"fl r EVENING LEDefiR-PHILADEIPIIIA, TUEriDkY, OCTOBEll 1917 1 10, XJSED AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC-Enclosed Car Sale Limousines, Landaulcts, Sedans, Coupes In Our USED-CAR DEPARTMENT . Don't wait until cold weather to purchase your winter Yo'u have a wider choice and can secure a better bar car, gain now, when the demand is OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK AUTOMOBILE SALES" CORPORATION M'l North Broad Street fUATIONS WANTED-MALE ..il,cil from rrrcuiww ror VMkk l.nttA tiinl liniua. IK' N.n run car f' ! "? wl" tain, can rl,n , ... ......ii fnmllv! reference l,ed!ier Central. le"-"-..,. 1kZ Wltll 7 JMIH UUIIKIMI r"lii-ii iTO.r-dovcd by Investment P.nK"".?.". -1: wi nan ..;t- . ... I DO .-hi ..... tfllt tuki nosllion Jinan pon-Jbl clerical position: best :.i.mati or "".;, - Vir,.l i::;.r.nr. "' """: - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES lmswiv'c,;r.i"i American Hnd Irlah autnlrcf. hutlr. hkrAAK. "" n.iiinna wanted. marrHM. -ch5rSI nS I f A 0" laumlre.,Rood wanes: isJirvtritOLLS ll2" Rnlnbrioge ft . "as mi ImS. MC" "9,Vh , ,h. English rooks ohaml-or-JtU?5 8.. resses. " A'"0 mK,n. hel"- .V.",' -'. "h Ue" couple, rook.. tlt K7. nrnia'ds. itBiltnwn nurse. IVSfZSii.. etc Phone Locust French la- l.io. irrs w ir. nor 8 inn. priyHip nir - ... . heln a IP- l,?..V.T.i nni.Ml Phon Walnut 1713 L P'ru "- ' , AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE fc ,nK 1).1 or night brand-new r.passenser l!2 '',!? car. II 2S our. u; wnBcr 5W I- t 111 iiniir til). wcuuiiiK'. iini'i ii" . ""'H.'.'r.Hv inia Ridge bc ii'". phono: Iron, -;' "ir.,".. i. unl nr Pon. Wlii ivcy Park 1 ,- Special rates by dnv. Fstone. IfcTJTO SUPPLIES AND REFAIHIWU FLCAlnor UtTu.int Avn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IrvronronATn under Delaware: we orminire D,cuiliviww . . . s ate S.ra uniform and If sou pa more than (7.1 to Eiiiwrporate your company tben you arc oi'r rmried. we have expert finance ami legal de 55rtS'nt Interview without obligation. P gGj. 1-edger Office. - ' ' $ .. Would you like to have nay you a monthlv ( t your money salary? uddrees. Serd your name und If l.'.T Ledger Br SALE A first class store, warehouse, coal toll lUnH'tT tiru i-rtaii pub n ill h""t tiaw hulldlnci. hi ili Intprnortlon uf P. H. It. gioJ FrMfrlU to 'orU turnplkt: nUo L fln homei' neauiHUII lUCHiii, iwb nrjn-.t, uiuai rttiff. M I) llutt. New Midway, Md. RO0M1NQ 1101 Si; tiowlv furnlxlipd. 14 rooinn; fllledi porinailpni ppopif, iiruuinui'- uivrni- mrtt, owner lfH(nf city, must have cash. P fl2J. Leds-er OfTIc. m Corporation chautku and kinancimjo. will mcorporaif nuiiiifr, piiuiii ki , irtr ronsultatlon, expert rounnel. Kitihiice Dept., $14 I'rozer Hid. 1 120 Chestnut ft. BUSINESS PERSONALS M BUY DIAMONDS, $!&&IU W.M FIRIIKll. 1.17 if. 8T1I ST. . Sykes' Detective Agency ...v'SalL,,,. .'. 7111 I'AKKWAT 111 ti.iuic Nrtriir. "HI DETECTIVE SERVICE ItetlUmate uorlt only If l-'i! l.ll'K.S'.SKO iin.viiKii TiCdfcer Central. diamonds nmtniiT P.trl. snd emeralds. Appraisement I per cnt. HAIlltY hmitii. 717 sansom t. JFVLI. VAl.l'K for diamonds, platinum, icold. Hirer, precious stonee. pawn tickets (prlvata). L KELMATZ Co.. U32 Chestnut. Room 21. llwJ'T mlajudmi others. DetectTve Millard "ruar- Hires vou Isets. Htandsnl Dntecllve Uureau. Coniultatlon free. 1520 Chestnut. Estab. 18HS. CAST-OKK t-'ljiTIIINli Klines and lials Imuuhtl jend pnil.il SNKIMMAN !22 Poplar at. IKAKUKLK, th, v.,..'h & eloekmaker.who reiialrn K' nv IV. Irh fit i I... o 1 ,.,, I.'l, .... I)... .,. t.i. -i;"-. ..'.-'... ...... in. -.i i.,1,,.1'. I'll. Itt-ECTBIC TIM;aTMI:NT. face, acnlp. & luanl- runns llnum 10... llecl Hide. 1215 l'llberl. EOF. SALE We Make and Sell Only National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices. Small monthly' pay Wents, No interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired, re built, bofjght, sold and exchanged. G. D. SCHWARZ, Agent The National Cash Register Co. 7nn r.iiRSTTsjTPr st rln: Bell. Walnut 4,(13 Key . Stain 2'072 lemTS1! ""II" DININ'if ROOM furniture jrSHi,!r?!n " "";aAi-i3. have o . LiPlEPII K XlcCAHK, 101B KH.HKKT ST. PiMnfl D POCKET TAIILES. .wn h "fPond hand; mw nm n . .lnnti... bowline alleys and UppIlM! " ilJE 5:7?" f.ni . utonoblle tires Collender Company. 1002 Ifruns Arch it. ILUARD .TABLES nowMNO E iSffk-fi!S ?eond-haJRepair-suppllB IfpjATro-nAnrxY-jjiTjco.. 222 shtji. A T T VTU C'iIA"D; Pool, combination. 2d-hand. bouiht. '". renied. nvrh',1 i;..f.. in r!ira .. Comnl., ''Hi-fS.T'-''T.UIti:. . . telenhnn. ;''u'l""eni 01 ueBKs. nies. sales. .iJffi?0"9. '"olds, etc,, cood as new. half the I OB' ir.WlKJ1' assortment. HUOHES, 11TH AND IIUTTO.VWdOn iS5tilV"Ae" '". 1?0. cost I.IOOl guaranteed ?i '-y.umce ogeualtjr Co.. Bourse. . .OFFCE FURNITIIRR SttaSti'-A d':k,. '"" fll"- "blnets an tnrI office furniture, atore fixtures. PATTEN RIRNITIIRP TO Sf"t 4070. 112T Arch at. Race 285. IBAFES, llrrDrAnfPloalner .. n. (..! . I nil thin Rn.'.'W't u,'d """i " '" w'h JSjn frails; bis bargains. 