i i f'ti t t t I Hf ' i TO BE THE ISSUE . I. i i Mietjng Party's tan Announces High tt in Campaign IS MOVING RAPIDLY Smith and the allegations which hen mads against him and his ad rtratlv aids In the Fifth Ward hearing ! constitute the "irreat outatandlnir Issue" ! tke campaign of the Town Meetlna- turtv Mamt the Smlth-Vare ticket, according ' a statement 'made last night by Thomas , Armstrong, chairman of the new Inde- , ycnaent party. Mr. Armstrong said the campaign plans are advancing rapidly and announcement of ww complete ticket may be looked for Within a day or two. It Is understood the Malnlng of signatures to the nominating yetltlons will start this, afternoon or to. morrow morning. ' Mr. Armstrong said: "The one great, outstanding Issue of this ontekt. In which, upon the one hand, the i Mrignt citizenship of the community Is Wlgned for political freedom, personal fety And protection of the right of Iran ehlse. and. upon the other hand, are the combined forces of debauched power, an eutrago of authority and n, perversion ot eiriclal duty and public trust. Is personified Jn Mayor Smith, the Administration whlcn leads and the factional political allies with whom he has united to gain and main tain Power, even at the cost of human life. .. No matter what shall be the outcome of the legal actions now under way, or to be started which none can doubt will result n trials for murder the people of Phila delphia can no longer tolerate such a par. tlsan membership of Councils as make it possible for the Mayor utterly to disregard law, public decency and private rights, with out fear of halt, except by court proceedings. "Trie cltizensmp wnose rights and prerog atives thus have been usurped and defied. Almost without limit, may be confident that not only In the Town Meeting party nom inations for the county offices, but as well In the magisterial and councllmanlo can didacies, an Insistent and resistless drive will be mado to curb and effectually end uch willful abandonment of administrative powers and official authority as culminated on September 19 In murder and thuggery by hired criminals, imported for that pur pose." SHRINERS TO BUILD TEMPLE ON PARKWAY EOTS LEpGEFmiiADMIA:, MONDAY, QftTOBEB 8, , 1M.7 ATTACCHI W SORPRESA RESPINTIDAGLIITALIANI Altri Prlgionieri Austrjaci Von- gono Catturatl nelle Cavernc di Monte San Gabriele Block Purchased by Lu Lus. Structure Will Cost More Than $1,000,000 W. Freeland Kendrlck, acting for Lu I,u Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, this morning made set tlement for the purchase of the entire block of ground extending from Twenty-second to Twenty-third streets, Spring Garden street to Pennsylvania aenue, right on the Mne of the Farkway. Upon the plot Is to he erected the largest Temple of the Mystic Shrine In the world at a cost of more than 11.000,000. Directly opposite the site to the west trill he the new Municipal Art Gallery, to cost upward of (4,000,000, and to the east will be located the proposed Convention Hall. Public Library and other municipal fculldlncs. As the new Shrine Temple will be the first private enterprise to take cog nizance of the Importance of the Parkway, tho trustees, who will be In charge of the erection of the new Temple, have already adopted tentative plans for the magnificent dlflce. It Is estimated that the cost of the new TAX Lu Temple, exclusive of the value of , the ground, will be In excess of (1,000,000. tjttst how soon ground may be broken for the new building rests largely with the Government, for a request has been made to defer as much structural work at the prea nt time as possible, as the Government demands for material and labor are very lieavy by reason of the war. The tentative plans provide for a principal auditorium for meeting purposes to accom modate comfortably not less than 6000 per sons. In the event that the proposed city convention hall Is not built by the time the new temple Is