Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 12, 1917, Final, Page 11, Image 11

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    ' ? .
"S "
France veryshortly
director Plans to Complete Euro-
TI nnl,n Fnnture 111 oauiuinm.
l Mary Garden Here
U' Dy the Photoplay Kdllor
, ' .i.imili l rmnlnff lionit. .Illt
. WV,i hn re (iitlon not M mi
fIsJ The principal Known fact 1. that
PIiVMnr touches will nn pirn u .
fe";VL im in California very wiomy. 11
BBT1 nTelHH U l'ot t? n'fl,"e ,"r
' 1 .nrochln winter. Orimtli'H l.uropeftii
Bl PP1?.." A - ... t.uv la.lffll nil V sk
iTta" Un P" Into n. many
II & II. rll In Iln.l last St.
. " .-..i'. Tiav With llio internum ui uver-
'..ir the nrMfiitrtllun of "liitoliiunce" at
S wury U" 'rl'",r''' ,'on,Io" . Uut !,mt
V . nervljlon proved oniy Htw ' "l",,
P Khef ' llnw of irtoUt.B-plcti.re activity.
I ,..?m until a few dy o lid the d..
Ei rr-ftihcl director e hli way clear to
i Si home. Mr. tlrlfflth did om lin:
fM iinl film work for l.otli the UrllWi ant
french Governments on the battle front.
t ...... half n dozen fulse sta'rtsi M iry Oar-
tin lias really made the transoceanic leap
the ha arrived at an American ixirt.to
win work on her firm Uoldwyn feature.
Jt.li a h 1,cen announLPd one million
timii will '" a I'lcturlzatlon of Anatole
rrnce' "Thai." Mawienet fo. titled hli
!...n,i. noeratlt wore on the talc Miss
& rlinlen Mint the title part Then there ni
If" U" . t. ..,.. ..,., n.tA.l li..n ...
the Play oi iii iiw iiwimki ui w.u ncit mi.
lM Broad. I'aul Wllntath i the author
(or JP'er) and Cotiatanc-o Collier, Arthur
'orrtat unci Tyrone Tower enacted the rolei
el the Alexandrine tonrtenan, the obyarlte
ind the monk. The Cloldwjn preig man
The script of "I'lnl' liau been rompleted
in the (Joldnjn itcennrlu department rtid
sullls Mlsi (lardrn'n approval. In the
nlcturllatlon the story of the opera haa
Ken deviated from hut slightly, only enough.
In fact, to lift the principal character a
thtde above the estate of a courtesan Hpe
clil scone net are being prepared by Uold
n artists to make the Investiture of splen
did visual appeal"
The well-Known military uiitliutlty, (Jen
rat Ilumor, has been buzzing around
Twentieth street and Lehigh uvenuc. He
reports, with all the reserve necessar.v In
uch vairue allegations, that the big l,ubn
punt, formerly such u center of activity.
tut now a dcert In the oasis of northwest
Philadelphia, has pitmed Into the hands of
the Shuberts. No ufllclal confirmation Is
obtainable Ju?t now, but It Is presumed
that the reference Is to the recent coalition
of tha Shuberts, Arthur Ilammcrstelii and
Ralph Ince.
Society paid more than a dollar n minute
at Bar Harbor recently to see Annette Kcl
lerman give an exhibition of dlvlttR and
awmmlns nt tha fashionable swlmnilns
club of the summer resort. Tha money
realized throush M'-ss KellermairH iie.form
ance ucnt to a local hospital The chlb.
tlon lasted onlj a few minute but boxes
nuiuiuK mi.- jiciduhi r-uiu lor $uu, while re
atrved seats cost $5 each
Xcarly $4000 was raKcd through the
COJTtfjy of Mis? ICellernian and tile big
company of Vu plajets which Is ut IJat
Harbor, tnattlnff Queen of the fee.t," het
forthcoming- marine kpectaclc, with John ti.
Adollt directing:.
.The rpcclators were probablj the moi
d dtlngulRhcd that have ever watt lied a
motion-picture star work. Included In the
Hthcrlng were He-bert . Satterlee, son-ln-lw
of the late J 1'. Morgan: (lenoral Hoi-
at PiirfUr fnrinit.il Ahtkn. ,
V V .".i.ivi.j iniiuuauur lO
t Franco; Constantln Ilrun. Mlnltter from
Denmark to the United .States; Assistant
Secretary of State Polk. John D. Itoclte
Kller, Jr. Sir (Jllbort Parker, tho noted
author; Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, wife of the
w itmous euitor of the New York World ;
......luurauni, .urs. .-warcus A. Hanna
Colonel Crelghton Webb. Arthur Train,
Mica short story writer, nnd many others,
Settlement Worker Will Uecome
Hi amor's Uride Tonight
vti? - y vrr: ij,i -rwr
I mmL., V,1,8,m-"'. tle nngeV by the
Uddlcs nmonif whom si,c has worked, will
l.o married tonight to Colonel tla.ry U, alt
er, of the Chilstlati Volunteer Church.
