'mi Slj .1 - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917 HIH II M1-P' GOSSIP OP THE STREET PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL MARKETS GRAIN AND COTTON vrnpM I "RAILS" EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES AS AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT Many Offered Are Free From State and Income Tax A Comparison Gossip of the Street Ijf A ccrtnln class of 6cuiu lite. Micro N Lontililpiiibln utlll in tlii- my at the present time, but oulHhle of the lurye trust louipnnlos mid tiKiimscuiPuts of lurgo .Mlntes llttlo is Known about tlictn. ltofcium'o In imulu to equipment trust cop tidcatej. Mun uf tliooo certlfU'itlcis am lisncil on whnt Is known ns tho t'hlladelplila plnli Mid. In view of tho now wnr tu.xtM. uiu iwiieclull.t desirable from tho Investor's tniidpoliit lis they (ire dee from both Hlnto and Incomo tuN.es. A few aro fire from Hlnlc but not Inuuine ln. They me Issued ,cilnl1y and n they uro pnld oft tin cash outllty In tho lemntmlcr oiltxtniullnB Is nhvns lnrreualtiK, Many of theso (illpment trust rortlfk'iitci Ifsui'd liy tallroads. not In the State uf IVnnsylvnnla re not iMtieil on tho Philadelphia plan, and aio theteroro not so attractive) to tho Investor under pti'sent condition, an tlioj aro tiulijert to both Incomo and Stnto taxes, but takliiB litem as n whole, railroad equipment trust cerlincutcs furnish t tate and iirofltnlilc short-term invcstmi-nt. Vov example, tho IJnltliiiuio and Ohio tlailioad eipilpmcnt 4's per cent trust certificates of 1IM3 and 1!H4, which have tjow a cash equity of about 15 per cent, ore free from State and Iniomo taxes and at present arc eelllui; on u 6.20 to fi.2. basis. Thoo of the llnUlinnio nnd Ohio of l'jiu and 1017 me ftcc fiont Stato but Dot Income tax and hao not so large a cash equity In thoM! outstanding. Tho I'Hu Ilallroad I ',4 per cent equipments, series (, It and I', and the us of Krles AA. wcro also Issued on the I'Mlndelphlu plan, ate free, front Stato and In come taxes and uro nojv fcIIIiir on a n.35 basis or better. , Anions? tho best equipment certificates aie tho Pciiiisjlwinlti llnlltond ftclehl 4 per cent equipments of 1910 uiul 1912 and the J'is of ma. all of which are on tho Ijj Philadelphia innn, tree irom Mate anil income tu.es. and llie&c aro at present selling f en A 5 per cent basK s ncalnst tnese tucio uro the Now York Central Lines equipments outstand ing the 6V4s of 1007 and tho 4Hs of 1010 nnd 1912, which are selling on u C.CiO to MO basis, and the I'is of 1917, selling on a G per cent 'jasls. Nono of these lattei were Issued on the Philadelphia plan and aro subjert to both Incomo nnd Slate taxes, and whllo very uttiiictlvr, are not so desirable, in view of the war taxation, as a islmllnr class of Investments Issued on Iho l'lilla delphla I'lnn. Depression lo lie Followed by Housed Interest Kiom many qimitcts excuses ate fui tlicumlnu. for the lack of Interest by tho public la tho I16W Llbcity Loan, but il Is pointed out that there was a depressing period of a similar nature ihortl artcr the first i.ibetty I .en n was launched, and the effect of It piovcd to be that such ti condition wiis needed tit that llnio to arouse nnd quicKcn the Interest of the nation to the real natuio or tho loan ami haittll tho subscriptions which eventually made It tho success It proved to bo. Home of the excuses beard aie that It Is subject to super Incomo and excess profits taxation. Many of tho people who subscribed for the (list loan and who mo (till pajtni? their Installments aro not prepared to subscrlbo to tho new loan, or t least not as much as they subscribed to the first loan. Some persons used their surplus bank funds to buy thch first Irsuo bonds and havo no more surplus funds. Others hold securities, storks nud bond to obtain mono to bu their present holdings of tho Hist Issue and havo no mich resources to fall back on to buv now. and thosu who still hue securities which they could turn Into (ash and buy I pec cent Ubcrl Uonds utu not willing to fc.icrlllco their iicurllles at the picuent low mm kit ptlces and mo waiting for ti j'avorablo turn PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUK . WHKAT lttlpt, as.Ofin bushsls. Ths niar ktt wan steady. Quotations! Car lots, In -fort elevator (Government standard lnsprtlon No. 1 red. f.-J7. No 1 soft red. K, W. No. -ted. 12.34. No. 2 soft red, 12.22. No. tjfl. M.ali No. .1 soft trt. I2.li NO. 4 red. $2.1.. No. I aoft r.d. 12 ir. White wheat relatively sjtne nrke aa red iled wheat. 