n m a j rfy I 2 ' j jn &y FOUR PARTIES VOTE AGAINST MICHAELIS Iiibdrals, Centrists, Progres sives and Socialists Express Lack of Confidence 'wilso'n again criticized :i I Head of Prussian House of Lords r V Declares American Plans Will Fail LONDON. Oct 19 According to the tlcrlln Loknl AnrolMr Deputies Gustave Stiecnmii. tlonnl Mb ral; Karl 1'rlntliorn. rcntrW f KrMrlcli Von rnjer. l'roRrc5lv p. nnil I'rlrrtrloli Kbert, Social st. vvoc rhnrcnl lat wefk y their rvsirrtUr trartlot to acquaint Chancellor MlcIi.iellP Ith their lack of con fidence Strei'inan. Trlnihnrn nnd llbert I were unable to do tlili liecaiip the Chan cellor had nlreadj departed for c'ourland but on l'aer cxccinl the comnilsMon be roro the t'utncellor I fL It probably due to li'i vlilt to the Chamellor that the JCport bioame uurre it that on Paver might becoms Vice c.mncellor A dispatch receUrd here from llcrlln ayn that the FruMt n HouJe of Lorda opened with a, rpco. i In the President of the Chamber. Court (on Arniln-Hnltxen-burir. who referred to President Wilson's reply to the peace ; opntal of Pope Uene dlct as an attempt 10 now dlword between the German Hrapeior and hlx people be. cause, he mid otht wise the entente would be unable "to fell tne Herman oak" The president of Iho ( h.imber added that the German peoplf ivner would allow Bis marck's gigantic work to be undone, and that It was again thi enemy who had re fused,)eace excep. at the cost of f!crman's existence The Uhelnsche Westphalische ZeltmiR a copy of which las been received heic, re peals the "simple and practical" solution of Germany s peacu terms as advanced b Slattblas Krzbcrger member of the Cler ical Center In the Helchstag, rmmclv, that Great Britain and Oermanv each participate In the enterprise of the other, each sppllng An equal amount of capital After the Soc allit conference at Wurz burg had adcr d tho resolution rejecting a motion to .ind the part to ote against wr credit In the Itotchstag, Hoch, mem ber of ne Ile'chstag declared on behalf of th' Independent Socialists that they were In favor of the country's defense and would nly refuse to vote for credits as long as ihe Imperial Government refused to prom lbs the adopt'on of the peace demands of the Social Democrats and to make changes In tho Constitution Hoch added that the patience and Strength of the people In all countries were coming to an end, and that the Government ought to understand that unless peace came Tltnln a few weeks revolutlonarj convulsion would arise from the masses SEE NO HOPE OF PEACE IN GERMAN SQUABBLES LONDOV Oct ID Germany s present polltlcM crisis li due to a purcb political squibble and has no significance from the standpoint of pence, according to Arm belief expressed In best Informed quarters Socialistic actlvltv In Gcrmanv, It was declared Is due principally to the fact that the ridlcals have been stung Into energetic measures b attacks on them bv the Con servatives and the Pan-Germani have been fighting hard for control after having tr'ed Jltchaells as ( h incellor and found him wanting British observers todaj pointed out that repeated mention of pilnce von Buelovv and Foreign Secretaiv Kuehlmanii as successors to Mlchaells as Chamellor might be re garded as convlnc'ng proof that the Kaiser Coes not Intend to form a peac Govern ment." The war lord knows that men of the t)pe of Buelow and Kuchltnann could never conduct negotiations with 1 ngland, because England would be unwilling to deal with such men whose records have been hown Up and who stand as much discred ited with England as Von Bernstorff now stands In the Cnlted States The feeling here today Is that there Is not the slightest chance for peace before another spring and summer campaign, with America's might added However. England xpe,cts Germany to make her most des perate drive for a German peace this winter. U. S. OFFICIAL DENIES SHORTAGE OF LABOR Scarcity Exists Only in Specialized Lines Farmers Genet ously , Treated in Draft WASHIMiTo.N Oct l'i lleced Mlior ' horlaRe hlch lias leMiltetl to dli ulon ef labor onrripilon nnil w lilerpreail ile- J rnatnl" for exemptlono fiom the draft ua empnatlall ilenletl toda h I W Pulll nn. head of the rotnumern antl labor dl Mon of tbe food admlnl'tratlon Incidental, he disclosed In a letter to the California I'niif