U-VZrlTW m ,,e l""-forned nt 1016
lnr.r ' ,,.'.e ,l0"u, f,,r l a""" Atmy
lassies, The I lev. T H JIcKenty. biotl -
fl-i! lV'nn',' "f ,,,e ,",,tcr,, 'Vnlten
llat.v. will olllclate
I,..!.'".8 .!!eC(-U ?'"' 0u,01",, '"'"' lMe
the poor ihclr lomun.v beKan several
jears an,, v.ben they nut at an outing
Uicl Not Call Arsenal a ".Menace"
llerbe.t UeckeiilmiJt. .Vvv Depattmcnt
o dnaiico In-pector ut the Mldinl" Ste"
nnd ordnr-nce Compan.v, .Vlcetou... did no
.ondenm the ITankfo.d A.senal as a "","!
uce to the coniiiiiinlt.v following xtuidaVs
'i0'!;Jn..L,,ul!-h' -' n we,:
Th;."V"":" :.""" r.,..,.i,,.,oi jwi
, ;""" " uiinnuieii t jir
enbach thinugh an erro.
Address Pnllirr' AsMieinti,...
iM"i,V. Cottl"lf' wont oecutlve of the
Philadelphia Boy .couls of America, win
,,? .hi C1m 1acr at the first fall meeting
of the fathers' A-oclalloi. of the I'm Ills
ford High School tonight The meeting,
which begins nt s o'clock, will include mul
ral and social features
Depnttmei.t of Health nnd Charities
Makes School Appointments
IHieutiir Kiusei. of the Department of
Health iui Chatltlcs, today appointed a
half dozen phvpciin to positions as as
slrtiinl school medical Inspectors to (111 n.
inncles inued bv leslgmitlons nnd enlist
ments in t,P tnllllai) and nnvnl hervkes
The pUces cairj salaries of $S00 each
ll.e new school doctors tile Louis IMcl
Ken. :: South I'lfth urect; llcnjamln II
Jlaiin, 1 1,0 1 South I'lfth stieet, Samuel S
ningirold. .'Ill Wti Clearfield street; John
II Decker .", J 1 1 Chester uveiiuc, Adoiph
Coh... 917 North eighth stiot. and Majoi
II .lost ph. 171,-, JelUrson slice!
Anothri ilty nppolntn.eiit un.inimcid
(lay was that of 'HioniaS II. Hell, li.'.ls No
wood nvenue, in.pcctoi Iluiciiu nf High
wa.vs, alirj $J:'00
rn iir
i vmurrow s n ar i
MUed OinngeH
Pinched llggs on Tuiift
Heef Cioiiuettes imndc fumi
String Deans
Slewed Peaches
I lam and Cabbage
Dulled Potatoes
Prune and Apple
1,11 ""c I 'ne famous rvmiarhst (isnigsr everyday
l (i nctpjui ana wholesome nay.
Brifhlen the Corner Where You Arc
Uch girl
others. You nru ikli
world, but our soul
That Is the secret of
AVhl'e jo.i aic living In luurv
ve swatted flies vitK
zeI this veajr
lodi.y one, looked
in the. r fc.ee.
Aj . t. . n i
rum m-6.au me fCCl SO
Ooiltv C?LUJS
Im sitrtply
pmo: out
its rce..
I long ago a poor little
brought me he. storv She was one
of the so-called socletj leaders of the town
In whleli she lived She was popular,
talented, and had all of tho material things
that could minister
to happiness Hut
In her home of
... u c 1. beaut.v and
much m o n e she
was unhappj Just
whj, she didn't
Know, and It was
plain to me that
she was tealty sin
cere In her doubts
I in de up ...v mind
to speak f.anklj to
her even at the tlsl.
of hurting her sen
sitive pnde
"You are sufTei
Ing from the most
Insidious of'nll dl
eases," I told her,
"the disease of
iclflahness There
Is nothing In all
jour life to help
In the eves of the
Is povertv-strlikcn
r.'r unhapplness.
jou aie starving spiritually There Is onl
one remedy for hunger of any kind proper
fcod What ou need Is to feed our soul "
She staled nt me In bewilderment, while
n Hush spread over her face
"I am not quite sure that 1 know what
jou mean," she said
"It Isn't difficult to Itiioiv. If jou rcnll.v
want to." I nnswered "There aie hun
dreds of other girls like jou, ica.ed to have
everything that their bodies may crave,
who never know an) thing but a painpe.ed
petted, sheltered life They hs.ve nbsolutelj
no part In the woild's vvoilt. or progress, or
set ice. Yet they w omler w h the Joy of
Ufa means so little to them. You aie one
of them. What you need Is to forget our
beautiful homo and your senants and
jour motors, and give jourself to othe.s
fco far In youi life all of tho sen leu has
been elven to vou. You need to icverse
the process and apply some of that service
to jour neighbors "
"Hut I do," She proiciicti. .viy money
Is alwajs at the disposal of every worthy
cause I am alwajs wiltmg out a check
for somo charity."
