JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Ogontz ancHiuntingdon Valley Red Cross to Hold Annual Election of Officers Tomorrow. Other Matters Discussed SLKMS to me pome of our otgatilzatlons lire scttlm? more and moro Govern mental in HHpect. quite llko political clco tlons, for lioro comes tho new that the ,1 election of omcor. for the OKon u IZ nu..tlnB1on Volley brunch of tho Kcr.cn He. Croas will take Place not only tomoirow. bflt nil day tomorrow. And the inc-nibcra who are ellBlblc to vote are , equated to to in uiul do i-o. it cfii to me mi eMJOc.llngb WlB mi some persons cannot nl-ui L to a puce lit a tciuln hour, and If ucv .an .top in Hiitl vote mm- time tlnougii tut. day 11 Mill certainly be b The Pt.sent olllccw of the Ownt and HuntinBdon Valley branch me Mm..Jolin 8 Newbold. chnh timiu M OcorKe lloi nco Loi-imc. M.-o chnlrman: Mi-, fapen "er Hrucfc Kcrretury. und Sirs. L.tui.inc.0 llutler. tieasurcr. MUS COLKY BUOW.V has gone down to Annnpolln and taken her s-mall son with her to ntuy a couple of months there You know. Coley Is stationed at Camp Stcado and naturally ho wants his family as near lilm as possible. Sirs. Brown is so good looking don't you think- She is a sister of Mrs. Willie tt Helen who has such a loveU olce. I fa odd how beautiful voices aie connected with the name Whrleii. Isn't If? Theie ns Mrs Cluulcs Wlielen. who died rev na'l vcars nco ' leinember she wan the mother of Violet and Charlie Whelen end all about tho pad il-lnc out of that family''1- Well, sho had a bcaulllul voice, R rontiallo. and then I'HIc AVholcn Goclct flews tans quite prcttll. Sho appealed with Mrs. Wllllo Whclcu, her sistcr-lnlaw. In tho duct from "Butterfly" at one of Tony Uiddlc's concerts scvcinl scars ago, that waa before sho was divorced from Hobble Goclet. She has not been seen In Philadelphia at public affairs since her i ...ori-imrp. for the leason that sho IK, scvuuu .,, ....- - If v. ii. .i mnt nf her time 111 Paris. ima ii" ...v. - Mis Whclun was Virginia Alter, ot Pittsburgh, and Sirs. Brown was Juno Artcr They aic both slim and ery smart looking and hnvo wonderful brown hair with golden glints through It. WAIt" And rutnor.1 of war! Ktinday morning the Wlssahlckon was awak ened from its peaceful nap. Indians'" wailed u timid llr tiee, as the flrt shot rang out, and huddled up still i ioei to her neighbor. He calm'' said a giandfathcrly old i tinut who is stiong on American hls tuM 'It is the return of Waslililgton." ou'ie both wrong!" sang out a Uttlo bli ih who lives cloc to the drive, and Is tlipiefnre alircast of the times. "I don't know where ou old fogies Imvo been while ocibody bus been talking. Thcie's u sham Untie raging between the Ches Tiut Hill llM-nea and the Oerniantown Minute Men and It's goine to bo "Wit' lne'" It p,is tu lie up to date. The little birch was light, and very soon all the trees, the old rocks and the entlro animal Mopiilutiun of tho Wlssahlckon were looUiiv on iinmzcd as the khakl-clud gen tUinen Mieaked aiound and shot at one anoiliei . . Mj' tin-, lake's mo back to the old d.ws, ' signed tho wall lit. "Thank goodness, they don't wear war paint and feathers." whlspcied the 111 as she looked fearfully down from her safe perch. "Oh. bu. this Is gicat:" "said the enthusiastic little birch from his grand fUnd scat on tho dilve. Be it known that for some time past the Chestnut Hill Kcserves have been bum at ilile practice with "real bullets' down at T'sslnirtnli. TIih ladles nf Chpst. nut Hill said Jh inly that they valued their window glass, to nay nothing of tho lives of their children and well, thcie's more loom at Kssingtou. 