Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 08, 1917, Night Extra, Image 7

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Tnoto M Phnln 1'rnflT.
Daughter of Captain Henry Wiley,
U. S. N., and Mrs. Wiley, of WashiiiK
ton, D. C, whose cnpaKcmtmt to Air,
Philip M. Childs, of Boston, has just
been announced. Miss Wiley was an
other of the bridesmaids at the wed
ding of her brother. Lieutenant Henry
Wood Wiley, and Miss Jean Morris
Great Plans Under Way for Sporting Carnival to
Be Held the Latter Part of This Month.
Nancy Wynne Chats of Many Things
AS TIMK rocs on preparations for tho nip affnlr to be given on September 28 and
"3 out at the Uryn Mawr polo grounds arc Blowing- npace and every day almost
c'hearH of. u new attraction planned or a new feature to be carried out for the
excnlnS pageants.
One of tho most handsome displays will be made by the Valley Torse brunclr,
I Ich will have George Washington's coach. "Mad Anthony" Wayne will be n fen-
Tre of thd Wayno branch's display, and Miss Columbia will also take part. I'noll
tUII be represented by a gigantic Hcd Cross. Main Lino Branch No, 1. at Uryn
Mawr. will have several floats,
Including one called "Ever Mc
torlous," In which figures repie.
anting prexlous wars In which
this country has been Involved
,vlll bo seen bidding godspeed to
the modern Yankee soldier. An
other float will be tho Allies
gteetlng America.
flu,. Otis Skinner Is In general
chat go of tho paRcant, nnd will
,eturn to her home on the Main
Mac the middle of this month to
iissume active dhectlon. Arrange
meats are being made to have
Narbcrth school chlldicn form an
animated Hcd Cross as one of the
The donation department at the
bazaar will be under the direc
ts,, of Mrs. Edward B. Cassatt.
JtUs Anno Thompson, leprcsont
lag tho Valley forge branch, will
have the vaudeville show and
Mrs. William S. Wilson will di
rect the fancy work department.
Mrs. AVIleon Is chairman of tho
Valley Forgo committee and Mrs.
Cassatt vice chairman. Mrs, Cas
att'B assistants on the donation
commltteo will Include CSrctcheu
Clay, Rrownlo Wai burton. Lois
Cassatt. Mis. David Stevenson
and Miss Caroline B. Newton.
The Paoll committee, which
TUII have charge of candy and
rakes nt tho bazaar feature of the
carnival, will Include Mrs. W. W.
lloopes, Mis. C. Colket Wilson,
Mrs. C. P. Kurts, of Malvern, nnd
Mis. William V- Morris, of Ber
xyn. Mis. Edward Roberts Is the
Several Main Line women nic
piepnilng to entertain bailors
and marines at luncheon nnd
dinner at the carnival. Mrs. B.
Vianklln Clydo will have twenty
five men of the service at lunch
eon nnd illnne- both on Septem
ber '.'3, the second d.iy of tho af
fair Mrs. T. Do Witt Cujler will
he hostess to twenty-live men
fiom tho navy uvd and tho VII
laliox.i committee will entertain
a group also.
Many demands nic being made
for boxes at the horse show,
pilzo lists for which weie Issued last
week. Many entiies have already been
made for tho show, and there Is every
piospcct that for the two days of tho
exhibition It will compare favoiably In
cciy way with the annual Uryn Mawr
chlbltlon, which was abandoned for
this year. Mrs. David B. Sharp, chair
man of the committee, tcpotted at a
meeting last Wednesday that the demand
for boxes Is greatly exceeding the sim
ply. A country fair department has been
added to the carnival, and ilbbons will be
Rwaided to ths best displays of fruit,
vegetables, canned fruit and vegetables
mid other pioducts. Committees icpie
seuting the ditfeient sections of the Main
Line aie at work prepailng the exhibits.
IllKARD all Mitts of news .xesterday
about the Haie family and the Con
gers, also. I suppose when one person
1, going to mat ry another everybody be
gins to ask where the members of each
rue's family arc, and It they aie coming
on to the wedding, and where they have
been for the summer, and ou know when
the whole family are coming home
and whole they've been and where they
aie going In a moment's time.
All of which Is brought about by the.
fact that Katharine Hare and Jack Con
ger aio to take the inatilmunlal plunge
nest Satuiduy, and naturally all the In
laws are hastening home to be piescnt
at the cciemony and icccptlon.
Mis. Ilaie, the mother ot the brldc-to-be,
came home to Stonyhurst, her Strut
foul house, on Thuisday, while Mr. Haie
stopped to visit his son and daughter-in-law.