"Money Is the emptiest rcivlc'o In the
world." I told her. ' Ono of tho greatest
services to humanltj that I know of was
given hj a woman who In jour estimation
would be called pool. Shall I tell jou about
And when she nodded I told her tho story
of the song. "Brighten the Corner Where
You Are," and its author:
"That song, which has literally sung Its
way nround the woild from tho heart of
the crowded city to the jungle, was written
by a woman In Ohio, Ina Duley Ogden
She was a genius as a vjrlter, and ambi
tious to use that gift :n a great way, but
circumstances wero such that It teemed
Impossible, for her to do so.
'The words of her song. 'H.lghten the
Cornel Where You Aie,' were suggested
to her by her own life. Today tho result
has literally gone around the globe, and wc
have heard of that song belug'sung even In
farawaj- Slam and In tho trenches of
France. In her way that woman has done
more of a leak genuine service to human.
It j- and the kingdom than jou have done or
could do ullli all jour mono M.e gave
herself, her hcarl her soul You give unlv
Jour theiks Ho jou sec now whnt I
Thcte were tca.s In the cjes of the poor
little, I It-li girl when I finished, and she
nodded her head slowlj. while a new Unlit
stole Into her ejes tlm I do not ll.lnk had
ever been there before She thanked me
with a piesM.ro of her hand that meant
moie than words and took her depiiluie
I'roin time to time I have heard fiom hei.
and often from others who have vviltteu
n.e without he. knowledge, of some of the
things she Is doing One of the first things
she did was to organise n "Help One
.inoiuer i iui, which had In Its membtfi
shlp not oulv some of the richest gl.ls but
Koine of the nooiet girls In town It was
a club that followed Its 11.11110 cxaetlj. and
the stoiles of Us piactlcal help In hun
dreds of different personal, Intimate wnvs
would make an Interesting book
Also, she was Instrumental In seen. lug ,1
woman police officer for the esprcsa pur
Pose of aiding wayward girls
And sho helped to organize a night
seiiool for working girls, where they could
nave an opportunity to quality for better
and.nore profitable work
Sho Is richer now than she had ever
".milieu 01 oeing ami hei bank account
cannot be overdrawn, no matter what de
mands she may mnko upon It
(f'opjrlght 19t7 1 the if (indicate. tnc.)
Prliloj- The rout of tilth mine.
Tho Women Writers' Club, of Philadel
phia, lias formed n unit of tho P.ed Cross
Tils means that tlio liusj newspaper people,
advertising women and magazine wilters
will snatch tlnio from their .espectlvc Jobs
all winter long to make surgical d.osslngs
for "over theie."
The use of the Itcd Cross wotkroom in
tho lleconl Hulldlng lias been extended to
thfl club each Wednesday night for this
new wartime actlvltj Work Is under the
direction of Mrs. H H Skenett, chairman
of the unit, and Miss Ada Weber, vice chair-
nun. .urs ueoige .Myers Is treasurer nnd
Miss Clara Zlllesscn ecretarj
Headquarters of the club ulil.li 1,1 n.it
of being only four jeais old, includes most
of the rcprosentitlve newspaper women and
magazine writers of the cltj. nro nt 1210
Kocuit street
Patrolman Killed by Hold-up Suspect
CM:Vi:i,A.'f), Sept 12, While search
ing three hold-up suspects at the Droad
waj police station this morning, Patrolman
Rlaeflce was shot and Killed by one of
them. All three escaped.
10- -jiiiL'v . . m., 1 .m. -u m vhh
i- VTT&2S. . ML I W I I MM! , V,rr 7"'n.V" .'i r'n.-i . I.VdSFlH
T.S ' s rrsL. SlMfh, ' iP lJ V&XMJlk. I "I1" ' r ".'if wlin wants n business 'riSJlH
Jjf J liXfetl v- i-YI' VSIrSfc J I " m warn to corns to uf I 4 ,fgH
ffkr 4wir' VdflfmfjylMl I V 1 ' IuSHMA E 1 !..""' "r'rmmodsls only mo da I aH
ffiM fi Mhi', till ' t gJiiMlWMli I I mi'lenis i.ro now in nlten.lsme. I B
1 JfTrl Esr?i n ? RLrTXi Jr BIT.jaB3!wi I ," v".'1 ''c,.,,,f","',", h' thot. .ijfl
BrJ(sK,ltA !lwrViLs- k$ "., ' ..- NIJIuafHHi D iVr . 'V1 '.'li"-1"1 our """"i iji I tfwfM
t ; ru MUM " r 'WBWHrV MWJ tmi Vyifli I s'r,a,,rr,fl n,lsincs9 (',,,lce I iiH
llClD EkSSElI ml m Mi '9 n,i,,iNv -" i-m
" 4 JL Wm " inBiiaimiB .. 'n,l At kiMM , V K'tli ni , "-nrn, .. m.. i-hii. '(';
" wLvmviMmm A icdl ,..-fflli B nrrr",.ir il ,v." 'i'..".' ". i r.m
Wfutsiwnvnnmy f iiyjt aG? ar m 3Kkim A .1. f "".'. m'. .'"' "e for MutMM (i,n: x m
CwZlinrilVlBlv HJ '! 1 XW1" &? f VHllHI ' " "" ' "'" "'h'sil i ,rl
tmmwM u rz2F iHl I n, 'IvVv'" ";l i,--",.nonuSi,...i. S .