completed, this auditorium will In Itself be large enough to accom modate the largest convention gathering likely to come to Philadelphia for some years to come. Immediately underneath this auditorium, tn which Is to be built one of the largest rgans In Philadelphia, will be the largest ballroom floor In this city, which may also be utilized for banquet purposes. The seat ing capacity of this floor, with banquet tables laid out, will be approximately 3000. Underneath the ballroom are to be nu merous meeting rooms to be used by the Lu Lu Band, the mounted guard and patrol connected with Lu Lu Temple: locker and club rooms and the largest swimming pool in the city. This main building Is to occupy the ma jor portion of the large lot, but at one ot the corners Is to be erevted a separate sec tion of the building, to be equipped with club features and sleeping rooms for use of the members of the Temple. Surmounting the entire structure, which will be a twelve or fourteen-story building, will -be an immense roof garden, where, In fair weather, meetings bf the Shrine or special entertainments are to be hetd. This t roof garden Is to have a seating capacity aa large as the main auditorium, which will mean that a special elevator service for the accommodation of many thousands of per 1 sons will have to be Installed. Lu Lu Temple, which today has the third largest membership of any Temple In the world, having- 8000 members, was organ ised In December. 1883. when twenty-eight Xnlghts Templars connected with Philadel phia Commanderles held Its first meeting to give a. Shrine to this city. ItOMA, 8 Ottobre. Dalle ultlme notlsle dalla fronte itallana si rlleva che gll austrtact contlnuano In cessantemente ad attaccare nella speranza dl poter slogglare le truppe Itallane dalle Important! ponlilonl che hanno conqulstato e che fortements mantengono. Da queste poslzlonl, a cul Important, atrateglca non puo' dlsconoscersl, gll Italian! si preparano per Infllggere un altro poderoso colpo nl nemlcV), e do' splega I tentatlvl dl questo per rlconqulstarle. Ma per quanto gll attacchl austrlact stano condottl con vlolenza, e spesso dl sorpresa, purtuttavla falllacono dt fronte alia valo rosa reslstenza delta truppe Itallane che II resplngono e consegutsuono sempre nuovl successl che avvalorano la loro superlorlta' dl front al nemlco. Dal pomerlggto dl venerdl' e durante la glornata dl sabato gll austrlact hanno con dotto una serle dt attncchl dl sorpresa contro le poslzlonl nccupate dagll Itallanl lungo la fronte nel Trenttno e sull Isonzo, ma nessuno dl qucstl attacchl ebbe suc cesso. Nella notte dl venerdl' gll austrtacl, proflttando del cattlvo tempo attacenrono I postl avanzatl nella reglone Costabella, sulta Valle dl San Pellegrlno, nella speranza dl poter sorprendere gll Itallanl, mentre l'artlgllcrla austrlaca con poderosl tlrl dl sbarramento tentava dl Impedlro che dalle trlncee Itallane potessero esscre Invlatt del rlnforzl al postl avanzatl. Slmlll azlonl furono condotte dagll austrl act suite poslzlonl Itallane dl Crodadle, Longellnl e Pabola-Vlsdende, ma ovunque furono prontamento arrestate dal fuoco delle batterte Itallane che costrlnse 11 nemlco a rltlrarsl con perdlte, senza aver neppure In parte, consegulto II suo oblettlvo. Nella glornata dl sabato repartl Itallanl complrono con successo delle Incursion! nelle caverne occupate dagll austrlacl lungo le pendlct nordlcho dl Monte San Oabrlele, ove fecero ventlquattro prlglonlerl. Kcco II testo del comunlcato del generate Cadorna, pubbllcato lerl dal Mlnlstero della Guerra ltalln.no: Durante la notte dl venerdl', favorlto dal tempo cattlvo, 11 nemlco fece un at tacco dl sorpresa sul postl avanzatl della reglone dt Costabella, nella valle dl San Pellegrlno, tentando con un forte fuoco dl sbarramento dl lmpedlre l fossero portatl del rlnforzl. Con l'arrlvo del rlnforzl e lo sforzo della guarnlglone del postl avanzatl II nemlco fu reoplnto e costretto