2c oft.) No. n Wheata. red or soft nnd ".Sample" will to tvualit on their iiicru. but In no case, at we If undr No. I , f UltN There .nia little trading and valiie "ie iareu nominal (notations, rar lots tor local trade, na to lucatlon WVatern No 2,yej t". 12 IH82 IS wratern No jellow, nomlnuli atcjn No 4 ellov, nominal, wcitern No. o tellow, nominal , . OATS llerelpta. 4X2iT hnhele. The mnrket dull and about 'o lower uiiotatln: Vo 2 white hew. flS'i Cone: atandaril white. ni. aiittii.c, No :i white. titt. nnmt'i'i No.. 4 white, new. U.1,ttn4e Klnn ilecelpte. (ir.li bhl ami l.Tll.Sl, lbs. In aacka Demand waa ls nitle. but the marltet Kenernlly ruled Menilv umler llni r ntler- tflB lllin,.,ln. ..a IDll II. a In Umill WlnteT. atralaht. new. flu 2MJ lu an Knn"a. . '!& new, no i.ltrln TiV. du, patent, new. Ill Saw 11(10, do. fancy i.atent. lll.r.Ojt 11 T5. eprlnB. first clear, apnt, 111 2.1911.7.1; dn, tint clar. new. mill ahlpment. Iln 2.1 U 7.1. do. patent, epot. It2 TAbla. aprlnic. patent new (mill ehlp nirnt). Ill 2.1W11 .VI do. rKorite lirutid. II-' S12.7.V cltv mllla rlmlre Hnd fan; P''!'n' 112 11112 7.1; do. reaular srKdod. ,lnl" atrnUlit IHI 2SJ 10 5U. do. patent. lldallO Iti'i: Kt.Ofli wna nulft but steadv ."ndfr moderate otTerlnc W qimii" 8i5l'10.iil (mill fhipmint), I10.25U10.6U rpul. u to qu.illlj. PROVISIONS . There wa n falrJohbln Inqulrv ami the mir set ruled firm Follow Inn are the nuotatlnni i Ity beef m ta. smokeil and alr-dfled. Saj; .watern t.enf, in eett. riu. d ?.le; city Jieef. l.nucklee and tendera. smoked and atr-drleit, 81c; weatern heef. knucMca and tendera m"Kel. :tl b-ef haina 111. pork rnmiu. J4 jnttli; hima. S P enred. Innae 2(14 S27c:do ektnned, loose, 27a27iic. dn, do. amoked 2R2l4cj n'i'er hatna amokeit, cltv cured, aa to brand and aeraae, 2SHc: bama. amoked. weatern cured 2S4c; do boiled boneleas, 42e; plcnlo ehniiluVra H I cured looae. 21c: do. smoked. '-'.Til. belllea. In pUkle ic. ordlnB to nersle. 1'ioap 3;ic. breakfaat tiacon a to lirnnd and a ernre. tn,. , un il. Iiv, brenkfat baron weatern curtd 4iv, lard, western rellnc,! lleicca 2'tc, do 'In iln t.il.a 'fl. nnr ill. Little rend-rcd. Ill tirreea. 21'l, Oo, pura i.lty, l.ettlo rcndcicd. In tubs. 29u. ItEFINKU SUGARS The market ruled firm on a baals of S 31c for extra tlno Granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS BPTTEI1. Th marUt ruUfl firm, with ilo- tnand ahinrnlntr ilif ilmltfu offrlnuB aVuoTminn vMrn, 5 1 nrniti pt Inln Taw iu -i GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL MARKET REPORTS This dnlln itport Is tent out tv (he riurenu of ilarkrts ef the United Mates "rpartmrnt of Agricuiture, rMtadtlpMn branch, telft htadquartcrt at SOO-ilS In krance Kxchangc Uuildino. XJell Tclfpaoitc. Lombard 717, h.(.iholM1" Wl" on lar lots to if:: oae, on aalea at the xarloua railroad depoti.l .APrr.ns, Fnt'ITH K'. ,"' n narrei nil to 10 nuari-r c;",-'1 New lork. Uol.lvvln A r.,ln "U.lnCh. 14 .10. , 14 7.IJVO. lw,i- do. ..2lnr' AjrrocIe.2M,.ncl :-r: ." . f.""e, i-, .inen, .,.. nim . virmni a. York Imnerlal. A aru ZH '.',; ?2S(4.2.1. Htaymnn Wlnnap... a iiK:.0""!" " A ''' 2H-lnch. Ift; do. from atornite. A arade, 2U-lnch. It), Jonathan. A crane. 2ta .tnr.h ir. r.. ,1 -. CltAltA Pl.t ttf " fcll-i... - t...hj.t tfiUet Di?l.,i.r!"J.I"tkl"' H7.12 . ,, ,, ''ANANArJ. per 7 h.ind bunch ( dozen). 11.30; per s-hand bunch (In doien). II rt2i . tier tj hand bunch (12 ilaon). 11 5. per UiOwnd .bunch V-Vn01"'1"' '--'' n,r It-hand bunch (13 doren). "rA.VTALOfPKS. Colorado, per standard; crate (4.1 melona). It r.lltr 1 ll.l. per Hat irate (12 to 1.1 tnelnnal. 7.,c, per flat irate, ptnl. (12 to l.i melon"). 70c, whltu rlnda CJ to 9 inelona), 7oCtc CHAS-nnitltlEH, Jereeys, per 32-juart crate, "(IHAPKS. New York, per 3-lb, baaket, Con cord, is til 7i ; Nlaaarni, lntfltc; por 15 1b. I'liak.'l Concord Il.i1K.1c I'KAIIS. no urrliala I'KACIIKS, New York, per bufhel lit to 1ft n.unrt.'r pecks). Klbertua. II low 1 ns, matl. ":.iinn, per llauart basket til nuurter " , . ew erw, p-r inuari uiBari, pecka) 404J7V t'Hl'VI- V, .1.1 8 40c PI-CMS, ew lork. per 4-quart baaket. Pani- barrel (111 to 15 COIW PRICES RECEDE ON FURTHER SELLING Forthcoming Government Food Control Discourages Specula tion by Bears rer KOII DCINCKS. New York, quarter peckt). trtlji SOU! AT APCTION TBSTBItDAY OnANOEH. Cillfornla, per bor, laraa ale (10 to 12 dozen). Il.niie il.n0; medium alia (14 to In doien). KMiiU j.tlll. email alio (20 to 27 dojen). II 7.1 W a mi. (IHAPHH, California, per 24-lb. erata, Tokay. II loyi mi. .Mali, an, 11.208 1..I0, Cornlchone. II