It TEUTONS DOOMED, '.. SAYS M'CORMICK Tide Has Turned Against Them, Illinois Congress man Tells Paris Diners BAD TIDINGS FOR KAISER Low Army and Nnvy Morale and r Events in Heiciistag iviieci as Handwriting on Wall ny W. S. FORREST PARIS, Oct. 17. Thi tide lias turned ; there will he more .trocltle", there will he terrible battles Jut deIlte events In llussln. tho Austro r.rmansevervuherc are being driven baclt. ,'nd from the r .ro to tho Channel they are i0nrer able to attack." This was the estimate of the war today ., representative Mct'otmlck. of Illinois, " ,ntcd It to (,-ueslR at a luncheon at tho plals D'Orsay Mci'ormlek was tho guest of honor the luncheon m irking his formal farewell after six weeks1' Journeying In Furope to ovcr front except that of Hussla. McCormlck emphasized the IniprCTilon he hd obtained throughout his travels In ,.nre Iceland and Italy of the democratic f Solidarity of the Allloi. lie assured I- ranee Vt ihn determination of the entire American Ration to light with all Us power to .1 ,I'In8pcaklnir of the entire American na tion" he added. "I Include the splendid loyalty of a majority of thu Americans of German blood, who are no less patriotic than-those of other extraction. From tho llos of Amcrlian ofllcers with name ns German as that of Hlmlenburg I have heard described with loathing nnd bitter linger the deliberate killing of heroic nurses by German aircraft "These nre bad tidings for the Knlscr. The moralo of the Herman olllccr pris oners Is now low or than It was two months 0. More bos of sixteen arc now found among the prisoners. "Events In the Reichstag nnd In the Ger man feet, despite tho closed eyes of the German mtocratlc leaders, appear In burn ing letters as tho handwriting on the wall to such goverm.Ts of the empire " McCormtrk oiplnlned that great haste en Americas part In tho war was Impossi ble considering tho vnstnoss of the Ameri can war program THE MEN SUBJECTED TO FEDERAL PROBE Grand Jury Opens Investigation on Charges of Violation of Anti-Trust Act A Federal (Sruud Jury today began a thorough Investigation of charges that the Tile. Orate and Mantle Association of Philadelphia, whose members are composed of retail til" dealers of this city. New Jer sey and Iielavvaie, Is Injuring the business of competitors, not members of the asso ciation, b lolating the .Sherman antitrust law The Inqultv is being mule under the di rection of Henry Mitchell, Special As.slstant' Attorne; lii'iicral, and llrnest Harvej, Ac siblant I'nited States Dlttrlct Attorney, of this cttv Independent retail dealers complain that the association has so tied up the trade to the advantage of Its members that the for mer are unable ,to do business. Hy agi ce ments nlth tile manufacturers, tile labor unions prire agreements, penalties upon member for falling to observe the .canons of the association and other me ibures tho association, independents assert, Is gradu ally freezing them out. Because the strictest s-ecrecy is main tained In a Federal fJrand Jury lnvest'ga tlon, neither Mr Harvey nor Mr. Mitchell Tiould discuss the puiposo of the probe. In these eatly stages the Investigation will cover the activities of the association In I'hllath IpMa, New Jersey nnd Delawaic, and whether Itn scope will bo made more far-rearhing depends upon tho character of evidence that Is laid before the Grand Jury . Tnenty-cight retail dealers are members of the association, It was said. The as sociation Is affiliated with