V j-y 1? v i- K "KVKN1XG l.BlXmK-l'IULADHLPiiljV, SATTtttiJAY, OCTOBER ft 1017 I TMPAY T0FMTICTV0UR MOMft rntM FIRE WHY NOT PAY TO KEEP THEM FROM BELGIUM'S FATE? IF YOU DON'T COME ACROSS THE GERMANS WILL FINANCIAL NEWS NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIOj STOCKS DECLINE IN NEW YORK FOLLOWING GAINS AT START Interests Who Came Into Market Recently to Check Downward Movement Supply Demand. Low-Priced Rails Advance High Points in Todag's Financial News Decline followed good advance for stoqks in New York. Holders, who recently bought to check downward movement, were seller. Curb business was small. Corn and cotton were higher. Foreign exchange was dull. New York bank statement showed big increases in loans and surplus. Dank clearings throughout the country for the week were larger, liar silver declined in New York and London. P.EILLY, onOCK & COMPANY r AN Exceptional Opportunity in order to Rive proper attention 1o their other business, the owners ot the Jager Knulne Co. have de termined to dispose ot the rood trill, patents nnd entire equipment now belnc used In manufacturing .lager Marine and Stationary Gaso lene and Kerosene IJnglnes. Theso Engines, because or their real worth, have secured a splendid reputation and aro largely used all over the world with unqualified vuccess. This sale offers an unusual op portunity for the right parties to secure a going business, which can bo very largely Increased. Interested person are Invited to make a most critical examination Into thn past success and future prospect of this business, whlc!v will bo sold on very favorable terms For full Information address Charles J. Jager 15 Custom House Street BOSTON - 'Iro Holders of Liberty Loan Bonds First Issue 'Analysis & Compar ison of Conversion and other features of First & Second Liberty Loans Send for Special Circtdar No. !5t0 Bonbright & Company jionnis wisTArt sthoud. Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Kew'TorU Itoaton Chicago London Tarls Detroit Credit Manager Young man with practical experience wanted by old established house. A good opportunity for the right man. Give particulars as to previous employment. Re plies confidential. B 328, Ledger Office Strengthen Your Credit by Including among your assets United States Government Bonds Wo are prepared to receive subscriptions to the SECOND LIBERTY LOAN qf 1917 for any amount and In the most suitable way A. B. LEACH & CO. iNconroiiATRD 115 South Fourth St. Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS llrinbern Philadelphia flock Kithanse NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. U-'M-J" 1.43.VUS4 40S.00U SI. 1117 RAILROAD EARNINGS TKXA8 ANU I'AdFlC 11)17 Inc. uurth wetk September 6m(I,:ui; i.i.Klf lonth . . l.Ksn.av. .vi.nr,T ram January i li.Bis.jos 1.730,7:18 JIISBOiml KANSAS ANt TUNAS iAVioniti . . 3.7&!i.nm ins. hoi S&."rom January 1 30 oal isa 3.i07,578 j? AUROKA KIQIN AND CHICAGO y! "'Aiuust srosa . $217,103 ,18.789 r? 'im. . TI.22B I.S44 , imixni pionina srosa ,. Nat. Decrease SOUTHEnN RAILWAY SYSTEM , i Lines east and went- Fourth tree. September . 13.127.610 1443,832 Month ... 10.1)1111,401 1.058.002 ra ,jiuy i .v.K,ii,-.!M 5,084.007 ' MOHU.E AND OHIO Will vyesk September Si.n71i 110,0:0 HIM -" -.'". l,,tU ii juiy i i,iiw asa.jzi OKOnOLA BOUTIlEItN AND FLORIDA th. tu September ,77,008 14.189 l . ..u IV.ilUU July 1 W0.2S7 01.108 CHICAUO AND EA8TKHN ILUNOW NKW YORK, Oct. C. The stock market maintained u moderately Htionn tone in tho early pnit ot the first hour, but It was not Ions before the show of strenstli dlsappeui el and the Important changes at the end were to substantially lower prices'. The toom traders were tho principal bujeis of stock on the Initial upturn and stood by their guns foi a time, taUhiK stocks In fnlrly large volume when recessions first occurred nnd caused another rally. There was plenty of evidence. Imwtver. that Intel est who rame Into the maikct to check the downward movement n few days ngo had taken advan tage of this demand and supplied nil the stocks the market would absorb, offerings from various sources nupposcd to he Ioiik of many stocks! inricased In the last half of the forenoon, tuuslni? ftesli declines, nnd n number of stocks then sold at the lowest record renrhed so Tar on this movement. There was a demonstration on the bull side In the low-priced railway Issues, which