Nl2 1,1 I.KMONH, no aale VKili:TAIlt.KH 1I1.N. ne.irb. per i-huahel bakat ! to il.1ctfl, wax. lie to contert their holding Into Llbcity llondH. Agalnat these excuses ii, iirnt of nil. the great his fact that tho 4 per ceht Liberty Uonds are the premier uccntlty of the wholo world; tlutt they nie -I per cent lntead of 3iS, that tho number of Imycrs tho piiruhaKCd the llrst Issue hows that the suifaco of possible buyers nil over the lTnltc.l Kttttes has not been icratchid; that ft fcicat many people who did not subscribe to tho first Isauo wcro educated lo Know vhat tho purchasing of these bonds really means, first, for tho Government in Its prosecution of the war, and, s-ccondly, to themselves as In icstots, that.sl'it'p tho i.tlu of the Hist Nsue ntuny men lutxe gone to training camps, cantonmc'ils or to the front and hac thus brought the less-on of tho war nearer home to heir own families as i II a.s to then- neighbois; that when tho first lsiie put out tic fanners all ovir tho ionnti iycio spending money to put their ciopa in the ground, but today thc aie selling these emps and putting their tnonej in the banks. . Treasury Instruction on Liberty Loan Conversion prows of Iho point niNcd in this column some days ago. nud which piotcl.cd considerable discussion icgtiullng the exchange of tho lli&t Issuo of :jb jici- cent Liberty Uonds for 4 per icnt bonds, Heerctarj .McAdoo has announced that there lrt be Issued b tho Trcasuty Ucpni tment within the near ftitute a circular petting forth tho manner In' which this conversion should bo undertaken. The terms of the JH per cent bonds rctpilro that un Interest adjustment be made on each and every bond converted. The Treasury Department has dei Ned u method whereby this ad justment of Interest "can, In a. huge measure, be made without tho actual payment of any cash by tho holder of the bond to the Government, or vice versa. Holders of tho S',i per cent lionriV nro reminded that tho dato iif It-suo of tho new bonds Into which their bonds will bo comet tlblo is November in, and that no conversions can bo actually accomplls.icil pi lor to th.it date, although opportunlt will be Rlidn to tho holders of the S'ii per cent bonds to deposit their bonds for con lerslon sevcinl weeks! In advance of the actual date of issue. French Borrowers Making Payment Bonbrlgbt & Co.. Inc., announced jostrrd that funds havo been rcceiied ftom tho French banks participating In the $15,01)0,000 Kiench e.poil credit of fe'eptember 15, 1910, for tho payment of tho llrst ?5,000,000 Installment under that credit, duo October 13. This Is tho Initial payment on tho third of tticso ct edits arranged by fconbrlght &. to.. Inc., the lli.st two of which, nggicgutlng ?30,000,000, having al ready been repaid by the I'lcnch banks Colorado Power Coinpiuty Reports t'oluiadu Power I'umpnio lepnrts that nn aggregate' of 5olT hoisepower was Involved tn twentv-lhice contracts i'tprneiiting new business on ihlch ferlco had not been begun on August .'II. These tetiill power Miles aio exclusive of ordi nary lighting nt.d conitneiclal frervtee. Tho giuirnntccd niiuunl icvcntie fiom them ffer comiueiiccment of ."civlco v.ts jTo.Siili and the estimated annual icveniio to be produced b the business oNceeds $H0,00U at out 10 per icnt of tho company's present annual gios operating revenui. The gteatest amount of service Involved ln,nj one contract us 1000 hotcpover; estimated nuiiual icveniio of J3C.O0O. It la .estimated that this conttact will become opcrntiio In Match, 1P1S. All other contracts will become effective during or befoie next Januar. Tho net earnings of this company for August, 11)17, wetc $59,150.08. an In Creaie of $4408.9 over August. 19Hi. all nhl' liackerl i ft 1nr.H (('da. 42 J (; eruuo elra alocka uf d , aolld- lliata. I 141 4T, . 4m nude buahel. 7So HEAVY LIQUIDATION SENDS COTTON DOWN Bulges Met Increased Offerings and Last Prices Arc Not Far From the Bottom SEW YOU!". Oct. to. Heavy liquidation, due to weakness In tocka. broke the cotton market sharply to day. Several bulges met Increased offer lnw and last prices were not far from the bottom. Itecent support from Liverpool was UeUlnr. The weather was more favorable. The opinion waa expressed In some quar ters that 6,000,000 or 6,000,000 bales of the itaple would be sold within tho next sixty or ninety days regardless of the size of the crop. There waa a steady tone at tho open "", October on one transaction ehowlng gain of 47 points, but other months points higher to 5 points, lower. The demand was good, coming' froln Llv rpool Interests. Traders in Wall street. tiptown Interests and New Orleans were tellers. After the call the buying: Increased, com Wliilon houses, which had operated on both 14t on the call coining In wltlv good or ders, and within a fe.w minutes prices ad vanced 13 to to polntB. Yetterdav'a jy. . cloaa Open lllah Iiw It i f,. vt ,-i.a zi.bu T.nu zo.in -n.in : t4,'"mkr 2.1 2(1.711 2H.70 28.80 25.82 r"""lr 2U 4H 2H.45 2B .1 2.1.31 2.1. BH .2H.RI) 2A.M) 20. M 23.41) 2....1'.' ,'jn..