Einlen Spencer Hare and Ann AVnln
Haie. at Cedarhurst. L. L. where they
liaxe been spending the summer. They
will all come on next week.
Kate's other biother, Itene.und his wife,
who was Louise Hanson, have been at
Cape May for six weeks, but they will
come Ihomo tomorrow. There- Is yet
another Hare to be aciounted for, and
that Is Katharine's sister Phyllis, who
man led Kemole Vanow. She has been
Msitlng Mrs. Jason Waters at Itcdbaiik,
but has returned to Sti afford, so you see
that part of the family Is all leady fur
tho great event.
THEN Jack's sister. Middle Hoggs,
and her husband will come on from
Norrlstown. nnd Kntherine and Frank
Clark, whose wedding -.bois place in June
and who huve been spending the Labor
Day week-end with the Clarence Clarks
fit Mnnchestr-by-theSe.i, In Massachu
setts, will return to tlermantown In time
for tho marriage. Dick, Arthur and Helen
aio all at home with their father, the
Rev. Arthur B. Conger, and there are no
more to gather for the happy event: 1
wish them tho greatest happiness, ami I
think thoy'll have It. Katharine seems
to be a rather exceptional girl and Jack
a most attractive fellow. They are going
to live with Jack's father, as since
Katheiino Conger married tho household
has been quite depleted, and there Is
Helen to be brought out. In the near fu
ture and bo Katharine will have her Job
leady made.
rpAKE it from me, that pby. "The Chlr-
teenth Chair," Is some ,ilay r.nd you
get so excited when Ull the lights go out
and when every one on the stage Is hold
ing every one else's hand, you don't real
ize quite that t'a possible there might be
ft case of "Monkey see, monkey do." And
so, what on earth think you happened
the other night v,iien the lights came on
. after the thrilling murder; why a whole
S'l-favot pttopV, some of .whomlHu,(never
found out what tlley tiiio. been doing
they began to shriek so with laughter
they gave thcmseles away to the whob
rest of the house. Of couise, It's one
melodrama, all light; but It goes to show
how the Imagination can be affected by
a curious couise of events.
WELL, we huxe two ilajs more to wait
to bo sure about Lois Vassatt's en
gagement, as so far neltliei' Lols's grand
mother nor father nor stepmother will
"let the cat out of the bag," and r.elthet
will Jack Thuyei's mother, so what can
we poor mortals do but i-tmjccluie and
wonder. "Cuilouser and ruriouser," said
Alice, are we, and ct wo are -so per
fectly sine of It It's as good as announced.
Isn't It'.' Ifoweor, juu never can tell.
It's Just us well Lois knows who It Is
heisclf, mi- thinks, for 1 do not bellexe
een she could llnd out If Mrs. Cassatt
did not want to tell It.
South Philadelphinns Take Trip
Amoiip; French Cnnadiuns
Near Quebec
lluxn ou een nnywheie such hrautlfti
nclf.rorrllli'p as that being practiced rlnht
iicoss Hip border by our Canadian sisters?
Throo veais nf war. with Its grim horrors,
han brought nut all 'the nobleness that
lies sleeping, but tioxer ilend " In I lie hearts
of all, iinlll today they nia take their
places with those heroic women of bleeding
France and Ilelgliiiu. Idols of nn adnililng
world Motliprs eer where hae clieeifuiiv
bidden gooil-b) lo one, two and sonieluneB
tilted sons -all they lme and n.li has
trusted with that strange inexiilieable
faith of women Hie world oxer Hint her box
xxould come back It Is n comnimi Milng
too, light on the bountiful MusknKa Lakes,
where socletj ri'lKtis thiouglioiii iho Hum
mer to llnd dainty, refined glrii xiorking
In the munttiiKi factorle. aiound Toronto
and tuitiliig ox- their earnings to tho nod
i'ro!H A trip to Canada Ibis summer was
full nf tnltlng examples among all classes',
and oiik leturus w mulcting at the sirangp
unlet MtMiiii-r of thee splendid women
chargi'd xx-iih the axxful srrlniinc i-f Mils
moilientotis porlod In hllor - mori
can women about to enter the ' llst xxooltl
do xx ell to leain their eciet
Sex-era I South Philadelphia)!" wh., sjient
about UX'i we-'ks among the 1-"-- ri, li ("i
u.iill.iiis around tjuebpo Iniiuiled Miw Max
Jli'Kcexei and ber sister, Mls Matgaret
McKecxet 'Jl IT .South Thirteenth street and
Miss Max Sulllxaii. of (lerm.inlow ij They
wont thiough Nexx York State aeioss to
Alex.inde" Hay. and fiom there up tln St
Laxvienee, through the Thousand Islands
X (siting Montreal and the f.imoux nhrlne of
St Anne tie Ite.iupie i'be.x retuimd to the
cltv lids xxeek
Hiss Helen HoImii of 151 J South Hmad
street. Is t ntet tabling at I be present time
Mli-i Mim M.ihone.x and MWs Julia rtag
meli of liinttaiKing.i, Tenn Mls lloban
x (sited limltaiifiog.i eailx 111 tile summer
spending about n month there Iter guets
luxe been entpitnlned during the last month
at the summer honm of her parents, Mr
and Mm Peter .1 Hob in. at Atlantic City
Mr .lames Itanett, of 1S2!' Hoffman
street, and Mr John Hrannelly. of IS2'.
