':' ViT ,FiVEINptJ5Mnll--PlflLADUJLPUIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917 . ,im lT f , f - T" I .. , . iU ... , i w REAL ESTATE JFOn SALE wnsT i-niLAimr.rmA LIVE IN WEST PHILADELPHIA'S BEST SECTION LOOK AT 228 S. 49th St. 2 1 0 S. 50th St. 4935 Locust St. 2 1 8 S. 50th St. UP TO THE MINUTE IN EVEIUf DETAIL OOME OUT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF OPEN FOR INSPECTION CENTRAL TRUST & SAVINGS CO. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS llOUSEKEETINOJARTMENTS l'ontlnutdJjmnrtctd raoe 17TH & WALNUT TWe-room housekeeping suite. Including . VV.J. ... aieralnir porch, living room """": : i ioc o rcnl loc open tlrcplaco. having SOW". " -ther apartment In Quito distinct ' - rhl"ordJ"'hla location ha. Icen known as n. moat prominent eoclal center. affording .I?n advantages not possible In any other :tlon cl"c? rour rail una winter reset vallons throueli MERTON GREIMS Apartment llurcau i th.rty BWB.. Broad and Chestnut . .I,1:I Race 2270 VTainui -- THE GLADSTONE APARTMENTS 1 1TH AND PINE STREETS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF "TiiirSWAUTHMOKB. V E cor. -'M ana wmui in w.w'l2.story family apartment hotel: unex- ff j liSTiiAii kIko bachelor apartments de- fi'.Mful 12 room suites? with, private bath.: 1,1 .STin.iIrn convenience: apeclal table d'hote v?r?.?.S?iBaVt 78c.: bui. men1, lunch, 0.1c: TrAll.MminiS THE ONI.V ,mTYKr.j,NTGJjnMANTOWN TtnoELAw&KFORAcH 'aniTopen space -"aiELTEN aVb" STATONF. Jl.lt. APARTMENT HOTELS E THE CLINTON sprSce "fin rooms 1 every tun i-..iv . .. fVnlshei: cither by leaae or transiently; n""nf one .or four roomi with bath. THE LINCOLN LOCUST below 13th at. TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT QUESTS THE ESMOND H. 15. COIt. 12TII & SPRUCE Suite, of 3. 3 and 4 rooms and bath REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY 3S SELLING KAPIDLY ONLY A FEW LEFT POTTER STREET 3205 to 3211 J Square West of Allegheny and Kensington Avca. G ROOMS AND BATH ALL CONVENIENCES PRICE $2200 , POTTS & THOMSON 2321 Frankford Ave. sale; active part broad and fairmount section Seventeen thousand equaro feet, 3 fronts. bAKKUW, IU IN. iVth St. 3224-26 Woodland Avenue Twin houses, each ith 11 rooms ant. bath must bo Bold to nettle an estate. J. T. JACKSON COMPANY Cbestnut and 13th -... . SPECIAL. IIAROAIN 1720 Mt. Vernon: side yard, deep lot: 13 rooms and ' baths; priced below assessment for Immediate sale. W1LLIS-WINCHES-TER CO.. 1001 Chestnutst. PARKWAY" SITE " 149 N. 17th; 18x00; terms to suit BRICE, 8n Clark St.. Brooklyn, N. T. 1020 RITTENHOUSE ST. in rooms, new bathroom, papered and painted throughout; first-class condition; easy terms, Apply to REAL ESTATE T. I. AND TIIUST CO. o.n vnestnui st, 2004 N. HROAD Sti RIO IIAROAIN f A .I.aiv nune,r of other properties eood '"..lK"ul",'on and Investment. PiIAH1C)U).tANt7SlVALNUT ST. fl,.Vii'on. H1TII AND CHERRY BTS 3-STORY DWELLING: 1JOV 24x103 J7TH AND'saNHOM UTS I.5L18TH. T. Handsome brown-.tone-re.I. fot"l.wV:,i'l.I'0?n. "Vare and. Parkway; BIT Che.tnut'.t AVBly ""' -''"-'' Co..' h Un?THTi,.r?T HALE, near Parkway Library." k to rwi Li? "K ,rn Siuare); 40x125 ft a, T0 '?rL at: submit offer. v. lllllJCE HARROW. 130 N. 12th St. 1025 SPRUCE ST7 JV.J,KVij. Real Estate Trust Bldg. ,.V,tAWFORD HOMES 10TH AND WYOMING AVE. g $4200 TO 15300 mln?rfa.';-Jnv",,nien!"' norfhweat sectlonflTst S,H.d.J""i" application; small amount of cash Required. James D. Wlnchelt, 2840 N. 20th. ?m."J.i!Ti,,0,lrn brl,r.k and brownstonTTu l3lt?- "ff5""3" ?: Corner Caraac)-5u Ir v llnIt?."r?htaltT'.l,.t,K,, reni"a month. tiv URUCBJ1ARROW. 130N. 12tll at. 4 g.KlSERN,8.'.'''1 f 1227 h ViJT u M"" Mr.i Ul wainut ei. -SM.,, ,;ooo, -jril.-McConnVll":' 9fh""u Ilpslneas Properties nnd ... "l0th'A.SK."'Au"'' "tor nl apt... 2320 N. : l.iJli.. at CJcrmaniown nve, business center: 'SAitp n. Avir.soN m. ni" .- -.,. r'Ae"?edVf,hTl,w!th ra,lr)a'1 facilities- w,U ni-i.'f '.I1.11" ,21 labor market. halrav. ?." to" N' E- "P1"' U"'J and Chest: BI& rU.aB.?!&.A MW! i -lgjL-"n. Dleterlch, 737 Walnut. VactorUs, M'aryhousw. Mfr. Floors UDERUn..t. i..... .T- ' t kiJT ' --njrjr uuiiainar. HNvina n . s.t..t. MOHItls C-Q ltldite at Tlroad. i. Uusli mess Properties and Stores P - HJrMjjnajDllln,j LSSrBH&&a K" Oaraie. '. 