2(9 N. Fourth at. .KS!.?" ""''i nil sliea, for coal. ca or -u. 11 Jl sillier. r.O N. 2d St. Market BUS. Used Butcher's Refrigerator Ite """' KCAI.K CO.. SOU-OS ARCH ST. Ilia v0v ki..i,l- ,..ri..:-;:.., - - Slarz ....... V.JB " lairei siyie; extra lrsAnM:'.fh'f p. t-wo r"ober irees.'oveTao win,e vJvi 13 '"'J'1.""- Apply-17 North lt?.'.T, tSK1"1 .VXnPPs WMNrin-rTrat: . . MVk.CLl. O.V .Y. lULn !. HEATINO IlLl.t!.... Z.LnI kELSEY health h... t,.tt.. mi. xnwtn.p ..... L. .-:.--.- -- '-"" isneei. hnih .!. ' w,v.jI steam; zooo rsisr- at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS, R)ro.mnr0!'E.RP-ANT EQUIPMENT inbei iT.'..""vr."' "oner, steam ana oil I. &. JiVJnna. aim comrefsors. 'PK TOOMET. llid.. 127 N. T.H.- . "-". 1"J-. 1.1 3d St. Hid ,i?i0.S'vNV),Jlr,l bucket, traveling crane. .:-' ",".iii ior rani, with cvvr. nr u ' rsei ty yd H.e Ambler HT17 Old York rd. Vi.n.. "v eoiw'i ll uiu lum ru. iNPlI nnrtvc .... - -. . KrUIn ,iJ.f4 J POwcf "'d, Lack geared an ?M luiHZ P'k-"1? !?' standard makea; new . --. ,M ...UUt oeyieri a aqna. ai n. aa St.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Uiei;0..BA1i?A-NB THIS WEEK iii J-.Merlng Piano no ..DOW (83 S "P Piano .now (05 .now (08 now (275 iS tS. "WRJ!. la-no JSarJ.'r. Piano, t)8 note. . p. ZX" VHlDeertnn. V, uu.. bd ... ...! i.Aa Mnti$ ?"-: notr:':::;now Vm now ! h.. . - u4 uiiicr uurgains in aiocg '. "end for catalogue Easy terms. HOWARD VINCENT h"lA.asu.ajn m n-rir ftiv KSTAllMHIIED B7 YlAl't Jittrtrrlit,. UlrspJ, XmtthiH'ifi lj WttdA Pe t2(lUlS'aeh ffa k.riia W'JSr' JJSED AUTOMOBILES not so heavy. High-Grade Automobiles Exceptional Val ues Strmdanl " lIH? Tour In ir i'jp ,..uiii.i ,'ondltlon til , MieamsKnlght. hluht Itil 4 t ,. . Tourlni: far. v ,inV...,o..', ,V "'2T- .:??" i.ilnl.,1 In '"f'J!"1" Tourlnit Car. lust re 8 11 V "rfLn "?'" for quick sale tire.. "win Sffi5...rYiV n,w" pn,m"1: g0oJ e.7 reSpe'cT"1 Ilo,l,"er' """ omlltlon 111 EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 1G31 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Spruce 794 luru,iKi,!,;IU!n,i;1.Hi?I.s-,r""","r 'r"'". etc drafted l .V.,'1 ' ,m,.le"- "Painted, tools " . nniripfi, lubj( it to i nil iinup fin,, p. ciA-m"" "' '"-- -M 'e.k-ir CeHntral',Ur llht. .'L ,'.lmi""n l.und.iulett; ele, r SSSR-e'de!lVerr aVml lihl,1'?1"',"'. W"P.""r.iec,Flc Kuril,,-. tlon- h. "li;,J.U"t l".'n r",,u"1' ',rf"-t "'"' bodi: ClT u.,7V,, "mI ,,v,rn llRhl "I""' f,;.r.; " ' lat Mo'ur ,... 1B27 Chestnut "V.:.-'U1 "' -' .--pas.enaer Inurln-. ,...! . .., i-paseniie tourlnt: Locust nl ."i.'.lwlIUAl., 1411 in- V Imnnii """-nixe'd exthaimes. lull- Wn iff, ;ln'',"ml.lollrln; '""' ' Ba'n " """Ished: exceptional D.ir- Locomnhii, Co of America. 2314 Market .1 - IJNJlown. Mur Uxchance Car Dept. ,'i!.?..,?I,"',I:-"l!l0 onn. tt-4sTna"es.TTive i1 ul l ml rcflnlnhcd: Kuaranieed. l.ocomnbll,. Co. 01 America. 2.1 It Market at A. 1. iiowj. Mgr llxrhaiiKeCar Dept. I.OCCjMollll.i:. mid landaulette; 0-3S; like new" fully equipped, guaranteed. Loc.onlSb'J" - of America, 2.114 Market at. 4 A.T. Rqvo. Myr. Hxchanre Car Dept. MAItMON lfllr. HllO JIODKI.S Also used cars of other mnkea. ,. FANNING MATII18 CO . , mlinOAt AND HACK HTHKKTS Jolin T. CunnlliBlium. Manager Used-Car Dept. MOI.INn-KNIUHT. lulu m,!el SO," In moit ex cellent shape, fine tires; big barRatn. - HAIIDINO COIlP()UATION 324 N. Il-oarl at. I'AICIK Iniil touring. 5-passeneer. 0-3S: fully equipped, paint and general condition cry One; big bargain- JSSd. lllentriu'.ll'lll... f.,.. ... 9,if V ti...t . ---T - ... -. ..- KI.IIVI .... ...'1 ... IHU.,1. HI. j tll.MI, .n..t . . - . ' -T .ur, 11, in louring, u-iii, -pars in excellent condition throughout: specially priced. JH7.Y Itleelow-Wniey Motor Co . 304 N. Broad st. I'AIClii ini" touring, "-pasienger. H-Sl : Just like new; fullv guaranteed: bargain: (1400. Itlgetnw-Wlllcy Jlotor Co..Jll)4 N. Broad St. SCRIPPS-BOOTH 4 pass.. 1017 model; ItrH-clats condition: run SOiio miles: will sell reisiu able on account of owner srolo lo w.ir. Apply AvontlaraBe, 1H2.". Piny at. STANI.KV uses kerosene for fuel Can you b?tt It? Phone locust lnoo for demonstration. STANI.KV MOTOR CARIIIAUH CO. 232. Clieslnut St. 8TANI.KV HTKA.MKR. late model, perfect con dltlon: no dealers. Dr. C. J. Van Rouk, CIO Cast Chelten ttlc. Oermantown. 8TUT2"lOAOSTKIl." 11117 model: only used'a" few months; In perfect condition. Apply tlwyned Valley, Pa.. Box 14 W1NTON. 1014, con be bounght verv cheap: hss Wrstlnghouse inrlngs, touring and limousine bodies: also Oelsell convertible top: mechan ically perfect; had little use. painting and varnish like new, including 7 tires almost new; win give demonstration. HOWARD VIN CENT, owner, K.1S N. flth. Phone Mkt. 4.12. BRAND NKW STCDKI1AKKI1 six. " eerie I sT specially factory painted: nerslr.e Slherlmvn cord tires; stands ine (lfir.n as equipped: ex pected to be stationed In Phlla.; marching orders, somewhere in France ne.ir future; -will tnkc tl2.Hi for quick turn rather than store car until m return. Remember, thla car is positively new M 3.11. Iedgerjiitinl. TA.XIUAII Limousine, first-class mechanical con dition: (2.10 If told nt once. Locomobile Co. of America. 