i:ehanEe that the Pe partments'of AKrlculture and Labor ar neaged In a national iureA of the farm labor k tuatton That the farmers face a ahortaRe of help without nn promie of relief." a the erhange a'crted, a de dared untrue Kuropean wat experiments to ole 'maladjustmentB of the labor sup ply" are being studied The munitions factories and other In dustries hae not tt absorbed the unein plojed," .Sulllan said Iteports to me warrant the conclusion that there Is In the t nlied States no shoitage of labor In the general sense What scarcity exists In Places Is In specialized lines upon which the drafte hae been extraordlnar " The farming classes weie treated gen et ously In the first draft as regards exemp tion, said Sullhan That all farmers be exempt from forced tnllltarv ervlce. as the exchange demanded was icgarded 'bv him as "cttraordlnarN He pointed out that California particulate had been compare tlely sllghtl affected on Ing to the large number of Japanese nnd other aliens there. 2000 ;il IN KRS ST R IKK -t Collieries at Atitlcnrcld, Honeyhrook '. and Green Mountain Tied Up HAZI.ETO.V Ta Ort in The collieries of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Darre foal Com pany at Audenreld, ltone brook and Green Mountain ete'tled up todaj by a strike of tUo 2000 miners over a grievance involving payment for the removal of rock. The out put la about 2500 tons a da. nnd If the suspension continues for any time produc tion will be considerably cut Tlve men contend that they have received fpo satisfaction on the adjustment of their complaint, and gave vvarnlng a week ago tint -there vrould be a tie-up If no settle- DicnC wag reached. MONEY TO LOAN LOWEST RATES ON DIAMONDS & GOODS OF VALUE FRIDENBERC FUEsif German troops RUSHED TO ITALIAN FRONT Forty New Divisions Diverted From Russia to Provent Utter Rout of Austrian WASHINGTON, Oct 19 No fewer than general staff hae learned that no fewer than forty dll?-lon. (more than 480,000 men) of German nnd Austrian tioops have been do uched fiom the Russian front to re-enforce the Austrian atrry now facing the Italians The presence of large numbers of German, Turklih nnd nil ;irlan troops on the Italian Iront also Is reported, an Indication of the uallratlon hj tho Governments of the Cen tral Powers of the Imminent danger of a general rout If the Italians continue their Mif cesser on tho lUlnsliia Plateau Austrian officers who l.ave been captured b.v the Italians freely admit tho existence of this feeling of apprehension on the part of tlielr general staff GRAVI AMMUTINAMENTI DI MARINAI AUSTRIACI Sanguinose Rivolte sono Avve- nute tra gli Equipaggi dellc Navi Austro-Ungarichc ALTRI SUCCESSI ITALIANI TIOMA 19 otlobre Ncnostante la rlgorosa vlgltanra fatta psercltare dall'Austrla al auol oonfinl, sono glunta a Berna notlile dt gravlssime rlvolle scopplate a I'ola ed a Flume, tra le clurme della flotta Austro-Ungarlca, anche per le difference dl tratlamento tra gll equipaggi del sottomarlnl tedeschl ed I marlnil austrl acl nell'Adrlatlco. eosa questa che portera' ad attrltl tra I comandantl delle flotto del due Imperl Le raglonl degll ammutlnamontl vanno prlnclpalmente rlcercate nell'lnumano trat tamento degll ufflclill austrlacl erio I proprll uomlnl o ncl cattlvo e deflolente im trlmento A Pola la rlvolta arrive' a pro ponlonl allarmantlslmo anche per le non buone relaxlonl dl cameratlsmo eslstentl tra 1 marlnai austrlacl c quelll tedeschl apparte nentl alia flottlglia del sottomarlnl che Ivl staslonava per lo operailonl nelt'Adrlatlco Marlnai ed ufTlclall vennero a conditio c parecchl rlmasero ucclsl da ambo le parti La flottlglia del sottomarlnl tedeschl e' stata sublto trasferlta In altr base nnvale nel basso Adrlatlco Le plu' gravl mlsure sono state prese dalle autorlta' austrlache per prevenlre II rlpetersl delle rivolte Rapportl gluntl dalle cltta' sulla costa autrlaca fanno apparlro estremamente critlca la condlilone economlca dl quasi tutte le cltta' dell'lmpero e speclalmente dl Trieste Anche nella flotta tedesca sembra si slano vcrlflcitl nuovl ammutlnamentl Alia Camera del Deputatl 1 Mlnlstrl Ita Ilnnl hanno fatto una chlara esposlzlone dello operazlonl complute dalle valorose truppe del generate Cadorm, ed hanno fatto rllevare una Ferlo dl continuaie vmorie consegulte In terrltorlo