T (ii, 'X J H " K1, Brw: ' YT X 'II ' WTv iW'i I" lki . .' ..tk .. . ' . : ... fc, -f . - WT Tf ?w1jji- i . ' I t v ' A fr V1- v ' ' lEtmtmg L WIS 1 yLyfyvjpj3Fypy ffieiiner CARTOONS -AiVX SCRAPPLE n:3 "? h i v v f L . .. w . . , ,. W T A "W" MW'KKKUjlv KKWNfJH UAKIUUS IWlSKIKLU tSI 1 HJi, YV VIV '. 4 ( "' OflleUl French iMir cartoons furnlihed by I'lctorlftl Frof m $$&t m )Mm? JSb i ,4V JSj3m til WW'f J: u ..m. i si: SjBwkL VERDUN THE KISS OP THE COUNTRY '. '"t fc E- i rr s? , wf LWZ r ' 's cy ttt By f"""H ' i ii iw ' 1 i i ii i i i r I i mi I l I I jPfi W Z' ('' '; t'li '' S ' H THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY By FONTAINEFoJI i There was great excjte meht along the line the . 0& DAY THE SKIPPER BET' THAT V COh. HENRY CUAY MEDDERS OF KY COULDN'T MAKE HIS HORSE STAY ON THE TRAILER FROM TOONER VILLE To HOOTER'S POINT. Naming the Boys Tho way fach Idle Renlu" trips to Blv our soldier boys a natno you'd think a thoupnnd-dollnr prize wri off ered or tho Hall of Fame would show the portrait of the Kink who lilts upon tho lucky word. And bo ten thousand Bit and think of silly nicknames, most absurd, as If a soldier couldn't flRht unless you called him something bad or somethlne very "cute" and trite, lo sort of make him "flchtlnt:" mad." Be lieve mo, when our boys bo In and start to flRht, they'll mako u name and every battle that they win will add a little to Its fame. Don't wasto your thought and stroncth and time to coin a nickname, for they're sure to make, by bravery sublime, a noble name that will endure I WILL MOORK. The Understudy Tho lawyer had been consulted by a dlscourafied-lookins man who pio-. fesscd to bo in need ot a divorce. "I don't see much chance for you," tho lawyer said. "I hardly think you can get a separation from your wlfo on tho pround of her throwing things at tho dog," "But," said the hacBard-looklnB man, "every time sho throws at the dog sho hits me." THE PADDED CELL Extenuating Circumstances r 1 m 'X IsL 9 THE OGRE Si it. ' iVt.t.v: frW.Y HI" 'r - . 'PU. ; 3sn PMI-. ,vt. i V , - XP ' ' mini 1 r 1 1 in 1 ijiitcim mBJmXKtenri :V""-:;. .Ht; immzIWKKm m&m iAV tJ rift'-i ', 7 &Hfc&r : ?rJif r,v . i. a . . jif a 3Kttrxi Wtt vmiiv&s ynp&i 'mJK ;1A M ?'. l1 tS2w. VI 'irrvAiJw-.-ivri Trv vr" "tiL'ia aratvi. 8W i tfpru- trvS.f. iiis L;""i rTf ' ipFfils ;V -, '- ' V,1 KTti HfflHpPflMH . SCHOOL DAYS HHHR flWK;VTW':C''"B ''' i. VSfflUHWlWJ ' I -aggsA Zf5& Ii 1777?, I iiiifcrjiflii!T?n.5,r'J -V-H-v j?s fnm" jljlZzl Hi5i voices ckI-;, lt 1 n 1 "'; y " . ' iitvjKWL 1 .r HHi.HHHHiHHMilMiHlE iWL 5"Mi -SJI &gm - - - - I Sack HdfAE y a'' ,. 1 V w 4 St A . - ( The reusing Show. The Dellquent Well sir, It was this way. I met some pals I hadn't seen for ten years, and It was my first leave for tno jcars, and begsln' your pardon, sir, but as man to man, wouldn't you have got soused? From Pillar to Post The financially Involved manufac turer was obllBed to sack a porter who had been for forty years In tho service of the firm, "I'm sorry, John, but you will have to bo," he said. "I'm sorry, myself," said John. "If T had known It wasn't going to be a steady Job I wouldn't have taken it." ni -N.", LttS21a! VrfcteSrVW ' r,,T . 'i?P nil 'f?s s3KV S ?t fi&M. tld & imsmmmi ' 'iV ."' ' - 1 J-- t r''J ..'?j 1 ' ' t :.-' i?. A Bad Predicament A Westchester County man took hit numerous progeny to a county fair. As they moved about tho grounds, the father felt his fifth born tugging at his coattalls. Ho turned, and the youngster begged him to buy somi candy. "Buy it yourself," said the father. "Where's tho dime I gave you a lit tie while ago?" "It's down my nock." "Well, shako it out!" VBut, dad, I can't. It was in my mouth when It went down." The Young Lady Across the Way i jyj The yours lady across the way '? that for her part she never would con sent to any peace that would t'Hjij Alsace-Lorraine Vvay from FrM "wr''MHt,jitri luwpivv , ,t ,ff W ! Asa i-.v