Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 10, 1917, Final, Page 8, Image 8

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O, ! 1
Stenographer Arrested With
HimUpholds Former Phil-
, adelphia Contractor
Girl Defies Public Opinion and
Sticks to Man Who "Was
Faithful to Her"
The discovery of Frederick Iloe Searlns.
former Philadelphia, contractor mourned as
dead, with his former stenographer. Miss
ICllzabelh rtendell, In New Orleans, reveals
n romance which rivals tho nvcraKe photo
May drama. In a statement made to the
Police of the Crescont Cltj, the woman de
fies public opinion, anil maintains she vvas
only true to tho man who hud been her
Searlnu and Miss Ilendell have been In
dicted by a Federal Orand Jury and de
tectives have koih to New Urlcvns to brtnR
the pair to Philadelphia. Both luve deelaied
they will waive extradition and gladl face
tho charge.!,
The discovery of Scaring has halted pio
eeodlngs In the Tnlted States District Court
In which Mrs Vancle Sc.ir.lng, wife nf the
contractor, was reciting to obtain $ 18.000
Insurance money held back by the Equitable
Life Assurance Soclct) and Continental Life
Insurance Company ponding actual proof
cf Searing's death
Through a statement made b Miss Ri-n-dell
It was learned that Searing who was
lMne In Xew Orleans under thp name of
Fred nevoid?, bought a "mall farm and
In the deed Usd the name of Ue.vnolds,
alias Searing tt Is believed thHt this sub
requontly led to the discovery of hi teal
Miss P.endell said that she did not v -Company
Searing when he first disappeared,
and shared the belief of others that he
had acUKill.v been drowned at Atlantic Cit.v
on August 1C. 191.1 As proof of this she
pointed to the testimony she gave tn the
Philadelphia courts when Mrs. Scaring first
ought to obtain the insurance money.
Some time after this, sho said. Searing
became desperately ill and asked tho Hos
pital authorities to send to Philadelphia for
hor Hellevlug him to be "dying, Mls
Ttendcll declared, sho went to New Orleans
Immediately, and upon his tecivery le
tnalned with him. They lived happily on
a. small farm.
There was a trace of defiance in her
demeanor. "What else could t do. ' she
declared, -he had been my faithful friend,
and why should I not go to him?"
It was largely through the activities of
Ruby It. Vale, chief counsel for the In
surance companies, that Searing's where
abouts vvas discovered. lie tecclvcd a
light clue some time ago, and started a
quiet Investigation which led to the arrest
of the contractor and his former stenog
rapher friends of Seat.ng believe tluit when he
fled from Philadelphia it was the lesult of
Impulse, and that he had no Intention of
defrauding the Insurance companies. Miss
Ilendell lived at loot Walton avenue. She
and Scaring nre in the parish prison, New
Orleans, awaiting the arrival of detectives
who will bring them to Philadelphia.
Searing's father died about a month ago
under the Irnpiession that his son wax
dead. As a result he was not mentioned in
the will
This Is "Banner Day"
in Liberty Loan Sale
Continued from Pare tine
on the war The loan Is as vital to Its
success as Is tho army that takes the
It Is yout duty to lespond to this call,
ven at great personal bacrlflce You
STive nothing, but loan our money to
your country for a time
You, with jour subscription to the Lib
erty Ixan. are as essential to your Gov
ernment as Is the man with tho rifle in
his hand. No true patriotic citizen can
fall to respond In some way to his coun
try's call.
Boy Scoutsate entaged ovei the activi
ties of two bojs who. repiesenting them
selves as members of the Scout oiganlza
tlon. are selling to the gullible u l.llert
Loan stamp. A warning has been issued
to subscribers by George I. Ilodlne chair
man of the Libera Bond Committee of the
Boy Scouts
One of tho hncst apectn of tho first
Liberty Loan campaign was the fact
that although 4000 Hoy Scouts took part,
not a slnglo instance of fraud or irregu
larity of any kind was lepotted, Mr.
Bodlne raid.
Indeed, th "-corns have gained such
world-wide fame for lionestv and
straightforwardness that here and thera
some one outside of the movement at
tempts now and then to use the guod
name of the organization for the perpe
tration of fraud.
