K.'W T5,V ' , 'liiVKNING LEDomH-'-PHILAtifiU'HU, SA'TOKDAY, OCTOBER 0, 101' ' 11 (GIANTS AND SOX ALL SET TO DO BATTLE FOR THE 60-40 SPLIT OF WORLD'S SERIES SPOILS h iMAHAN'S MARINES IN ACTION TODAY Former Harvard Captain Will Lead league lsianu Team at Conshocken JACK KELLY IN LINE-UP Consholtorken left end Ilrojrn (Lralmm) Ifft tntkle.... ..'1fl'I (Lebanon Galley) . . .Ifft mard "(Trifr center Armltate (llaltlmnre) .rltht cuard , . McCue (PhoenlsTllle Illsh) .right terUe Cnnatnter (Trlnlt) I . ..rltht rncj Campbell (?) quarterback Itennedj (Trinity) , . If f I lialfhae k Yeabaler (Nnrthenat) right halfback ... ,e,llnser (Alhrltht) .fullback Kelly leper) Harlnea enter.) Ctrbean (Case) isfl'nneatial (iardnef. Olarinea) to"!-:;. PA" Trirdne)'' Wil""" rnn renn mi.i he in Atlanta llic cues! of r.nfela Tech. but It will not be a quiet day .1 the crldlron. for tho fnllcd States Ma- rinn headed l Kddie Italian, former Har vard' captain and All-Amcrlcan halfback. nt clash with Conshohoclten on Franklin vleld this nftertioon. Manv former college tin will be- found In the line-ups of both !!.., hut the side bavltiK Maban In tha haekfl'tld I' certain to enter the fray the "vorlte Hie rhiiio ill Mart at 2:30. It will be Hie first chance Philadelphia!! hue bad 10 witness football which l truly wartime and preparations are being- made to accommodate a laiBe crowd. Accom panying the team will be the famous .Marine Band and the Klisl ItcRlment of the fnlted Stales marine corp. who will cntcitaln tho BfCtators between the halves. feature will be tho singing and cheer ing of the marine cheering section. Special ears from tho navy yard to Franklin Field have been arranged for the convenience trt the enlisted men, who will be admitted free In uniform Several of the men on the marine team ire well known to I'hlladelphlans. First and foremost In Kddlc Maban. Harvard's All-American fullbnrk, who Is now iv cor poral In the serlce. Mahnn will captain the eleven and raplalu Hogan. the roach, hailbullt a powerful elecn around the for mer Crimson slar. Gravy William", balfbnrl. tit I'enn last vrar, will be at tight halfback, and Mike Wilson, a Philadelphia boy who attended Northeast High and Muhlenberg. Is right .a Tim luti'ktletil will cousin of Knoll. tl ef rurdue. quarter: Wells. Ohio Stale, left . ..7 M.ilT ...., '.itvl.l ltlf 'Itwl Vint,.,., nlltl HllMlllll'l llftllt ,,., ...1.1 ..,(111,11,, fnllhark ' K The t'onsliolioi Ueu A. ('. line-up also T .-,- .. ...nt.. ti-nll .1 ntitt t, fattllnlnn tlm emornte nirn... .. .... -...,.... ..,,,,-. .,,.. most prominent being .lack Kelly, the fa mous Vesper sculler. The club team has notion a game In the last four venrx. and started Its 101" campaign with an easy Tlctwry over the eleven of the l H S. Indiana, llio core ncing vs-u. CHI?F BENDER MAY HURL FOR UPLAND J. Franklin Baker to Assist Manager Miller in To day's Game With Chester I'll A N Y BIG CONTESTS Another stung of championship baseball limes are listed on the local ncherlulo, and hy