'Wllllmfe,.! w&t .j&H'y-"'? ii iiv.NHNNICK.I80! ! qirard . J WEHT l-nil.AIII'trui. UT5,iMffl?7- ih. tutat iprnM for eln fab good heal.r 'SSSmrJiSS. " Ir-'-r-i REAL ESTATE FOR BALE west piiilaii;i.phia FOR SALE COAL YARD LOT Jill '.''V'-Tr..' '."'i1 ,0.1 '" west iMiiin noo ifiV "' ral road front. Two main streets 5.'rT.C0i,n,!?raU" hetweei, 2 streets, "n BrlVlly."" ' C"" """ to bu """a C' Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 S. 40T1I ST. UNEQUALED HOMES Springfield Ave, 56th to 57th $4250-SH0ULD BE $4500 InCIrmlI hTUlciI AArr l.l.t....,l.i f-isli, Itln Imtlin. built-in m'i.,. ..... ,. lirat hardwood floors thtuuRliuut, prltnle t Step"!. tciuen JAS. C. ENBURG I nr ljl on jlnut to SOth, or tiOth to r.Hlh and Snrlimileld. 4628 HAZEL AVE. 3-slorv senildetnched resldenon lot 21 ft. 7 In.xln" ft : built recently and modern In nil appointments; hot-wnter hent. i-loctrlc llghls lumuctry floors; rrk-e rrnhoiiabl". QUICK & BRO., INC. S H. 40TH ST L TOII WON'T 1111 llIHAt'IMIIVTl!- In tlrese homes of 0 rooms and model bath, clectrlo llRhtlnir. bot.ater h-iitlnc, nlinty uf closets, basement laundry, open llrepluce, uti usual value. I287.V ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD. 421 S. 52d at TOTAL RENTAL 52; prlco .Vi(0; tnortifaEe I.'IUOO can remalii. 4 .t-story brick dwelllncs, all modern ronenlen es, unite tenants. YOCU.M ft POWERS CO. 20 S. lf.th st. 01140 Woodland ule. 000(1 PINE. 8 rooms, porch. Dutch hall. 5000 Hoopes, a story, 7 rooms, porch. 1455 N. 07th, 3 story. 7 rooms, porch. MIIM! Walnut, 12 rooms; 15xSS, chsv terms. .. H1I1BEHD H. tVOltHKLL & TO.. 535 N. 17th. 0322 PASCHALL AVE Modern brick, porch front dwelling; 8 rooms, bath, nil conveniences; prlco $2000; pasv terms: Immedlato possession. YOCUM & POWERS CO 20 S. IBtli St. ' 11040 Woodland ave. COMK OUT TnnAV nnd bo shown tho home ou want; several hun dredH on our list, all localltleH und nrlces; uuto eervlcn to proBprtlvn buyern ARTHUjl J. I,i:UPOLI.4a4J. B2H nt. , ItEHTniCTKI) OVUHHItOOK HV;CTtON 72." and 708 N. 3d St.; 3 story. ITi rooms, sldo yard and latest modern Impnnements, decided bargain to quick purrhaser. JI-AJlHBUTf MrDKltMCyrr, 71 N. 03d at. HAVK n larjre L'-story corner, merlooklnK buty C2d st. junction; cool buclnoKH onimr ttmlty: pa rape prlvllfes; orth .T.IOUH Make nrfer. Hee MATTHIAH, uboyt It. tV.M und Arrli. nort Meant rornpr I30U CASH Necures N f.Utli st. storo and ihvcll xa 4 bedrooms, bath, hot-water litat, elec tric lleht; rtntfd J 35 per month, prlco $4 loo. Howard H. AVI I son &. Co.. 211!- Oenimti tqwnae. nXCKPTlONAt. OrPOHTUNITY; lartco 0-room houses on JVtih st. near llaltlmoro ave.; 4 bedrooms; prion $3000; ereatrst barvaln In this sctton. Jos, M Haker. fi2Ql Haltlmore rh. OStiY r22."() Cozy homes; Just a few lrt- fi3t1i and llaltlmoro ave , H rooms, reception hull, laundry; excellent condition. (II.KNN. 1517 Columbia avo. I HAVK a 2-story stde-vard house, main street, ronpnlcnccB, lot 20x150 to back strict, prko I21n0; u rial barRaln. Sco lATTltlAH about lt,Art2dandArch, N.Mn. eon 021 JST. 2 story, it rooms, all conenlenres, lot l.'xHK to back street; assessment 3S00. prion $3700. Seo Matthias about It. T2d 2. Arch N. i;. rqr. LEAVING CITY, will pell 4 8-room modern homes, rheap. It 10. ledger Office. OEKMANTOHN SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED stone dwelling with exceedingly fine location. Four bed rooms and 2 baths on tho second floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on the third. Hot-wnter heat, electricity; hardwood floors on the first and sec ond floors. Garage for 2 cars with man's room. This is a high-grade house in a carefully restricted sub urban section. Wo will gladly show this property daily or Sunday. A. S. T.0URIS0N 7014 Boyer Street. Germantown IllllllllllllllllCiilllllll! A Chance to Secure a Single House on n lot 50x150 on Locust ave east side of CJermantown; romenlent to Wluao hocklng Station. Heading Railway, for leas than tho assessed value, alnsia brick dwelling, ll rooms and bath; Una loca tion, surrounded by houses worth from $10,000 to $20,000, "111 sacrlOre same for $0300; assessed for $7000; change, of busi ness location only reason for selling. GERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY CHELTEN AND GERMANTOWN AVES. iniiniiiiiniiMi;iiiiiimiiiiieiia!i;ii;ii!ui;jiiniiiii!ii SEDGWICK A PINE corner property, detached co lonial dwelling, all stone, with ga rage. This house has just been Com pleted and is ready to occupy. It has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on the second floor, 2 bedrooms, bath and store room on the third floor. You will find this property worthy of your consid eration. We will show you this