-,:i xa.:,z 20.03 2.1.111 2.1 r.t 27,05 , 27,50 ibrmD fa ' CLOSING LIVE STOCK PRICES ihH'l.00! Oot JO 11008 Slaw. 1.V lower ffl Jf'fJv average. Bulk. tl8.S091U.IA: t..'iI',5Titc,'P'' 20;bou head', ' Sllfc'KV r K.n .-nv: -" ... Uoiij.b.1 RecelDta, 21.000 head Oo leweri US. Lamba, 118.85, Generally Weak. Star- U1o(.?5A6aCIIT Oc nib moitiy inn (am, . illCBl' Receipts, bono head. Strong. io - ateady iiiuu neaa, .VTTLE Iteeelptf, Steady, closln SECURITIES AT AUCTION Vow- changes in the prh.es of local banks and trust companies stocks wcro itcorded at tho auction p.tlo ot ttiuiltles conducted to day by Humes . l.onainl. Kalruiount Sav ings and Ttust I'oinpuny ndanced 2'i points to 10:'4. I-'Irc Aatoclatioii gained ,1'i ami J 11. Stoton Coinpnnv couunoii S. West Knd Tiust lost 5 points. Tho tales follow : STOCKS 31 thra. North Wild owl Iniirmemenl Co. ; par $100 3 lODahra. Kaat Iron and Maihlne Co. pre ferred: par $50 4'i 13 shra. Ileal i;atate Trutt Cu. preferred. par $100 100 10 ahra. Newlln Halnea Co. preferred, . par $100 8 ihra nercner & Encel llrawlnr Co. preferred, par tlno r shra. Ilantc of North America; par $t0O aa ahra Tnclcertnn It. It. Co. nreferred $d Tuckerton It. 11. Co. preferred acrlp Lot $11 21 ehra. nank of .Norm America! par Itoo 10 ahra Falrmount baMnga 'fruit Co.; par $100 n ahra. franklin Trust Co.: par $1(10. in.hp. liAluirt Mnrrla Trust Cn.i mr 1100 03 2.1 ahra. Wfst Knd Trust Co : par 10il. 181) 2 ahra fire Aaeociauun u t-nuaaeipnia par $50 . . 4 ahra. Klre Association of l'lilladelphla par $.10 10 elira. Independence Klro Insurance Se cumr t-o. ; par t-u 43Ji41c, ape ui lirauda t,r prints Jobbing at ul 71.11, IliltlS tllitl tul,v. fieali i.enilu elK ncre well , i,uiPi un uml linn bin moat "f tin auppii una nf umittru, Um atoi k whlili anl.l alnwtt iml ruled neali CJuoUtlim" Tree iaae narh; ilrata. rji,ii nr atnud.iM cnae, current niclnii. Hi' SO per cnae. aeumda. SlILILIt'l I 25 per , ne neateru extra tlrata $12 HO per me. tlrata, $l2:m per mse: seconds $I0H.11I21 per cnae, faprj aeiectcd eggs were Jobbing al in B. 11 it per dn?en 'lll:i:sn sold lowl Inn iuld steady undei nmilernlj ntterlnga Qiiuimi im, e Vork. full cn-ain fab' v .lull" 27c speclil lilgber do. dp freab mndn beat. 2d' f 2'i do. do. choice 25' i2li.. do. do do. f ilr 10 good 2l4S25o. POULTRY 7.1'n was dull and tnaler Quotntlona' Towls. ns to iiuallty, 21 'a 24c. rooters. 1HD2V. prln iblikena, noi l.ej.hurii". m cordlins: to iuiillt, 2ltf2, ; While IrfKhortia, 111121. du. Us. 1'eliln, 2122, , du, Indliti Itunliei, mil 20, . do pring. 22H2I1, , turkesn. 22Ii2il : guinea, uiut per pair mlglilnir 1'ti Jf2 It" nple'e niicm $1 smaller size., 7nfi kUl jf , BUI pilri ,;ii'n li.'i . pigeons old. per pair. 24 32.V, do. oung. Hi pair. 2(1 Ji 22c UltKSSHDTlie market ruled fin I nn fine, de-slrKble-sljrrt stock of moat descriptions, the lim ited offerings nf hlrh met with fair sale. Quo tallona tollnw IVmla 12 In box milk. fed. dry-picked fancy aelected. 32c: do. weighing 44 II,- up' ,, .41' , ,1. urlghliig 4 lha nplei e 3tc: do nrelghlni; 3' lha. apiece. 30, ih ml.litnc ."1 lbs ni'lric Ssflt'Dc. fowls. Iced 'n bide , fancy tir nlcKed Meigtilng 4's lbs iml ler aldeie. 31c. do. weighing 4 Iba. a.-'e,. r.nasntir- ,1o. stn.iOr aires. 2l5f25c old roneteia. dr pi, ed. 22' brollr.-s wrluhhti. 1 1 , 'tt '' lbs anlece .ler- scy fniv 3:ift.1He. viif'NM fanci. ."oOS.Ic. oilier learbr 'Jl)ft(,2,(. per lb e;,,i .1", ,, 2S ; loaatlnt; chickens neatein iishllig :i'4'(4 lha. nniere -JN jr:Mlc. ilii'kepp. nMltn. neighing 2'4 3 lbs apl.ee. 2"i'2i,'. lurkea. frcali. killed. Pr lb western, b-st here 24ff2.1c: cotnmnn. 20 22c. spring dink 2.V42II': sounba white, weigh. Inn U91I2 lbs. per dor . $5 1515 80 do. do. V(f in lb per do . $1 r.'ISoi da do. $ 11k per dor. , $S.50fH: do. do 7 lbs par do. HSfR 35. do do ntfilVi lbs per dor. $2 2.1 ff 2 CO, do dark, $26 2 00. d-. sm-ill and So 2. 75c1J$l Si. KRESII FRUITS Apples were generally firm reachea and peara were barely atcady Cantaloupea were In amall suppb. dull and easier Quotations Applea, New York per Mil Jonathan. $4t)l Mnlden Hiutli. 