MeKean street leturneil till" week fiom
Atlantic, litv. where ibey spent a pleasant
Mr Louis M.i.ihe. of 81 T, South Twen
tieth ilreet. who left rally In June to UiKo
i-hnrge of an esrlnslxe hotel In Nairagan
selt Pier, leturued on iiiilisdax after one
of the most enjo.xnble summers spent In
vears Mr Jlct'alie ininiimeii in- imisih-i
Interest ..ith lots of jolly times among the
many I'hlladclphUns who found time ti
lslt hliu. and i etui lied fully twenty pounds
heavier than when be left
Mr. and Mrs Thomas John O'llouike. nf
1710 Mori Is stieet. with their little daugh
ter May Eleanor, and their little son,
Thomas John Jr.. will closn their cottago
at Atlantic I'lty net xxeek and leturn to
the elly
Miss Max .Megenn'y. of 017 Snxder axe
nun, lino been spending the last leu tlas at
Atlantic it
Mr. and Mt. (Jeorge Jackson, xxith their
ilaiighteiK. MPs M.ule JacUson, Mlrs Ite
glna J.icksou and Mls Catherine Jackson,
of till! Jackson slreet, spent the last txxo
xxeeks at Atlantic Clt.x.
Mr. r.ud Mis. J. Imu.ild liartland. nf
Hastou, P.i , spent the last few d.is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mm. M llnimlgati,
2137 Carpenter stieet. Mis (iartland xxlll
be lemeniliered as Miss Margaiet Hannlgan
befoie her mairl.ige hi June. Miss IJenlgn.i
Hannlgan spent the last week-end visiting
I .k , ate i
mm m
' H
X . . . t
if ' pi
If ; . 1
Mr, ami Mrs. Paul Thoiiipjon an
nounce the cuirnceincnt of their
dnuRhter, Miss .lean New bold
Thompson, to Captain Kilnuuid
Thaver. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ktis.
sell Thayer, of Chestnut Hill.
Mis. Robert llagetty, of Wllilxvood. xvho
befoie her m.iiilage sexeial months ago xvas
Miss Jo.xce Klnne.x.
.Mr. and Mis Uiiiiaid T McSorlev. of
173'J Mooie stieet, xxith their four little
I'blldrcn, Fiances, P.lchard, Winifred and
Cosgroxe, aio spending the Miinmcr at their
cottage in Atlantic City. They will leturn
about October I.
VILKi:S-l!Ai:m:, Sept S -Judge .1 IS.
Woodward and membeis of the (iiaml
Jui criticize the State lllghxx.i HepaM
meiit for negllgemo In connection xvith Hie
State mads In I.ti7cine Cotintx
The (baud Juiv lepoiled that Hie roaiU
are in poor condition ami urged Hut laige,
lippriipii.iMniiH he made for tho lep.ilr nnd
upkeep or these hlglixxa Judge Wood
ward deolared that the money spent by
the Stale in this section xx.is wasted, and
that nrter the State lias gone to great
expense in building lilghwajs no effort Is
made to maintain them
To Keep Record of Army Men
So That They Will Be
Taken Care Of
This Is the soldier hraXe enAugh lo tell
The gloiy-ilazzlrd xxorlil that xxar Is bell,
Lnier of peace, be looks beyond the strife.