and several others daily or Sunday. A. S. T0URIS0N 7014 -Boyer Street, Germantown !ll31JPllL'llllllll!lli!lllIllllllll!IIIIrj!llllIIIIIilll!illlllll!lS!,JlllllIllllllll!a! On McKean Ave. Between Manheim and W. Clapier St. Large single stone mansion, containing 0 bedroom., 2 bath., gas und electrlo light, team 'heat: atone stable and garage over an acre of ground In beautiful lawn and shade trees; a most desirable residential .section; convenient to Queen Lane Station, Penna. It. H. GERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY' CHELTEN AND QERMAN,TOWN AVES. MlBrai!ailMfflMIUlMlllMI!!Ui;i SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED stone dwelling, 6 ' bedrooms and 2 baths, hot-water heat, electricity, gas, hardwood floors: with in a few minutes walk of Sedgwick Station or Germantown avenue cars. These properties are built of thq best building materials and .cannot be du plicated at the price. Call und, we will show you these houses. A. S. T0URIS0N 7014 Boyer Street, Germantown jpmwiiiiiffliiiM Wissahickon Ave. Opposite Stafford St. Conienlant to Chelten Avenue Station, Penna. H. It Colonial stone mansion, up to date In every particular: garage and .table- Lot 12311.10 ft. One of the most desirable rali.)itlal sections of Uermantov.il. For further particular., ipply to GERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY CHELTEN AN1 GERMANTOWN AVES MIMMn Corner of Tulpehocken and Greene Sts, L lUu-latom 20-rooin houAJ. nd UW., -llh . Isrue grounds iuid many 'Uau Iful trees, can 1) I - f l ( ississsi'ssa; r SFVwa Jllm mm -mM. mm- ci I 'WtfMffi& I AMD The MlNlTTe. SME. ) '' THCV ALl-VyAMED opeNEoTHe door.a&out ) Vf' V ) I To Tave Her V'FiF-w NoMCMRUiriED J - I : -rp Thought r- N- AT HEW.-. r j V SHB a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GERM VVIOVtN Continued roin Tircrdliiy Column $35,000 STONE HOrsE and BHrngo with nearly an acre, corner of 2 innlll atreets; liousn contains living room, dfii, lUnlni; room, lutn-tr-., kitchen, laundr. 0 chambers, sleeping porch, billiard rnnni und ! bitha; hot-water beat, hurdwood Moors, oiH-n tlrephu i's; hirgi. por lies, etc.; railroad station only 2 minutes' walk; high clvntlon ullh uiagiilllt'ent li.w, full larllculrs upon renuest JltAUltAN. HUL.MAN . CO , N K. cor. Hroad and Cbrstriut stj( MODERN Colonial slono residence In excellent lo atloti. 7 chambers. 2 bath, lot 70x210, beautiful hhado nnd shrubbery, houio built In best manner and material b owner for hit residence; price $1.1.1100 .11 II. LISTER . hON. .1012 Ocrmatitown uc. SCHOOL LANE, near Wlsiuhtckon nve, Dc tuthed -tono resld'-nce. 11 rooms. 2 baths; line location; a ery uttratthe property and should be ImesUsnted at once. II II. LISTER 4 SON, .ml 2 Germantown nve 5U3I SCHUYLER ST A thorouehTy" lniKlern residence In excellent location: 10 moms, 2 baths, has been recently renovated and Is now In lest of condition: must bo sold Immediately. 11. II. LISTER i. SON. 5012 ieriuantov.li ae. OVI'.ltMlOKINO LINCOLN DRIVE Ne" Colo nial house. 420 W. llortter Kt 11 rooms and 2 baths, sleeping porch, $0000; open after noons, "LARGE LIST OP GERMANTOWN HOMES SMIJLLEN . HARRY Liberty Hulldlng. Hroad nnd Chestnut. Chestnut Hill s. i:. cor. srniNOKiHLn ave. , Lincoln Drive Detached stnno and plaster residence. S chambers. :1 baths: exceptionally planned and built of lest material; 3-3 acre: corner pro:erty. 3 street frontages: beautiful old tdiado und shrubberv . one of the most attrac tive properties In St Mnrtlns; price $31,000 11. 11. LISTER S. SON, .1012 Ucrmuntunn ave. CHOICE PROPERTIES for silo III CHESTNUT HILL nnd ST. MARTINS, nil sUu. JOSEPH II. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Locnn ONE 1.EKT New, beautiful stone-front double, porch houso, overlooking tho Houlevanl; Just abovo Wlngohocklng at . No. 4.114 N. 10th st ; 8 largo rooms: open fireplace. Inundry; hot water heat: attic with movable hidden stair way: exquisite bath. Open for Inspection. JOSEPH A. COXE. Owner. STORES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE OR RENT IN HBhT SECTIONS OK LOGAN W2LD.JIlIASniEnSJII.18N. IIROADST TO RE SOLD to close estate, ti22 N. Urnad, stone mansion and .table, lot .17x177. to Car llsle st. WORRELL. 5.15 N. 17th Olney FOR THE .HOME SEEKER 5300 N- -th st,, between OIny ae. and Tabor rd, Two-atory. modern, side-yard honifi SALE $4200 RENT $32.00 On. corner for sale with garage prlvlltts Agent on premises Oak T.ane 8T1I AND 03TH AVE. 10 new up-to-date homes; several sold 10 rooms. 