3Cu 'I'wentj ounce. (X t.nii .150: (raenstrln. $4ti.125. Weaith 115 il. (Ireenlng. .'l5. Inuhrss. S3u4 5ll. Ilnbliwn $3W4 HI- (lrib. tstlft Applia l'ennsj bai.iH and llgiula. per bbl - ttexaiuler $4tl,1. ilolli ll.Mtut.v. $4 50V. I'd, Sl8Mu.1T! Wlneeau. $4 "i 50, (rltuei a (lol'len $4tl .Noltbwest (jleei lug. $11 '.',. llnlio. S.IK4 .111 York linpeilitl. $USl 4 .'ill, lien UaV'l. t3UI nuuilnet Unmbo. $J ,1(1 115 Apples, wester.l, ti'-e box Jonathan $JU 2 r,n. w Inlet llanan.i $1 75 B.I CO Apple", l.ear l: pet hamper Mici$1 r.o do, fit. per -bun baskel, 23eiitl 25 ( tabapplcs. per .bush basket, $1 7,1f'-' yuiiices. New VnrK. per bid tttD. T.emons. pr box, I'JOOfid ltatianus, per butuh. $1 2.1412 r,0 Oranges, i nllforitU. per box, $215 21 Pineapples, Torio r.b'O. per Mate. $3 2',f 7. tlraprs. New Yoil. per :i Ih basket, l.litthc: do. do. per IB-lb basket llllfi a.lo; do. California tokay. per crate. $1 7n. do. Cnllfornla Malagas, per crate, $!fi'l 50 do California Jtuscat, per crate. Jttrl 40. do cat' fornln Cornbhon. per crate $1 754:2 I'runea New York, per 4-ll taikt, 35S45-. fllinis Nw York, per 4 ot basket lnnion 4IIO.",(i. (ir-en (lage. .mnttn,' do I altfnrnia Cress, in i , ioe. tl 501? 2 .in, ,lo (Irand IlnLe per irate $1 f0$r2. i'an(alnuiea t'nllfornta and Colo radii -Standard crlte. 1 1 KO tr t R.1 , Pnn .rale. JI '' 1 , . flat cote, whits meat. 7.lCTWc do nlnk meat. 71' do white rinds J1W12.1 reai bea. l'enns lianla and IVes, irglnla per bnaket. 754iimc. do. New Tork rer bushel basket, $1 26 W I 75. do. do, per J6nt basket KntTMIe do. do J'alifornla. per bov 10c1T$l Veara. llslaware and Manland per tiatnpel -llnrtlelt. $1,102 23. deckel. $1.1116 2 75 dn New York per bushel biaket. nartlett. $21(2 2.1 do. Wcikel. ISW.1 50. do. New Tork, pr bbl tiarllett. $451(1, secke. $(11Ta, do. alifornla nnrtlett per box $2?4 Cranborrles Jerse pr craie. $203. do. do. per bbl . $9u11 VEGETABLES Choice at, ul, waa In fatr request and renerallv firm Quotations White potatoes Fastern tihore. per bbl No. 1 $S 50r4 2.1 No 2 $1 nn,a;2.5'l. White potatnea. Delaware and Marlnnd. per bbl No. 1. $3 2.1 Hi 4 White potaloea. Jersey, per , -bush baaael No I k.1ctl$l: No 2. OOtffi&c While potatoes Jer aei per l.m-lli hair, glanla. $3 3503 40. Whif potatoes, per bush fennsjlianta.' fanej, $140 ill i.O: New York. $1.3.11 40 Sweet potatoes. North Carolina, per bbl No. 1, fiiBS , No St "5 a I 75 Sweet pntaloet, Eastern fhore. per bbl -No. 1. $2 500 8. No 2. I1M83S5 Sweet potatoes, Jersev, per "t-bueh l.aakel v 0tl75c- No 8. 40ff35c Celerj, No York per bunch. 20Wh.1c Letluie. New Tori. rZi box $1M125 Cucumbers. New Tork, per KuSh IteJso Cauliflower. New Tork. per box "$1tfS 50 Cabbage, New Tork per ton, l"o'027 Onlone. Jereey. per hamper, II Ol 40, So Orante County. New. Tork, per hamper. II 13W 1 60. do. llllnola. Maaaachusets Jersey and Orange County, N. T.. per lOU.Ib .bag. I ftOOsS." do. Ohio and Indiana, per 100-lb. bag .3:iiil!B25. do, California. ir 100-lb. bag.' I2.70W3 33 10 tiuarler necksl. green 51 lima a. si 'J.iWl in lllIKT3 nearbi, per bunh. 21loC. CAIllMtlK. New Vork, ptr ton. $24ai2i Ji 1". pet , -bui.hel basket i!2 to 15 beads). .ID U hoc. CAItnoiS. neirbv. per barrel (31 to 40 auat ter pecksl, $2 3U03, per hunch. 2tf3o. cAt'l.lFr.oWKIt, New Tork. per tog It dozen hesde). It, G0C3. .. , ..-.. ci:i,i:ilY. Per bunch '12 atalka). 30O7.V. corn, nearby, per 100 ears. OPcbl.nu. ft t'l .MMKHS. New Tork. per U2 2.t. lii'.i.n.ANTS. ncaibi. per i-bushtl basket 11.1 20 plants'. (11111170c. . , .. 1.1'I'TI i U. New Tork. per box 12 dojenl. , e T$1 25, 'ew Jersey, per box (2 dorrnl. lift I '.. (t.N'loNM, per liio-lb shi k. Mdlnwe, Indiana. $2 7.1 il 3 10, New Turk, 'a If 3 I" Maasnihuaetta. pour I.IW!) 10 Callfnrnii Australlun brown. ' 50, Ohio, white $2 73(13 ... I'lllSMI'l- neiirbi. per -bushel basket tt uuiirtcl niiksi ll.lf ,5i . , l'lll'l'KllS mnrln. p. r i-bush(l basket (S lo 10 dneni 315(le. I'liTv'IOIJS. n nrb p, '. bushel basket (3 1 Ibs.l, No 1 una II No 2. f.ilifiinc. b'llk per bushel Kill Iba ). New Jersey. $1 2llSrt.31. ctlll- ni ihhih. 41 suii l on. .mw jorKs, ti ,,., i i, PI'Ml'KlNS iienrhv per -bushel bnanei (o lo 7 In basket) MtMOr . ,., SWIIIIT roi'.noiiH, tlastem Shore of Vlr glnla. per barrel (35 to to ouiiner pecks) No. t. 3513 25 benrb, per S -bushel basket (H In 0 nuarier pr 1,9 , ink. e,,u,-, ,-. .-m SIMNAf It. neaiby peeks) fi riOWJ v .A t IS(Jt!ASII. nearby, per ' -bushel basket (20 to 23 squash), 13"U25r , , , . , , . , T()SlATOKS. neaiby, per -bu'liel basket (T (., Id quarter peiks). Sue'iJil. , , Tl'HNirs, nearbv per -bushel basket white. 