nemlco, le quail hanno demorallzzato gll austrlacl II Mlnlstro degll Ksterl ha parlato sulla vllta fatt.v a I'arlgl id a Londra per un favorcvole svlluppo della sltuazlone econc m'ca La sltuazlono del vlverl o' stata descrltta como buona In vlsti del fatto che II razlonamcnto M c reso necessarlo polo drpo due annl e mezzo dl guerra Pero' I Italia ha os'oluto blsogno della co-opernl-one degll Statl L'nltl speclalmente In vista della deftclenza dell'ultlmo raccolto Dalle fronte Itallana dl battaglla glun gono notlzle secondo le quail si sarebbero vcrlflcatl del comhattlmentl con eslto fa vorevole per gll Italian! sull'altlplano dl Balnslzza eve rlpartl austrlacl d'assalto hanno ntlaccato le poslzlonl recentemente cccupate dagll Hallani Gli austrlacl subl rono rilevantl perdlte e lasclarono nella manl degll Italian! parecchl prlglonlerl In generale lungo tutta la front' si e avuta una moderata attlvlta' rti parte delle artlgllerle e combattlmentl lsolall dl poc-i entlta Nelle vail Tludlcjria e Dogma gll Itallanl dlpcrero fortl ccIonne austrlache in mo vlmento che avevano intenzlone di attac care le llnee avanzate degll itallanl Alcunl attacchl condottl dagll austrlacl sulle poslzlonl Italiane a sud-ovest dl f-elo, sul Carso. furono prontamente resplntl e gll assalltori dc-vettero darsl alia fuga Hcco II testo del comunlcato del generale Cadorna. pubbllcato lerl dal Mlnlstero della Guerra Itallano Lungo tutta la fronte si e' veriflcata una moderata attlvlta' da parte dell'ar tlglleila o locall combattlmentl dl re lative Importanza Larghl rlpartl nemlcl furono dlspersl daH'edlcace fuoco ijel nostrl fucllleri e delle mltragllatrlcl nelle valll Gludicarla e Dogni.1 Women's Satin Dresses Gown Dept., Third Floor Very attractive models, designed on simple and becoming lines. Specially Priced $17.75 and $25.50 EVENING LBDaER-PHIL'ADELTHXV, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1017 GERMANY SPENDS MUCH ON PUBLICITY i More Than $80,000,000 Dis bursed for Propaganda Among Neutrals NEWSPAPERS PURCHASED Hy WKnn MILLER lonoon, Oct 19. Germanv lodaj is pouring vast amount? of motiy Into neutral lountrles for propa ganda designed to svvaj public opinion Ac cording to Authoritative Information her expenditures for this work will total more than 8'i onn riOO on tho preent scale of lavlshness Much of the money Is spent "In subsldlr Ing and Influencing newrpapers In a num ber of tases Germans bought newspapers outright and managed them from behind the scenes Largo amounts nro also being paid agent to keep peace agitation going It was learned today that on one occa sion tho German Minister to Me!co. Von Kckhardt, subsidized a Mexican newspaper bv furnishing It newspilnt paper and se curing for It tolls free, the German com munique and other German-made news In return this newspaper was to ninke a feature of the German communique on the first page and to burj the Allied oftlclal re ports inconspicuously on nil Inside page German-made editorials were nlo to be carried In the er before Cnlna entered the war authoritative Information Is that Germany spent $2,000,000 in that country through her agents seeking to Influence the china public against Japan nnd the Allies One o"1 the mistakes made was the bltiiuli'ilng translation Into Chinese of a pamphlet de signed to promote antl-Allv feeling The c'umsv wording of tho pamphlet aroused the Indignation of the Chinese President of St. Joseph's Retires The Rev J Charles Davev has retired from the rectorship of the Catholic Church of the Oesu and the presidency of St Jos eph's College In favor of the Rev. Redmond T Walsh, who has been teaching In Wood stock College Mnryland Father Davev slightly 111 will continue to live at the parochial residence southeast corner of Hlghteenth and Thompson streets Tke Irresistible Appeal BRACELET WATCH $135 While Gold Sel Wilk SO Diamonds and i Sapphires $2.50 Weekly rO hriatoi& isttut-l Qs& Special for Saturday Serge, Satin and Taffeta Dresses Misses' Dcpt. Second Floor 100 smart dresses care fully selected from our regular stock; in all-wool blue serge, navy blue chif fon taffeta and heavy navy blue satin. Regularly $17.75 and $19.75 TST Saturday Only Women's Party Frocks Gown Dcpt., Third Floor Of silk and nets in the new, deli cate shades and colorings. Sjjccially Priced $26.50 