And tides through hell to saxe his inunli.x's
Thus wrote Henry Van Dyke of fleneral
Sherman, and young Amei len is looking
beyond tho strife lo a wonderful vlnion of
the time xx hen ty.in shall iene contending
Willi Ills brother and there Miall be peace
and good will thioiighottl the xxoild And
It Is because of this x Islon that our vming
men me gladly seizing the opportunltx to
go xxlierexor the colltitrx ma tieeii tnem
aid nubile all h.mlships To huift Hie
Falls of Sehu.xlklll soldier lads, numbering
nboul :r,0, theie will be a publl. dim iiisilo
Hon lonlght. beglniilng at ' oclmU, xxnn n
parade stalling from Itldge and Mid 'lie
iixenues and marching through the business
section lo Dobson's athletie fit Id xxbete i..i
lilotlc addresses xlll bo made b Mr
Charles I. tyke. who will piesiil. Mi
Sheldon Potter, the Hex Chniles ' Sen
sboles l 1) nnd Seniitor (lxxen II Jen
Mns 'lliese will be Intel eperseel W'lli se
lettlons b.x Hie Kalis or Sehuvll.ill Mile
'hot us, conducted b.x Mr Joseph Smith .nil
Hie Kilties Hand From the athletie lb-Id
Mm soldiers and citizens win march to
America Hall, on Thhty-llfth street xvheie
then- will be a smoker and xaudexille en
lertaliiment, xvlndlng up xxlth a luncheon
whlih will be in clmigeof the Ladles' Auxtl
laty. Pioinlneut among the lommittco of
the latter ale Mrr. Illir.abeth Imbsmi She
mils, Mrs Charles Wes'. Mis Alfred Ujnie
Mis Itobert I'.oardman and Miss Maud
.V penuancnt oigantriition ba- been
foimt'd xxith Mr chillies L lnues li.in
man; Mr Chailes W Hothwill s..ietux
and Ml Ihnest J, Caiwaidlne neisurei n
keep a leeiitil of all Falls of Silmlkill le.xs
ami see that thev are xvell taken eue of
xxbeiexer they max be It suielx hian
I'liltig to know that the people m limin f
xxatiiilng oxer Hieb oxxn i lie h'nlls of
S.hujlklll rrslilents Intend Hint toiugl s
affair shall be a nntexxorllix on, m il I
i.irx nnd that on III" great baitlellelds of
tin- xn.1i then helping bands xxill ren h
ai loss Hie sea
Mis Samuel T Wagner of ijei man
town xxlth the. women of tho pmteslnnt
Kplheop.il Chun li of SI. James the Less at
Hie Kails of Sehu.xlklll. has been aeenm
plishlng wonderful lesiiltn for the lelirf of
the Kieniii 111 Hie Hellenes She oiganl.ed
a group of the Mnnhelni lliaiuh of the
Kiemh War Itellef A sun latlon and con
fined the xork to all unble.uhed muslin gar
nients and bandages As tliete were many
espott knltteis among the ihunb xxomen.
Mrs Wagner, xxho Is n membei of the Naxy
League, has been able to send manj sxxeat
ers. si.ufs and xxiistleis to that otgaulza
tlon Theie are knltteis and knitters, but
these xx ere experts In the art .
Tlie lirltlsh Itecrilltlng Mission hns ap
pointed a local committee for litis section
ioinpo-ed nf Mr. Joseph Smith. Ml Then
dole I. MacKeiizie. Mr John 12 Aram, Mr.
tleoige Smith and Mr lleoige Shaxx-.
Tho Ilex Chat lei L. Seasholes. i. i, of
iiien lane, has returned ftoiu a tout to
llostnii, Mass, Itiiillugton, Vt , Nexx Loii
iloli. fniiii . and Long Island, xxliere he lec
tuied to Hie soldleis, sailors and maihies
lit their xarious stations Ills son. Chailes
I j. Seasholes, Jr. has returned fiom Lagles
mere, xxheio he passed tho summer.
Attractive Early Autumn Wedding fakes Pli
Today in St. Paul's Church in Chestnut HilllVt
- I I T" 1 I" -'
Kpp.fmr.mn ar. rsrinps Hnmo , n
VV X ''..VAAW Jif
- - -$?i
Jl'NI'2 Is geueiall.x known as n wedding month, As n matter of fact June ls"nl
the only month on the culendai, and the fall Mowers and clear air of SeptemM
make the first month of autumn quite nn pleasant as any of tho earlier ones '
btldcs ol ibis xcar liaxe seemed to think to. ut any rate, and this mouth Iibh had
full quota of xxcddlngs n attrnctlxe one xxlll tnke placo this afternoon nt 4 o-el
In Chestnut Hill when Miss Dorothy !:. Foltz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. CUnH
I'oltz, will become the mule of Di Herbert S. Harned. The cercmonv will ho n
formed In St Paul's Protestant Hpisropal Church by thP bride's grandfather U
iicv. Mainucl Upjohn, I. D.,
Slstfd bV Mm ltne. Tt,n Zt fi,aC"..i
man. Miss Foltz, who will W .
