vereln, Phlla. Quartet
Club. Invited to funeral. Sun. 1.30 p. ni., S.
E cor Franklin st. and Indiana uve. Int.
Chelten Hills Cem
LAI'IIENSTINE Oct 23. MAZIE, only child
nf William and Jnste Laubensttne. aged 18.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon..
8.30 n. m . parents' residence. 1750 St. Paul
at , Nlcctown Solemn requiem mass St.
Stephen's Church, 1(1 a m. Int Holy Sepul
chre Cem Auto funeral
LEWIS. Oct 23 CIEOROB E.. husband of
Susan H. Iwls Relatives nnd friends. Niag
ara Fire Co invited to funeral services, Snt.,
I p m . 311 1: Maple nve Merchantvllle,
N J. Int. private. Ivy Hill Cem . Phlla. Frlenda
unv view n mains Tri . s p m.
MANSIIIP Oct. 24. FRANCES E. daughter
nf Anna nnd late Simuel V Manshlp, nged 10,
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services.
Sat.. 3 30 p m . brother's residence. 0311 Ross
st . Qermnntnwn Int. private.
McOEEHAN Oct 23. CHAI1I.ES. lmsbnnd
of Mary SIcdeehan (nee McMnnlcal). aged S3,
nf Ralllnacarrlck. Cnuntv Donegal, Ireland
Relattvis nnd friends Holv Name Society.
emploes of Mldvale Steel Works invited to
funeral. Satv 8 30 n. m.. 173U St. Paul at.
Solemn requiem mass St Stephen's Church 10
a m Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem
Mclaughlin Oct 23. Catharine l..
widow of Daniel McLaughlin Due notice of
funeral given, son's residence ano'j N llrnail at.
Abraham Michael aged 78. Relatives and
irienas invuea 10 lunerai aervices, sun . 2 n m
3VJ0 N. Ilrond at
private, Auatn Jcinu-
run (Tern.
MILLER Suddenly. Oct 24.' Miss ROSE
MILLER, formerly of 2342 Ridge ave. Funeral
will ,bo announced at a later date, (rom
nephew's residence. Frank J. Huber, 1817
Dsiy at.
MILLETT Oct 23 ANNIE, vvldow ot
George W Mlllett. Relatives and friends In
vited to .funeral services, Sat., 2 11 m . 1B3I
W Passyunk ave. Int. private. Friend, may
call Hrl 8 to 10 p m
AOHAN, husband of Annie Monaghnn (nee An
dersnn) and son of lata Patrick and Eleanor
Monaghan, Relatives and friends, 211th Want
Republican Executive Committee. Invited to fu
neral, Mon,. 8 a. m brother's residence, James
C Monaghnn. 1723 Moor, st (formerly ot 17.17
Stgel at.). Solemn btgh masa ot reqi."n St
Thomas Aqulnus' Church t;ui, m Int. Holy
Cross Cem
. .MURPHY Oct 23 JOHN, husband Of lat.
Margaret Murphy Relatives and friend. In
vited voiunerm nai. iau a, m.. son', res!
unite. u.ii ,, .iuriii-, u.ii r. v.lea
st. Solemn requiem pas. Ihurch of Nu
0 n m. Int. ft. .")'- cm.
MlinP'w. At. Conshonocken. Pa.. Oct. 24
MAP.T A. daughter of late John and Mary
Murnhv Relatlvea and friends invito A e...
neral. Sat.. 8 a. m . 443, W. Elm at.. Con.ho,
nncaen. u.owiriiiii nisn requie
requiem mas.
Matthew's Chuhch 0:S0
iinttnew n .vcw uem
MURPHY. Oct. 24. at Burlington. N. J
MARGARET CR18PEN. Vvldow of Zander l'
Murphy Jne"! service., daughter's niH
dence, Mr., Nathan Humes :j w. Union .t
Ilurllngton. Bat.. J! p. m. Int. private.