Every department throughout the store Wccivisc offers Progress Specials for Saturday, the last day of Progress Week, which are unequalled values Knitting for Soldiers and Sailors ? We have khaki nnd grey yarn in stock and a competent teacher at your service. NOD BY KAISER TO DECIDE CRISIS Solution of Chancellorship Muddle Awaits His Re turn From Balkans BOOM FOR VON BUELOW AMSTUnrtAM, Oct 19 H Is generally believed that Trlnco von nuelow will be. offered his old post In succession to tho Im perial Chancellor, Dortor MIchaelK accord ing to the Berlin Lokal Anzelgcr Von Beu low has returned to Berlin , With a view lo saving what the news paper rails "his sinking chancellorship" Doctor Mhharlts, according to the Boersen Zeltung, of Berlin, offered Trledrlch von Payer tho pof-t of Vice Chance. lor held by Dr Karl von Helfforlch Tho newspaper adds that Von Paver, who Is n Progressive member of the Kolthstag, declined to ac cept the portfolio Speaking of the Russian provlmrs of Courland nnd Llvonln, 1'hlllpp Schcldemarn the Socialist lender, f.ald nt the Wurzburg conference. I'nlon of these tenltorles with Germany, whli h has been demanded repeatedly, can not be contemplated." The conferenro bv n vote of IS) to 2G re jected a motion binding the p.ut lo vole agnlint war ircdlts In tho llekhstag A iMolutlon was xubmlttod signed by 118 delegates demanding the restoration of Bel glum and protesting against division of Alsace-Lorraine, Herr Hoch. member of the Reichstag, declaied on behalf of tho Independent So cialists that they wero In favor of the country h defense and would only refuse to voto for credits so long ns the Imperial Government failed to promise the adoption of tho peace demands of the Social Dem oc rats and to make changes in the Constj. tutlon CnPi;ILGi:N, Oct 11 The ofTei bv Doctor Mlchaells, the Impel lal Geiman chancellor of the post of Vlc'c Chancellor to Von Paver is confirmed b the Clerical liermanla and the Radical Tageblatt The offer would Imply the Chancellor's leadl ness to throw overboard Ilelfferlch an well as Admiral von Capelle, the Minister of Ma rine, in order to save the situation A solution of the crisis Is expected soon after the return of llmperor William from Constantinople The Tagleblntt sajg opln ion Isvlrtualls unanimous In political circles that a quick chango of Chancellors In in cvltable The Vorwaertf, organ of the German Socialists, declareH that even the sacrifice of a second subordinate In Doctor of this particularly small Bracelet Watch, set with, diamonds and sapphires, is easily granted by means of Our Perfected Credit System An individual and orig inal plan that gives value with the convenience of extended payments. A Service that is highly perfected, satisfactory and dependable. HAKBVRGEC'S 1014.CHESTNVTST. Where credit hat the Purchasing Power of cmi f - tr&e'. 10.50 IloliTerlch following the displacement of Admiral on Capelle cannot affect Its vlswa that Doctor1 Mlchaells Is an Impoislblllty as Chancellor The proceedings of the convention of Ger man Poclillsts at Wurzburg reveals light prospects that the two branches of the party will be united Professions of desire to es tablish parly unity are profuse, but are most aIwaN accompanied by scolding or tho opposite side and are based on the assumption that reconciliation would be pos sible only hv the submission of one wing to the dictates of th6 other Mr IMuaid David Reichstag member, declared the war lould not be ended bv submarines Germanv had not been spared a fourth war winter through the operation of the I '-boat, ho said, and would not be ahle to foirn peace upon England In a few months, as the pan-Germans claimed, or even in one or tw'i cars. i - DIG THROUGH CAVE ROOF TO CAPTURE THREE BOYS Police Accuso Lad Living "All Baba" Existence of Petty Thefts in Frankford Living the life of ' All Baba ' of Arabian Nights fame, three thlrteen-vear-old hovs who the police of the Frankford station declare are responsible for a number of petty thefts from stores In Frankford for tho last few weeks, have been caught in a cavo they had apparently been making their homo for some lime Following out a clue as to their meeting place. Policemen Dougherty, Balrd and Mc Cotgan of the Frankford station, discovered the secret rave on the Frankford Creek t'nablo to