2 baths, hard wood floor., atone open fireplace, hot-water heat, gas and electricity, garage privilege: 20. ' foot drlvewav In rear; restrictions, run frpm $10,500 to $11,500; no war prices on these homes: If In the market look theso over, sample house always open; .end for literature. 1 1. HOPE. 5901 York road. Open Sunday. rrnnkford 4710 LE1PER ST. Ono of the finest old home. In the aristocratic section of Frankford, con taining every modern Improvement, spacious ground., old shade, garage, etc.; will be sold at a great sacrlHce; only a small amount of cash required; balance can be financed for responsible party. Cull particulars from NORMAN 8, SHERWOOD CO.. 1721 Walnut FRANKFORD HOMES SCHWEITZER. 4410 l-RANItFORD AVE. l'ENNSVI.VANIA SVHUKIIAN CHESTER 20T1I ST. 3-story brick Inclosed porch, mod ern, built mill: lot 30xl5U: price $7250. CHESTER OS1IORNB. 1324 Chestnut St. L'LKINS PARK Owner of beautiful .uburban home, containing 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. In fine location, near train and trolley, will sell same at very Interesting figure on easy terms. I P30. Ledger Office OLENSIDE- ntf mod, Extraordinary opportunity, brand new modern bungalow. 8 rooms, modern bath; Ideally located on lot 178 ft front, as. ft. porch; full of individuality can be teen "any wil. T. P.. RORERTH fc SON. C.lenslde. Pa QLENSIDE Xew Colonial. 8-room house; open fireplace; attractive location; gaa and elec.i laundry, etc.: $5000: terms: call today. HENNlNClEn I llENNINUEH.aienslde. Pa. OLENSIDD (.allfornla - planned bungalow; splendid surroundings: gas, sevver. fireplace, doubt, floors; well built, convenient. W. T. II. ROIIERTS li.HOK. tlelslde. a t sta. ULENdlDE New 7-room house; a. and elec trlc; good lot; term, to suit; $3300. RENNIN-, OEli A RENNINOER. Olen.lde. Pa. HAVERFORD ATTOACTIVB HOUSE and garage within 1 minute." walk of station; 7 bedroom.. 2 baths and storeroom; .hades and screens Included; . U ...... I. K-wlUfl. .Illft'WI Warnock & Emlen, Otis Udg . 112 H. 10th st OUONT2---10 room.; modern house; gas and electrlo light; lot 00x150, with line chicken. house; 5-mlnute walk to So trolley fare; $3800: term, to suit. O. Regan. O.ontz, l'a. 0VERBR00K Small, detached house, brick and stucco ll room., 2 bath.: elettrlo light: central-plant heat: clo.o to both. station and trolley; lot, 50x130; price and full particular, from Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE DUlLDt.NO SWARTHMORE, S'o"."307 h7 I 'he.terToad Mod ern cut .tone twin dwelling, 10 room., bath all conveniences, lot 00x207,. garate po.se. .Ion price reduced from I320U to $4300 for guick '- poWERH CO. SiJ H 15THST , TO settle elateTT.tT acr.s,"'.ri. 1-ou.eTgood ron. .-dllloul MM.VMHa7FUTajH.I-e.r.aiiUioii, PBTEYNo Wonder She's Sick in HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSI 1.1 AMA M'lll RIIAN CoirtOtufd from Vfftintij Column WYNNEFIELD IHtonn house, 11 rnottiH, 3 iMtb. entirely mod ern: lot rOx'jn;t. i lone to trollej tuid hMo ton "trnient 1o train, price reanonablo for prop erty In thin di'K.riiblu suburb. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE IJUILDLNO MAIN LINE. P. It. R. HAVERFORD Small muni r I'lurt; I.nellsb hnunn of 13 roomi uinl t bulbs. sarBKo for - cars and man's room, lot of " arrrs; Rood lawn, flow cm, -letietnblc Knrdon und fruit trees; sur roumlliiKs ut tlit. btsl. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE UUILDINO MERION Hnndnome rounlry nlaeo, conslstlntr of stono bonne of Kt rooms, 3 batln; stone fltabl, will bold 4 nirs; 3-4 ncres of high ground well planted -Allh shade nnd fruit trees; vcffetabla par den; rni.enlent location, with trolley or train facilities, l'urthcr particulars and price from Lower Merion Realty Go. UND TITLE BUILDING $27.0onNEtt,YlOt'SE AND dARAai"rtlth '. acre; 7 chambers, 3 baths, vapor heating, hurdwood Moors, open tlreplflc's. etc-. ; full partlitilars .upon request MAURAN. DOI MAN & CO., N E. cor Hro.vd and Chestnul. NEW .H'.KSRY sCllimitAN WOODIJI'RY. N. J. 8 MILES OUT KI.NEST PAI'ILITIEH Tor best tiroperty. all elatses L. Wllklns, 15 Cooper at,, Woodbury, N. .T. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON 1IEIOHTS, N. J. WILLET I.IPI'INCOTT PENNSYLVANIA 1HY In the "Dickens" don't you Investigate the 22-arro slate, brick and stone property at "Peath liottom. York Co.. Pa? Do It now; there Is a fortune In It for some one; vve hopo It may be ou; .end for descrlptlvo folder; no charge. lft acres on Sklppack pike. 5 miles from Philadelphia city lluo. 11-rooin house, all con veniences and necessary outbuildings; (loo feet front on pike: $12,500, more adjoining land If wanted OARIS & SHIMER. Wool worth 1lldg Dethlehem. Pa. Ilullillnr Loli, I'aetorr Site.. Etc. FACTORY SITES In llethlehem. Pa., near 11. It. and river. .'1-story stone building. 