ttlng the verdict In today's title sev eral clubs will anne the reason's, title. This Is possible In tho Industrial. Maim fscturers' and Northeast Manufacturers' Leagues, and in the series between Fern Kock, of the Philadelphia Suburban League, ind Jenklntown. of Moiitgrnneiy County. Chester and Fplatld will clash In the third ' encounter for the title In the Delaware Cuunty League The series to date Is one piece, Todav's gnme will bo played on the Upland grounds, where Miller's squad annexed the first clash. A big feature has Inn tho phenomenal hurling of fluear Tuern for Chester and be lias had his opponents buffaloed to date. Manning linn also pitched well. Chief lleiider Is eligible In compete for Upland and he may get Into action tn diy, as be will be on band, together with Frank Daker. of the Yankees, who formerly played with I'nland. Haker will iiksIsI I, Manager Miller In coaching from the bench. ern Hock has an opportunity to capture the. suburban championship when It faces Jenklntown for the second time. Tho game will be plavcd on Fern ltockV homo Held. David, who had the Montgomery County hoys at his mere) In the opening clash, will HVely twirl again. If not, Darrlese will rw the assignment. Barrett ami Monotype meet again to ,,.u ,,u,,, v'uii, . i,t ind ..ituiutiillijl l"l n LeatUf. "Thfsv l.Illtla.l Annl. ..(I.n.. I-.I kJ.. t , Jirdayat Dohsou'H Held, and darkness baited j"o nan- i me lermiuatioii or the ninth . inning1 with the score standing 2-2. VolU .Tlll hurl for Hurt-oH mi.l KVAI. fn.. r. type. " Wlf-sinninlrif h-itl nifi. i it.- . .. action for todny'K game in tho Northeast I. UanufaetnrcrM' i ... . . -..... ,. ; uty and Krankford Arsennl. Hoth con- uuo me resulnr neason with sixteen won and two lost Dlfjlon and I.uptou will meet for the K? . ! . e' nl ,h0 f"r"icr'a ground. Tor tho "ndustrla League title. Lupton n.rung n oig lurprlse by getting last week's decision IL I 'I V,p m,t" u, "eventb Inning Ochs. MtSwS tallwfrt, 'Pton a hit. Jack rtynn Pitched good ball for Lupton. UtriM.?.. occaslon of tI,c """' 1 bene aid ih. B.bftween, Connlc JIack' A '" ttSn i? l,,.on nlne tor the "eneflr of the Dl.?..Sh,b8.rarls "n3 "'6 Stetson to.:, ... .?.0'0 -,ne Grounds. o- r ..vu , Dctcrai uanas. R0QUE EXHIBITION ON IN PA1RMOUNT PARK -undf "V .f "u? wl" ,,e ""' on the p-ilrmoun0. vtl ?KU,Rler C"y nW Club. BThta u' P?rk' XM """noon from 2 to 6. "ttob Von r.Tv r , ulnnilonal victory the f Th, iSLNn?rH,ch. Conn.. In Auguatlaiu an, al,0na' mdaI " Mer. J. a Kirk lpVa mauhnff'am.mber8 0r ,,,l8 C,Ub" Scholastic Games Today "if,,., " """"na B. rriiSitf,filiJ' Tl. r.nn rr,.hf ,t YK.HTI-IMH vq t trn a.4' ISit...JJ!.r7.f,'::- 'WM. " "M,,"n Hlili. liaut. fflr ffl". " ,,att'w'", aa- isW-hUfaYHfj?..... FOOTBALL GAMES LISTED ON COLLEGE GIUDIRONS TODAY t.,,lT'lunl" "' 'P't Tffb. at Atbin- uui'it.'.i.V' i '""'"''fken, at Vr.int.lln llflil. biiine. l". N,,rn",, " Hnhiioiie, t l)u- Hliff'c'iKJ. lrf,h " Mrt"i frep. .1 lilV,.:"r"n" t "'IMehem. !. iuinuln..v J- l"n,",.".t. .'