4ufl'rni , e,lira 10 B 70 WATIJllCRKSH Not,, ulul rniislliiu poi bun- h Vj tl -' ids tuarler rnir'Aao. Oct. 10. Additional losses In securities, renewed t illt about Teutonic peace efforts and a bo llef that the Government will frown upon all bull speculation In foodstuffs caused pro nounced weakness. In the corn market today. Liquidation on short helllnc ran rampant and milieu wero feeble. Stop-loss ordeis wore uucoered us prices declined. There was "dine buying; mi reKtlup; oiders, but It woh neither MBKretslvn nor sustained, mid win easily supplied by thoto h.iWns Uuic emu III PCM, The country continued to offer ntilv cu a small Fcale nnd the cah article here wus oompni-allvely steady, but thcie whs little demand. The opinion was expressed tb.ii no chatm-ei would b made In thn maximum pi Ice, and It was nsserted that tb leld would be even larger than csllmnted lij the (Sot eminent. The best on December corn was $1.1 s ; thn low Jl.13'4, nnd tlio clo $113'sf ?1 13, OKUlnst ll.lSa, at the cud e tenbiy. Tha hlgli on May was Jl.14; tbo buttom 1.0S4. hiuI the clnso Jl.08T.if tl.08s4, asahist JI It's at tho close ics tenia) . Tho market ot Liverpool was steady and tbo feellnK there was easier. I'rlVAto ciiuicb irom ArRonnna indicated mat mi extensUo area was belna; planted thetc. The strike In Argentina remains unsettled. Oats were affected by the break In corn. I'lirchashiR of December by houses wllh lonneitloiis at thn seaboard was licit r. Kipoiters did some buying;, but tlir-lr bids weie of such a character tbut quite n num ber of ciinseri.itlies refuted to opctntr mi tbo basis made, thus limiting; traii4i tlmis. The market at Lltnjmol wiih steadi. Thn top on December oats was 50,-, the low D"ta', nnd the cloeo 57 t fi5Tkt-, nmtlnst ODa nt the end ) ostcrday ; the best on Jlay was C0ie; the bottom G?e, nnd tbo iluso iiflSaoOSS'ie. agnlnst 60"jc at tbo end )esterda) JIONEV.LEND1.NO ltATS 'Ktr ltinil Money on call opened at 3, per cent ; high, 3 s low. 5 ; last, 2" 1 closed, 2t : lulltur rate 3 per cent, A more liberal supply ot time money Is reported, but there hah been Utile or no business under fi per cent At thnt rate a. fairly considerable amount Is available to borrowers. As .heretofore, almost all the business transacted has been on Industrial renurltles collateral. At Cli per cent prime mercantile paper Is more active, but at the nominal B'J per cent discount figure only u moderate amount of paper can be moied. rilll,.vii:i.rill. Call, 5 percent; time, 5flG4 per cent Commercial paper, three to four months, Ctifffi'a per cent; six months, C'-tlS'i per cent. BANK CLEAItlNOS , oue- llank elearluss todav compared Willi enoiiuing nay last two jears, 1017 1010 1013 . rhl1adelphlu.l8.1,lsl.Hl Il9.(i71,l7 I41.2l.0t! New Vork. . .5011. ink. 2HII 7IH (171.022 fll4.N71.02l lloston . .. 3H.5D3.M.1 .'IS. 107 5"3 37.717.402 Ilsltiinoia .. 7.017. 8IKI 7,3(ir,,0sU ,C97.534 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONor.VH STOCKS' rnni'tfiv vxnuMtnv. : , !uw YOHK, oct. tOi Tne feature or tnjti,iB foreign exchango In tho early dealings to-''V . . .. . . ..,,.. . -ta .V uy nag extreme auuncs. i-iro move; ; down fl. shndA and demand aferllnie mlttK have been termed heavy In tone without; 'it nartlc.tllnr flerllne. T)tth1a al.arll.it af tlisi slight declino which took place late on Tuesday. Quotations weres Demand sterling cheeks 4.7C 4-1S, cables s.7 7-16. Slxty-day bills nominally 4.7U4. ninety-day bills 4,6Bt,. Kranc cables S.77T4, cheeks 6.79'i. 1 Swiss cables s.61'4, checks 4.70. Guilder cables (3'i, checks 4U. rcsetas cables 23.50, checks 21,40. , Ituble cables 1SH checks IG'i. Btockholm cubles 37.83, checks 37.31. rhrlstlanla cables 22U, checks 32. Copenhagen cables 32, checks 314. Lire cables 7.77, checks 7.78. i i PAHCEL POST Leading futures ranted aa follnwa Corn (new- delliery) itpen man i.ow i.is j.iai 1 13 I .((; 1.14 l.us; IAH i i.i 1.14 f.R. .-,'.1 (10 "i Pee .. Jan Mav. (ia is net .. M.v I .-ul Oct... Nov. . Jan . . Illl.s Oct... 427.75 Jan. 21 25 lfot L Oct . 43 Oil Jan 4.1 2.1 YeM'.lsv'a Close close l.l.Va l.sa tl Ollt. ! 14'. I.M'J 1.14S 24.00 24.2.1 23.2.1 KM, f.n u". 24 02 24.2.1 23,2.1 27 50 21 :( 3 57'i nn 23 0 23 7l 22.37 27 on ' 23 JO 23.0 23 70 22.40 lib! Msked. 13 ! 15 : 42 ! 