'v f S A v J V; r? crv? ' ' TaJ"? KZSMOEi ",r"rv7'Tv r i M EM,OOO;OO6i0 S. 'MARCO E S. CATCRINA EVENING LT5DOER-.PHILADELHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 191T ' to .tf r- ,f '., MORE FOR WAR Pte ;ge Urgent Deficiency Bill " 7?fnnrforl fr fVio y J? House 4' Vr IX li;i'46,OpO TO FRANKFORD 4r " Appropriation for Araennl Al most $1,000,000 Under Esti- ;jLf mate o .Department lr5i ?' '' ' ' WiSIIIVflTdV. Rent. B. jAnouier sUmiflrlnK Vnoney bill wan pre- y$ Mnted, to th Houo today, The urgent de- fi, 'eitlAnO VIM A, J.U.... i 01 A ft-ft 7rt SO i- ' ijr. . . . -. .. . ...I .. w rcponea irom in. Appropriations wm Mlttee, with a report from Chairman Kltz , rId recommending Its passage. Direct appropriations of J3,7"S,9T9, 170 2$ are provided In the bill, and the ordnance department of the army Is au thorized to let contracts and Incur obliga tions amounting to Jl. 033, 000,000. 'Ihe ap propriations, the report points out, are , f ..A tit nj t .. -it ... ...i. LfTfifliie(jflB lesa man csuuiuirs buu- Hiltted. and the whole amount urovlded In the bill Is 804,47E,366 lessf than tho eitl nates called for. r. m ,-c vff wv w Of this huge total all but JT.20C474 !9 la to bo devoted strictly to war purposes, 84,000,000 Is for the Alaska Ilallroad and the balance of the aboc- figure is divided among deficiencies of tho various execute e departments of tho Government, the Dis trict of Columbia, courts mid the like. Kor defense of tho Panama canal alone 1,JG0,J2G Is provided J902.G25 to be used In constructing a submarine base. For the military establishment the totat of 81,911, 602,733 would be appropriated The single Item of machine guns calls for 8120,277.000 und authorization to spend 880,000,000 more Is provided In the bill; 870,000,000 Is asked for ordnance stores For mountain, field and siege cannon, ammunition for the guns, mobile artillery and submarine mines and nets, a total of 8498.613,000 is asked 111 addition to authorization to spend $975,000,000 more for the samo purpose. 8203,264,480 roll NAVY KMRIirjRNCV For the naal establishment 8263,264,480 Is provided In the bill. This figure Includes a hundred million dollar nnal emergency fund; 83E.OOO.OOO additional for aviation, 828,000,000 for ammunition for ossein, 30. 000,000 for reserve ordanco stores, and 810.000,000 for engineering expense The contracts Into which tho Govern ment may enter. In addition to the appro priation asked. Include 8S.000.000 for termi nal facilities for tho ordnance department of the army; 350,000.000 for machine runs, 35,000,000 for armored motorcars, 3226, 000,000 for mountain, field and siege '.an non, 8700,000,000 for ammunition for the runs and 850,000,000 for mobile artillery. Under Treasury Department deficiency appropriations 382,000 is provldod for the Iteedy Island quarantine station. 8225,826 for tho Cape Charles station, 308,644 for the station at Savannah and 3187,000 for the Boston quarantine station, nnd 3630 Is provided for the New Orleans mint. 1,145,000 FOTt FRANKFOnD ARSENAL Under War Department deficiencies the following appropriations are made for arse nals; Benlcla, Cat, 382 500; Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, ll.MS.onoi Plcattriiy Arsenal: Dover, N. Ji, 340,000; Rock Island, 111., 31.420.200; San Antonio, Tex. 330.000; Springfield. Mass,, 3145.000; Vatertown, Mass,, 3692,000 and tVatervllct Arsenal, "West Troy, N.TT.'. 