,svf-M. ' '' "" .'Tv TMMjSMSsssjrafHSfl ff"JsffSlssBBBSWsotai f PULES DEATH LIST ANNOUNCED Navy Department Gives Out Names of Tirose wno iosi, Lives in Attack HONOR ROLL COMPRISES 67 WASHINGTON. Oct. 22 The complete list of casualties In the DOrt Angles disaster, made public by KS Department till afternoon, shows !. most or the victim were members of rifteen Am.t.n soldiers were Xd while of the steamship's crew forty- men cre drowned, many of these Are ?n and other.-". wlioe duties would hold Sin. below decks while the ship was coins SSI rSSr member" of the American navy re'smong the lost and two of the med it corvs and one civilian passenger. Vo additional details of whit occurred h'en the Uen an submarine attacked the ..turning transport were made known when .s casua'tles lift, which totaled sixty-seven. instead of the original estimate of seventy. -is elxen osit. and naxal officials would not ay xvhet.icr more came In xxltli the dis patch that gaxe the full death list. The presence on board the ship of the cotdler-s who were K.lled was explained by ft. statement of officials that probably they were men taken HI since arriving1 In France r ii ere suffering from Injuries received In .rjininr This. In the opinion of War De- I turtment officials. Indicated that -the Ger- V ir.n practice ui "- ..JK""- .... f tnd others where It was known there xrere sick and xvounuea oiuiers xxouiu oc pursueu iralnst this country as well. fi WASITTVrzTnX O. t The complete list of the sixty-seven who lot their lives when the American transport Antilles was torpedoed on her return trip ' to me urn i American c ty the N'a' The-llst. i public infoi , . U tr rl?vf to tne cnuea ciuccs. aiici iiuwuk i-diucu American soldiers to France, was received an Department touax. as given out by the committee on information, was as follows: H, If. Cumjiimjs civilian, emergent? auaress vnksow n ITTTO KLEBUK "reart. (ather. Paul Kleber. Berlin. Germans OTTO MILLER, sergeant, mother. Mrs. Mary Miller. Oldenlrara- ormsnj'. 1BRAIIA1I MVAKTZHtritO. corDOtal. sister. Teresa Arlco. S3S West Thirtieth street. New Tork Fit) ROT COTTRELL private, mother, llrt Vi trei fottrell. Clinton. Ind. LEE W NLl.'OV private. cousin. Mn.k J jCsar.7ii IT Frescott axenue. Grand Rapids. Mich. IKNEST UOERT private. frtrl. Miss Mra Barnett 332 North Forty-fourth street. CM oro. lit. 1NTON" LHRHART. private, tomln, Charles Rltt. Terry Wharf Newport n. I JORDAN f LOi K. private, friend, r.oyd Pear men. 42J West eleventh street. Kansas t'ltr. no. fKf JOHN' BRIGHT orix-af. emreeru em a.Idrs. Slllwauxee. T CARL O NOrtbKLI.. private, father. Carl n ii l nue iii L.a;- Firrci. .. 1 Noreett ' opennaaen. UfiimarK ' ICTETT HAMILTON, private, father, r. R l tisnmion ureisnn' Tcnn. All of the foregoing were In the infantry Iranch of 'he ser ice . f iriLLTAJI I. FAUiiT. prnate. Held artillery. h memer rs nn i. auai. men .refA j.iue. " IPWARD L HCItHL. private, field artlllerj-. emereency address unknown , CORNELIUS J MiLAL'UHMN' Infactrj. friend. William Bradl.. . Walr street. Woourn. ttes. . KEFTttRX KOBIN" prlrate. transport worker. i. ire, Mrs nnje .tooin iu .;ieinorpe strict. East faavannah. Ga. C I Al'SIIfKND. electrician United States V: nay. no address. ! H. tVATMJN. electric. an L'nlted State" navr. iSmH to s,ir'" . 4 i iicixi..t. afanian i.r.iiea ;iaiei.nav . i I. W 111 N'T seiman. United tate" Ran. ' 11ELVIK t: HRAUBL'RV. private, medical llff. corps mother Mrs. Ancel Bra.lbur. t ilouies- tm I tee slre ItOiitnn ' OCT R ItOSWORTlte" private, medical corp", i mother Mrs Sophie llo"rorth 0ean tr"t. 1'llburn N" J V CtRPE-NTEP. A rCDKRSO.V aulltant car . pentcr. mother Mrs. Vonharda I'-derson. Tar Sun. Xorvay I L K XI JKN&nX. wheelman, addrets unknown. I E. EWKSEN seaman:-"lter. A Nllsn. Lal. 1 lljl-s. la f t. JOIIOLil eramati mother. Mrs M. Ufculm. .esco. uenmarK r. JOLY, seaman mother Mr. B .lolv. 191 o St. Catherine tret. Montreal. Canada. E. TAIlK? (nun. mother. .Mr" Ella Parks, Si! Kear.iej street. San Kranelsco. E. A. WALKER third assistant enaineer: wife. Itrs. E. A Walktr. 