NOBTII Hrotherrtdell. Edward (OEOROE
JOSEPH NOETII) Rorn In Hassfurt. JJavirla
1884; died Oct 24.2:30 a.m. Ofnce.Frl..7
p:m.. at College. 1240 N. nroad. Mas.'sitl
ii a. nu. tft. ilalachy'. Church. 11th and Master
ats Int. Am.mendale. Md.
PEDniCK Suddenly. Oct, 21, HARRY PED.
RICK. Relative. nnd friend., employe, of
Illalsd.ll Paper Pencil Co . Invited to funeral
service.. Sat . S p. m., 17U Hlavl. .t . Ni'.'
town. Int. private. Oreenwood (K of P.) Cem.
Auto funeral. Remains may be viewed Frl eve
MAN. husband of- Rose A Pfterman Rela
tlvea nd friends without further notle. In.
vlted to funernl. Sat. a p. m. lat. re.ldenre,
IMn 11 II T . n.a.al.lln. Ml-.J ..I
., ' V-l tiV VJrt tin. iiiusio. iem
and of iCatharln. JPrlns nea Uenberg.r). nelal
Ive. and friends, .11 nel.tle. of which ho wa.
-nii..- 7- - nuuuinir,
6J3 W Cambria .t. Int. Northwood Cro, Omit
flowers, Autn funeral. SB ."
nteetL-n rv- m unit . .'- ..
I Charles B.eer. aseijvjo. Relative, and ff lend.
ili(e.Wy of 6J. Wtlus ChurHviM
r tJKATIWL - -
to funeral Mon . 8 80 a m . 4004 I-anejster ave.
Solemn requiem mass, 81 Ignatius Church, i
" m. Int St Denis Cem. Friends may call
Sun . A p m Auto funeral . ... ,
TER aged 23. Relative, and friends Invited to
services, Hat , 2.30 p. m , Oliver II llalr I"" 1
1820 Chestnut at. Int. private Odd Fellow.'
'lUEXINOER Oct !l. MATIY A., wife of
Charie. Riexlnzer (neo Scherle), aged Kd. Hela
tlve. and friends, member, of Allar Society of
St. Ilonaventura'a Church, Invited to funeral,
Mon., 8.30 a m , 018 W Cambria st. ,,?o,;rn,n
requiem masa St Honaventurn's Church 10 a. m,
Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto funeral,
LOF8, aged 80 Relatlvea and friends Invited
to funeral services. Frl.. B n m.. David II,
Schujler llldg., Ilrond and Diamond sis, Int,
nUM.MLER (nee Doehele), wife of Chrlsllsn
Rummler, aged 38 Relatives and friends In.
vlted to funeral aervices, Sun.. 2..10 p m, 13H
W. York st. Int. Ilellvue Cem . Auto funeral.
wife of Charie. T Sale, aged a8 RclatUen nnd
friend. Invited to funeral. Mon . 2 P. m Hustle
ton nve, Ilustlcton. Phlla Int St. Lukes
Cem. Train for Hustleton leaves Hroad St.
Station 12.03 p. m Convejances will be In
waiting. Auto funeral
SCHALL Oct 21 JACOI1 M., husband of
Sallle r. Schall (nee Kumtnerer). Itelatlves and
friends ltrnlherhnod of Railroad Traljimen,
Ix)dio No. 387, nnd relief department of Petinn
R R Invited to funeral services, Sat ,2pm
127 Dupont st.. Manayunk. Int. private
Friends mav call Frl eve ...., ,,
of John II, Sihoepnin. nged . Itelatlves and
friend Invited to funeral services. Mon . i r,
m , 43nn (lermnntown nve , Mcetnwn. Int. prl
vnte, Oreenmount Cem. Auto funeral Re
mains mav be viewed Sim eve. ,.,
dvughter of Alfred W nnd lafe Sarah C
Schwartz Relatlvea ami friends Invited to fu
neral services. Sat . II n m . residence nf
George S Carpenter, 203 Dupont et., Manayunk
tlvcs nnd friend Invited tn services. Sat , 2 p.
m. 2721 Tlronn at Int private
SHARP Oct 23 MART SHARP (nee Frlel)
Relatives nnd friends Invited tn funeral. Sat .