B I'j WrfaA'y rW - LILl L -- I trSi 10 '"' -r i inntKns or mutton ot ltf- Z -A'
I J In Willi 'r "'fcr - : 'iK ' " ",h """vdO'i 'in B
I ' M KSvSo irffi B1 ' ''Wi i S TraininS Course r Teachers I'
Z3zir N s.fi WS ffi Mipntporl llli.limm, llimir. I'll I B Wr
Read Thet. Me..ee PTIGFJ'T' ' Ut""1 1 1' B
&CIfOOL";r -I tfl
Jy -hiinl 1 Kffl
W N- "nil i li .u it A' X'JWM
I ml - honl nr h n for u- .ff Ll !
kmo.I In ur ti, si I t an S?M
i- lii I " nun rn.l M luiol, . 'Xtf
Not mil In the triihltii; piiiii rlr U iil
i ih.it r nth r s houl" Imt It El
nfl i" the Mm. nt n nuinln r iif ftVlB
Inn r( int p iuii iirlinntiiccn H , s&ri
Ilau tt itlht Urnim I HfT liiv Tftit $S$H
llMX III --IN !,-.- OI.I l.lii; M
A M 11(1111. Kill s ( tl. Kll.s i igfll
1 ".-, in- tnut i rim nii'iniii J A M
.r s"
1 rca f llle,ll,c ,s fo1, H' eiiKiucei or applied scientists, in
tniiU'M,Kthc j1l1.,.ysicmn n,"(1 snn'tarinn. VounK men vho mo
utellKible for military service for one reason or another, or who
van tender better service by compIctiiiK their technical courses,
ihould tiam themselves to become builders of the future.
list parts of Europe are in ltiins. Our own luiltondo and in
dustnnl equipments will need icbuildinrj after the terrible strain
or war time. ct the supply of teclmicnliy-triiined men .Iocs not
demand will b
meet the demand lion,1. Wbon tlm um- i ... n.
btill Rrcater.
America must take a leading part in the tecoiu-truction of tlic
world. Products of our factories, farms and mines, iavv materials
and finished products will lie needed in enoimous quantities. 1'hy
hicinns and s-anitarians must be supplied to aid the wounded and
to rotorc sanitation.
War is not only fought at the front. And if vou cannot serve
there you should train youiself technically to diiect p.oduction
of clothing, chemicals, food, munitions and niachincrv of war. And
then in the days of rcconstiuction to come jou can 'belli to repair
the ravages of war.
Men who hold the helm of the Ship of .state v. me this appeal .(t
them convliico jou that If adapted foi npplltd m-Ipih e vou aie iirgentlv
needed In that Held Head and heel theli winds t antt ,10
supplj of trained engineers, ihemlsts. biologists, met iIIuirM. agrh ul
turists and phvs.clans to bo depleted ljntet or oiitlnue in n tuhnlcnl
school if (iiiallfhd lur such a ca.ee. YmT will tlnnbv be performing n
tho world """ "'" hCl" ,h "1,I,,slrlal nro,res. of une,"!; and of
ww ZfVH,"
nt. u.s. rt. off.
Hair Remover
Ths only treatment whlcn
will remove uarmanrntlr all
auptrfluoua hair from tha
lace. neck, arma or an part
ot tn bou, Ifiwinr no mark
or blemlan on tho must Ueli.
cats akin. No cltetrio neoui,
burnlnit cauatlo or cottJtra
used. Urlclnator. bole owner
una used exclualvtly by me
Brooklyn Polytechnic Imtitute
Brown University
Carnrsle Initltute of Technology I
Caee School of Applied Science
Clarkaon College of Technology
University of Colorado
Thayer School Civil Engineering, Dart
mouth Drexel Institute
George Washington Univeisity
Harvard University
University of Illinois
Johns Hopkins University
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Leland Stanford. Jr. Univeisity.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Michigan
Michigan Agricultural College
Michigan College of Mines
Missouri School of Mines
University ol Mlfsouri
New York University
Towne Scientific School, U.ot Penn.
