I- -i. tmmm I . w. -V -m V m&'f dfcteRHJiiBLPHIA, .FRIDAY, AUCjpSOS '& .917 JS . . .,,,.. Xr USUAL INTERESTING DISCOURSE-OVERCOMING SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS; 3REST IN OTHERS CONQUERS DIFFIDENCE AND SHYNESS lif-Consciousness a Serious Disability Both in the Social and Business Worlds IN THE MOMENT'S MODES CORRESPONDENT writes a really pathetic letter beggtrig for some nd- as to how she can ovorcomo her Bhy- and lack of self-confidence, adding It It Is a "positive agony" to her to yo to meet strungcts and that her ln Hty to ncnulro "nol8e" la nrovlne a HSa'ndlcap both socially and professionally. icro is no aouot. mai tins aiuicuon is a '.very serious disability, nt the sarao tlmo hjt.ls one for which the cure Is not far to mm ft- VH.V. , Rhv tinArttn mnv tint vaIIuIi Iia Anrmrat jy their disease as vanity, but that Is what nJvrJH is. They are so occupied with them- eRj,,sjelves and the Impression that they are SS; Uliety to mako on others that all outside f&$1ftereat8 are simply obliterated and they Sjm,inriOt bo at easo or natural. : tA-. . , ... ., i V"m. vijr hibo tvumau vnu wua uimenvur- f ;v be 10 euro ner nine aaugntcr or this nb W.y? wrd self-occupation reminded her con "'y) fttontly: "Dear, no one is bothering to Vv ullnK UD0Ul ou; mey are an mucn too Ai'Susy thinking about themselves." And t?!?J you experiment you will nnd that this JiW i. .!..!..- KltyW so mivfeemci uuCt 't JJTUST try when next with others to get '? ' them talklnc nbotit thetriHek ns nnrl their Interests and ou will find that they Tiave so much to say you need not make an effort to open your lips; If jou look Intelligent nnd interested they will leao jrour society perfectly charmed with your trains, manners, disposition, everything, And ready to assure every one that you re the most delightful company. But, all Joking aside, the best way to overcome self-consciousness and conse quent shyr3 Is to so fill jour mind with pk thoughts of other people that there Is no J.lrSif room for worry about ourself. And peo- pie are so interesting! Thero Is no one, Vyvettes & i Lots of ribbon on this hat. Ribbon on the crown, through the brim, nnd under tho chin. no matter how stupid, disagreeable, un attractive or vulgar, from whom ou can not learn something. The valuable trait may not bo on top, ready to meet our ejo, but that is all tho better, for It gives jou the fun of trying to find it out; and If jou cannot bee tho faintest possibility, If there is not the slightest hint of virtue, charm or brains, why then tho good point will bo all the moro delightful when jou do find it, because it will have tho charm of surprise. If we go out to meet people In that splilt, taking It as a glorious adventure, n prospecting for spiritual and mental gold In unknown lands, we will havo no time to bo shj'j and, being determined to find the good in every one and to be In terested In their individually, thoy are positively sure to find us pleasant com pany and to give us of their best. F?.r & & Mf l .: Jl' ' .$ :r ' ' -? ? THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE T Letters and question iubmUttd to thts department must be written on oss aide ot vopcr only and Mlaned with the name of the iirlter. Special queries like thoie given w are iniited. It is understood thnt the editor doc not necessarily Indorse the sentiment the paper beltw are i SffiuVvis vVn'Vx.ri",cr'(0M fV JhU iWf shouW be addrtwd as follows: w-i&ibi u uavuiuiuui jviinr inugti( a ft i uu ci vn iu $ ru. TUB TODAY'S INQUIRIES t 1. IfoiT can mildew fttnlm be rriaovrd from ther? X. TVTiat hind or ntufflnc l bft for plllown for baby's coach? S. How can delicate lace be cleaned without wsahlntf 1. I it ft man's olaee in mri nWmM "ft. ."I. Introduction lo a inunr woman or Homan make this plcnuantry? hould (he 2. What kind of rlfls can brr brldcraild? 11 bride make to 3. Mhen talclnc n lont tramp nnd the foot fliona a fendenry tn nprrad nnd row tired how can the train be relleted? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. A knife nnd fork act of boxwood U best for mlrinr aalad. t. A roldcn buck Is a Wrlah rabbit with a Voached err laid on It. S. Old potato?! ure more Waablne than new potatoes. ontlsfndory for .. ia 13 r 0"Mine of Cold-1'ack Method To tht lor 0 Woma iM Page: Dear -. idam Can )ou pleaae the me a brief deacrlptlun of the cold-pack method In canning? I know sou have published directions before, but I cannot nnd these anywhere. suuscnini:n. You do not tell me just which products you want to put up, so 1 tan only give jou tx very general Idea. In the first place too ' much stress cannot bo placed on the Impor tance of clean, sound, fresh fruits or vegs ' tables and clean cooking utensils Prepare the fruits and vegetables for blanching .Prepare green ,and beans as for cooking, 'taking especial' care to remove all foreign plants from the greens. Blanch the vege tables and all fruits except berries by placing them for from three to five minutes In rapidly boiling water. Itemove the blanched products from the boiling water, plunge quickly Into cold water, the colder the better, tako out immediately and drain at once. From this point on speed is highly Im portant, as Uie product which is slightly .warm must net be allowed to remain ex posed to the air one minute longer than Is necessary. Removo the fcklns when neces sary, and aa each article Is pared cut it up ;and pack directly into the clean scalded Jars, packing as bolldly as posslblo without r4 bruising or mashing. When fruit is being -?.'' canned. All tha jars to overflowlnir with 5 pV boiling hot sjrup Tor vegetables, fill up rAXvl ff eaIt ,a added for each Jar. Place the al- EX L mc&ldpA rnhtaiT rlnes on thft Inra nnd screw iLipj .down the lids until they just catch. S'fAi Place the Jars at once Into the home made cooker or steam cooker and let them process for the time specified on the table 'Which Is used for that purpose. If jou will f'T Wf , M" mo wnicn proaucis you want to can 1 I'JjJJiJT will give you the exact tlmo required. sff - &kJ ' After processing remoYe tho Jars, tighten tltl W tf own In a cool but not drafty place. Watch . .1 VjfXK earefullv for leakirA and wrpw th nniprs , nUAVw clown tlchter uhen neresn.irv. Rtnrn In n. f 1 .col dry Place not exposed to freezing tem V'tiz perature. SIT1 .W 1 im: - .. . iS D, u' .. -...-. ; '- ;-..-. .. .- . -- -: - ,. . .nnr nni.norri.a innnin nn nr.n.n.n i ti ...a a.t P ? nln' P'006"1 (Mrs.) T. I'. KmV No blanching Is required. i To Make Grape Jelly To the Editor of Woman's rage: TJea.r Madam Laat year I nut ud mm, eranM Jelly, but It was never thicker than syrup. Can ,'1 2S u v; r , :i mrt v : 1 ?WK' r"i- h fr'tf vty tm: fc:V flju. 'W:' 4 1. VVlien enterlnc a church for a neddlnc a woman takes the arm of the usher who pre sents himself, her husband rolluwlue her up tho alile. 2. When leavlnc a church after a wedding a woman. If nrrompanted b her husband, iroes out with him, not uniting for one of the iihhers. 3. A letter of nrknonlednement lor n wed dlnc rift which has been sent by a whole fam ily should be addreed to the mother but should contain mention of the other members. No Blanching Required the Editor 0 Woman's Page: ar Madam WW ou kindly tell me how S3 ', ' you tell ma the best way to make It? , , (Mrs ) W, (Sirs ) W, W. The trouble with grape Jelly is sotnetlmes 'ildue to cooking the grapes without their waklns. There is some substance in these ftc. which ate necessary for good Jelly. Wash EjJ' Lthe bunches carefully, remove the grapes, Kfv S01 thtm Into a preserving kettle add a very Bad ..4 t ssstmtsi1f n mnllnf rtt Ufa nnrl Vtnll rhawi tinrll Mthey burst onen and are soft enough to tlraln. Drain off through a cheesecloth bag. ?'.1 measure It and for every cunful of lulre Hadd one cupful of sugar, return to stove r. and cook rapidly In a porcelain kettle until .fVa little of the Juice hardens when cooled on f JaV saucer. This usually takes about twelve r uiieen minutes, our into jeny glasses, Siftft when rrm! rnver ivlth mpU.il nnrafflt. 