43 : 42 2.1 1.1 oil i Ml till", J2I.H7 21.20 23 32 t'-' no 21.30 41.2.1 45 t7 Jim Il'itler MacN'amara ... Mldn Mlzpah uxteueion .... ... Montana North .tar Hscue lima test 1. nil tiObOFIKLO STOCKS Atlanta Ulue null Il.nith niamondfleld fl B Daisy KewMnas , Oro Sandstorm Kendall Sllier riik Mt.SCUi.LANEOL'H Arlaona 1'ntted Nevada onder Te. opa -Mlnlrg Did .en IS ,n ."1 .Ki .mi .17 .00 .0s .01 .01 .02 .03 .07 .nt .02 .10 1'i .30 Ask ."1 .10 .10 .08 .09 .02 .od .(18 .ot .mi .02 .03 .12 23 2 (Ml ItAILROAD EARNINGS nt KK.M.O nonius n:i 1'ir-r week (Viober . a Nn riTTsncnfm 1S17 Increase 1330.147 I30.24U TOO t.VIK 10ft ClAsslurATlOV iietus nOK'DKMUilji -Oct ft. HKATKICH if. KOEDGMIKIM, ot 4600 Chestnut t. Tuneral and tut. prliate 1IKI.I' iVANTCW 1'KIUl.K r.ACNiinr HF.i.r FOIl OOVRRNMIINT I.At'NDRY WORK. flxp-rlenceii nnd Inexperienced. mnrke-a, eirtera, operalora nn press machlnea foldera and ceneral work, aood wassa paid- new' hulldlpit, condltlnna eri- pleasant. 1'KN'N SIIA'ANIA l.AL'NURV CO. 31U N. 32d St. iir.i.i lVANTi.n mi.k CAr.PKN"n:llfl wanted. Applv Phlla. Uieclrln Co 2Ntii aim ( nristian ais for Mr unuey. east aate. Ask No connection with anr other vlacef. Kejatone Park 0343 1). Old Reliable MALONE The Tionccr Bicycle Man Manila bark of his BICYCLES AlAl.WH HA nWlOAINS 5K.1I llIUlA.I.r,B .iO.OO and L'p 1 ll,ral allnwniiee nn Tour lilrjile, (ah or easy pannenta. eiond-Ilond l!lcr1e. sj.00 Lit rini:, $1.00 ,v Uer mini tn the ritcjete Line at Lowest i'oasioia j-nces i Ant ,1. n.r hefora nurchaslns else- where and ou will save tnonej-. IV'o do nlckal-platlnr. enamellnr. braalrur, utcan-i.i- -nrf wrsldlnr All kinds of repair work auaranteed V, nra cheaper than tha cheapest. Our work la better than the best. Call and he convinced Open avenlnm an Bundajs. Daddy ot low prices and Quality. GEORGE C. MALONE 1203-03 nirard Avenue NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER PLACES W' ,s 1 VtJNhi m TiBki Vi mv'sH otd m H PAWNSHOP AT 904 VINE Loans 11000 for 310 nrlns Tone diamonds, watches and Jewelry t the larcest pawnshop In the world. Walter's Pawnshop, 904 Vine nOMlKD 10 TIIK CITY AUTUMN KESORTS ATI.VNTIC CITY. N. .1. 80 35 230 230 102'i 130 2 ihrs. United rlrcnwn'a Insurance t'o : par Iln , ; . S ahra. People's National 1 Irs Insurance 29 shra.'j'eople s National rlr'o inaufaDce Co.;parl23 , 13 ahra. Philadelphia Life Insurant Co.! 1 ihr.John fa'.' Bte'tsoiV Co." "rfefeVred; par 1100 . 2 ahraT John II. Stetion Co. common: par 1100 ,: 3 ihrs. John B. Htetaon Co. common: par 1100 ........................ 42 ahra (lersner Knrel Brewing- Co. preferred! par IIOJI. a ahra, Merihanla and Miners' Transport 1 shr. library Co. 'of 'Pnil'adVlphia ! '.".'. WJ7lB tnoo L'nlon Passsnaer Itallway Co.. 4. per ' --., r .mini. counon nd October. Bus 1B(I SH per cent. uui Pa November, sz&m: HOOS ttecelpU, tsadyi faed- cent. Extended, loupons April and October, uui 1000 Boroush of Media, J Coupons May and May . iui .... ...,. 2000 mericsn Ice Co Per cent Heal iam Tataii renerat mortaaie loupons l'abruary and Ausust. Due 1043 . jnnn Btit. IJne and aulllvan nallroad 4000 8UU J parent. Tlrat njortae. Coupons January and July. Due ooo itov'r wo a'"' 'ty 310'i 310U 20'i K 16 16 lO'.i 157 810'i 3I0U 33. ABU 20 80 94 9K OS CI KJCAL ESTATE FOR SALE 0K LANK HEAL ESTATE FORJALE OAK LANE ;33caiaiiiX33cBJBt:K3: HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OAK LNi: X3!2ra8i?53rS53C32CSa3LX3 a More Than i WORLD'S a"f5,eVt0,iVe.8eurrM Dluo nr Sup In tli romon-i SUBMARINE GRILL fipaeloni Flrrpronf fiarart w an ??? Galen Hall ATLAINTICCITV.N.J. HotQlandSaDatorium Noted for It's superior table nnd service. - icnna curat vaoams. 2yi!r(!iJ,!91i!!MiY4 fa? VVrtminster 1o ' '' H"-1' '' water. 10 up w l I- up dally ciiai. Duhre v . v I 1 lintn,ilV Um.kI K kMtf. I - - nuil.1 jjuoluuci neacti. bpf'Ul fall rates, Phone 117 ae. nest Open all )ear. A. n. Marlon. EDUCATIONAL r.olh Setes iMp(0O949jV4BsVGflt8id ilontes'siori nnjinniNO and day pciiool 40th and Mnrurei 8ts., I'hlla. Reopen, for 4th Year In Ortobae Ball Tel. rrsston 44SL-. Antn strrlee. rielentlfle Direction for NORMAL Chil dren. 3 to IS years. The aim of this school Is to aivo Normal Children an enTlron. ment In which th spontaneous Impulasa ef child life may haa freedom for Inol. viaual trow-tn, uirecnon covers v. --.,- ...aa.,ah n.n,.lm.nt. LAS' trol of Kmattona Occuoattan. etc.. ! ferlnr for each individual on, r child. Training Course for Teachers Announcement will be made later ot the openlne of oor Central llrnnch firhoel. Blrs. Anna nmnit -nii. Iirerir7.a Mnutes.nrl nielnnia, Rome, 1014 MUSIC COMBS CONSERVATORY 33d Year. Individual Instruction. Personal Supervision. All branches, theoretical and applied. A Pchool of Public