Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 18, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 18

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    K .
Inn Considered nnd Referred by
Supreme. Court to Grnnd
Courts for Action
Tha question of tho establishment of a
V .'ktnir! truttw. .. sha..... a ..u.a ... it..
K of A. Bupremo court from which death
Claims of S200 each for tho member and
'4lhA fftl VlA MrlShSS sre.ASst.1 .. Hnl.l IM.I...1 nt
each court as now, assuming the liability
for funeral benefits In such sum as tho aub
ordinate bylaws provide, waa considered
tvlth great care. It Is declared that tho
efficiency of tho plan Is admitted and Its
effects as a stimulating factor In tho ex
pansion of the order find no advocates for
Any contrary Icw. Tho sago counsel of tho
presiding Supremo Chief Hanger Judge C
X Ilendon advised:
If tho plan Is found acceptable In thl im
mention I would puggeat that It not be com o np
rralire until after it has ben acrcptd M nt
least twothlr1ii of th grand rourtu In Bpf(lai
convention culled for that purport, for tho rcu
on that the plan would tw a departure from
our basic principles, and tho members through
J heir Brand court delegates should hao the
ccldlnc aay.
Tha action taken and partial reason for so
dolnc are outlined by V l. C. H J V Dono
hun, of 220: "Klnal determination wan rmcrtrj
until tho next convention. In the
Interim tl. supreme executive vrlll take tin the
subject and every grand court will be requested
to vote upon tho proposition at thflr coming
eslona. As the adoption of tho plan vtouM
entail an extra payment of weekly dues by earn
member. It vas deeini'd that tho present tlm
aa not opportuno to enact tt. because tho war
nctvsaltlea require an added tax upon each
member to malntatn the special supreme lourt
rund to pay the dnuth claim for every enlisted
member In the military service who Is killed
or dies as the result of disease or Injury whilst
la tho Government's war service.
"Again, the endovrrm.it fund tax lmrras
lessens the local court funds 1hee facts, with
calls of patriotic needs to ho responded to nn
they may arise, tho pecuniary outlay will be
of sunlclent amount to l- nil that should bn
now exacted from tho mrmber, and as both
these Imperative need will be of temporar
duration, tt Is mow than likely both will bo
vvound up. or at 1-ast become so emplo In re
serve resources as to exempt from further ron
trlbullmts from thp membership ut ih diU of
the lWlt tonventlon, and thsr without unv
undue burden tho crratloit of This ttencral mor
tuary fund may tw mad tetttiln and Its main
teiwnce placed bound doubt
Valrmount. No -41, st 2 1.14 Urown si reel,
urferlnc the loss qf Afti-i,o members mi ac
count of Undo Ham. hlil a session of Inspira
tion Musical cnm and good cheer gave vim
to the occasion Tho r.ruc.f?dlnira wr-re tnll-
ned by Brothers Klnslow, Davie, lloea .Magee.x
A.cnneay, juucg. jonnson, J.ein . uiiu era.
Armstrong lUnkln, Anderson Jones Clark
rreney. who, with Deputy Grand Chief KariKtr
Ilautenhauser, cai.Ii did his bit As a subscriber
to tho Liberty ltonds, the court prows that It li
a, doer of deeds foe freedom's cause Iho ad
dress of P. C H Grim1 was approprlatn and
timely, vu, Peac and tho principle"! upon
which It alono can bo. permanently based " In
part he said;
'What do we nieap by Ubertj? What do we
mean by freedom ot the individual, freedom of
nations, irtcaom or iani nnd seasT we an
nounce our purpose tq spread democracy to the
hds of tho earth. Do we realize that democ
racy, above alt other farms of Kovrrnnv-nt, rests
upon moral law? WtuU will make permanent
the peace we desire" Will It be the hand of
military might or W1U this peaco rest upon k
firmer foundation h reeptct for order, a love of
law. a reverence g( the rights of our fellow
men? Jt Is only as people ar" educated Into
tha recognition of moral standards In the affairs
of .nations, as well as uf tndivldulas can there
be tho slightest hope of an uidurin peace
Hence fraternity can be a factor. Will wo help
It to do Its task?"
Freedom. No. -.,0. turner Twcnt first and
Harket streets. Is arranging for Its annual re
union, which Is inude one of Its tnain social
functions. The enerwHlo ofTUers and commit
tfemen promise something out of the usual.
Brothers Campbell. Klernan, Kole, Heavy and
like stalwarts gave a slight forecast of the rom
lne fete attractions, uX tUo last meeting Dep
uty M. Kernan, who, likewise. Is the directing
OTorseer of De Lancey 321 exemplifies the
direct advantages ot the Junior branch Ah a
boy he wa a member of Junior Court Keystone,
No. -1. transferred at his arrival at age Into
Court Federal, No GO, one of the leudlng local
bodies, and so well posted In J of A. procedure
.that Courts L'SEO and 0J1 find In him an advisor
and guide of marked ablllt), is the tribute paid
by Brothers Walsh and liakcr of the-two respec
tive courts.
Oourt William Perm. No. SI commemorated
tha uu3d birthday of the frunder of the Ke stone
State. Urother J. M fling presiding at the
exercises. The orchestra of Court 1'enn 1reat,
Ho 22. Urother Joseph Fliher conductor, gave
a concert program The Glee Club of Qutiker
City, No. 17. Ilrothers Crockett, Parker. Her
KtT'and Edward soloists, rendered a repertoire
of national melodies Court Pennsylvania. No.
67. through Urother Duffleld. gave Its trlbuto
to the memory of the peace-loving Quaker,
whose ceded territory, with Its 4."i UFl square
miles. Is sending from every portion its ouns
Sien to Join the 34.000.0UU men now enrolled
y the nations of the earth In the f-reat crisis,
upon the culmination of v.hlch depends the
world's permanent peace with honor. In tho
overthrow of Kultur autocracy by democracy.
Court Philadelphia. No U" gavo Its final testi
monial, arranged by Doctor Milllck, to tho
boble reverend pathfinder of the municipality
rho dedicated It to freedom and Justice, through
liberty, unity, benevolence and concord, as the
ties that bind In brotherly love Court North
Penn, No. 1(12, furnished Its musical OKtrrega
tlon, with Urother J A Tlernty. director, to
add to tho festive occasion
Court St Albans No Sfl at TwenU-first and
South streets had a fraternal visitation from
Courts Ubertj Council. Uobin Mood. T. II
Heed and Mcpherson What was lacking In
I members, for good reasons, was made up In
Interesting war talk, and thero was not a dull
moment. A telephone message from Hro
J. J. Farrell, of No. 150, was an Important
part of the proceedings, and the acting lec
turer availed of Its suggestions to divert the
program Into a unique feature based upon the
anecdotal climax of the "Thou shalt not bear
false witness against thy neighbor," as a
parable not without application to present-day
peace talk. Urother Courtnay dilated upon
''Unreliable statements from loose observations
and hasty generalizations " Urother Jlapple
Jravo a vivid description of "Data of malevo
ent hostility, consciously intended to de
ceive an adversary " Urother Cunningham de
scribed "Untruths of self-glorification magni
fying' the virtues of tho class to which one
belongs." Brother Patterson's comments were
pointed upon "The venial formulae, the kind
of not-at-home tipe, fabrications chivalrous
or conventional and of politeness "
Brothers Uradley, Cujnc. McFarland. Mc
Gulre, Duffy, Watson, Devlne, Law ion. De
snny. Toner. Conway, Murph). Uourno and
others were heard In different aspects of tho
subject that ld to the conclusion that, though
tongues may utter things that may not be tru,
truth will eventually prevail, nnd in war talk,
as In other talk, truth should be mado manifest.
TUsctum No SOD Wjaluslnff avenue and
Xlftyfourth street, is tho mecra for seekers of
V of A knowledge on Tueadajs With brothers
as alert as Cowan fllrney Fischer. ltMIe,
Ilargrave. Vogt Oldfleld, Dopls, llolwlck Kran
helms. Zelner Cantz, Hnsell and Deput Ljwh.
Inch, of No Hi, none are disappointed In what
they seek. Th ordinary meetings aro conducted
o as to demonstrate that the rcitlne need not
be monotonous "The social adjuncts are
always up to date, and the debates are marvels
of sound sense and discerning Judgment,"
asserts Supreme Heprescntatlv Hlgglns, of No.
ST.!l). "It must be said of him " rejoins Urother
Taylor, of No 124, "that Tom Hfggins Is a
psrt of that splendid aggregation of visiting
brothers that draws kindred souls to its hos
pitable boards and helps the careworn to recup
erate." The next smoke feat 1s announced already to
da made a topllner event. The recent Father
11 at hew celebration was held with appropriate
ceremonies, with a tlmelv address upon "Tem
perane as Belated to Fraternity." nude by
P. C. It. lelthgoe, of Mantua No. 190.
Ludlow No. 278, at Canavan Hall, BIS West
Allegheny avenue, with a splendid treasury and
a fine body of co-operative f raters, holds its
plare as a leading1 ourt of the northeastern dls
Jtrlct In Urother Roth tho social features have
an active director nnd Urother Carllti guards
the business medium of the financial stability.
