Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1917, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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-in . K fPriMi
LWhere Troops Arc Make
Silken jMiiuieiu
Iershing pays tribute
Inshington Moves to Halt Pub-
Hcation 01 i..
m? l.Uen ATnTHcan fla. from the
f,rlvft. - " 0 RS ,1C gift or ma vin
MMOrof this '0WVrh0 ieremony took place
fa tvho mad 1 i , ot ,hlch
i!lM. i ulT ITfncli and American n-K
rjworatnl w t" 1,r".I,J nirii. civilian
.. ... vrencli a i" mr'""' ,
iWlf the ,"Zm sacrlnces of tn.
Kerrea to tM -i , Alerlca. who not
TVnmen of I rniiLH , tn fii.
tfor mocr ac I ,ut tlc MOIk at Home
Bolk ".,,!" eneral rershlng said-
McMPunn "- - . .., ,.
This ''? "hirh our. own women
tn4ernM witli 'h,5!,,yuar , being
feft.'&J'S? ,' V.n duo
Bdemocracj ,.,Uecl manv ot tlie
fcirri.ii Vf-r. .tur.,.? to his
K.Snnrtei V granite taoiei was pi
l!" , ,l, ,, sold letters commemorating
feC1 abl.hn,eBn' o'f "the American Lead
Quarters in 'He tonlnScptembcr.
. i.i,tm n-1 ifi The War and
P' .'IV.. V '.'.,, iken Mens to
ln.Tlepei.Vlon of the publication of
Khali 'mcs'-iaes telling ot American troops
KrvlnY-n Fiame which may icsull In the
fnl"8 ' " ' - .... ..ni. .., uhn BPtlt In.
court-martiai ot im- "--.
Ftomtew a former National Guard or
"'",. i.i. r!....nr nf the iiirh.il of
fleer wireu ma .w. ....... -- -
Km State's troop- hut far as In Known
litre newspapers .., that .localtli observed
l(b Government s voluntar.v censoishlp re
taunt and did not print the cable,
ft In the other case, however, a foinirr Na
Itlonal Guard officer telegraphed the Hover
Korof his -Stale ot the arrival of his reg,
Kmnt wl'li !1 request that it he given fullest
Imihllcltv The oovernoi's ofnre gave out
I' .. .., nnn.r. In 1h.1t
the canicgiam "m n".".. i"
Titatc pi luted ' new. i ins mm .
L...- I. ,.,. ..nhllKherl the ilimateh
titner uw ,,,.,,.. . .- --
K . .,.-i .t. ..nn.lir.1 ami ilp annlion or
the reginiciu oil i" loUHon of the 1-
iunlary miisoiwup
! Hie War Depaiiment has imxt urgently
requested that nothniB li.iteer be piinted
casualty Krlends lio know troops lwe
tallrd and near hoihuik iui" " "
iuftetlw hate airled safely.
Prisoners Will Be Released, Says
Judge, Unless Prosecu
tion Is Ready
mi:iia r tut i
Mitclirl I .."(: .mil Mdinlnt! K'lekni-r.
fifr reail thier ceK In jail, will ll.no
their hrii lug on Hie it m.'.itloti of plottluc
nd urilnt. uut ihe Magic Kddftone, cv
plosion of pi il 1i before .lustlco ot the
fcace K P Williainson Thursday aftei noon.
After peeil dela of the nearing.
jranted on the pleas for time of ShcilIT
Ileburn and Pistrlet Attorney Uaitmim.
of Delaware t ouuH Justice Williamson an
Thursday made an imperatUe Older for
hearing toda This hering has now been
postponed for two dajs.
Hrnest h (iieen. of Media, and Henry
J. Xelson, of Philadelphia, counsel for the.
f accused Ituesian Socialists, objected gor
ourly to anotlier continuance at that time,
laying their patience was exhausted and
either a hearing or discharge immediately
ai due their clients
Jltllrp Willi imsnTi pranlH tliA rnntlnll.
,. v.. W- ..... w vv...
ance in rpne of this plea, but dld he 'would
elschnrge the Tirls.oners soon unless the
Sheriff fliouiil he prepared for the hearing
and go ahe-id v ith il
JuMlce iiliamons decision. wlialeer
It ma lie will not end the case If the
(prisoners me discharged they will be.
promptlj learrested on anothar warrant
(harting murder of another one of the 1.13
S Jvddyslone lctlms, the. present watrant
Charging murder of one. of the girl -workers
tn th riant
On the other hard, if the men aro held
fr court. Green and Nelson will so before
Judie Johnson in Common Pleas Court
for hearing In the habeas corpus proceed
ing, started shortlv after Klekner and I.a-
godawere arrested This hearing1 was post
joned by Judge Johnson until after the
ruling of the Justice of the Peace.