11ns is a new departtiie, but the men have taken hold anil theie Is many a "crack ' shot In the making. You just wait and see. TYtD ou know that Neddy and Hliza, J-' belli Pago hae h little daughter? Well, It's true, and she Is to be named Kllzabeth tirltllths Page. The little lady made her bow Into tho great world last Faturdaj and found a mighty warm wel come uwaitiug her. You rcmcrrlbcr, Ned nnd Elizabeth were married In 'Maverford June beforo last. Just before the ineni beis of the Plrst City Troop went to Slount (irctna and thence to Texas. When the Troop came back early last Januaij the young Pages moved Into their home in Vlllauova: In Ma Neddy left for I'oit Niagara, where he won his commission as a captain In the artilleiy. TjWnnv ON1-: sympathizes so much with XJ SIar Keaklu Large. Hob was op erated on cry lecently mid failed to rally afterward and his death occuned on Slonday eening. They had been married about fifteen years and have three dear children. Mis. Large Is very beautiful, with suoh wonderful red gold hair, and looked ulmost as young as the year she came out when I saw her lecently. nob Larpe was a great favorite In society uno will be greatly mUsed. He had been for some years connected with the Pennslnnia Railroad. Ho waH a brother of George Goidon SIfiido LaiKe. John Large, Sergeant IjRe, Mis. Joseph llaulson, Sirs, t'harlea V Fox i in t un,-o.,cn, . T"asb', His giandfather wag Generul "-uibo uoruon Meade, of Gettysburg fame, and his uncle was Colonel George Gordon Meade, Jr.. who married SIIss liessle Lewis, of this city. George Goidon Stcado, Saunders SIcade, Sirs. Horace, l'ranclne, Mrs. Gcorgu Cook und Strs. l-rescott Erskine Woo. who. you ie member, was Salradoie Sade, were first wusjns pf "Mr. Large. NANCY WYNNE. Social Activities Sir and Mrs. T. Ashby- Illy the. of 2300 in street announce tho engagement of l !. "''' MUfl tlladya Maria 5Irello, to I'leutenant Huott Douglass Jlcraughey, l". ' of Macombe. III. AlLs?"."! ir', MUtil H w' ""m .-v lrgp MQtyinrinifsya. h. '- . m jvlio spent (ha Mmilfl , tinier Haibor nrron"" ,0, "1-elly. the!? p'm, M wevon. for llio autumn ,.,... , pend the winter in FhlUdctphla. "" " " Sir. ami .Mrs Auluey Huntlmr of td- mcir House at Devon about November 1. f.omcJdK11T",,,r ,u""rt" """" vMNiib ii hl.i. ' ''1"'re sl"" ,liu" '"t" ! 'sil'rfLT1 ""'"'- Mr. .o.t,'r ui!, " " " "f i.ui.fip '.,i, i M ,"r,l, of "on .Mis. stuhlrr UHlncar lemcn"'"" - Ml,, L'lizabetl, Aliothei Junnrli 0f il,. rimrfuencv vi.l The ni. .. I"..tl" " ' nro t-n. i oit.v-sevonth Mreet and Cedar avenue The tal-en'iiTSSi0 l",C ?"'" AW will I,. s0l.t "m "" orn oi una SALE HELD AT CENTURY CLUB Twelve Hundred Cans of Fruit and Vegetables Sold at Lans- downc This Morniny; '"Nciy one knows Iioh hull the women of tho Century 'lub have been tanning ai. . ineserMnc all summer Ioiir Kvery mem ber of the club has been called upon to help out with this yplendld woik nl one time or another. So now the arc all pioud as can be of the almort liirredlble amount of sturf they hne put up ttvche hundred cans of all kinds of vcRetaliles and fruity, besides conserves, jellies, delicious pickles nnd spirj sauces This morning a sale of all these thhiRs was held in the clubhouse, and the money thus made will be given to the i-iuuiKciic-y .mil Speaklnc f sales, the social committee ur ht. John's Church will have one on SatUi day morning. October 13. And what Is to be mid this time? Why, cakes and home-made ones at that. Theie aro luio of women who couldn't bako a cake if thev tried without having it "fall" or burn or do soino other thin like that, so they wel come a cake sale with fervent Jov, for then perhaps they can successfully fool Friend Husband Into actually believhiK that his clever little wife made that good chocolate cake all herself A meeting of Hie Ameitcaiiizatioti Federa tion or Lansdounp was held at Hie home of .Mrs. t'huilcn S .Mussel- on Monday mm-n-ing .Mia .Muster is the chairman of this oiganlzatlon, which has done all kinds or good work among the foreigners aiound there On Sitmday afternoon Miss Margnriito Irvinjj Bae a party for Mls3 Helen Sanders, who Is to he married on October C4 to Mr. "iuy Fackler. First of all, the guests plojecl cauls, and then there was a trousseau rhower for the bride-to-be. And mahe that wasn't the sunniest showei she vmis ever In ' Therp were blf of lingerie and little powder puffs and all tho other things "thai every Kirl loves' Th( puests were Jhs Floremc Young. Miss Ilelnn Taylor. Miss Ituth Decker. Mrs. Howard Itusler. Mrs. Louis Hat tram. Mrs. llcorRp Williams, Jr., Mts Kthel. Hart, Miss Alma Wallace and Miss .Mabel Wallace, MI'S l.