?lle. I"l. Illinois 1 1. Italian,.- nl '.!. -, . Armr . I'anieile Tfrh. at Heal t'olnt. H..i...r.. . M'T'n ntltnt. at lUbokfn. .Ulflhfiiy . Kuttrrs, at ew llmnawltk. ton'li""" V11"' Ueonetonn, at W'aihln. J;"fnfttV t. Amhutnnre Corii, at I'.ton. nml J, . WentniiriPittr- nt WaDhtngton, Mnnliinrt State m, TeUwr CoIUkc. nt tnUrrlty 'of AUbam ti. nirm.nchani. nt Tllinnf VI. JffrAti. l V. n.i... i. .. """'n"'0". nd l.e v. Itleluiiond. at l.f i. uiiiuill v f.eanrf, t. ItnwarU. at Pwnee. tnl-ri.lt.V of )lii,it,fipi ,J. ,rkn tie. Ht I nllfratli. t n At- Vanderhllt 1. I'niii.rlianl.. at Naluillf, lenn, rum Slate t. (Seltrtbun, pt State Collflf. rurnnninnre m. nucktiril, at lnLMirf, ra. (ornrll t. Oherlln, at llhacn, N. V. Mulilfnhrrc . tlllanota, at Allrntann. I runklln and Marshall m. Indian, at I.an. rnfitfr. ra. tthln Ktntf r. Ohln VIlttn. .1 r.lnmltn.. Harvard fresh v, llfan Aradenu, at Frank tin, ,M.im. prlnillrtd is. Itsrtmouth. nt Itanntrr. N. II. Amherst is. Mlddlftonn, nt Mlddlrtonn, Conn. I'clltl H. l'nrt .MiRli,l,r. nt L..r llflnln Khnile Inland Slate t'. Wflejnn,' at Me- ir.i mm. Williams t. t.'nton, at .'rhfnfftody, N. . .w b. nri irxinia, ni .innnpoiik. 1 nrl Wadanorlh . ItuUrrs, at Se llriinx Mick, N. ,1, Perfect Weather for World Series Cfiiitbiiifd fritm Case line than mi) thing else. Sihupii. mi Hie nther band, iifch his Him. and Is Just as good lion as any other time. Feuile's fast hill and his rharp-bi caking cuies will be mute ef fective against the White Sox. Further more, he does not Buffer from Hie heat or the cold. No Is loo oung for that. Cicottc Is l!cst Hot Kddio Cicottc Is the one best bet for the White Sox. The molstball veteran 1st nl: ready and anxious In get on the fit-Ins line, and he will have bis wish. For n time It looked as though Rowland would switch bis plans and start Red Fnber, but lljc sort el-top wonder Is hot much gooil when the temperature Is low. ; Kaber h.iH said that he can feel ian coming a dav away fiom the condition or ! bis arm. It begins to gel somewhat niifi whin -llio Minwor adtioachcs and L 'rnw for a couple of Pi), after That MMaii eliminates him. l)mfoi'th, too cannot work unles .-ai'i r.r conditions ate perfeci. Uussell seems t , I e In good shape and will be used n a i lief hurler. If Cicottc Rets his lump McMullin at Third Ray St-halk will wtuk beliiud tli, iiJaie for Hie American League clianiploii ami McMullin will play third base. Duck Weaver replaces .IllsbeiK at short and John in) I Una goes to rlfiJit flchl In place of Licholil. u-lin i-ntlin nnlv nrfalnut i-ltrVit-Vinti,tA,t ,!.. It ers l-'or the (Hants. TIerzoe- will nl.iv r- ' ond base, as was predicted a montii ago when he look bis vacation on bis farm Robertson Is to play right field, but be will be supplnntcd by Jim Thorpe unless be plaa a good game. Thcto Is considerable betting on tho series, but no odds arc offered, liven money prevails nnd this morning more than $50,000 was put up. One bet of ?100(l to $4000 was made thai the White Sox will win three