1010 Wlllor avenue, llo- tpoten. X J THOMAS BOVLF Junior enslreer. mother. JIrs E. Boyle. County Louth, lrelard I. O-KOURKE Junior erclneer. sUttr. B. O'Rourke 220 Weft Twent --Until street. Xew Tori city IAME3 riXVEOAX. rater tender father. J Imneaan. ore-nmore. Counlv t.n.itt. Tr,.ij '14 f. FUAROX oiler; wife. Mrs. . Kearon. 3?J Mi j.141 inirij-sixin street, xew Tork cltj. m dum, itrcman; n'oine-. irs J. IJosa. Vclza. Koala. riDKL CONZAI.Eb. fireman, b-othe-. A. Oon- tales, SantanJer. Spain R. L. LL-MIET nreman father, a. Llaret, Barcelona, paln. ANTONIO LEAU fireman mother. A. Leal. Valparaiso. Chill. 0. Rodrlsuez. fireman, brother, jr. Kodrleuea, Rtlboa. Snaln ANTONIO RODRIGUnZ mother. C. Rodr!tue. AlnisSfrt Pnrfnffal A. RCTES, fireman; .Brorlco. Chill . SANIS. fireman: Snatn mother. Carman I'uentis. father, c. Sanls. Astoria. IKDRO S0I.A. Creman mother, Senora Sola, Piml, UaIh COVSTAXTlXE SUAREZ. fireman Slia Pit pAriin.1 Q no t si mother. J. I. GONZALES, fireman: father. Jose Consul's. Comna. bpaln. SOLAS, fireman, mother. A. Matteo. Lisbon. Portusal. c. PAltCLRO fireman: mother. P. Parcerc, Coruna. hpaln. I. THOMAS, fireman: mother. L Thfmas. Jlltlli. P. BONZA. fireman; father. faitlitn Rna In F Bonza, Puan- '.DIAZ, fireman: father, J. Diaz. Puenta Arenas. Chill. . DIEGO, fireman, father. V. Ditto. Santan- ".! Spln. "ft- CHEVBRIA. fireman; mother. A. E. ..Ckemla. San Dleto. Chill (OSE SILVAR fireman: mother. SI. ITanelsco. fcC0nuia, Spain. '.BATNE, assistant storekeeper: sister. Slary Broderlck, 838 Jlontsomerj street. Jersey. !.!. " J- BIARLES JASOX. chief eook: wife. L Jason. l LIMniston road, I'ortowood, Ensland Use Sugar Sparingly- Not Waste It Everyone manufacturers and householders should use sugar sparingly for the present. The supply is limited and will be until the new crop of cane can be harvested and shipped from Cuba and the Tropics. The supply will then be ample. In the meantime, the people of the New England and Atlantic Coast States should use sugar sparingly. Grocers should limit their sales to any one family. No one should hoard or waste sugar. Do not pay an increased retail price. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Sugar for every use" Granulated, Dainty Lumps. Powdered. Confectioners, Brown vilAnWMI ILilAIK. cresr rook, mother . I,. offlp W.vi'rr 111 Nreet .O.kUB. Cal r?.i.. i7AN fe.T.v""'' buwh.r, wire. M. CASI8US MAyniN, en butcher, mother, I K-nK5."&nl!n0S.l: ,r'ni fck'r. brother. A niaehofbernr. Slxtr-fonrth Battalloa. 8wiss . army. A IloeilET. iculllon J. L.. DEVINK. tvAllsr k-Aik.. t Tt. IIAliritl A KmKh V v-L m.. ' -. Camden. N. J. ukorob HAFKIB, waiter, aaat. itarr A r.0r.0.W.?.lT.8t' Ann tret. Balttteore, itd T MICHIELE. waiter; auter, M Mteblefe. S3 Fulton atreet. New Tork. N T. Wi. P'ERIE. watten lfe. Matr Plerle. II J . lsi.V...?t,,r',lx,h street. Xe Tork-. X. T. A DKLFOR. jaman. motrr Irene Deufori Krtinalluota. Finland. . 8LATTEHT. atewarJ Total caeualtl-. 0? v Total aurrtvors. 170. Frlvate KUle S. Dobes marine. Is not et accounted for. J. Alvarer, of the crew. Is also not yet accounted for. but this Is prob ably a duplication of the name of Alvez. a surUor. ANTILLES' .VEX MET DEATH LIKE HEROES A FORT I.V FTJANVK Oct. I.'. Braery and discipline on the part of il1 soldiers and sailors on the Fr.lted States tranrpart Antilles marked the last moments of the ship after she had been torpedoed at sea last week by a Uerrnati submarine Survhors from the lost transport who were landed here by patrol ships today told graphic stories of the attack. The Antilles ws struck just at dawn as she nas wallowing through heay seas on her voyage westward. The L'-boat was not seen, and the first the men on the transport knew of the attach was a terrific explo sion toward the fore end of the ship, which tore a great hole in the botv and sent a geyser of water and wieckage spurting a hundred feet into tne air. As the men went to their places all re mained perfectly cool, but the ship settled so swiftly that some of them gathered In the stern had to leap Into the water to sae themselves from being sucked down by the sinking vessel. The gunner" calmly took their place at the guns, peering Intentlv In every direction from