-ahel tialbraith. Mrs Aithur Hiercton. Jliss Catharine French. Miss Mabel Husler, Miss Sarah Itachen helm. Jliss Mabel Jackson, Mrs. Louis CSai rlKues, Mrs. Clifford Ware. .Mrs. James Mc Neil, and Mis. i:dward Irving. Mr and Mrs. George W. Curtis, with ihelr oung foil sailed recently for Caracas. Ven ezuela. The Curtltes have been visiting Mrs. C'urtls's parents, Mr. and Mis. Fraiuts D MaNwell, this summer On Monday evening a dinner was uien at the Presbyterian ("hutch by tho S 12 Howard Mission Circle. The memheis of this society he one of these affahs cvoiy ear. and tlie ale alwns a creat sucee Afterward, there is geneially an entertain ment of somrsoit or other. This time a ver.v clever little sketch, called "Two Mas tets." wis presented Mrs. II. Ttoss Smith coached the play, and the members nf the cast were Miss Fmnia Kiddie, M.m Itlam he Ilnleman, Miss Eleanor Caruthers. Miss Chailotte Stearns and Mis. Frank Crall. Jlr. and Mis. AVilllam S. Uater gave a dinner last Wednesday eenlng;, the guest of honor being Mrs Baiter's father. Dr. John S. .HIckley. The other guests weie Mis. John S. HIckley. Mr. and .Mrs. Fiank Hagert.v. Mr. and .Mis. Charles Shuitleff, Mr. and Mis James fassel, Jlr. and Mie. Holmes Anderson. Jlr and Mis. William V Naulty, Dr. and .Mrs. MacCJann. Jlrs. Jfaroid D Havlland. Jlrs. JIargaiet Andeison and Jlaster Albert . Baiter Theie are some persona who have just recentlj lelurned fiom shoie or mountains. Mr. and .Mrs. John B. Cieraghty have le turued from Wlldvvood. and Jlr. and JI13. C. W. 1 Smith, who were up in New Ilamp slilre. ate back In T.ansdovvne again. Dr. and Sirs. James B. Itiickcr have also re turned from a lsit of two weeks to Oceu,. City. JIr flaiencc Sill and Mr. fMwaid ' If Wllkle look some of their ft lends on a silling trip up the Delaware llivcr last w eek-end Jlr. Itaniioml Ouden. who i wnh 'be ambulance oip at Allenlown s)nt Uiu week-end with his paicnts. Mi and JIi J Herbett Ogden PARTY IN HONOR OF HER FIANCE Germantown Bridal Party En tertained at Dinner and Dance Last Evening JIijs AUla Beatrice Dunbar of Wayne avenue, whose engagement to Jlr William U Mv-'Causland has just been unnounced gave u party In honor of her fiance last week Sir Jld'ausland has just left for Foit Hancock, where he is a membei ot the 103d Itcgimenl of Englileets Friends of Mr. and-Jlrs. William Kobson of Ceimantown avenue and Duval street, will be glad to know that t'nelr 1HU so.i Edward P.obsoii, -has recovered from Ins serious Illness, ' Miss Jlarlon Datesman and Mi Edmund Allen Hill, whose marriage takes place to-das- entertained their- bridal party at din ner,' followed by dancing, last evening Mr James II. Peberdy. formerly of Oer mantown. has been made first lieutenant In the. ambulance corps now stationed at Camp Sheridan. Ala. Mrs. Peberdy will join her husband in November. Mr and Sirs, Harry Weeks, of St Star tins, ate being congratulated upon Ilia birth of a" daughter. Miss Alice Stswart, of St, Martin's lane, whoso engagement to Ensign George Gordon Brsed V. H. N., has been announced, spent "he week-end In New York Til TKtenln I-editr will Print news at .niVlnlniiinit, nriisnitiits. weiMlnr. and Sldi !! pPr and r,ilnil nllb th. !'A.S'.'Zil nam Ulwlime ubr. M4r, KtmImc .i. i i -1 mtmv Wffrr EVENING LEDGER- MRS. HENRY PRICE iwssw-mt-sc-tsKafast.;. . Mrs. Wrichl is an olliccr in the Jlotor The association is sponsoring the two John Philip Sousa and his band of 'ITu GAMES FOR MEN AT CAMP MEADE North Philadelphia Business Men's Association Forms Wel fare Committee for Draftees The tnombers of tho North Philadelphia Business Jlen's Association on account of the. war and the sacrifices the people have made and will be requited to make In the futuro have decided that It would not be advisable to hold their annual Halloween celebration, and have organized a soldiers and sailors' welfaic committee to secure funds to provide for the welfare ot tin "men" of the rnmmuultv who me now at riAnp Jleade and later Cor all soldiers and sallots from thl section This action an taken upon the receipt of a