later may iissumo moip Impressive proportions nnd stealer visor, but It was only of trtnporinv Inlluence, tho buying being checked by weakness which deelopcd In ;i nuinbci of the Industrials. United States Steel rommou, after frequent variations during the first lioui. when it ranged from lOS8 to 107"8, after n rally dropped to a new low point for the da. There wax unusually largo trading In MIdvale. which sold down from 5014 to 48Vs. the lowest price at which it sold since It lias been traded in on the New York Stock IWclitinite. The attendance of the lloor of the Kxclmngp was smaller than on many half days on Saturday hi mldiumnicr. Trading In the I.lber'.v Loan bonds continued the most piomlnent feature of the bona maiket I hat Issue being; heavily dealt In at 09.7S to 99.72. Foreign issues continued weak, with Angln-Trnncli r,s selling down to 02. Liquidation Outstanding Feature Liquidation lia contlnuid the outstanding f entitle in the Wall street dltrict this week. It has dibpluvctl no sign of abatement. Its urco Is not confined to any specific lass, but is altogether general nationwide, It mu more propel ly be described. Institutional foiling appears to have been a pa.ticular fcatuie. How fut piepaiutlon for subscriptions to tho new war loan also is a factor It is dilllcult to estimate. That the full ionization of the tremendous buideu ,! be Imposed tinder the War Ilevenue law muM be credited with responsibility foi no small portion of the liquidation theie can be no doubt. Heretofore this phase of tho matter has been somewhat huz but the actual passage bv both Houses at Congress ,.t th. tt-vomi.. 1,111 In its lln.il form has biought homo In a dellr.ito nnd clear form the financial buidens that are to he bornu by thue who sta at homo and especiall by captains of industry and men of wealth In general. Frightened Interests Unload Still another source of liquidation Is coming fiotn interest li me gen uinely frightened as to tho ciTects of the war. When the conlllct stinted in 1914 the stock exchanges tlnoiigliout tho woild wou promptly closed. In this way j)anlcky Belling was a ei ted. We undoubtedly ure Just beginning to realize that our own entrance as a participant was a development of much greater financial import than was at llrst appreciated. Senility lu.ldors nie soiling and each additional evidence of liquidation seems to create a deslro to sell securities because of the fear that even lower pi Ices mav become current. Thera is, ot course, no real justification for this unreasoning belling. It never theless represents a stnte of mind that it is exceedingly diflicull to icassure. The lower the prices go. tho moie insistent and peremptory are tho calls Tor additional margins and the greatei necessity for clients to sell pai t of their holdings to protect the lcmainder. With tho virtual collapse of what weie foimuily consideied such gilt-edged Investments as New York Central, St. Paul. New Haven and even Delaware and Hudson, all ot which hao been so widely held in the Kast, it may be appreciated how really severe has been the shock to investment confidence. New York Central, for instance, lias sold below "4. A few months ago, as a special priv ilege, lLs stockholdeis were accoided what was considered the valuable opor tunit'y of subscribing to new stock at pur. while In 1910 the price- was 11-Hi. Delaware and Hudson lias sold about 95 leeeiitly. In Januaiy of tills year the quotation was 151, and In Octobei, 191U. it was luC. St. Paul has broken below GO. It was 92 in January last, and 102'i In January, 1910. Now Haven's collapse has taken somewhat longer, but la none the less sensational. Its recent low price was 21H. which compares with &--'7s in January. 