An Instance of this has been repented
Ince the opening of the second Liberty
Loan campaign. Some one has been sell
ing eo-called "f-lbertv Loan Stamps "
through two bos. who call themselves
Scouts, but who are not registered as
such. The boys sell tho stamps for ten
rents each, and mako a profit of two
cents on each sale. The stamps are to be
used on mall matter, and are an Imita
tion of, a legitimate stamp, which is to be
used later, and distributed free b regu
larly registered Scouts
The public Is warned that the stamps
those boys are belling are not authentic.
and that no Scout ever accepts money for
any service he performs.
The Liberty Loan Committee of the Main
Line has sent letters to 6,000 residents
urging them to make subscriptions through
Main Lino banking agencies.
Eight thousami women, representing
more than 200 organization, have set them
selves to raise 138,000,000 or one-third
of the Philadelphia district's quota, which
la 41B,000,000. Miss Clara Mlddleton, of
Germantown, la chairman of their com
mittee. In the Interest of Liberty Bond holders
Postmaster General Burleson today Issued
. special Instructions to postmasters to honoi
'J both coupon and warrants upon presenta
tion. Under these Instructions obtaining In
terest on Liberty Bonds when due will be
as simple and convergent as calling foi
one's mail.
A bondholder may receive Ms Interest by
merely presenting his coupons, or treas
f ury warrants issued In payment of interest,
on registered bonds, to any postmaster In
the Vnlted States. They will be cashed im
mediately. Postmasters will be reimbursed
irom Yvasningion jur an coupons ana war
rants -which they cash. The United States
Treasury, subtreasurles and banks also will
pay Interest when due, as heretofore.
Reports received In Washington from
f varlons sections of the country' Indicate
that tho subscriptions to the second war
loan have fallen below tho dally average.
Hi, vievr of (his situation, officials of the
Treasury Department are pressing virtually
vary reserve banls to speed uu the cam-
falati and turn Jn their subscriptions early
New York Is virtually the only district
tksvt la within hailing distance of the dally
-age. which xnouia nave been main.
Approximately five-sixths of Us
Has been taken.
Ktw Enstland hart been called udoo to
rtfa mlftlmum or JJOO.OOO.OOO Thus far
.)) has raised 35.UU.000, Unreported sub.
M'rlptlonaV ft ts Mtlnmtid, swell the total to
40 ,&.
New VorVi Including the New York Fed
tiBi T.esMrvs district, has been set down
ui . r'intttsum of fMC.000.990, Tonight's
t-.ni t " I subcsfcioos was mo.74.-
HrJbow:b.jnna.r. W (be UU U
In the official Treasury apportionment for a
minimum of t2SO.000.000 and an "expected
amount of $415,000,000. Her actual sub
rrrlptlonn to date are estimated at (10,
Tho Chicago district has a minimum ap
portionment of $430,000,000 and an "ex
pected amount ' or $700,000,000. tp to last
Saturday $.5,000,000 had been subscribed
and $25,000,000 more pledged.
These four districts are expected by the
Treasury to take a minimum of $1,870,000.
000 In bond They have taken thus far
an estimated total of $390,000,000. This Is
$1, 480,000,000 less than the lowest sum ex
pected of them for the entire campaign. It
Is $220,000,000 less than one-third of tho
minimum (one-third of the campaign having
passed) and to mako up their minimum It
will be necessary for them to subscribe nt
the rate of $92,000,000 a day. or nearly twite
as much as they have been subscribing for
dally ,to date,
L'Obiettivo del Generale Cadorna
Sarebbc Quollo di Catturare
Lubiaua Prima che
Inoltri PInvcrno
UO.MA 0 Ottohre
Qua lclic glornale die ha strctto relazlont
con lo sfere gov ci native tnscia comprcn
dcre cho II generale Cadorpa ta preparnndo
una nuova oftenslva contra 1'Aiistrlu SI
dice chc slano In corso Imitative tra II
govetno Itallano cd i govern! delle na-ioiil
alleate n rlpuardo a) putito dl queta of
fenslva, Lo sUto maggime Itallano nvrebbe. chlesto
alia l-'ramla. all tnshllterra ed anil StaM
Until una forte quantlfa' dl carbotie, tan
nonl e munlzioul. oltre a materlale Ktero
per le Industrie Italian? dl guetra, per una
vlgoroa avanzata in dlrerlouo dl Lublina.
