;INAL GUNMAN US BLOODY '5TH' Kv Genuine and Somewhat different Ward Defender IP1 . , -.1 t?..nm Post Banisneu nu... In up "in gunnysack f ir,.nf Now. Oldest In- MiiU. vUlbnT)!iua Cn,nt Moans i "" mia" ' ,;.. r.ravs 0f wasniuBi. v.-j- I ,. gunman, tender and true. v hat XT Klf!h Wrd do without ' "t.! ntaco -Ion i -com llio wime no .t!it Th. den, .1- ln- 2" the roint Rrewe piggeries S ,J through the dear old Irccs as -,fly tnrouh vanished irSeWu-are 11 oth. corner ? T . ..." . .PrH back, .md the inning the corner of Seventh Lt r .in in n. paroxvsm ffillST, ' th" "" d tr",. .., like old times li. the WlA no more .. ways, nohow. EL put the "Md undo, llio '... y .fe!",c:: ih.ee ..-co hB Ik , ok his Pat is ii" -'ii.ty ib tho W'.P?C .wit has Just pulled a tooth Bt)Ulincu P0'1 t,.iai ot.is nml ol. ol' I inrST 1MI MUTANT S5AL UfVlce .l.oke.1 "" " ,',n1 lhS..Lh the Oldest inhabitant of the PS F ft' now lt" n fron' ot ms, '"-' M .Bn and recalls the happv. happv J"0 nii Original and Some- l, Afferent gunman was first seen-In ul pinereni t. .... ,,i,. tmtueen the. mddV aP"ul-' '"" "" .' -.".. "".V nicer anil aeveimi on-v.. E,,ue ".-", unted rat-Meed mus IV ,1- FroC Hollow was the Only KSl Sflne feet high he was and ta4 1 a matter of thro- tons In his feow he' been nuked off his pedestal lyinlnowne wrnncd In a gunny- " Tiound v li opes in front of the i ind boutiel vim. i ...,,.,. I nurds' shelter im ....... rrJ tt' u hard utc ior h K"i""". FKIl 1 "Hamlet with Hamlet left out? lathit Is the Fifth Ward without a SSi vears ago mine next Michael jtfwn fa ,?. rParcu- ,, height rt .i. navenieu.s bbectlng WasliliiEton 1?S iin.nled the Klfth Waul iBlTB "7 ,. .,,,,. fh,,ti mill Ike S..M n. I.pnr.1 f m .he .UyV "."": .-... v.. nti ii.i"tora was tno K; UMd 'the Miua.e. fo. K.m Che '" "1 'UiH "en .he ijiiin tnai i"" - h WASHINGTON CI1Y 1'NIKOTIM ftiihfflrft E'"'"'-1" llH dre-wil In the U?,M..l. ..,,. ', fliaMi' artillery Srlth th. ......tailed tlBMh flttlnB fcLdrnd the tall shaK'. m li soldiers In Skulcan ar which was wtlll boIiib on !:.. .w. TCali!m-t.m Gras weie orRiui- Srf. They dldn t Bet Int.r the Mexican Xa bit when 'he I'lvil War lnoke out towrethe first to ieae ioi tv.imuiiiuii ital this cit unformed ami .unud and . - r. fiiM Thp inohlllred for i.i j.norinr .it n coot that has 'luce llraire notable for ii far ilirftrent reason .nSrenth streei just Koutli of Walnut, on Ixtaitit side of W lMiliigton Square. I ... . .1.1. ..n .1 i.t. li lioi.iiiif. f.itnnus ii 11113 I'lia nj'u' ' ' - - ...a. n au tin nlni i whele a dozen . . . . V... "..c! i.w.l.lll.jA.1 B0KCVPr uum hh wi .i 'iw .... Mr onsIaiiKii' upon me peace nun iiuiui the Fifth Waul -two hloiKs from the pot where roiuimn. i;ppie was mmi n larnt.fillll hoiirx I itei lli one of fair number tit has been onU two weeks h.'iue Michael ISullhan. who Huniclliu to his own tes- (Bccy, brought 'he nuirdei siiuau irom t York thu. d-sirlh il befoie Judge fcn-n the maiiuti in whlili he piloted Ills Its to the Mniaie i 1 tola iaione i o in kiu uif inuu ucic Eiuldtoturn them oei to Ilmmlc Clark ItSeienth ard V alnut bluets 1 did I imtdoivn to Seenth and Walnut stieets 4id met Clark then He wan alone I 4.'Here Is tht nmb The were In tin Hit" VILLAINY Hi:illl) (11 .N.MAN S HACK fine Onl uncmal llunmaii. the brouze Htue erected bj the WashliiKton urajs in tomory qt braie men who had tl ed so that "joiernment of .he i eople, bj the people W for the people might not peilsh from A. ....U .1 ... - .1. .. ......II .tl .... l.lc M CArill, IVH L'ltll lltllUUlK blU'UL Ull HIS JedeMat In the enter of the Fquaie, with u back turned to them Nor w.ih any sln tlelivlng; rcbldent of I'h'.ladelphla then Mni; them to bloik their puiiiose. A fountain nut anothei monument, Is to ake the placs of the Ktntiie juM iemoed tn Its accu-t.imcil npot this week Tho fifth Wird whoe bathing facilities aiu pntrblallj latKiny is agog with excitc fciitoierthe announcement Has the clU's ik'entlon of cleaning up the Fifth Ward W to such a pitili that the fountain is IA t mnilalArl .n il.n II..... ., t l.nl...l. - "''. "II llll- lllivn III L'llllllVIII iwje cleanliness ran go no further, If s.uch 0uplan 1JW, though tin nrlglinl (lunman has nfrom his pedistal In the center of the We, he Is ta be elected once more upon "other pedecta a thim-tone granite bass Inrii la l.i ... . . . .. ... a, i '" B''01 w"e'e 'ho wasn- 'Wn Grays asc mbled before" thev nt off lEf kt In. I.. .i. .