letter from the c imp written In behalf of the members of Tompanies II and !, of the 315th Infantry, which stated' "We men down bete are ill need nf games such as checkets. In fact, all indoor games would be appreciated, as we aie told that many davs during the coming w Intel will be gloomy ones. A few games to pass awav tho time will make iliincs more cheerful for these two com panies. Now- for clear da.vs we could use, footballs, soccerballs and b.isebalK The men nf these i-omp.tnis uro all from Nice town District No. 41. local division." Tho business men have sent an appeal for funds to the churches, fraternal ordeis nnd all organized lodli-, us well as to tlm residents of District Xo. Ai Jlr. Hdwaid 12. Zlegler Is jnesldent of the association, Jlr Hounid E. Heckler vice president. Jlr George E. Kimball treasurer. Jlr. George II. JI Swift and Jlr Newton E. Fieed sec letarles. The special welfaic committee In cludes these ofllceis- Jlr. Paul Wendlcr. Jr.. .Mr. Charles Cobb Van Riper, the I!e. F A' Bowers. Jlr. W. L. Clark. Jlr. John P JIacBean Mr Harvey Vaudegrift. Jlr. U. A Wick. Jlr JI Meyer. Jlr William JI Gordon, Jliss JI. A. I'elln. Jliss Susan Bocklus. SI is. Pilscilla Wrlgley. JI D. II. Uuffner Sir. Hauy Oelnnan, Sir. Charles JIajer. Sir. Hairy Gear. Jlr. P. W. Pvlck etts", Jlr Thomas Van Osteu, .Mr. W. J. lllser. Jr. the Itev S B Williams. Sir. jrattbew Kennej. Dr. E. 11. Wiggins. Jlr. R Walton. Jlr. William Robinson. Jlr. J. X. Jlountaln. Jlr Dominic Imbed, Dr. Ben jamin t'lanski Mr. Thomas Keefe. Jlr, E B. Collnier, Jh John Michel, Sir. Frank Wilght, Piof. Oliver S. Ely, Jlr. Alfied Jlugglewoith, Sir. S. Bernstein. Jlr. Geoige 12 Kimball, Jlr. Joseph Ziegier. Jlr. F. Noble. Sir. Edwaid C Snjder, Jr. Jlr. Wal ter Weideinann. the Rev. Joseph Kuczynskl Jlr. W. L. Swctlaml. Jlr. Thomas Keclcy and Jlr. George Spoerhase Through Jlr. Paul Wendlcr. Jr. A. Stein fc Co, manufaciuieis. have sent a ery useful gift to the soldiers from this sec tion at Camp Jleade. Do nut tty to guess unless ou ale a man, for oul a man would understand how opportune such a gift would be It shlit sleeves aie plenty long and sockb aie troublesome seven dozen pairs of armbands und seven dozen pairs ot garters to match. Surely thes will be useful when the outdoor games i each the camp. Stein & Co. havo done a generous bit and the soldiers appreciate the kindness, SPEAKING OF pTCirtM.'" tr i.", .,.. """& ' -. ,imma. .....irf '. - ' , " r w ' , jrwT-s zr?j&& sytirvg MHJilBri B LkSBM'5Pv ' AmBHHBIL II 'if vH iepyrlciit M I'ubllsainKloiapum' K"l'iimd by nipsj-'V Jit'ati-m il Hri Bckhone-I an'l; make out; vhy theyliavo stf jnny ftcca In a hotel. UjTtr B-How, Uwry. Vu Vw very wll they mvit be family t?e ;adelphia. Wednesday, October 10, WRIGHT AND HER SMALL DAUGHTER . .-:. ..H.:v"SfcssK53Sn!Si3S photo y 11' In i, h iMcsscnjrcr Scrvu-c. which is enhrted tu help for the duration of tho war. navy rallies to ho hold tomorrow m tho Academy of Music, when Lieutenant sailors from tho Gteat Lakes Trnitntip Station will appeal' for the benefit of navy yard recreation building!. NUMBER OF WEDDINGS TO TAKEPLA.CE THIS EVENING Daughter of Director of Public Works to Marry Mr. Edmund Allen Hill Tonight in Grace Methodist Church, Broad and Master Streets AX ATTRACTIVE autumn wedding will Ai. take plnco this evening at fi ",0 o'clock In Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, nt Bioad and Jlatter streets, when JltR .Ma rion Josephine Dalesman, daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. George E Datesman. of Geriunn town, will heroine the bride of .Mr. Edmund Allen Hill Dr. Frmk Parkin, pastor of the church. ntlU'iatlng The bride, who will bo given In marriage by her father, will wear n gown of heavy Italian satin and clmntillv lace, embroidered In prarls and mado wllh a long court it a In. Tho lullc ell. whlih will fall below the ttaln, will bo fastened wllh a coionet of pearls and will be caught hero and there wllh orango blossoms, Tho bridal bouquet will consist of lilies of tho valley ai.d orchids. Tho matron nf honor Jlrs C Elmer Ton-nsend, will be gowned In turquoise