77' in January, 1916, 1'.'9", in 1913 and 235 in 1902. Banks Do Share in War Although the war bill, which the L'nlted States has conti acted during the flist six months Is stupendous, the banking world Is not staggering under its weight, Krancls II. Slsson. vice president ot tho Guaranty Trust Company of New York, said. He gave assurance that this country would easily bo able to meet all Its obligations. "We aro leallzing now. as never befoie. that our national monetary condi tion is absolutely vital to the life ot tho nation and the uxlstence of every citizen. But wealth and capital are lio-Ve. I'pon tho bankers falls the duty of assisting the Government in mobilizing this wealth in the form ot credits, which they are nobly doing. "At the very begin:"ng of consideration of the financial activities of this country it should bo lemembered that we entered tho conflict In a peculiarly powerful monetary position. "Our wealth today Is more than $20fi0 for every man, woman and chltd in the cotintrj. "The total wealth ot 'Cheat Britain, Franco und Germany amounts to $227,500,000,000 The national wealth ot tho L'nlted States alone nggiegatcs $250,000,000,000 "The amounts uuthoiized for war purposes navo readied u total of Jl,30G,870.000." Deducting fiom this sum J7.000.000.000 provided for advances to our Allies there remains only a balance of $11,300,870,000 for the L'nlted Stales war expenses during the current fiscal year. Libert u Loan Among Railroad Men With a vast seiies of special lotal oiganizations of oltlcciH and employes, the special Liberty Loan committee on railroads, headed by I'reildont Alfred If. .Smith, of the New York Central line, has gotten under uav Its second nation-wide cam paign to reach moro than 1.500,000 transportation workers or all ranks The annual wage earnings of this rallioa-d army are approximately 1. 500.000,000, or Jt.OOO.OOu a day rhalimau Smith has called upon all railroad executives in the country to exhaust ecr effort to double the sales made to railroad workeis in the lirst Liberty Honcl campaign, when 241,280 Individual employes subscribed a total of $20,027,966. This amount was In addition to approximately $50,000,000 of bonds taken In large blocks by the railroad companies, and the wide scattering of the securities was made pos slble through the corporations arrangement that emplojea make payments In monthly Installments from their earnings- Telegrams Just sent to more than 500 railroad presidents throughout tho l'nlted States urging Bpeclal organjzod efforts for sale ot the second Liberty Loan read as follows "The Liberty Loan committee, under direction of the Secretary ot the Treanir. again requests the undersigned to ask your support In selling Liberty Loan bonds to railway officers and employes ot every grade. H Is deemed desirable to make a concerted effort by all roads In the country to put the opportunity equally before all, along tho general lines adopted with respect to the first Liberty Loan, offcrtd last spring. Your committee's experience emphasizes the Importance of prompt nnd thorough special organizations In order to obtain effective results. Please wire If you will co-operate." The telegram is signed by A. It. tjinlth, chairman: V. D. Underwood. T II. Trues dale, Henry Walters, Walker 7). Hlnes, L. Y. Loree and John U. Dennis. MONEY-LENDING RATES P1IILADCI.FI1IA Call, G per cent; time. ZifS'ii per cent. Commercial paper, three to four months, 6U5 per cent; six months, &H05H per cent. S1.S30.104 .13.140 40H..104 1S.71U.771 :,II,77T groan itlnir Income enthj cross. 2. tInS"4nrome 3 040 SOS GREAT NOHTHEHN -iiiswit sross $s. I73.H30 Si . lU oparaUIBX incomn 2 552-2!!' ; , tucfat astftth' cross 39 377.773 -vtt 14 ativ, foi . Mwsjtlns; (Income 14 Hit. 631 BCHLMJCjTO.V I0,SS.uor. ,nin I3CR.300 U7,OHf. 89.718 I.&O.1.00H 073,1 81 SSI. IBS iteo.sn7 77S,21.r 4 SftD.r.OO t 4S2.7M 1 119.84V 1740,337 74.4tlt 037.Si4 11 .14 1,0. ' FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YOHK. Oct, 8. Nothing muttered; very much In th Foreign Exchange market, today, except Dutch and Scandinavian ex changes.' These were reported scarce and the result was Increasing firmness and new high records' In some cases. Quotations were . Demand sterling, checks. 475; cables. 4.1 7-I. Sixty-day bills nominally, 4.71 ti 3 4.71 11 ninety-day bills, 4.fcHi4.G94 Franc cables 6 7J. checks S 71 U Life cables 7 12 checks 7 7S Swiss cables 4 69 cheeks 4 72 Guilder cables 43. 'hecks 42H Pesetas cables 23.15. checks "ii 25 . Ituble cables 1I5H. checks 15U Stockholm cables 37 ix. checks 37 U. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Bid ! NEW YORK i Net lllth Low t'lose line Alaska Hold Mines 3-V, .114 Bi '-' Allls-Chahneis Co. 23 -! 2i'M "4 Am Can 13V. 44U 44.i Vt Am Car & l-'dy Co. fl!) 0!) -' Am Int Cor ,49 49", 494 V Am Locomotive... oou oo eovi 1 Am Malt tik ! 1 M do pref l14 Onil B01i IV Am Hincltlng... . 05?; 0 94 "i do pref 10714 1074 10714 V Am .Sugar 109 losti, lomii K Am Tel & Tel. ..11314 H Hl't '' Anaconda . . . 