21114 Mar"..-t St. A. T. Rowe, Mgr Kxrbnnge Car Depl BROWN auto henrse; rl. i,s panels, newly paint ed: line cond.: big aluc. Uli" Locust at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS t (Hfli,lici Itnin Hiririhitu t'ojinitn VICTROLAS 100 Victor VI, Irolas. aa follows: Vlctrola V!" Willi BOO" D. V. Records, 144 80 Vlctrola IX with fl-lu" D. V. Records, (,14.r,0 Victrola X With 12-10" 1). F. Records. (84.00 Stveral other Victrola outfits, including Vic trola, cabinet and records, at special terms. Call or write for Illustrated lataloeue and special plan of payment. HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES, Cor. tlth and Thompson ats. KHONOORAP1! S3S. Edison Diamond Point Phonograph, with rsb tnet and records. Finished In a beautiful quartered oak: cost new (84, Can be paid 7.1 ronts weekly: excellent bargain: In pood con dition: equal in new. Write for cataloeue and list of bnrcains. f HEPPB'S UPTOWN STORES. k Cor. tith and Thompson sts If VICTROLA. VICTROLA fiO CENTS WEI:KI.V BITTfl A Jall or write rnr particulars IIHPPB'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Otli mid Thompson ats. K. 50 VICTROLA VI. Victrola VI. Including 12 selections (8-10" D. 1". Records). This is a beautiful golden oak Victrola with latest Improvements: can be paid 73 cents weekly. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cof. Otb and Thompson ats. VICTROLA IX.. In nllnnlshes, Including 10-ln. D. F. records (12 selections), (.14. .10: this la a handsome machine, with Ut. imp.: (1 weekly. V. V. TODD. 1.10(1 Arch at.. 228Iarket St. VICTROLA VI.. with 0 10-ln. I F. records. (29. 50; fine outfit fur one looking for a good machine at small price. Send for catalogue. B. B. Todd, noil Arch si . 228 Market n PIANO 175 cash! (8.1. (1 weekly, for magnifi cent uprleht pis no: been used: decided bargain. V U. JJ. TODD. 1.100 Arch St. PIANO. 105 Upright piano. In splendid con dition: aultable for beginner. II. U. TODD. 13(I0ARCH ST. PIANOS (7 cash, (8.1. II weekly, for magnifi cent upright plino. been used: decided baigaln. H B.JrODDtlSOO .ARCIlHT PIANO. '(125 Handsome Lester unrlglit grand. good as new: guaranteed: cost (42,1. )i. U. TODD, 1300 ARCH ST. VICTROI.A 50o weekly: will buy: "call cfr write for particulars. ..... . I), U. TODD, 130tl Arch St.. 228 Market at OLD GOLD OLD UOLD, SILVER. PLATINUJh false teeth, diamonds and precious atones bought: highest oash prices paid. Modern Refining Company. 137 8. lltli st. Relatione, Walnut 05. ijLT"O0Lb. PLATINUM. DIAMONDS. PAWN TICKETS PURCHASED: UHBT TRICES PAID 8PIE0ELMAN. 1U H. 8T1I ST. ni.n iinTTn. .liver, nlatlnum. Elated ware, old ought for cash. style Jewelry, teeth plain Est. 1817. J- L CLARK, refiner. 807 Sansom. STORAGE FIDKUTT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES ,Uri8U.i 819 MARKET ST, MILLER N. BROAD BTORAOB CO., Broad JaK Lehigh ave.i new fireproof addition! rooms Are. tiroof- furniture and china packers: automobile vlnsi'.stimiti free. Ball pfion. Diamond 74(0. MILLION dollar concrete nreproot warenousei n" Phlla. StV.n Cot 2033 "L.hl-4. 6la7 TW neat in ine woriu tvr .. , , i-.-. !-- ailiARD STOHAaB fO., 013 Otrard-av Moving, picking storage Phone Pop. MO., Park 423. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES . TVPBWKITKIlri iir.riiiyj. MllfJVISIiU- -1 "Niia, . ' VlMllil.K--- MONTH iT mm -M aw; M AIM (M. I I I . I . . - ' PETEY Why Fret About Cut Gnss? J --- Wi'' ( NEV dftt J f DOlhlC Mens ) ri-xafarr . sr?. zz?fk l f m x - miHu.i mavu "Tllti&f-n rfrHte Ifl- I 1 " V a 3uvec jf V 1 rCLJL T AM T 1 ' I A-ns. J " ' '' . I. """ V ''. V " " TZT - CK Vf"T"' -- '- '-1 v y a?"- 4: J v sow,!, y 1 v u 'ft a& - . v :7. wsskk ! 'Tj mf,mVt U2tfS -ttfl-"' j I T 1 miiii !, ,. , ,, , .1 . 1 . I -L. f ,, ,.., . 1 , 1 . I Lr... 1 1 1 . I r.,wi. T.r..- . , , , mmma"7rst3.!Tm4, I WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broken jewelry, gold, sil ver, false teeth, feather beds. "Antlaue," 785 Walnut. Phone Walnut 7026. East. 18fl. UlloKKN ,li: Kl.HY. "alltiqute Pistols. lOltle Coin books with price I imy mailed, l.V. .1. H, lls (People's Store). 2I1H S. lllll Wal. 44(il! I'AST-Ori' CLOTIIINtt WANTED Illgheal prices paid for ladles', gentlemen's dlecnrded clothing of all description), wilt ,ulL,lay or evening, illy or suburbs. Call, write or phone Bell, Poplar ,1771 Open evenings. BJacker. 12.10 Poplar at CAST-OFF ilothlng bought. ladipx "rSi.l gentle men's suits, tiverconts. dress suits, shoes, hats; we pay .,() per cent more than others: orders attended day or evening, cilv or toun try. Phone Dickinson 015.1. Friedman Bros., 1441 South st. FURNITURE. ETC . " BOUGHT 'kRHK.mV'iC 4li:,.1 OIRARD AVE PHONE. BAR1NO N2(i OLD HOLD, sllier, plated ware, platinum, falsa teeth, diamonds. Keystono Rer'g Co.. 133 S, " WANTED A folding bed. must lie 111 flrat-rlass coiHlltlon. 1701 Mt. Vernon at. ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD S.. 2100 Dellglitrul nutslde room, well furnished, hot-walerneat : reasonable UilHESTNUT. 