60x00 feet, on lot 300x170 feet: price $5500; 2V, -story frame building, Hli3s feet, lot 1)0x81 feet, 2 fronts, opposite It R. station, price $4000; well worth Investigating. UARIS t SHIMER. llethlehem. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS l'OR CHOICE Duck, and Montgomery County farms, send fur list, state size, W. FORREST MAOEE. Southampton, Ta. 200 ACRES, near milk stations, stone buildings. largo creek, springs, old timber? macadam road! $12,000J. M FroneOeld. Wane. Pa, $5000 40-ACRB-farm, near Quakcrtown. 2Vi- story dwelling, barn, chicken and pigeon house. SWOPE . SON. Darby. 71 ACRES, $5000; fully equipped: see" fall catalogue. .11 C REESE t SON. 0 East Airy st., Norrlstown. Pa, , BUCKS CO. KARMS. all sizes and price.. RENNINOER 4. RENNINC.ER, Ulen.lde, Pa, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY DESIRAIILE PROPERTIES THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO, Hroad and Chestnut sts. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. lloors FACTORIES DELIVERED PROMPTLY, THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12th St. Established 31 Years , REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Factories, warehouse, and large stbruge space; no charge unless disposed of. W. 11RUCE HARROW. 130N. 12th St. SMALL FA.MILY7 2 adults. 2 children, wants rent with rongenlal couple or small family; suburbs pref.j state terms. B 220. Led.jOff. WANTEI To rent a furnished apartment In Philadelphia or suburb.; near train: 5 or 0 rooms, with bath. V 0.17. Ledger Central. WANTED To rent In Philadelphia or suburbs a furnished home of 0 or 10 rooms, with 2 or 3 baths. F 030. Ledger Central. Wit. HAULER'S SONS. 13:0 Columbia ave.. specialise In the care of estate, and collection of rent.. WANTED Investment houses. $1 on the $100. Thos. R Smith, 22d Tasker. Ph. Dick. 551. sunuRHAx lun akM SMALL HOU8E. OakLane to Jenklntown: adult ramiiyi Centra family) not over $33 month, il 818, Ledger ai. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY WHY PAY RENT? We will flnanc. th-pur. chssa of our property on a monthly pay ment of $7.20 for each 1100U of th. cost of our home; let us tell sou how this can be done without a large cash payment. J. W, Ponder it Co.. 4124I3 Perry Hldg. "912 Cherry rear, 3 rooms 2320 Mutter 12d and Cumberland), open, 2330 Mutter. 3 rooms- fins open. EMEI1SON CONRAD. 53 N. 10lh DESIRAHI.E RESIDENCE FOR RENT AT 3V s tilth street, aultable for bachelor apart, menl. will Improve THE TE.SNA CO.. 3,7 CHESTNUT JJT. 1041 RACE- Jl rooms and a batb.. lust reno Ml leu rent $70 per month. J tj. l.yiz, 840 N. 17tht. Bed REAL ESTATE FOR RENT lluhliie.. Properties nnd s(nres CoutOtufil Jronx PrritdltitJ Coluum FAIRMOfNT NEAR HROAD Four storj, 25x00; suit unj brum.li of auto business, MORRIS A CO., RIDtlE AND lll'.OID am Aitnr st. Four story building; snlt wholesale trade lH 1UX13U Tin'. rn.'NA ct.. .117 cyi:sj.NCT st. LOW RENT LaT-gc store. 2520 N Ullll St.. at t;tn uve. uptown business tenter. Howard -' H!I!iQ.AJ,, IS'jL above Susquehanna. VINE ST.. 113,1 Store and dwelling of fl rmsT good onlT. all convs.; will Improve; $38. J. J. STIIATTON, 30.1 Chestnut St. I aim. .11 li. i:XCLCSIVE SHOP on Walnut st. between 10th and loth sts . desires to rent part of Its store. M 842. 1cdgcr Central. Factories. Warehouse, Mfg. Flei WATERFRONT PLANT 10 ACRES 4,10 feet on Delaware River. 3.1-foot channel, with power plant, within free llghterago dis trict and III direct touch 'vllh 3 railroads; situ ated In best location port of Philadelphia; suitable for shipbuilding or an manufactur ing; long or short term lease, maps and de tails can be bad from DAVID S. It CHEW 826 COMMERCIAL TRUST HUILDINO FLOORS T.ARCIR SMALL W. TIRUCn HARROW. ISO N. 12th t. Established 1880. Factories a specialty. 503 MARKET ST. fifth floor nnd merzanlne, 20x200 ft.: passen ger and freight elevators: steum heat. . THE PENNA. CO.. 5J7Che-tnut St. FACTORIES A floor spaco of pvery description, Phlla. and vicinity FACTORY EXCHANOE. Steph-n lllrard Hldg. Filbert 4700, Race 2073. Wa'REHOUSES. Delaware uve.. 5000 to 20.000' squarn festt low rent. ARTHUR IIOSWELL. 