70U on1), U V Atchison .... 90V not, nn(, -4 do pref . .. . 93 H !i:l n.l4 t V Atl Otilf & W I .t0l,4 10114 101 U do pref 01 (II Bl 1 Haldwin Loco Co.. 0Jj 01 01 V J V Halto & Ohio 00 JIOT, Wn '4 do pref .... 064 3- 0S 'i Ilarrett Co D ftUli 99 ' " Ueth Steel II MU 8 SO'.i V iloprtc .. . . !)U 97 '.4 t"'i " flrooklyn Itap Tr. 68 s H Hums llros too',4 tooi loo',i 1V4 Butte &. Supr Cpr . 2314 23 23 14 fal retroleum ... IS4 t'4 tVi V Canadian Pao lt HDi I49 . Cent Leather ... XI 3'4 3',4 ? Ceiro dp l'asco .. 3214 33 I '.4 1 'lies A. Ohio .. . A.VI,, nil. .1 V eh! M. & st i' ... i',4 aar ' do pref 9CS C!s 4!A T Chlo & Xorthni-st 10:1 10:1 103 I vj fill It I & I I c . SrtU 237. 23T4 do 6 p c pf I r ft! .V! U2 ' Vs do 7 P c pf t c 0t fll'n !U Chile Copper . . I7'y 17 14 17' Chlno Con Coi-pci 4914 49 4 tl'W 'i Ool Kuel Jt Iron.. I Mi 42 14 42 t- 14 Col Gas S. i:irf 3K S'.t 3' ', font Can ! !7 , '" 4 ' Corn Products St, 30 15; 30 "i do pref .. . . !''! ' 1 ' Crucible Steel til 7 1 "4 'IVt '4 Cuba Cane Sugar 29)i 29 ".' 4 'f. Deero "o pref .. ion 99-Ti 100 Dome Mlne , . . . h s 8 Distillers Fenir. 35'i .tfi'.i -llti ' Kile 21 204 20i, ' do lit pref . .. Al'i 30'4 3 Hi -) 'Si do 5(1 pref ViVi 22',4 52 ti - V r,en Kleo Co .... .39 13914 I3C-4 I (ten Motors ... 9014 " 9i 'loodrlcb. It V ... 3U isti 4S'i 4 t; iranbv Mlnlnp . '. : ' "It Noun Or sni-s tf 3l' 3lt ' liisiilratton cnp f.at. in'i 4!nt .. lntcrb conv pief . 42 52 fit I Int Mcr Murine 111 "fi-'i -'' do pref . .. s.va, H' P ' Intel natlonul I'ap '. 2f!a '-"'-'i - 'a Int Nickel T"i SI : Kan City South l'i is IK"i 14 ICenncflott Copper .-isi, S8'( ss; V Uiulta Steel si 14 sl'j l'4 Lehigh Valiev on .'.'13, fin ' Loulsv & Nash illi'i lift'; 5tN Mex IVlrol .... !I3' ili'a 92V4 V Miami Cm, Cop.. .131, 33'; 3314 - " Minn & St 1. new 1314 I3!'i 13'4 1' Mlil'ale S!ee r.ftti IHU I84 2 Missouri I'aclllc 2U, WU 28 do cifs .111 'a .Mi ."0 ',4 -I I Mom Power . :, 7 Hi 7l!!i -t '1 X.it i.'nn Cable . :.-.'4 -li -''Ti ' N'ailonal lilscuit -Hi: III! 10! N'evada I'on Cop 2n' 2n 2" N Y Air ISrake lixij 11HU 11814 l"i New York Cent 7ii'4 ".Slv "."'a '4 . Y N Jl A II auy, !S'i 30'-, IVi Norf & West IOSO los',4 108?, (- ; N'ortliern I'aplflc HHi'-i O'ITk 9!i? ', Ohio das . . 13 13 43 V Ontario Silvei S' .' .', -t '4 Owens Hoat 8314 s'i 8314 I- !4 Pacific Mall 2 2ii 20 I'enn.i It It . . .! 32 :! Pcm Mani w 1 IK1. l',i l'i ' Pllts S. AVest ?a, 27 27 do pref . .. r.o 14 i.oii noli -, -V, Pitts Coal . .10 50 5(i 14 Pressed Steel Car 3-'4 .Vi"i 59-J, V, Pullman Pal Car. 137 137 137 2 Hay Con Cpr. . in, 21 'i 21', '(, Heading . 83 8! 8! 14 Hep lion & Steel. HU? :'.)!H 79 ', Itoyal Dutch 7 li ii;Vsi 7V 14 St L S K Id I5", l(i i)i do pref w I . . . . :ni :! 3u Seaboard Air Line It loT It do pref ... . 25 2:1 'I 3 1 Sloss-Shcff S .v. I. 4! 42 4! I s'nuthern l'.ic . 91 '4 l MI'.n Sup Steel 4214 4 ."4 -'4 I- '. Southern li II . 28i ;' 27-1, V iln pief ... oi'j; ;ot l-i', -1-114 Sinclair Oil . . 3.1 li 31'S. 3l,i II Studebaker ... 43U 43', 43i I Twin Cop A Cliem 15 15 15 -) '4 Texas Company ..1.1.1 11914 14914 .114 Tobacco Plod .... 664 0I, B3 I do pief II H 98 9X 1 Tiansue & Wlms. . 77!, 77!i ;',, , ', Culoii Pacific . . 128 1271, 127', .. l'nlted Alloy Steel I! 12 12 l'nlted cigar Sns IU87 ni'i, 107a, i C S Ind Alcohol. .130 1311', 1311', '', lT S P.ubber . ..;'; .i;'. 37? - do 1st pief . 10214 101 '4 10!', -, Vt I' S Steel I08li 1071, 1071, l', do pref . 1 130, ll.1" lis?, ;, I'tah Copper 890, 88', 881', l', Wabash pief A . 40'), n.. 40", ij do pref I!. . 21', 2IV1 24',', , 14 West Mao land I7T 17'i, 17-( a, do 2d prer 2K 27 li 28 , Wcstlngh Mfg. .. W-U 4 114 44'a Woolworth . .11014 110'. llfi',. 1, Wheel & L 13 .. I2'. 12 12'i , H Wilson Co (il 01 of White Motois 12 41 42 I'i Wllljs Overland 23-v 2.1 25',, 14 Wis Central . 431, 43 t 43", 14 Nnrf h .South . 211, Norr t West pref. 80 North Amr ... Mi Nova Scotia Steel O.li; Ohio (las rts 03 Ohio Puel . . . . 47 ! I' I't SI I, . . d'l Pn-Am Pet vt. . 00 do prior pf ct.. 8S. Pen Bast 7'i Pcre Msrd pref 3S Phlla i'o . . n.t Plerce-Arrow . 37 do pref . . . 11.1 Tilts Hteel pref.. lm'4 do pref "fit-i Pllts tr VVesl tiref Ml I'ri1 fill Car pf.loo Third Ave,,, Tldwtr Oil T HI 11 -V. 21 i r-l Ml I. W Ctf .?ls s do pref . J? Transue fc Wlms 41 Va.Csr Ctiem . . Jp lln "s Pan.. "' lln llsr t P new. .f l'nlted PruB . '",, United. Uro 1- ."