MORE THAN 10,000,000 EACH
V3,O04,O5O Received by New York Re-
bcrvc Bank by Early
NKWTORK Oct 16 Additional lilberty
Ian subscriptions piled Into thn Federal
lUiere Bank here today at the rate of
more than $10. 000.000 an liour. A total
f (43,004,050 was received by early after-
Today's subscrlntlons raited the district's
J total to J372 007 000 ai)d reUed drooping
hopes of realizing the maximum quota by
the end of jhe ieek.
The larzefct Sllhup.rlntlnn nt the dsv was
for j:0,O0O.O0O placed by a local tiust com
fany. The same company had previously
Facedja pledge for $11,000,000. Their total
Subscription is the largest Individual pledge
a record,
Interest centers in the bltr naval.dar dem-
I'nitration tomorrow. George Augustus
Ik" '' tne fle-year-oId great nephew of
the hero of Manila Bay. w 111 lead the pa
FJade Vour thousand marines and blue
pektts will participate. The parade will
tj at Washington Square, wheie a big
'im rany m tier Held, ' .
iMtmphian and Bostonian, Used as Mu
nition J-ransports, Victims of
Ja?R5T0X' 0c, 16, The IemPhla" nfl
v.: -;""iii vwo noston snips, wnicu nan
f:'2 ,n Mrvlce, of tho Leyiand Line until
jf.i,Lu e" over uy tne xjriiisn ao-
i.v 'or "89 tf munitions transports.
r--, un sunic by a uerman submarine,
57 ntounced this afternoon by the
n office, of the Internatlanal Mercantile
ttfJOth sbA..Ala ! ... a4. u
. '" cfisju tfonfB pi uiiy men.
ffir supposed to hae been fatd.
k:tw" npoian tv recently wuimrawn
IMITl Hii.l . .. - -.. -... ..
-- n Btjrvica jtntj pi-tcen on 1110 aw
ii! "ul sne was reet long ana
Li tons
M .Bostonian formerly the Cambrian.
u,n jyerY.-j, imti,rermry fojae.
lios zoo:"
This Is no light .mil frivolous nues-
lion, no witless mm On the rontraiy. It
Is thi name of one of the mo't cnteitaln
Ing games ever devised bv the enre-free
ilv.li .mil the idle poor Kiervbodys pla.v-
S ' 711. ' . T7A.n-jiiV'i H
i v ---iv .-iiaaaav -na. ,
IllC It Its so cdut.ttinnal von l.now. so
Instructive. Doubtless it will ! tiilten up
hv Hie Fihool thildren mid thus liecome his
torli It tcai lies the power of observation
How often have on not looked nt a 111:111
nnil pu?7.letl vour hi.iin for bouts with the
riut'l.v Wheto luive I -er n thai peculiat1
Individual liefine' tn .it a woman and
Is Patriotic Economy
" '(lovcrniiii'iu iKikcnt's? llicro 11
no need in Pliil.ulfliiliui.' a LMiipluit
ically asserted hy William 1-reihofer,
president nf tlie l-'iciliofcr Bakinp;
Company .... atul a member of tlie
War Kmcr-Rciicv (.'ouiuil.
"Tliat the Pliitadelplua baker needs
no prodding to patriotism and lias al
irady onc niiu'li fuvtber in Milue-giv-iiiR
llian coiiltl pu-ibly be enforced by
any Standardized loaf was further
a?erlcd by Mr. i'Ycihofer
"In proof thereof lie pointed to the
Frcihofcr 'Liberty Loaf, so christened
when placed on tlie market.
"This loaf, which is 17 ounces in
weight and specially made to retail for
ten cents, is just as truly a tribute to
patriotism as any Liberty Bond, ac
cording to Mr. Frcihofcr. ,
"Declaring that it represents the
highest bread-value possible today, Mr.
Frcihofcr aid Liberty Loaf is a war
bread only because the ingenuity which
made it possible is tlie result of the
urgent necessity to Mop waste at this
tunc It i not made oi substitute ma
terials, as is the war bread of Furopc.
"The process by which tlie new
bread is made concerns itself both with
the milling and the bakiiig. Before
putting it on the market, Mr. Frcihofcr
declared it was tested on his own table.
'And wc found that on the fifth day it
was just as good, if not better, than
when the loaf was first cut.'
"'It was to help Philadelphia house
wives save a slice of bread a day.' Mr.
Frcihofcr continued, 'that the Liberty
Loaf was born.' "
Large Double Size Loaves, 10c
1rni.1il.nl Must ull.it dm s that woman
remind me of '
Whos y.no"' answers the question
To plav ihe ganif von tnki' our frlPiuls
as the artist and I did. to the public menng-eiie-tli.it
Is to sn. If vour ft lends in
nf the wild vatiet.v fot thp t.mip. domes
th sited kind we hurri""! tin- liirnvaril
- jt-
to see that the bread on your table is
Freihofer's Liberty Loaf
Not only large double size loaves, for 10 cents;
but it's bread that will not be wasted.