tho Interstate Tile (irate and Mantel Association, ac cording to Harold Watts, secretary of the local 0rg.1nl2.1l Inn. but tho national asso ciation is not under the searchlight. VEGETABLES CONTINUE PLENTIFUL AND CHEAP Cantaloupes Added to the Abundant Group Fish Present Wide Variety of Choice According tn todav's nfTiplnl rflTlnrt of J. Itussell Smith, chairman of tho Food Com mission of the Home Defense Committee, the greatest change In the market today has been In conditions of tho abundant group. Tho samo vegetables contlnuo cheap nnd plentiful as yesterday, nnd to these have been added cantaloupes, which come from the Far AVcst. and sell from teventy-flvo cents to $110 a crate; pump kins, selling from twenty-five cents to tnlrty-llvo cents for a basket of five to six pumpkins, which is cheap; jadishes ut two to three cents a bunch. rtomalne, which Is a type of lettuce, Is cheap, selling from seventy-flvo to ninety cents a box. The icarce group has been Increased by two arrivals on tho market. Cauliflower, from Iong Island, sella nt $3 a crnte. A crato holds from twelvo to eighteen heads. Quinces, which come from New York State. In three-bushel barrels, sell from $3 to $7 barrel. These aro wholesale prices. tnJi,U-NI.V'i.T Cantnloupe, pumrKln. ro pine, radihe, carroti. Uttuce, corn, cabbage. viiii!???11' TiiMley. peachea. mVii '' Lemons, oranges, sweet potatoes, "rach P0""00"' turnips, peppers, eeEpIant. .iH-Vt;K Onions. cauliflower. tomatoes, !S ans, lima beans, celery, iiulnces, pears, J,an"' ."rapes, bananas, plums, pineapples. "Try skateflsh," sayij tho report. "The meat Is whlto nnd tastes much like halibut, fcot many of us know this fish, but It Is much used by the Italians and considered very delicious. The wholesale price Is only 'x to eight cents a pound. You will like uils fish." Fish prices are as follows: !!!? weaJtS"h 'medium) 10c to lie fi,55,fcB.11: a .:::::::- Tsiss rrSSkU: l1rmu.m s bIIVEL Uo to IBc fiS.erS,5 (niedluln) loo to lie llftllh,, fkcodhsh ase to 3i)o l-c to liic Eolloclc ffip i.i--::::::V.::::::::: ,SS IS SAS 1:10 to 14c Sg?i.-:::::;::;:;;:;::;:;;::ts?i;s w. "i "Imoii "He t0 ic Se5 white catnsh 17c to IhS SdMdicra cat""1 :.... ibs IS io Pmaii u5nitomaVWrei: ;:::: :::: iK 2 i.?S norubo.1,. maikerel ! iTS IS Is? VWhltins- , jke- Cliroes fJS boilln rockflsli &r.cknl?T loo to llo tc 10 so Hie to ITo L'Sc to aiic J."o to 1'ilc -Do to XJe l'-'c to 14c l'-'o to Ma 4c to do Ho to tie ISo to i!tic l-'c to ISo tie to ito i ."'' uiuci ... W hlu prrh ri aMIum to small V , '--l.ll Jilra.KM.k hlla ,jrch Germans Escane: Soon Itrnniiru4 . BANltnivmcon n.. , ' T. ft '&gs$ jjPSy J. D. HAZEN The former Canadian Commis sioner of Nnval Service and Marine nnd Fisheries has been named by the reorganized Canadian Govern ment to be its Commissioner at Washington. L'ARTIGLIERIA ITALIANA SCONVOLGE IL NEMICO Dall'Altipiano di Bainsizza lo Truppe Cadorna Preparano una Nuova Avanzata ROMA, 1" ottobre Nutllo glunte dalla fronto dl b.ittaglla scgnalnno una vlolenta nttlvlta' da parte dell'nrtlgllerla siiU'altiplano dl It.ittisljzn. nelle poslzlonl occupate dagll Itnllanl nella recenlo ofTeuslia II duello tra I r.innonl dl grosso callbro non soltnnto si ostende sti tutta la tronte dello llneo nvnnznto ma anrhe nelle llnee dl comunlcazlono tra 1 trlnceramentl, oon 1'lntenzlone dl lmpedlro I movlmentl dello truppe, II trappcrto del materlalo o quello dclle munlzloul Secondo 1 crltlcl mllltarl l'attuale stato dl cose non rnppresenterebbe