8 30 n. m , .11131 Harper at High requiem mass
St Francis Xavler's Church 1U u. .n. Int Holy
rs.MITHm Oct 2.",. SUSANNA, widow of
Georrn Vv Smith, formerly nf Edgehlll Pu.. and
late of 4440 (lermnntown uvo , nged 71. Rein
tlves nnd frlinds Invited to funeral services.
Sat.. 2pm, resldenco of sister. Mrs Harry
.1 llloomer. 110.1 Willow st Jenklntown. Va.
Int. private. Hillside Cem Auto funeral
SMITH (nee Fennjpncker) Oct 2.1 ELLLN
A., wlte of Thomaa J Smith Relatives and
frlrnds Invited to funeral. Sun. 1pm. 41)21
Nice st. Nlietown Int. Oiklind Cem Rc
miln miy Ih vlewrd Sat. 8 p pi
SMITH Suddenb, Oct 23. ALHERT L..
husbnnd of Resale W. Smith Due notlto of
funenil chin from 2!H1 W Lelilgh nvi
SOLLIDAY ). I. 24. CLAl DE GERY. son of
Wllllnni II Hnd Hannnh Snllldav (neo Oerv).
aged 2-'. Relatlies nnd friends Invited to fu
neril s rv Ices Frl.. 8 p. ni parents' residence,
2014 N 31st at. Int New Goshenhoppen
Church. East Grenvl!le, Pa Sat., via Colum
bia ave. station U.lil n. m. train
SPARKMAN Entered Into life eternnl at
Pnterson N.J on Tuesday October 2.1. 1017.
CHARLES PLACE, beloved husband nf Helen
E Snnrkmnn (nee Malson). In hi 07th vear.
Relatives nnd friends nro Invited tn nttend the
funeral nn Frldav. October 2illh. 11117 at 8 30
P in .from St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Pater-
"VVEENEY Oct 23. MARY, widow of John
Sweenev nnd daughter of late Michael and Mary
McCnrlhv Duo notice of funeral, from 1024
fehnmnU'n si
TAGGART Suddenly. Oct 21. WILLIAM T..
son of lato llltnm T. and Rebecca Taggart.
Hun notice of funeral given from parlors of
William II. Chew. S W cor SUtli nnd
' 'VoMPKINS Suddenly. Ort 23, ALLIC E.,
wir nt I'leil I. 'Inmpkln Due notice of fu
nrral from 483M Cedar ave. W. Phlln.
wife nf Just ph A Van Nostrand (nee Orth).
Rehitlvis nnd friends Invited to funeril serv
ile 221 N .Itst st , Mon . S p. in sharp.
WALSH Oct 24. MARTIN, husband of
late Anna Walh, aged 71. Relatives nnd
friend Invltid to funeral. Sat.. 7 30 n. m,
lesldence of Danld Flnnertv, 2312 Almond st.
High must Holv Nomo Chutch 10 u m. Int.
Old Cnthedrnl Cem.
WARDEN Oct. 21 420S Walnut St.. the
Relatives nnd friend Invited lo services. Sat.,
11 m . Tabernacle Pr-sbvterlan Church, 37th
and Chestnut sts. Int Princeton N J
WATSON Oct 211, ANN, widow of James M
Watson Relatives nnd friends Invited to serv
ices. Mon . 2 p m . MlaO Elmwood ave. Int.