Amid Us suciesbfut achievement It answered
nobly the call to war and from lis ranks went a
coodly number now In tho ranks of the nation's
cieienaers, ana wroiiwr u. Augustin Carlln,
Joined by a host of friends, bid his son god-
speed an tb young man went forth from home
to the field of service. A special movement is
on foot to add to the ftl ready large roster, and
- each session has something to show as the out
come, Ihe court bad Its songsters unite with
those of the other courts as participants in the
great community singing festival on the plateau
at Belmont last Saturday.
Court Darby No. 357, made the recent out
tin under the management of Its alert enter
tainment committee a pleasant reunion of the
members, friends and families, at which Bros
Taclart. Pricker King and others welcomed
the guests. After a strenuous program of uth
letlo features th assemblage rested before the
dance numbers and listened to Tast Chief
Kanger Professor Marks of the borough educa
tion 1 stan. give a few helpful hints In hts
pleasant conversational style
"The V ot A Is an organization that makes
serrlea- Its predominant characteristic. No man
lives tu the ffrateful remembrance of his roun
trymen who did not spend himself freely In
their behalf. That la a fact vry voung- man
sjaould stamp upon his memory. The lives of
f&ft majority are a monotonous process of
feuttn wore and often routine folly. There Is
tiauur ok pian, noiaing ot purpose uay after
ty jw luuw urogram is rvpeaiea, ana me vie
i carp soininjr irora experience xne grant!
ida.1 to whtcn anv man can ddlraf him.
If u sarvlcfv The man who so gives himself
Jl never U satisfied until the service he is
Hied to render represents him at his best.
-a.iUI be no ulttnuLte failure for thou who
tb golden years that stretch betwten ado
ritim and full maturltr taka hold with mrim
Alfro) I nation ami do their best My young
brethren rvalli that Forestry in a scnoolrooni
t nnvsrt tn teachinx of riunlj service, the
n or-" to our Clod and to Tour eoun
iiruh tre aw)!urj vf th sobd you do
Ill I
i uui i.JUfcimr, yevr ig opca, yourself
UMA, Tsuxm, Htaw n4 AVrrn
v - sH
k -lilliai- jaBmBW wVaH
b?t9HykjB' vsVl
lie lias been fifty-four years a
member of Philanthropic Lodge.
No. 15, Independent Order Odd
Good Program and Big Attend
ance in Hands of Ladies
Who Know How
The bos in tlio Government sen Ice were
rosnlly pntcrtalnrtl by Illelo Rebeltah Lodga
tmilcr tho chairmanship of Brotlier Litch
field, who presented this program: I tend Inc.
Mto Oswald, soprano solo. Mlvi Ludwlc;
recitation, llugli Carlln: tenor solo. Alonzo
Yocum : lolln solo. John Wclden : recita
tion, Mrs Heiio Shaw . solo (soprano),
Miss Mollle Jarkson; recitation. Mrs Klrk
land . tenor solo. Howard Malony; recita
tion Miss Huth Wclden. soprano solo. Miss
Hejl, recitation. Miss i:ebn Kugfr: mln
stiel comedy. JoJin SlKenfuse. William
tirpunlow and IesJio Slcenfuse; "Star
Suangled Banner," sunc; by Miss Klrkland,
with pantoinlmo by Huth Weldcn and Eve
lyn Kuke Tho "eats" were such as only
the ladles know how to provide.
Tho follonlnir mml sisters and brothers
assisted In the euciess of the eenlnc
Mary Welden. nessle Slcenfuse nilzabeth
Tarhotton May Dimalilenn. I, Olivia Malony.
rt,i-irtiu .nuri-y. iicjun Alarcy, irs l(u?? Airs
Hoas Mr Annn Turdv Mrs ltlehard rurdy.
I.ea Turds T.aura Hutchinson Mrs Hutchin
son. Ilcule Khuter, Mrs Klrkland Mrs. Davli,
Mn Simpson Mrs Welsh, Irs. Keesan. Miss
Amundsen. Mrs Oarlln Mrs rtussell, Mrs
Dennison Mrs roster Mrs Hopkins Mollle
.latkson. "Mrs Joshua N Mttlilleld Mrs W T.
Kowden Mrs Harry Kolwell. John Welden, Wil
liam Hepnsrd eoree nradle Harry larbot
totu Mr Hopkins Walter Welsli, John Blaen
fue nieherd Walls, Mr Klrkland, Dick Itm
sell John 1 ates, James Sinister. Henrj Foster,
Harry Stephens. G M Uobert I.oe. Harry
Kolwell. Albert Waltr John A Peterson
The next open entertainment for tho bovs In
the eervlre will be held next Haturdav night
under the auspices of Mary N. Illn Itebekah
Lodfre nnd Koxhorougli Lodge. No C6, at Rldce
and I.iceum avenues
i:isle Hebekah Lodge announces a masquerade
partv on October 31, to which the sailors snd
soldiers aro invited Uvery one will be required
to wear a mnsr,ue in the auditorium of the
hall at 843 Main street. Darby.
Grand Seereiarv Hill has sent to officers nnd
members of the lodges located In tho city the
following letter:
"Hy order of the executive committee a meet
ing of the sener.il rmamlttee of the combined
lodges located In Philadelphia bavlne In charge
the seersl meetlnus for the entertainment of
brothers In the United Stttes service will he
held on the evening; of Mondav Octobr 22. inlT
at H o'clock p ni.. In the office of the Grand
Lodce 1723 Arch street
"The executive committee will make report on
tl.e work that has been carried on durlna the
last three monttis. and will also present for
the consideration of the aenerai committee the
question of the advleabllltv of continuing simi
lar meetings and of raising the necessary funds
to meet the expenses thereof
"Kindly see that the hrother who represented
vour lodge on tho general committee Is promptly
notified of this meeting, and If ho cannot make
it convenient to attend have the lodge appoint
some one in his place It is important that
evcrv lodge should bo represented at the meet
ing "
MHIo Lodge No lOno. conferred the Inltatory
degree in full form on eight candidates, with
tlie usually large attendance. The recipients
of the degree were Silas M Gordon, Karle E.
i.eaman, Adotph N Iloehler, George V Me
Null, Kmmett Heed Collom David Semmell,
Arthur ( halman, John J. HcUhardt Urother
James Gorman, of Nova Scotia, and James
Mauder, of South Carolina, were charmed by
the floor work Tho fund for the benefit of
brothers In the service of Uncle fam bids fair
to assume tremendous proportions Urother
James McMlchael Is always on hand to receive
subscriptions to the fund
The Hrst degree will he exemplified tonight
In full form. A large attendance of members
and visitors Is alwas desired as Inspiration
t the staff for continued application and
Merchants Lodge, No 2R3. entered on the new
term with a rousing meeting The Initiatory de
gree was exemplified In the usually creditable
manrer on a class of candidates The noble
grand appointed the following ocmmlttees: Kn.
tertalnment committee, J R Smith, chairman:
Frank Shuman. 1'. V Latham. A Luther and
T Latimer Jr : delinquent committee. V I.
Morion chnlnnun Frank Shuman, W. J Brit
ton Mark Wallace. K. A, Henrv, welcome com
mlttee, o. Maute chairman: T Latimer, Jr.,
A Purfor C If, Lombard, W. H Draperi
music committee R. A. Groom, n. A. Henry:
publicity committee. E. A Groom: representa
tive! to emploment bureau. K. A. Henrv; de
gree master. K. I Morton pianist. K. A
Groom The first degree will be nut on In
full form tomorrow evening snd nil members
of the team are urged to be present.
Irv T.oiKe No 21," had five candidates for
the first degree on Monday night, conferred In
full form, with the musical features for which
the work of Tvy Lodge Is noted. The dramatic
work of T (1. William Hjsore Urother Alfred
Htoertz. I O Philip K Jochem nnd nrnther
lames G. Treston together wtth the sintJp- of
Drothers Jochem and Treston, was particularly
fine The team wns vigorously applauded upon
conclusion of the final march.
The lodge voted to subscribe for SS00 of the
new Liberty i,oan ine annual report or the
lodge shows assets of morn than S45 000 nnd a
membership of M7. The second degree will
ba conferred In full form next Monday night.
TCast Parle Lodge. No 1042, conferred the
Initiatory degree Tuesday night on George W.
Weiss and Hufus K Palmer Jr Representative
IJergey reported having attended a meeting of
the representatives to the employment bureau,
where routine business was transacted Letters
were read from Ilrothers Lepley, Ranktn, Vogel
and Smith, who are In the new Federal army,
all saving thev had received many considerations
from Odd IJ-llows In 'heir respective camps and
vicinity. The lode-, will attend divine services
und4v, Octolier 21. at tho Derereaux Memorial
Methodist Episcopal Church. Twenty-slxtb. street
and Allegheny avenue, where the Rev. J. P.rry
Cox. the pastor, will have special services for
men. All Odd Fellow are cordially Invited.