1 ,'On or two sprigs of mint crushed and -'.added to the Juice will improve the flavor. if ',,;. V Recipe for Grape Juice Ls tier Editor of lVomon'a Page: ar, .Madam PUasa publish directions for ai-traps luim. KEADKR. r8l4Miti,tsound. well-rlpened (rapes, wash I'tnorougniy anu crusn tnem with the UtiOfyhf placing them In a stone Jar uaijMfA potato masher. Heat the grap ior nve, minytys, but dp not s)m to ctme quite to the boiling tissVen drain them thrauch a Jelly batr. K Wkst Apply pressure during- (ha straining sat or uie juic wm te muaay. set the aide IOT twenty-four hours, drain It ( from the' sediment and run through sevs uwwshh oi wooien cjoui. 11 not par. is im eiarity,' aimpiy apply preg- t( an oo bo botbr to'lt Greeting Co-workers To the LJ tor of It Oman's Pjge: Dear Madam I am a stenographer In a large buslnns oftlce I apeak to all the men in the ortlce whom I hae met or tome Into contact with In my work. I do not know what to do about several men who se me cery day In tho ortlce and know who I am. as the know my friends I bate neer bten Introduced to these men and I neer meet them In a business way, but I pass them eery day as I come In and go out pf the office Should I speak to them or mrely bmore them when I pass' I hone miu can kite me some adilce about this, an I do not want to seem stiff and unfriendly, or. on the other hand too anxious to make friends with people I do not know. BTHEl" Ordinarily a girl would not speak to' a man unless she had been properly Intro duced, but business conditions sometimes alter this rule If you. as jou say, pass these men constantly they may consider jou rather unfriendly If you totally Ignore them A nod of greeting could hardly be considered out of place Taking Girl to Theatre To the hilltor of 11 oman'a Page: Dear Madam When I was nway this summer I met an attractive oung girl of my own are. nnd when I left she askeil nia to loma see her some time. I would IlkM to tako her to the theatre next week. Would It be all right for mo to ask her or do you think her mother would consider her too oung? Her mother Is pretty strict with her. but used to let ; rnitak" her tp the movies dojvn at the shore Should I call her up on the phono to ask hep or BO ta see her? EIGHTEEN. You nre both rather young to contemplate, a trip to the theatre alono In tho evening. Why do jou not ask tho joung girl to go with jou to a matinee performance instead? However, jou could call upon her and her mother and ask them at that time. This would bo better than telephoning. Difference in Age To the Editor of Woman's rage: Dear Madam In your opinion. Is a difference of four years In age too much when the girl Is older than the boy? I am twenty-slx years of age and In love with a boy of twenty-two. He seems to care a whole lot for me. but my friends laugh and think he Is entirely too much of a kid to tako seriously. Ho has a kood posi tion and could su, port a wife. Do ou think I should let hlni continue to pay attention to me? POLLY. A difference of four years is not very serious, and If the young man really loves jou and jou return his love thero should be no reason for jour not marrying. Do not let your friends influcnco you. Clothes for Winter To the Editor of Woman's Pane: Dear Madam What do jou think I need to buy for my winter wardrobe? I have one snorts suit and plenty of waists to wear with it UUATK1CE C If j'ou have a suit that jou can wear every day, all you need buy Is a suit for better wear or a good serge dress and a topcoat. As you will probably need an evening coat, and long coats havo come Into style so widely, It might be more ndvlsablo for you to choose the coat and dress. Stamps of ,No Value To the Editor of Woman's Page: ..Dear Madam Will jou please advise me through the Woman's Exchange If used stamps are of any real value? t. 8. Used stamps have no value unless they are of particular Interest through their rarity or antiquity. Substitute for Water on Face To tho Editor of Woman's Page: Dear Madam Can you tell me what I can UkS ".I. ''J? i.5!? to.fl'an my face -when it needs It? I find thst toilet water Is too drying ma imii, uu i m airaiq 1 cannot atwavs aecure soft water ajid do not want