WEAVER Oct 23. residence of daughter,
Mrs ClWord R. Ely. 2043 W. Tioga st . ELL
WOOD G. WEAVER Relatives and friends In
vltid to services Sat 2.10 P m. Oliver It.
llalr Hldg , 1820 Chestnut st Int. private.
band of Iftte Louise Weber (nee Schutt), aged
110 Relatives nnd friend. Lnuls Rergdoll Brew
ing Co. Arbeiter Unt creln United Ilrevvery
Workmen of America. Local Union No. 1112
Jllamontl l-.im erein. .n ,
llergdnll Drew In Co Invited
Iris. Sut L P.'m 2312 Oaui
(Iriitimount Cem Remains m:
Dlamoml Kin verein. .n einnioves i.ouis
invnen xo lunerai serv-
ui st. int private.
mav he viewed Frl
8 tn 10 n m Auto fumrnl
WHELAN Oct 2.1. nt Reading Pa . FRAN
CIS J . husband of Margaret Whelnn (nee
Kellv). Relntlves nnd friends, emplnves of
Phlla nnd Rending Rwy , Invited to funernl,
c, 7 n. m 1013 Perrv at . Rending. Pa.
Solemn requiem mass St Joseph's Church 8 30
n m Int. Holy Redeemer Cem . Phlla Train
arrives at Columbia Ave Station 11.3.1 a m.
WHITMAN Oct 2.1 WALTER L , hushand
nf Martha A. Whitman (nee Hoone). aged 02.
Relatlvea nnd frlcnda invited to funeral serv
ices. Sat . 2 30 p in , chapel of ICIrk & Nice,
fi.ini Oermantown nve . Germantown. Int. pri
vate. West Laurel Hill Cem Remains may be
N. J.
. rw''. . . .A ,mry
2 lines cars. Pensauken and Trenton trolleys.
Sc fare. L'3 minute, to ferry.
Merchants and Miners Trans. Co service from
naltlmore and Philadelphia to Savannah, and
Jacksonville "Ily bea" Is being maintained a.
usual, which orfirs the best w.-vy to travel South
In comfort at low fans with best servlie. One
way and round trip tickets to principal points,
Including meals and stateroom accommodations
nu steamer It will be to our advantage to
consult vis about our. trip South
..,... ,- 1 22.i So. Ilrond St.
iicuei u. ; rpr ,R 8o ,
General Office naltlmore, Md.
Wl)RI FYS Grsate.t Hotel Sueci..
VVJILX O Greatest Re.rt
Dlno or Sun In the Famous
ffparl.n Flrerrortf Oarats
Galen Hall
ffl noiQlandSanatonum
(sWqlvCd for it's superior
Tonic and Curative baths,
- tiojn
Hnrpl RnRrnKl Knuek ve near
noiei OOSCODei nefflChi open all year.
Special fall rate., Phon. 117 A B, Marlon.
Westminster Ur- av- ne,r neach. ei.t.
nuuuiuiiu tQ r(eti Prlv. Datnli ,
rattr. flOupvrkly., 12 up dally. Chas. Ruhr..-
V. t n i n k.
Beautiful days
on South Moun
tain. Coll, Ten.
nis, Good Music.
Fine Dath and
I Massage Department. Through Pull
man (rom N.Y.and Pbllad.. MdXUO H. WINS. Mfl.
W.ller. Park. Pa.
THE WALTER wAirEita vxuks pa.
IMC. Wlilc-" In th Mountain.. Lead-
!S Health Resort of Werner.vlll.. Pa. llklt.
ie,.fi Plan. II Dr day .nd ud. Modern.
un to din. chMtful. . Suite, with prlvat. bth.
Ilaltlmor. and Washlmton car. .top at th.
I oor.
aoor. Mnu noon iw-n untiiiiuuiiiiik.
IElii9rVillt'l-el I 3 I
viewed late residence 4333 N 17th st Nlc.
town! Frl . T to 10 p, m Norjl.town paper.