3789,500. For the fiuartermaster's depot nt St. IflUls 3150,000 Is provided 38100 is asked for' Guilford Courthouse military park. Nine and a half million dollars Is asked for machinery or the manufacture of rifles. Because the War kDepartmcnt estimates for Frankford Arsenal totaled more than 82,200,000, the fact' that appropriation of only 31,145,900 has been recommended by the, Appropriation. .Committee occasioned considerable surprise. Representative- Vare, of Philadelphia, a mefnber of tho Appropriations Committee, riad announced that ho would get the full 32,000,090 for Frankford. It developed, after the bill was made public, however, that Brigadier General Crozler, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, withdrew many of his recommendations for additions and improvements at Frankford. The bill Is expected to be brought up In the House for consideration after the sail ors' and soldiers' insurance bill is out of tho jway. l . ACKERMAN'S BOOK TELLS FACTS ABOUT TEUTONS i & rf c "Germany the Next Republic?" io Appear in Evening Ledger, fo Beginning Next Saturday &t JReal facts about Germany by a real American who refused to succumb to al luding temptations held out to him in Kajserland are given graphically by Carl ,4,Ckerman, the war correspondent. In his HVw book, "Germany, tho Next Republic?" ' A& correspondent of the United Press In Berlin during the war he had exceptional facilities for getting a. straight line on the German people and their attitude toward the United States. No one better than he knows why Germany .hates and. fears America. Hls account of the Imperial chess play fitf by the war lords in the war game has that Intimate touch which grips and con vinces. JtThe Evevi,vo LcoaEn. -will publish the ilrst Installments of Mr, Ackerman's thrilling book on Saturday, to be continued dally thereafter. If you desire to know the Insldo Hcts about Germany you cannot afford to tnfss a slnzle Issue of this Interesting series. Vi S. NOW PLANS FAST f SHIPS TO FOIL U-BOATS X New Procrram to C Tntn V.flWr Wl $C When Existing Contracts rv Are Out of Way Kt WASHINGTON. Sent. C A The original campaign of the fihlnulnr ,rd to feed American Bhlps to the U-boats r than they can be destroyed has been te)y abandoned it was learned this (en. sew tehlpplng program will go Into aa aeon as existing contracts era out 1 way. Contracts for 200 fabricated ahipa will, be let within a few days. 'will be the 'last vessel to bp con MU under ,tho original -program. tmw Idea la to combat the submarine MMd, rather than to set before It more ft, can .devour, r Future contract will (or wawr.. una jailer vessel. The Board has under consideration to- ft' Man, for building a great number of M-tM' all-steel essels. This plan calls ata4rdlatlon of the new vessels to lti-rWMylf. construction."" Turning wnmt Bumferif ship nthe shortest ji in, Bowejer, tno dominant J c . .. j . M 'WIK nr;tt,iuir, M8 afUrJHo Wear, aa Ht rpurum M9saBBwknsapj INVESTITI DAGL'ITALIANI La Battaglia Continua c gl'Itali- ani Avanzano Facendo Nu- merosi Prlgionieri POLA COLPITA DI NUOVO ROMA, G Settcmbrc. Dlspaccl KJunti all'ultlm'ora annunzi ano clic le fortlficazionl ncmichc trn Monte San Marco c Santa Cntrrinn ntanno crollnndo una ad una sotto 1'cnorme- prcsslone dcgl'Ituliani c chc la caduta delle due allure c' imminentc. Santa C'aterlna e' una poslzlone fcirtlfl rata rhe glaco proprlo cotto a Monte San Uabrlele a tre mlglla a nord-est ill (lurlzla, n San Mario e' un inonte sltu.itn a ilri..i due mlglla a sud-est dl questa cltta' Hul Carso, la battaglia continua ancorn In tutta la sui vlolenza. II nrmka ha ef fettuato rlp'tutamante del saiigulnniil lori tratlscchl ma essl soiio stntl prontainentc resplntl. I noatrl facendo 200 prlitlonlerl In un punto n nord-cst dl (lorlzla, dopo lotta aicanltn, li linen niiKtrlaru p' Ktnta sfondata cd nltil 700 prtglonltri furonu cat turatl. yon appena cho gl'llallanl niKnluiiseio li vetta del monte San Uabrlele p lie sarc clarono ell austrlacl. tra rincentc liottlno. essl trovarono due cannonl die gll nustrl arl non nvevano fatto a tvinpo 11 rendcre Inservlblll 0 (.he furono Immedlatnmonte rlvoltl su Monte fcnn Donlcle. Questo forte c' ormal domlunlo dalle buttrrlo Itallanc c