-. STRA, & . FRIDAY yv, t c QW J . Euentng iJlziixpx Sic September 21, 1017 aL rt lSi. ' rr- -ft QMBB. gSP B VV ' Ws f I: E r. I W ! r'iir HJ 'M it' mi i r ..t. . fcl' - IX VIEWS OF THE CARTOONISTS AT HOME AND ABROAD fQAAty 2&f rtilew " I. - -a ' MI"W"Mrt'l" (wii - - . g ' JE 'S.jbL a "k, vltW lHKErW,SJL VvJK. ' Vv iX j&k. v. 'fe.MILVr WT1A VKMIIhMaBtTl .AV. 1J S fltViV 1UJ j f -jiv. V WHEN THE POWERFUL KATRINKA IS IN A HURRY TO GET TIIE GRASS CUT SIIE ALWAYS BOH. .vAWmn i ATrxr xfrrarrn rnnM TJP.TT Tnni . "", AiXUlllIilV UiHTAI iiivniJ .wa.. ..... kuuh Rcrers, In t& IwTorkIIria THE CIRCUS ON CAPITOL HILL iwnin Itlrtir, In In Nw"yfcrlf"Wort4 THE SAME 0L1TUNE From the Purine Show THE WORM TO CATCH A SPRAT Von-Kuehlmann: "My predecessor used the wrong bait. All-Highest. I know the bait to catch these fishes. I've used It before I" HELD OFF Peta. In th Ntmrt Evening Nw Prom th WetmlniUr QiMU PEACE (7) FEELERS But It Isn't safo to deal with, him until ho lets go his hold. Tttmy l&rt&on ChronlcU "COME TO MY ARMS I" -vV 'iujuZ&Z J i l M r M i ! hi , i .. , i i , i i,, iiiii 4 mJ ' By FONTAINB FOX. Fair-Weather Friends It seems that when a fellow's coffers will hardly hold another bone, most erery man who knows him, offers to let him hava a friendly loan. But when ha really needs assistance to keep from colnr down and out, there Is no money In existence whose, owner wants to hear him shout. Fair-weather friends are always near us as lonjr an fortune de Ims to bless, but they're the ones who nrer hear us when wo send out the SOS. Remember when you're mak inr money to put a little bit awayiand store It, like the bee stores honey, to brighten up a rainy day. Just let the friends hantr round and holler and also let them sometimes spend but don't forget the ijood old dollar Is worth while havlngr In the end. While you control the good mazuma, your friends will crowd around and smile: but you'll be welcome as a puma If e'er misfortune takes your pile, WILIi JIOORB. One War In (0oprrii!it TnE PADDED CELL Lonlon Opinion. "Hallo I you In th army how did you get InT" "Oh, Just Influence V J 'Camouflaged ( i . J CATCH -fblTBUMuA v V " L CVERVbAY. THERe'S , T f M ;a bit op rubbish ( (& f ' l over -meRE you - J II A Good Reason "How did Margery come to marry Jack?" "She took: aflvanta-fe of It being leap yearj besides, during vacations, ehe worked as a book agent." , "I don't quite get the latter part of It." "Bhe wouldn't take 'no' for an answer." SCHOOL DAYS Hf ByfcDftIG? M- '. '2LrtlZ?smf.XK,-mjsyAprj5ttZ&?.r VWZVifff r PEtii la' eu wrt V r " f- .tu ? t TWmmmk till 1 "ktich yn J t&' lVJnl7 Jraton. I -y)X W TT fflOHP II III MluJIl m Ell il I l rWAmr wnrSJi) H 1 H Ml W f&rmtMlMih 'iHllUzliH) a W wi. it The Young Lady Across the VJ '. rri,. . l.,U. nnrniJl the Wy " she aw In the paper that tha A'"! can soldiers In France spena - , j.. i -. ., i.inr und vasni "3 lucky they took their bathln ulH 2 themT f tt rrf.Ar r!rAV 1T ncj - (hl A mother fish was swlmmtoe '""'J three or four thousand ot nw , -i- ,.,i.. f them swalW"C0 i big, juicy worm, and-whlskh0 ' up and. disappeared, ... rne otner umo " cf i nessed this phenomenon. Now on . mem, saia: .-,l- "I. It unhealthy to tet cKH! mamma?'1 ,,thi mi. ... j.i.. far from . VB!J mother flsh cynically replied. W '. Drown, In tl Cnlcag Jif JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE . Frpm h Wtitern MJl (EnglUh) . THE WOUNDED EAGLK otjr tribe Increases so or f " ttij !i i) :t CUAil.V 4. ! t , - HPaumr- :.&,' TL'-r'fc 'v..i7 - - i L T' ' v ';j - a . v. v , i l A, wr11 ji