- do 2d pref ,!,, Uiitrksllver Quicksilver pref. . Ilendlne 1st pref do 2d pref . . Hep I S pref . Ily Steel Srrlnx. . Itv Mil .fprinc pf. t 1'. SS', S'i w, 4.1s 117 Ilnai uuicii .... iii-i Havsae Arms .. 70 Saxon Motor . . . 12 So I Itlco S 207 Hcara-Itothiirk ,.1,13'i Sears ltob'k pf..l2t do pref M'i Shatturk Aria . . 22'j Standard Mllllnc. 80 do pref S5 Ht I, I- Southwest 9 Hnlrlinker .. 41', Sludebaker pref , HO Stutz Motor .... 42',s Sup Steel ll pf too Trvas I'ac I.-, Texas rts jui United Fruit I'fi',? United 1J in,11',!;' do pre? :.-.;i,i'. United Vi " "7 li-AVo'fi.oo; .. a ,. I tt r. t" S sm 4. net Pt " IMt 00 It s r.x press . ... U M lleslty. imp. ,-as si li - ''7 I- 5 Steel pref . ljl( rtah Pee . i Ya-L'sr Chem Va-.'-CoK..;1 Wabash '" yvftW,v,,i! 5?,. West fiilon Tel.. Wheel & I. K pref S2'i Wilson (.0 Pi .liu Wlils-Overlil Pf l' do pref . .47 Woolworth pref 120' Sales in Philadelphia High 18 Am tins . . I00!4 10 ll.ikl Loco pf 99 .100 Colmb fl &i: 38' 100 C 11 1 ,t P . . 211 nico Stor . . Ins Co N A Ion Key Tel .... 11 30 do pief. . 7 3!0 Lk Sill) Corp 10 24 Lehigh Nav. 73 8 Lehigh V11I.. 00 130 MIdvale .10 loo Pa P. P. ... .111. Phll.i Co lit. . . 151 Phlla Klec. . 27 3!3 P It T tr rfs 28i 10 Heading . . 821, 20 So Hallway. 25 12. 'Ion lleliiiont 4,', Ton Ml nine. . . I'lilon Trap . . 191 I' 1 . 741', 1120 C S Mfcel 1118 W (In pf . . 2i W Cramp 711 1 ,,nv Close 10014 10014 99 99 37 'a 21 07 I.Vi 73 00 481, Slli 2B 28'.i 82 li 27 a, 41- :i'i 107'j 08'i 38 20 .1(1 Net he. 14 14 -fl". 07 IS'.', 73 tf 48i ftlTs 4-3.1 20 2814 82 V 27 -t 4 to tti'4 7114 107 '4 U ? I'!, PHILADELPHIA MARKET IS BROADER, BUT NO STOCK DEVELOPS ACTIVIT Philadelphia Electric Recovers Further on Small TurJ over Keystone Telephone rreierrea manes Uood Gain Railroad Shares Improve GO s Belt Theie was 110 large turnover of any one slock In the two-hour session of the Phila delphia, Stock Kxchange today, but the mar ket was falry broad. Price changes were generally narrow. Following the tendency In New York, declines followed eaily ad vances In several Issues. Steel common was the moil actlte stock, but was fractionally lower. Itallroad shares showed Improvement. Lehigh Valley ad vanced s. Itock Island H point. Pennsyl vania a f taction, while Reading was un changed. A fractional gain was msde by Southern Railway. Ttalrlwln T.nrrmiMlvA nt-,(i,...j transaction, added , to Its price Kev,i S Telephone preferred gained 1; nd ,JV Keystone Telephone common wai ,. J . .'."1 Lehigh Navigation also picked ud l,m Hon Philadelphia niectilc recovered J 'w titer on a Tew sales, advancing halt T ti I. 17. but lost part of tho Win l,ffl Gas Improvement war olf 1,, Rapid t,. tnitt ertlfleates wit ii.i.sS.n..j. . :5ns'l elmont was off a small fraction The Government's 3t,i per cent nw. Bonds did little and the price dechneiT, 0814 314 Quotation given Is caterda'n close. Toll I snlrs. 3711 fklnre. ruinpiired ullll 13. 119 slurrs rsteril.i t thus fur this ueek. 58,011 shnresi imr lierlod liist week, I'l.OlS shares. 1IIIMIS lllsh l.im SHOO Lie.- ,t IVop Ti to ... 77 7.1'Si looo l.eh Valley gen Is . 83 83 2.1011 Lib tlomis 99,00 99.30 91I110 Phlla nice 1st 5s . . 1 00 1 , iih V looo Reading Ren Is 8't. 89'S, I11I11I sales, 9,1.1,200, (uiiimirrd ulth SOi.SOO .ie.lorU.ut t litis, far IliU Meek. Xt2l,7.10i Milne period last week, Mi'JI.Sjo. INACTIVE l'HILA. STOCKS Following aro quotations for inactive stocks listed on the Philadelphia. Stock Lx changB and in which there weie no trans anions vesierday. The price given Is the laM previous sale: Net 1 'lose. die. 7.1", li 81 99.30 .10 99 89- .Mil,.', s li.. Arii (J isiir Amer Mill Ain Jlwys pref Amer Stores Am Stoi-s nf Huff & ius t 1 do uref . . Brill J 0 Cam Iron Cam siei Con Tr.ii: N I (leu Aii'hau deo Ai.p iirtf . . l.rh Vul 'ir 20't I'i ' SH .17', nj r.s no . 20 4.-, 141 71 , -O . 1.0 . 27', Lit tiros . . . Little Schuylkill. Mlnehlll North Oiil . . Nnrlh I'enna Phlla Co Phlla 1ra't ! II T . Kws Gen . . I'n Cos of N J Warwick Iron West coal W Jeraey t bta York Uwjb . . Vurk Itiw pref 24 '4 .11 r.i 79 14 90 33 74'i 203 9 27 47i It 38 L New York Bond Sales Adams nsoress..lls Advance Ilumley. Advanc ltum nf -H Ajak lliibher . . '' Alaska Juneau ,r" Allls-Chalm i'f ii, Am H-ei us'' ,ir, rcCem.