non potra' rculstere n lungo nl vleorosl assaltl dello truppe del coiicralo Capello Su tutta la fronto clulla Infurli ancoia la battaglii. A sud dl GorlzU Kl'ltalluul resplnsero furiosi contrattncchl nemkl e a nord-cst ilclla cltta' Hull'.iltoplano dl Bain slzza, e"I conqulstavano una Irnportnnte poslzlone I prlgionieri tontlnuano ad af fiulre ncllo llnec Itallanc o ncllu glornate dl lerl lie fuiotio contitl 168C Kcco II testo del comunlcato uff lcl lie del generule Cadornu e pubblliito lerl tola dal Mlnlstyro della Guerra. lerl. sulla fronte glulln, la liittaglla fu rlnuovata con grnnde vlolenza. Sull'nltoplniio dl llalnlrzi. n wid-est dl Coronlo. LomiuMtnmnio um linportanto poslrlonr I.a bnttaKll 1 continua ancora a no.'d est dl Oorl7la r.iccmmo prlgionieri 1000 iiomlnl e 86 ufllclall nppartentutl a illccl ickkI inentl dlversl Sul Corxo, dopo 1111 bombardumento vlolento, II tiemlco lanclo, nll'uttirco le sue fantcrle sullo nostre posizlonl il 1 Caslagnevlzza al mare 1,'attai.co, tra Castagnev Izyi o ICorlte, fu complc tamente resplnto Net tcntro, tra Korlte o Celle, lo nostro truppe rc elstettero brllllantemento a sctte furiosi nssattl del ncmlco e inantenncro lo loro poxtzlonl, A sud, tra II vallone dl Berstovlzra II mare ,nol fummo co strettl a rltlrarcl temporaneamento da nlcune poslzlonl nvnnzate situate tra Collo 146, a nord-est dl riondar, o 11 tunnel ferrovlarlo a nord-est dl Lakavac Ma net pomerlgglo un vlolento con trattacco da parte nostra ristablll' la nostra lines, non solo, ma cl permlse anche dl catturaro 402 prlgionieri In cludendo 14 ufflclall In qucsta batta glia parteclparono 261 del nostrl aero bian! cho bersagllarono Incessantemento le truppe nemiche e !o loro llneo dl romunlcazlone Mnrtcdl', la nostra flotta aerea torno' dl nuovo a bombardaro 1'ola ton buonl rlsultatl c senzi nublre alcuna pcrdlta esB.i feco rltorno alle proprlo basl l.a presa dl Monte Snn Gabrlele o to altre lttorlc rlportate lerl dalle truppe Itallanc dovettcro cssere ancora plu' gradlte al generule Cadorna polche' egli eclcbrn oggl II suo settanteslmo compleanno Kecondo I crltlU nillllarl. loffenslva degl Italian! non termlne ra' per ora. II progresco e' pluttosto lento data la naturu del tcrrcno e la dlfllcolta' che s Incontra per trasportare I cannonl dl gronso callbro su per montagno dovo bisogna cootrulre man inano le strade li (ienlo inllltare, pero", che In nuesta guerra ha dato prova cost1 lumlnos-v dl straordlnarla capatlta' cd energla. lav ora fenbrllmente per facllltare le operazlonl del combattentl e consolidare le nuovo poslzlonl prese, coslcche' II Co mando Itallano non potra', dl certo, esscrc colto Impreparato ' CONGRESS MAY DEMAND LIGHT ON WAR EXPENSES People Back Home Insist on Knowing How Billions Are BeingSpent SCANDAL RUMORS AFLOAT Drop I'lan for Polish Kingdom ZURICH. .Sept. C Tho Central Towers havo abandoned their project for a rollsh kingdom, wireless cllsp itches received here today from Vienna HHsertcd The Immedi ate, reason. It was stated, una failure to raise a I'ollnh ami In place of the king dom tho Germans propote now to annex part of Russian Poland, necessary to "rec tlfv live strategic frontier." and the Aus tralia will annex the lemalndei. Emperor Karl of Austria will proclaim himself Kins of the new section, the dual monarch) by this acquisition becoming a trlplo monarchy. Under Mich an arrangement. It was' de clared, all I'oles would Immediately become liable to mllltaiy nervlce. WASHINGTON, Sept. C. Congress wants lo know whero the enormous war fund Is going. Demands of tho people back home for particulars showing how the billions that have been spent are becoming more and moro In sistent, leaders on both sides In the Senato nnd House admitted this today. urn icHuii is iiKeiy to ha a scries of In quiries and Investigations Meanwhile