nltro oho l'inlzlo del'a nuoia e grande offeiHva cho II gcnerale Cadnrna ha dccUo dl c'mdurro uttr.iverso la nllo ill Chlapovano enn oblct tlvo I.ublana. Tain oftenslva dnvrebbe chero condotta a termltie prima die Inoltrl l'lnverno. Con l'nccupazlnne delle strateglcho po-i-zlonl a sud dl I'odlaca o Madonl, avvenuta da parte degll Itnllanl sui prlml del cor rente mesc. I'livntiznta delle truppe del gencrale Cndorna per la alle dl I'hlapo.vano ..ire-hbo magglormenle protetta polche' ilette poHzionl, trovandosl sul olgllnne orientate deir.iltlpl.ino dl Hnlnnlzzn, dominano I'estrc.' ii'lta' setti'Utilonnlo del In alle dl Chlapo ano. Secondo le nntlzle urilelnll su tutta la fronte Trldentlna si c' verlficata una mode rata attlvlta' comhattlva c gll nttacchl alle llneo nvnnzato Itallane sono statl condottl da Isolatl reparti nemlci, sublto resplntl. Sulla linen degll avampostl Itnllanl, nella reglono a nord dl I.enzumo, avvenne uno scontro con grosso pattugllo nustrlache lo iuall dopo breo combattlmento furono cotrctto a rltlrarsl segulto dal nutrlto fuoco del fuclllerl Italianl oho llnlrono per eostrlngorlo ad una fuga. Sulla fronte 1'arnlen c su quella CSlulla si sono erlllente vlvacl azi&nl dl nrtl gtlcrla, hpeclahnentc nel settoro comprcso tra 11 Monte 1'aralba ed II Monte Itombon I dannl arrecatl dall'artlgllerla austrlaca alio posizloni Itallane non furono dl grnndo cntlta', mentre il precWo tiro del cannonl Italianl sconvolse quelle del nemlco e parecchlo battel lo austrlache furono co strctto a tacere. Kcco II testo del rnmunlratn del gcnerale Cadorna, pubblicato lerl dal Mlnlstero della CJuerra: N'cl Trentlno vl fu moder.ita attlvlta' combattlva. lluranle uno scontro avvc nuto alio llnee del nostrl avampostl nel settoro a nord dl Lenzumo, 1 rlp.irtl nemlci fuiono postl In fuga. All fronto Cat men. ed a quella Olulla Hi sono verlficato intermittentl nzlonl da paito dcll'iirtlgllerla, o preclamento sullo llnee avanzato che si estendono Monto I'aralba al Monto llombon. Intensl o violent! duelll dl nrtlgllcrla -l sono avtitl suH'altlplano dl llainsizza lunga tutta la fronte dello nostro llneo avanzate ed nnelie sulle llneo dl comunl cazlone tra 1 nostrl trlnceramentl. Sul Cirso si sono verifieatl 1 consuetl e reclprocl tiri lntesl a dlstruggere lo opcro dl fortiflcazlone, ad lmpedlro 1 'movlmentl delle truppo ed II trasporto del materlale. Un dlspacclo da Londra dice che secondo notlzlo pervenuto da llerllno la Germanla fra breve dlcharera' zona dl guerra lo costo deg'.l Statl Unltl, del Canada' e dell'lsola dl Cuba. Un nltro dlspucclo da Amsterdan an nunzla cho l'lmperatoro Gugllelmo e" lerl glunto n Costantlnopoll, ricevuto alia sta zlono fcrrovlarla dal Sultano, dal principl Imperial!, dal grnn vlslr, dal mlnlstrl, dal deputatl o da altrl premlnentl personaggl, compreso rammiragno icaesco von jvocn. Durante un rlcevlmento In onoro dell'lm pcratore, alcune glovlnctte oftrlrono a lul del florl o poscla, nccompagnato dal sultano e da Knver rascl.V. mlnlstro della guerra, l'lmperatoro Ciugllelmo passo' In rlvlsta la guardla d'onore. ' Carbone Wins From McCarron ALI.KN'TOW.V, Pa. Oct 17. Hefore a packed house last night at the National A. C . South Hethlehem, Pa.. Frank Carbone, of New York, defeated Jack McCarron In one of tho hardest-fought battles ever seen around here Carbone was immediately matched to fight Jackie Clarke. 7 Z mm PL i EL Tv'5.