233 N. 13th St. OFFICES, ItUSINKSS ROOMS. 1?TC. Walnut St. at Sixteenth SOUTHEAST CORNER lluslness rooms and offices; elevator serv ice: unusually well lighted; attractive; well kept halls. Willis Winchester Co. 1001 CHESTNUT STREET CENTRAL PROPERTIES Stores, Business Rooms, Floors and Studios Write or phone for list JAMES D. WINCIIELL 17TH AND SANSOMSTREF.TS UREXELHLDU. OFFICES Annual rentals. Oround floor. $100. $120, 20O. $22ft.$240.$.l30, Suites, 2 rms.. 11.10, $200. -223 $2.10. $275. Suites, 3 rms , $27.1 $400.$l.1O.I.100,$.15O $000. Corner suites. 3 to 3 rooms. $573 to $000. First floor, adjoining 3th st. entrance. $2,100. ltn..m,,t fnrnm f.ll, n.iH Kan.nm StM . 11.10. KLliIflD.' M'lI.MAMR.. 360 Drexel Ilulldlng. 1 91S.C0 VUItY DKSIRAHLB OFFICES M6.00 IIKKD HUILDINO $18.50 1211-13 FlUinRT HT $23.00 WESTERLY HUILD1NU. 1027 Sansom t. Nv office building' good light; lovr rent.. W1 M.18-WINC1 IESTER CO.. 100 1 Chestnut CIIESTNL'T, 1D27 I large rooms; all modern conveniences: splendid location: any business. TWO ROOMS, N W. cor. 17th ndSansom" sts. Inuulro James D. Wlnchelt, first floor. Professional Offices 1700 WALNUT ST. Dslrabte office, for physi cian., etc.: heat, light, Janitor service fur nished. Apply the Penna. Co.. 617 Chestnut st. PHOTOPLAYS THE NIXON-NIRDL1NGER THEATRES CTD A MP! qERMANTOWN AVE. at 3 1 rVf-VlMl-' VENANCO. East of Broad PAULINE FREDERICK in "Double-Crossed" Tlfr1 A TTH ST Delow-ENANOO 1 lVHl- FIRST TIOGA SHOWING ALEXANDRA CARLISLE in "The Tides of Fate" FRANr-FORDrirt Time In Frankford Evart Overton and Miriam. Fouche in "Soldiers of Chance" 1 rtfl TCT '"! AND LOCUST STREETS JLAJV.U 1 ALL THIS WEEK MARY PICKFORD- In "nEDECCA OF 8UNNY11ROOI" FARM" Iter Greatest Triumph. 1 CAniTD -"ST AND LANCASTER AVE. L-E.ML'n.rA. LA8T TIMES TODAY "THE HONOR SYSTEM" r TCI7I IM Market lletween COth A 60th tAL.10HUm TODAY and TOMORROW ALICE BRADY "in "Betsy Ross" pnnAD 00TH 8T. and CEDAR AVE. L-C.I-rr. TODAY and TOMORROW ANITA STEWART ir "The Girl Philippa" - niri MfScJT MD BT- Ab" "AnKirp DCl-lYlv-.N l TODAY and TOMORROW FIRST BllOWIKU ASTWIIKRB Ml MUTUAL-AMERICAN PRBSKNTa (VlARY MILES MINTER In HER CQUNTRYMJ CALW mi&w NT AND OIKARD 'K. HEAL ESTATE TOK KENT t'oslliiutd from Prtctdlnp Column rextat. unm . THE PENNHTIVANIA COMPANY J or Insurances on Lire and Granting- Annuities .. .C1T Chestnut st lloth phones. 24SS.ISth.13r $J0S:."H 2030 chea't, 21r.$tJ0.OO 205 8. SSd, 20r Lin.ni) SOVl) Locust, 15r. 125.0(1 JWM.IIr'ad.lOr llil.07i 315 H. 22d. llr. 110.07 2131 Spruce, llr luu.iiO 1430 Pine. ljr... 83.34 .-.V 10th. llr T niiH20 Rlfh'se, lOr TO.n'i vi'-l'-ine. ur.. nooo mil N. I.ilhior. . .iii.iai jnoi Poplar, 13r 47 Ml 1022 tisfnrrt, llr 45 00 2S nace 16r . 4.1.oit 17IO IVinond. llr 4.1.00 178.1 N. 18th, 13r 40.00 fil.1 lmb'd. llr 27 50 2i:i .Master, Mr. 2.1.00 32.1 N. th, Or. . 2.1.00 32"HOsford. lOr. 22.00 ln N" ITrnUlli.nr 20.00 isia n. uth, llr 43 on '.Hi P.,fo', "r. 37.50 1.1.18 Parrlsh, Ur, 27 00 B13 N. loth, Br. 2.1.00 1015 N. Rth. Br , 24.00 020 N. 10th. lor 21.00 -in wnarton, 7r 10.00 32.1 ratharlne, 3r 10.00 H'KiiT Til II. A lir.t.l.lf IA 4051 Bpruee, llr. ir.o.o'M 3110 I'on'ton, llr$45.00 R'rnin? a vii Tiu-it.i.tvriq 225 N. 2d. Br.. $4.1.00 ,;! N- 2d, lljr . 40.00 1001 IVdcral. lor 3.1 no 1012 Oxford, llr 30.00 3910 Parrlsh. llr 30 00 ll'.oq T'opMr, J8r..i.o I'.OQ PopVj mi v i 1730 I'alrnrt, 7r 35.00 140 N. 5th. Or.. 30.00 IRION. 20th. lOr. 27.50 inrt. l..(.n. n. ?!. 00 121 (lreen. 7r. . 27 00 MS. M HA C. ..f . 724 N.Wont'. llr 25.00 810 S.' 2d.' Sr!!! 2500 SAIA Itiilse. ll .I.UII 1.00 .21 Vlnn, 4r. .. 21.00 201.1 N Jesiup. 8r 12.1 W.Ojf'd Or "I not ilk l...iirH llr. 20 00 25.-i0 AinVr, Or . 20.0011204 0 8. 2d Dr.. 18.00 21.1 N. loth, r. 1 00 112HS 2d. 5r.... 18.00 3U0 Montrose. Or 1S.00I 201 Whirton. 6r 15 uo WM HAULER'S SONS 1520 Columbia ae. S3 N. llth st .$40' 1315 Cabot st . ...$15 1110 N. tilth st.. . 42 12.10 liurn- 14 1012 I'adnalsder st 17, 1018 N. 4th rear, 2. 