the sentiment for creating a Joint con cessional rommltten on expenditures Is growing rapidly despite the openly voiced opposition of President Wilson. The House has determined that tho sending of grossly defective small arm ammunition to General Pershing shall be Invistlgaled and responsibility fixed The fact that Secretary of War Maker has insisted that tho defective ammunition I e camo spoiled thioiigh chemical causes has not satisfied tho House. The very fact that tho Secretnry has named a committee lo probe the entire question has confliinirl leaders In their belief that Congress should assemble the facts SCANDALOUS HUMORS AFLOAT Ih this connection It Is considered cer tain that u. sweeping demand will be made within a short time for a general Investigation that cither will set nt nst scandalous rumors, which ilow are spiead nntlon-wlde, or develop their truth Open clniRcs tint the Government Is being robbed b lontioilors are being uttered In the lobbies of Washington's hotels nnd even In the corrldois of the Capitol It self, These ore ccrtalr. to be potent factors In the next Congressional cam paign Among the allegations now being publlclv Inndled about Is the charge that the Gov eminent Is being robbed right and left on maiiv of I's lontincts which have been let on n basis nf cost plus 10 per cent to the contractor. In explana tion of this fact, th l.ihor and tho mate rial cost nf imnv of the big cantonments Is cited All emploes In certain of the cantonments ore declared to have been nld fni more than the would have re elveil nt the picvalllug -vogn rate." rivo tu seven dollars a dav of eight hours, with llnip nnd a h ilf for "Ultimo, for nr dlnar labor a-id $7 to Jl" a d.iv for certain (Ionmh r onlj onllnnrll skllbd labor Is alleged to hive been paid. This is coupled v.llli tho allegation that these flguns prevailed unlj 011 the olllclal p ly loll and did not leprent the money actu ally paiu in me men winding materials costs nNo oro alleged tu have been padded Interested Senators and rcpicxcntativcs frankly say tint the 1 Inrge may bo un title nnd that the entlic p.iMnents for men mas havo been Justified by a short ago of labor Hut If this Is so. they mo that the ought to have olllclil facta and flguies to pt event unf.alt criticism In the neU campaign. France Must Have Alsace, Says Ribot Conttniifd from ruse One ho believed tho press ought to talk war and the people boost war at this time. As part of Its program, the State De partment opened Its first ofllclal discussion v Ith the Japanco mission today concerning greater co-opcratlon between tho two na tions. Japan will piobably offer assistance In hlp const) uctlon If tho United States will modify Its steel cmbaigo . Japan ma propose thot her army lal.o a hand along the east front lo roll back the Teutons pressing on Ruxsla, Intel national political questions extra neous to the war will piobably bo avoided. Mill further evidence of the war business on hand came In an official Intimation that If Holland jlelded to German 's piessuro for use of Antwern ns n. naval base, the United States and the Allies would re gard tho waters there as belligerent nnd take forceful action to thwart German 's move. The question of further wnr old for Italy Is still open, apparently, and the Govern ment Indicated that for tho present it will maintain Its aid to Italy on tho same level as recently. LW.W. PAPERS UNDER SCRUTINY U. S. Indictments Will Bq Asked if They Indicate Treason SYMPHONY CONCERTS TO EcNHANCE CINEMAS Artistically Minded Theatre Manager Will Offer Fine Music With Filhis GRAND JURY PROBE ON Offered Auto for Sale; Arrested AhUURY PARK. N .T , Sept C Because they offered n new Ilulck auto, with license No 71038, Pcnnsvhonla, for hale at $200, Mirtin .Smith, twemv-three, and Ma Wels berg, eighteen, of Philadelphia, were