-?'ikl.f.irrl' JMsMrBsBBsW aW W3 PRODUCTOS A GOOD CIGAR'S MORE THAN A SMOKE It's a comfort a' companion a balm. A good cigar is a limitless source of enjoyment to the man who appreciates good tobacco. El Product) is a mild, friendly cigar that's bound to please you, because it is so carefully made Every draw is good from start to finish. Various shapes and sizes. 10c straight to 2 for 25c. TV. G. H. P, CIGAR CO.. PklUA.W,u EVENING LEIKHSR-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OrTOBEE 17, BUSINESS LEADERS ORGANIZE LEAGUE Presidents of City's Industrial, Civic and Improvement Socie ties Form Permanent Body Need for tho city's business lenders to take nn active part In politics was em ph mixed hy Hllwood H. Chapman, presi dent of thevt'hesttmt Street Huslncs Men's Association, speaking today nt a luncheon of the presidents of Philadelphia's various trndo, Industrlnl, civic and improvement or ganizntlons In the Deltevue-Stratford. Tho meeting today was called to devlso wavs and means for the formation of a permanent organization comprised of tho presidents of various associations In this city lletween sixty and seventy men wcro preent. Tho plan nnd the scopo of tho new or ganization were outlined by Walter U Uosenbcrger, president of tho Ilusiness Science Club, the organization which ar ranged the meeting. Tho Influence nnd In telligence of nil the various bodies will bo joined, nccordlng to Mr llosenbcrger, to take up problems of civic betterment, affecting the entire city. Mr. Chapman declared that business methods should be Injected Into the munic ipal go eminent In Philadelphia and that the bushiest men should take a moro active interest In politics In order that there might be no repetition of tho Fifth ANnrd H'.iiidal. The plan tar forming the new organiza tion as Indorsed by a number of men. .inning them being Hone Stewart, president ,.f i. ib.. itiKhnrit pinli: Colonel Sheldon 'otter, president of tho C.erniaiitown ljusl ness Men's Aswoiatlon ; W. V. Thcrkllrtson, prildrnt cf the Ohio Society, and A. C McCowIn a vlco president of tho Chamber of Commerce. RAILROADS SEEK RELIEF THROUGH HIGHER RATES Make No Flat Demands, But Need Is Imperative, Says George Stuart Patterson WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 Seeking freight-rate increases on ship ments of grains, live stock, fresh meats and petroleum, representatives of tho lending eastern railroads opened a "heart-to-heart" conferenco with Interstate Commerce Com ml'slonert this afternoon Tho presence of many western trnlllc ex ecutives strengthened the general belief that lines west of tho Mississippi will shortly ask for more revenuo also Tho railroad men explained that they are making no flat demand for Increased freight rates, but are hero simply to talk things over. Cienrgo Stuart Patterson, of Philadelphia, countel for the eastern lines, stated that financial icllef for the country's railroads Is imperative, in view of the ti tanic task Imposed upon them by the war and by the Government's so-called "mon opoly of tho bond market." For these ieasons, tho railroad men nio confident of a chnngo In the nttltudo of the commission In the famous 15 per cent rato decision, which denied them tho desired relief. , l Hattlesnakc Holds Up Motorists VINKLAND. N. J.. Oct. 17 Stanley Fox and Saul North wcro held up tecentl.v by a four-and-a-half-foot rattlesnake In the woods a few miles east of here The snako was colled In the suhshlno on an old wood road and the whirr of the nutomotillo seemed to Irrltnto it. Several times