to use the bard water on my skin. CECELIA. Try a cleansing cream made as follows: One ounce white wax, one ounce white vaseline and four ounces oil of Bweet almonds. Apply this to the face, and after rubbing In wipe off Immediately with a soft towel. You will find that If you use this while on your trip you can wipe the face with (oIct water afterward and it will not hava too drying an effect. Many persons' take a pure cleansing cream with them when traveling, for the mineral properties "! J"8KlMm m "mrm aamnai. sum snaHBBBBBBOrT t 1 ,.r- T"Tk 1 1 1 tunas' " " .. Foil Frock Showing One of the High Collars -ITTH ETHER ''women nre to bo collared or not this season is a question ns yet undecided by tho fnshion folk. Some style crea tors will ndmit of no neck finish except the high collar and others scorn this radi cal attitude nnd say thnt while some women will w 0 n r the "choker" the ma jority of women will refuse to have anything to do with this h i g h b i n cl ing style. And there you ure! The fact is, the style shops nre showing many costumes with collars and many more without them. The fall sen son is not suf ficiently under way for one to decide just which wav the fashion wind will blow. In any event it is pretty safc to predict that the open neck will not entirely dis appear. C o m fort will receive its usual tribute. The accom panying illustra tion shows a fall frock of very fine navy blue serge bound with black silk braid. The white satin vest lies absolutely flat, plain and un trimmed, and the same mateiial, draped in soft folds, makes the collar. The wide girdle goes twice around the waist and knots in the back. The skirt is draped on one side. K&YK YiMtKMMi JIB iM lllSfk w Patsy Kildare, Outlaw Uy JUDD MORTIMER LEWIS blio had a llttlo she nsked me It the 111 st time. GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX By JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG, M. D., LL. D. In amiurr to health questions. Doctor Kellogg tn this space !!! daiiu m.,. j..i . medicine, but in no case u.111 he take the riik of making dlSgnosei loflr JfaS." """""vs meals reaafrMo auroleol treatment or drugs'. JUalthqSttmim e 2romfl,ZS''' swered by ptrsoncl letters to (noulrers who inclose Stamped ew"lobetfVeV K - In somo aflectcd by fever Is a Hay Fever AT mVEIt Is caused by tho pollen of plants There nre at least one hun dred and tvventj'-flvo different kinds of pollen known to produce bay fever. I'os slbly nil pollens aro poisonous Even morn ing glories will cause hay ft people Different people are different plants The best remedy for hij' chnnge of residence to .1 location which is freo from tho particular causa of tho dis ease J lay fever is duo to a combination of two things flrfet, 11 susceptible nasal mucous membrane, and second, the pollen of certain pi ints which, floating In tho air, Is Inhaled and sets up tho Irritation char acteristic of this dlse ibc. Special vaccines are now prepaied and used with Increasing success Patients suffering from hay fever are often wonderfully relieved by bitting In a very cold room (temperature 30 degrees Fahrenheit to 0 degioes Fahrenheit) for an hour or two. The relief of ion lasts for sev eral hours, nnd to may insure a good night's rest Tho services of a nose and throat epcclal Ist should alwajs bo secured In advance of the expected attack. Llghtlj smearing the lining of tho nos trils with vabelino protects the sensitive mucous membrano and affords much relief. Meningitis After Injury how Ionic does It reaulre menin gitis to develop' Docs It come from nn Injury to tho body or In ad? ANXIOUS. Acute meningitis Is a germ disease and come3 from infection. Chronic meningitis, or the tuberculir foim which may also be subacute, results from the invasion of the coverings of the brain nnd spinal cord by tubercular germs, which usually have ox tended from somo other part of the body. If thero Is unj suspicion of meningitis, a physician should bo consulted at once and a. prompt diagnosis mado. Gum Chewing What effect bns the ihevvlne of gum on the stomach? Docs It Increase