th deck of the rolling ship In hope of getting a shot at the submarine. All these gallant gunners perished. Weather and water were bitter cold and some of the half-clad men who had leaped from the stern and grasped pieces of wreck ago scon tecame so chilled they could hold on no longer and v.re drowned Others were picked up mor dead than alie aftr floating for hour in the water. RUMORI Dl OFFENSIVA ALLA FRONTE ITALIANA Truppe Tedesche con Quelle Aus- tro-Ungariche Iarcerebbero Verso l'Altipiano di Bainsizza ROMA. .: ottobre UjIij fronte italiana di battaglia glun gono a gill ma Insistent! rumorl sulla pre parazlonl dl una gratide cflensiva da parte degll austrlaci. V.' stato anche affermato chc la Gerniania stla inviando truppe vero le Alpi La conemtrazione dellc forze aus-tro-tcdesche si dice sia dlretta verso l'altl plano di Bainsizza. Stando sempre alia notlzle che giungcno In via ofliclosa sembra cho gll austrlaci si uno Impossessatl da una febbrile attlvlta'. differente dal; usuall operaxloni die si verl flcano tn autunno Tutte lc trincee sono In gran fermento e clo' non puo" attribulrsl ad m- preparazlone Invernale, come alia co tnizlone dl ricoveri. Diersl rapportl sono anche giutitt circa 11 trasfertmento dl truppe austrliche dalle fro'ntl del Trentlno e del Carso a Kjuella dell'altlplano di Bainsizza, come pure sul r.nrrlo dl frechi contingenti dalla fronte russa, ove evldentemente la Germanla non si attende una seria offensive. Intanto dalle notlzlc ulficlall si apprcr.de che le truppe Italiane e quelle Rustro ungiriche. durante la glornata di lerl, sono state impegnate In Ivaci azlont sulla fronte dl battaglia del Trentlno. Xonostante le condlzlonl atmosferlche molto pfaoreoli purtuttavla st er!ficarono combattlmentl dl una certa Importanza ciu sati dal soliti attacch! che gli austrlaci con ducono con rinnoiata vlolenza, speclalmente alle poslzionl aanvate degll ltallanl. at tacch! che termlnano sempre con una scon fltta per gll assalltorl I quail sublscono contlnuate perdite e spesso sono costrettl alia fuga rtuscendo a malapena a tornire nelle loro llnee. Un noteole attacco fu condotto dagll austrlaci contro le poslzionl occupate dagll ltallanl a nord-est dl Laghl Feslnar, ma furono resplntl e contrattaccatl da ripartl itallanL Xella alle di Pellegrino. e precisamente nella regione Booche, contingenti austrlaci vennero a contatto con lc guarnlglonl del postl avanzatl ltallanl. e dopo una violenta lotta gll austriacl furono resplntl e costrettl a ritrarsi nelle loro llnee. .Sulla fronte delle Alpl Glule si nolo' una certa attlvlta' lntermlttenco da parte del l'artlgllerja austriaca, che fu efflcacemente battuta dal preclso fuoco concentrate delle batterie Italiane. Ecco 11 testo comunlcato del generate Cadorna, pubbllcato lerl dal Ministers della Guerra ttallano: Malgrado sfavorevoll condlzlonl atmos ferlche, lerl sulla fronte del Trentlno si lerlcarono qua' e la' vlvacl scontrl con rlolento fuoco dl fucllerla. A nord-est dl Laghl Feslnar contingent! i!wiMi leixlu i uijl.vdli i iiiA Monday oclolk 22 1917 neralcl furono resplntl a eonuattaccatl dal noslrl rlpsrU draiwalto. , Nella regione Boche. nella vatle Fel lgrlno nemlcl vennero a contatto con Ie iruarnlglonl del nottrl postl avanattl. ma dopo una violenta lotta furono resplntl e costrettl nelle loro poslilonl. Sulla front Olulla lartlglierU nemica splego' a rlpirare una spasmodlca tttlvlta . Le nostra batterle repltcarono con I loro prectsl ed efficacl fuochl dl concentra xlone. Un dlspagcio da Oenova annunsla Che 11 governo svliiero ha dectso dl eopprlmere la meta' del trenl passegglerl In vista della mancanxa dl carbone c tale provvedlmento andra' In Igore oggl Le comunlcazlonl tra varle cltta' della SrUzera saranno mante nute con le antkhe dlligenxe Sugar Shortage Relief in Sight Canlinoed from Taie One without sugar. Furthermore manufac turers of oandy gum. sjrups. cordials and all other food luxuries must be severely re stricted, aliening only sufficient supplies to operate at a greatly reduced capacity. All manufacturers of food supplier must have preference according to the necessity of their production for