fflBTfT EVENING LEDOEK-rHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OOWBER J, 1017. ."0 JV IT yfe Pi lr ' I il Rk' V W II ff m Wv 1 y f. IV iv " HELP the United States Liberty Loan of 1917. Buy Liberty. Bonds. Save the labels from Freihofer's Liberty Loaf and get more Liberty Bonds free. Freihofer's are giving Liberty Bonds out right in return for Liberty Loaf labels. Start now to get labels and be one of the winners. Somebody is going to get these Bonds and it may as well be you. This is the plan: Save the labels from the Freihofer's Liberty Loaf bread used in your home; also ask your neighbors to save their labels for you. (The label on the loaf, not the wrapper.). Collect all the Liberty Loaf labels you can between now and November 30 the last day. Turn in your labels Saturday, December 1st, to Freihofer's Main Office, 20th & Indi ana Ave. That's all you have to do; but, remember, only the label taken from Freihofer's Liberty Loaf will count. K c &vV wvmi " r 'L PHIWIIBIBB1IWIIMI SHI iEHmBrvfliUATTiH ar tta w bmc Jtafc ,i n. irti .t, ikmh