a rltlrarsl nelle poslzlonl dalle quail era partlto. Altri repartl nemlcl tentarono slmlll azlonl a Crodadle, Longellnl, e Pabola Vlsdende. Essl furono dispersl dal nostro efllcace fuoco. A sud dl Tolmlno le nostre batterle bombardarono con successo una colonna In movlmento composta di numerosl auto carrl. . Ierl ad criente dl Gorilla alcunl nostrl repartl, dopo ,vlolenta preparazlone del l'artlgllerla, esegulrono una Incurslone nelle caverne situate sulle pendlct nordlche dl Monte San Gabriele e presero prlglonlerl un ufllclale e ventltre uomtnl dt truppa, Notlzle dalla fronte belga recano che le truppe brittannlche contlnuano a rlportare notevoll successl nelle Flandre, ove hanno resplnto i tedeschl, che si sono datl alia fuga, ed at quati hanno Inflltto perdlte constderevoll rluscendo pure a catturare una grande quantlta' dl prlglonlerl e dl materlale da guerra. II governo dl Pletrogrado annunzla pure Important! vlttorle consegulte dalle truppe russe. Un comunlcato ufllclale dice che esploratorl russl dell'armata del Caucnso son rtusclti a far prlglonlero 11 generate Count Von Meyer, capo del servlzl aerel te deschl nel distretto del Mar Nero. THREE DEAD, 7 HURT IN STREET ACCIDENTS Trolley Cars, Automobiles and Motorcycles Score Big List of Victims Two young men and a five-year-old boy were killed and seven Injured In trolley and motor accidents In and about the city yes terday. The dead are Frcdrlch Urunner, nineteen years, of 1204 East Courtland street, who was thrown from nn automobile when two cars collided on the Northeast boulevard : James Brennon, thirty-three years, of 741 East Woodlawn avenue, who was run down by a trolley car on East Chelten avenue east of Baynton street, and five-year-old Joseph Paul, who was knocked down by an automobile In Falrmount Park near Thirty-third street and Qlrard avenue. Two companions of Brunner John Schmidt, eighteen years, of .4621 North Front street, and John Sykes. of 2711 North Park avenue are being held without ball to await the action of the Coronor. Sykcs Is a brother-in-law of Miss Amanda Sykes, whoso escort. Kills D Frlgar, shot down an attempted assailant In Falrmount Park dur ing nn attack upon his automobile. Edward Homes, twenty-ftve years old, 2825 North Broad street, .driver of the ma chlno that struck the child, was held today without ball by Magistrate Stevenson to await tho action of tho Coroner. Four young men were treated In the Penn sylvania Hospital suffering from Injuries re ceived when nn automobile In which they were riding collided with a trolley car nt Klevcnth nnd Ptne streets. .They are Julius Iserlls, Incteen years, of 320 North Eighth street: Morris Hershman, twenty years, of 728 llace street: Davis Kauf man, twenty-oTio years, of 726 Race street, and Henry Kline, twenty-one years, of 731 SanBom street. Hershman was held In 1600 ball for a further hearing by Magistrate Persch. Harry Busklrk, of 10 East Lancaster avenue, Ardmore, and Thomas Murphy, also of Ardmoro, are In the Bryn Mawr Hos pital recovering from Injuries received when a motorcycle they were riding crashed Into Ice wagon at Haverford. Charles Yetter, of Ardmore avenue, Ardmore, suffered In juries on his body when his bicycle collided with an automobile driven by John F. Dougherty, of Bryn, Mawr, at Ardmore. 200 Stetson Men Have Enlisted More than 200 employes of the John B. Stetson Company have enlisted for war service. A rally In honor of the enlisted men was held at the Stetson Auditorium yesterday. Final Community Sing Is Held The final community sing of German town was held yesterday In Vernon Park. John F Braun, president of the organiza tion, made an address. LIGHTEST 5p STRONGEST FOR POCKET OR KIT GIVE ONE TO YOUR SOLDIER BOY i1HttII33T7r; y33KiiEia AND ENLARGEMENTS "THE OETTtR KINO F.J.CURRY 81Z CHESTNUT ST.8I2 fti.i -ii . m mrum f jj VICTOR HEATER for Fords ANOTHER Crew Levick specialty the Victor j Fresh-Air Heater tor Fords is now ready to give winter comfort to all Ford owners. Every Ford owner should have a Victor Fresh-Air Heater. First cost is full cost. It heats a metal drum underneath the floor boards by utilizing the engine exhaust gases, which otherwise would be wasted. i It gives ventilation with warmth is odorless? noiseless and scorchless. No flexible tubing, no water, no burning ckcoal,"no flame or fire. 55 complete will give every Ford owner comfort and health all winter. See the VICTOR Display at Additional Marriage Licenses Herbert Morrl. Fairmont, W. Vs., and Mary Weaver. 