8 . S'liiltES , 4" N 8th . . . $20' 130.1 Columbia $5.1 it riui.AiiTxriiti RENT YOOR HOME" 1'IIUM Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro.. Inc., Realtors 1 S, 40Tlt 3T 1423 CIIESTNL'T ST 10 rooms, a baths, laun lr.i , newlv piipfrrd and iiatnte,?. Wlllla-WIm heater Co.. 1001 Chestnut sL IIEItMANTOWN AHCHnit HT. AMJ Qt'MKN 1-ANI-tT.3r). $3ft nnd 32.."n. rU-ht tit limnt l.nne Htntlnn; IS tnlmitrH front Krone) i-t.. oimmitatlon far R 3 storj II room, porch fioitt, blh Kround. Dutih hulls. !! nnnarrs from Wasne n trol ley, rimm U' rmaiituwii 1174 H. Key 127 11rlnrhurt -l or IlKMtY Jl OiTKNH, I at) S. rront ji llntli pbonrs l)IrAlHKl Mt'iiii i-rHlden'o In one of th moV Hittudlr- himiih in Uernmntuwn; ample lawns vld fhade: houi- In excellent condition; 8 ih.unlrtTs. a but., 1 o.M'n flreplari-s. Thin Is a tharinlnu burnt- nnd worthy of Immediate -mipldfrHtinfi r nr $13nM n r rur, II. II. IJSTi:U St Son, Mils liormaiitonn ne lio Mum.HX HTUNIS liWCM.tSu. ttrham brrs, il b.ithK. hot water bra I, i Icrtrlc and Ka- liKhilnir, hanlnmvl floor: 1 wiuarr from raUinnil Htutton MAI'UAN DOLMAN . CO., ., I., t (r Urutid mid fhr-stnut. OWNl.lt desires to rni Mi twin house In Gtn.j ftuml inn.. Ill rnn mid 2 (mill. nteRin l)at, Btu. tub. etc$a.. pir mnM 7 IU. Ledger Cn. UUN(M10Y, 7 rooms mid hath: bobwater Iieat7 Cfifl nnd eletrlcll . hardwood floors: $40. Smith. Dali-llr-di Ar IUi..Miaa i.ennanto-vn av. Tlogn 1820 ONTARIO SI Modrn brick "ilvvelllngT" 10 rooms mnl bath, all conveniences; hot-water heat and Ictlrlt llglit 510 TOl'O.M f. POWERS CO , 20 S. 1.1th St. Oak Irfin. $22 SIDE YARD. 7 rooms; SprlngOeld water; porch W. It llrown it l'o .111111 York rd IT.NXSil.V.MA Sl'HUKHAX ROSEMONT " Modernized Slone House 13 rooms, 3 baths, enrage. $100 per mo. Harbcrt & Claghorn Tuiiey nidg. FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY 323 S. 1RTH ST., N. E. cor. Do Lanrey place Modern furnished house. In excellent order; southern exposure; 1 1 rooms and 2" baths. 1A1M. CROSS. 1411 VALN4TST. PEX.NSVI.VANl Sfllt'RIIAN ATTRACTIVE Colonial stono house, furnished: 2 baths, 5 bdrooms. Photic Llanerch 140 J. MORTGAGES MONEY For Large Mortgages. l'or Factory Mortgages. For Atlantic City Mortgages W. HlttJCE HARROW 130 N. 12th at. NOTE OR MORTGAGE Immedlato Settlements Unsettled Estate laians Hulldlng Association Funds DKMPSEY li CO. 27 South 10th st. den to loan on real estate security; 1mro. pjJ dlate settlement; payable a. de.lred. TO $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 133 South 12th at. W'K HAVK NEW IIOMi:8 In the, best aectlona of North Philadelphia rqulrlnjr l.rst mortRaireii. CHARLES H. HPAKT1I & CO., 4002 Old York roaj Philadelphia. $100,000 TO INVEST In ilret mortsagea in sum from $1000 up, also bultdlns association money for neeond mortgafrefl "O. C. SKIDEL Si COt. 4th and CallowhU! ats. PHOTOPLAYS $30 TO $1000 The Stanley Booking Corporation Till followlnc theatres obtain tliclr picture- through the STANLEY Booltin. Corporation, -which la a euarantce of early showing of tho finest productions. , All pictures reviewed before exhibition. A-k for tho theatre In your locality obtaining- pictures through the STANLEY BOOKING COrtPOUATION. ATLANTIC CITY WHEN IN ATLANTIC CITY Visit THE COLONIAL A I UAMUPA l-ln- Morrl. & ras.yunk Ave. ALnAlVlDlVV Mat. D.lly at 2; Evgs, 0:13-0. MAE MARSH in 'TOLLY OF THE CIRCUS" ADfll I C G2D AND THOMPSON ArUl-LAj MATINEE DAILY MME. PETROVA In "TO THE DEATH" ARCADIA bSOTSi m "Jack and the Beanstalk" AUDITORIUM Ab. Rockland'we-tside Alice Joyce and Harry Morey In "RICHARD THE BRAZEN" BALTIMORE Valti'morf. AVENUE DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "DOWN TO EARTH BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE. DUST1N FARNUM in "DURAND OF THE HAD LANDS" BROADWAY nVe,? avenue DUSTIN FARNUM in 'THE SPY" EMPRESS MAIN STREET MANAYUNK MILDRED MANNING i- MARC MacDEHMOTT Added KEYSTONE COMEDY FAIRMOUNT MTIIaVAnD avenue F.' X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne la "THEIR COMPACT" rAiIlT V THEATRE 1311 MARKET ST. rMVllL-I XEW KIMBALL ORQAX SHIRLEY MASON In "THE APPLE TREE QIRL" citTIJ CT THEATnE Below Sprue. 3D 1 rl O 1 . MAT. DAILY ROBERT WARWICK and MOLLIS KINO In "ALL MAN" CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "Tb. Floorwalker" GERMANTOWN aeTtS.A. "The Honor System" GREAT NORTHERN 5$ ft. FANNIE WARD In "ON THE LEVEL EvUREXA- 40TII & MARKET Hm. 3mot-6m . f ontltliterf rbm rVcriHuj Cdlmrl) FIRST JIOliTOAOliR,-. "" tllloo $2200 12.11HI $5000 WM. (I. PHE.NN ,.. .,. . i.. nni l. ni,ir.vfsrn FUNDS FOR IHT AND 2l5 JlOUAOlW; A MORTOAOE8 FOR 8AIH ; ' 4 TIIEO r. NH'KIJIJi a.ua ucrmaniown .mjmg, TUNDS lOR 1ST AND VI) MOUTOAaMF. J ANY AllUlfil. . j , POTTS t, THOMSON. 2.121 Frankford, .q 3-t TO L.'A'.s ON I .. . ." fOICT( 'iris e'V"',ivi It. TAYLOR MIDDLETON 703 WAIJ4UT. J ANY AMOUNT TO laOA4 AT" I1WEST RAl 607 LAND TITLE llt'lLPlNO "MONEY ITIR MOUTIIAOEH, niril.ni.vn .VHKiii'lATION FUNDS HENItY s nnnii l l"il Chestnut St. ALE" AMOUNTS. 