L Italia dal canto silo inetterebbe In
87lone le sua riserve dl uomlni. die eono
tuttora granut, per questo colpo declslvo
contro 1' Austria chc, pare, dovtebbc essere
tcntato prima die sopiavveng.i 1 Inverno '
le truppe slano cositette ad una forzata
Pate chc rttsttla evidentfment bay.in
dosl sugli avvcnlmentl dell'anno fceorso, si
altenda un nuovo uttacco Itallanu per la
fine dl ottobte o la prima meta' dl novcin
btc. glai'diQ Rll aviatorl ltalianl. ch in
qucstl glorni hanno compluto parecchl voll
dl csplorazlon sulle retrovle nemlche,
hnnno osservato forti concentramentl dl
truppe speclalmeuto nella zona dell'AltopI
ano dl Baluelzza e sul clgllone occldentnle
della solva dl Tcrnovo. dovoe appnnto l'Aus
ti'a si attende che II generale Cadorna es
pllchl II suo prossimo sforzo lnteso a
superare fottl llnce i'he proteggono Lubl
ana ed lndlrettamente anche Trieste a 1'ls-
Con la cartuta di t.ublatm la Cioazla ver
rebbe l-olata daH'Austrla-CnKherla e dato
cho 1 croatl dejideYano la loto lndlpemlen
za od essete Inclusl nel progettato Stato
slavo-scrbo, con tale caduta vedrebbeio
posslblle la leallzzazione delle loro a'plra-
Dalla caduta dl l.ubiana. secondo un
ciltlco militate Itallano. si pottebbe anche
attendcre un altro impottante effetto poli
tico, polclic' nprendo le porte dell'Ungherla
alle annate ltallane produrrebbe un grande
sconvolgimento per la condotia della guena
da parte dell'Austrla ed II posslblle rlsultato
in una nuova attitudlne degll ungheresl da
for7aie 1'AustriH a condudere la pace
Un dlspaccio pervenuto al glornale tien-
tlno "La Liberia. ' che ora si pubblica in
Milano. rlproduco un documento austriaco
contenente la sentenza della Coitc dl Inns
bruck relatlvatnetite n quarantaquattio
soldatl delle piovlncle Irrcdentl che nl
prlnclplo della guerra si trovavano alia
fronte della Gallzla e che furono fattl
priglonterl dal lussl.
II governo ruso in Heguiln. conseguo'
dettl BOldaUi all'Italln non appeua cine'
pole' btabtllte la Imu identlta' come Ital
lanl soggetll delle tcrre irredente e II libero'
permettendo II loio i itorno in Italia, ove
attualmente hi tipvano. La corte dl Inns
bruck II ha condaunati alia pena dl moile,
ma i soldatl ora sono in salvo
II govetno Italians ha smentito le aser
7iniil dl alcuul gicin.tli esterl i cpiali lianno
dato notlzla dl dlsoidlnl gravlsslmi che si aa
tebbero veriflcitl nell'ltalla meridlonale ,SI
e' potuto assodaic che dettl giornali sono
sov venzlonatl dall Austria e dalla Germanla
per una campagna denlgratoila In danno
dell'ltalia l'ano gluntl perslno a dlie
die I mot t rlvoluzlonarl nell Italia meri
dlonale si aecentuavano e che preto sarebbe
stata dlchlarata la repubblica.
Coats and Sweaters in De
mand Cookfires Most
Popular of Resorts
Pennsylvania Cavalry .Dreads
Order Turning It Into Infan
try or Machine-Gun Units
'AMP HANCOCK. Augusta, Gh . Oct 10
-The first rea touch of winter weather
struck the roldlers at Camp Hancock eter
daj Overcoats, trench coats and sweaters
were, pulled out of trunks and pressed Into
service The camp llteially shivered and
cook fires weie most welcome rrsotts
"If this- Is the Sutinv South Klve me the
Not Hi Pole" vvas V expression heard more
than once The dlsagreeahleness of the
weather wns ucrentuated bv rains, which
were severe enough to make It necessary
to tall off all drills Co d weather coming
at this time Is looked upon by the men as
being In the nature of a calamltv, ns verv
few of them are provided for It. Many nf
them have never been Issued their full Mip
ply of clothing.