blue aniline silk, trimmed with heavy silver lace An artistic touch will bo added by an apricot tulle Haiti and sho will carry apricot dahlias and tea roses. Jliss .Marlon Montxomcr.v. the maid of honor, will we.u a frock made like that of the matron of honor and will also carry dahlias and tea roses Miss Helen Fi. .Miss Pearl Aiinan, 3113 Emma Biadbury and Sirs. Lewis 11. Howell, 3d. will wear frocks of apricot-color Eolrce silk, trimmed with silver lace and inailo wllh tiains of turquoise blue silk net. They will ean arm bouquets of pink snapdrag ons Little .Miss Jlarjorie Tonnsend. the (lowei girl, will wear a white organdie frock smnrked In blue and will carry a basket of sweetheart roes. .Mr. Hill will have Mr William K Neely as best man. and the ushers will bo Mr. Thomas O'Brlan. Sir. Chat leu KlluRC. Sir. c. Elmer Towulend, Jlr. Lews o. IIowcll, 3d, and Sir. Norman Stiller A large leceptlo'n will follow the cere mony at tho Rlttcnhouso Hotel Mr and Sirs. Hill will livo at Oil Albutus sheet. Cennantown DAXXEKER JUSIANES A quiet wedding took placo this morning at 9 o'clock, when SIIss Anna Slarto Sic Slanus, daughter of Sir and Sirs, ci.ffoid SIc.Mauus, nf 3312 Baring street, became the In Ide of Jlr. Joseph M. Danneker. Jliss MuMauus was attended by her sister, Jliss Elizabeth MuSfanum. us maid of honor and Mr Frank Uioss, of Lock Hacn, was best man A wedding breakfast followed at tho home of the Inlde. The cercmon was perfoimed b the Rev John Danneker. RiiBINSOV XS'I VT'T The wedding of Jliss llame Eli abeth Ausiadt dauglnei of .Mr and Mis Charles ORNAMENTS:- P. Anstndt. uf Vuik, and .Mr Wallci Irving Robinson, of this clt.v, took placo yesterday morning In St Pauls Ev angelical church, York. Pa. nt 0.3n o'clock. 3Ir. und Jlrs liobinson will be nt homo after November 15 nt BUSO Spruce stieel. Mr. Robinson Is tho financial editor of the Evkninu LEoann IHRLEV- Tt'ftPfXH The matri.lgc or JIlwi Adrlemie Turping and Jlr. Daniel J Hurle. of Easton. took place quietly 3Ionday. Ortober S, nt 'J ii'cluck at St Columba's Chtireh 'tho cere mony was performed liv the Rev Joseph Coillgan .Miss Turping wore n daik blue traveling suit, with a bat to matili Thero were no attendants EVANS- I2JI 12 UT. I'liMiuiirnt among tonlght'n weddings will bo that of .Miss Lillian Edith L'nier.v. daughter of Jlr. Lewis Franklin Enter), of 502 Slain street. Xoiristown. and .Mr Het belt Roane Eati. widely known In this tit), which will take place at the homo of tho bride's father nt 0 o'clock, and will lie followed by a large lecrptlon The Rev Chailcs R Ketter, of thn Urncn Lutheian I'huiih, Norrlstown, will perforin the ceic moti). Sir. Emery will give bis daughter In man Inge. Her gown will be of Clcorg etie i-repo and duchess l,u-e, dtaptd over soft taffeta, with the train of hand-em-broldercd ciepe Her veil of mile will be arranged vviih a cap of lose point lace llrldo roes and lilies of the vallev will be earned. Miss "Minor? Sialic Eniri), Hie liride's liitle niece, will bo tlower girl. She will wear a dainty whltn fiock of French organdie and her tlower basket will lie filled Willi sneel pens of pastel shades A novel tdeo will be the nairow satin rib bons of pink. blue, jellou und bneiider Willi which the tln.v flower bearer will lead the bride. Slaster James S, .Moore. Jr. and Jliss Julia Jloore. children or Sir. ami Jlrs James S Jloore, nf Cyinvvd. md thrf nephew and niece of tho biidcgiooni. will act as ribbon bearers Jlr A. Clarence Emery, tho bride's hi other, will bo best man. Sir. Eans and nis nrldo till! leave on an extended south ern tiip and will be at homo In Norrlstown after December I. ADA.MS HARTXEI.L Theie will be a iciy ntttnctlve autumn wedding in St Paul's Reformed Fpiscopal church. Broad and Venango sheets, this evening. Tho hi ide will be SIIss 12. Neva Haitzell. daughter of Sir. and Shs. Jordan H. Haitzell. of 1702 West Eile Hicnue. and tho bridegroom Sir. Howard Slaishali danis. The Rev Forrest E. Dager, the lector, will perform the ccremonj at 7 :tu o clock and a irceptlon at the home of the hrido'H patents will follow. The bride, who will be given in mnrrlago by her father, will wear a gown of cream-colored faille with pearl trimming. Tr x t It of tulle, ai r.inged with a cap held In placo with orange blossoms, will extend to the hem r the court train. Ward loses and lilies of tho lalley will fnim her bouquet. Attend ing the bride will be Shs Charles Sn.vder. lr man on of honor. 