-j A ""! .- -rv it V. -A Pv ,r lEtmtmg 'AW1KliPWliWF - " ' rfTL. . rH r VA - -K ' T Wx . '.' fv " " t " " "" wb ile&ner PLE -.- v-ia . - -j V Ju 'Tvr IEWS OF THE CARTOONISTS AT HOME AND ABROAD ,ft'jAV,';'iv , 1 f.j'mBlllJ limit, t jVyCW'i rrom Careta, Rio de Janeiro. WILSON: "TO. STOP THE FLOW OF BLOOD I WILL HAVE TO USE A CORK OF STEEL" r.ollln KIrby, In the Vcw Tori: World, "YOU MISERABLE REPTILE" tf. I. t" PA' .as I1 to Br, &s?u From "The People." THE NEW OLIVER TWIST ALSO ASKS FOR MORE P ) Ileene. In the New York Evenlne Telreram. WAITING ttjV ? J .V. .'tty I. fcj Evan, In the Baltimore American. "SEE, FRITZIE, HOW SHTRONG I ISS YET?" Berrrman. In the Washington Evenlne Star. SHERLOCK MICHAELIS enmniiii gm. i i - J? - iii& JL I A.SLICBR l0' fTV .1 .'BUTCHER - '' From a Ndlte. ltlo de Janeiro. & NEW NAIL IN HINDENBURG'S HEAD " i w l t- m . -r - . J . J . U ' 14., I. -V" 1 &..-. -a' . foVI,' Godwin, In the rittaburth Dlfpatcb. WILL IT COME OUT 7 $:. -. ii'Ayh. Fechner. In Financial America. DEALING IN FUTURES Jfl IT'S PRETTY TOUGH WHEN A GUY'S PLAYING HOOKEY TO HAVE MB TRUCK HE'S RIDING ON D RIGHT VI' I" ,,a "" """- XV. ;i " i x 1 Sss,, KEGlSTERlNC- "RECOGNITION By TONTAINE FOX (Coprrlrtt) lot ffocs It's tlmo to die up winter garments nnd liao them altered, cleaned and pressed to bco If predatory 'varmints have eaten coat or pants or icst. Wo pay a yearly tribute nwful unto tha busy clothing moth who nluajs seems to tako his craw fill In waja that make us sad and wroth. He's apt to make n, formal dinner upon an evening coat lapel or clso the hungry little sinner cats something else that's Just as swell. A garment which Is out of fashion won't een tempt hi"? appetite. He seems to hao a dclllsh passion to cat the finest things In sight. And though wo pack our clothes In camphor to sae them from his hungry maw, ho doesn't seem to caro a clam for the bmell, but Just proceeds to chaw. And so It's tlmo to look things over Inves tigate tho cedar choiit, where hungry moths may llo In clover and eat holes In your "Sunday best." WILL MOORE. "Oh, Mr. Hoover!" -3ivV-JIr" m. V &t eari iftx ir mu&k fe London Opinion. War Profiteer Jenkins, order the car I want to go out and get somo nice bloaters for tea. THE PADDED CELL K a 1 : t ) J I k x f i y Li "" y h IZ X X X Ji A Young Financier "Johnny, If I gavo you two cents nd your father gavo you thrco cents, how much would you have?" 'Seven," promptly replied Johnny. Tho teacher blushed painfully, but thought she would try again: "You can't havo understod me, Johnny. Now listen, and I will repeat tho question. If I gavo you two cents and your father gavo you three, how much would you have?" "Seven," said Johnny again, and with the same promptness. "I am surptlsed at you, Johnny," said the teacher. "How on earth would you havo soven?" "I got two In mo pocket," said Johnny. Chicago News. SCHOOL DAYS By Dwlg i & , una. ta'gg-viss?-maJm All in the Shuffle A Government official was dlscuM Jng tho morality of certain warvprot lteers. . ' "Their morality reminds me," b said, "of o. professional gambler who always won at cards, whereas at thi races he always lost. " 'Oh, pshaw, George, his wife aU to him one day, 'you make me tired. Why la It you always bring horn horse collar roll when you play pokW and turn up broke when you play tb horses?' , " 'My love,' said George quickly, 1 don't shuffle the horaes.'" Washlnr ton Star. f The Younjr Lady Across the W7 ! i r la J I -bi.ui-r i '.wa43 - ,TvK .L iAT 1 L -l- "ii'ia &' b,ifir f i The young lady across the way MJJ that every Kind action nr i " in time and bread cast upon, tn w comes home to rooit' after, RUUU SLi4iAAAH " --