JmW , , : .v. , -5 - M- "- :.' .L.i.r ' i ' s; i ?f - : -. m EVENING LEDGBRr-PHILADBLPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1917 ' V JT'JMy Iff, grapple; Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World go XSNT-Tv IT WAS VERY FOOLISH OF MA TO LEAVE WILLIE ALL ALONE OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE HARDWARE ' STORE Br FONTAINE FOX. (Copyrltht.) The Farmers If you would know where wealth It born Just seek the.,haunts of cows and corn for In the farmer we behold the nation's greatest source of gold. While city dwellers scratch and strive to get nough to keep, the farmer coaxes from the ground a bunch of dollars hard and round. At harvest time the fruitful soil repays him for his summer toll and when the winter bVeczes blow he doesn't have to plow or hoa, but he can loaf around the barn, or. If he wants to hear a yarn, he sidles to the general store where soap box generals) win the war. Just now his barns are full tf stuff that'll going to call the Kaiser's bluff, because his crops pro vide the feed that we and all our allien need and every one who knows will say "The Yankee farmer saved the day." WILL MOORE. Army Instructions THE PADDED CELL The CafeeAiEb L I J 'j& ) V: I .lIS1 t ..I I r K Dyatandcr. .Officer Can you tell me where head quarters are? Sentry They was "ere, sir, not two minutes ago. The Hero . He had captured n prisoner, anil while1 they waited for the escort to come up he said: "Have you got a wife?" "Neln." answered the German. "Nine?" gasped the Tommy, "Bllmy! Where's yer Iron Cross?'' Ideas. ' aggstl T , SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG Oh Lucien Sarbaek! 7ou "horria tfm' I' 4ojnf -ic (all tr i.. t..y .'.... i toin&r en yw F 'r vWT 5. fwK! SwttyJ V, ) ML X USSBBk ! WW . M Kv -" , -'" . f jv ;ay The Young Lady Across the Way fjtf 4 Ua 3 : SWJfet-R&jjji Ilacey, in Jlontroal (Canada) Star, THANKSGIVING DAY, 1917 The Horn of Plenty (for the Kaiser) that wo arc thankful for. Greene, In New Tork CAN'T STOP THE DELUGE . Evenlnr Tilema. I V Jp& ' i; !'"VX A 'AfSS ,V' isr.:- riSK5ssG25S8aas3Meiiaaw - 2ojpa9Eas!BSsewaer2fie --. -i itr-Tr t" ns- tt rrT ti 1 mrr rn n. iWto nn jr Mocrw- . " 'lJI$!JSJ2V?'3fi yn" ! r-s - .f. V3V'. . .,-" ti2Al ' ---,- - - ' r.Tlinpr, In Financial American, New York city, COUNTING CHICKENS BEFORE THEY'RE HATCHED DOWN DOWN DOWN I Klrby, in New York WorlA 'eoHC o" nu:z : floeor rcrtW-uW oe KJ ftto A MOLD . 7f. JiORbTXC KKICK AHP We'll. fAISC'TH" N A Jlfff. lTS OF HANDS , i .r-UT trnFf ' . j7ii vr"' '"- AVM1W Mi .V). .' wwu f?r ' ' yfs'' r vt v. wms CSV msm, j2zikxFiv mms- . .ii r ' faf 'J mm RL'JHBaKfiiE Vllleneuve. In Bolae (Idaho) Stateaman. LEND A HAND! McConnell, In Charlotteton (Canada) Guardian. THE RUSSIANS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO DESERT THE TRENCHES The young lady across the way says she didn't expect so much of Italy In this war at first, but General Cadorna certainly his been giving It to the Aus tralians lately. Too Good to Waste "Then this," 'asked rejectod James, "is absolutely final?" "Quite," was Dorothy's calm reply. "Shall I return your letters, James?" "Yes, please," answered poor James. "There's some good material in them that I can use again." Awgwan. Unrecorded "One of my proudest boasts," said t,he man who remembered Waterloo and Agincourt and a few other items of Interest, "is that I was behind the guns," "Aw!" yawned the cynic. "About how many miles behind?" IdJ Prom Npvy BatlrlKotT; p.trorad, RuhU THE GERMAN VIEW , German Consciences prefer to do dark deeds on. the sea. initead of on luuL ere la so mucn watec to wagij my nanoa rcsppnsipmty, THE SHELL THAT DIDNT EXPXOD; From Evtnlhi News, London. P ") ' 1 . --c dSti:2, -"" --'M . .. Ah-f-Mim,.fc, t. i-Mta'iiAt-ffini:iriTiiri' sShninn'r . V1i it.jtfcitj ..A d-ite-