""vViLKINSON -Suddenly. Oct 21. AGNES,
wife of John Wilkinson tnee .McKlbben). , rd
03 Rekvtlves nnd friends members of Busiue
hanna Ave rresbvtcrlan "uf,,h.n,R,v"rf '?,'?.'
neral trv ces. Hat , 2 P. ",' ".oTn n' m
st. Remains msy be, viewed Frl , 8 to 10 p. m.
Int. Ardsley Rurlal Park, Ma funernl enr.
WILLF.TT8. Oct, 24, DENNIS ,J .eon of ale
Jacob nnd Annie will.tts (nee Haley). Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 8.30 ft, m .
1413 N 4th st. Solemn requiem mass at St,
illehael's Church 10 n, ra. Int. Old Cathedral
Cem. Auto funeral. ...
WILSON. Oct, 23, nt Ayrestovyn, N. J..
RICHARD It, WILSON, husband of Han
nah Wilson, aged 70, Relatives nnd friend.
Invited to funeral. Mon . 2 P. in.. Ayres.
town. N J Int. Evergreen Cem., Lumberton.
Remain mav he viewed Sun. eve. Auto will
meet 11.12 train from Phlln. at Mt. Holly
STF.R, wife nf Charles Wurster. nged 62. Rela.
tlves nnd friends Invited to funeral services,
Mon . 10 n. in., 1(133 N. 27lh st. Int. private
Hillside Cem. Friends may cmII Sun., 7 to 0 P,
m. Auto funeral.
. S2.50
l.onnn $1000 tor 910
Urine rntir dlamondH, Matches nnd Jrwrlry to
th lurceftt pawnhliop In the oriel.
Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine '
Moth Hexes
Banks Night School
to fill one of the thousand, of good
positions opened by the great wave of
prosperity. The demand for well-trained
otTtco assistants, nccountants. stenogra
phers and secretaries was never so great.
Ilegtn tonight In this great school, which
has graduated so many thousand, of
successful men and women. Sessions
every night except Saturday. Special
classes tuught Tuesdays and Thursday..
Enter any time.
Banks Business College
Salesmanship Public Speaking
under a Lecturer and Teacher of 20 year.' t
ternatlonnl experience and estab. reputation.
Penna. School for Social Service
Hospital, Social Service. Recreation, House
Hvglene and Sanitation.
RegUter Ileforo November 1st,
Fee Ti per Class, Circular.
Applr RegUtrar. 1303 Pine M.. Philadelphia.
STRAYFR'S Tn" ""' H"lne School
O 1 tu I CI. J 801-807 Chestnut Street
Po Itlons gu a ranteed . Enter now Day or night.
Privatn 1 ennt1!"ll,l' French. Oermaa,
mvaie leSSOnS i,tin. Mathematics.
Dmiliuavil nt ill la Xf tmttt WlMmati 1 llTO Mama m
ADULTS ofneglected education English, elo-
cnllon rapidly taught. X inn. Ledger Central.
Young Men and Rots
Swarthmore Preparatory School
For Boy. A well-established school for a lira.
Ued number of students. 'Each boy la developed
to do hta best. Recreation balanced with .tudjr.
Strong Junior Department. Write a frank lattsr
about your boy problem a.k for catalog.
A. II. TOMLINSON, Headmaster
Swarthmore. Pa.
Young Men nnd Ror.
the nrm It', your patriotic duty
33d Year Individual Instruction. Personal
Supervision All branches. A School of
Public Performance. Teachers' Normal
Training Course Publlo School Music Su
pervision. Degrees conferred Reciprocal
relations with Unlv of Pa. Dormitories for
women A School of Inspiration, Lojalty,
Success Year-Hook free.
Gilbert Unjnolds Combs, Director
Offices, Studios, Dormitories. Broad & Reed.
UlttY&'i? d "srTl?ELn"JH55TnA,?i. ft
Catalog. Phone Tioga 8810.
3304 N. nroad St. 1714 Chestnut St.
RAGTIME in 20 leason. or Money Back.
tiled free. CIIUISTKNSKN Piano Seho.ih
20 Chestnut St., 1412 Venango St.. 1326
isker St. 'Phone Sprue. 067.