3lls Helen Van I RonU maid of honor. JIIks Helen Gear) i i,ri JIis9 Helen Tabiam, bridesmaids. They win no nmren in nocks or net. draped oier aoit taffeta, the niation of honor In tialo ellow. the, maid of honor pink and th iiriaesniauis niio green and oichld. r.'acri win wear a iiat of black net, with stream er of jellow- rlhbon. and each will car, v . cactus dahlias to match the color of the gow n. Sir. Charles Adams will be his biother's best niHit, and the ushers will be Jtr liarles Sn)der, Jr.. Sli. Lesler Dickinson and Albert Magee. Tho biidegroom and bride will leaie on an extended tiip and upon theli) return will live In Tioga. HA31ILTOX-NOBLE Announcement. Is mad of the mairlage or Miss Mary I Xoble. nf Rz Shel. don street, Ro.iboiougli. to Jlr. WIN Main J Hamilton, also of Roxborougn, on Thutsday afternoon. o tober 4, at the tionie of the brides parents, by ihe Rev Willimn Fniney. of the .Mount Vernon Hap-ii-f i hurch The lnidn, whose father gave her in mairlnge. worn a gown of white net draped over pussvvvillow taffeta, and was attended by Sllsa Slarian Hamilton, the bridegroom sister Sir. Robert II Ham ilton was his biother's bejt man. Theeri. mony was followed by a lecepiion. Sl'iT and Sim. Hamilton left for Washington, D c and other places In the South, and upon their return will be at honfe at 562 James town avenue, Roxhorough. rOSTLKS NASON The marriage of SIIss Helen Baxter Nason to Sir. John Van Gasken Postlea will take place this afternoon at H:30 o'clock at the home of the bride, 4G03 Spruce street The bride, who is the daughter of Jjr and Sirs, Harry Baxter Nason, will vvcac a blue satin and georgette creps dress and a black velvet, hat. Mls Dorothy Beacn, the maid of honor, will be attired in a gown of blue satin covered with brown i iffon with a brown hat Mr Thoiuaa Ilu is to be best man A small reception la to follow the wed ding, After an extended wedding trip Mr r.d Mrs. rtwtlM . wl'I live Jn Rochester. t1'? ,,'- ''- ' lorr FIFTY SOLDIERS Men From Camp Dix Spend Sunday at Hoineifi Presbyterian Parishioners in Edgewater Pa: and Beverly, E DUEWA1KR PARK Fifty of the sol diers from Camp DlJt, at Wrlghtstowti. were enteitHltiod over the week-end at Edgewater Park and Heierly. Two weeks ago the Rei. Aithur Phillips, pastor of the Picsb)teilHn Church, made tho letnark at a meeting held at the manse that he thought It would bo a very good arrangement If his parishioners would give as mativ ns possible of the soldiers a little outing "ter tho week-end, as manv ot the men ate a long distant c from their own homos. As a teult twentv-llin homes In Heveily and Edgewater Pink were turned over in the guests from Camp Dlx Theie weie special sen lies held on Sun d.iv morning In the Prrsb)tcrlHti Church, where the soldiers attended in a body. In the evening a musical program was ren dered. Neail) a thousand people attended the ferities cordial weh'nme wait glien to the Koldlers even where they ilsltcd during thn d,i At each home the soldiers were enter tained In some special win It Is rumored that the other chinches of Beirrlv have been so moused by tho patriotic mole in the way of entertaining the soldiers over the week-end that they will follow the example set 1 (ho members of tho Pres byterian Church. Sir. nnd Jlrs. J. Edward Starter and Mr Frank Starter haio anlvcd home after spending a fortnight In the I'oeono Moun tains Sir and .Mrs. John "tV. Davie, of Bur lington, ato spending October with their daughter. S!r Russell Clarke, nt her home, the Villa. Sir and Shs Jnmes W Vodges returned to their home near Woodbiir.v after spend ing a foi might with Sir and Sirs. James SI Vodges of Park lanvn Th fall business nnd local meeting nf, the Paiagiaph i"uh was held nt the home nf Sirs Philip S Clnikson on Tuesday, ictnber 1 Miss