Kenderton Lodge, No 2611 elected a candi
date for admission. The committee on the
thirtieth snnlversarv. composed of Past Grands
W II Zimmerman. George L. Tucker, Jacob
Y Lour, Joseph H. Tomllnson and Ueorg. Bur
gert reported that arrangements for th. event
were nearly completed. Brother Robert Glen
nle. of Summit. N J., was a visitor.
The orphanage has been called upon to suffer
the loss of the faithful matron. Mrs. Latltla A.
Hnoch. who has been In charge of th. children
since April. 1906. President Richardson and
the board ot directors tendered her a testimonial
reception, presenting her with a fin. gold watch
as a token, or appreciation ot her services.
During the tender remarks of the president sev
eral members of the board were overcome with
emotion, as the moat harmonious and cordial re
lations had existed between th. management
and the matron This change coming so soon
after the retirement of the children's popular
Christian Kndeavor Instructor. "Mister George,"
makes It a moat regrettable occurrence, as the
combined work of the matron and Instructor
touched th. lives of the children along th.
mental, physical and spiritual lines up in the
highest possible point of efficiency. Mrs. Enoch
Soes to rest with her sister at Audubon. N. J,
Irs. Clara Tuttle, a former assistant, will
Dav. cnargs ex me ennaren tor u. present.
Fifty-four years an Odd Fellow Is the record
ot Venerable Warden Christopher W, Pasco.,
Sr,, of Philanthropic Lodge. No. IS He was
taken Into th. order In March. 1S63. and on
March 11. 1813. his fiftieth anniversary, a tes
timonial banquet was tendered him whan ha was
presented with a. solid gold watch and tb.
charm of th. order. Brother Paseoe was born
July 31, 1830, on Sergeant street, between Ninth
and Tenth. Ills father, Henry Paseoe, war on.
of tba original subscribers to th. Public
Ledger when It was published from th. old
Arcade bn Chestnut street between Seventh
and Klghth, so that th. paper baa been a friend
of the family for th period covering the Mexi
can War lbs t v I War and th Spanish-American
War Althoush lghtiona viara tit
Brother Psaee. Is still vigorous, as Is also hts
wife, who was Warrv.t J'P
i- -.eft rtiwsrvi intr
-' ;'
Eleven Candidates Out for Great
Junior Sngatnoro Begin
ning of District Meetings
Great Chief of Reoords Fraaer announces
th names of tho brothers who have been
nominated for chieftaincies in tha Great
Council -and who Iiavo accepted In accord,
ance with the laws, as follows:
Great sachem S. Williams, Jr.. No. 434.
Great senior sacamore Charles 13. Bell,
No. 304
Great Junior sacamoro William S.
Dllchor, No. 204; Aaher K. Anders. No.
214! J. W. nodenhaver, No. 61; Norman
U C. Troxell, No. 201: Hayden McQualto,
No. 801: John H. Felmeth. No. 169;
Charles Ucckman, No. 411; J. n. Parrlsh,
No, 429 ; Charles W. 1'rcsslor, No. CI ; A. It.
Chase, No. 407. and Charles Schafer, No.
Great prophet T C. Meswlck. No. 4BG.
Great chief of records Hamilton S. Mc
Kec, No. IIS; ThomaB Li lYaser, No. 278,
and John A. Kinsley, No. 72.
Great keeper of wampum Joseph Farrar,
No 144: Charles T. Davis, No. S30, and
Charles It. Wllllts, No. 74.
Oreit. Chief of Hfcord F"rir vislt.d ro
paunomlnr Trlbn. No. OS, Wind Gp, and
anslstrd In the dedication of the new wltrwam
and ths ratline up of the chirrs Dlrratlon.
of brothers from the trlbea throughout tho dii
trlct wore present. The report of Chief of
Records John V, tinier showed that tho tribe
had made a train durlnir the last term, and In
the new location he expects to show a good
report at the end of the term In worm moon.
Th. tribo ha. lost the services of several mem
bera by the call of the Government.
O. C. It Fraeer complimented the tribe on
tho enterprise shown, and urged the members
to capture palefaces durlnir the cold moon
Other speakers were Deputr Great Sachem
Floyd Darrohn, Prophet John Hicks, Keeper of
Wampum John II. Kdwards and Deputy Great
Sachem Albert W. Cowley, of No. 1!49. Past
Bachrm Thomae Wilson entertained the mem
bers v.tth noems dedicated to th. creat sachem
and tho order
A. council of detreo of rocahontas I" belnc
organized in conjunction with the tribe, Urother
Hicks havina an acthe part In It. Its is a lUe
district deputy In tho Ha) makers.
Lenl Lenspe Tribe, No. 3 rlth s delegation
of seventy-six members accompanied bv tho
fife and drum corps, visited Washita Tribe, No.
S3, Conshohocken, on last Saturday sleep A
elevation from Washita Tribe met tho visit
ing members with a rousing reception, escort
ing them through the main streets with bands
playing and red fire glowing. The fire depart
ment turned out, too. with bells and whistles
going. Deputy Oreat Sachem William L'lchhorn,
assisted by the degree team of No, 3, raised tho
chiefs. Interesting talks were made by Deputy
Great Sachem Elchhorn and other visiting
brothers. Corn and venison were served.
The first district meeting of the series
srranged by Great Junior Sagamore Bell will
h held In the wigwam of Tioga Tribe, No
SIR. on this Thursday sleep. In charge of Deputy
Great Sachem John Ilassett, who has arranged
a vaudeville show and smoker. The great thief s
and other prominent members of tho order
will bo present. The announcement of a dis
trict meeting ot Mlneola Tribe, No, 187, on
October 18, was a mistake. A later data will
be fixed. ,
Crow Tribe. No. 423. has closed a successful
term, the report of Chief of Records George
Rudolph showing the tribe hss made a gain ot
more man ouu xatnoms in wampum and a small
Increase In membership. The chiefs wero raised
by Deputy Great bachem Robert Sweeney,
assisted by tho degree team of Wnpella Tribe,
No. 32J. and District Deputy Alfred Rlsert
With the new officers Installed, the members
expect to be busy during the winter term.
Collector of Wampum William Flnan takes part
In all of the activities of the tribe.
Roohootah Tribe. No 227. entertained Mlnonk
Tribe, which raised the chiefs. Deputy Great
Sachem Coope doing the work, assisted by the
members of No. 451 DOB. Coope, Tast
Sachem II, C. Upright and others gave Inter
esting talks. The committee served refresh
ments. ,
Maumee Tribe, No. S04, entertained a dele
gation from Penobscot Tribe. No 70, on the
occasion of raising up the chiefs, the work
being done bv Deputy Great Sachem Plnkerton
assisted by the degree team of No 70. Short
talks were made by D. U. 8. Plnkerton and
Keeper of Wampum James H Wright, Jr., H
C, Relnhardt and Prophet Doctor Ayers of
No. 348: District Deputies William Street. Wil
liam Klchhorn and John l. Usher, this being the
sixty-ninth visit made this term. Great Junior
Sagamore Bell, on behalf of the tribe, pre
sented the retiring prophet wtth a handsome
ring In recognition of faithful services
The entertainment committee served lunch
and refreshments. The Wlllard minstrel troupe,
composed of Brothers W. W. Stockton, An
thony Katnp. Charles Sperber. Frank Sand
storm. Isllo L Mar, Frank Miller. Amos
Orcenwaj, Russell Kecbler and William Frlcke,
nil members of Maumee Tribe, entertained th.
visitors with an old-time vaudeville show,
Tuscarora Tribe. No 20. adopted two new
members at the last meeting A committee was
appointed to work In conjunction with the
Deputy Great Sachem James Parke and the
other tribes in the district In arranging for a
district meeting In compliance with the request
of Great Junior Sagmore Bell The meetings
sre being well attended and the tribe expects
to do good work this term. Past Sachem George
Staus Is an active worker In the tribe and Hay
makers, now filling the position of State chief
Mansgny Tribe No 816 held a --ery lively
and Interesting meeting last week. The follow
ing officers were Installed: Sachem, William
Brosey, senior sagamore, Allen Dietrich; junior
sagamore, Edward Hornberger prophet. Ray
mond D. Bertram. Short talks were made lv
Past County Chaplain Thomas Bojer, No. 74;
County President Fred W. Snyder, No. SR4,
County Secretary Harry W. Bendel. No 351,
and Past County President Walter W. Weber,
No, 330.
The Haymskers held their -nonthlw meeting
at tho Great Council office. State Chief Hay
maker George II. staus outlined a plan of work
during his term. District meetings will be held
In different sections of the city and State dur
ing the winter. The ways and means commit
tee will take up the matter of raising funds for
the advancement of the craft.