Tasker i
Fend for catalog. 28 course.. 1421 Arch strwt.
Phila. Conservatory0' T xsm .t.
D)rctor -P. II. Ermn. II. Van p'tn llman.
Charles Westel
Pl.no InstraeU.a
1114 Cli.atnut St.
MRS. KLENAN. 30 E. Lozan St.. Oermantown.
private and class lessons Wyoming 27S7 w.
M SOMERSON has purchased from Joseph
Numroaky lot of furniture at 2015 nidge,
nve. Creditor, present claims before Satur
day noon. October 27, to Llpshutz & Wurz.L
N E. cor. 7th and Glrard ave.
BILL CLERK, one familiar with Oliver type.
writer preferred, Apply Harrison, Inc., 3500
Oray'a Ferry road.
CHAMBERMAIDS. 120 per month, with board
lodging and laundry work. Apply to th. su
puintendent. Philadelphia Hospital for Con.
t.slou. Disease.. 2d and Luierene at... Phlla.
CLERK with general office experience, quick and
accurate at Azure., by large concern In center
of city; .tat. experience and .alary expected
P SU4, Ledger Office.
COOK, assistant, white, wanted. Widow.1 A.y.
lum. 301CIstnuJ1JjnePre.ton 2084.
COOKINO and downstair, work! white, ProT"
exp. not required, TI. I48T J. Chestnut Hill,
DOFFERS. spinner, and reeler. wanted: learn
er, taken and paid while learning, Yewdall
OC Wrm .m,, -.,. .iih Uim, Ml,
FEEDER, experienced, for ruling machine.;
per ween. Afiu vu i.ncimui.
FILING CLKRK. also stenographer: electrical
buslness. Huchanan.171l)j;he.tnut.
OIRI Mother's helper, trustworthy, Intelligent
plrl to assist with housework! willing to bo to
the country: must have, excellent references
meet advf User at Ledger Central Saturday
morning 10 to 11. .
IRL. white, dining room, Widow's Arlum"
Bio v.ne.inuv at. i-non. I'reston 2084.
OltlL. white, for general housework: smail
family Apply at once 1744 N. Sth . '"'
GIRLS, experienced, to work In bindery. rrlvaT.
printing planti modern working condition.
Apply Houghton Pre", third floor of Dili
IlulUllng, Mascherjnd Somerset its.
Glltl.S. over 17. wsnted, for clean. nleaVaiit
factory work, well raid while learning and
( Mont rhainCA far ratilil miivunmn, ,,t14
ply Mj Btolt JlrlJ2thjj11J Ap
ujivio pv yer in Biiirv i.ctory lo match
Apply Alfred Kohn Co 498 N lath
iruiii. e,.ur i,mi, niiurt iiuurs good pay
OIRL8, oyer 16, wanted,
wanted, light, congenial worki
&". '..r "vn'nent, K.ti
ig-iwui c, . iinu wi
. Isrllnu. Co.. 40 Arch .1
HOUSEKEEPER for smtll refined apartmem
bouM experienced tM Mr month m.al
.Ter'cin'trju' 6 " &
KOUMwdsk, general: whit
white, wnman. to sleep
ata,t. P , V coS
II Bend or Price L(t ft
IJ instruction Book Fre6 i
ilS'wC 1219 Arch SI. laW
vW Philadelphia fff
ll i Pn Till B.30. U M 1
l j':" Saturdays Included, ll " J
Cmtlnuti from Preeedla. n'
KITClIEN.MAI.n. neat relUMr. "- 23
lani Kirn private. famlL -"" 1T1
reference required P ilo iiil""" v2'J
LADY-Wanted. well.lnformVd i,d.r Zji
rnenf of publishing house 1 mWiKHll
flooVr. cu,0f"- Wall,,1?, l?H
. week) ref. fei. 4010 Vn"h'S i,!"