out of Hie first four games. Crowd to He Limited Tho crowd at today's game will be limned lo the seating capacity of Comlskcy l'aik. which has not been subjected as yet to the tire test m a national commission count It In expected between :si,000 aud ni.000 people will see the opening game, nnd no more can possibly be crowded Into the game tomorrow. Tho reserved seats were exhausted a week ago. but Ibern will be sold today ln.000 bleacher nnd pavilion seats, one seal to each customer In line as long as they last The weatherman has promised to turn oft the faucets, but is Inclined to bo nasty In tho matter of temperature. Fair warn ing Is given the fans to wear the warmest clothes they have nnd not be afraid o re place their It. V. IVh. temporarily at least. with something better designed lo turn the lake wlnda from the skin. It Is not expected the weather condi tion will revive memories of the World's .Series of 100(1. when tho first frny was staged to the accompaniment of snow Hur ries. GRIFFITH GIVES UP SEAT SO MRS. ALTROCK CAN SEE Washington Mnnntfcr Docs the .Gallant Act nnd Mrs. Nick Dries Her Tears COMLSKIIV l'AKK. Chicago, ikt 6 tirealor love hath no man than that he bhall give bis world series eat to u friend. That's what Clark (Jrlfflth. manager of the Washington Ameilcnn League team, did today. . .N'lck Allrock.. former White Sox and Washington pitcher. whK provided with a good seat because of former services with the Sox. Mrs Alt rock nctompauled him tu. Chicago. Then Mck discovered that even .,. . ,.-...... ......I.lo,' u, ,,, l Ill .11 itll fl IIIO CI Jll-I C luumiiv nunnn; seat for his wife. Mrs. Allrock was on the verge of (ears. It liter (irlflllli. He had only one at available his own-ii box seal. Hut he Slf-Walter-Ralelghed himself right out or that for the sake of his friend's wife. .Vow he'll have to take his chances in tiro bleachers. STANLEY YOAKUM HURT Lightweight Boxer Seriously Injured in Automobile Accident COLORADO SI'ItlNHS. Col.. Oct. C Stanlev Yoakum, a lightweight pugilist, well known In fight circles In the inler mountaln region. Is dangcrouelv IP at his home here today. Voakuin nnd his wife were returning from Pueblo in Ihe light er'i car yesterday when a sultcai-c carried. In tho back of the machine fell oft and. as Yoakum looked back, the car ran off a bridge into a ravine. The fighter yas pin ned beneath the wreckage. He was brought to Colorado Springs, where physicians said Internal Injuries are serious. Mrs. Yoakum van not hurt. , Two'-More Harvard S,targ, Enlist ' , CAMnniDOK. Mass.. Oct. ;V,,."TC&". "Informal" football team, which has amu virtually all f veteran material Into ti. -r Is to give up two more of It? most promising members, this time to the navy P Captain Snow, the varsity guard. ana Church, the halfback, who was last veaCa freshman captain, announced to Jv that they would play their last game for llanard Haturda- before entering the Sd Churcli w I be unable to play with th ifUlJlrS teaiit The. eleven opsns Its sea. JonrVvvith Ue'a'n Academy at Franklin to, day Record Crowd ut DIoomsburjr Itsces mooMHBt'rta, ra.. Oct. t. Not evsrt n heavy ralu could keep away the crowd rom U?s Columbia County Fair FrMjy. M i ".V; the"hor.m.a r.fus-to. permit ;thlr borwff to . - .,,- &jm &kMi&V')!BMIt&timM.s'iim -i-'n -v..