the needs of the public and the Allies, condensed milk manu facturers coming first. ' CUBAN SUGAR IN JANUARY The annual consumption of sugar m Philadelphia Is estimated at I 000.060 one-hur.dred-pound bags, or approximately 373.000 pounds a day. There Is virtually no stock of sugar on hand except that held ly the groceiy stores. The franklin Sugar Refining Company shut down some days ego and the Pennylvanla and McCahan refineries arc running at half capacity, due to the exhaustion of supplies of raw sugar from Cuba. Fresh tock of raw sugar from Cuba wlh no: arrive until January, but the stock from Louisiana Is now being milled. The Louisi ana dealers, however, have not jet agreed to meet the price of $7 23 a hundred set by the beet sugar refiners. A conference of the Louisiana refiners and the food admin istration Is being held In Washington to day. One total sugar refinery today made the following statement: If the retail grocery stoic- sold sugar to the public as they should there would h r, (eniih!.- nhmit thp sunnlv. T.at lliem All orders for their customers, a week's j supply at a time, and cut that supply to half the normal amount, and we would b able to hupply France with nhat Is Tieeded there, and within two months we would have an much sugar in this country as we could use ' The average Anieriv.au. according to statistics, consumes secntj -eight pounds of sugar a -ear. or one and a half pounds a week The average healthy American fam ily could get along ery comfortably on ne pounds of sugar weekly. If the public would buy sugar from day to day only as I it was needed it would be Just as patriotic as buytng Liberty Bonus It is the frightful scare-head lines In the newspapers which Is responsible for a large part of the dlffl cultv. "Efforts to economize in the consumption of sugar so as to conserve the domestic supplj and the supply for the Allies as well haxe resulted In the organization of hotel waiters and employes into protective vigil ance committees the duty of which is to cut down sugar consumption. The baking of pastries Is to be minimized and the mak ing of sugar pieces for decorative effects is taboo. J. Miller Frazier. manager of the Bellei ue-Stratford. '3 organizing this work. MILLINER DISCOUNTS IROI VRW YORK. Oct :; A reduction In discounts from T 10-C0 to 6 10-G0 will in all likelihood be effected by the National Mil liner' Association, the organisation of Job bers, at Its annual convention at the Hotel Martinique October 25 and C. The Jobbers sax- that owing to war con ditions the discounts they recclxe on their oxvn purchases, especially brald. hats and sllUs. haxe been steadily reduced, xvhlle their discounts to their customers luxe re mained stationary Advertising Writer & Manager OF Proved Ability desires dependable accounts whole or part time. No proposition is too large. Hit experience, virtually covering all lines of merchandise, comes from actual contact with conditions. He's a capable printer and lay-out man; he knows type. Com petent judges say: "he's an exceptionally able writer'' persistent and trustworthy. There's business bringing quality in his work; and his references are unouesfion able. Are YOU looking for such a man? Address Box A 29, Ledger Office. British and French Unite in Attack i Continued from Pf One been lost except IS and the same ratio applies to my whole regiment,;' One boyish German dlarltt entered this note 'In four da4 the British haxe smashed seven of our dl Isions. ' A raptured battalion commander's report exhibited today at headquarters complains that his own German heaxy artillery bat teries shelled the Herman .lines for twenty minutes and that two companies had tele phoned they were leaving their poeltlon. There Is j-et another ex Idence of despera tion of the German high command ever this drain on Its man power. That Is in the con stant withdrawal of troop from the Rus sian front for duty here on the xxett. For months the Germans haxe been shunting trenps from the eastern war theatre. Now they are bringing guns from that section to bolster up their batteries. Captured docu- ' ment how that many of the pieces smashed