The chiefs of Poconta Tribe, No. 11, were
raised by Cohockslnk Tribe. No. 120. The work
was faultless, all of the various speaking parts
being most capably filled. Especially note
worthv wa the work of D. 3, S Ferdinand A
Gunold. P. 8. Frank Weldner made a big hit
aa he led the procession with a stilt American
flag. After the work talks were made by P.
B. Ferdinand Gunold, prophet Talt, P. 8 Am
born. P S Wright Hagert. chairman of the
platform brigade: P, 8, Kllwood Hagert P B
Caprlos, P. 8, Cass el. Deputy Great Sachem
William Glaser, all of No. 12(1; also C of It.
Charles Anderson, No. M4; P. 0. H, Samuel K.
Walker, C. of It John R Oreenhalgh, P. H.
Camero A good lunch was served, after which
P. H Ed Bullea entertained with his string
The second trlcounty convention, comprising
Dauphin, Perry and Cumberland Counties, was
held at Middletown In the wigwam of Poketo
Tribe. The convention was well attended and
talks were made by P. O. 8. II. O Burtnett.
P. O. S. Charles E Pass, P. O 8. Samuel 11
Walker and O. 8. T. C Beswlck. Plans were
perfected and a commutes appointed to send
a present to every soldier who is a member
of any of the tribes of the sssoclatlon. Ar
rangements were made to assist the weaker
tribes and also lighten the work of the deputies,
A large street parade waa held In the after
noon. The next meeting will he held In Me
chanlcsburr. Wawatan Tribe. No. 63, Ttoxborough. accom
panied by tho band, visited Mlnonk Tribe, No,
451, and raised the chiefs, the work being
done in excellent form by Deputy Great Sachem
Samuel F Ehly and the degree team In full
Indian costume. A committee from No. 451
escorted the visitors In a street parade to the
wigwam, the degree team making a fine show
ing and receiving much applause all along the
line. The chiefs rslsed to their various stumps
were: Prophet, H. Haumgardner; sachem, Leslie
Drewltt; senior sagamore. W. Martin: junior
sagamore, Walter Bchllppel guard ot wigwam,
Clvde Schllppe: guard of forest, John Tailor.
The great sachem served tho trlb. by pre
senting to the retiring sachem a jewel ss a
token of appreciation of good service, and
gave a good, pointed talk on the good ot the
order. Deputy Great Sachem Ehly rave an
encouraging talk on th. work.ln No, (3. Ckl.f
or jiecoras h. itonn ana i-asi nacnem it j.
YTnrlarht anoka on behalf of Mincnle Trlh.
Deputy Oreat Sachem Al Gerner epok. ot the.
work by th. tribes In his district. The attend,
ance was swelled by delegations from other
West Philadelphia tribes, and after an Inter
change ot sentiment, corn and venison were
served In th. reception room. Th. "latch
string" is always out at 3849 Lancaster avenue
on Friday sleeps, ,
At th. weekly kindling ot the council fir.
in the tepee of Museodsh Council. No 62, D.
.. at 814 Oirard avenue, on last Monday's
sleep, the evening was mad. memorable by
the gift of a large service flag- bearing seven
stars, representing tha seven brothers of. the
council who have voluntarily enlisted In th.
United Slates army and navy. An appropriate
speech was made by Brother Edward A. L.
Dearden. on. of th. enlisted brother, and the
presenter of th. emblem to the council, and
tn. SMI W mM.viY "W IIHUS V3 oj
thanks by the couacll at large, through th.
Pocahontas, Florence Roarer.
Returns Than Far Show Majority of
S390 Against Amendment
DES MOINES, la., Oct 18. Latest
returns frorrt. 'Mondays prohibition election
how a majority against the constitutional
amendment forbidding the manufacture and
ale ot liquor tn Iowa ot 3580, at 2 p. m.
Fifty-one- cAtUrinj'iPreclncta are yet to
oe-seirsj zrsssa. r
ANDKI1SON. Oct. 18. llRNRT. son of lUrry
snd Llla Anderson (nee McFarland), aged 22.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services,
Sat., 2 p. m , parents' residence. 2800 11. Clear
field st. Int. private. North Cedsr Hill Cem.
Remains may be viewed Frl,, 8 p. in.
AtinttBT. Oct. 14. ANTIK1VT. httafcenl
Susan August. Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral. Frl.. 7-30 n. tn . 23IS S. nth st. Sol
emn requiem mass at Church cf Our Lsdy ot
Mt. Carmel 9 a. m. precisely. Int. Holy Crass
Cem. Auto service.
RADUM. Oct. 16, OnonOB IUDTTM. bus
band of Josephine Itsdum, born In Kenlslng
Baden, aged 16. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to fur
runerai, iti, n s m., uuua iiismg gun nve.
msss hi Henrys unurcn u a. m. int.
y Redeemer t'em Remains may ba Mewed
xnurs, t to iu p. m.
BAMFORD. Oct. tf!. GEORGE) V? husband
ef late Rebecca Wilson Ham ford, aged 60. Rela
tives and friends, Washington Camp, No, 819, 1
O. 8. of A., employes of Erben Harding Co,,
Invited to funeral services, m., S p. m., resi
dence of son-ln-lavv, L'dwln M. Watson. 3117
jinawn si., jioirnesDurg. int. private, itemains
may oe viowea -inurs,, i to n p. m.
in. I
3BARD. Oct. 1H. WILLI,
r.. husband of
Rsrali Beard, Relatives nnd friends, Oeorge
JirooHs v-ircie, jvo. sii, urotncrnoot or Atnries,
nvtted to funeral. Sat , 3 j. tn., 813 V. Wlldey
st. Int. American Mechanics' Cem. Remains
msjr be viewed l"rl., S p. tn Aulo funersL
llr.LL Oct. 17. JOHN JAMES RBI,!, for
merly of Rerwyn, Pa , aged 71. Relatives end
friends Invited to funeral, Pat.. fln.m, daugh
ter's residence, Mrs. James Tully. 107 Martin
sve., Uryn Mawr, Pa. Jllgli mass Church of
Our Mother of Good Counsel nam. Int. St.
Monica's Cem . Daylford Auto funersl.
HEI.RTIinLINO Oct. 10. HARRY J hus
band of Kato Atkinson and son of Mary W and
Into Cspt John J Belsterllng. Relatives nnd
friends. Itoxborough I-cdne, No. 13'. F. and
A. M. j Hsrmnny Chapter. No. B2, It. A. M i
employes of Pencoyd Iron Works. Invited lo
funeral, Frl., 2 p. m., 109 Rlpka ave., Mana
yunk. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friends
insy call Thurs. eve
I1IRCK8. Oct. 16. MART, widow of John
nirrks, aged OR, Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral services. Hat.. 2s. tn, IMS Harold
St. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Auto
BISBORT. Oct. 17. GL'ORGE If , husband of
Kmrna Blsbort (neo Klrchncr) snd son of late
Jacob and Anna J. Blsbort, aged 0.1 Relatives
and friends. Progress Lodge, No 009. F and
A. M,: North Phils. Brno. Society, emploves of
Terminal Warehouse Co., Invited lo funeral
services. Sun S p. tn , chapel. 2.12S German
town ave. Int. iorthvood Cem. Auto service.
BOTHWELL Oct 16. OEOROn W.. son of
lata William and Sarah Bothwell. Relatives
nnd friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 p. m .
242.1 Christian st Int. Mt,lMorlali Com
HOVER. Oct. 17, MART E.. widow of Wll
Ham V Boyer, aged (11 Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services. Sat., y'p m. resi
dence of son, Harry Boyer, 4JH Mitchell st ,
Rjxhorough. Int. private.
IlltENNAN Oct 1(1. suddenly, MICIIATIL J.,
husband ot Mary I! Brennan. Relntlves snd
friends St Thomas Aqnlnas Holy Name So.
clety, Dlv No. 20. A O. II . Countv Sllgo n. II.
snd P. Asso., Invited to funeral. Frl . 8 .10 s
in , 2J3t S 20th st. High requiem mass Church
of St Monica 10 a ni. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
Auto service
BROWN Oct 17. TATRICK. husband of
Mary Brown, aged 6.' Residence. 707 N. 42d
st. Due notice of funeral will bo gtn.
HUNTING, husbsnd of Knto Bunting (nee
Bouchler) aged 70 Relatives and friends in
vited to funeral services. Sat . 1 p. m.. 247
N. Juniper st. Int private l.auiet Hill Cem.
Friends may call Frl , 8 lo 10 p. in. Auto
CALLAHAN Oct. 3 7. HORACE T . son of
Elliott L and Katie 11. Callahan (neo Knox),
aged 7 scars 3 months. Due notice of funeral
father of Nicola, Domenlca. Gugllelmo, Vln
cenzo. Julia and Catarlna Catafesta, aged (1H
Into of 721 Ellsworth st. Relatives nnd
friends and members of the bocieta Deneflctenza.