find an entrance to It, a hole was dug through tho roof nnd tho three bovs were taken In tho midst of cooking a meal Much of Ihn booty alleged to have beon stolen bv them In the early mornings was recovered How they entered (he rive, the police say, Is a mvsterv BRADBURN & NIGR0 ( nrrrrt Tailors for Dressy Men nur prices nnd qualllv rep resent the epitome of true re nnoim 13th & Sansom Sts. i,"0;'1 Commercial Gardening I am n prnrtlml tBMnblA (trower, halng thorounh prif-ntlflc knowledge of commercial fr etiibl gnmlnir for blsr mnrkMs Now manngtr of lam Nm Jrey market gardn recently dlrpoBd of for real estate purposes Gentleman nr lads of ample meant possemlne suitable J ind nn't una unuld he Interested in the clelop ment of modern plant for hip production of garden produce nn secure m sen Ires Add lean 'ormnKitV a 2. m;igkk ornci: Suits Regular Prices Would Be Up to 25.00 Eggf m Market and 10th Sts., Philadelphia X- & I m A Rare Occasion to Make an Effective Saving Right at the Start of the Season. Dozens of Newest Modes for Choice For THE SUITS An occasion of extreme impor tance, coming nt the very start of tho fall Reason, with cold weather now here to stay. Suits of distinction for every modct represented in this proup follows closely on the lines of much higher-priced garments. Choose from modish i Korami Fur-Trimmed Suits Velvet-Trimmed Suits Plush-Trimmed Suits Braid or Button Trimmed Suits Strictly Tailored Suits Developed of Vicunas, heavy broad cloths, mixtures, plaids and heavy novelty winter cloakings. Those that show belts or fitted at waist line; others in the full-flare sweeping effects. Many are all silk lined. Autumn's complete color range. GERMAN FOOD RATIONS ARE FAR BELOW BODILY NEEDS Harvests This Year Have Not Relieved Situation to Any Great Degree WASHINGTON. Oct. 11 -The food ad ministration has made publlr recently ob tained figures on the German weokly fond rations, with observation that It Is far ' low the amount required lo maintain bodily health and vigor and Is likely to have serious and permanent results Compuled In terms of American house keeping, the weekly ration amounts approxi tiFESWEte THE CA WINT-WiXHI WuWjfeli'Sl S?&$ Tt vm iezv'&t mt Sr MwL fir M m A 1 Earle Store! Tomorrow-Exceptional Earle Store News in the Salons of Fashion 15 Women & Misses 15 mately to four and a half poundsTfTI a half peck of potatoes, a cunful 2 M peas or oaimeai, a pair pound nr TT" ItvellA rnhes of aiif-ar at.. i. . ? mm ties at butter and an equal amount er '"HS rats. Miie caiono value, of thti. Aju, 41 the aggregate Is less than half 12. . ' ' 'I estimated by the food admlnlstr,.1m' 'I sufficient (or a person In a sed.n r,i.t'lla I patlon " "wj. Reports 4o the Slate Deprtms i.,. that the German harvests this ,. v4 A not relieved the food situation to H 1 iici'inuii "nil il is Known ttl.r. i 'f t ' great acarclty of fats and anlm. I !L!M ' general ana mat, the. supplies recelv. . Rumania and neighboring neutrals . "" making up for the lack of proteins; "n HLE By the Box One package of Life flavors it never enough They're so good, everybody takes two when you pass them around. Therefore, it's wise to buy Life Savers by the box. They'll keep perfectly fresh in the moisture-proof wrapper. 1 And youll always be sure of a supply for yourself, for com- pany, and for the kiddies. Foar Flavor CL-O.VE PEP-O.M1NT LIC-O-RICE WINT.O-GREEN Sc Everywhere MINT PRODUCTS COMPANY New York Coat s Regular Prices Would Be Up to 25.00 THE COATS What a busy place our coat sec tions will be tomotrow with this most wonderful offering of newest, smartest coats nt so low a price? We purchased them at a saving, and we pass the saving on to you. Coats that were designed for style nnd yet have not been neglected as to quality of materials atd workman- wmLWLmLwmmmM& 6I1I. Luxurious Fur-Collar Coats Fur-Trimmed Collar Coats Large Self-Material Collar Coats Dressy Semi-Lined or Flare Coats Developed of broadcloths,, poplins, gab ardines, burellas, oxfords, cheviots, whipcords, serges and twills. Coats in finger tip and' knee lengths, show ing belted, high-waisted, fitted or flare effects. Autumn's brightest colorings represented, also navy blue and black. Second Floor :p r tti V m u A. e! tl V )' ST v V t 4! K.HttKlMWt&Ank) 1 tmW"M,nmrt JU ..AOfr-JlfW. , uiusaa