In the great Flanders drive have been thus replaced. There i no mistaking the fact that Hln denburg Is now giving the Crown Prince Rupprecht all available German artillery and men Fresh divisions are brought up with orders to hold at all costs and to retake captured position at any price Small Fire at Haldwin's Plant V slight fire started In a pile of rubbHh in the rear of one of the shops of the Baldwin Locomotlxe Works Seventeenth and Hamilton streets, early this morning, and spread to a pile of kindling wood. Fearing that the fire would gain great headway, a gr leral alarm xxas sent in The flames were oon extinguished, and the damage xxas slight 604 Liberty Ronds for Soldier SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Oct 12 A', crder ior 604 Liberty Bond" has been placed by Prix-ate Lewis A. Ripley. 1S1 aero squad ron, at Kelly Field. throu;.i officers In charge of the campaign The officers es pressed urprise at the size of the ordr and also the unuual numbor o Ripley ex plained: 'I haxe :ust sold my vat It the New York Stoi"k exchange for t3o.;nft, Bnd the bonds are the bet lnx-etrrer.t I know " BAPTIST CHURCH SHOWS GROWTH IN NEW JERSEY Annual Conference of Pastors Held as Preliminary to State Convention ATL VNTIC CITY. Oct ::. .Statietks m' substantial denominational growth were presented to the annual con ference of the MaptUt pastors of New Jersey, held in the Chelsea Church today, preliminary to the eighty-eighth annual convention of the New Jersey Baptist As sociation. The Rex-, W. Booth, of Ceilings 'od. opened the devotional serxtees and the Kv' " G- 1)"l'i ' Bridgeton. de- lixered tne annual sermon. Referring to the great war. he said: "lod lox-es the Germans, but lfe doe not love their way. No deity, no matter how fornix Ing. could do that, no more than man. for the Germans stay aged men and xxaoe war upon women" W. K Raffcrty. of Philadelphia, discussed before the ministerial conference thi after noon the pastor who helps lxs while Mis .""arah Agnew. of Trenton spoke upon li braries as an aid to churches The conx-entlon proper will open to night with the annual address of Wax land Ayr of I'amden. The Rex-. Thomas J Cross, of Chelsea church, will give the address of welcome. MIJXICO HOLDS MARINES Identity of Armed Force Becomes Suo- jeet of Official Investigation MCXICO C1TT. Oct SI Dispatcher fron Sonera say that five marines have beer detained en the coast at Bacachibampo ar.J sent underT:uard to Quamas. They we'e armed, but there le n official lonfrmat'ifi here as to whether thy are American , General fatles stated that an Invert ic.v tic-i was being ade and he would Iss ;e a TO ALL EMPLOYERS Every employer has a duty to perform! In your office and in your home, there are many employees to whom you should afford an opportunity to purchase a Liberty Bond by Small payments. These employees look to you for advice. Call them together and tell them about the Loan! Tell them how easy it is to buy a Bond! Tell them they can pay for it out of their wages. A dollar a week for each $50 sub scribed. Instill in your employees the patriotic desire to be partners in our Government by the purchase of Liberty Bonds. This you owe to your Country and to them. Partial payment subscription forms may be secured from any Bank or Trust Company. V LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE ,y. Third Federal Reaerve DUtrict Lincoln Building Philadelphia ; This space has been donated by the Banks, Bankers and Trust-Companies f Philadelphia 1 . i .. ' , 1 (mBtm If 111 -fa T ft ' .Ts -- ' I Thh it the VAN DYKE other styles just as good-some with one button others with three and four. In all wanted fabrics, $18 and above. Jacob 'Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET f.saEiTxi? jp vzsrv&Yrwsa&vsJCBF&isgWFiiss. an Dyke TJhe (Uwrrect PwMelBrcaedl Md This season there is a decided swing to double breasted models. Fortun ately we foresaw it and prepared in advance, with the result that wc are doing the business on double-breasted styles. o iitr t- i is ur van uyKe is a winner, and wc have -fA A VN - M i '. e - n !'tf , ' , i .,. . - JdLi.MVlfaMMBZ '.sJk&i M