-tt An UTf.t ? Am WftX Pus. pref h Tiststl nlii. .tt.'OO hlllirt. nmunrsvil ..111. RCM,4M) fchirt-i r-tTIa: thus far this ek. :i."4fl.1M0 Nhurj Mine iitrlml Unl erk. n.lll, HiMi fcliarfu, INACTIVE NEW YORK STOCKS Following nie quotations foi inactive New York stodis and in which there were no transactions vesterdav The price given Is the last pievious .aie. Detroit IMiton ..12.1 ll-l l.K. I; & nil Hen 4 T.lo f!r of M Klec Stor Hal. . fiS'l i:il.liorn fuel . "S14 (iatton VVIms-VVI. .!'-, General Clsar. . :i0'-i ilo Drtf 118 Ti Cell Motors pref 74 Oooarlrh B P pf.108 (treat North pref 10J ilrnene Can Cop . 47 Cult Stntea Steel ll.'i Oulf S Sll 1st Pf 101 llariman Corp 02 Haskell Barker 30 Havana Her ...Jol Horoestaks Mln. 107 4 Illinois Cent inn1, Int Acrlrul 12 lo nref tl'i Int Ilarv of N J.110,, ilo pref 1 14 Int Nickel pref..!03VS lot Paper pf sta. 0"4 Interb Cons Crp fV Iowa Onv .. ... 4li do pref Ml Jewel T4 3314 do pref "8 Kan City So pf.. 80 Kelly-Sprint 4.1., Keok t. II U... . 414 Laclede (las 07 ,aks Krl U W. 1214 l.k Erie 6 VV pref 20 I.e. iluh k tire.. 1714 las & M T zoo lllsh Low 1 lose llMlim Aiiklu-I'renih .",s !US I'l'i 02 mmiii Amur Hide n I. Us "CHj i, 1111H .1000 Am For Sen r,s ii.l'a li.l'j n.l's 11(100 Amer Smelt & lief 3s M fll'V 14 I211011 Amer Tel f. . !iii, m,i imv, looo Amer Thread Is H7' H7' 97 toon Armour Co 4',s . mi's 89' sitjs 1000 Halt & Ohio rv 4'i" . I..'1. 82. S2s 3000 llronklyn It T 5s 191S;. 971. 1171. 1400O Bordeaux lis I'd1, KO'j IMl'i noon Can (iovt n iji ii.i , iir.1, ii.-. 2.100O do 5s 11131 ll.'i !I4' 93 lnoil Chin Copper 7s .Ill's lll'i lll'.i lllllll Clies S: O'lln conv 5s S2 82 82 anon Oil Ot West la .. il.l ikt 113 7O0O Oil II A Q Joint Is.. US', til', 114'i 21100 Corn I'rodduits 3s '31s !I7' Ii7' Ii71 HOOO Chi II H Q Tea 4s . I4' j IM'j Ill's L'000 Chi Mil P rfd 4'js 73 73 73 1000 Chi It I ct P rfd Is H7'j OT1 I17'4 2OO0 do 4s . . . . 7S 7t 78 311000 cii of Patls . 91 !iois iio'i .Vino Con (las conv Os. .M3 Mas, 1031, 5000 Chi P.wys 5s 89, Mil, hnl, 2M10U 111s isecur corn da . .11 1000 Trie ronv 4s ser 11 . 48 24000 Freneh Kep S's a . . ' 1001) Hud & Man rfd 5s r,4' loon Indiana hteel 5s ..Inn 2(iihi Interli Met 4's 5S 10000 Inter Mer Mar lis . . Ml', 3000 Internl Paper 6s. .100 IIO0II Kun f'ltv So 1st 3s . 32 1000 Lk Sh (lob 4s IH28 . 8H, 1O00II do deli 4a 11131 . Sh 30011 Lit: & M T .Is . . Ull'i 10OO dn 7e . . . 113 sunn i.oilllnid r.s or. 823000 l.llierls llunil :iljs 119.78 700(1 l.vous 0s . . !MI, 15000 Marseilles l,s :iii, .1000 -Viet VVml Hi Chi lis till BWioil Mo IMr cm 5s. . .-,, 1000 Muntnn.i I'ower .Is . ij C.0IKI N V ! . II (if IIS 51100 N v city 4!ja mo-, lot', 5000 do 4iH Nov 1057 I01 000 N Y (las 11 A- I 5a USli ATTENDANCE IS SMALL ON CURB, WITH PRICE CHANGES TRIFLING Interest in War-Order Shares Continues to Dwindle! Petroleum Men Wait on Government Price-Fixing. Independent Oils Are Better NEW VOUIv. Oct. . Theie was only a small attendance ot biokeis on the Broad street Curb lal ine niu 11U1113 ui iiuumg iuuu.y uuu 1110 iiii.t; iiiuvciiichiq, wen in me most Dromb neni ieainrcs, weie nanow ana tvunout importance, xnero was a contlnutJl (lwindllng away of Interest in the war order Issues, and it was apparent that thl group of stocks had lost nil Its public following and would soon be relegated tol oblivion. Only one sale was made In .Aetna at 4"j, and In the early trading then' were no ttansactlons In Curtlss-Aeroplane. j The activity In Wright-Martin the last few days continued to some extent lJ the forenoon trading, with sales ranging at 10 to 10'i. The petroleum tiade interests and dealers in petroleum stocks have taken A place on the anxious seat, walling to see what the Government will say about thai terms on which petroleum and Its products will bo sold. In those circles the belltfl pievalls that the petroleum business will be harshly dealt with. There was a firmer tone, however, to the active Independent oil stocks after! icceni recessions, wun -uiuwesi ncums ,-iu iu .in, vjKianoma .rroouclng at I'i and S. and Menltt at 31 H and 32. ' 1 .Mining stocks weie steady on small trading, with sales of Big Ledge at .fti and L's. anu .Mpibsing ai rhsiFct. .103 do tit" prf - - '?'. d6 oref .. llf-s Am Car. pref I"1' m Cotton Oil 3-. A..k"7Y" IS'. Am HWie it. ref Am 1C Sec .... J- Am lea uref .. 4 Am l.inseru . do pref . Am Loco pref Am Kmr t A Am Bmelt It . . Uleel I UV Am husar pref jr,'. lio . "0V4 . no . il.Ti .11 aS W'&blJ: S 1000 N Y N Hill 3-ia 10.1(1 57 10000 N Y Tel Ben 4'4,s . '1 ' . 