pur sued to freehold by the local police nnd me being held under $300 ball each to nwalt aetlon by tho Philadelphia authorities. After their anvst the prisoners said they had received the cai from an unknown negro OUT TODAY! Take a tip from, me" says Douglas Fairbanks ami jump tight into die middle of a (in ac tions cenano that geu you speeding over to the nearest newsman 1. Grab your hat now andturt beforeit'ttoolate. Pick offjrourcopy before they're all gone. They move fast, these dai especially this new one Just out. Brand new in a big, flat sue that really gives framing value to those 8 rich art photographs in rotogravure (they're luted on our right ) Pick the one you want and speed up. You can spot the magazine by the colorful painting of Alice Jojce on the front entrance. Neysa Moran Mo Mtin did it and she's America's fore most cover trust 1 Grab ir, 'now Douglas Fairbanks worked 48 hours on a camera Interview to contribute only 4 pages and there are 140 in the book. Mary Pickford spent a whole day at the studio just to show you torn new gowns she designed herself. Get those legs of yours going at t gallop, and tell the news-man tail him now H'XllB&HHjH Just a Few of 100 Treats JULIAN JOHNSON'S Review of the Tear-eWockofaUUMSian. Rotofravur Portraltl-BILLIE BURKE. alice brady, elsie fergu son oladys brockwell, &Ull,aREDER,ck' clar MARY PICKFORD S New Clothes. Ave wonderful new creations, printed lo rotogravure. MOLLIS KINQS Ideas About Marrlare. THKDA BARA Transforming: th. Bun Fields of California Into Bfypt. A" th latest News and Ooaslp of the Studio. ANITA STEWART and her Fiance. LOIS WEBER, the greatest Woman director. Rtmlnlscaacea of MARC McDERMOTT, Photoajrapha of the Stars whtn thty ware Babies taken by tho Old Home Town Photographers An latarvltw with ALICE JOYCE and her Baby. "Tempsramsoul Tlm,"Edward8. O'Reil ly s great short story of a bad man a In a western studio. Ths Motion Plctureln Church snd School Who'o Married to Who In Filmland. 300 Questions and Answers. .. Lvj rV!iTi . . PHOTOPLAY FQtfOCTOBER iV f w (VI r Indlctmentn will be nnhed against mem bers of the Industrial Workers of the World and others If tho literature seized at tho headquarters of the organization In the Parkway Dulldlhft Ih found to be of a seditious or treasonable character. 1'cderal otllclalR, Including United States Attorney Francis Klsher Kane, nnd T, Henry Walnut, his special assistant, along with agents of the Depa-tment of Justice, today were closely scrutinizing tho mass of literature and pamphlets seized. "If we nnd anything treasonable, In dictments against the authors and 'also against the I. W. W. members as dis tributors will be asked by tho Federal grand Jury at once," Mr. Walnut said Mr. Kane, after poring over the data seized, declined, of course, to say whether or not anything treasonable had been found. Frank I, Oarbarlno, special agent of tho Department of Justice, denied current ru mors that the I. W W ' had planned strikes In several large Pennsjlvanla plants engaged In tho manufacture of munitions of war The paraphernalia seized last night In cluded papers and cards of membership In the I W. W. organization Many of the confiscated papers were printed In foreign languages and tho governmental ngents hastily Impressed translators Inter service last night All night long they worked over the documents nnd It was learned this morn ing that they had been found to contnln fieiy denunciations of the Government, vio lent protests ngalnst the army draft and numoeness otner treasonable utterances No prisoners were taken In esterdny's raid The I. W. W looms In the Parkway Uulldlng were open this morning, although denuded of all their papers nnd books Yesterday nt U 67 .Special Agents Joeph McUevltt and V A. Hajek, of the Depart ment of Justice, walked In