-.. ..... ji"-"" "I me i-iui war it is on tho of the htiuarc on the Seventh street """"'ooklng the benches In which the J"I Hollow gunmen i-at and waited tor hik r l0 "rchcre law and onler" In tT "al(l elections or month ago not Fifth Ward will neer lose a gun 810 t some sort EVENING LEDOER-PHILABELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1917 OSTEOPATHS WILL OPEN NEW HOSPITAL TONIGHT HouscwnrmlriB to Inaufcurato Service in Fully Equipped Bulldinp; on Sprinp Garden Street Philadelphia osteopnths will tonight take possesion or ,lcw h(,,,nl bulWlnp which will bo used'by thcmHemporarlly. ptndlng he erection of their new hospital on Nine teenth street below Spring rinrden Tho new temporary building Is nt 1723 Sprints t.ardcn street, where they hnc leased the forrner ltadlum Hospital, which has been IMng Idle for the last two enr l, "C." ,,ulldl"K i full) equipped and contains two small wnrf, and six prlxate looms, besides treating rooms, operating room etc Following the completion of the new hospltnl In the rear of the present col- ego ouiiuing. tho temporary hospital will be retained and turned oer to tho Gov ernnient for the osteopathic treatment ol soldiers suffeilnR from ticnous disorders biought on bj war Injuries Trench shock. mini shock unci other disturbances, as well ns Injures to the spine, the bony frame woik mm the nervous system hao been found to Meld to osteopathic treatment more readily than any other kind, and osteopoths In Hngland hoc been called on bj their Government to take charge of thit class of c-ises. It Is expected that the new building for which contracts hae been kt, will bo fin Ished by next July, nt which time the build ing Just occupied will bo proffered to the Government In tho meantime the hospital will glndlj receive a few such cases to demonstrate the benellclal effects of the treatment. To celebrate the opening of the temporary building, a houscwarmlng will be held there this evening at which a number of addresses will be made bv prominent phslclans nnc laj men SUNDAY SCHOOL JUBILEE TODAY 25th Anniversary of County Association Has Notable Program CLOSE IN MASS-MEETING SYNOD HOLDS SERVICES FOU U.S. GOVERNMENT Patriotic Devotional Period Opens Sessions of Pennsylvania Presbyterians at Johnstown .TOH.WSTOW.V, Pa. Oct 25 Missions preceded by a devotional serv ice on behalf of the civil and military branches of the United States Government, occupied tho nttentlnn of the Tennsjlvanla Synod of the Presbyterian Church today The patriotic devotional nerlod wuh held In accordance with ngenernl request pre ferred by tho last General Assembly of the Chur-h Various nilsslonarj reports were heard this morning Including one on the every member canvass by the llev W f Hogg, of Wllllamsport Addresses followed b the Hev lr Robert H Speer i-ecretary o the Hoard of Foreign Missions. New York, and the Hev Dr J W Smith. Warren Reports of various mlrslonaiv and edu cational bod'es were submitted this after noon by tho Hev l)r William A Patton. Vf Wayne , Hev Or Samuel Semple. of Tltusvllle. and l!cv S Harper Keeper of Media An address was made bv the Hev Ilr John A Marquis general ccretar of the Board of Home Missions Late this afternoon the T.ord s Supper t in ne ceieoraieu uj the moderator of the svnod, Hev Dr James W Gilland. Sha nioliln Ministers assisting him will be Hev Dr S 11 Forrer Hrle, Hev Dr lesre It Zelgler, Indiana, and Itc-v Di ' K Mc Klnnej, Uellefonte Hlders assisting will be Georgo D Uogati. Pittsburgh, Piofcsbor H C Shaw, Greensburg: J C Hclctels t'ni llsle, Penrose It Perkins, Germahtown August Luft, Coudersport , Dr James Aiken, Berwyn, I N