The transfer of men and equipment under
the reorganization order, which was to have
taken place toda.v, has been postponed
by Brigadier Oeneral W !. Pi Ice, acting
commander of the dlvlFion. an order to this
effect being Issued estct;day. Tho order
was Issued 'o that officers mav discuss more
fuK.v plans nlmid at the preset vatlnn of all
icglments If such plans cannot he w oil, Ml
out the old reorganization order will p
into effect
While it is conMdetcd that there Is vetv
little possihllltv or n modification of the
older, the lesplte lias been hailed with Joy
bv officers and men of the Foutth Sixth,
Eighth, Thirteenth Hiid nighteentli Ilegl
ntenir which were dismembered by the
While flic infant!. legiments pomlei over
reorcatitratlon disturbances, tho 1'irst Penn
sylvania Cavalry Is cvcuplcd with Its own
tioublcs. The cavalry regiment, according
to the reorganization ordets, remains Intact,
but the oflii ers and men alike are of the
opinion that It fs merely tho calm before
the storm, and are anticipating being turned
Into lnfmtry or machine-gun units at any
In the meanwhile, however, the regiment
Is rot mcping about waiting for develop
ments Instead it is taking things at their face
value and is making strides toward perfec
tion In Its drill Tho regiment drillH evcrv
day, each troop separately, and much prog
ress Is being made.
Riding drills have been In pi ogress for
'he last few week" and at present the
various troops are devoting their hours a
day to mcunted drill
Ml the men of the leglineut who were
on the bolder are virtuall.v finished horse
men, but there Is much new material and
each dav these rookies ate put thiough the
riding school and taught the. principle of
equation fiom beginning to end fTacb of
the Individual trocps goes on hikes, the
troops' strength on these occasional Jaunts
being made up of seasoned men, the newer
ones being -left behind at riding pchool
Calisthenics nlso plav an important p,T-t
in the cavalryman's dallv life, and each
day tvventy-flve minutes aic devoted to this
Lieutenant S H. Klhson of the regular
atmv has arrived at the camp He is a
machine-gun expert and will Instrmt the
division in the use of this modern war
machine Within a few davs classes com
pored of majois, cipiatns and lieutenants
will be foimed, with Lieutenant KUIson aB
Instructor Officers who attend these
classes will In turn Instruct the men of
their commands in the use of the rapid-fire
HAGKnSTOWN. Md . Oct Id - K. T
Weber, of Cumberland, was hilled nt noon
todav, and J. L Zlmmeiman also of Cum
bei land, probably fatallv Injured when a
motorcycle on which they were riding ol
lided with an automobile containing Mi
and ills W B Pickett. Mr and .Mrs .lames
Miller and John Welsh, of Woodbine Md
The accident iMt'Pe.ned ot, n,e state loid
at Benevola, five miles south of this in
Mrs Miller and Mr. Welsh woie slighth
hint Weber, who was killed, was riding
on the tear teat of the mutoicvclc A half
pint of whisU.v vvas taken from the dead
man's pockets, onlv about one-fourth of the
contents of tho bottle remaining
Engineer Charged With Causing the
Deaths of Three Pleads Guilty
NOnniSTOWN t'a.Oct lO -The trial of
Wlllard Chat let. of Norrlstown. on the
charge of running past a signal on the
Pennsvlvanla Itallroad and causing the
death of three persons In a collision In Nor
ilstowl), last Mnrch, came to nn abrupt
ending when Charles, on the vltnes stand,
changed his- plea from "not guilty" to
"guilty." Judge .Miller suspended sentence,
but required Charles to pav the costs
A coroner's Jur.v. Immediately after the
accident, placed tho blame for the col
lision on Charles and William Lawler. a
tower man. It was a head-on collision be
tween two freight trains, brought about by
a change or orders nnd difficulty the toner
man hnd In changing the interlocking
No Time for Criticism of Gov
ernment, Says Jersey Governor
to Jr. O. U. A. M.