2()0'J Desirable rooms, rrot-i- alonal offices. CHESTNNT. lllOl Second-floor front suite: "sill"" sle rooms, electricity, steam heat; references CHESTNUT. 21113, Sei Olid llnor eulle; eleu- trlclty. hot-water heat. CHESTNUT ST . 2035 Iarge, handsomely furnT 2d-floor front rm.; also suite; elec , stm. heat. DE "LANCEY PLACE. 2310 Rooms single or en suite; furnished or unfurnished. IiOCI'ST, 1220 (Morton Apts. M-Furn.. unfiirn.,' I, 2 rooms, bath: Willi or wjthoutkllchenette. PINK ST.. S02 Large furnished room. " south ern exposure: also aliurle rooms; phone. SPRUCE. 2022. Com. rooms, with baths, opeii fireplace, southern exiMisure. gentlemen. s'PRUer. 183H--Tw fourth-floor rooms, conu niunlcnllng or single. WALNUT. 31105 2 sliiglo rooms, nicely fur nlslied.jtrlv.ite bath; hot-ivater heat; bdrr. OTH ST. . N . 2418 Nlreli furnished roomsT wilh bath; references required. 15TH. S.. 110 Nicely furnlsheil rooms; run ning hot water; good service. PLEASANT third-floor room, near 311th at." "I." Baring 1541 W. BOARDING Suburban GERMANTOWN 00 E. Penn st Attractive ac com. for mined people desiring single or suite of rooms; private bath: ex. table; loca. attrac. and coni.cn. . references. Phone Utn. 220. SANITARIUMS INVALID CHRISTIAN" SANITARIUM (Uta llworth Inn); unsectarlan. beautiful location. H acres. 8 spacious porches; moderate, rates; medical staff. Fern Rock Station. P. and It It. II., 10th and Mertary ave.. Philadelphia Phone Oak Lane lfl.1l 1 BEAUTIFUL LOCATION: special sclentitli' caie, nervous, elderly and rest cases: everv com fort, nurses; booklet. Dr 'Randal. Chestnut Hill.. Phlla.. and Wlldwood, N. J., by the sea. APARTMENTS Did- LANCEY APTS.. 2300 PINK ST. Suite 4 rooma and patn. Suite H rooms and 2 bathe MINTURN T WRIOIIT t CC. 412 Monia Bldg. IDEAL CENTRAL LOCATION. 1721 Walnut st. Apartments, 2 rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished. Opon for inspection NORMAN S. SHERWOOD L CO. 1721 VALNUT8T '10TIU S., 3-xs Unfurnished apt.. 2 large rooms, bath and kitchenette: open fireplace; elec tricity: hot-water heat: Janitor. Walnut 8111. APARTMENTS 1-2 "rms., with pnv bath: all cotivs.. furn. or uufurn Apply 020 N. 19th st. "CENTRAL apartments Norman S. Sherwood Co.. 1721 W.ilmit si HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ' THE DRBXEI. AT OVERBROOK. STATION 3D AND OVERBROOK AVENUE Oterlooklng Philadelphia's most beautiful anft exclusive suburb we have an 8-rooin ulte: all outside rooms. Very large living and dining rooms Three sleeping rooms, bath, maid's room. Also attractive bachelor apartment, 2 rooms and bath, to be vacant November 1 By automobile through Falrmount Park via Cljy Line, or Overbrook car on. 00th St. ilHOO HANDSOMELY furnished, housekeeping 7-room apartinent. 0 (nontha 400 H. 15th st. DESIRABLE 4-room hkg. apt.. IBIO Pine Apply Miss Blume, Room A, Rellevue-Stratford. 10TII.N.. 1401 ROOM AND PRIVATE HATH. (5 UP. SINGLE nOOM. (1.50 UP. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TWO CENTRAL APARTMENTS." 2 rooms and bath, beautifully furnished. NORitAN S. SHERWOOD CO.. 1721 Walnut. SUITE- Attractive turn apta . 2 rooms and commu. bath: hot-water heat: elec light, with owner: suit. I or 2 gents, Phone Preston 2.120. " " " i623 CHESTNUT ST.'" 2 rooma, private bath; apply on premiaea. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE APARTMENTS 1 1TH AND PINE STREETS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE 8WARTIIMORB M E. cor. 22d and Walnut ats. -., 12-story family apartment hotel; relied location: also bachelor apartments; r aparimenia; iie Ith private boha- llahtful 12 room auuea. every modern convenience: special table dilute ratea! breakfast. 75c: bus. men'a lunch. 68ot ....: iih an..... too,, ir t o. ..,-: ainn'-rj... ... .,ji.,v'. ... - p.wit. Mir. DELMAR-MORRIS' lr " "" THE ONLY HOTEL IN (1ERHANTOWN BTRICTLY FIRST CIAHS , AMERICAN PLAN jii.NvivireAA,Nor.E.s?tc!. THE CLINTON 'flm?. SOO rcomai every convenience: furnlahad or unfurni'hedl either by lease or tranalantlyj auttes of one or four rooms with bath, T H E E S M 0 N D rfuSa'&W Suites of 2. 3, nd 4 rooma and bath, iV tl r "l III l Al t IJfllHT. 1 rl ii L. I C U U IN Alow fslhst. . TRANHlItNT ANp PfyWANENT MUKHTIj uTSJaxW)S,r'-i APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Rooming a, 1 ominodaliotir1. itli or without boald. for 2 gentlemen. 2 roomi and baih with prtMile fainll iireferr.-d. must be coiiiImi1ci,U lo. at,-,! wiili respect 10 Peuna. It It. II 4 is. Irf-.lg.cr 1Vt1tr.1l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CRAWFORD HOMES lOtli & Wyoming Avenue $4200 to $5500 Kvi". inoilTn coi-ienin' mid nppntntiutnit. SUMi: WITH IMUVATi: UAHAOKS DANIEL CRAWFORD. Jr.. Builder INVESTORS ' PROMINENT 1 NIU:VEI.l)PED CORNER IIIIKCTLY rVl'INlI I1ROAD ST AT HIDlIK ANI 1 KAIHAIOUVr ATO-lirTl ( Nt ct X11 10 IT ON illllER ST., St II AUVoTltl'CK TIRE OR ACi'l'sSORY U1ENCY ('it SALi:SROO.l. M 2.10. LEDUEIl CENTRAL 1 1111ICK houses. KI5 and 137 N. Amerl, an st . "id 2 III rear: assessed CltlOO. 