NURSERY GOVEIlNieBH .. . -..7r"- IT.
nulredi North Oerman prif J ljj,?ni "tfij
un.nniuni,, nrsi.ciass on Post -.. ..-?.
Oovernment wnrb, AA '.n,t nueM-lSSl
Government worki good tia; .71,"iliiStl
Penn Clothing, Inc , OIio'm.I';'"1' oe?II
hF.EI.ER8. doffera and . n ' .. 1 J4 J
rA,vdal.J...Bi"ntet gf,-
TM Vllll,n .u.
... ..., uuo "UPARTMENTS
".OTW.7,'f7"0''-W efnee .-Jli -.
rectlv! salary Inn a' mnthV .iK'r&rSl
eatlon nnd esnerlnce. M 347 till ?&'
STENOORAriIER.eetrlesl hu.il.! l C""
surrnunillnTs- daylUhl, JLd l"t!' wSl
,veeek RuchananlHn' Chesinm Ut" t
WA1TRFJSE8. 20 per month wlnTCT -Zv
Ing and laundry work iff'? "MTtSri
Intendent. PMl.sTuul. A"111. 4" th .-'
.efe. di"""' .'.,.:;t
WA !- f t lo "i ' '. ' -
o tbs superintendent. Phlladilfl. 'il
TrttTVil T.ATW ..i . -i
i.aijy. experienced. t ....--- ,
modern working ennditil..' VW
. ..V.""-. Ahhl
Mascher and Somerset ets. '" ""IWlij,
TOUNO IjAIHF.I, vvllh good edurallen v.-1 .1
the ages of 18 nnd 24, for l.nidtl'S?
phone nperatlng hv the AmePicaJ ilf !
mm leiearann i ompsny; nn uniisnii 2?" U
ttinlty for -nung women sVeklnV ? L?r-J3
career; working conditions of th K.,l5r l
respect to hours, associations and VuV-f.' 1
Inas: recreation rooms with fe. i.i5!'r'l..1
ny-m A.ipiv nniiv. mnrni"s from 1 1 ,TT
afternoons (mm 2 to p.. Bum m'J'H
nidg. nth nnd Msrket sts ! Phli.slilv.?"".
TOl'NO LATJirs. 3 vvlthsTvil-i.rr,r-r'
-J"lP MOie6ri " ru" WftJ '
TOUNO tVOMEN wanted. ofllVe ot lure. I
business, center of clt, n" e,p7r"nST' ,
esMrv: Bftod Penman; stu -..:!?"?. Brt.
week, with chance for ndv-cemem. if.. "'
Address Postoffice Rox lf ' ,u, '.
A FEW WOMEN, nnt under 2 vesr. i
well educated and with suf neTw" ,ffil
rJ5erJ?r.ce..i-,nal nmspeet. In th. .SrH;
b'Sted Stn.e,:'y,rnnnr.p0n W g
take a permanent position! hn.lneis tSi,?J ,
and everv anlstsnr eviended VsuSHSJ t
applicants. Mr Tost. Ian h iiv r.uwn,I '.
, . .,.,, Bw
ULUn PRINTER-, experienced! preferaklv JJ
nualnted with photo stat machine iJg
Itemlnirton Arm. Co., Eddystone. r hH3'
reference. """
BOV tlRir.HT AMRtTiOT'q nvvn 1 rji'inr
neVs" Astc rnn"M'R WKsroTTUAh
Ttaivn npnitieiinii) VfJ' .A'LvrJVl
rmPAvv"' VtTo'' ' '-SiXiER
vv.... ...... ., n.-b. V.41CO l.-.f i Otg,
BOY wanted In ofTlce tielween 10 and tlr'ini
of nge. Apply Phlla. Axmlniter C.rptt Cl. I
inn Diamond st ' 3
HOY. mu.t be over in ofllee work and frrntidi;
ru ni. ir-iiiiiiii" '!. rriiuiieu; kudu warn
Apply r,2 Land Tltlo Bide s '
BOY wanted for Insurnnce office: good chines i
inr nnvanremeni. 1'iaii, xungman CCs. :
"ll ltlliut ni,
BOYS wanted at once to run errands and mli j
themselves generally userui Apply Smlta.
