BTRA7. , y A Mr- Xt Etmiing fteitgrr v .CisSS? -vJ?- .s.- .. -. c? . -O- -? - By FONTAINE THE UNCERTAINTY OF BASEBALL IWS OF THE CARTOONISTS AT HOME AND . ABROAD b. - j VIOLATEO rM' ""HUES. fill A ft.. 5UBMASINF , (IDERs. POI50Nin"U.t.Rf :s!:sif fiSSSSS u ISP" TROM THE AIR. COWARDLY,SCCRT poT5 AWMW NEUTRALS. ENSLAVEMENT or CAPTIVES.;; ENFORCED BLAGKhVM! OF AMBASSADORIAL f Donahey. In the CleeUml t'laln Dealer. "VERBOTEN, ALWAYS VERBOTEN!" "1 CAN INVENT NO MORE, YOUR MAJESTY. Cartoon ly Maeaulej flifc'KjM PfPP m iSv liMt2yVr. It .fvVf ' . JTU. iff ; .? kWisssgfSsr- ss .7k . .'' 15 :.-' -- v, v . ; . ( a .? .- '-3issaV7ir' -t ga?sa -irf . -3cjk t-.j.-.'- 7kirnr-. ?..'.&" n ij'k- ? a..w '$se vvyp -'2zr C:l chnpln. In the St. Louis Itrpubll' MILITARY NECESSITY Itogcra lit t he cvv YorK HcraM "FREEDOM FOR BELGIUM" AS THE KAISER SAID TO THE POPE 1 itS Berrjman. In the Watlilncton fc'tar. THE DEVIL OUTDEVILED RUSSIA IN DISTRESS From the Amsterdam TIJJ. Kront th Kfiilnt Nwl. EnclUh. TJIE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL Prodigal If I come back i there a fqttcd calf awaiting met i. 'Wan hi juk1 Y'eu Iet there It. 4?jS ' W J :-. '- y ;- 3 ' .',, j ., ' fcl-. .''" J L.M . ,')t)!r r. 3 THE Pop FIA THAT WENT FoK A HOMER AND UOST THE. CHAMPIONSHIP for the " Young- Onions v .., hvI,I .jr- . w (Copyrliht l Friend Wlio c3me3 to cheer me when I'm blue and feel t lie world Is out ot trucV AVho nestles up against my arm as It to shelter me from harm? Who sits '.cslde me on the floor while I read talcs about the war? Who does such comfy thlncs as that? Why, man alive, the family cat: He's old and lazy, most too fat to kill a bli d or catch a rut. and doesn't tear the Turkish rugs to chase lmagl naiy bugs, but HUcs to sit and sort his fleas beside me while I take my case, lie's not much use. he's just a friend, but I'd be glad If Kate would send me other friends as good as he to sit and take their case with me, to be content with homely things and joy that simple comfort brings. From early dawn till latest dark he never makes a bright remaik to tax my brain or test my wit and bore me by repeating It. No, he Is nothing but a cat and many times I'm glad of that! WILL MOORE. Safe Either Way THE PADDED CELL "Ive Just been married." "Oongratucondolences '." Ideas. 'lisThThc tl f A.ERr-THS-lS.'t,i- m J SAlf!.THE.tfoTvATER UP Here is Conl; I. Treason on the Farm First Cow It Is going to be an. awful year for us. Second Cow Yes, It will probably bo treason to kick the farm help. New York Sun. ItolDn Uri in the ew Vuik Wvrhl. STANDING BY THE KAISER SCHOOL DAYS By DW1G Raised the Dust It was a dull day In the trenchei and a bunch of Tommies had gath ered and were discussing eventt After a while the talk turned on a b! Boche who had been captured the night before. "Ho was scared ' stiff." said on Tommy. "Did he run?" asked another. "nun?" replied the first. "Bunjl Why, If that Boche had had Jest on feather In his lian' he'd V flew!" m The Young Lady Across the Wrl PARCfcL POST T The young lady across the way jj the new taxes are pnly a UKlmvjii and It the war continues evn 5-w Ipner a great many new subject p taxidermy win uavg to t-o towff 1 ft. -'..u- I '. " '' .&& It u i-i y- ' i .. . ,,t,"v"