the young men attempted to run over It. but desisted, be cause they wcro afraid it would jump into the machine. After a lively fight North landed a knockout blow. The snako had eight rattles i LITTLE FINGER RINGS Mnnr un imi nl tlehlrns In theft noonlar riniCN. VA et with nriil lmpo emu. A wide inrlety nt $10.00 to $50.00 C. R. Smith & Son Market Street at 18th a '-I , 1F- White, Brown, Gray, Black KTVl K AND Tlir. AltT OF MAKINd 1411011 I-Kl-.T AI'rilXR PMM.T. 19 Al'l'LIKD l.N HASTKULV WAY IIY CS i StylJslh Shoes Stout omen AT Storo In w'rtlbs r., EB. EEK. Slirs from tn IS. $5.00 & $5.50 IN BLACK SEAFRIED BROS., 281 1 Girard At. Opq Evsrar Evenlnir Except Tbursdsy. m C !jir'"" ' Mjl, Im&t . Our U. S. SCOUTS REPORT OF U-BOAT BLOCKADE Navy Dopartment Undisturbed by Radio Announcement of Ger man War-Zone Program WASHINGTON. Oct 17. The Navy Department today let It be known Hint It does not consider tho re ported Intention of Germany to declare American waterB war nones ns of miy real significance. The report was contained In n radiogram from Berlin, stating that the coasts of tho United States. Canada and Cuba might soon bo declared war ronos. From April 6. tho da a stato of war between tho United States nnd the Gorman Government was recognized by this coun try, this Government has looked upon nil waters touching American territory as war rones, nnd has taken all steps to protect Itself In such. Itenortn that the Derlln radio relating to Germany's contemplated action nati ueen wirelessed to tho Ameri can fleet wcro denied at tho Navy Depart ment, and It was said that unlcs mors Miecyic Information Is forthcoming no of ficial cognizance of tho matter will be taken. Naval ofTlclaK while admitting the pos sibilities still bellevo thnt It Is not Ger many's Intention to conduct ruthlest war faro In American waters : hut, of course, all necessary precautions aro In force Ni:iV YOIU". Oct 17. War risk Insuranco rates havo not hard ened ns a result of tho Information an nounced by the British Admiralty that Ger many Is plnnnlng to declaro the consts ot fl.A l.lltn,4 Qtftt.a rn.,m1n n ., ...l.. .. zones. I,ocal underwriters show a dlsposl- I non 10 nwnn detinue action in the matter beforo marking up their rates on outbound vessels. PROHIBITION LEADS IN IOWA Substantially Complete Returns Show 072 Majority for Amendment Iins JIOINI'P. lown, Oct. 17 Prohibi tion Is leading In Imvu by a majority of approximately 972, according to substan tially complete returns todny. The return' show a vote of :05,008 In f.-or of the pro hibition amendment to i)l"7j(l ngnlnt It. llxcept for Ies Moines, which went dry by 1410 majority, most of the larger iltlos of the State returned wet majorities Wills Probated Today Wills probated today Include those of Hornco T. Weeks, 1811 f'hestniit street, which In private bequests disposed of property valued at f 100, 000; l'ranklin 11 Weber,. Wlldwood, N. J., 67,SOO; Charles 11 Vendlg, 1922 North Twelfth .street, $35,000; Frederick U. Quackenbusli, 4700 Chester avenue, $12,000; Anna ('. Nevlns, S71 North Sixty -eighth street. $10,000; Mary N. Allmendenger. 