Duca degli Abruzzl. Sncleta Atessanl, bocltn
del Parti aro respectfully invited to attend tho
funeral, from the residence of his son William
2202 H Hicks st . on Saturday morning nt 8
o'clock Mass of solemn requiem in the Church
of St. Mary Magdalen de 1'azzl. Int. at Holy
Cross Cemeterv
CHEW Suddenly, Oct. 10. WILLIAM N.
son of William and late Jennie H Chew,
aged 3D Relatives and friends invited to fu
nerol services. Sat, 2 p. m., residence of pat
ents, 1230 Kenwood ave. Camden, N. J. Int
private. Harlelgh Cem Trlends may view re
mains Fri . 7 to 0 p ni
1LARK Oct. 17. ANNIE JL. wife of James
P. Clark, daughter of Patrick and lato Cath
arine Gallagher. Relatives and friends. Altar
Society. Sodality of 11 V. M. of St. Malacny s
Church: St Ellrabeth's Ben. Soc Prosperity
Prldo Circle, No 047. C of P . Invited to ru
nerai, Mon , 8 30 a ni . IMP N Marlpe st.
Solomn high requiem mass St. Malachy's Cliutch
10 a m Int Old Cathedral Cem
CLARK Oct 18. ANNIE C . widow of Wll
llain J. Clnrk. Relatives and friends Invited to
services, lYl., 2 p. m , 0J3 Pembroko nve., East
Lansdownc, Pa. Int. est Laurel Hill Cem.
Friends may call Thurs. eve.
CONNELLY. On Oct. 16. 1917, rRANK. hus
band of Alice Connelly (nee McBrlde) and son
late Martin and Catharine Connelly. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral, on l'rl .
Ham, from his late residence. 101 TasKer st.
Solemn mass of requiem bacred Heart Church
9 30 a. m Int Holy Cross Cern
THOMAS, daughter of late Henry C nnd Kath
erlne Thomas Corfleld Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services, Fri , 2 p m . 2219
St. James place Int private
CRAMP. Oct 10. HORACE, husband of
Lizzie A Cramp (neo Likes) and eon of late
Martin and Josephine Cramp, aged 33. Rela
tives and friends Kensington Assembly, No 4tt,
A. O M. P . Invited to funeral services, l'rl ,
2 p. m., brother's residence, 008 Gaul st. Int.
0aDARK.Oct. 1C. HENRY .TAMES, husband
of Sarah Dark (nee Webb), aged 40. Relatives
and friends. William Penn Lodge. No. 39. K of
P.; Loyal Patriots of America, Roosevelt Lodge,
No 1. Brussels Carpet Weavers' Union; Hard
wlck & Magee Yearly Beneficial Asso., Invited
to funeral services. Sat, 2 p. m.. 3037 N. Hth
st. Int. Greenmount Cem
EISINGER Out 10, EDWARD, husband of
Minnie Elslnger (nee Rank) Relatives ami
friends, members of Christ United Evangelical
Church, I'.'lh and Oxford sts . Dorian Asemb!.
No. 41. A O M P . and Stoncmen's Fellow
ship, Invited to funeral servues Frl 2 p in ,
2471 lasper st. Int Hillside tun Auto servhc
EISENMANN Suddcnb. Of t 16. AUGUST
H., husband of Louise t Schtnld Ei&Mimami,
aged 14 Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral. Sat . 2 p m , chapil of Andrew J, iair
& Son. Arch and li'th sts Int. Mt Peace Cem.
Remains may be viewed Frl . to 9 p ni
I I.ECK uci ii. tut i. it , son oc tate
George and Margaret Flet k. aged 4!t. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. l'rl , 1 n. m ,
apartments of Wm II Battersby, 3316 N.
Broad st Int private. Greenmount Ci tn
r-nrtELLE Oct 15. JOHN J. husband of
Eva Forelle. aged 2S Relatives anil friends
invited to funeral. Fri., 2 p m . Si,37 Flske
ave.. Falls of bchujlkill Int Leverlttgton Cctn.
Friends may view remains Thurs.. after 7 p, in.
rniCK Oct 17, GEORGE II.. aged 08
Relatives and friends Invited to services Frl ,
3pm. Oliver 11 Bair Bldg , 1620 Chestnut at
FUNK Oct. 1C. FRANCES FUNK (nee Metz
ger). wife of Joseph I"unk. aged (1(1 Relatives
and friends. Archconfraternlty of Holy Fam
ily Sacred Heart League and Altar bocletv. in
vlted to funeral. Fri.. 7 .10 a. m.. 1520 N Law.
renco st. Solemn requiem mass st Peter's
Church 9 a. tn. Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem.
of James Gallagher. Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral. Trl , 8 30 a. m , 179 Wilt st.
(Hancock and Berk" sts.). Solemn requiem
maw St Michael's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Cross Cem. Auto funersl
OIFFORD Oct 17. MART J . wlfo ot George
Glfford. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral services. Frl 3 pm.. B022 Spring st
W, Phlla. Int. private. Mt. Teace Cem. Auto
ROY, aged 92. Relatives and friends. Meridian
Run Lodge, No. 158. I . and A M , rmploves
Penna R II Co . St. Matthew Yearly B A . In
vited to funersl servttes. l'rl., 2 p m residence
ot son-in-law, Dr. Edward R Stono. 1701 Master
st Int private. Aulo funeral
ILTON, son of late David and Mary Hamil
ton, aged 74 Relatives and frlemls bit Med to
funeral services 1 rl . 2 p m . 2024 I'itzwater
st. Int. Mt Mortah Cem. Remains may bo
.i-wed Thurs eve
11ERSH Oct. 10 ANGELICA daughter of
late Danl'l and Angelica M Hersh. Relatives
and friends tnWtcd lo funeral services Frl .
a m.. residence of elBter, Mrs. Joseph .Moor
head. 163S, N. nedfleld st Int. prlvato. Re
mains msy be Mewed Thurs eie.
HERSH Oct. IB. ANGELICA, daughter of
late Daniel and Angelica 11 lllnh Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral services. Fri, n
a m., from residence of sister, Mrs, Joseph
Moorhesd. 1633 N, Redfleld st. Int. private.
Remains may be viewed Thursday evening.
HOLMES Oct. 16, at 119 Maplewoocl ave..
Germantown, ELIZABETH, widow of William
Holmes and daughter of late John and Eliza
beth Leipsr Holmes, runerai services Frl.. 11
a m. Int. private.
KAT8ER. buddenlr. Oct 17. SAMUEL, hue
band ot Sara Kayaer. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral. Fri . 3 n in.. 2014 N. 20th st.
Incineration at Chelten Hills Crematory.
KINKKR. Oct. 10. JOSEPH L.. son of lat.
George B. and Amelia Klnker, aged 34. Rela
tives and friends. Lodge No, 72, Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Engtnenten, P. It. It.
Relief Asso., and Emerald Benellclal Asso.. In
vited to runerai, Frl., 7.30 a. m , residence of
mother, 230 N. Maschcr st Reqnlem mass St.
Bonlfaclua's Church III in Int. Holy Sepulchre
Cem. Auto service. Remains may bo viewed
Thurs. alter P. m.
KNOLL. Oct. 17. JOHN G . husband of Anna
Knoll, aged 77 Relatives and friends Si
Michael's Bruder Unterstuetzung Vereln. Statu
Jacobes Bruder Unterstuetruug Vcrein (nvlicil
to funeral services. Sat., 11 a ni., 2600 Brad
dock st. Int. private. Northwood Cem. Remains
may be viewed Frl., R to 10 p, m. Auto service
KRIPS. Oct. IB, I.OU1SA. widow of Oeorgo
D. Krips, sged 79. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral services, 2310 Green St., Frl., 3
p, rn. Int. private.
LEE. Oct. 17, of cerebro-splnal meningitis,
JAMES F., husband or Ella Lee (nee Walsh)
formerly ot 15 N. Dearborn st, (Mat and Mar
ket), and son of Catherlno and late James Lee,
Funeral and Int. private, mother's residence,
1618 8. Bailey st.
LEGOETT. Oct. 15, MART A., wlfo of Alex
snder Leggett. formerly Mrs. Leslie Parker,
aged 48. Relatives and friends. Invited to fu
neral services. Frl., 2.30 p. in., at 1348 S. 51st
St. Int. Plivate.
LEMMO, Oct. ID. FRANCIS A., son of
Frank and Kalherlne Lemino. aged in. Ilela.
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Frl., 6:00
a. m.,. residence of parents. 411 Manchester
ave.. Media. Pa. Bolemn requiem mass Church
of the Nativity. Media, Pa.. 10 a. m. Int.
lioiy until ecu.