or decrease the ncld ot the stomach? It. JI. V. The chewing of gum stimulates the eccrc- Charmingly ffl p Pert W Jll aril Pretty Billie Burke Dresses $2.98 Made of a toft, lustrous Mercerized Poplin with all the bett point of the Billie Burke style. Note the long, wide pleats, the S-inch belt and the dainty, pearl button trimming. Comes In Rose. Dine, White, Black, Navy and Copenhagen trimmed with vihlte collars and cuffs. All sizes. $2.98 THE 9 i'rout and Dauph! HI.. If Closs Tuesday and Thursday at 0 P. il. slZhl 1 W? Ch l3 a dS"tlvc fluid that I ua..b0 combined with starchy foods, nt n.w?i80CIOtlo,n ot 8alUa la simulated ti, I , t UT meal tlmes- Jt mea"s the put ting into tho stomach of unnecessary di gestive fluid Directly It decreases the acid lty of the stomach because It Is alkaline In nature, but Indirectly It stimulates gastric secretion, thus Increasing the acidity of the stomach. (CopjrlBht) The Young Lady THIS Is the second day I have been in school this week. 1 think 1 nm getting rid of tho dajs In a hurry. Just to show my father thnt I was back on the Job I made some coffee this morning. Jim Is llko a clock he works whether jou arc thero or not, only jou don't havo to wind him up. So now 1 havo sour milk enough to keep me going nnd fresh milk is coming in every day. I did a new thing Ibis mornlngj When my father had gone to bed tired out with his night watching I washed the dishes and wiped them on my blue nightie It needing washing, anywaj'. A llttlo wet off tho dishes would not hurt It. This Is pink nightie week, but both of them ought to be washed, so It doesn't mnko any difference whirii t uirnr. I was Just starting to BCllOOl with Itowdy when a young lady in a. gray dress came to the gate satchel In her hand "Are jou I'atsy Kildare I said, "you guesjeu What's it to jou?' Tho joung lady said, "It was reported at tho settlement house that jou were hurt and I was asked to come around nnd look nt your Injury I am a trained nurse." 1 said, "Aro you sure enough tralned7" She smiled and said. "I surely am" I said, 'Can you Btand on jour head? I have tried that lots of times, but I always tumble over." She smiled and said, "No." I said, 'Can jou walk on jour hands? I can." She said, "No" I said, 'Can J'ou turn over endwnys? I can." She bald, "No." I said, "Can jou cllml) trees anu swim?" Sho said, "No, but I can go Into the water and swim." I said, "You arc silly I don't bwlm when I climb trees 1 swim when I go Into tho rivet " I bald to the joung lads', "You aro nice, all tight, and I think I am going to llko jou, but jou aro mistaken about being trained. Somebody told jou that jou aro trained and jou believed It, which you should not havo done, for jou aren't trained at all" Then tho young lady took tho plaster off my bean and took off tho cotton, which mado me lift one leg up Then Bho opened her satchel and put something on where tho crazy girl blammed mo and put some moro cotton on It, and then sho put on somo clean plaster. Sho was going to sit on our porch and talk to me, but I told her that I had to hike to school and that If she would come back in the evening 1 would talk her head off. So she said she would, Then sho shoolrhnnds with Itowdy and me and went auay. Sho ccitainly did look clean. That joung lady came back Just after my father had gone to his night watching and she swept all the downstairs part of tho house and showed me about washing dishes, not that thero Is any trick about It, but you can do a whole lot better If j'ou know how and havo hot water to wash them in Sho is going to get mo a short stick with a mop on it to wash the dishes, so that I will not havo to put my hands In the hot water, which she says will ruin them. She has got very pretty hands. Before she went away I would have gone to bed, for I was Bleepy, but I have got to educate Itowdj so I sat out on tho steps and explained to him why peoplo are not of different sizes and colors llko dogs. Then we went In and Rowdy crossed his paws and I crossed my hands and prayed, "Dear mother, what do you know about that young lady