All will be eaten it stays fresh for days.
No stale ends or left-over slices to be thrown
away or made into stale bread dishes requiring
the expense of eggs, butter, lard, etc.
You help to do your bit when you "save a
slice of bread a day" by using Freihofer's Liberty
Loaf. Order in Advance from your grocer.
Srrivlng there the, cages and their Inmates
r given careful consideration Adjust
ing ytmr loiig-tllstance "spets oti note
the rolor of the glrnflc s limpid orbs Btid
lion he) patts his hair
You tegard his ' perfonimnve nnd style
of going, ns they mj at lioise shows nnd
then ou turn Jour glsme upon jour
friends It jou are greRntlous nnd vou
must b or soil wouldn't play games vou
will Mud it huni.in glrnfff niuoiig our paitv.
Tag, von 10 it," voti ssy triumphantly
In the meautiiiiu cverjbody elre lias been
doing exactly what ,vou have been doing
i oiuparimr the marked characteristics ot
'he giraffe with those ot the individuals
oinprisliiK the parl
Now, of course, nohodv believes that he
himself, in this or in soma past Incarnation,
ever resembled a giraffe Hut It's quite
possible that his fi lends will decide that he
does This Is the Inalienable light of
friends. They can take .vour neik length
t 11 glame ami ndd a vouple of InUies for
good incusuit.
tn 1 hi. as ill other Ramos, the majoilt
V om iiuv I10 a serious-minded outh
etinlvlng for Ihe inlnlstty or dentlstrj, but
11 uiui filends s.(. "Tag. jnuie It," when
ou to In fiont of tlie giraffe's rage, jou'll
lime to Hi'iejit the verdict and nutse Jour
vtoiinds In silence
And then, of rourse. levenso is sweet
Yours tiuy lie the devldlng vote to put
,vnur enemy In the wildcat 01 the llz.it d
If thero Is n vouriK artist among jour
party he will of a icrtiUiile want to be
ratalogued as the human lion 'Watch him
as lie approaches ihi cago of the king of
the beasts Sen him wave his t.iwuj mane
and make queer mats in the hollow -fat
too hollow of his vlieM
Hut don't bt deceived by these externals.
If tto Is not truly leonine, take him to the
abode of the ant-eater or the kiui and put
him tn hla plate
You will not bo suipilsed. It goes with
out snjlne, at the caso with which ou ten
pick the human peacocks or the elephants.
The most unobservant have no rlllllcult.v in
these classifications, Just as the human
iMboon falls nnturallj Into his catcgorv,
Init the pame admits of tine points of dis
tinction, subtle classifications that con
tribute) to tho Interest.
Poes fall lesemble a Mesh an p.nakeet
or Just a roikaloo" Ot course she thinl3
she looks like tho lovp-blitl
111l how about Therese" She thml"t
slies sinuous like the panther or the
leopaid. hut perninnllj ou believe she
looks like uoihlng so much as a chipmunk,
partli ularlv slnie John has been pa.vltiiS
ho 1nuc.l1 attention t lier It s a gieat
Vv ho s .no and W bv '
A Jf
Willinm . Smith, Son of Vare Leader
in 47th Ward. (Jets it Herth
Willinm II Smith, a son of Peter P
Smith, Vare leader of the Kortv -seventh
Waid. who was n candidate fnt the pol
lion nf chief of the Huteail of Statlstiis in
the Departmtu' of Labor nnd luduslrj
failed to get the Job but he was appointed
a special adjuster of compensation claims
by Clover nor Itiumbaugh. according to an
announcement made 111 Itntrlsbutg todaj
Smith's salary has not been fltcd
.1 l.lojd Hartman. Mlullntown. has been
In extra quality
. Kid Leather
in new shades of deep
Krown, Dark (J r a y
and White with turn
soles and Louis heels,
or with welt soles and
1 to -inch military
Of the finest materials and
craftsmanship throughout.
Most Moderately
Priced at
Jhe Harper Shoe Go.
appointed chief of the. Uurdfa M MattaiHMI
in the tiepartmenl of Labor hnd Industry
the tub hmlih Wanted, succeeding raul X
Kurman whose resignation was request
sonif months ago He will recelte JSOOH
William Young member of the Stale Tin
dustrial HoHid, vras appointed to a place it)
the llureau of Mediation ills appointment
to membership on th board was rejected
br the Senate bvit lbs Governor reappointed
hint Immediately following; the close of th
The Governor also announced Hie ap
pointment of T. L Dallerillne, of thla city,
to be ti member of tho State. Board of
Optometries! Htamlncrs
juhiaiiww. mmTKm too
i Hjaii; siiaF ' ; aWHS-t "&ts-
I of NU (MS '
ik .iv., .-y
I iAiiiirA-'"- '-- faaiiltfelllil i i
"VJw ' rsVf -.'- v ' ? w'r J II
i .. i '