LEUBY. Oct. 17. JOSEPH, Jr., husband ot
Annie Stell snd son of lat. Joseph I.euby,
Relatives and friends. Kensington Clrcl., No, ,
II. of A.: Fidelity Knitting Co.. Invited to at
tend the funeral services. Sat,. 2 p. m.. real,
dene, ot mother. 2086 E. Susquehanna ave, Int.
private. Magnolia Cem, Friends may call Frl..
aft.r 8 p. m.
LIPPINCOTT. At Ml Holly. -N. J.! Oct. IS.
JOHN W. LIPPINCOTT. aged 86, Relatives
and friends invited to funeral, -Trl.. 2 p. m., 120
Mill St.. Mt. Holly. N. J. friends may call
may call Thurs. .ye, Int Mt. Holly Cem.
LUCHTOct 10. HDWIN II son 0 Otto
F and Frieda Lurht (nee Hoegger) Relatives
nnd friends Invited t funeral services Sat.
p rn. psrema restpence ?18 VY firth St.
Int. Knlahts of Pythias Cem
MoDRVlTT Suddenly Oct. 16. JOHN J. Mc
DKVITT. husband of Kamdo UrDevItt and sot
of lata JawesndiCatbarln? McDsvltt. Ilela.
Tires and frlwidsv ElvjtTon, N. W4 O. 1L,
sr4S(;isJti7 ,M y'jk. ui
Pins st Solemn high msss ef requiem St. Pat
rick's Church 10 a. in. InL Holy Cross Cem.
daughter ot WHIIsm J. and Elizabeth R. Me
Glnley and granddaughter of lato John ana
Rosanna Sheridan, aged 18 months. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, Hat.. 1 ,P. ,";
residence of parents, 1623 S. Front st. Int.
New Cathedral Cem. ....... .. . ,,,.
Mclaughlin, Oct. m. buran MeLAUQir-
LIN, daughter of James snd lato Catherine Mc
Laughlin. 1 Relatives and friends invited to fu
neral, Sat , 8 30 s. m resldenco of father,
23J Jefferson st. High requiem. mesj St, LMza
bcth's Church 10 s. rn. lot Jtoly Cross Cem,
McNAMARA. Oct. 18. EDWARD A., son of
Addis E. ond Ellen McNamarn. aged 18. Rela
tives and friends, Ascension School, Invited to
funeral. Sat. 8.0 a. rn,. 731 U. Madison it.
High requiem mass at the Church of tho As
cension 10 s. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem.
McNICHOL. Oct . 15. DAVID, husband pf
Mary McNIchol and son of lat? Donald and
Mary McNIcnol.. Relatives and friends Invited
to funersl. Frl.! 8 JO, a. rn.. 2047 Cherry at.
Solemn mass of requiem Csthedrol 10 a in.
Int. lloly.Cross Cem. Auto funeral.
aged 07. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
nersl services. Sat., 2 P. ni.. residence of
brother, Maglstrato John Merlcarv, 2J13 Amber
st. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Auto service.
MILLER Oct. 17. EDWARD. eon of Wll.
Ilsm and Caroline Miller, aged 22. Relatives
and friends invllcd to funeral services, Hun.. 2
5. tn, 2811 D st. Int. Oakland Cem.
Mo'lR. At Clover Hill Farm. Media, Pa. ,
O-t. I". JOHN JACOn M011R, aged 70. Rela.
tlvrs sntl friends Invltod to, funeral services,
Frl.. 12 m., son-in-law's residence, Dr. John q.
Clsrk. Clover Hill Farm. Media, Pa. Int. pri
vate. Conveyances will meot train leaving
Broad St Sltaion 11:0.1 n. m. at Media Statlun.
Omit flowers Reading (Pa.) papers cony,
MOHIl Oct 10, L1SKT111 MOIIR (neo
Kncemoeller). wlfo of Rudolph K Mohr, aged
nft Relatives and friends invited to funeral
services, Frl ,2pm, residence of son.ln-law.
William A. Coll. 1833 Porter st Int. private.
Fernwood Cem. Friends may call 'Jhurs , 8 to
10 p in Auto cortege. M .........
NF.WHAI.L. Suddenly, Oct. 14, MIRIAM
SHEFFIELD NEWHALL. wife of John, New
hall. Relatives and friends nil societies of
which she vvas a member. Invited to funeral,
Rat.. 2 P. rn , lato residence, 1CJ'. DUtman St.,
Frankford. Hervlces St. Mark's P. E. Church,
2 30 p. 111. Int. East Cedar Hill Cem Re
mains may bo viewed Frl. eve. Worcester
(Mass papers conv. .. ...
OLSON (neo Roberts), wife of Joseph Nicholson.
Relstlves and friends, Ladles' Auxiliary of
Stoncmen's Fellowship of 15th Ward. Invited
In funeral services. Frl , 2 P m.. Church of St.
Matthias Int. private. Remnlns may bo
viewed nt 2fi3.1 Olive at. (20th st. and lair
mount nve ), Thurs eve. Auto service,
O'BRIEN" Oct. 15. ESTHER wlfo of Pat
rick J. O'Brien, need 40, of Tlnoleague. County
Cork, Ireland. Relatives and friends, Lcsgu.
of tho Sacred Heart lnvlled to funeral, l'rl.,
8'30 n m . 150 Jarrett nve.. RocUledge, Pa.
Solemn high requiem mass Church of tho As
sumption, 12th anil Spring Garden sis . Phlta .
10 11 m Int. Holy ('roes Cem. Remains may
ho viewed Thurs eve Auto funeral. lake
Route f,o trolley car on 5th st.
O'NEILL Oct 17. JOSEPH A . son of Eliza
ami Into Hugh O Vetll oged 21 Relatives and
friends Immaculate Conception T A. 11 So
ciety Holy Name Solet. invited tn funeral
Sat 8 m residence of mother. 44 4 Cedar
st . Jetildntown, P.t Solemn high requiem mass
linmaculsto Conception ( hurch lcnklnlown,
9 30 a nt Tnt New CatlteiirHl Cem
Sged 81 Relatives and friends Itnltcd to fu
neral services. Sun. 2 p. ni rt sidnnce of
nephew. Thomas S Clifton. Slit'i S 71st Int
private. Mt. y.lon Cem. I"rlends may call Hat.
CNROCKE. Oct. 1.1. KATHRTN H. daughter
of Helen end late James Rocke. Relatives and
friends League of Sacred Heart of St Veron
ica's Churth, Otli nnd 'lioga sts.. Invited to
funeral. Frl . 8 30 n. in., 3041 N fllh st Sol
emn requiem high mass St. Veronica's Church
10 a ni. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto
Oetzel). wife of George Savaao, of 33(1 Federal
st . C.invlcn, N. J., aged 32 Relatives snd
friends invited to funeral services, bat . 2 p. in ,
parlors of II I". Schroedcr &. Sons 4th and Arch
sts , Camden. Int. Evergreen Com.' Friends
mav call Frl eve
S V.Y110LT Oct. 10 KETURAH A. wlfo ot
late Peter Savbolt. "tjr . aged 90 Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral services. Hat.. 2
p in, 1119 N 10th st Int Laurel Hill Cem.
Rem tins may be viewed Frl. eve
hEIMlNG Oct. 16, ANNA II.. wife ot Rich
ard M Sebrlng. Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral services. Thurs , 7 30 p. m . at the
residence of her husband. 5122 Market st. Int.
Jersey Shore. Pa . Frl Mlffllnbure and Jersey
Shore papers please copv
HEK V Od. 10, ANNA C., daughter of Jo
seph M and Catherine beka. aged 31. Rela
Mies and friends Invited to services. l'rl , 2 30
p nt . St. Paul' P E Church. Chestnut Hill
llesldcnio of Iter parents 14 Highland ave.
Chestnut Hill. Int 1 Hill. ....
SHAW Oct 10. ELLA, wife of James W.
Shaw Sr . and daughter of lato James and
Martha, Djrdinc. aged C7. Relatives and friends
Invited to funrral servhes. Sat., 2 p. in., 3237
N 2tlt st. Int. private
SU'KLER. Oct 13 CHARLES If . son of
Harry It. and Savilla Holllngsheail Slckler.
aged 21. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral services. Thurs , 8 p m., father's resi
dence. Slcklervllle. N. J Int Private. Frl..
cnnventciico of family. Harlelgh Cem., Camden,
NT a.
SOMERS. Oct. 16 ANNIE C . daughter of
late James and Calharlno Homers. Relatives
and friends Invited to funernl. Hat., 8:30 a. m..
528 S 51st st bolemn high requiem mass
St Francis de Salcs's Church lo a. m. Int.
Old Cathedral Cem Auto .funeral.
SPARE Oct 1.1. JOHN t). SPARE Rela
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Fri., 1.30
p. 111 . Evangelical Church, Limerick. Pa.
band of Florence M Steclman (ne Woodhead).