-."V . iK,WMXJWWMiM sjjmv- ", -r iXSXSfSmVAtffX'!SSi'.,e:V, Li. -V1"? rf'iAi'yitSiSMW ixvi;jsmw.tam&MmK&T-tez. viv : ;-.im&m:?MKP-ammt-'mx tm&mffiaBwu&isssi .. t-&:r&p:': n,n!m im:mmmmmmLMk;!mmB mmw .mm, -4ffimmmmjdMmmim mm-s&.w .."?& y'JMmemMTmTm&mmmm 'm &vmtmm:mmmmmgrw u?..: .jwmz&m ,., .,,,. , ., ,r,&v. -., ,ii.,-A'SCr'1' WYaMx S J "'3SS6kAtA!Maa?Ai , .:' .,irr-3 w&i.:.-:im'iMm . p.l , "mmptf&mLr&A$m 1 -- if 111 I XSN !i'BB SS .r.,,..,,J.--. .-.rv.- . ,.-..,.!. Ajks9' "ll-5S5(i', ssssij 'WmZZZf , -sassjMLSiSi54lK m.',, ..- w - mm - s'Sftjss mi nmmjFiim vrr mmm&. wmmm liiv-i?. i.iiiimtm Baamvw -Ai-m- e-ir-i n, iiMmrmmm. t.txv.v.i.7 v.invtv. iffnvKmmmmvnv nu nmmmmmmmvvv t-iv i ir r-fctL -jmvnmmmmrv vnv -n-wjKnmv nmmmwv- K-,:ii. ,.A.ft:i''-MsjJJJjmsi r-V ssTT1 sjjjjjjh -- a- f Jm&r " afjjj , ,--: : : "ivpvti. ;iiaaanw.' --" -" tmui s s iiih nar w.-v,v.;k'. ii ffiiLBri . sh sizs-". iFm" Aimwx,-s -iiy' ' jhuh A ' kaHir i mm&t& wmmm m m- '" iKnr ajkm uttww'vvv- ni H 4fcw: .m WMWsiVnB'KsJ m-.im imfrjr e-KT "W'WiMm mmw r5. WW ,vf r ' . 2 y$Mm' WWW ??,? J''V i WW xoesersou VMS$!$ ! B8r v nSv b y v 8&m mm .." yL-'v v wm Mf ,ii'' . 'ntr.K Hrozno. V H " W y SECOND Bf?S ffi t mzszm. . x 1 .,' . S. X. . - " . X 8 111 ll, vl. ' -.11 ill WSs. iilHWlii ?iisagim.'wii!i,'M1VMa I maiiiii mimiil Hnr-r-m naaa. ?5-i-miomSS Wm&B5?dXZ?' '"' erSSi-r-r '-k VY jSrTSrh .,'" rtVSTBXSE. . i mmmm&, , t-cv- ...-;. .,..., MmmmmZX l i J ,,&k ,'..- -;",.v. MRMB I. I . " Mimii mn. St: vv&l'i,. x. i , ji'lfcSfrg ,iifr m IHslsHMHWatHHsHi - '-'-kd&k 1 s Ax',&i suMaHlssVlloiii t I RSI ;;' v r i Mm. WTTm ? i ";.;' nsjr.Majjjjpjjpjjjjjjj.viB ., f.,,-:..M;;:-i. , r . ,r ,:HrWv. )?:.-'x. m - . , m wwm "w y:?mmm,. X. i ,m:Wmm wj&r & i m mm. m ?-', :-?mr.V& . ? V' &!Y..5cEjS. BR: ww m '-.el.: 'M w:&3iffi&j. 'v j - r ,r$Mm$m&mM ww $ l- m.jmrjmmsmrjk. xy ..smmmmm r. x ' irmMeaig y.-...-; v.v "itr..- ' .. r ?. -n. ii. i '. w.-" r.r 1 : .; '..--m.-w,'.,-. t. -xiassjy. v . .. f m& vVmmr ZtfrMslTrtt - .i. ! ' n vWAygB TJ8. V m MLd imm w'':4;Ma amssm p . ffigzzmR ssMg - w: m , p v,Tm" EJmmm KM.:' Vl mm$m - x m m iw. uwmaBM. flnyf wr ,! p.-wmii', i im .y3EHXTRvS7T?3Sv7t 't.ferjfc.. H IT,' J"3W . ri. " S M ' -.-" -J.'aT5??as'-j.' 'lX. y'iTvlTrfaas i?jyKwyv-ey5iM v.mht a n. , . . m wwmwztttt ,? x i iPMilifegMigM MSjojmsjsjsbms I rwmmzgUKargggfrvsmji !"TWJ I "''WHi' I a,aaWHBl! BTI'''MB KB ' WbmmmJm ksrlm mWmmM 'mWttl&W flL DEMflREE BftRD BETIILKIIEM PLAYS JERSEY IN NATIONAL SOCCER GAME One game Is scheduled today in the Na tional Association Football League. Bethle hem V. C. will play Jersey A. C. at home with J. Walters refereelna;. Tomorrow's schedule follows: New York I'. ". v. raieraoii r. C. t New VorU