Palteron, Washing ton, Robert A McKluney New Ciihtle. I II Jefferls, Devon, (' S Morris Hrle Dr G I. Thomas, Philadelphia, Professor M S Bentz, Kbensburg, John Ii Porter Tj ronc , Thomas M Wlllaid. Apollo, W B Miller. Plttston, and Fi.ink R Pershing Pottsvllle A popular mlsslnnaiv meeting Is hdied uled for tonight, with Rev Dr Frank W Sneed, Pittsburgh, piesldlng Dr Speer will again speak, at this session Plans to fill the Baps mace in the ranks of Sundny rchool workers by the enlist ment of men In the war were discussed nt the twenty-fifth nnnual convention of the Philadelphia County Sunday School As soelvtlon. which opened this pfternoon with simultaneous (.esslons in several churches In the northern part of tho citv The convention commemorates the silver anniversary of the work of the association This evening and tomorrow night there will bo a general mask-meeting In the Baptist Temple, Brond and Berks streets, when Marlon Lawrence, qf Chicago, general secretary of the International Sunday School Association, will speak on 'The Sun day School and the War " This Interdenominational body nlds In tho strengthening of tho work of the 715 Sunday schools In thlp tlty Philadelphia Is divided Into twenty geographical dis tricts with a cotnplcto organization of presidents nnd volunteer workers In each district The counts organization works through and with the Denominational Super intendents' Associations The departmental conferences of the con vention will be held at tho following places this evening Hlementary meeting. Park Avenue Metho dist Kplseopal Church, Park avenue and Norrls street, this afternoon at 1 30 o'clock, Richard II Wallace presiding and Miss Cora N Coates elementarj secrctarj of tho Countv Association. In charge Dr Henry Frederick Cope, of Chicago general tecrc tarj of tho Religious Hducatlon Association, will speak on ' Fundamentals of Religious Hducatioti " Others speakers will bo Miss Grace Kane, elementarj superintendent of tho Pennsylvania State Sabbath School As sociation, Miss Nan F Weeks, editor ele mentary publications of the American Bap tist Publication Socletv At the supper ta blo conference responses will be made by the plemnntnrv w others During the eve ning sectional conference's will consider tho cradle roll beginners, primary and Junior At Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Broad and Diamond streets, tonight a prac tical demonstration of the home department will be conducted by Mrs A W Karuell. division superintendent of tho International Sunday School Association, and Dr II S Baldwin, Home Department superintendent, Philadelphia County At the Memorial I'huiih of Our Re deemer Sixteenth and Oxford streets, to night. Mrs Hnillle F Ke.irnev teai her training secutary of Philadelphia Countv, In chiige, the educational section will con sider plans to conserve tho vvoilt of reli gious education during 4he war Tho Rev. Charles Oliver State superintendent of trncher training Dr William 1 halmers, BRUMBAUGH SETS NOVEMBER 1-2 FOR WOMEN'S WAR REGISTRATION WHEREAS, Under the unusual economic conditions nrlslng from the withdrawal from productlvo industry of moro than a hundred thousand men of Pennsylvania to enter tho nntionnl service in this wartime, thus menacing the production of material Rood to our people and to our country nt n time when our output should bo greatly increase; nnd Whereas, it is imperative that Pennsylvania, ns in the past, shall in this crisis lead nil the rest in the quantity nnd quality of service and support Riven the National Government; nnd Whcrcns, This can be done only by utilizing the woman power of the Commonwenltji. and the National Government has requested that nccurato information be secured at once of the capability of women to serve in this emergency cither in their own homes or in the Industries of the Common wealth, which information requires that in overy community there be made and kept classified lists of nil women willing to serve in trained or in untrained servico in the country; nnd