30011 Nor I'jt t,n 3a . (,o'v 13000 lVnn.i lien (.t 4'i '.i.'l'i IOOii Pub hrv N J 5s . Ml L'ooo IVr Maruiielte .Is 3 1000 St 1. I M X Ho 4s 73l 11)1101) St 1. Si H 1' ujt . (i HOOO do In 4li noon do her A. .. :,S" 30011 SealKiard A 1. ailj !. 4K'4 looo South Hell 5s !i4'i lL'ooo booth l'.ic cv s..,. 116V, loon do rfd 4s 84i soon South Rwy sen 4s . . 113 HOOD do 5a ill 31000 IT H llubber 5 ... S'. 30000 t' S Steel H J- OS. . .J01 iinoo union rao 1st 4s r.OOO di rfd 4s.. .. 239000 U K (1 11 A. I r.'a s 1 100(1 do 5' j a 101!) .17000 do r.tia new 1'Uii 1,000 dn 5 Vis 1 111: I 1000 West niectrle 5s UOOO West Shore 4s. 81's 8-'5 IS 11 i.Hi 118 so'.; I! I. mi's 5C, too 511 Ml', 100 3J Ml ,S.S? mi's tin 11 r 1)0. -,o not, no1, no ra.', in; n- 101 mi OKW !'." Ml1, 03 Ml Ml 73', III . 40 5K, 40 J, "'if OBU S4. (Ks 114 81', Sl'i nit; oiI OR 'i 113'i H8 80li ISDUHTniAl.S Ah deduction Aetna lisploslves Am Hrlt JIfg Am Marconi v Am Writing l'aper... Canadian Car Co Can Car AV I'd pief. . . Chawoal lion Chevrolet .lolois 1 '1 amp Curtl-s Aeioplane Carwen Tool t'aibon Steel IJniersMi Phonograph.. Federal Dye Hendee Mfg Katliodlan Hioiue pief. l.chlgh Coal Sale. .. Lima l.oco . . . . . . M.tNlin Munition" . Mat lln Ann 10.1 N V .Shipbuilding Nor Amer Pap Pulp Otis elevator Peerless. Motor . . . Poole Kng Iteddcn Truck Scrlpps-Booth S S Kresge w I .Standard Motors Steel Alloys Submarine St. .lofoph Lead Todd Shipbuilding Triangle Film United Profit-Sharing IT S Steamship United Motors United Sugar W01 Id's Film Wilght-Martin Air . .. '.ne Concent Yes lote Hid Ask (Bale) 80 tin 90 n 5 t. ,1 I II ST. S'.i 1 ',4 3 ', . . IS 18 5.1 BO 7 8 711 80 811 70 811 37 38 37 Jl 10 9 '4 70 7.1 0 i A III 30 30 ',4 I ',4 73 78 31 .11 's 1 10.1 110 33 3.1 3 3',H 3(4 48 .I'i 11 13 7 0 80 15 18 .MINING STOCK S- 18 80 0 9 16',; 17 70 I '. 4 It 3U, 90 III '.4 17 18',i 80 "4 4', '3 16J4 17?i 1k Jl 4 10V4 1 14 iv li 1014 M3 sit 565 1S3 515 !tl 70 4k nil's 541, 100 5!l M)", 111(1 3J MIS, 8S'. Ill' 1 113 0.1 U'1.74 HO', Sill's HO ran, ni'i 08 101, 10l, OM, 5T ,,MI , 1.01, 113 M S.I 73'i III 40', 58-V 4(1', D4V4 OOV. 84 2'4 !M Sl'i 101 8014 K2' I'flK 1)41, 08', flSV, OK 80H STAN DA It I) Oil. Illinois J 1 Ohio SS7 Piairle Pipe S55 S O Cal S0 S O N J 505 SONY 153 IMiEPn.NDKNT Oil. STOCKS Bainett Oil and Gas l Hi Cosden & Co 8i Klk Basin 8V4 8 Federal Oil "i U Inter Petrol , IS 13H Houston Oil 1 II IS Menltt Oil H4 31 Midwest Bef US 117 Met Petrol 1 1 14 Ohio Fuel 17 10 Oklahoma Jlef 8 8 ',4 Osage Hominy 8 g',4 Bice Oil li "4 Sapulpa Kef s 14 '10 Sequoyah T I Sinclair IS 17 United West Oil . . . "A 's JllSl.Vd STOCKS Alatka Standard . . su 1.1 Atlanta in B!g Ledge. 1-li 11. Hlsbee Copper ( a pros) Butte Copper & Zinc. Butte New Vol k Cal ft Jerome . . . Con Ariz Kmma Consolidated . . First National Goldfleld Merger Goldfleld Cons Goldfleld Floienoe Goldfleld Kewanus Green Monster Hecla Mining Howe Sound Independence Lead Jerome Verdo .lumm Extension Magnate Coprei MclClnley-Darmgh ... Magna Copper 4.1 Mother Lcde 31 -Continued Bid Tl. elotil Asa (Sllill Hi IT. 4 3.1 11 8 ". a4 il ' 8 1, 17 'i 33 Mines Lo ot America. Nevada Hills . . . . Nevada Wnder . . Niplsslng Ohio Coppor Hay Hercules San Tov Steuait Tonopah Uxtensinu United Verde West Ivnd Con Whits Oaks White Cap Yrlngtn 11 10 ;n4 11 38 61 3 14 8 114 -i'i "IS 3 A 37 18 11 li 4 3'i 9 1(1 19 38 17 3.1 1i 1.1 114 8 Hi .11. 1.1 "4 A 37 88 I 10 S3 m 1 -'., H j t TN St ifU eo.npa' Jieaiy the Go prove It bJt H ' parted (, For al corpor dlfllcu) are no Fr tacrifl largcls , A 6n tin In make counts of Ind Thlsn transa burdei TI A 1 pereor i emnvei rtdlsc 5 A its th( 'transa 'gives S) '1 at the If . great , iame Tl Etatef IJ cent j Kovet "J trhole Hxch: In Po ihow this Bcthlehcir .".. Cosden Oil Ss . . Cosden S. Co 'Ss Cudahy Cs lhio 6s . . . Tlusslan Goveiiimeiit i'-js 60 Ilusslan Government 6 '.a 76 Sinclair OH Cs 91 Todd Shipbuilding 6s... 100 Western Pacific Js 9:)i 'IOMIS 7''i 87 88 . . . . 01 110 98 88 911 rij 1)6', 1,8 78 lo: 1001, " 1 ii -i .. ": A 'Hi 8i 3i 134 sii 145 114 14 Ti 111 1 Local Bid and Asked Amer Stores lirlll J U Duff . Sum T C dn pref . . Ilaldwln Klec Ktorace (Jen Asp do pref Keystone Tel . . do t r , . . . T.ake tjunfCorp .... 1-ehlsh Nv I.ehlth Va1 LehlEh Val Tr do pref Penna Phlla i:ie . . . Phlla Co do 5 p a pr do (1 s e pi . Phlla R T t e . Reading Tonopah Jlel Tonopah Mln lln Trac , no j . .. r K Steel . . . York lltvv . . . do prof Wm Cramp . Sons. Todav nid Ask . . 