2 front houes rented for 2'1 month, 2 rear hou-es rented for (In monlli, always rented, best ut- 'MANU.il" WEIL, 30.0 N 21st at. i-ninilKI) llt'YERS Excellent 3-story dwell nr good nelgllUirbood. every convenience. " C as little us (50 do 11. balance u, rent; w-oi'-wni. .,PP.'j.'nlJ,.o & CO . nr,,,'. :71 1721 WALNUT SI Ra." 302.1. . 153"f PINE STREET Lot 111. 1x110 feel. SAMUEL W LEVIS. Real Kst. Trust Bldg. SMALL OARAGE and repair shop for "It, near Broad .And Diamond ats. Phone Dla. 0,01, n.. . mitii Brownatone: good order: fine in in .--'.,.. '.Im-vv. ir.IT Cnlumh a ave. home: .; iiaiwrt'ii. Building Lots. Itu'tnry Mies. i:f. corner 2 main streets with ral- 02.500 roa,1 fronlnge: t ra. - 'v- hiiullnc" to" all road guod a,,u ....... ...--c noi.MAN & CO.. Ci,r,.r. ,r" Itroa'd mid chestnut. . . rc. 'A(orle. Warehouses, Mfg. Floors ;,,.,,V,,VK 4-story building of modern con; .N.A..fWKultable for light inanufacturlng! J! ,iF"'OWKE5tn0rjia.n Ap. St., ainnni - - .- ri-STOUY OIt;a.forirloi"waier-heaN.; ?elJlnVL.. "-'uit'-'aPProximaVly 10.1,00 feet. . WEST PIUUMIELPH'"- - ON EAST SIDE OF 51TII ST. . , as.i.t uve 1.10O lituik enutli anil juat l Sprmfctleld ay ., ,.. H located Ihe ,r,'Kuttracttv- row of 2-story house. that an m,. f . . I' ''., '.7l,u.Tvi- IlKEN LOOKING FOIt- Spruce 3071 I WALNUT St ,....-, (450 CASH These admirable hollies arc , onslderably less than their .. .. aa.-...i(cn llV'ltlir IOOm Jilt MONTI being ottered at rial value: con witlt ,inen Ore- ace .i room, and iuodel bail, on i ' rioms umiiuHlly light : bas.u. .i,i beating and. electric II Hecono uxor. ment laundry. lighting: deep r.,r'.i,- .olid construction; near cars. ARTHUR J- LEUPOI.I'l-'l 52,1 st. 1100 SECURES a 2-story pnrcn-rroni Home. . water heat, electric lights. hardoo,l flours, beautiful decorations und lUturea. 112,1 t. at l'lne (111! Ik buyer gets It at low price. Hn" HOWARD II- WILSON & CO 2122 Oermantown aye- "-.-1711 A L SEMIDETACHED porch-front dwell 8FinJ; n excellent locatttm. can Us PKh"w'- for prlie you would pav for house In aolld row. llet nartlculurs of these before buying. . MAURAnI DOLMAN t CO.. N. E. cor. Broad and Cheatnut. . ............ r l.. n ...n.a ull.l Imtll. Dutch 570.1 CJtc.-l.i ?- ..""'",-"" ..--t, lot I'l.e-saed" atrW(.l"oo!' o vnef "ha. Tbeen asking J"oorwlllVacrlflce for nuck sale, possession. YOCUM ft POWERS' II) . -0 S. ltb St. . SEE THE unequaled homes. Sprlngfleld ave. " 60th , to 57th. inllly (4200: l.ew .features each h..... l,a. itrivaie reniem .ir. . ,..,. - porches. JAMES C. ENUURG. Builder. (iKKMANTUtVN jillllllllllllllll lillWffliMWWllilillliWlMW SEDGWICK- NEW DKTACHKD atono duelling with exceedingly flpe location four bilr.i..nw viiil 2 baths on Jhe second door. .1 bed rtMiii and hathnn the third. Mot-water heat electricity, hardwood floora on the first and second floora. Oarage for 2 cars, with man's room,. This Is a high grade house In a 'rfully, restricted I aub urban aectlon. We will gladly show thla property dally or Sunday, AS. TOURISON 7014 Boyer Street, uermatuown uimwiM SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED' atone dwelling, k.drrtotns and 3 baths, hot-water beat. if.ct?lclty, gas, hardwood floors, within I"fey minutes' ' Ik of Sedgwick Station Se oermantown aVenue ears. Theae prop Sr,iI are built of the beat building ma twlala "nd cannot be duplicated at the price Call and wo will ahow vou theae l""- A. 8. TOURISON 7014 Boyer Street. Oermanlewn IfjajplBI .LINCOLN DRIVE HOME v.rrDl!ona1 atone Engllah-atyle house. Ihe li SirdT In modem appointment , 6 chambers, t iZalu. an Wlllari imoii beatevf ruu j SSlir: UOWArW TjmJtttlT. W N. tfa at..' STny ski'-.' " "- :....,!..,, to tcnsiioriallon. have Tl.wmnl. and 1 ex client hot-water beating. "."". .- inVhtlna with handsome flxlure... good- o.,raun?su2f"cfr"c.unsance,Z.iko the price Most unusual .... arranged tha easiest ridlculou.lyMow. wo hav earrang pa t hSfec ' .!"" home is your the balance fo "UPUv us a vtilt-NOW-a beautifully fur- ni.ied "am?le house Is open day and evening .nnie see for yourself how much more sensl- 1721 WALM 1 ri. iv'- "-" . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t.l.RM.WTOWN to,ili"rflroii I'l'tctiltnu Coliiiiia AN IDEAL HOME DETACHED two-story-and-attie stone dwelling, with lot 80.-lxl30. Beauti fully situated within two minutes' walk of station. Thoroughly modern. As this cannot be duplicated, aou should get particulars ut once. