ey;mv t j.J K W lb & Si of 1! JtJ $! 'it f 3" fee - EVENING LEDGEfr-PfflLiyDELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IT, 1017 , i.-- :& CPAPPLtl Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World CADTO THE GENTLEMAN TAKING THE NEXT SEAT IN THE ONE-ARM RESTAURANT BRUSHES HIS COAT OVER THIS TERRIBLE TEMPERED MR. BANG'S LUNCH By rONTAINB FOX (Conrsht 5 SWcL- o If you'e a job tliat s hard to do. Just stick anil stick and eeo it through It aluas Is the final push that turns a, trick and Rets the Vuali" It Is the woodsman's final stroke that tumbles down tho mighty oak Dlscour.ige rnent lies dourt to die Persistence makes another trj You cannot tel! a, baseball score until the final living's o'er Who s going to s In this n ful war? Not those with guns of largest bore, but those uhone unexhausted grit compels the other side to i)Ult The land that itoe.-m t trust to luck, the land whoso sons hme greatest pluck, Is going to win the an fill strife It n so with cier thing In life fco if jour task Is hard to do ju.st ctlck and stick and see It through It always is the final push that turns the ttlck and tets the 'cush AVILL MOOnn Camouflage THE PADDED CELL Tin Sketch The Late Comer recognizing the sen try as a pal) ; Good Lor Tom, you did fair frighten me 1 thought at first jou was a bloomln' soldier' ) AJtfT A-.-CHA'MCEl! f vAT-T'WMTTo TeluU The BRIGHT I THING MVY0U7tffcTn ss BOY Dfc THIS Jw LmO j yw'f. War Training She (belligerent ) Why weren't ou at the station with the car to meet me an usual? He (meekly) Jly dear, ou ought to get into this habit of some meet less dajs Baltimore American. The Young Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way sajs she sees by the paper that Russia Is now republican and she supposes the democrats ere a good deal disappointed. Indisputable Authority The young husband laid down his piece of cake and regarded his wife across the table. "Dearie," he began, diplomatically, "I suggest that there ts something wrong with this cake. It really doesn't taste very good." "That's your Imagination," said tho wife, with a triumphant smile. "I made It exactly as set forth in thm cookbook, and the cookbook soys fct's if;i-.r?r!". awiitvnjuwn'z - liaSW- $$5MSM55 iHHnun 4 J. J, . fi J. P Cfit f-yrz - x ? - - -'. 7& r ,sCr 'rji- --s--v , zy, - ''s&Z jT" S.-" I.lndsn), In Sinry (Auatralln) Itulletln. "WAAL, BOYS, GUESS THERE'S ROOM TOR ME IN HERE SOMEWHERES!" fs In Tasslng Phon, London, EnelanA. HE WHO DANCES TO THE PIPES OF PAN IS DOOMED Ilocen, in New Tork IlirtU, "ACH GOTT! HIGH MIGHTINESS, WE CANNOT WIN" Berryman. In Washington (D, C) Eienlnr Star. LEST DAD TORGET THAT LIBERTY BOND ,'w'"' .jfirwi 1 J - K"" S i " " North In Tacoma (W'ahlngton) Ledrer, AND THIS WAS IN 1902 Tom May, In Detroit Jwlr INSURE YOUR FAMILY BY BUYING LIBERTY BONDS Fire and Accident LOSSES IN THfUI States for 1917 tiiM caaaaa mm W.hlU&WMUV. - tsu ?5 0FTHI5 TOTAL COULD AVOIDED BY THE, CXCRCI Or REASONABLE: PREf.A T!QN- INDIVIDUAL fS MUNICIPAL. THE COMMITTEE on PUQLicqy AT 9 cpucnTioM ARC AND'ICCIDENT PREVCfffloN MY rOcTo :; I MAIBP "W. WMZSk J5VM tfXmr'-VibZ&ZTI wmMm "'m Mammk i&mmmmm?mi wwmi ITWU BW wz?mwmM fMMmmm wxinhmmw zmt YmWJlt'W mamA tvnt. In London (England) Bjitandtr. 10 ? Undo Somt "You'd 'stand no nongenso from America,' 7 Wall, I guess youU find ihr's v mnijiii W , Miller. In ty'all Street Journal, New Tork (HT HE CAKEFIII. Uncl Sam: "Gosh, that sum would buy 11,825,000 one-hundrcd-dolU 1 "f ,f 14 n Ti ,f".'