Princeton University
Hensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rose Polytechnic Institute
Putters College
Sheffield Scientific School. Yale
University of South Dakoti
Stevens Institute of Technology
Syracuse University
University of Texas
Tufts College
University ot Vermont
Unlvrslty of Virginia
Washington University, St. Louis,
University nf Wisconsin
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
iff nt 11 ijsim
I hen ii ill K lire! for n liiaer
.f leraiins evnnt In tin.
r nu Hi his nf niipllnil x li nre than
er I efnr sUeli persons will In
tenltil liotli liirlm; tho war ntnl nfter
lis rlos. . ) j j,irt,
ulirlv urjii ii ic 1 1 the imntf people
whu ore Imiine our lilqh srhnnls tlmt
mm ni im uf them nn on ilu ho aval)
iliemsii,n thin sear nf tlm opportu
nities ofTereil l j tlm rolleiceH nlld
lirhn ml r hoolx to tho nil tint the
olllitrs in IV not 1-irk nil mleilll.v'e
enpplj of trilnnt men an I women."
i irlnty it! II nr llixlcr
l.ei the miiiiib im ii ,,r Ain'rli'i
lote IlielnseUrn to t,o various
hriimhis of eiiRlmf rlns ethiontlon
eo ttmi when this nnr l titer tha
ill III not he In vn'n lo jniini! men
lio liHir hml the traln.iw ntul liav
llnifil the lessons netrrsirv to
natilf them nuliklv nml r.ipllly lo
pi is a part In that urr.it rrunistmc
llon enterprlee "
(Iriicinl II in V lllml
Chirf o l.iiilmrii, t s. .tunjy
' This rilnclism nf w ir nuit not h
nil, mill to illsoiKanle inir Klrurlnr
for i I time nnd one of il. thltms
we will nee.t after the war Just tis
we im. ninlf.i it brfnrn the war,
'I! ,"' , are nefilliu- It (nlat
will P.' trnlmil joinis men to tlvP
Ipe plire i.f the oli(er who go out
lifffii lfiirmf f.foiifijif U'lMff
"lloj. ahoul I reinenitier tint ihev
','.'". '"" ",rl,ic In the I est ,oeelhU
w IV li) Jirepirltn.' thiinsehen tfl serve
in ire iltlc-lentl) when Die tinnt lomes
)' Is il neat niNlaki for
nnrll) eiliuiilfil Miunir Iiom In rush hi
l hi. riiliit.il now We linn I ne.,1 them
-- . . iDiiiii mini wily Niininii o.
Hull film itlon "
' fioiiW .s HUmnti.
Slifll H7 rniiil )lllii,
r..i. ii.. ... ..
"" io llinsT urceii, . .....n.,. ..
kih lot from , h.,i
rmnent as ue'l
) Mhould Unix i
should witbdr i
In juntiii. id iiii, ti,.
lo thitns Im s ihi
then finir '
School of Industrial Art $M
of the Pennsylvania Museum ft'Pi
llronil nml l'lni- streets
till. 11)1. VI. M lltllll, I OK KI k,Tt )Y
Mil ts. m in -illustration Arch te !ur. In-
Metnl Uurlc and
In Nunnal Art of
trlor Dei or itlon.
Industrial 1. mIlii.
to lie to dr uli.
Philadelphia Textile School
Tr i tlml liiBtrui lion In nil bnnolipi of tfT-
lilf ! slfiti im tuanufjirturlnff, th rulBtry nn I
i'iik I'omti'i in iiKLhanlcal cqulpnunt Sue
ccssful crntluitrs
clm.i UeoiM'iiH SojifptnlKT 2UI
II n i ml Kw ni i iff H I isr
silnrila Iiiuhph for Trntlifr
IJ.siJi. w. Mii.uit rriruliml
iimil it Ht if MirpRKion may lu
I mm ri I t tin. I; nf i )nllf'K. tlm
i1u f ir urn! rnttiv tithrr i uusex.
A iurHt at N If nilt k will oer
on. thM,. obHtitiloa lir.iticl.es im
cud Tubln hpinl.ina LIo(i.tfon,,
'vuth ruin Itr-ani-iMf Ari JJnjllislir
l f r noun ml 1, mi,,, ii seJ
in v fnrinim. Hth s ,s nd for
jfniriii 1 1
i r l,ls
17.'J() Chestnul Street
ounr Men nnd llojs
Dr. Margaret Ruppcrt's it?IJJrli,t!ii: .,.
Uli Chestnut rlt.. fhllaUelpbla, fa.
oil ;o--v. iuit. it jrs. I'hooa Walnut Till.
I II 1 1 1 I IP' y llcLEAMSER
The New
You, Madam, can keep your home as
spick and bright as a new pin every
day in the year without the back-breaking, nerve-
racking drudgery that usually .at
tends housecleaning.