Klxen In tnartlage by ber faUW,- '
xvill be attended bv Imr lf-a-'i
Ml,. M, ......... l.i.M
"Kirmi riiiiz, as; mam o'jv-j
limine iiml 1... l. -!.-.. .'JjOlv
.Marx- V tv,t,. i.u tJxiSX
".', ,n ui luutilliujai j.'
Doctor Harned wilt im M-?57
Hiram Lultens as best man) and,4j'.
int- u-im-im win ne .xir. iiienaru n ,Jx4
Foltz a biother of the bride; Mri, '1
J Henentt Hill. Mr. John StcwaKA,,)
nnd Mr Alan Henslnger. . ,591
Miss Koltr. xvlll bo goivncd In 'i-1
xxhlte georgette crepe over whits ',
satin, xxlth a tulle ell fastened), t-V
with orango blossoms. She will l."?
carry a shower bouquet of sweetr --5V
heart roses. The maid of honor
will xvcar xvhlto net, xxith a. yej; X
f.t. i.f n...i ...iii .. ,r ?s
. .(,. tiim iii u.ui.y li yuiie s,,.
j.jtfil bouquet of asters. Th
bridesmaid will wear u whit
muslin dross xxith n pink hat, nnd
xx ill also carry asters.
Tim ceremony xvlll be folloxved
bx ii reception for the families nhd
Intimate friends at the home of
the biido's patents, at Bethlehem
Pik and Summit avenue. After
October 13 Dr. and Mrs. Harned
xxlll be at home nt -2Z Allen lane,
Chestnut Hill.
HO of us litis not one nt least of Wal
lace Nutting's pretty colonial plc-
tuics on the xxalls of the guest loom? An
opportunity xxlll soon b- gixcu us to learn
mote about the well-knox-ii artist anil his
work In the near ftituie. The oppor
tunity Is to be a-; atti active combination
ot music, pictures, Hellevue-Stratfoid b.ih
looni and khaki-clad men seated here ntu,
theio in the audience. For this enter
tainment Is to bo given for the benefit of
our Philadelphia Soldleis' Lelsuie Hour
Fund. The services of the Oiphcus mixed
quartet have been seemed, and the fact
that Wallace Nutting himself has con
hented to give an Illustrated lectin c. xxith
steteoptlcou vlexx's of famous old homes
which aie being studied and copied, cer
tainly assures us of a delightful evening.
Many People Returning Every Day Red Cross Work Goes
On Unceasingly Dance to Be Given Next
Saturday for Sailors
ISN'T it nice lo come b.o k lo nm very
oxxn homo and see ex er.x thing the same
as it xxas befoie .xou xvent ava ? And
then when mt walk about tho toxxn It's
run to meet all the reopln xvhom you h.ucn't
seen Tor ages (that xxord Is lather ion
xenlent, for It can mean txxo weeks or a
xxhole slimmer, can It nolV) And then fol-loxx-
such leinarks as:
oh. did you liaxe mosquitoes at the
shoie? Why. my dear. oti ought to h.ixe
been xxheio xxe xxere At thej don't
know xxliat a mosquito looks like"
"Yes. but vou hadn't the delightful salt
water bathing xxe had. On that xeiy lint
day In August ou know the ouo I
mean" And m It goes each one trying
to convince the other hoxv much mine
xxondeiful was the place xxbete she spent
the summer Hut It's a hard thing to do,
ror the mountains are so different rtom the
scashoie and. unyxxay. "Different people
liaxe dlfteient opinions; some like apples
and some like onions." So theie jnu aie.
Hut to Iiomoxv un election da.x tenn. here
am some of the "letuuis". Mis. Jiilin It.
Daxls and her rhlldien aie homo again
They liaxe been xlslting Mrs D.ixis's sis
ter," Miss Crawley, at tho hitler's home in
Mount Vernon, N. H.
The (' W Le Pexres spent the la-t month
moloilng tluough the noilhcm part of the
(; ,
.State They were at thelt ocean City cot
tage during July tint the haxn heen
back in l.ansdoxxne for some time, and so
lias Mli-s Doiothy Le I'exio xxho xx-as at
Miss Price's camp in the Pocnnos.
Miss Klalne Titus, Mr and Mis H.
Titus's daughter, is telling eicr.xbod.x; about
the wonderful .summer she had hi the
To, onus. She was xlslting some ft lends at
Piof Frank C Nlexxeg and Mrs leweg
aie bad. Ill Lamdow ne again They spent
part of the summer at Long Lake, Me, and
the other part In the While Mountains
Mrs Ficdcjlrk Lmlin Paul, who xxas at
Chelsea xxlth her son, Mr Ldgar Paul,
canie home it few da.xs ago So did tho
Chailes Suddards and their daughters.