Slniv W.viine, of Noi Hi Franklin stieel, was the guest over tho week-end of Jliss Alice V Roeho. nf rilft l.ane Jits A. 12 Do Less has returned to her home, the Tamarack, after spending a fort night at AUamln Cltv .Mrs. A 'i. Allen, of tho Traey. Philadel phia. Is the guest of Sir. nnd Sirs. Joseph c. Gill at, tho Holt-Wilson, on tho Icla waie Sirs. . Rhllla.rd-Smlth will close her home here on October 15 and will spend the winter nt tho Elttfnhouse Apartment" Philadelphia .Miss Ella Day Blair has returned home after spending the summer In Osrnr Seagel s famous musical colony at Heliroon Lake, . V, and has opened her studio nt in South Eighteenth street for tho winter season. 3llss Jlnry Ciithbeit, nfter a fortnights stay Willi her grandmother. Sirs. SI. 12 i'utl)liert. lias returned to her homo at Altnona. Pa. Sirs. Ella Hoover Thadu"- returned to her home at Washington, D '., nfter n few days' usit with her son, 3tr Franklin W Thachcr, at his home, Plnehurst. BI-JVERLV -The annual meeting for the election of otllcers for the Beverly branch ot the Red Cross will be held tomorrow. Sirs Guy It Smith, of Albany. N. V Is tho guesf of Pr. and Jlrs. Herbert J. Cook, at SI. Stephen's lectori- SIIss Elizabeth Perkins ban returned from a ten days' lslt to Trenton. Jtr. and Sirs Charles Wolrolt haio re turned from a fortnight's stay at Atlantic Clt. Jliss Isabella Atkinson spent the week end Willi friends In West Philadelphia Sir and Sirs. John T. Slorrcll and Jtlss Slury 3Iorrc.ll arrived homo from an ex tended motor trip through the New England Stales. Sir. and Jlrs C F. Hatfield aro home from Ocean Ciiy, whole they h'dio been spending a month DELA.M'O -Sir. and SIis Robert E 11 IB A M In II is r. SI. ilOI.hWlN I'rvsenbi MAXINE ELLIOTT Id First uiul I luslve Slinwln of "FIGHTING ODDS" U It"l I'm'jiier .irfgrue rtlvt Irwn S. Cnhb addkii ri'n,rifiiN rntsi hiiowisij IMACK SENNETT COMEDY "ROPING IIEIl ROMEO" Next Weex -C'laia Kiniba. ouriB in Mapda." PALACE IJU SIVIIKI2T STRCKT 10 A. M -11:13 P. M. IiSM. DAY WILLIAM FARNUM "' "V&Veti.. "WHKN a sian' r.ns itr.h" ARCADIA UU12ii'lM'l' lielow 10TH SPi'ONII AND riN-vr. ivi.'uu WSt. POX'S COlinEOL'.S KI'I2CTACI.B "Jack and the Beanstalk" At V. 11 A. M. 1. a. B, 7 and U V. SI. JXJlUJlliN 1 fllmi Pnlrnvn Vfr. A. b W Cd 'Ihe hiliMu'ft fcHieis" VICTORIA JIAnKKT Abovo tlTH II A M. It tr, 1'. M. THIH WKI21C OXLV rosllHM- No t a ii. n In Prl, e ti i oitiri iiu.s svoou.floo tpi:uTri.K U INTOLERANCE" GLOBE Theatre &, :t s, lit hTA -Contlnuoui 11 A. SI. to 11 P. SI. lUc, l"io. -OC. 350 "IN AND OUT AGAIN" D12.KJ2N, n.Ulll .. BVEBETT. OT1IEH3. rT?nCt2 Tc'TrVQDA,l:v- a .io imi'. tsc. UJXUOO JLVIii I o r.f 7.o. io- .'0c-,. '5s THE DUCHESS MODELS "HT?n ATtWAV Broad Snyder Ave. H5A9. "FOOLISH FACTORY" OTIIEllS -AlftO pi.rt.5y "TIIE HONOR SYSTEM" POTHMTAT ohitsiAXTOWN and tULUlNIAU M.U'I.IIMOOtl AVP.S FIRST TtSIK IV r.r.KM NTOWV COME THRU --: SZS?' " G Great Vaudeville Acts 6 Qfvonrl '',"- Av' at Venango V ,.f lirivaii CalclIIU. 1.1PT T1MRS TODAT MARGUERITE CLARK in "BAB'S DIARY" NIXON iS" AND IA11KEX STnKKTS COME THRU -"&?!!$$!; W AI.HO 1'OtlKlNll rt DEVIU.M Hit. I, , ACADBMV Ol' Sll'flll' hATL'niJAV. OOTOUKIt SO, 2:30 K R E I S L E. R Tickets at Iltppo'a. TSc lo W. liaxtt, 112-Jlg Direction. tAJ5UI. rmpliony Bull. Ilcton loiT-is ACADEMY OF MUSIC 3hyf BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Vr Karl Murk Conductor iun, in. Nov 0, Dee. S, Jn. 7. Feb. 11. Mr. 11 . , Hototut SMK 5IEI.1IA WIN1FIIKH C'HRIBTIB KIltTZ IvHKISI.r.n Srsion sale Hon Oct 15. iieppcn liiii I'nminm Hi l'r; tr. U. 7 SO. K 3 t0 llox.. T5 J HO. CASINO HiTSw siaiim:t MIlUNT fX yfl .MlOVK t t 1. -, if "" ""' WERTAJNKJp , Yvwl f Ne.w Jersey :, it -iM Clark Imvn etot-cd thru- sunnner horii; and will siienrt tin, winter In t'liUnitolnVC Silas Kntherlne JIasclier announceil imi i mm- or ner niece. Jliss JInbel T,-I ponstiel. of Birmingham, to Mr. Keti SI. Harris. Sir and Mrs Harris, on i retmn from their wedding trip, will (1I .,, CTi i iiiiiiueipma Sir and Mrs. Joseph Hults anrtorurtCJl tW engagement of their daughter, SIIss 3cei L Hultz. to .Mr, George