Radium Cleanser
lias freed women from the slavery of housework. Its
magic spray cleans and polishes everything it touches
and practically without effort on your part. Imparts a
beautiful, durable polish to hardwood floors, wainscoting
and furniture. Removes tarnish and makes all metal
shine like a new dollar instantly without laborious rub
bing. Cleans all enamel and porcelain ware such as bath
room fixtures, kitchen sinks, etc., and will put a fine,
satiny finish on your automobile.
Radium Cleanser is also a wonderfully effective deodor
izer, cusinlectant and insecticide, Keeps drains, sinks and
toilets sweet and sanitary. Destroys disease germs and
hii jorms oi vermin. Absolutely harmless to numans.
2nc, 50c, $1 and $2.50. Also 5 and 10 gallon
drums at Department Stores, Grocers, Drug
gists, Hardware Stores, Etc.
Buy Some and Try It
Way IB
Vi il
If -i'mIVm , ,SV 1 1
1 4.. 3t-r--l ) UlFA.-- III
If- s4-3tv-7V' i . IIII
Chestnut Hill
St. Martins, Chestnut Hill, Pa.
Iho moot Ideally locitcil nnd finest
equipped day nnd boanllnB Melinol for
bo In or around l'lillidclphla.
Kopeclally low rates for flvc-day
boarders vvlio spend Saturday and Sun
dny at homo.
Illtli standards of scliolarslilp com
bined with unsurpassed athletic facili
ties. Including gymnaiiluiii, nulmmliif
pool, thrco athletic fields, etc.
For Catalocuo Address
J, I., ratleraon, llradmastfr
Thousands of Positions
Tor fll'!ralnd women Strnojrphr )
mm iMurifirT-T-i in lilt vtiivr-iiiiuriii rfi -
lcr Yeotiinnrj rtflllruaila Htilnen World
pic Our oursn prppars sou In ft ry
hort time at n cr utiiall tost Call irrltt
ur phont I ocunt UNO.
30-Dny Business College
fi-irltun HMr , l.nmil X ( lurr t
University of Pennsylvania
Wharton School of Finance and
tccounftnj and Commercial Law
Real Ettatt and Inturance
Advertttlne and Selling
Finance and Banking
bcsslon begins Sfpt. 8. Write for catalocuo
LOO AN HALT,, S8th and WooillanU Art,
HfltlMi (iVICIll.N INsiiTlTi:
N. II. ( tr. llrnul nml hiirlni; (mrilrn Mrrets
Niclit and ilaj rlissps Drawing .Mm lilun Hhnp
pracllri-, Ulrctrlilt Vlatliunatn a Vtllumol 1'
Mfihmlra Opin rpl Jl VVrltf fur II00KI1 t
few Kirnni ipm
ollrao iupp i rat r
YIt 1A Vr nt liia
crunni -!
JV-,A -' -'- fii rnriktKt
totinc Mfn it nd lnn
The William Penn Charter School
No. 8 South Twelfth Street
Found .a In 1080 at tha rsqutst of tht tllus.
trloua Koundsr and Proprietor of tin "Com.
inonwaalth." and cliariereJ by him on tha asms
day at tha city Karlf, Uctoter J3, 1701, tns
Hchool entara upon Ha S.'bth academical ytar
Mora ban one thousand ot Its students hat.
entered the various colleges and professional
and teiMnal schools of tha country, wnlla
many have enured direct upon a business
Tha Prospectus for JS1T-1R1R la ready for dlt.
trlbutlon. IlullJIni now open for Inspection and
classification of pupils.
Acting Headmaster
Mathemaths Drafting, Mechanics
Natal Architecture
ttexlttratlon dally and even.nci. )' 8, Ttli Nt
" $4 I Night school ms
I Shorthand, Knsllsh, I'onitisn.hlp.
a month I'AI.llKn SCHOOL. 10 ej. 10th St.
The Episcopal Academy
Locust and Juniper StK.
Willi Which Wan United (u 111'
The De Lancey School
Thnroiwh tralnlne umlfr rhrlst nn innuonci.
In preparation for Cnlleke nr Ituoilifas
-'PirHta IIMir fur bova I. tt II 5fiirs of jirp
Voluntary Military Drill for bfijs 'n thi
Mlddlf nnd I'pper Schnnla
Upper Hchool opens Hepteinlirr J'Uli M ddln
School Sertcmbcr L'lsi. Lower Hihool Hep
ttinhr ilth.
Head Moater now at School
nrclsteiN msllAil nri aptilifatlnn
Iter. I'llll.ir .1. ST1.1NVII.T. Jr ,
llend Alnster.
IIMtltl-llt Ittl, I'V
limine Vlen nml lint.