1811 8. (fecll at. Tatrlck Carlon. 641 Qlrard av. and Annl. jfcFhUllpa. 6 Cllrard ave. Ralph auasllan. Camden. N. J., and Mary BockanakT. a Teeds at. ...... Morris N. dartxtt. Scranton, Fa., and Viola l Ktnav Ill Durham at. At Holts. 2317 S. 1th at., and Tetta Moia. faoo a. Bth at. UrJ. Foley. 10 E. Wl.hart at;, and Eliza. kth C. Krouae. 1W K. Wl.hart at. WHtlam H. Morgan, Scranton, Pa., and Mar- aaret Laird, Camden. N. J. XTMbael liar. Ardmore, Pa., and A. Hannon, jJB N. 23th at. Merman A. Wrlstit, 2410 Patton at., and Mary rPweell. JW N. 2th at. Howard 8. Wlleon. 143 N. Colorado t., and Mattoolo Matbews. 1722 Iilcklneon at. rfUam A. Held. 1118 N. Darlen '., and Alice JTaemtnsa. 1S23 Camae at. onaan Salsman, 27S1 Cro.kejr at., and Mar- Sr.l Drtnn&a. nu liohw eu nis.nn Artnldeo. 1SO0 Clarion at. Dorailo. 33l Market at. HiMatfi M, JIuaman. las S. Markoa at., and Oil Oarcla. 4632 Linmore ave. Jeneroao Tralano, fSouth Bethlehem. Pa., and r Anna Purant. 4110 Bidaa av. CkarM A. Calyerr. 131& Christian .t., and ckn Leadum. IMS Chrl.tlan at. i vimoa, Aoai itn iu, ana naaie uannon. 'ntan at. Nut (Mi. jr.. zsza n. croekey at., ana e laann. 1244 Sfoyamenalna: ave. r iUaa. Hharon Kill. Pa., and Alvcrta tmnMr 4413 A.nen at. re vooraeea, Eiain i-arK. ra.. ana Mar ie Mil. JOM Walnut at. W. Cilllie. Woodcll. N. J., and Emm 1. 4I HA k eaVworob. 448 N. rranklln at., and Mary ,r fnffHu. M.u r .i r.1 .: Mi,ww, ...w ..,ra, 4swmi Klin t. Kurd. New Cattle. Dei. J OaUuher. JO2 K. Clemanllna at,. and Oralis Caul D'rr Bhear.r Co., X17 N. Dread Street Supplee nlddle Hard- uare Co.. 51S Cm- merce Street Oeors. W. Nock Co., 126 North 4th St. Standard Supply & Equipment Co.. 13th & Cherry Street.. II. C. Robert. Elee trlo Supply Co., SOS Arch Street American Motor Club, 8800 N. Broad St. N. Snellenburs ft Co., ltth & Market St.. Oro. I.. Carroll Co., 719 N. Droad St. or write for information direct to Crew Levick Company, 111 North Broad St, Phila. M ffK XZ. MlTVll AMevastju EllaaWth Bendla- V E. Tloza at. rtfwln. 3a Martin at. Butler at., and Pearl and Mary publn. Gerard Book is Ready The great big story of a big American whose great good sense and firmness fVr the- right did much to thwart the ambitions of Germany and tp preserve American honor. Jv and Molly Wat- r.nU a7 a. a &t.. a avnal nt. j uaioraiM. i n. om. Bi.f ana iweiii . fe f. pioii . April. XIUYHM. f. 11 u. rreat t. MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY By JAMES W. GERARD The man who deified the Kaiser PR()MINENT AMERICANS RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT Committee Headed by Theodore N. Vail Pledges Support to Help Win War WILL COMBAT TREASON Many Organizations nnd Institutions Represented in the Delegation WASHINGTON, Oct 8. A committer of fifty prominent Ameri cans representing; various phases of national life was received this afternoon by Presi dent Wllsop, to whom It pledged hearty support for the successful prosecution of tho war. Tho members Informed him It was their purpose to combat Insidious and treasonable campaigns which are being wages from so many angles to undcrmlno and paralyze efforts looking to effective co ordination of the nation's forces. The committee, of which Theodore X. Vail, president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Is chairman. Is nonpartisan and nonsectarlan, and Is com posed of men and women representing