thinking sho was trained when sho can't even walk on her hands or turn over endways? Isn't that the llnpft7 Now, plcaso listen. I want you to ask God to help Mr. Rockrudder by taking the crazy Ideas out of the head of his daughter and glv ig her somo sense. Tell God to drop everj thing elso and make good on this, for It Is Important I am going out Satur day to see whether He Ins made good and I don't want to go out thero for nothing. Ask God to bless you and my father apd the joung lady. Amen." "Last Words." the nrtt TaNy Kildare nd venture. appears In tomorrow's Kvcnlnc I.edcer. "MA" SUNDAY'S INTIMATE TALKS Tho wife of the famous evamjcliet discussci everyday topics in a helpful and wholesome way. "The million-Dollar Girl" ,,.4..ffl. verv well dressed when we talked over her plans. MA" SUNDAY than fhc In fact, SHG was a handsome, very w... j young woman, and Rime one po ntd ner nut to me as "the million dollar g Iril "Do jou mean that she Is nn I"1"""' I nskcdl .,,0n.'.no Sh(? '? 1110 gin wno bbucu a million dollars from a man as heart balm for breach of promise " "Did she get It." I Inquired, sur prised. "Tho Jury gave her a hundred thou sand," was the an swer. As I listened to tho whole sordid Btory of "tho mil lion dollar girl." I was Infinitely sad dened nnd disgust ed. That girl, It was shown on the witness stnnd, had gone out of her way to attract the youth sho was suing, who was j cars jounger Just over twentj'-one. With her knnuleriirn of the world, and her developed mind and physical understanding of how to charm through tho least lovely qualities, she had set persistently to work, aid for a tlmo, sho had won him. Sim ba.l no Intention of marrying him, It was said. This was her second case of the kind The first time, when less ex pciicnced, she had been given twenty-five thousand dollars, on which sum sho bad lived In ea-o and comfort for a few jears, meanwhile making herself famous for tak ing gifts of Jewelry and money from men. I was curious to see whether she would come to our meetings Sure enough, the next afternoon, there sho was, very hand some. In a beautiful dress, and smiling superciliously. I watched that girl Intentlj'. I could not help It. I fancied I saw a struggle going on In her, but, when the singing ended, she got up and left, rustling her silks She appeared again, next daj', ns hand somo as usual. It seemed to mo that she would never yield, but one night, looking her waj', I riw her suddenly start up and push for ward blindly among those who vvcro rising and coming down the trail. I made It a point to bo near her as she knelt. Today "tho million-dollar girl" Is earn ing a living honestly In an occupation for which sho Is well fitted. Sho hung her head as she told mo her story. "All at once I saw mj'self for what I was," she said sadlj-. "You know, I had alwajs prided myself that I lived 'straight. When men tried to tako ndvantago of my friendly stylo of acting I pretended to be shocked. But" her eyes sank before mine "I really played so as to mako them do that very thing. Then they would apolo gize, you know, and the next day I would bo richer by Just as much as the man could nfford to put Into some piece of Jewelry or fur for me." "Thero Is no difference," I began, but she stopped mo with her upraised Imploring hand "I know," she whispered. "I realize It now. I remember how many men I have led on In that way. And I recall vividly that wretched boy who was tho last. He was no more than a child doll In my hands. I fashioned him as I would. When I asked for a million damages I did not think I would get It. 1 Just believed I would get enough notoriety so that moro men would try to know me You know, men are some times like that!" "Tho blood of your Saviour can wipe It out, dear," I told her, tenderly. Her sor row was bo genuine and went so deep that It was pitiable. She was as good as her word. She moved to a strange city. "Fewer persons know me there," Bhe said, - '- '5 Announcing Newark Shoes for Women and Misses $350 and $450 SATURDAY, all over the United States, hundreds of Nerorrle Shoe Stores