unceremoniously Thero were only two men In the ofllces: the first, (iencros Iliipazos, twent-nlne jenrs old, B240 Pine street, clerk, bookkeeper and general ofllc'o man; tho ccond nn IIvkmno 1,i riorn reporter The latter had come In to Interview dome one connected with the I W, W. on tho pioposed enrollment of nil worklngmen. Rapazos Is a fepanlard. IIo has been in this country for fceven jears. but has never expressed any Intention of becoming a nat urallrcd cltlren He speaks with a foreign acceni "h.et is not tor us to liberate the working man. cct Irf for the worklngman heernself to do Poof! the railroad man deed not get what ho want with the rail road, Kct was near election," ho finished, as the detectives walked In. McDevItt read the search warrant to the clerk while Hajek began the seaich It was demanded that Rapazos open the Im mense safe standing In Room 508. He declared he did not know the combination. Threat was made to blow open the safo If the combination was not produced In fifteen minutes To Decide Election Point A tnpajers" petition has been nu n Common Pleas Court No. 1 by P. pierce Duckley to decide a constitutional point 11s. to whether tho successor to the lato Judgu Morris Dallett. of the Orphans' Couit, is te be elected next November or In lsl8. Tie petition asks that the County Commission, ora be enjoined from printing on tho olllclal ballot the name of any candidate for tho vacancy caused by Jutlgo Dallctt'a death By the Photoplay Editor Music of the highest typo Is dald to be tho foe of "stratogems and spoils," but It will have to make up with those Ingredients of movie melodrama when the plan to add smphony concert features to New York's .Strand Theatre programs takes effect nn September 16 The orchestral fare to be rurnlshed will be the moct pretentious In the annals of motlon-plctura houses. The concerts which wilt prccode the cinema program will last an hour and will be de voted to tho best modern nnd classical com positions. Adrlano Arianl, founder of tho Symphony Society of Rome nnd a .fiorn pqser himself of some distinction, will wield the baton over forty musicians It Is likely that Italian operatic work will be featured, since Slgnor Arianl Is well ac quainted with their province, having for four years been substitute director tor Pletro Mnscagnl, composer of tho ever present "Cavallerla Rustlcana." No na tionalist lines, however, will be drawn, nnd Ileethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Wagner will receive due consideration in these at tractive musical prologues to film offerings Manager Kdel, of the Strand, asserts that the Innovation will cost J3K.000 per an num The box office scnlo will, however, remain unchanged. Fifteen, tvventy-flvo und fifty cents are the standard rates. Having successfully weathered the tragic storms of Shakespeare's Juliet, Oulda's Cigarette and Merlmee's Carmen, Iheda Unra has dashed nithlessly Into Dumas The lesult will be a feature exploiting Mar guerite Unuthler, heroine of ' Camllle " J, Cordon IMwards directed tho picture Marian Sirnj ne who used to be leading Ingenue with tho local Orpheum stock com pany, under the pllotago of William A Page, tho famous press ngent and even more famous cane mnnlpulatoi, will be starred In n new photoplay from the Kibo graph studios Pcliovn Plelures, featuring the former Pat amount nnd Metro ttnr, havo engaged tho great Illogrnph studio, In the Ilront. New York Oeorge Irving, pioducer of "The Witching Hour" nnd "Jaffrey," nnd nlco of ' Raffles." a forthcoming celluloid dramn with John Harrjmore has bcn selected to dhect the Mist subject. VTnpi' l'lelff.ir,! ni n f!i,t mf..,. Th., I sounds like the frantic effusion of a press agent Hut It Is ll'crnlly tho truth "AmeilcuR Sweetheart" will assume tint role ut a benefit to bo given for the French