Performance. Teachers' Normal Tralntm Course. Publlo Pchool Muslo supervision. Degrees con ferred. Two Complete Pupils' Mimphony Or chestras. Reciprocal relations with Unlr. of Pa. Dormitories for women. A School of. Inspiration. Loyalty, Success. Our Year-llooli Is free and contains valuable Information. atlhert Haynolds Combs, Director Offices, Studios, Dormitories. Ilrosd rtesd, 1 hristQnsen SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC HAOTIMK IN 10 LF.8S0NS. PIANO. UKULELE "All instruments, loons nut. lor nw.irii IBtO t heslnot M. l'ln 1413 Vermnio St. flnruea AST. rhone Tlofa 3JC1. THE WILLIAM HATT0N GREEN BCIIOOI. OF PlANOVtIBTK PLA11NO LKSCIIKTIIKY l'KINCIl'LE Klrst Assistant CARRIE IIKPIIURM MATCniN Special Normal Cours for Teachers ProsresalT Series Pupils prepared for concert performance. i-hlldrsn'a Department 1714 Chestnut Street 'HELEN ACKROYD-CLARE VOICE CULTURE ART OP 8INGINO tdtA.?al?Jtyff.TV:.n?hrvf.nTgrir- PhUa. Conservatory08, M,S8i? u.h .t. nirtotof T. H. Eitrmin, II. Vn Dtn hmt. rrT Wc Gunrantee Positions To all who complete our Practical Bus iness Courses llecome a Hteucsrapher Ilooklceeper. Becretan or Salesman Htudents' ates 14 to 40 Both ssies Dsy and night. Charges moderate. llertn your courae nosr. Strayers iiustness college 801-807 llirsliiut Mt. U'alntlt SH4 St In I'hlla. JIIIO Salesmanship Public Speaking CLASS AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTION under a Lecturer and Teacher of 30 years' In ternational experience and ertab. r, ttatlon, NATIONAL EFFICIENCY LEAGUE 008 CHESTNUT STIIEKT LEARN RUSblAN LVNUUAGE Trade with Russia will soon offer enormous possibilities; be prepared. Private Claasea. 33 leasons 110. Translations, any kind. Write for particulars. Mr. Malshlnshy. 1830 Pprlns (iarden St. 15 DIFFERENT STYLE MODERN HOMES in Beautiful New OAK LANE SECTION (City Sewers, Water and Paving) OLD YORK ROAD TROLLEYS to DOOR No. 24 on Sixteenth St. No. 55 on Eleventh St. No. 05 on Fifth St. Get Off at 68th Avenue or Haines Street and Walk West Prices Range $5200 to $9500 Satisfactory Terms ( Some Have Individual Garages INSPECT THEM TODAY Many Already Sold JOHN F. 2EH ( RUSSELL H. FOSTER BUILDERS SCHWINGLE BROTHERS WM. O. MAHON P. WM. HUSTER OFFICES ON PREMISES jac.aacaac3ca3Z3X3aJX3L!CBiJX3 a a a a u x a HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FACTORIES REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I'AC'TOftlLS REAL ESTATE FORRENT VS-CTOllIES Factory Ready for Occupancy Moderate Rental Long-Term Lease if Desired $4 month Night School SSSL Shorthand, English, Penmanship. PALMER SCHOOL. IS 8. 10th St. Private LetsoMBi'lft RaYic. Backward puplU. Mtn Wlldmn. 1636 Ite tt Yoimr Mn rtA Horn The Episcopal Academy Lociut and Juniper Sta. rOVNDSD JJIJ With Wbtoh WaaUnltsd In 1015 The De Lancey School Thorouih tralnlne under Christian Influence In preparation for Collate or Business, Separata Uldr. for boy 6 to 11 ytar ot ass. Voluntary Military Drill (or bora tn lbs Mlddla and Unpsr Rehoola. . SCHOOL 18 NOW IS 8KS8IOS inadmaatsr Its?. Philip J. Stslnmsta. Jr. ruuJoBBEM ESTKV UAH, COOKE Y. M. C A. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Band tor eatalot. IB cours, 11 Arch atrast. "ajUCCKHsrll. TtacSsir ot pIno."Vol5, coioha pupils, tarsa anodsrats. X Hot. t. Cla4. grillNO GARDEN INSTITUTE (ffSianl'o. Yung Women and Otrl ron OIBLS Miss Marshall's School OAK LAKE. rillLA. , nay and Bosrdlna Dapartmsnt. Primary throuiu collsi prsparatory courts, also Art. iiu.lo! Eiprssslon. JJoinastla Scteno. Tjaohsr S ivsry tlrl. Caiapu of 4 f,cr. Lart. Slr study room. Outdoor athlaflc. Appoint mint now b ,ntak. wito tha pflactpaL - j0ai XH lJjJVlt1 at. '' at? Wi J.,, " fC s Sr - sir '"Ve fiFM';tKt-lii lc&&Q' r y Cz$Z$$zmZ?mU J Ten z$&m t&$m&z&' acres, 450-foot frontaae on Delaware River. 175,00 square feet of floor space. One and two story brick build ings of mill construction. Big yard, power plmt and pumps, 2250 gallons per minuteapacity. Convenient io Three Trunk Railroad Lines This valuable property, on the Delaware River, within four miles of City Hall, Philadelphia, may BE RENTED AT ONCE. Suitable for BIG BUSINESS. This prop erty offers an ideal location in tho matter of splendid labor conditions and shipping facilities. Surrounded by New Jersey's biggest manufacturing industries. Full partic ulars on request, or representative will call. WRITE OR WIRE. David S. B. Chew 826 Commercial Trust BuiMinff PhilwWffci, Pa. sM Ja ' Bf( 4K'' ."t. 2Si if'', IS ? 1t- M "jiHno and Volo, hf inn tim ytiffii' sps K Wiat U 11 Ml i