7H39 North Six teenth street, $7000 ; Tatrlck J. Whalen, 16C3 Hrlll street, $5000; Henry II. Kynett. G14 South Korty-elghth street. $4100, and l'eter Strochcr. who died in the Pennsyl vania Hospital, $:S35. Philadelphia New York Newark IVfour Cloth, $35.00 Heather velour and broad cloth suits, in black and col ors, tailored or belted coats with throw scarf. Special Velour cloth suits, in black and colors, box-pleated coat, with button trimmed side panel and buckle. Special EFFORT TO CRIPPLE THE LIBERTY LOAN Word of Pro-German Pres sure on Banks Reported in Southwest SITUATION NOW CRITICAL WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. An effort by pro-Germans In tho South west to Intimidate banks nldlng tho second Liberty Loan was reported to tho Treasury Department today. This was met with a threat to rcmovo Government funds from banks not giving tholr hoarty Co-operation to the bond sales. At the samo time n direct drive for subscriptions from tho Ger man element Is under way Minneapolis reported that German-born farmers nro buvlng bonds, and one Texas bank stated that a recently naturalized Teu ton doubled his $1000 subscription following a shower of congratulations. Tho Liberty Loan rltuatlon Is critical to day, the Treasury Department feels With only nbout a fifth of the $5,000,000 000 goal subscribed, "the hardest kind n! work" It was officially stated, can bring succes lit tho remaining ten days of the campaign. Tha nation must now subscribe nt the rato of $100,000,000 a day to reach tho goal. So far the average dally sales havo been less than one-fifth of this total Unofficial estimates received fiom the Federal lteerve district heidquarters to- 'General huuook neciueuiy mint- um. aging to tho Kaiser," Dallas headquarters wired. Tho rhlcagn district divided Its subscrip tions by States, as follows: Sp York ... hi. i .. . . .. . . riilliulelplilft ll!IM t It'iH.imt lilt limmiil . t. l.ouU -, in rrunchm k!in!i It) VlillllplllHtlU Atlanta Iiallu '.MMI.IIIIII.IIIHI KNI.IIIHI.IRMI k-,. mm. linn "..nmi.min i.-i.ihiii.iiiio in. mm. miip ::;,hhi nun Su.ntHI.IHHI Hi.diiii. nun t.', nun. nun 12.IHin.IHHI Tn)nl si.niR.non.uoo " Illinois, outside of Cook County, $10 -000,000; Indiana. $25,000,000; Iowa. $40. 000.000 : Michigan. $30,000,000, ami Wis consin $25 OOno.000. Tho Continental nnd Commercial Trust nnd 'Hibernian Hanks lumped ii $10,ono.00o subscription. With $25,000,000 subcrlbed by the boys In khaki at tho cantonment camps, cam paign speakers today mado a fresh appeal to i. xlllans. ' If they offer their lives and monoy, you should not liL-sitate to lend to your Govern ment," was the plea Free Sifiltt Sini'lnp; Classes The first of a i-erlcs of free sight singing lessons under tho auspices of tho People's Choral I'nlon will lie given this evening at tho Spring Garden Institute, northwest cor ner Hroad and Spring liniden streets The ilas'is will be taught hv Mis Anno Mc Donough Tho lessons are open to both SCX'- Oppenheim Chestnut Will Continue An Unusual " j Velour, Seal Trimmed, $1,5.00, Silvertone, Beaver Collar, $69.75 Women's and Misses' , .. . Tailored and FurTrimmed At Very Exceptional Prices 28.00 35.00 1017 ATTACKS EFFICIENCY OF JUVENILE COURTS Child Work Authority Snys Women's Votes Would Solve Delinquency Problem nmra, Pa. oot. 17 David ?. Terry, of Pittsburgh, executive secretary of tho Children's Service nurcnu, this meaning before tho mcotlng of the Stnto Federation of Pennsylvania Women, attacked tho efficiency of tho Juvenile Court Judges of tho Stato, with tho assertion that votes for women would solve thn problom of delinquent children nnd bring nbout equal pay for men nnd women engaged In tho snmo work. Ho mado a vehement denlnl thnt newsboys nro required to plv the street trodo In order to help their pnrents. Mr Terry evidently struck home with his