They xvere down at Ocean City
Ma Isabel (lalhialtli has had Just tho
best tlino this summer She xx.is ilow n at
Aslmry Park for a xxhile xxith a filend. and
then thev took tho most niaixeloiis Hip
to Duluth. Minn, -by way of the Ore.it
Lakes Whim they xxeie there they went
on a fishing trip to Huiiit-lde Lake, which
Is about one hundred miles north of Du
luth Miss dalhrallh's slsteis, Mls llmm.i
Oalbraitli and Miss Ida (,albiatlli. xxeie
down nt Xshury Park during August.
Mis Charles .1 Pilling, with her (laugh
ter, Miss Josephine Pilling, and Iter son,
Mr P.obeit Pilling, aie iloxvu at tho Tray
moie in Atlantic lit The.x aie going to
be theie lor a xxeek. xx lilch xxlll ho until
net Wednesday Mr Chailes Pilling, with
a lollego friend. Is xlslting the camp at
Koit Hancock, N Y The two men motored
oxer tin I e
Mis 1'Yank II Magulie and her small
daughter. Catherine, moloied iloxvn to
Croiiqiton. Mil, xxlth thn WlPi.im Davises
Thev aie glng to spend the week-end there
,lis May Hudiei, of l.aiuaster Pa,, Is
xisi'mg Mrs Allen lloffer, nf Oreenwood
(it i inn so. Silue so manx people. Iiaxo
eturueil to Lansdoxoie, etr so much mote
I'ed lYoss xxork Is being doim Why. exer
since last Monday the surgical diesshigs
cli rs Viiih been meeting mery morning, e
cept Saturday, anil xxlll continue to du so
Tlteie am classes mi Tilesilay exeiilugs for
those xxho am not able to come in the
morning Lxeu xxlth so main workers
uxxa) fjfjOti surgkal diessiugs were math,
lis this department dm lot; the mouth of
The woinin xxho are making hospll.il
giirmeuls meet at the Ib-d Cioks head
quarters mi Minidii), Tuesday, Thursday
and Frlda.x nflei noons They, also, aio ito
llig splendid xxoik And surel It seems
that exery woman can glxe some of her
time in making ilicsslngs or garinents.
alnce there are so many daxs un xxhlch
the xxork Is done that at least ouo must suit
Theie Is a class of about twenty colored
women, xvhlch meets exer Wednesday exc
iting These women ant making muslin
slings And the youngsters (slxty-flxe of
'em') aie busy as can be exeiy Friday
nrieinoou making rractuie pillows. Isn't It
fine that they, too, aie doing their "hit"?
A number nt Lansdow iters attended tho
wedding of Miss Fllanor Lnngslreth and
Lieutenant Frederick Dent shaip In Phila
delphia on Tuesday noon nf tills week.
Young Mrs, Shaip used to llxe In L.ms
doxxne. and uatuially she has many ft lends
out here, ,The William Daxlses xxere at
the weddlpg and so xx'ero the J IS, Lincoln
Edxviuds'. the William A, McLwen.s uul the
Frederick J. Petrys. .
A dance xvlll be glxen at the Century
Club next Saturday exenlnc It U for the
sailor boys and rlfty of them have been In
vited out. The "boardxxomen" of the Cen
tury Club have charge of the affair and each
one Is Inviting five girls, for whom she
will act an chaporone. ISvr' one can hardly
walt.'tui ,Hia.BRy mgnt Brrtves pnayean
New Jersey Brides Choose Month
of September for Wed
ding; Dates
A xerv pretty wedding xxas .solemnized
at the Churcli of Our Lady of Victory, In
Burlington, last Wednesday at 4 o'clock,
xx hen Miss P.ose O'Hiien, daughter nt Mr
and Mis Daxld O'ltrien, of Hurllngtoii,
N". J , beiaine the bride or Mr. John K.
Kaulls. or Philadelphia.
The Hex James iVConner ofllclated. The
bride xvas attended by her cousin, Miss
Liniiida Pexlne or Philadelphia, as maid
or honor, and Mr. James McCahe attended
Hie bridegiooni as best man.
The lulde xx'orc a handsome rrock or
gcorgelle crepe oxer white satin, tiimmed
with leal lace, an hell loom of the family
Her veil i1 tulle was held In place by mange
blossoms and she carried an arm bouquet
or Hilde roses ami lilies or the xalle.