Relatives and friends, employes Fourth St. Na
tional Bank. Invited to funeral services. Frl ,
1pm. 5823 Chestnut st. Int. private. East
Cetlnr Hill Cem Auto service
bl'NDHEIM Oct. 17, ROSE, wife of Henry
Sundheim. aged 04. Relatives and friends in
vited to funeral services, rrl. 2 p. m., 5124
Larihwnnil ave Int. Mt. Pinal i-cm
bWINDELL. Oct 17, MARY, widow of
Georgo Swindell Relatives ond friends In
vited to funeral services, Frl ,1 SO p. m., par
lors of William Conn. 245 N. Cth st. Int.
Greenmount Cem ... ., ,.
TIBUETISi-Oct. 17. MARY E. widow of
late Israel Tlbbets. of Cambridge, Mass Tu.
neral services, resldenco of son. Frank W. Tlb
netts, 30.1 1 Springfield ave . Chestnut Hill.
Frl . 3 P. m. Int. Cambridge. Mass. Boston
""TRUSS1. Oct 10, MAY E . wife of Julius X.
flsed 23. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral services, bat , 3 P m . 3300 N 11th st
Int Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewed
Frl., 8 to 10 p in.
Loans S1000 for 10
Bring yoor diamonds, watches and Jewelry to
the largest pawnshop In tho world.
Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine
THAT'S UOL1'"--played every day
In tlio jc.ir at Atlantic City. Two
Bporty, vvoll - appointed 18-ltolo
courbcs, within easy accesi nnd In
delightful burroundlnes, Thcro Ih
liorhebaclc rldiiie on the firm, sandy
beach, fine motor ro.idi or a jaunt
In n, roll I up; chair on tlio wonder
ful Boardwalk.
Annual Fall Golf Tournament,
October 20, 27, 28.
are always open and villi furnish full
Information, rates, ele.
Galen Hall
St. Charles
Atlantic City Is only one hour from
Phlla. Frequent trains via Penna. It. It.
from cither Broad fat. Htatlon or Mar
ket Ht. Ferry (both ateum and elect r la
trains) or via Phlla. &. Reading By.
from Chestnut St Ferry.
Westminster K "" ner Bea:h' Kiev.
" co" to street. Private baths, run.
water. $10 up wkly., $2 up dally, Chas, Ruhr..
Hotel BoSCobel rop.nVe.U ylaV
Special fall rates. Phone 117. A. B. Marlon.
Is now open. First Class American Plan
Hotel. Fine train service. Delightful
autumn climate. A short motor run
from Camp Dlx at Wrlghtstown.
A. J. M.UHPHY. Met.
a V. MtmpHY. Aast Mex
liaeHood, N, J,
WMstRSYlUf, '
Beautiful days
on South Maun,
tain. Golf. Ten.
nit, Good Music.
Fine Batn and
Massage Department. Through Pull-
WW. ,0,nV.nVvnJ.,n,r.Vn,J,Vr Ce'm.'&rlTn'dy
Sri.mjI'P V.m. .Aulo funeral
oW.tr oM
itim Mid Ellxabeth Witt. Relatives ana irienas
nvl ed "t funersl Sat.. 1 V. m.. BIO w. us.
comb st. Int. Northwood Cem. nmalns may
.NflcVle'VANlfcW. Vulbs'nd-ot
UtY 'A'nncrwilklns: 8 &,ffiVe'" P
kVeeWy .t. (g.e'nton'ar.lTnd SSr-.A
"ToRTlFrNaTSN.ct.' 17. Alll, A., widow
of S7 Curtis Worthlngton. d 8-, .I,el,atlv"
and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 1:30 p. m.,
?,a Trapps. Pa. Int. William Penn i Cem. , Au os
will meet trains at Trevose Station leaving
Trenton 10:35 and Reading Terminal 11:17 a. m.
WURRT. Oct. 17. near Moorestown. N. J..
CAllOMNE, wlciow of David Wurat. sged 78.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sun..
iiciHii1' ...,. f .... n.icv. o. Clayton
B10 W. Rue.
a . V'.Ji.l. Ltn.K..-0 TJ .T. Antes
!'. -ill. ttiiaK.rv tj jr. Antes win meet
fflJni( 12 oVlock at Main and Potter sts..
Haddonflcld, N. J
Int. Colestown Cem.
Roth flexes
Mechanical Drawing
For Men and Women.
The demand for our
graduates of Mechanical
Drawing is greatly in ex
cess of our supply. The
classes organized October
1st arc filled.
A new course for be
ginners will be started
Tuesday evening, October
30th. Register at once.
TrKe, call or phono for Catatoe M71
ritone. Diamond (531
B Broad St.. below Berks M.
QTRAYFR'S Th nt Business School,
3 VrA 1 cox J 801.807 Chestnut Street
Positions guaranteed, Enter now, Day or night
ToqnciMen and Bon
the army. It's lour patrlotla duty."
All Courses Open to Men, Women and
Children Day and Evg, Low Rates,
flpeclal Courses. Catalog 1421 Arch.
Mary V. Chambers
nv piAxn
8738 Cedar Ave. Rooklet. Th Woodland 2047.
RAGTIME In 20 lessons or Money Back. Rklt.
mailed free. CIIRI3TENHLN Flano Schools,
1320 Chestnut Ht 1412 Venango St., 1320
Tasker at. Phone Spruce 067.
Anne McDonourrh
1626 Arch St.
Eiper, Young Woman, educated, linguist, musl
cal. desires position of trust. II 352. Led. Cen.
DOG Lost at Ovcrbrool:, Sunday. Airedale
bitch, straight hair, 2 sears old, had black and
red collar, answers name Bessie Reward. G023
Overbrook nve
DOC3 Lost, in Germantown, Scotch collie dor;
male, sable and white, return and receive
liberal reward David Burpee. 4h5 N. Cth at.
DOC! Lost. Oct. 1.1. fox terrier, female, black
. nnd while, answers tu name of Flnette; $10
for return to 014 Pino st.
FL'R Lost Tuesday. Hltiu small mole necl
Piece In the shopping district; liberal reward.
I none j resicm i.i.:
MESH HAG Lost, on Willow Orove trolley.
Route 4, In lilenslde, October IB. silver mesh
bag, Intltlalcd M. E. II., containing small
amount of cash and Key; reward. 818 Stephen
Glrard Hide.
STEAMSHIP PAPERS Left In room hotel cen
tral part of cltv, steamship papera; liberal re
ward. Phono Rlsso, 1338 Spruce at.
BILLING CLERK wonted. Apply National Drug
I Co.. Stenton and Womlng aves.
BILLING CLERIC. Elllott-Pisher machine. 1
u- j. cfuprr cjtttce.
suburbs, near station; experienced Protestant
preferred. Phone Brn Mavvr ().'.
CI IAMUERMAI DS. J20 per month, with board,
lodging and laundry work. Apply to the su.
perlnlendent, Philadelphia Hospital for Con
tagious Diseases, 2d and Luerene sts., Phlla-
delphla .
COOK Good plain cook wanted In private fam
ilv , reliable and able to take full charge of
kitchen; well-paying position to right party
Address, vvlthrefeiences. P G16. Ledger Office
COOK -Neat white woman for plain cooltlnr
and light housework; good home and good
wages Phone Wjomlng 1771 J. 41143 N, 1 th
Experienced only,
Small cores for braes valves. Cleanest
core room In city, raj Ine beat wages
and Co per hour bonus for punctuality,
Penna. Railroad station la NELMOOR.
or trolley service on Germantown ave.
to Willow Orovo uvc. Take Jitney to
GIRLS AND WOMEN corns and see what a
wonderfully good opportunity you have to get
light, clean, steady work In an up-to-date
factory, centrally located, near elevated and
surface lines; good pay with a liberal bonus
(.payable weekly)
tpply Factory Office, II. T. Palst Co., 3201
;h at.
GIRLS over 17 wanted for clean.
ver IT wanteo ror clean, pleasant fao
ork; well paid while learning; excellent
s for rapid advancement. Apply to Mr.
112 N. 12th.
tory wont;
cnances i
GIRLS and oung women wanted; etesdy em
ployment, good wages. Apply ths A. Schoen
lutt Co . 221B Adams St.. fourth floor.
UIRI.S wsnted: good wages! steady work. Apply
National Umbrella 1'rains Co., SOth and
OIRLS wanted, n.
Apply National
for putting
Drug Co.,
up medicines.
Stenton and
GIRLS Two,whlte. assistant rook and dining
room girl, widow's Asylum. 8615 Chestnut at.
OFFICE GIRL, about la, living uptown, to learn
1-ierjca.i ivurh; experience unnecessary: aa
vancetnent. P 610. Ledger Office,
OKEICE AbSISTANT Experienced only need
apply; permanent position 202 S, 2d st.
JTiSS.,lP-i?,.,or. pr f "d: excellent opportunity.
S8I5.edng,.,r'cVnrVlar,, "4 ""rt""-
BT-!JSai5I'JIEH od education and accurate!