remarks, ns tho discission which followed whs tho hottest of the convention. Verbal combat flew thick nnd fast whon n woman rialcgnto f 31 Philadelphia roe to deny Mr. Terry's statement that vatlous children's dleenses aro not placed In separate wards In tho children's hospitals In Philadelphia. They are ecgregnted on different floors, with n speclnl womnn's committee to look out for them, this delegnto cried out In answer to Mr Terry That may be the enso now, wns tho reply of Mr. Terry, but It wnn't the case until Health Director Kruen was hnled Into court The Indv who lefuted the statement of Mr Tel iv was Mrs Krurii, wife of Ibe Health llrector. anil with the replv of Mr Terrv. iiho dropped the il. Int. ! Fredcrli' '' Down, i 'nniitisvnnpr of 1m j migration nt Kins I land w i tho principal I ppeaker at the TPinn of Mm convention last pTOMaBlpjgly lWVll for All Woodwork and Furniture gives the soft, rich, h.ind-rtihhcd finish which distinguishes the most expensive and up-to-date furniture. With Vclvo-Tonc you can transform your whole home, make all the furniture look new and modern, anil the woodwork in harmony with it. Vclvo-Tonc is very easy to use anyone can get the same soft, velvety effect in one application that formerly required staining, varnishing and hand rubbing by an expert. For sale at all good paint and hardware stores and 12th Sts. for Tomorrow Suit Event Heather Velour, $23.00 Smart Velour cloth and broadcloth suits; belted or straight line models, tailored or fur trimmed. Special J New bustle suits of silver tone, with large beaver collar and button-trimmed sleeve, draped skirt. Special '! 1- " " evonlng and In the course of hlJ rcmrti he oondemned the high schools for Atwer lca'a new cltliens, saying that tliy dm not solving tho problem. Tho leading attraction of the convention Is echedtited for this evening, when the patriotic dinner will be held In Masonic Temple, with Mrs, John"' B. rtoberts, of Philadelphia, ns tonetmHtrcss. 'The lrln clpal address at this gathering will be de livered by Orrln C. Lester, national JRei Cross, ot Washington, D. C. NEW BRITISH ADMIRALTY " HEAD TO STATE POLICY Commons Greatly Interested in Forth- cominp; Announcement of Sir Eric Gcddcs LONDON, Oct. 17. Tho greatest Interest vva aroused hero today by the announce ment In the House of Commons by Doctor Mno.Vnmarn. secretary to the Admiralty, that Sir Krlo Oeddcs, the new First Ad miralty Lord, would shortly make a state ment of his policy. Together with recent Washington dis patches carrying Mayo, commnnder-ln-chlef of the American At lantic fleet. Juit returned from Kngland, had brought a plan for even greater co operation between tho Allies on tho seas, tho foregoing dispatch may bo significant ns presaging Important announcements. Sir Krlo (Jeddes has not yet appeared In the Hoiiso of Commons, his selection as First Admiralty Lord having been mado during a parliamentary recess. A Red Man Suffers Broken Hip LKDANON, Pa., Oct. 17. Dr. Daniel P. Gerbcrlrh. sixty-two years old, who served two terms in the State Senate from Leb anon County and hecamo Its president pro tern . tuffered a fracture of tho right thigh In a fall during the night at his homo here. Cleveland Brooklyn Buffalo Velour Suit, $S8,00 Suits 45.00 H 69.75 r"4 '-7s. '54 . Rj tii .ifu'wi wvt. u.-ito Merman tl.!JilAJ ran, A J, ,ifjf'-:.Ajf. Uk liotra after - "-7y - LJJ ' - - ., ' I" i c T T """Trpi n ."! f l 'UZ3S r . V"! p,,flftV- --R-V. ! DL- Igg3ifeZl Yf v.