Arter a leceptlon Mr. and Mis. Faults
loft on a xxedillng trip tluough the New
Knglaud States and on their return xvlll
llxe in West Philadelphia.
A xeiy pretty xxedillng look place at St
Paul's Chinch, Hurllngtoii. on Wednesday
afternoon at II o'clock, xxhen Miss Nellie
Itvaii, daughter of Mr. Itlchaid I! an, became
Hie bible, of Mr. Charles L Lane, of Flor
ence. Tho Rex'. Henry Itussl. rector of St.
Paul's, ofllclated Miss Ceceh.i Ryan, a sis
ter nf the bilde, xxas maid nf honor, and
Mr John li.inor xvas the beat man
The brldo xxoie a blue traveling suit xxith
a hat t match, and cairled an arm bou
ipiet of xvhite otchld The bride and bride
groom left lininedlateh after Ihe ecieinony
ror a xxedillng tour tluough the New Kng
land States, and xxlll he at home alter No
x ember In Hurllngtoii
who is the ilaiiRlitcr of Captain Henry
Wile?. U. S. N., nnd Mis. Wiley, of
Washington, D. ('. Miss Wiley's en
friiKemcnt to Mr. Hamilton Kolib, of
Cleveland. xx-as recently announced.
Miss Wiley was n bridesmaid tit her
brother's weddinc; to Miss Jean Mor
ris Lillie on August 18.
Social Activities
Mr and Mrs William 11. Maurer
and daughter, Miss Ruth Tarxin
Maurer, or the Wood-Norton Apart
ments, liettnaiitiixxn, are motortns
through the llerkshlres. They xvlll
return In about txvo xxeeks.
Mr and Mis Howard VlnCent. of
C.M'H Lincoln Uilxe. Ccrmantoxvn,
are spending some time at the Hotel
St Charles, Atlantic City
Mrs P A Someis, or 1S21 South
Tlroad street, announces the engage
ment nt her daughter. Miss Ktljel
Someis, to Pr John C. Wabl, Af
Scranton. Pa Tlie mnniago xvln
lake place in October.
Mr. and Mrs Ueorge llasfcetOj-Of
ftumiiiii iieunt'i .icimuuow n. I'HYB vjj
laKen a coiiage ai i neisea tor tn
..nin.inP r.r 1,n ..nnU.. ..H.l ...III . t .
I I'll, lllll.. -I ",, .tlf -.v.inuil ,IIU ,Wjl, -.IAN
le:ivn .leuklntnxxn on Senlemher 10. Kit
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Brad
ford, of Jenklntown. xxlll leaxe Phll
adelphla and moxo to (Tex eland, O..
xx here Mr. Bradford has taken a po
- an
ml Miss May Kelin are at Wlldwood
Ciest for a fortnight.
Mr nnd Mrs Chailes F Sleeper hax-e
returned from an eight months' tour or the
Mis William MeC'uen Is entertaining
Mrs. L. M. Harnes, or Lancaster. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mullen nrriied
home riom Lynbrook. L. I., where they
had been spending thu Mimtner.
Mrs. Sarah Powell announces the engage
ment of her niece. Miss Viola Perslng, to
Mr John lirceii, of South Ucthlehem, I'a.
Miss llllz.ihcth Itostxxick, of Cliicago, 111,
is the guest of Mrs Robert Cook
Mrs (ieitrude Ilaudy has leturned home
aflcr n tlnee weeks' stiiy at Ocean City.
Mrs. William Hrauson and Mr. William
HiaiiMin. Jr., are homo after a three weeks'
stay In tho Heikshlie Hills.
Mrs. .lames Rauf and the Misses Rant,
ot RritMi Columbia, xvlll spend txxo xxeeks
xxith .Mrs. Ada Hard, of Lipphicott avenue.
Mrs. Antonio lleelcenhach has gone to
Uoylestnwn. Pa . for ten days.
MKs Miriam l.eib, of f.lbbstoxvii, Is the
guest of Mrs. Frank N. Johnson, xof High
land nxenue.
Mrs. Janifs Llllott Is visiting Mrs John
Street, of Baltimore, Md.
HL'RLLVOTON Miss Helen Murry and
Miss Sadie Morrlssey aie spending thn xxeek
In Atlantic City at the New Kngland
Mr and Mrs. Kail Shed.iker, nf Pitman,
N." J . are spending a fortnight xxith Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Shedaki r on the pike
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Rlgg aulx-fd homo
aflei a x.eel;s stay at Wlldwood.