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO.. N. E. CorJroad and Chestnut yMMIMIiMIIMW SEDGWICK - FINE corner properly, detached Co- SI lotiial dwelling, all stone. Willi garage Tills house has .lust been completed and Is ready to oc up. It has 4 bedrooms 1 and 2 baths on the second floor, 2 bed- Hi rooms, bath and sloierooin on the thltd st noor. ion win nna.inis property wortny of your (onslderattuu; we will show you this and several others dally or Sunday. s tourison 7011 lloer Street. Oermantown HUiHIII!HIII!IIIM!lilIIIIIIIHI!illli!llll!l!lllllffi!!K!l!!l! IAROE I 1ST OF OERMANTOWN HOMES HMULLEN t BARRY Liberty Building. Broad and Chestnut. j Chestnut lllll CHOICE PROPERTIES for Mile In CHESTNUT HILL and ST. MARTINS, all slice. JOSEPH M JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Olne (.100 SECURES HOME. 7th st. at Olney ave.: copper spouting, hot-water heat, elect. lights, low price; suit, professional man. Howard B Wilson Co.. 2122 Gcrroantuwn ave. . Frankfort! FRANK'ORD HOMES BUILDING SITES SCHWEITZER, 4J4I) FRANKFORD AVE. PENNSYLVANIA SUIIURIIAN GI.ENSIDE California - planned bungalow, splendid surroundings; gas. Hewer, fireplace, double floors; well built tonvenlellt. W. T. H. ROBERTS i SON, (llenalde. at III. GI.ENSIDE New Colonial 8-rootn house, open fireplace; attractive loiatlnn. gas und elec . laundrv, etc : (5IMM): terms: call today. RENNINGER It RENNIN11KR, Glensl,le. Pa GI.ENSIDE New 7-room house, aas and elec tric, good lot. terms to suit; 13300. RENN1NGER RENNINUER. Glenxlde. Pa. TO settle estate. 20 acres. K-rooni house, good con., barn A- outbldgs: stream; near station, JB miles Phlla. : (1000 cash: price (45110; terms. RENNINGER t RKNNINQER. Glenslde. Pa SUBURBAN HO.MES, country places "and build ing sites to suit all requirements 11. C. HUNTER. Wyne 'A NKW JERSEY SIlnimilAN HAnnONKIKI.il. N J. You should visit Ye Blrdwood Tract before making any plan for your home or an Investment; see sample house Just sold; acre lots. (10 monthly; smaller lots also. !cautlful!v plotted; all Improvements, get booklet II. T. (HI.BERT.70S Walnut st ,inilladelphla WOODBtlRY. "N."j. "8 MILES OUT FINEST FACILITIES For beat property, all elaai-a F. I,. VVIIklns 13 Cooper st.. Woodbury. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA WHY In the "Dlikens" don't you Investigate tfie 22-acre stale, brick and stone property at "Peach Bottom," York Co.. Pa " Da It now: there Is a fortune In It for some one, we hope it may be you, send for descriptive folder; no charge. 1h acres on Hklppaik pike. 3 tnllea from Philadelphia city Hue. 11-room house, all con veniences and necessary outbulldinga; (100 feet front 011 pike. (l2,5oo, more adjoining land if wanted. (SARIS SHIMEIl. Woolvvorth llhlg . Bethlehem. Pa Building Lots. Factory Mies, Etc. FACTORY SITES In Bethlehem. Pa", near R. II. and liver: 3-stnrv stone building. 80x00 feet, on lot 300x170 feet, price (5.MK); 2H-story frame building, 60x38 feet, lot 00x81 feet. 2 fronts, opposite R. R. station: price (4000; well worth Investigating. GARIS & SIIIMER. Bethlehem. Pa. PHOTOPLAYS STRAND GUI Ave. at Venango, E. of Broad TODAY and TOMORROW l'lrat Showing In North Philadelphia DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THE MAN FROM PAINTED POST" TlOr A l""" ST- UeJow VENANGO 1 lJJr LAST TIMES Tl 1 TODAY MARY PICKFORD in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" FRANKFORD 4",B Frankford Ave. I rAZ-MrwI JILS LAST TIJIES TODAY PAULINE FREDERICK in "Double-Crossed" iJJJ I TODAY and TOMORROW WALLACE REID ' in "The Hostage" I FADFR iBT AND LANCASTER AVE. L,L.-LyL-lX TODAY and TOMORROW MARY PICKFORD Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" in CCl IFF IM J'n Between 50th i. 0lh VWlJlUIVl LAST TIMES TODAY MARY PICKFORD in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" CCnAR eOTIt BT. and CEDAR AVE. VCL-f-r. UAHT TIMES TODAY ELSIE FERGUSON in "Barbary Sheep" RPI MflNIT WD BT, Above MARKET DE.LalYlV-'l,l 1 lxux TIMES TODAY MUTITAI EMTIRE Preaenta JULIA DAY In THE CALENDAR Gint." II 1 M RO "RONT AND OIRARD AVE-. JUIYIDV Jdmbo function onFrankforde-L'" DOUGLAS FAW-SANKS-,,,- in "Dm to v4,. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE Coal laued. from trtctitno Colawit Fknnrvi.vAnia T rAni TOVIJOSK EBTATB 10-acre farm, with yut- niogs., 12-r. alone house, n. w. neat: mooern plumbing: everything In first-class condition, 11 VAN. .-.Una Market at. FOR CHOICE Bucks and Montremerr Countr farms .send ror list! state sue. W JnnEflTJlAfJEE, Bouthampton. Pa. FIVE acreai (2400: village farm: see catalogue. 11. 1- iteese Bon, n K. Ary St., morris town. . . BUCKS 1 COl'NTT FARMS, alt sizes and prices, iir..-.i-siMK ; iii-;riNur;ii. ti'uisiu.ei,5i NEW JF.IISF.Y FARMS FOOD WILD WIN the war If you latenaely ru tivat. nn v n screa you will more than hava "done voile hit" 1 It will make vou big Bit' moneri jou rain do thla without capital by Betting B acres for (825, payable (3 monthly: located splendidly, good soil, fine water, all conveniences. Liberty llonds accepted In jrwy ment Oet booklet No. 83: act now. GILBERT o CALLAOHAN, 703 Walnut st . l'nna tlREAT HACRIFICE Oentlemnn's hilltop estate nr rare charm, .inn aerea. near i.amnrrivuie, N J., beautifully situated, substantial 10-r. bouse. 