Whereas, This record of service is now being undertaken by the Depart ment of Registration of the Pennsylvania division, woman's committee of the Council of Public Safety. Now, therefore, I, Martin Grove Brumbaugh, Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby set npnrt and designate November 1 nnd November 2 of this year to be days of registration for tho women of Pennsylvania, upon which days they shall repair to the places locally designated for such purposes nnd register for such service ns their abilities nnd tho great significance of the movement mny suggest. I urge nil women, ns n patriotic obligation, to comply with this important suggestion and givo Pennsylvania, through her women, nnother commanding cause for gratitude that her people tire willing and anxious to serve. Harrisburg, October 23. MARTIN GROVE BRUMBAUGH. EASTQN BANK CASHIEB RELEASED ON $5000 BAIL Commissioner Long Consents t Re- duction in Amount of Bond, nnd It Is Furnished Ball to the amount of J 6000 was fur nished for William V. Horn, tho accused cashier of the First National Bank of -i !t ".. teuton, P by Edward Elckle. jw eter of this city, when Horn wa ar raigned (or the second time since hi ar rest before United States Commissioner Lonfr. When Horn wag arraigned on Tues day the ball for hie appearance In the United States District Court on December 10, was fixed at $10,000. ' After considerable discussion yesterday, nnd the presentation of i number of facta In the case, 'Commissioner Long reduced the ball one half. educational superintendent Baptist Publica tion Society, Dr. Alfred Cope Garrett, di rector tif Philadelphia Training School for Hellglous Teachers, will conduct the con ference Dr. Henry Frederick Cope, of Chi cngo general seeretaiy of the Religious Hduiatlon Association, will deliver nn ad dress. Mission conference w 111 be held nt Oxford Presbyterian Church, Broad and Oxford streets, tonight, John A lloverv. countv superintendent of missions, In charge George Innes. of Cairo College. Hsvpt. will make an address on the world war and Its effect on the Moslem wot Id I IMward Kami and Miss Iicbccn Hughes wdl con duct the conferences At Oxford Presbyterian dumb Broad and Oxford streets, tonight the tecondarv division conference will consider How to Keep the Older Bovs nnd Girls in the Sun day School Preston orwlg secondary division superintendent Pennsvlvnnla St ite Sabbath School Arsoclatlon. will be present, nnd other specialists will take part In the conference At Messiah Lutheran Church. Sixteenth nnd Jefferson streets, tonight the adult Bi ble class conferenco will be held Tho Rev IMward C Kunkle, of West Chester, will address the convention on "Bible Teach ing ' Dr Owen C Brown, of Kansas, edi tor of adult publications, will show how to "translate Bible truth into action " EXPLOSION KILLS SIXTY Ninety More Are Injured in Blast Which Wrecks Barracks in San Jose W .lOtF. Costa Rica, Oct 25 An ex plosion killed sixtv persons nnd wounded nlni'tv in the principal barracks here The explosion was due to. an accident Tho liiii rm Ks and the penitentiary were destroyed Save That $5 Before it's too Late N . , V mfn' "I"1 no" r"d "bout oar reeord-brcaklnc .TXO'AA I Cordovan contract, mode nlth the fomocn Hart VrvW.Tl "Vl- I'nrksrd furtorr In 1010 thnt smiilird the extrTtnt -irrri irvri .Hops 01 1'nnnaeinnin -you who novo Hlil to yourself. "I'll ko In later nnd get pair at tl.nt .uvlliit of 3 to 5" this U it HAIIMMI TO Hill, lit Mllll lis ami lltM)Ili:i)S or I'AIRN IIAI". Ill IA HOLD Ol It I.AIKIi: STOCK IN HKCriVIINtl HIH-HK t'AV'T OHTUN AM MORE TO Hhl.I, AT THIS WllOI.KSAI.r. PHK'i-,. ton hatn cot to art and art now for jou rnn't find urh tterllne inneD eluenhero In Hiltudflnhla priced miilrr XII to ttl. It's throwing good money awny to mLn this rhanro that mnr never loroe nraln. Mr. guarantee them to 1 the smarte.t tyles In the grratent variety In Philadelphia, moot Think! Reulue what thla mean. CORDOVAN $1 SSftF&vX SHELL SHOES AT WHOLESALE PRICE OF ONLY The "rn!i" Is of nil genuine