Declares There Is Only One Tarty To
day, the American, and One
Lesson, th Bible
I. C. C. Further Suspends Coal Rates
WASIIINOTON, Oct to The Interstate
Commerce Commission today further sus
pended to April 29 next the increased an
thracite rates proposed by the Chicago and
iton, Lehigh Vallej, Illinois Cenlial, Wa
bash and HocU Island Kill loads A healing
on these rates will be held in Hc"ioii, No
vember 12
Appearing ns a plain American citizen
rather than at Governor of New Jersey or
resident of this cltv, Governor AValtcr n
1-Mrp. this morning, extended welcome to
the Slate Council, Junior Order t'nlted
American Mechanics at Ihe opening ses
sion o their annual convention on the
Steel rier Plvi hundred delegates lepie
sentlng jn COO members were in attend
ance "I could ciltlclTo mistakes In Hie Fed
eral administration if 1 so deslied Gov
ernor I'dge ald. "but this Is a day to for
get mistake and to work
lie hail sunken of the dlfllcullv expil
enced In securing equlomcnt fot the Na
tional Guard of the State, rthicb since war
was declared has been Increased fiom .000
to IS.OOn
"I spent $2ZO.0OO of the Stale's money to
equip these guardsmen, and It is expected
we will get It back. Whether we do or not.
New JeiSHv bovs have gone out lacking
nothing This Is u flepuhllcan Stale, but
It has short n and will continue to demon
strate Its patiiotism. I have almost for
gotten that theie ever weie political
patties, although I strongly believe In
political oiganizatlon 'Ibis Is a day when
we can recognize but one party, the Ametl
cin partv, with but one talisman, the flag.
And back of that one lesson, the Hlblo. if
we do that, there need be no worry for
the future nf America.'
The convention was op'ned In a burst
of patiiotism, In a scene in which the na
tional colors were overv uheie. Addrcsse"
weie also made b State Tietisurcr lteed, of
Camden, and bv Cli Solicitor Wootton.
i ("presenting Mnvor H.iiharach. The con
vention extended a vote of sytnpathx to
ila.vor arid Congressman Bacharach upon
the death of their father, which occurred
this morning
Sea Raider's Toll $40,000,000
LONDON On m - V Sydney, Atit-ttalln,
special dlspa'ch s3- . that before tho Ger
man i aider Seeadlet entered the r.iciflc It
sank Al.ied slipping valued at 10,000,000.
Cape May Realty Co. Chartered
THKNTON. Oct in The Rcaltv Coi
potation of Cape Ma.v, with its registeied
office In Camden, today tiled a rertifUate of
incotporatlon with -ecretarv of State Mai
tln. The concern, which is capitalized al
Jl.000.uoO. is to auiutie. lease and conduct
amusement parks amusement devices roof
gardens and hotels The incoipoiaiors are
Krank olght Casimir Sllski and Hanj
K Uakford .It all of dindeii
Here's a $5 Shoe that any
other place on earth would
be $7. Mahogany vamp,
buck top. And not only the
outside, but the inside the
part you don't see is
; Ml
Vlaile rcood hi thn
factory ho the make
Kund on tlie fert
1336 South Penn Square
On. Cltj- Hull, Near V Irfrner Mils.
sonthrnl nrne r stli mid flute
161 V 8th St. and llrancli
'ii'v.iiin 'Hiiai itiiiiiiaii:ii',if:i;''
The House that Heppe built
f it . c . , 11117-1119 Chestnut St . I Bell -filbert !0
V.. J. Heppe OC. Son 2 Stores -j,th and Thompson Su rhotiea sj Key8toneRace i
At Heppe's you select your Vic
trola from the largest stock in Phil
adelphia. You select your Records from
the largest stock in the East.
You receive absolutely new Rec:
ords. Those used for demonstrat
ing are not sold.
You receive prompt attention
from salesmen who. can give valu
able suggestions about Victrolas
and Victor Records.
4 10-ln. Doable-face Hecordi U.00
Tolit tojt . V.... ....'iioib
, 1'ay 13 down, (2.60 monthly ,
VIOTROLA Vl-A 1...1 ....-.'. ..S7m'.II
5 10 In, Double-ftee Ilreorda .1.73
Total cost ' I31.'.
