nv rrr, if&W'TWyWWTltv PICTGRIAl) SECTION' ' Eimting menger .' . Aj V7jk, AjV" " ftffe c vjYyjjn?.j3yt3Liiwy ITIRST PHOTOS SHOWING DESTRUCTION WROUGHT BY RUSSIANS IN THEIR RETREAT FROM RlG JlS' 5&fe MARS EFFACES WORK OF 'CIVILIZATION iKS MILITARY NECESSITY DECREES DESTRUCTION " "" enTO'1' r Jm&Z''" '"' s T Lcst i; prove of value to the advancing Germans, the Russian com- .-W Vl Before evacuating this villago on the Riga front the retreating Russians put it to the torch, bo that W ' mt! ' ' " '; v mand ordered destruction of this bridge. The camera caught the (fj 1 nothing save the blackened ruins greeted the Germ ana upon their entry. ijl fei;v,VLMl Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. ' Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. sfr '' eji. -i h.f. -WtHnXnEM p?lil tBIS ' 2PHkT IiIUfiPSIFM; RUSSIANS PUT MUNITIONS DEPOT TO THE TORCH V iV- iMillKfl ES&l HI ' bOggf KuSScWIP1 Vast stores of supplies which could not bo removed before the Germans pushed into , -iWVVfcfli WPl WM IP! i SSf GERMANS AT RIGA this viUae were destroyed by order of the Russian high command. t ' fJrW BH p f A SERVE TIIAT PROMISES RESULTS MUs Louise Parson putting over a speedy one on Swar4tore High School's tennis court. Copyrlaht, International Film Berrtce. HERE TO FIfiHT A NEW BATTLE FOR LIBERTY .British tank shipped direct from the battlefields of France to New York for participa tion in the Liberty Loan parade then. IN COMPETITION AT WHITEMARSH Mrs. J. W. Turnbull, whose long drives are a feature of every golf match in which she flgUTM. HEAVING A "BASEBALL PASS" Kinsman, left halfback f Northeast High, in action on the gridiron. :n 3R m: ? Q , tU-l -- " --1 rr jt.iw&"..S, . ' JBtffS BcH KiSilJnH