labor, manufacturing, banUlnr. traternal, airlcul. ture and church worn, in wmuonio v ng their support, thy offsred their sen lets to ths President In any way he eaw nt to utilise them. ,r . , W n. Wllctrx and Vance McCormlck, ehalrmsm respectively of the Republican and Democratic National Committees, were In the party, together with Mrs. Robert Lansing, representing the 'Anti-Woman a Buffrags Association: Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, of the American Women's Buffrage Association! Frank Morrison, American Federation of Lbcr: Dr. 11. H. Gerard, Crawfordsvllle, Ind., representing the Na tional Fraternal Congress of America, Frank Mason North, New York, president of the Federal Council Churches of Christ. W. H. Ingersoll. New York, National Asso elation of Advertisers; James M. " New York, American Bankers' Association, Alfred Marling, International Y. M. C. A., P. H. Callahan, Louisville, Knights of Co lumbus; J, W. Crabtree, Denver. National Kducatlon Association! P. J. McNamara, Buffalo, president, Brotherhood Railroad Firemen; Ralph M. Easley. New ork, National Civic Federation; Dr. Cyrus Adler, Philadelphia; Dr. Stephen Wye. New Ihrk; Warren Stoen, Brotherhood locomotive En gineers; Charles Barrett, Union City, Go., Farmers' Co-operative Union, Suffragists to Meet November 20 A call to the forty-ninth annual conven tion of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association, to be held In Pittsburgh, No vember 20, has been Issued by the executive board from the State headquarters. Table Silver in Chests Ourstock offers many new and distinctive patterns of sterling silver flatware. Tea Spoons Table Spoons Dessert Spoons Butter Spreaders Salad Forks Oyster Forks Dessert Forks Dessert Knives Various combinations in practical mahogany chests. S. Kitid & Softs, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS The Metro style and the Themodist Are the agencies which project themselves be tween the man and the machine and give to the AEOLIAN Pianola the Human Touch of the Artist! Tl ! iHUS, it can call out of the shadows of the past tne genius or a departed Beethoven and translate it into enthralling music as in terpreted by any of today's greatest pianists. The Themodist gives you the expression, the touch, the spirit of the pianist literally, abso lutely; it brings out the theme as clear as the stroke of a bell on a desert of night silence. Cm) Steinway Grand Pianola The Metrostyle gives you the correct interpretation of the music. It leaves nothing to mechanics, nothing to chance. It IS the Artist! Only at Heppe's can you buy the Genuine Steinway, Weber, Steck or Stroud Aeolian PIANOLAS Remember at Heppe's But do not confuse other piano-players with the Pianola! The coal in your cellar and the diamond on your finger both are carbon. Yet you would never think of calling a diamond coal, nor a lump of coal a diamond! , That, precisely, is the wide difference between the Pianola and ordinary piano-players. Might as well compare the moon with the sun as to confuse the Pianola with the usualmechanical imitation of it. The Heppe Pianola line, includes the finest pianos in the world at their prices. The genuine Pianola is on exhibition and sale at the Heppe Stores as follows: v THE STECK PIANOLA THE STROUD PIANOLA THE WHEELOCK PIANOLA THE BER PIANOLA ALSO THE STEINWAY PIANOLA Prices are from $600 up to $2500. Most moderate payments, "One Price Only" at Heppe's and throughout the United States C, J. Heppe & SdniMSSS-fi ,0 A Wttk Hlustrtlot and fac&imile reproductions of doc. ai4ti wklch were never tatende! to see the liftht of 4ay. ffit, Ttf PU?rM At till M&oMjth? - I ' n-wsjjiiswBji ii mmiih.. ni I MM ... lm.wi.il mi i n,.,, i, -ky. IN efcwk at., and Victoria MmilK MlWa t, f fcl.Wt rt v. . Ajrmy. uillrttrut. Pa.. and KltimNitli Hm Haieni at.! 4 Ky R-irtta. Mi OTOEG1 DOR4K PANT, NSW YOt K29r imi in 1 1 iMjjsay ii rrsfc no zia nmaiaaa wur i-Vr HM9a9 i am aana eaaasaa