cliy. rtefeiee. T. Cildnell. Beottlh-.merli-aii I. C. v. DlMtnii A A., at Kaat Newark . S. J nefern. '. Ward. UalKOt.lt ts Vllt-o.K. C. vi. IViit Jtudinn A. A,, at llayonne. N. J. Mefaree. A. Hun. alile. . . ti,o vianillnc. of-the clubs after last Sun days games i.""wT' r.eaia t F A Pla 5 H H t i -i n ii i ?i ( j s n Weal Iludaon . . Pateraon 1 1 I ft V';; Kcottbih-Amerlctn New l orn Dlatton Uethlthem GLENSIDE AND SOUDERTQN CLASH IN TITULAR TILT Glenslde, champion of Montsomery County Baseball League, will meet Souder ton. champion of Bucks County. In the third and decldlnr contest to be, played on a neu tral diamond. The grounds of tht Ambler Club has been selected. Tht same will tart at 3.39,. Fact's andFlaufCB on Openifig of Big Series Conlestlns team aiaala and White 6o. This . iJlRt-! Jt "aA',L ""I'Vin.. ,! TtXTSJ&V" iW .r Vlfttt. fee Vblt. tan 'Katlmtteil ttleuianet Jl.fiOU Vather--,CiM)J and eleai-. , . alher-rCwl and elear. . . . r1 ctni i (Aa,lntl n-Lnnl A ITS! fiiiM, . "kt " tr XkSi tltr JT NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPS AFTER WORLD'S TITLE ImWF-m V WlsS ,A OHf . '!, x-m, - m x. WsVi . J rR nm- c-i i-ryir-n 'li. imtrr J7 sfoxr stop li, yarns ' U ' I "l - I I .....MI, ' , . .. II I I t ' ' WILHOr SMITH JEEF on the: bench Champions vs. Champions for the Championship Ki.iVrciiKn lllll.KK niuni:s ntlMAIlKR SCItUIT ONSI.HW' IlIllSON HUn.NS WKAVIIK J. I'OI.I.INN k. rou.i.Ns llAHltrtOCK DANroilTII MeMUi.I.IN Mur.Piir niSHKMO I.ir.HIII.D l.VNN MCMAI.K kautp iikhziii) JOUKUAN ixinpnT i J. MJtITII KouLrtTsos' ciroTTr: W1MIOIT JACKKON JiunrtAV Tiionrc JK.NK1N1' yoUmj wn.i.iAJiK rELSCII Zi.MJIKrtM.W ptatittTT NATHAN PAPI. .'IIAXK HARPER MEMORIAL PLAYS OLIVET IN CRUCIAL GAME Harper Memorial, champion of the North west Church Learue, will mett Olivet, pen nant winner of tha Logan Churth Leat;ua, In tht second came of the series to decide the church baseball championship of Phlla delphls. The same nil be plye4 at Sixth and nutcomb streets, lcan. Ollvtt won openlnr , of th. po,t.,ene. .M.jl., rday y Iho $vrs ut 5 to . ". I f cajJh, tht Sattird -' " i ' ,' ., TESBEflU HILLDALE TO PLAY TEAM OF MAJOR LEAGUE STARS Hir.dale, champion semlprofesslonais of Philadelphia, will line up today asralnst a team ot all-stars composed of Athletic. Brooklyn. Detroit and Baltimore players at Hllldale Park. Ninth street and Cedar ave nue. Darby, thin afternoon. The batting order will be: ALL PTArtS Me,r (Athletic; I. llnali (Athletic). i rlmns (Ath'e). lb Strunk (Ath ), if .lolinaon (Ath'a). If Hlbiild (Ath'). p., if VounB (Detroit) l!b. (Vllourke (Dklvn I. MLllermott (Hit.). 