KM it?x-M ;ra V-' l TvKi. K ? .-r? t . EVENING LEDaEK-PHlLxVDELPHI A, RIDAY OCTOBER 19, 1917 It .. Pappus Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World WHEN THE FIRST FLOOR SCREENS WERE REMOVED THE POWERFUL KATRINKA CARRIED A PILE SO niGn THAT DAD COULD. SIMPLY LAY THE. SECOND FLOOR ONES RIGHT ON TOP '$r Ifc V ( COME ouND ) ! AysZ I , ' ( TCTHE. Wi yW X viiKDbws ik V y ; 5J fjSBBF ) &Z - 1 ' ," 'V. 7 V.:v v4'" '' .At . S 4 By FONTAINE FOX. (tfopjrltht.) 77e Heater O hungry, Boulless Iron brule, ;ipu make me suffer pairs acute. I have'to" us my hard-earned cash to feed you coiil that turns to ash At morning, noon and night you eat your meal of prehistoric peat with appetite that kee'ier grows tha more ,the winter zephyr blows and r must feed you or. behold, my other boarders will be cold. That makes me think that while you chew your board Is getting overdue. You never yield a single cent to help me pay my bills and rent, although your diet costs the more per diem than It did of yore. You have mo now. be yond all doubt, and I can't een put you out. But, ah, t suffer not In vain, for .when the summer comes again I'll .mnlto you duffer for our sins. You'll sit and stare at empty bins. To pen alize you for your call you'll get no meals until the fall. WILL MOOR 13. He Meant Well THE PADDED CELL &l 'sssssssssssssssssV sssVbssssssissm iondon Opinion. The Major (to distinguished baritone) You have a magnificent Olce. my dear sir, but you're wasted absolutely wasted an a singer. You. ought to be a drill sergeant ! SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG I f.' ''Si',- liiiiilill! i ' ,'9r" ' " "11 11 1!' 'hI III' ft-,. 'fSB;. "T3& V .fSljI TmnwimffWoiiii MHrfi TV' - --jj;l V iHBBklBHBifliWulsni ' .'-'- 'r?:- The Young-Lady. Across the Way j AJ01 ACHATE- ( - - - mVDerapaw'THATs V . . " - X TRAVA5ANT IN TH&5E " f IvwanTFivcX . TImes-DoaiTfemdTFje ) SIRLOIN STeAr. Off -T VSG& J&TA5. J I Icuttupfr7 v; jGoo? y ) Mr MP1 The ybung lady; across the way says most ofyho- crooked things done by Germany seih't. to be the' work of the foreign office and "perhaps the natives aren't as bad as they're painted. Muit'.Wtit f?r. tlje Newspaper "How m.ny revolutlphs does' the earth rriajie jnR day? H'a yoir turn, Willi Smith,' "ToU can't tftll, teachtf,' till you see the "evening1 paper." Baltimore' American, If w -ir:ffai ri.: id i'r, V SH. CStV " " - niwasne1 A ... vf' "":. From iI?rl"'r. Zurich. Kultzerlan-I TMK OTHKIt nWOKIt When Kurope lle bleeding, look out for the hyenas of the Kast WIXTER, RUSSIA'S SILENT From the Humanitarian, New Tork'Cla NT l'AUTNEU Tom Slay. In the Detroit Journal HELr FREE THE AVORLP BY Bl'YIXG LIBERTY BONDS From Novl SatlrHon, retrocraa Deserter "I am not going to tho front, motlur. 1 shall stay at homo nnd defend the revolutllHl' Russia "Your defense will be her ruin." From Motor Abo UNCLE SAM, THE AUCTIONEER on boj's; buy Liberty Bonds! Make It snappy! Liberty Is calling!" Glbba, In the Bltlroor Bui SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE 'Aro they going to throw me down?" ailiuu" rrrtr. ....- .'T.-rrA" tWruitfAi SftMtni te iMtrnxi(A m . W :', y sv Myfo-imi mmm Rta'j'&'MAYe ..L..f I ' J Vr Vmoiratfctaxon 6 inMW,AU'"S:tti ;hh wmMtimmwrr jiyt iK JCt!Zi.jil4M irivvvn I ryea 5, ' j' ' y rrnr r-r- - T.ri, v..,. rfdtfftrmKtive. Knott, In Dtltts, Texas, News ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER From IA.lno, Home, ltlf MILITARISM BEHIND BARS .v Aiiiiii aiiioi xiii4l, 4irtvo 5 trni On the bars are written the words "Popular Sovereignty TOJS. t'onat Tribunal." "The Society of Nations," "Compulsory $'-& lion.' "nuaranteen of Vnllonal Inifenendence, .. ..;!""7. Disarmiiment ' "Thp nemocrntliation of Ooyernmentn. ( IJ Ir jrauors oi imeriiatiopaj i,gniumii- . J it...y k,l