shell Cordovan with hriuy C7 nfl onk soles, north $11 here . ipf.uu The "Indian" n vvorhl-lienter for style mnde of nil mahotanr Cordovan with heavy onk tolea on the famous Speedway C7 K( lt. north S12 80 here ... Sp.OV The "Maarot" llnrt & I'nekard'a llneat Korrert hhnDe hhell Cor dovan, In rhratnut nnd dark hrown with oak aolrs In tho CO rr 7 Miinrtent pattern, worth SIS here Our record-breaking vnlnea In i Hurt 4 I'aeknrd'a Miom, all 8 to.SlO valaes, here at oar basement iirirea SV30, to nnd SO. 80 are bound to please the most particular man. Quick action i the only thing that count. We are warning you you can blame yourtelf if you pat up thi laving of $3 to $S on Philadelphia's fxnett, imartett Cordovan. COME IN NOW, thi week, but not later than thi Satur day Evening. You may never tee thi opportunity again. N. W. Cor. Market and 13th Sts. DOWNSTAIRS Entrance on 13th St. Open Err. to OlSO Bat. Ill8 Royal Boot Shop Foil Men :2228S French Editor Sure Allies Will Win The military sltuition Is moie favorable than ever to the Allies, according to Mar c'el Kpecht. editor of "HITortH of France " speaking at the l.u I.u Temple last night The Allies will win, he said I Strawbndge . Clothier I CHAOTLLY kW&WHXfVHREaSl eillsJJsiffjSd Refinement plus Beauty there's not one jarring ote in the Res Uurant Chantilly. And tho good taste d'played in the room finds its com plement in the food taste of the food. Have you danced o .the Marimba yetf H.fSH mmksxi&m Hoi MCHESTRnri3Tll Attractive Bracelet JVatchcs A large collection of serv iceable timepieces at moderate prices. A small gold watch with expansion link bracelet jeweled movement of good grade is special value at $20. S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MHRCHANTS JEWELHHS 3ILVURSMITH3 rtttu. M I or t -r--" js rELADELPHlA esSlnsK tr IF YOU or any one in your family sings or plays any musical instalment, you will find that to get tho swing of new pieces or to accompany you in duets there is wonderful satisfaction in having a THE TnSTRUMZNT OP QUALITY OTIOE CLEAR AS A DELL The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World Its tone is of crystal clearness, nnd rare fullness, nnd beauty. It is graceful in uppearance and lias many important exclusive features. Be Sure to Hear the Sonora Before You Decide! $50 155 160 $80 $105 .$110 $140 $155 $175 $200 $250 $375 , $500 $1000 Sonora $(,onorjrnpfj gnles Co., 3(nc. OEOIU1K B. nrUQHTSON. President New York City Philadelphia: 1311 Walnut St. Auk jour dealer for the honora. If lie hasn't It, write us direct uZaaaTasWa I nil I ii"lT 60.000,000X100 rk i -A. Mm' Wn ;, v WPzP&k 7 '-.. Jin. W&W" We are asked to lend this This is our lending power w Thi f fl 1 e iviust uversuDscnoe n 1 1 a I s oecona Lioertv JL.oan: We have only three days left in which to do it ! By Saturday night, either Germany or America will have won a battle greater than the clash of squadrons, divisions, armies ! Which shall it be Shall America go down to defeat by failure to. borrow a paltry three or four billion dollars from her citizens, the richest, most prosperous people in the world, to defend their rights, their lives, their property ? Surely, you will not be a party to such a defeat, to such an humiliation, by withholding your pur chase of Bonds of this Second Liberty Loan ! subscription is needed, no matter how small it may he I Vou can huy a Bond! for as little as $50, and you can pay for it a dollar down and a dollar a week! Remember, it's Germany or America and there are only three days left to decide! The outcome depends on You! Buy your Bonds today! Make your subscription through any Bank or Trust Company LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE ' Third Federal Reserve District Lincoln Building Philadelphia This office open until 11 P. M. Subscription! received cash or installments actual bonds ready This space has been donated by the Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies of Philadelphia WARNING: It's Up to You i 't i 5" i in,-- k 1 t ? i. I 4 A'