SIoMeomerJVW" Riierton . , k . , Jfo MfvJil BV SUni'KISB LINEN SHOWEItV ' Number of Guests nt Party Given "'it Home of Kinncc's Sister A snrprUe linen shower was glveh (n hntmr of SIIss Slary 'lauber at tho tegldenpe of her nance's sister. Sir Esther Chap man. 32 Pine sheet Miss Tnubers en gngement to Sir Abralinni Blakeman Ipui been aunnunced The ariangement.s for th surpiihp wcro made by Surah Blakeman and SIIss IMiiiih Tauher. Sir. Dai Id Chapman rntertalned wltK plnno selections and tenor solos. Vocal solos weie also sung by SIIss Ueba Indlcter. SIIss Rnso tJreen, SIIss Diana Tauber, Miss Sarah Blakeman and Sir Slgmund Llncbls who also entertained with his witty reclta tlnns. The nlost modern dances wcro ex hlbltcd by SIIss France" New, Miss SaraW New. SIIss Rose Fisher, Sllss Sarah Shaw and "Jliss Bessie Dli liter Among the guests liferent wero Miss. Mnndiall and Shrs Kllzuliolh Goldstein, Sllss Auua Bin kail. Miss Rose Jiackall, Miss Roie .Miss Siihrliian. Miss (ireettr Mis (londmnn. .Miss llnmei, Miss l.llllan Gold stein. Miss Adlei Miss Resale Fisher, JIlss Levlnthnl. Slis" Stnrv Chapman, Sir Harry Fisher. Mi It Slarien. Mr Jack Rolstln-, Mr Itrnjnmin Siliuaiu. Sir A. LeMn, Mr Hoffiii.iii, Jh- 1.1-Mii, Jlr Abraham Becker, Mr Philip chaptpjii, Mr Harry Goodman Mr. EiJw.imI l.tpsbli. Sir Albeit Goltlbcrjt and Sir. Albert Now. WHAT5 DOING ATO night ",V A'2 rJttfto&m , (luurlerlv iiieetini; of the Allied Aftftoctjw lion" rf West I'liil.iilciiihia Heralds of Lib cttv RuildinK l"H-l. 14 I'hcMnut street, JI o clock , MelliiB nf the I'lillier" A'focliilWn, Fr.inUfnid HikIi School, X o clock MrHlnir orlh 1emtni;(nn Avenue Itttftl- ness MttiM "nrintlun. .Mcl'hereon Tark Librarj ltulldlnE o'clock. .Miinlhl.v iiirrtlne lIMurli'itl !nrletjr of renns.vlvnnin with nddreyves. lecture room .Norniiil Schonl, Thltti'i-nth nnd Hprlinj Gar den Mrect., 8 p in free II. mullet of I nilril 'tiito- nvnl leaner nt KuRler c 1 1 n'c'orlt ACADEMY OF MUSIC TliurBilny, Octubor 11th, Matineo US P. M.) and Kvcninu (8 P. M.) Only Aiipuunuicc in Philadelphia LIEUT. JOHN PHILIP S0USA And the Great Navy Bar from tho Great Lakes (Chicago) Truinmtr Station OCA ENLISTED OCA iJy MUSICIANS -Jv Noted Speakers and Singers Proceed? will go to the RECREA TION FUND for the Enlisted Men at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Tickets "."., 50c, 7fc, $1 and $1.50 On Sale at Hcppe'a 1117 Chestnut Street METROPOLITAN ?, x0 ina i BARGAIN MAT. TODAY BEST SEATS $1 Tlie lllcrert Diamatlc Speclaele on Earth T H F WANDERER f.T.nrt T DVVID BELPCO KvenlnE an-t Futurdny Mat , BOo to It. CO, Con t.ner I"lor snt Hverv I'erformtnco Jt.00 HeatK lo en ul ut Diinntnwn Ticket OtBco, IIok i"liet"Ut St. 'TH12"iANDBIti:R" l .NOT a Moving rictur. COJII'ANV OK SW PHOPLK FORREST Mat. Today J-'V-rJ? EXTRA MAT. FRIDAY b ciiAiu.i;a niii.i.NOHAM phesents FRED STONE In 'JACK O'LANTErtN" wiiiktlv ti-xes- vvx-sa Ginun SEATS FOIt rillDW MAT. NOW SELLINO NEXT Kl:lv KI'ATS TO.MOHROW THE GRASS WIDOW With Natalie Alt. Jena Dandy. Otl Harlan. BROADIatTToday -T;n" EXTRA MAT. FRIDAY 'cjJub MAUDE ADAMS IN A NEW COMEDY A KISS FOR CINDERELLA Uy J. M. UAltRIB GARrYcK Pop.MatT Today EXTRA MAT. FRIDAY Cheating Cheaters fop. Mit. TODAY. bt aeala, tl 00. "rVmaaC1 t'0!'- Mat- Today, tlent Seats II Li 1 IXflW Tonltht at ( -in, JtaU.. 2 :J0, Oliver iVironco'a lruttit LttUEliln fue. THE -BRAT Ai V ANTl WITH M A U D E V U L TON ADELPHI Last G Times , wf s 2rm J1..LI fcSOT'l Ii$t "Popular $1 Mat. Totuor Evcnlnrr, i3i, 1 THE 13TH CHAIR 'M; By BAYARD CHILLER ,V with MARGAREr WYCIIERLY STAH'IS MOK,, OCT 10 SEATS TOMOrtROWT MARY'S ANKLE 5" WIUi 1IIENB KENWH'K und filar Ouil m.J luiludlnf WALTER JONES ." jj t W JllllllL IllelieV 51at To kvci. Itekt. Beat It. IK). V ThuiN.. -JNL JOo. Kit. Mat, re. 0"c. 3 .1AMF.S A. HKKNK a SHORE ACRES KTT'T'T'tl'C! Today at 2, 2&i and t. lilliriO Tonltht at S.25o to !.. aiu-EIS & PRENCH-- wpi-CRESSY & DAYNE-Wa- atURCoJou Burrouufllnj Shawl ' 6EIHJND W'lSODS .RETEA,TAOK THK OUUMAN? AT T LITTLE TJIEATE Iterlnnlns Thvra. C-g . JUnrgnrec Ana lie ''LONJCI.T fcOM OMlMfell OJr KMt l m W Hf if ;. .- f . ? ' k , -it.'i'wi . r? ',