I'lJ ft down, ?3 uioutbly
Hecerdi yoar selection ,. . 4.00
Total cott ,, 940.00
Pay ?4 down, $3.60 monthly (
VICTBOLA 1X-A '....i...... .aSB.lio
Re9rdt year selection , 5.00
Teui eoit,, .'.tno.ou
Psy $5 dowu, U loonthly
JICTHOLA ......1 '. 7B.OCi
Uecords your -selection 3,00
Total cost tSO.OO
Pay $5 down, J5 monthly
lttcerds your relertlun h.00
Total cost .1108.00
Pay 8 down, 0 indntUly "o.""
Iteeordj yoiir seleellou 10,00
Total rost also no
Pay $10 down, S8 monthly '
VITTBOLA XVI , ,, $500 00
Kecerds your Mleetion - JOi00
Total cost , ...tztnon.
Vay 1U down, 10 monthly -""
uu particutert
I . I -". r GtU.rhm.orvnte for tlluttrated catalogue md.i
Nine Atonths' Imprisonment for Two
Men Who Stole Nine Ears of Corn
From Patriotic Grower
A month In Jail for each ear of com
stolen from Germantown vtar Hardens was
the sentence meted out lo Thomas Wood
roffe, 134 East Uarfleld street, nnd Ills
brother, Charles VT. Woodroffe, 1511 Hai
rard street, today by JuJko rtORCrs In ths
Quarter Sessions Court, after the men ad
mitted their Built to nn Indictment charR
Inu them with eteallnr; nine ears of corn.
In eentenclnR tho men Judge IloRCra rhat
acterlzed their crime as "mean," and paid:
"It lis Indeed a. mean ciime to Meal from
patriotic citizens who peek to aid their
coinlrv by ratelnR a feiv veRetables In their
garden. 1 sentence .vou each to nine moniha
In the county prison "
The police In the flcrmantown district
have received inanv complaints about
thieves taklnR veRetables from the war pat
detis. They were not able, however, lo placo
the blame on the Woodroffes for any oilier
chatgo than the ono to which the pleaded
Ritllty. The men were rauRlu taklnR the
rorn from the Rardrn of Ur flenrpe 'Wood
ward of Mermaid lane and McCallum stteet,
on AiiRUst 23 last.
Leaf Tobacco Merchant Succumbs to
Heart Disease
John IX YouhR. formerly prominent In
the leaf tobacco trade of this city, died sud
denly this mornlnR at his home, 453G Xorth
Broad street. He suffered with a heart al
tark and death came within a few minutes.
Mr Voung vvas loin In this rlty slxt.v
four .vcais ago and enrlv in life entered
the tobacco business lie formed a partner
ship vvltli OeotRe W Newman nnd for manv
vears was in business at III North Third
street About leu vears bro. the film vvas
dissolved and Ml. Yoiiiir. together with his
only son, John ft YounR. ,lr, had been con
ducting o leaf tobacco bir Image house nl
30 Xorth Third stieet
.fr -ounR was one of the orRanliers and
flrr president of the National Cigar Leaf
Tobacco Association He was also a former
president of the Philadelphia Leaf Tobacco
Board of Trade He was a foinier trustee
of the Grace Baptist Temple, Temple 1'ni
versltv and the Samaritan Hospital.
Mr Touiir Id survived bv his widow, who,
before her marriage In 18SI, was Mis? Clata
L. Yv'sRnei, and his son.
Stock Sells Today at 4Wt,
Against "Pcuk" of 08' o
in 191o
Mldvale fe'leel stock was tho sensation of
tho markets In Philadelphia, New York
nnd elsewhere today, slumping to tho' low
est price It has reached since tho beglnnlnc
oi the war 43. The highest prlco It lias
over leached was 98'j In 1915. Other Phil
adelphia stocks fell way off, also. '
All sorts of wild and weird repbrls and
rumors wero offered In explafiatldn of the
Mldvale phaip decline, but efforts to estab
lish their truth and trace them lo respon
sible sources were unavailing
Krlr weeks Mldvale has been tho object
of bear lepoits. which havo been steadily
dtlvlng the stock dovvnwaid One of these
has been Jo the effect that Alva C Dlnke.v.
first vice president of the company nnd con
sidered U RUldlnR Renins, vvai about to
reslRti. ninkcy denied this today
The denial, however. lCBiilted in no re
covery of tho stock early V,,!flr,'rnT,,
Another report was that Mldvale
seeklnR moro money for expansion, and vvas
llkelv to use earnings for this purposo nnd
do away with dividends. This report could
not ho verified.