2 baths, steam heat all Improtemenla, large piazza, wonderful shade tree 2 tenant houses, several large outhldgs . beautiful land scape and scenejy, 4500 fruit trees, productive land, very choice property at most attractive price, (22,001). OEO. RULE. Princeton, N. .1. REAL ESTATE SALEOR RENT irv CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent .1 DIEM I. WINCHELL, 17th and Sansom sis REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WrT PHILADELPHIA If A E some excellent investment hrnn.etlea that will be alien In exchange tor a large suburban home or a farm, clear of Incum brance. See Matthias about It, 32d and Arch. N. E or. REAL ESTATE WANTED -Investment houses. (1 011 the (100. Smith. 22d It Tasker. Ph. Dick. 651. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY ' WHY PAY RENT? We will rinance the pur chase of .our propei ty nn a monthly pay ment of (7.20 fur each (IIIUll of the cost of Miur home, let us tell sou how thla can be Hone without a large cash pavment. J. W. Ponder Co.. 412-413 Perry Illdg 210.1 PINE; s rooms and bath.. 13211 Vine: 11 rooms and 2 baths ARTHUR liOSWELL. 2.13 N. .(S3 . 0 ATTRACTIVE HOMES FOR RENT. NORMAN H SHERWOOD t, CO. .1721 WALNUT ST. Biuttness ProperHes nnd Stores i-ti ARCH ST. Store and basement: steuin b.at supplied; (loot! !. ft . large show vvui- sultable for manufacturer. ...nt He plai Lea Estate. 700 Sansom st. Halls nml Meeting Rooms LIBERTY COUNCIL HALL for r'jnt Halloween night. 20th' and Jefferson Large ball loom C. P Coward Co.. Fai lories, Wurel1011.es, Mfg. Floors WATER-FRONT PLANT 10 ACRES 4.10 feat on Delaware River. 35-foot channel Willi power plant, within free llterag dis trict and In direct touch with 3 railroads; jiltu. ated in best location port of Philadelphia: suitable for shipbuilding or any manufactur ing, long nr abort teiui lease: maps ami Uc tulls .an Le had from DAVID S. II. CHEW 820 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING - - , FLOORS LARGE SMALL W. BRUCE BARROW. 130 N. Ilth at. Eatabllahed 1883. Factories a specialty. FAl"TORIESi"floor space of every" descflpt'lmil Phlla and vlcinltv FACTORY EXCHANGE, Stephen Glrard Bldg Filbert 4700 Race 2073. 4TU ST. N.. 110-2.1 Manufacturing floor, steam heat and power. Apply Pent'svlvanlCo . 517 Chestnut st. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for satl-factory tenant. DH-TERU:H. 737Wlnutst OFIH'ES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. Walnut St. at Sixteenth SOUTHEAST CORK Ell riiusLully well lighted business rooms and of fires; elevator service; attractive, well kept halls. Willis Winchester Co. 1001 CHESTNUT ST DRIifxEI, BLDG .OFFICES. Annual Rentals IS round Floor. (100. (120. (200.(220,(240.(550. Suites, 2 Rms., (150.(200,(225.1230,(273,(300. Suites, 3 Kms.. (275.(400.(450,(300.(530.(000. Corner Suites. 3 to 5 Rooms. (375 to (HOO, First Floor, adjoining 3th St. Entrance, (2500 Basement, Corner Fifth Sansom Sts., (550. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 500 Drexel Ilulldlng. BUSINESS OFFICES Office suite, fully furnished In finest ma bot any, (35 monthly 1322 Wldener Building. Phone Walnut 3387. (12 60 " VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES (18.00 HEED BUILDING 1.!. 1211-15 FILBERT ST. (2500 MIDDLE CITY BUILDING. 34 S. 17tll St.- a few desirable offices, some with skylights. Wlllls-Wlnchester Co.. 1001 Chestnut st. rilOTOPLAVS The Stanley Booking Corporation THl-2 following theatres obtain their pictures throuelj the STANM.Y Booking 1 Corporation, which la a Ruarantee 0f early showing of the Hnest productions. All picture reviewed lieforn exhibition. Ak for the theatre In your locality oMaKg: pictures through the STANLEY BOOKING COm-OIlATIpN. V ATLANTIC CITY WHEN IN ATLANTIC CITY Visit TH COLONIAL ALHAMBRA 12th, Morris A Paaiyilnk Ate. Mat. Dally at 2: Evga. 0:13-9. MONTAGU LOVE RASPUTIN, THE BLACK MONK TorW 1 i C'-D AND THOMPSON ArOLLU MATINEE DAILY HOHAItT HENLEY'S "PARENTAGE ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 1BT1I WILLIAM S. HART 111 "THE NARROW TRAIL- AUDITORIUM Ab. Rockland.WoataWe SESSUE HAYAKAWA In HASHIMUHA TOGO" BALTIMORE Baltimore avenue VIVIAN MARTIN in ' LITTLE MISS OPTIMIST" BLUEBIRD BROAD AND SUSQUEHANNA AVE. PAULINE FREDERICK , .,r.ni'lir.R.CnOSSED" BROADWAY BROAD AND SNYDBR AVENUE PAULINE FREDERICK In 'DOUnLE-CROSSEI)" T-T.il-lOtrCC MAN STREET EMPRL03 MANAYUN HAROLD LOCKWOOD In "UNDER HANDICAP" 1. . .r..--M IV1T" 28TH AND t AlKlVlWUlU 1 OIRARl AVENUE oviatlE HAYAKAWA MABEL VAN BURKN Special FATTY AltUUCKLE In "Oh. Doctor" t-AAIII V THEATRE 13U MARKET 8T. FAIVlll-i I NEW KlUBALb ORQAX EMILY LINN ,i "THE TORWIIB OKBII.ENCE'' frrft cT THEATRE Baloiv fipru.e 3D I ri J MATINEE PA1LT "The Masque of Life" GREATNORTHERN S2a EMILY STEVENS U "THE BLACKER" Tiumn-QI AI 6TH an4 WALNUT BT8. lrVirt-t1"1-' Mats. 2:30. Evga. Il-o. IIORABT HENLEY'S "PARENTAGE" RIDGE AVENUE "" mDa Avrf MARC UcPtRMO TT REAL ESTATE FOR 3tEM . OrriCKH . BOHNEM B00HM. TTO, C'oitHnued from Prtetdlnt Cofamn OFFICES Good light, low ttntsT 1IT Banapm "V.:. westerly llulldlnr. WLLJJWlNlE8TKhrO.. JOOj Chestnut. . ,. l"2 PHESTNlT BT. ..JidanafM fioora: elevator Apply on prem. ornt,AXToww PHIL.KI.LENADSTfi o'BtwKEN CI10WS0N AND nAIl 8TS.) , 2 HUUARES EAST OF (S700 OERMANTOWN AVE.) . ... ".nOOMS AND BATH PORCH FRONTS ELECTRIC LIGHTS AUMI U.1 1'ltKMISCiB H UNO A IX) W. 7 rooms and bath! hot-water heat. gaa and electricity! hardwood floors: 110. Smith. Dalgllesh tjlun, 5123 Oermantown itv. 2103 K. CHELTEN" AVBl "roomf ana" bally porch front, modern, all conventeneesl (25 4L month. J. EDWARD LUTZ S40 N. 17th at. . Tioga , 3747 N. 1IOUVIER ST. (35: venlentesj porch. It roomt: alt con- MAINI.IXE. r. H. K. COMFORTABLE, homelike country home, all conveniences: near churches, schools and sta tions. J. M. Fronefleld. Wayne, Pa. MORTGAGES (50 TO (1000 NOTE OR MORTGAGE Immediate Settlements Unsettled Estate Loan Building Aaanclatlon Funds DKMP8ET A CO. - 27 S. 10th at. Fl ItST HinRTflAORS (1000 (220O (2300 (3000 WM. a. GLENN 1131 LANDjriTLK BtHLDtNO FUNDS "FOR 1ST AND" 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT . POTTS THOMSON. 