Ramsey Embroidery Co . 1140 Msrket st. T
BOYS wanted, good chance for advancement: t
good pny. Apply 237 Arch st 4
BOY, over HI, for otllce work. Aeply Qiikers
City Iron woiks, Richmond nnd Tloa .ts J
BUTLER and houseman, colored: must he neat n
and have best reference. Apply 118 Tint it. J
of.tovvn work; wanes 73 cent, per, heir nl fl
transportation paid. Applv 1142 Wldener Bl e
CI.ERK Young man ror ornc. work witn mis.,(
xacturing corporation: must do gooa penmvni
and accurals at figures; good opportunity fur '
advancement for energetic man: state in,
reference and w ages expected, P 817, IMtn
CLERK, for general office work, not orer II i
ears ot age. A nil, lyeazer mnce.
rr n-rtiiKrri TnrTvP!KPrns '
Experienced men on keeping .tock. of nie'l
clothes. Perry & Co., 10th and Cteitout lit.
COST CLERK wanted In northeast settle
Address, with particular.. Ledger trincD.
Howell and Torresdale ave,
DENTIST wanted for Honolulu: Iry ns
object; examtnatlin January, Or. H. Clea.
mens. Honolulu, 1. 11, .
1610 ARCH ST.
DRIVERS for drop-bottorn wagons and atr.
II. C, Ambler, 3717 Old York road. .
ELECTRICIANS 2S union Interior electrlcUnJ
for Wrlght.tcwn. N. J. : ,",' i1' 'SK
rnd transportation furnished ,' 'J" -V!
felphla onlv. Irwin i. Lel.htnn. 1H4 N. l.'i
TOREMEN, labor, engineering department; ojg
per nour; ii worn jusvmro ' vrr--i.7i
M l a 4 am n m 14. m
v."u"'ei "-iv ""fir-n r-.i 'abbw.l
du I'ont do Nemours & Co
Ml n iir ."''.. CK
No' 2 Kte, ON
neyi I'oini. r. j.
OAWCNBIl panted: one( f.mtlUr wl t
irirnminie m an ihrub - av . rT
T7..k lonii M A1 at at ..
JANITOR wanted! pernMnentpoiltlor. I -Jj!
erence. reaulred. Call, betw.een ll.sM .
Logan Hall. 8.E. cor. 36th and yvoooisn'y-J
Forty-nlno-hour week i minimum fuW'j j
weekly w.ge. flS.lOj must be. .tetar, r'
Tin itpnninir a.. isiiiua nvr"! - a
gate, S144 Paasyunk ave.
Tinmircns. r.nn MEN. FOR CA?.,l..?rn"
NisjiED free rnmttnnii& ,fil
rbi v. -" ,.-
N. 12TII.
LINEMEN-W.nted. ""V5Uwe!rMV!rSSJ
trio light 1 nement .te.dy work! goo t a
..,:. tf wA-- i!?n N. OlSl "? ..
ne, lath., and arlndliut J" ;;, !
t. ordnance work, also ""'''J'tcflleetl
.7 BO-hour weekt good Pr. rml
rendition., no labor trouW.-fo'l
1""""'VJ inine. work, also nrsi-ci." ,lrftj
shop rondtt!on.
urna raw iniu
"want, man for gen.r.l wl djpar
..laryuj ilspixJ",, , og
MAN wan wn. VCo V.I Robl 0
- VSmESS ?n SSKJilW'cS'W ra
flrw-j6CsI,J.i.",v'v. (i
noAi i-iiasMMf fnpw""! im
' ?J