3b. IIII.I.PAI.K Poles, cf. ioerns. L'h l.unrtr. s Peltua. tb Webster, tf Thomas. If Ktmbiusl). ;ih. !anlop. -. Wlllltma. p. Svlcea. i Hhoadea. r. Hinder, Drifts. If RUCKNELL TEAM IN GOOD SHAPE FOR SWARTHMORE LBWISBt'TtG. Pa., Oct. S. Bucknell will present a formidable line-up In the football (tame with Swarthmore here today. After n llKht practice yesterday afternoon the men appeared to he In the best of condi tion. , So far this season non of tho men has been lost because of Injuries. Hall and Elliott will start the game at erid and .Smith will hold the pivot position, ilpntts, Newcombe nnd Dyer will also be In the line. The other two line positions- will not be filled until Just before the ea 3 In the backfleld Waddell will act as quar ter, with Bortz, Morrison and Costus as the other backs. Coach Johnston has had no end of trou ble In dettrmlnlns; who Is to fill the back fleld and end positions. There Is plenty of good material and a number of men likely will be given a tryout In today's same with Swarthmore. Liberty Loan Purses at Laurel riALTIMOHK, Oct . The, horsemen at Laurtl have decided on a dally Liberty Loan purst to Dt inauauraieu oionnay. -n 'v FVOEGSOV Jin THORPE SUITS $1 -1 8 TO ORDER -M..9L REDUCED FICO.H 130, f!3 and : PETER M0RAN& CO. Jlerehaal lauora S. E. Cor. 9th and Arch Streets Open Monday and Saturday Cntll S a'rloek O! YMPIA A A "mad & lla nbrldso UL IViriV J. I. ,,rry j;jwilrd., J,rr MONDAY KVKMNt.. Ot;TOIlKR a j ranhie .vrit va vonng icobldeau sol lI'Donnrll i. Freddy rtueaell l.eo Vlnrent it. It. O. A Watneiv 1 rankle Me.Maixua vs. fieri Renter Rocky Knnias va. Willie Jacltion Adm. SSr. Dal. lies. ROc X. 3c Arena Res, tl. NATIONAL A C luh ni Calharlnt Ntturday Kventnt. Oetober 6th Harry Grcb vs. Biliy Kramer JIIKR K.rtTLB ra. PINKY I11IRN9 3 OTIir.lt 8TAK tVIND-LPS 3 TAKE THE TO NEW World's Series Baseball Games Convenient tt (Subway and Eeeated Lines Dtrett tt 1"0L0 Grounds TRAINS EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Leara Ittadlnr Terminal 7 A. M. It 7 F. H aUt T. M. MIDNIGHT TRAIN WITtt SLEEPER Similar Sereleo Ksturnlas frtsa New Terk Disins; Cars at CewvaitUiit Htkt M41LADtjrHU A 1 'rA''n -: if-. . U ' v ..'.Ij-".. V'-vr PENNINT0PF0RM ' fun viiiuKWA iem:&. Tlintloaivo ? CUi:A..n T?-iia'.wti.ii' 'vugnnua ux OUIUIUIO J.' x Vf ;. ,'Cj aoutnern Camps Will Wit-m ness Quakers in Action FOtm VETS ON EACH TEAM pe!vn"""" Inrn'arit II alni. TECH .... Onlll , llneher . . . . Whelene! . . . .... rhlltl-s ... Rsaer Thwalt (Cant.) Carpenter . if in . Ifft n1 Ifft tafkle - left r.iird . . rntr . . . rlalit tnsrd rliht tr.tkle . . rltht end . . IHnt.nit; lerauM nttr M'olfe .Neifnn Hlllr (Cipt.i . lien 'Inrlln . . f.llhf left li'fh--i rli lit .hfb.itk Mrwfftr , Oaron llerrv OfDelnlx - 1Tt ((la II rniihvek Harlan lihnmKi-: 'rf;m,i.v;;.v",,,,"bm' "d JodM- ATLANTA. Ga- OA 6. Acet a brick workot't at Grant Field, bom, of the r prospective rivals. Bob FoN "! snud of Pennsylvania football ex- i .nents were In excellent shape this Worn- V for their contest this afternoon with 'ue ijeorala Tech rilniv .tr.t.