2.121 Frankford are. FUNDS for good first and second mortgages. Philadelphia or nearby. New Jersey snd Penn sylvanla. Lamb V Co.. 737 Walnut st. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES wanted; city or suburban. CHESTER OSBORNE. 1524 Cheatnut st. Phone Spruco 2247. MONEY TO LOAN "WE" MEAN YOU We will letiJ o any -amount of money frutu $10. 00 up at a rate fixed by Uw, Our new repayment plan enables you to pay off a loan monthly or weekly. Payments aa low an 11,00 a week on principle. If you haye other loan, we will pay them nfT, adtanr you more caflh and save you money In the transaction. Hrlng; In your re-rc-lpts -we will nhow ou why jou anould dent with the KQlITABLK. an Incorporated, licenced and bonded concern. PROMPT CONFIDKNTIAIy-M-OUUTEOUa exrvlce eafeiuardn your Interests ALWAYS. Oall, Phone or Write. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO., INC. 1001 Chestnut Street Rooms 3119-310. Phone WAI.XUT 3 0 2 2 TRY'OUR NEW STnil'Tf.Y PRIVATE SYSTEM TO GET READY CASH Handed to you without delay or red Ojr easy-payment plan Is a special feature and la the beat in the city. IV vv e 101 (100 at 3-Y. Larger Bums ut .arner sums lin tn to (204 at ', OUR EASY PAYMENTS (3 Monthly Pays (30 (11 Monthly Pay (132 (13 Monthlv Pays (150 5 Monthly Pays mo III Monthlv PaVB (71! 115 Monthly Pays (1811 (7 Monthly Pays (84 ! (17 Monthly Pays (20t nun ar interest j-ius . interest You are treated courteously when you deal with this reliable firm. Bell. Filbert 30.11. Keystone. Race 1087. SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 CHESTNUT ST. Next to Kelth'e TheatreL 2d Jloor.Room 20. QUICK LOANS !1(1 to 1204 from us quickly, privately and without red tape If housekeep nnuaeKeeninc un u na 1 u loan of (30 your monthlv payment Is only (.1. .(i',0 vour monthly payment Is only (5. With 3 per cent Interest on unpaid balance. (132 your monthly payment la only (11. (180 jour monthly payment Is onlv (15. With 2 per cent Interest on unpaid balance. We are licensed, bonded and under super vision of the Slate Banking Denartment. This Insures reliability. Call TODAY, write or use Bell phone. Walnut 4305. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad St. 2d floor, next to ForreatThejtre. Openjl t . "MONEY TO 10 AN. Let us arrans a loan for ou, strictly Ural ratea; payments aa low as $2 per month; our service la courteous, com! derate, safe, AMERICAN LOAN CO. ' 5613 Germantown Ave. Bell. Utn. 4080. Keystone. North 37. (Over TVoolworth'a) READY MONEY United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BTIOAD ST. 414 S. 5th at. 2548 Oermantown are. YOU CAN BORROW .MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC. (23 AND UP 2 PERCENT (75 AND UP 1U PERCENT (300 AND UP I PER CENT RIEDBR'S 128 MARKET ST. RIDGE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH STS NO HONEST EMPLOYE refused money without security; alao furniture loans at legal ratea. D. D. DRAKE. Room 301. 10 N, llh st. rilOTOPJUAYS JEFFERSON -t,TH.)Tn'II?E?1UI,inN ELSJE FERGUSON In "BARBARY SHEEP" LIBERTY BR0AD m, NORMA TALMADGE A 1n "THE MOTH" MARKET ST. Theatre ""atU.? rt l?LVi l-JS PrHT"9VA ,,n ,,"1"h Silence Sellers" l.very Wed Dean i Polo In "The Gray Ghost " Every Frl PEARL WHITE In "Fatal Rlng OVERBROOK ??D . haverford MME pfROVAUnU rch- "TO THBfcDBATHM - v PALACE ,2U VbVSS? 8treet MADGE KENNEDY In "BABY MINE" PARK nlDV AVE. 4 DAUPHIN ST. ETHELMCiYTOrN6,43,,,U In "THE WOJIAN BENEATH" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET F. X. Bushman and Beverly Bavne In "THEIR COMPACT RFC.FNT 1Q3i "ARKBT STREET rMLVJClN 1 HUMAN VOICE ORGAN BRYANT WASHBURN 1n "THE FIBBERS" RIAI TD OERMANTOWN AVE. VIOLAATDTANA,OCKEN8T In "THE tTIRI. WITHOUT A SOUL" T F R V MARKET STREET """ KJ 1J - BELOW 7TH STRI-r-r MARGUERITE FISCHER In "THE UIRL WHO COULDN'T QROW VT" SAVOY 1211 MARKKT I ;li:an Well- r '""IB LUST -"""" " "- OFTHEAOFJ4- Alao CHAPLIN In "A JITNEY EWPEilEN?' ct-in,DYorn bth and l ELSIE FERGUSON In "BARBAHT SHEEP" -TANl FY MARKET ABOVE ItJTH " . OlrtlILE.I 11)15 A.M. to 11 its p. H. " CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "JJAODA" V I PTORIA MARKET OT. VlVy 1 Wairt . ABOVE MINTM HAROLD LOCKWOOD In "PARADISE OAllDBN" EVM&KA r4?. ,rv 5 1 ,vv J- '' 'ft'- A ' ,t .(.' T tl I "-N rt " X n- k; ", i '... 4 aH