Emergenc Hospital Fund at a Los ngeles theatre hhe will Judge tho merits of a tremendous fistic encounter in which Cliup 1 1 11 and Krlc Campbell, the cjcbiow c pcrt lake put More than 800 people wcie cmnloved In the making of the forthcoming (leraldlne 1'ariar feature for Artcraft This of course. Is tho Montezuma romance written by Jennie MacPhcrson and directed by Cecil IJ peMllle No serious Injuries were re ported, but there were many minor mishaps and spectacular falls fr J II 9x12 Seamless Rugs (ah Perfect) Axmiruler. . $22.50 1 Heavy Velvet $20.00 Tap. Brusse!., $15.00 Axmiiuter . . $27.50 Willon Velvet, $25.00 Tap, Brussels, $17.00 Axminster . . $32.50 1 Wi!ton Velvet, $27.50 1 Tap. Brussels, $19.00 Kensington Carpet Co. 211-13-15-17 Market Street: 51 1 i s..'l Final Week - The fioodjeor policy colls for a inmpleto clcarnnce every fK months The time has now arrived Neither cost nor loss nor tho unheard-of prices now com manded for rubber will stand In the way of our 27-jcur-old custom Goodyear Raincoats Half Price and Less 10 Big Lots for Immediate Clearance .3 Lot l Men's SO 10, $7.30, It lINCOTS, Waterproof Kale Pi lee js no norm 1: ii.. iluainnteed 0 Cfl w.w w Lot 2 Men's sin, si;. .10, si.ir.o i'amimi.ki'.s, ti:i:iis, MATiniPiiooi'H. e 7K .Snle Pilce . O.O Lot 3 Men's si's, sin so, rii it A 1 n i it o o r IN IM.lis and Rubberized Q 7E Co its Sale Pi Ice 0.J Lot Men's SJO, SJi.-iO, S-17.10 fit I.M.TTlIs, Imported materials nnd ncwist stjle nilncoots This lot Includes inanj of our finest products Sue Price c.. 12.50 Lot 5 Women's SI. SO. S7.10 POPLINS. ATOs, IlIt rt, In v.ulous ty lye cilors nnd styles .s lie I'r 10 t I O Lot 6 Women's . s.11), SI2.10 ( A S l 1! It n 8, im:i;ni, hvincovtn and c nn xt p fferts Sale Price . UiUU Lot 7 Women's I.- "!I3 3(I "(TSj nil Pi lee M". .um:.ty ItAlN. colorn ijalo j e fjol 8 Women's k.'o, $3j.ii, ,:-. iu'iim:iuri hii.k 1 oats, In largo vaiicty of stiles nnd sale I'r'en 1000 Lot 9 Women's & Men's 11 i(i 11-f nt ni: iMPnitrnn ciiam.n. i.rri.D ti iiiidim: raincoats, in assortments of uji-to-thc-mlnuto stles Ihe veiv best that ian be produced Wen tuln or shine No si A rr rubber- .snle Price . .. J.'t.iJU Lot ifl-Boys' & Girls' SJ-,0 to SI ltIMOTS ....O Jn Garden Hose at rood Shortage Grave in lludnpcst HL'DAPKST, Sept C Proclamations are being posted throughout Hungary today warning foreigners that they must leave the country within ttie next two weeks, on ac count of tho food shortage, unless the can glvo convincing reasons for remaining Hcdl Washington Leads Drafted .Men PITTSBl'nOH, Sept 6 George 1, Washington, u descendant of l.awicnce Wuhhlngton. half-brothel ofhe first Presi dent of the United States, led the contingent of drnfted men who left Wllklnsbuig todn, I .vMtvav,vv1vwt vaAY'VttY vivvvvvvvivvvvv vvv Household Uloves Made of India Red ituuticr, now. . OCc Almtif innn ,,., Cii WieVeir"! "Keds" & Tennis Shoes f.",?rb ,',',': her (onts and Itoots. lor 'Vleii, lUmcn mid Chlldrea Itubbers. 5 20c grade, Included week only bl.uU 1 c " 1. this Ofllcers' Slickers nnd built Capo Coats at the lowest prices. 820 Chestnut St. "If it's rubber, wc have it." 820 Chestnut St. 1 The-ManWlio Wants -Hie-Most He-Can-Get-For-His-M 49 v 1 uhh9 r ts j.u MiKits- y v 7 "'r s MeT MEN PRICED i " nfte,.. i ""-. t Aft, ... . r. . v.t. ...: t . , . ' ' zs sy". u- ,-t . .&c-jmT't vi.i jr'Kj : i Ir can be assured of getting it in every pair of RIVAL shoes lie buys. . RIVAL shoes are made on honor and sold on merit. Theyre smart in appearance and sound to the core. They cost less and wear longer. If better shoes could he made and sold at moderate prices you would find them in the new RlOflLstore. open Saturday 102$ Market Street TUUttthtaBtadiuartersfir ihe wit knowrtRIVffL Shoe G m 1 i ,l . 'PlTrlA ' t Ssf - ftil 1 "X1 " t A)J I.l wuTfBTifrBMB