Wi:.MIN ,
herc character, manliness and
honor are developed. An independent
unit in jour boy's education and not
merelv n nrpnnrnfnrt, .Al.ni
! Your llOV nf Wnnnnil, .!ll t.- .
man in the makins a stoi chouse of
fine possibilities. He will bo indi-
viuuuiiy fsiuniea. no will bo tnucht
how to study how to learn. There
will be a drawing out of intellectual,
moral and physical qualities. Tho
boy responds becauso tiio Military
System brings out all that is cood
and manly.
t Wenoiiah ia healthfully situated
in a solid v residential town; 12 miles
from Philadelphia with the usual
Academic, Classical, Special and
Business Courses. A catalog for tho
parent and n view book of nthlctic
and military life for tho boy will bo
mailed upon request.
I" r T
Il n I
Vim Hi -
I 1
r i ulli i. in llu ii . H
it h U l ti.r .. ltnl.L
.liiliii t urr I'll. II, mill .1 Itaic
i "n M itn
id ratrs
tH. I'hllll.
Dr. CHARI.KS 11.
not 4i:
x J.
Salesmanship Public Speaking
ct Vf" vmi i'iu ti- iHirni rio.v
i n It r ii l.ilui.i thl 1 ji hi if jn i.ir Jn.
tfinollnnul n rlrn f anil tnh f fpiitntlnn.
illtt ( III STM I -.TKI I.I
Wanamaker Institute
-Id & VV ilnul iiihiih M nt 17in
ti j -i ii t. una vmi, I'tnmiinihlp
l i rr. Miirnil in l'ulih; -. li nl lirntKhn,
fi.il in r ii Ins ,ii I i B ( n0Jl ij.
Harrisburg Academy
m-ltnl sdiuul Virn I nnltul ( H
country frhool foun l'! 17S0 MuOpiii
butldlnffK Urcn cRinpua Advantisgcn nf fiiii11
cIaiB nnl IndUMuul instruction 'Ilinrnuxh
rol!ffp preimrat on. .lute 1M" to $."()
Supt1b',1 athlettiP SfpuratP school for
oungfr to WV lnlte (.loecut lti,fstfa
tlon ti personal UsU if pnnnlble " rlt for
our citrtloRUP Hiul plnnn nf nn. dormitory
Nw .Tunlor nchoot build nc lll 1ji. open for
Heptmbcr term .ddreBi
AKTIIIU I!. IlItOUN. II. ., HfadmusUr
juaplcea. Utu camm.
Courses) utclud Bnlnr.n,
i ana avaaiai an
Uatlar. Cathullo
Building Construction Course
I'lts artisans and mrohantca for
adiatueinent, Course li conipleta
In three jeara tno nights n week
and Includes Plan Headlnc Kstl
inallnir nnBlneerlns:. Jlatheinatlca
Arrhltectural Knilneerlnr.
Instructors nro upll.knmvn pnc.
tltal men. 1JB other hlah-arailo
i ourses Commercial, nmtlneerlnc
I'reparatory Music, Cominertn and
Accounts F. i. hchools open Oct 1.
luune llnmen nnd ('.Iris
Miss Marshall's School ,.
omc i.m:. rini,.
rn and llnarilliiK lipartimni.
tliroiuh pjllese tirpi rtitorj oursf.
Mum l.tpres on liiiucstlrj s. i,.,. .
tn nrj 0 Blrl" I iinipili cif ni res
ulr tuds romn ilutilnnr nthlillm
liiriii inny nun no ntiiilc with iho
Ilcl leleplumr (Hk I.nl 102(1
V1KN i:. S. VIMt-411 V.
aln rt
Je ti ) nf
Tin; sti.vi.n", sinotii. inn f.iui.s. ji w
i helten ave llprimntmvii .Itlth rr ImiinS
Hept .'6. hlnilcrmrti-n In iharna of M, r
Uhler Colli rh I'rep.irntnrj Sii'ilal oura..
In Uomeatk Bclcme nml Conier. ttlonal I rVnch
Aich Pt
Nazareth Hall Military Academy
N . ItETH. PA. , , Fdrmded H43
A mllltar ai.adem for tojs I olle prepara.
tori nnd business cuurses. Henlor. Intermedials
and Junior I)epl '".".rSl" o'h'etlc l.fa and
military life. Address Slllltnrx Seiretiry.
Bethlehem Preparatory School
ItKTIII.l.llF.M. PA.
It'iiili liova prepared for leading- unlvarsltlea In
S'i years Kxlens.ve. rouiida. Uimuaaluiii. aivlin.
mlnit tool. athletic fields. Hummer session.
Sin'ratf Junior Hi hnol new bullrtlnt:
JOIIN . Tt'dOKV. 51. A.. Ileadmaatrr.
svvAUTiiMnni:. va.
ia7 A D'l'UllrinUP I'HM'AIIAlllllV
J y a.xx a a a..wva-,Mrii00l. nK Mills
Uacll boy developed for his beat, btronr
eparata Junior PepC, Catalog-.