112 "BuehVnan " I !fC nu If l """
tin r i.T' v T rl'.-. Preierrea
BTENOURAPIIER. excerlenced t
prererred, state salary H all. Ledger
,,SSli: "' ,.J?'i t. National
WATtIIEhTes. 120 per month, with board,locTg:
n M UfiPry .k, Apply to tfcs suoor-
invenaswfc. jiisjaiiaisjiisa , HssBlssvl tap o.
m imm-jmb
rsitn 11. warmirinn una
CotiHaucd from Prteedlng cZ
WARD MAIDS and !...
with board, lodging and l.undrr EI
n. supenntenaent, Phiiaii:i.kr:t.
rC!PUa 7'X7iT tapwHlsr operator wa!.s .
Quire for Mr. Flynn. 60S Chestnut VL1 lt'
TOUNO I,ATY to fesA n..i.. ..... .
rlnjm Ptnt: modern working eiUfl"" I
n. F. Houghton & Co.. third no". Shi &
Maseher and Bomcrset. "" "Ut,
DISIA.r.U9XE Completa Course 3 w..v."
BCIIOOI, Day and F.venlng ciYsJ?.'
Pood positions waiting. 83 S. StCWart'iss.
rie(at) vUrtk enll n..iiM.r.2.
wiih ..:"
wanted. M 446, 1edgtr Central,
.... aajan
AUDITORS and cost accountants wantejt Uni7 i
LedgeTofflc'.'. ""' m"""C """ "gj j
AUTO MECHANIC First-class man wanted
rnsgncto work In our garage- rmistl hi tI
best of reference. The Atlantlo Reflnlns ci
Emp. Dcpt.. Phils. Gate. 3144 Passrmk.
BOOKKEEPER-accountant 1 middle-aged iHT
preferred for reneral office work, AdjiS?
statins age. experience, refs. snd stJ.JJ'J!'
ptcted. Eddystono fitcel Co.. CrumLr?-
T$&..riLJ'lZ?J J." ?'." Imt,
ehsnee for advancement; must b of nsitJI!
pearance. 18 a week If 4M, I.edrer r'"
a!a 4
White; office and errand; steady teiltim.
rhance of advancement with a large cmei-;:
18 a wee;. It 481. Ledger Centra?. cw1
DT. bright, over 16; good opporttralt '
advancement. See Mr. Heller, J. (TV rlw
184 N. 13th st. u c'
BOT, Protestant, 12 years or over, general sf
flee duties, filing, etc t chance for aorisS.
ment. Apply 226 B. Cth st. annaa.
BOY under 17 to learn high-class Interior ST
...., bv-.w..-. ... luiinjr Ior print
boy. M 044. Ledger Central, "
BOY. 16 or over, wonted for errands and ciC
work. Apply Remington TjTewrlter Co., Ill
BOY as stock clerk. In or over; chance for t
vancement. Apply 008 Walnut et Rocn".
BOY wanted for general office work. Apply Hi
8. 8d st.. second floor front.
BOYS wanted for office work: must be put II
tears nf nge. and hale rnrkt ii1ah ..
cellent chance of advancement: stats sts' ui
experience. II 452. Ledger Central.
BOYS wanted; good wages; steady work. Amu"
National Umbrella Framo Co., 80th til
Thompson sts. "
CAN VA S SERS The Atlantlo Refining Ce. Hi
several openings as canvassers for young ibis
between the ages of 18 and 21 who desire t
ultimately becomn salesmen; remuneration kr
salary; tho woTk Is In Philadelphia and vi
cinity; opportunity for advancement. Call for
Interview at tho office of ths company, tilt
Passyunk ave., Monday, October 22. vw
lntervlows by appointment Phone DlcEt
son SI.
CARPENTERS First-class carpenters wintel
for work In our plant. 49-hour week, apply
The Atlantlo Refining Co.. Emp. Dept., Thill.
Gate. 3144 Passyunk.
CLERK for ledger nnd general office work!
must be thorough; state age. experience and
sail ry expected Applv C a 10. ledger Oftlet, .
DELfVERY MEN wanted by Purock Water Co
preference given to men acquainted with de
liberies Hi in.q ,Ju..mm,g. rnnny ,uo p. itl
DOCK BUILDERS wanted; long Job: prevailing
wattes will ue yam. apiji ivnymona iODrreU
Pile Co.
at Chester Shipbuilding Co., Cltii.
tcr. fa.
DRAFTSMAN; experience In detailing r en
forced concrete work Turner Concrete Stl
Co . 1713 Ssnsom st.
1310 ARCH ST.
DRIVERS for drop-bottom wagons and carta
II. C. Ambler. 3717 Old Tork road.
miliar with A. C. single and two phase dlitri
butlon. Apply Wm. Foster. 1208 N. 81st it.
graduate wanted, with experience In liftac
out electrical distribution sjstem: state ti.
perlencs and salary expected. P 603, Leirtr
Office. . .
THIRD FLOOR. 8 TO 12 A. M.. 1019 ARCH.
ELECTRICIANS First-class men wanted for
general electrical work, wiring, etc Applr
Atlantlo Ret. Emp. Dept.. Phlla. Gate. Slit
ENGINEER wanted: steady, sober engineer for
night work, 7 nights: must understand re
frigeration ond eTcctrlcltv: steady work all
ear round: no firing; in writing state salary
'wanted. P 82H. Ledger Office.
train for engineer officers for the emereener
merchant neet. Apply U. S. Marine Engineer.
Ing Free School, the Bourse. Bth ab. Chestnut.
FARMER, married, whito man, on farm In
Chester Valley; must be strictly sober ltd
have reisrence. yyooress uax no. .cvu...
HOSIERY Man wanted who thoroughly un
derstanda standard F machines and loepwi.
permanent position paying 80 per week tt
therlght man. P 615. Ledger Office.
JOB COMPOSITOR wanted; good pay; Unit
work. Apply to Mr. Stoltx, sixth floor. 111
iv. lam st.
LAIIOR FOREMEN: engineering department,
must be experienced on . construction iron,
rate 84 cents per hour: if work Justifies srtu
Increase to (U cents: 10 hours per day! poK
undergo physical examination, ss well tt
Inoculation. Apply E. I. du Pont de Netnotirt
. Co.. No. 2 gate. Carney1 Point. N. J.
.,..... ... ....nn aa. eii wien TrniTll
lAaiuiici.i(9 tiAncfty, J.wvvr-ifr ,, .i,; r.Mi
AND CARFARE. Apply f Wl "Vili1, st '
struction Co.. Tacony Steel Works. BiJ'H": '
and Delaware River (ono block above CoitBtl
st,), see Air, urowneiu
-hour week: minimum "r.vj,j
ge. MB.101 roust be "ar(;V!un'l
.17.0. m. until 6 p. n. ti; A;ni
weekly m
men. AnDly
tlo Rennfhg Co.,
r.mp. uepc. - -
sate, 3ll4 Tattyunk ave.
Eaborers 100 men for Camp ,Wi; WjBf
town. N. J.; SOo per hour; lodging and tr j
portatlon furnlthed free frorn Phllj JjXl
Apply 7 . m Irwin A Llghto" " " ' I
steady work: good wages. Apply f0l,u ;
IrlAO VT tt4 s i s
4r ,sj, qin wis
MACHINE HAND, general. famUlar wltn j'n
right rooiatr cnain moruser . v-haiies V.
work on.ash. doors.,etc. Apply ""'i '
renn a lo., inciflcn " "" 1-,-Ms 1
LINEMEN Wanted, nrst-dass nonunion "K.
vir in. rwi'f. t"","' v t,.JJ' 1
JDCCHINISTS. flrsMlass lathe and floor n fa )
Kr.Bnw.tlSS iffl&tS2&iS&B&3X
MAN. with experience In coal o"ice sj sjii ut
good opportunity for person .""Wfoes J
manent position! hours 7 to 6. ". ijar j
Saturday t litis age. experience and ' J
wanted. P 681, Ledger Office. . -; j
MAN AND WIFE, white, wsnted toJ;Lr. ,
ot clubhouse in enamoain. vftv , ; Wl. .m
land Co. Cresco Club. K. O.pfouts- " rl
m. r.:TTL. .."tTj ... Mit aocouavm9.J
auditing and stenographer wKh co'LKr
' n West Virginia. 1' 628. Loojf" QgiSft
Waal ia miMMin treiatkt levatori muat.bs
KfRK jWHL-aS71
A J?.wtw??,en "ho'etn develop s.nt.. ..
will be given an opportunity tb Jr.SV
permanent Income with the ir.V3 lttt Ms
reliable house of Its kind In th7wnJS
our guidance other women arai.i 5
TOUNO LADIBS Positions open f."et -'
appearing young ladles. Ses M,.0" anl.
Reel Bstate Trust Rldr. Bt Mf- crtrTa