Still another report this from New York
was that pence negotiations wero eccretly
under way. nnd the blR earnings from war
vvcie soon to bo cut oft. Neither could this
bo -verified.
Yet another report was that Mldvale was
sulTeilnc with labor troubles, but its trou
bles can be no gicater than thosn of other
blR lndusttlal concerns, and the Mldvale
slump vvas far moro pronounced than that
of other stocks, which did not reall .slump,
but merelj declined.
A ten-mmue tie-up In the traffic of ele
vated tialns nnd surface cars in the s,uh
wav oc cured shortly affer S o clock tills
morning as the result of the breaking of
a feed wire .Many lights In tho sulfate
cnis weie out. Hundreds of persono were
late for woik. Persons in cars stalled near
the Nineteenth street station walked along
the ttarks to tho exits. There was no
unduo cxrltement. Workmen had the
damage repaired and the cars running in
short cider.
WcstJnJthouhe'Mcn Get W'
1'iTTHurnaii Oct to the vI
liouso Klectrlc nnd ManufnetnM.. ?
litis announced another IneriasiT tfb
nf nlinn eltinloves 1h ta, m-. 'a
this last advance hemic an nddltlonife
cent added to monthly earnlncs ii,,,
vylll Increase the company s invmii i ' "
$2,000,000 a jent,- ,a,ro11 Bpj
Mililary Surgeons Honor DrM M
nun "i ..iiuiniy auigeons has n... "il
nres dent Ilr. (Mr A. l .... "tt ?!
rector of tho United States ni !?' M
the labor of
tno norne
Puts this Vacuum
Cleaner in your Home
This Is a special offer for a llmlleJ
time on a convmlent pirynitnt olin.
I ako advanUKB of It NOW. v " ,
HouietefpsM find Ihe Rtjlnt E1HrV
err. SfpivlthoulrittnBduit-nlduii
snd dirt nre melted Into the bij. ThtRritaf
l not only iweeperot cirpm 4 toSl
convmlf nt ittichm-nli ml It in rmttat
uctlon cleaner 'lor ill., turlilnt, tlnthtir,
11 j e jou electricity la l our bomt; You tiii
aRtglni, "".
W we hMdnuirtert for alt Vlnltef tufc
trio labor avrlng appliances. You nnd thm
in your home, Mntourahowrooma Ittew
eaperte demonitrate and advise you n-ftaMj.
criSTut ,loo'iTur "rv't0 ta FfetE- ""
1017-21 IUeo Street
jy m-
V P villi -A w
W'l -,' .. S'a n ls if
World's largett
riXZiufacturers of thaft
driv unit! for the con
veriion of motor car
into trucki.
The large proportion of repeat ordets from leading Philadelphia merchants and
manufacturers affords convincing evidence of the quality and performance ?f
The fleet of 12 TRUXTUNS driven by the Atlantic Refining Company is
a. doubly valuable endorsement because of the intimate acquaintance of these
great gasoline and lubricating oil refiners with the entire commercial car field.
To convince such experts that TRUXTUNS would increase the efficiency
and cut the cost of their deliveries required the same kind of demonstration
that we will be glad to extend to you.
We ask that you allow us to analyze your hauling problems without
charge. We will prove by actual demonstration that the small first cost
of TRUXTUNS is matched by their low up-keep and operating cost.
TRUXTUNS put Ford economy and Ford efficiency to work for you.
Formed by attaching a TRUXTUN (formerly Hudford) Unit to the rear
end of a Ford chassis, they combine the recognized low maintenance cost
of the Ford engine with the efficiency of the internal gear, shaft drive
The many points of TRUXTUN superiority, with the facts and figures to
prove them, will repay investigation. Will you 'phone us for a demonstration
or may we see you at our office? r
16th & Glenwood Avenue
Philadelphia, Pa.
Phone. )eUTDIamnd, 7"0
( Keystone Park 1522
rfn 5nii
V s'
.UE.,miiSv. 3t,.i- :.' .;"'2aMaaB&ft.'i.vvii,vlSLAi!rt J