1ST AMI 2D MOItTOAHl Quick nnswir .. . .,?1 MAURICE Il.MATHINOER II. I.St IT ! 1VIVI.1. nttT Tlf A-r in.tD.w, Tnf vim. 1st. ! or split. II. and L . low rate. BndlelTX1 Son 1010 Susquehanna w . A.i FtTNl)M for frnml nr.l an,l anntid mnrtgaffesj Philadelphia or nearby, New jers V mnl 1'enh.fffl sjlvanls Lnmb tc Co. 737 Walnut st jjj MONEY TO LOAN YOUCAN GET A LOAN $16 TO $204 FROM THIS LICENSED AND BONDED COMPANY Quickly, prlvutely nnd w'llhout ml Ups If housekeeping. Hanking Department Super vision means reliability und Insures eiiuar. dealing. On n. loan of , . $30 Mtur monthly payment Is only $3 $00 your iiiuiitbly payment Is only $5 IUL .....r Innnlhl. niu.,, l null 1? Willi .'I'l. Intep'St on utitiald balance .132 nur montliiy payment i. otny y $11 ly $13 ty iin $1."I -.our monthly imvtiient H on Stsn -n-ir rnontbl!. nasinenl a nnb Willi -o llllTt'-'i. on uui'iii'i DHinnen Our i nrUatn nflbr-H here. 131 M, Uroad t am open IoIb for, our ronenlence Call, a. rite or V0 -J-' rbono AYalnut 43Cr, HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY' 131 SOUTH HROAD HT. 2d floor, next to lrrcst Theatre. Open 8 to . "C0ME TO US" For a Private Loan Ready ensh liandod to Jou without del.y and at legal rntts. 27 to $100 at 3 $132 to $204 at 2 pay it back In easy monthly payment. our cavineiit Plan Is positively the best otTercd. . Hend our nam and address or Phone. UE1.U FILUERT 3031. KEY., RACE 1087. SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 Chestnut Street Oldest and Most Reliable Firm. Nrxt to Kellh's Theatre, 2d 1'loor. Room 20. The Money Is Here Waiting for You Best and Easiest Place in -the City to Get Money" at Short Notice and in Strictest Confidence Any resianlslbli person can get from $13 to Sloo or more at the lovv.-st legal rale and ar range smull iMSincnts St lo $2 weekly or '"NO llESPONStni.H PERSON REFUSED W Pay on Loans With other Companies. Don't hesitate to come to us whether you have other loans or not We will lend ynu moro money at u. lower rate nnd ;nako your luytnents smnller. . Call, write or 'phone TODA1 nnd get the extra mon-y sou want for any purpose. HELL 'PHONE, FILHF.tlT 30-33 Hamilton Loan Society HEED ItriLIHNH 121.1 FILUERT ST llh FI.Kir, Room 421. Six Doors Front Reading Terminal. LICENSED AND IIONDED. MONEY TO LOAN r.et us arransr- a loan for you. Strictly )sral rates, Pajmntn mm low as $2 per montb Our eerUe In rourteouv. ronslderale. safe, AMERICAN LOAN, CO. 5145 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Helmont 4003. We.t 2C9. READY MONEY United States Loan Society ij ei -" 117 NORTH RROAD ST. 411 B 5th at. 25 lb Germantown a,ve. YOU CAN HORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC. $2.1 AND UP 2, PER CENT 7.1 AND t'P. ... I's PER CENT $300 AND UP 1 PER CENT? IUHDER'S 128 MARKET ST ridge ave. AsnoAxronDjm gsas NEED MONEY? We will loan money on salary or furniture to reliable people. ?o honest cmplojo refused. Courteous treatment to all. D. D. DRAKE No 10 North 4th at. PHOTOPLAYS IMIDCm A I COTlf and WALNUT t 1 STS. iY" LrLr-l. Mt,t .ao. i:vE, t ttX GEORGE BEBAN " .lffSANWP. Added STINaEREE SERIES- No. 14. JEFFERSON -1,TnfiTU,DleT3Aur,,,N VIVIAN MARTIN In "LITTLE MISS OPTIMIST" 1 1RFRTY BROAD AND M? - COLUMRIA DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "DOWN TO EARTH" MARKET ST. Theatre 33SBt,, ORACE HTKWArtT In "Phn lv.vil n.. Today Dean I Polo In "The tiray Ohostl Every Frl PEARL WHITE In "FaUfiunc ' OVERBROOK " "S'SJl? MIRIAM, COOPER li) "BETRAYED" ii i . PALACE 1214 UAn.ET STREET HERBERT RAWLINSON 'end ALICE LAKB In "COME TIIROl'OH' Added "IN THE WAKE OF THE HCN8" PARk H'WE AVE. ft DAUPHIN 8T. Mat S."0- ,,:K :" ti ii; CARLYLE BLACKWELL In "THE MARRIAOE MARKET" PRINCESS "'St! ALEXANDRA CARLISLE In "TIDES OF FATE" Rl A 1 Tfl GERMANTOWN AVE I r J-. 1 J AT TULPEHOCKEN BT. Sessue Hayakawa "' "ashimi ra Added "THE F1GHT1MJ TRAIL -No. fi. b cr' i? nr' xwi market street ,, li-VJln UVUA.N YOIQB OSIti F. X. Bushman and Beverly BayR.i in "TJIKIR COMPACT" RllRV MARKET BTREBT JW U D I BELOW 7TU UTRWrf " -ii-l uivnu i in ociay rvoaa Added MUTT AND JEFF CARTOON SAVOY "Vr'eS?" B1LLIE BURJCE in Tim MYSTERIOUa MISS TERRY." SHERWOOD ilALTIMORkAVit, SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "HA8HIMI-RA TOOO" STANLEY 'ftRJ OTM1 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS . to TlHil MA.fl-MOX rAlNTKD POTT ' , IIIIIJ1II II 11111111 ,1 f ;' v.l 1 t . NJ aa -afua-gas. 3k9iE "T riffHRMtfraLHMHaLlLLlaLtBaLLLaiflH h-rJ-: 1'IMUI K i5aj t.V, mmi "'". & mmm 1fF V -Sljji &