A. II. Tonillnson. Ilcudpiasler. Hivarttiojort, Vtu
ihoh spin ei; sntKi:r
MAIN MM: IIIIXMll, MtllMtlltl'. P.
l.llulictli II1IU I j man, Prlnrlp il
Phila. School of Design for Women
r.eopns October 1 1U17
Sihnol urpen hei tetnl er I i.vrnnmtlc,
i.erni.in (lruliii? I'.iitillnff n ill nf,rk and
ewlinmllic Vj ililldr 7 to IT. fu: 111 per year;
1 n oil now III,, id and I'ltnml l i nf. ""'
Pcnna. School for Social Servico
orf it 'Irnlnlns fdr Kuilil Uorit
S htlllinillll 1 IIUW III I ihln r..r ir
I-or n trtli illnra ni nlv in in t m t.. ti..
RMITItVU I3UJ I'lno -tro.t pin ulrlphtrt
Vi: PitKPAIlB SrL'JJl.NTS for nrv cnllece or
piofivalonal pihool Itiiftlr.s , ri n for cirla
Olid solinK men lllttlU.N PISI'P VII VTUKV
-111(1111.. I.roid uu I ll.rry ts '
I I lit! I. M 11(1111.- llit f-iln
17li (Mil i II In nn ii i-,
u 1- npi s Hurt! ii for
tl tie h i ill -.In tu i nrnll.
I on nn rent.
ulna- thU
urn nlcncfj of
i ill iliminil ar
IHialtlon Ihloiliih our
Filing Clerks i',1;,!"".' '
. i iirm- or Inlril, Hull l'hlhullnl 11 sih.,ni ..
l'lM din i Ii mi nut nt third n nr
Private Lessons ' rK,.''h 1'rt",h 'Jinjn7
U n t I n viathemat'Cs.
lanVivnnl l in fini VViltnir lt.1l Par St.
i.r.VMsm in,. .A.
Bucknell University
I UH Ihlll P.U,
. r 'tm
lt(.llVI- l l) l.l.ssdss I'Imi IK- mm; f? '
JR. mi rhe.lniit s. pimi. siittiir m. . - '
III! riiiinmi M Plmnt- llini ,ijB ' ,5
Central Preparatory School
Mary Lyon School
Collejre preparation Willnc. cannalne.
in Iminlnir, aesthetic elanolnc SKVKV
OAILi:S, our liome for little elrls
C'otalof. Address
II. M. ritllT. A. It.
. FiiA.vi is i,. cmsT. a.' n.
rrinflnal.. lloi 1808. Hnarthmore. Tn
School of Horticulture
8hort fall touraa for viumen In crowliu; veir.
rtablra, flowers, fruit, cannlnc. bee kteulnj
poultry landscapa nardenlns. Catalou.
. HKTiii.i;HEvitrA1
IIIIMUi, lletlileiiriu. I'cnna. Preparatory
and l.titlrk- Uradea fully accrrdjted Opens h.dl
iiith. J II 't.nvifl.l. Pn I. 1'rral.lt n"
!'T""-l " . . llaJjaMS
Un oml l.ienlns
llicli Mliniil Iirnnrtiuent for"
ini-n and bo. ( . ja prep,
arat'on for Collt-s- t'nlvrrslty
I r li n I i it 1 una Pro.' sslonal
All. II iv Tlioil 0 it. in. In a.
I', in. for boia 11 tn HI Adda"
irilnlne In Music nnd tlio Liti.
ual unil Plastlf Arta to a-jjool
currlrulum Monthly .pins. cat
re norta. .j
modern rfiulpnijnt. AilJi,a
Mlir.ih .Vtniiji;(iit Hire, tor
lu nl Aiuilcim)
' ,w?8
IIII7 Sunup Htrcrt.
Imminent Im Uliy
( iiuriinn i mi
117 I ...?. . TE'i.Ji
vv anaimmer lnciuuie , . v.'T.
4 H.
ild t W'nlnut OpetiH Iept 17,
!Ki.uiMei s.'a nil
vocm. II
Aft. nnd Uli.
Srnd fur Cataloc fl.lH'i
un CM AflcTjnVn n a nr."-!-
L"i.i- J.sTKl,B MT- t.iHd
(.ontrultn hololiit. f Itiirrli of the liuly Jrluil
n, .,.... ...... ....... .....u m, ,,i, ni , wa
.r..-.. , . ... .... .. .:fh9-S
mailed free, tlltllMI.VSrjs Piaiiv otlnMal
lajd Chestnut Bt J4'J Vtiiiuk. dS.,"!!!!
Taaker Ht J'honn Sprtlcl- 07. 7 wl ,"
I'llll.ir iniiiau
lJl IIALlj ' , ' fli.if
Phila. Conser-tory " H3?
,llrrnort-r. H
. ... ...i. ',;,,.. i.' f.
w r
vegij?,? t