-nt. Th. t. "is suuad reached Atlanta at noon Friday n'ui soon aftertord went out for their final I'tai t c. The Teci sfjuad courteously put o-i tiielr fl-il-iilng- -ouc'ies In private, leav mir the.r bltt i:diron at the disposal ot 1'o'well and la ir, The day proinUeJ n fair and warm, jet er weather fur baseball than for foot nan it the tin.' n.t In crand unapt and con -it i s favored a b'g ttlendance. The-u-sonJ o,' .ounp oltller3 and officers were expet(l fiom Camp Gordon, the local can tonment, and upward of 1500 in special trains fiom Fort Ofcelthotpe at ChatU nooRa. wheie many Pennsylvania alumni and former students were assembled. A crowd of 1 2.000 In expee'led to tee the came. The opportun.ty Riven the South' piemler eleven to break Into the charmed circle hitherto composed of Kaat, West and North. Is attractlnir creat attention apd Coach Herman's men are fully aware of the responsibility rrallnc upon thm". i:ach team offers four veterans with two i i 'iee of ta-t j ear's mbstltules. enouch -kmiiiIi'k to la:,-e off any suspicion of ci n"' Kii-iipijcr and (Juyon. of Tech. ,it i- t.fe.l rclnt Hell and Berry In H-. Petri bnckfHd and a lot of speed l.i it, i "l r..i lst jear Kverett Rtrupper .. . i ne-t-t and sb!ftlel back In thai -'' .'i nnl this ear he has a runnlnr t e bic lud an who formery starred FIRST IN RAIN, HAIL, THEN SUN TO SEE GAME John Ryan, of Chicago, in All Sorts of Weather to Win 1917 Fnnship , CHICAGO, Oct. . John lijan. of ClucaBO, wins the 191 fansiiip lie was the first man to grab a "place In the sun" and the rain and the hall for a, ticket to the world series Opener at White Sox Park today. Vrnied w!rh a .oapbott. a-i nmbrtlla and n lam andwcli, Ityan due himself in at t'" pavilion ticket w lidsw at C.02 last " B'U. li ta'iied. r.yan gi-'niied. It balled. He Imui-herl h's bead between his shoulders nnd walteil It blew. He flipped hla over iiii' i ollar about his ears. Thri the s'ln came out. Kjan ttretched liivnrlously. pulled his breakfast out of his pull el anil looked around. Behind hint siivtc'ied a '.Ine of toOO fans. At the bleach- fi-s' entrance was another 1000. Ityan nib bled contentedly. He had won. i ne second prue goes to reicr w neeier if Slou city. Is. Ht bummed his wafy to 'htraco nn a freight train and eat next tn Hynn thiouxh the nlfht. costless, soaked, bin happ.v. illen I.oper. of Charles city. Ia was third When the rain and hall came ht reined umbrella spac; from TTarren' Willis, oi' l.-on. n. Warwick Play at Phillies Warn lik club will pj- at th rtilladtlphl National Lu Park tod-. It will mett th Towanni Cluh. Thtrt will be no admission hurafd to "t thla samt. FORDS hav- only two sprints, but equipped tM1) net' Iblt Riders re 'J slide o-.er the routhest rotdt In at solute comfort. By ejimintttnt racklnc jolts, prevent broken wind shields, broken sprints, bent axle and leaklnt radiator. Save their cost In tires and add a year to lift of car. Complete set US. Installed tt service station, Hit Lo cust street, on 2 Weth,' Fre, Trial United Auto Store 005 N. DROAD ST. 3322 CHESTNUT ST. 263 N. 18TH ST. Billy Moran Says 'Be Tailor-Made' That's the Ideal Be perfectly i perfectly $18 nresssa. oso our immsnee line of rail Bultlnta tt.. BILLY MORAN Tht Tailor 1103 AltCH ST. Open ETtnlnti READING YORK, for J JJ&? Vs V h a c! 'A. Vv , r ; v ' TK- .' A