Uml B rt W" September, 1917 k . i ; '-' r '' "4Vv '''. ' 4-i -k; - , .- , J.-.? JSJ3 Ja'i d'tfl I "LlJ jC , - .l i-xha -- - , - - . . V. . , . iTr A j - - y a. 4KrKm .atta BaB jZLK! BLk iumnnK meanre K.V-'." Tiv-- !?'? ''-"! 7-fiffcT CARTOONS and SCRAPPLE va EEWiS OF THE CARTOONISTS AT HOME AND ABROAD r THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY By FONTAINE " i ,. It tin Mvkvi i '. i ?'u2y?m K&Mzmuitn If m ,t . Lf U ' mSBBBL 1 r r() ;" ,rsSjA -MvU J -r - , V v OV ASA.S : . . -'iill'ffei-4, O WAKE, UP "BILL. YOU'VE BEEN "DREAMING m c- basu; fcs? 2B&. 31 THE PALMIST: From the rasslng 6how (London). "YOUR HINDENBURG LINE IS BADLY BROKEN!" Aymond. In the New Orleans Dally States. THE AWAKENING a fc'i - W' 1 ' I ' , . ' t&f , - ' I I RUNNING WILD From Life (copyright). Rrfe """"c:!2::5N(ft I C SiKv mW A & JWvL &" -r From London Opinion. THE MISCHIEVOUS MONKEY From John Bull. THE LEECHES AND THEIR VICJIM f j&r KV J The skipper USUAUJV MANAGES TO Ku AfNlvc ouoi nrici int. ivin V MAIK, CARRIER HAS J.EFT THAT BIG CHY NEWSPAPER IN JIM MARTI K'S Bo', (CopjrlihU Edison Rogers. In the New York Herald, MOVING FOR PEACE AND MOVING FAST Donnell, In the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. GERMANY'S RIGHT HAND Tha Germans plac a RrCat reliance on scientific schrickUchlccit; they seem to think that Teuton science will win by making; war a fright: but they for get that since we're fighting there's Yankee science In the fray the man who made electric lighting la on the 'Kaiser's trail today. For Edison is still inventing ; the wizard of resource ful bean will find some clever scheme for denting the gizzard of the sub marine. They say he's working sixteen hours out of the dally twenty-four to circumvent the Central Powers and help our Allies- win the war. Within his vine-clad laboratory he works while others slack or sleep. When he suc ceeds all earthly glory on him a "grate ful world will heap. All honor to the grand old toiler! And here's more power to him, too! May he outwit the world's despoller and cause a German Waterloo. May he whose fertile cere bration made wax and needle sing and play, turn out to be the world's salva tlon and give the Kaiser his conge. WILL MOORE. And He Did -T- THE PADDED CELL Caistll's Saturday Journal. "Hello 1 What's happened to George?" "Oh, some idiot persuaded him to get under a mule to see why It didn't go." AT UR Summer H0TE.L. t0. This I5AT A MOOAi LK3HT ITS A CoH WE F.OUm OH THE. FPOYT Pf?CH, MB CAH'T SHOW "IT Too PLAlMLV BECAUSE Hi 6bv&RMVET Manr UtiMk w& wer& CODAlT&RFElTlMd OR SOME.THM6.. -&)T Thi& 15 JUST The Sf2.BOFTHB.-com. VN HAVE FRAMED TV. ITS THE OHLX TH.W6 A ev&r GoT fzR MoTHma AT THIS Hotel. AFTer? TrWPee Weeks Here we CqhsTer tfufcs&wes UJCKW- IF. WE CAH BCEATHfi FREELY BUT THeh-re Gowg To Be mo Thevre (3omC To let us Take. mR CloThes Home with os HAnvAf?i Si , 't ' 'i ' ' i 1 1 1 1 ii K r ; 1 I -B5g!tfgg-. 1 SCHOOL DAYS By DWiG MMy..i,?SgL'. - , '-kgBftifl-l C- : .. ; J i $. . ... Lm fo.'. M '- .,Rhset In Us NwTrk. W :lWLillif jMMllilMliiilMiTO i ilMfffii - BhA. .hJLrife.A-taiif .-4 - yt,WAj, nMltf Vn , -1 i - r iTi i ntr -M The Young Lady Across the Way Kffi889 The young- lady across the way sayi that Vt first she didn't believe the story? that the Germans had been sellljis; pol?l soned court plaster m this country, but! sue sjucai ll must na lm after. .,. she. overheard tHi, doctor. y th ei ansv pdw asjuva - '