34 50 40 III . 5.1', 17 58 It's 0.1 is"; VI 50 i 43 4.1 51 ?, v 51 '1 20 , L'7 511 .11 01 'c .17 HI r.n IJ 118 10', 73 no' j Ytsterdtr nid Ak .11 a 59 51 :,i. 411 111 3.1 '1 17 f.S Ills 05 33 34', 43' 74', 35 31 3.1 as', si", 4 '3 ii 48 741, 107i 107's 10S4 108 Hill 72 i 38 , 2.1 43 51 . 50', 34 32. 34", 28', 82. l" -'' ; ' 10 3.11, 0814 IS .10 Is 70 III Sill 70 5tg , 18 0 1S 0!)'i 2.1 4 ! 88 M , 35 28 K aJ' 10814 11 88 75 Jim Hut If r MscNamara Midway Mlspah Kxtenslon. Montana! North .Slur llesrue ICulala . . . West Und .' .8.1 .20 .10 ,08 .20 .09 .17 .07 UOI.DF1ELU HTOCKS .'...r Atlanta illOe Hull lloolh Dlamondfleld 11 II... uaisy Kewanaa Oro Handstorm Kendall Ullver PIcK MISCEU.ANEOIJ8 Arliona foiled Nevada IVondsr , ... Trcopa allnini ,0't .01 .04 .iij .02 .00 .01 .02 13 1 DO 30 Ask .87 '12 .10 21 .10 .18 .10 .02 .Oil .03 ,03 It 02 .03 .14 23 : 00 32 Am 'r & I An Tobacco do pret new Am Woolen . HO Uir, . nn Am Writ ran pr-r " m V-lne & Lead. 17 do pre? ..-, kb .y "" i 1h!l 100 44', lit 6114 IdK M T pref. .1U3 AJfVeVU 'i'All .IS do riiht. t .nil Coast I.. 10,1 ?tt 08 Slw KJ'.". narreiv s..f ,1 natopllas Itln ... Ueth Steel sin rtrei netn Bte lm tisaih Stel P :-7" ni U" 0.18 ..105 . . 71 io'.i 38 4l'i .. r,o 27 Lons Isl rtfa nf. 40 1os.Vlles Ills.. 15 Lorlllard 1" 208 do oref .-. 100H Mai-Uay Cos . . . . 2 M 8t 1' 4 S S M. 9S Manhattan beach. 1 Manhattan El . .,107'i Max Motor .. .32', . do 1st pref . . 4'4 Max Motor 2d pf, 1' Jlsy nept Stores. 50 May Deo tits pf.103 Mex Pet pref. ,. Ill turn t ent ..... .ui M 8IPt 88 M pf.117 IJANK CLEAIUNGS Rank rleannts today compared with corf ipondlnsr day last two icars.. mil iuio iir x n.in tin uas llrnwn HhOO llulterlck al Packlne 'o Cal I'etro pref Cal ..H?!'1'1 Went .." i 104 Cent l.eainsij". .,.,. M , p" I ini Chandler Motors. 731, Morris t,K.iti.. 301i Za& ""A l foWi'W rtitfcN W pref 140 do pref,,.... .ilO ffliiii.Veabody pf HO, Nat Arms ... . .S2 yyV,1 i- lit bl : . B0V4 Nat Cloak Suit 08 cm & South ... .?., doPT.f.,. . -.10.1 Tolnl sales. SI.8tO.IKiO, rumpared with ti.. 50,000 yeklrrdaji thus fur this week. S$0.139.. 000; same iwrlod last vieek. S33.968.000. NEW YOHK COFFEE MARKET Ni:V YOniv. Oct 6 The market for coffee futures opened quiet today and wllh out transactions on the call. Opening prices were at an advance of two points. Open lllsh I.ow Clou, clous December 7.23 7.31 7.30 7.28 7.2S January 7.32 7.3B 7.31 March 7.40 7.3H 7.50 7.51 T 47 May . T.74 7.73 7.71 7 Cft July 7.SS 7.90 7.90 7.80 7.83 NEW YORK DUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Oct. . UUTTEn Recsinta. 9513 tubs narxst lower and unssit d. lllsh r."'v j.'."?vv,,Tii,' 'U-J oiati, u,iry, 1,71 vi.";. i:OOH Itecelpts, U320 cases ular. No chances. 43044-,ci MarVsr 'ress;. iJ I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllli! The Corn Crop comes in with 3,248,000,000 bush els worth $5,693,000,000. Agri cultural products this year will total $17,000,000,000. Can this country, the richest in the world, afford three billion dollars For Liberty ? Make your answer to the I tor tl - k.., e i uuv , he h: J tutor. over 1 SnoU MoJt I Cm 'aide- I Q tvas Card 1 1000 ef o ctom ' thei " Sect h'(lnai r hhast ss 1 ind Th ! Inic ! mm an .' ft i 'Per rst oat LkV. iha rnd hM New London BAR SILVER Yeter Iit .iqit Today dny Kat, HIrh Tiw York (cents). 80S. Jl'j, JOV. losl? ifC on (pence).. 40 40V, 40 05 35 ( 4 "fl 1IF els. TV f Knaim M. Hist am. -i.i.niAl ina fil'i Kt nn iav a nr a I.:... Uleel pref laVs do oref 40 iluta Am .8inr..70 .d?dpr.f,.. fto!4 .di rs . - jerr n ex,at atsx STATE FUNDS INCREASE HAtmiSBUltGi Oct. 5. The statement 0f t,be Treasury Departmenlj ot th amount ot ceneral funds ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania shows the total on hand Sep. tember 30, 1917. exclusive of moneys ap propriated to the slnklns fund, to be 14.078.. 201. .as UEUlnst J3. 832. 380 Aucust 31 and ,3.658.787 January 31, 1017 Of the total deposits ot J4.070.S91. Phlla. delphta, institutions hold 6!l.20 aaaralnst E N Corn Exchange National Bank 1 Philadelphia Chestnut t Second VI &.' . 'KttlMtlSWMn f.sC ill m. ijiimF JKnt- IMk.W4 rhrutlanla ca.blcsi33, checks 32X, 7,B0 CviV Can ,i" " i "t l r thWSgS jmmm,'-im:i W?lralw4ii ' '"s< J3d 4 1- . 3 ' T i V ' ffisMMMB maadli