Mrs Lewis R. Rroxxn. xxho has been the
guest or Mrs J. M Thompson, leturned
to llaltlniore, Md alter a visit ot a fort
night. IllMillWATF.R PARK Mr. .and Mrs.
Joseph r. rilll returned home nrter a motor
trip through Petinsylx-anla.
Mrs. Henry W. Halt. xho has been at
Gloucester, Mass , for the month of August,
Is visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. "W. T. Maker. Jr. nt Cjnivyd, Ta.,
berore returning to Ldgewater Park.
Mrs. George rie Rennexille Kelm has re
turned rrom White .Sulphur Springs, Wt
Va. and Is now at IHOl Porter street,
Philadelphia. S
.Miss Dorothy W. Rlalr. after several
xxeeks' xlsit ot Cape Maj" has leturned to'
her home on Cllft lane.
7'olonel .1. Henry Slnex and Mrs. Sine
are home from a month's stay at Thomp
son, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Price WetherlUi
Sr xvlll close their home. Grindstone Jnn,
nt Winter Haibor, Me., on October 1 and
xvlll spend a foitnlght at tho Heechbankv
in Hdgewater Paik. before opening their
Philadelphia home on Rittenhouso square,
Mrs. William Hakcr, daughter ot Cap
tain Frank S. Pleasonton, is at Annapolis,
.Mil, xx here her husband Is stationed with
the Marino Corps.
RIVL'RTONMr. and Mrs. Remey .
IjlPOflllV llM.l EA.,1 A... .. A.I., . M.
....... ....t- rrni nu IICUIIIIIK CUIUS JOT S Vs "
the mairiage of their daughter. .Miss lJIsla, fJfcB
Loreaux. to John Hulllngs, on September- &Sm
'-. ai mo aacren Heart I'liurch Klvertofu ifl
Rev. Janus Rlgnej, rector of tho church sw!
.. ill ..in..!.,... i?i
will olflclate.
Bride-lo-Be Gives Dinner for r$M'
- uncial rui-ty Many Keturn
to Cermantown
r i ..- ,.' ,' .
..' - . ' '.-tr ir""
' '? ' -'".'; .-' "- - - : ;.' ' "iH .- iJf-e'
...':-.'. -, ;' .V-vtV'-VsS' ":.
' -;,. e". . - : . . .. ' ,-, ,,.-."." t .
.-'..'- ..-'5-'- ;. '. -.w.-.-r'-'.;:: ,..,
..". A -.:' .L-..- -.. 'r-r-r-:4 '"'.". "- -- :-i;? ? .
As) , l&v. "'vc-'- - ' '-
Invitations liaxe been Issued by the newly
organized Woman's Club of GermantQXvn
for a fete on the laxvn of the old Johnson
home, at AVarhlngton lane and German
town avenue, on Monday, September 17t
Thn Woman's Club recently purchased th
Johnson house to use as a headquarters,
and the pioceeds of tho lawn fete will be'
used for tho furnishing fund.
Miss Florence Ciapp. of Tulnehocken
street, whose marriage to Mr. Frank Hast- h)
lugs xxill take place next Wednesday, xylll 'Jt(
entertain tne memoers or ncr bridal party
at dinner on Tuesday exentng. lie,"
Mrs. William 12 Goodman, nf Chestnut-."!
Hill, has returned from Cape May. -sirVt'
.in i.inesiiiie uouuman, who is irave
In the Northwest, Is at present in Yell
sioue liim, aim win return tne eno, or inwi iiTj.
iiiuuui. ,J
.ins. jonn atory jenKs, jr., or UliestnwTt;''
Hill, xvho spent the summer at Northeut -,'S.v
Harbor, Mc, xxill return the end of nert i
xx eek. i?U
Mrs, iarence Cantzlnger has return??-!
to her home on Seminole avenue, QhutnuPv
Hill, from Capo May. 'yjjfi i;
.-vuss .Minerva ncauiey, or ;ja xyej
Johnson street, has returned from a vl
to Mr. anu .Mrs, xx. a. uarroxx-, at K9J
Lake. In the mountains of PennsylvanliJ
Miss Mary Headley has gone to Atlan
City to be tha guest of lira. Poroi
Groxes, of Wayne avenue, who Is snentfii
the summer nt the cottage of her parent
Mr. anu, airs, I'.uwaru . uroves, or-ox
manioxxn. ' ..
'ino uex. Miiorri i-eniDer, rector Olflu
Michael's Protestant Kplscopal ChurchAtl
has been speliilliig tho summer aVhls'J
tage on Orr's Island, Me., returned to.'J
city today. !jr'i