will display for the firsttime SHOES FOR WOMEN at prices that must make every woman who eees them fairly oeam with joy, at the prospect of being able to buy Fashion's Latest Fancies at SENSIBLE prices-$3.50 and fR50. ' We are going to show you shoes that duplicate the styles of tha most expensive models shown in your city. We are gointr to orova $i,5 and $4'S? ,8 enou! t0 W r "hoHr woPme r! In other words we are going to enable you to dress in shoes of tho very smartest style and save you the need qf paying exhorbitant The model shown above is evidence of the charmlntr srvlea and . beauty we have for Fall and Winter; we wyoutoaS this as a personal invitation to come Saturday. , A Dainty Vanity Case, containing Mirror and Powder Puff -rte to eocn rurtnaser Saturday. 3 leu).ar? Slice Stores Co. r VVOMHN'8 S1J.JVH HTOUKH 1134 Market Nt.. hetween 19.lt, A- lilt. a.. il ?l'lJ.,on AYe- bt. York & Cum berland Kta 7Jl Oermantown Ave., bet. Lehigh Ave, Bid honwset bt. 1ST North Rth St., near Cherry si. U South Street, near 4th St. 2130 N. Front St., near Dauphin St. CM tjermantown Ave., near Chelten Ave st South eotu St.. near Market st. B81S Kensington Ave., near Hart 7-ne. 14S1 South St., bet. Broad and 15th St. 1 N. 8th St.. bet. Itace and viS. 3.f tg- Lfti rf' O ... KXOMJSIVB MEN'S STORES WW MUM "V ,L. T nlltrht In tnlti.l en .t.nl. 1.... ... lnl will do less linrm If I urn unknown. Men.1 Just ns jou said" sho shuddered an sttuggled before she could go on "m.n follow tho trnll of a woman thoy think 1. bad. Nothing I could say, for a while iuiy. way, would mako people bellevo I am a if fcrcnt now. So I nm going thero nnd work" "I always know I would havo to beni any punishment my past life might brine on mo. but I did not know that It would be an hard. "I met n mnn Inct en.lm. ...1.- fcrcnt from the others I bad known, it, 451 was so fine and clean, so frank and brave 1 that I loved him, almost at onco But I ,im 1 not uu my eyes so high as to hope h. would seriously think of me. Then I found out n few weeks ago that ho did care for "I am afraid that Is the last bit of ner. sonal happiness I shnll over havo. Tho last night ho met me when I was coming from work nnd as we walked to my boardln house together we met a man who Rt,.w him, and who bnd known me before and all of my t,tory ; of tho men I had ruined, and how' I had led two of them on until I had sued for breach of promise. "When this former acquaintance of mine asked to speak to my friend In private I real zed what It meant, and my fears were Justified. He told tho whole story. My friend came back to mo with his face white "'Do jou know whnt be has been telling me?' ho asked, mj stifled. And I nodded miserably. 'Is It true?' ho continued. 'I will believe what jou say.' "Ho Mood there without a word for a moment. And then ho turned, and wallted away, with his shoulders drooping. I have never seen hint since. 'That Is nil. Now I hear he has sold out his business, and Is leaving for New York ' It Is a tragedy of her own blind, needless selfishness and sin. She has truly repented. I am sure of that. And perhaps God may show her peaco and happiness yet. God will forgive when men will not. Re. member that. (Copjrlcht, 1017, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Monday "Tho Boy Next Door." Don't let Nature's wealth go to waste If you would save the expense of costly dishes SAVE THE FRUIT CROP Preserves, jams.jellies are energizing andnounshing A Franklin Sugar tor every use Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioner. Brown SM O -sbssss: " H .JJssbbbRIIbI BBaaaaBBBaasJlBBeaaaaES stM 5ia " iff sj- -flfc flfliTJU huff U g mAmtiSi Sold in 1, 2 and 5 lb. cartoni end to t. 5, 10, 25 and 50 lb. cotton barfs. Where Shall I Send My Child to School? wlfhini uft?.'u Leaser Central. Hera. ,.L.?iuJ 'u, r bother, you may obtain boartfnJ Bni? rfl'W Information 0? any ta?y;hoolt fo.r bo' r alrla. mill tSfy Sf '&!?' buln" collere. conssrva- fci.TOi,V.yaW,S? g.-S'ii.TwlK'JJflSS' -"""" "u o'niverl-h'e'r.'." n'1 av,1UWe to m" LEDGER CENTRAL CHESTNUT ,vr nan'Ai.iJ'