k:t3k K v- 7'".iVI'itf' Wiiii,jWi ,iii, i i i -. . .i' '' .. ,'i. ! . V . 11. i'jjU. ,. i7 vk";v- 'V'iV' tfv ' ,f,i i '.- LiS !; J -w " fgg9 among wJWf'f .- 7 v '-'UMFBVWlSK- i . 'arWy.r"i!r.' Jan I . : rj WjMpMMJJPJjhttTil ,t -. ..., -V Vratipr JsssasasaWLsLa isiBss 'asWs& ' r T( tAMoltfS- and , SCRAPPLE r -." 'ft r- Stf.1! rf v; H...JK .,. - ' ? .: WSfQ-ilCiffE CARTOONISTS At HOME AND ABROAD ' tfcri&i. &'' ' V ti'-, ,9sHj9i2j0VssEejsHH i gsgslgBgBgBgBBrV 'j ' 2''IBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBVBBMEBlBSBlBfl Ma MMMhrfi bIbbissbTI EVubbsEssfUV ssHsssiBiBisBiBBtr jifjtfiTai mSf- T.,-2-.w-.'MFFi--3!l' t. WTZdM?. " :-L1Tlrfv - J: -; CT riy Ark trV IT SEEMED A8 IP THE Lutipeu la the Newark Newf "STAY WITH IT, PAED" COMIC RELIEF From the Purine Show (Enjllih) Ca.elVi Citurdiy Journal (English) "KILL THAT WASP" Donn'll In ttas St. Louie aiobe-Dmocr.t ' "KEEP SIFTIN', UNCLE" : v J " -. .i'AjiP. . ' .-,? :v u.k T ' ft ' il BMMBBhhftfctJwii?'iyftSurfjCQ'u' 3m& - xk Tacs In th NashvUl Tennesnan SO FAR. AND NO FARTHER ....4n nnT TIRED OF HIS PLAYHOUSE UNTIL HE AND THE POWEii , dadi a.n "'- - . ......niiivn rvri.nwv. .j KATRINKA INVENTEU A uamd v., , 17 ST FONTAINH FOX (Oeprrlcbt) THE PADDED CELL ) AT O0& vl J Summer V x tlmM( CHORUS oFTH&IHHOC&mS-AtVt, Qqi&T f A.FT&KHOOH OH "TrfB FbRCH.ISS . Smith s startimg e.w &wATf,'f ? J ' metymitt . 1.' Restful Vacation Wa "took & cottaro" for the mi to ret a badly neoded rest, for folks 1 us when that's ths reason for rota away It's, always best to dodro the blj hotel's attraetion, wnero aanoinr, m Inr Klrls and bora Would almost dr us to distraction with, hldnlcht rev song; and nolso. I rues wo rested . an hour In all ths time ws were an and that was when a heavy shower i vented any kind of play. The quiet tar couldn't hold us. We aulckly so the big hotel. In spite of. all that foO had told us, for every noisy stunts fell, and all, day long; we kept. on rota from' early morn till late at nlrht-rwei bathing, flshlnr. salllnr. rowlnr,' an dolnr stunts with all ourinleht The rest that was so much destredt We I didn't rest a blti it's true: for ratia always makes me tired It's iuofi-ia I stupid thlnr to do. But next rpneg. when that tired feeling; makes -J weary ana aistressea va cast my eyes j ud to the oelllnr and tell the boss I nted u. rest. I'll rather ud mv wife and'babr 1 and seaward quickly disappear. "We'lt'l rent another cottage, mayoe, ana rewj Just like we did this year. WIMMOORE. Answr Yes a No The TstUr. Ve: r Rrnia sav rbawiinr uirouni crack In bathing machine) Why arent'l you inkhakiT The Young Lady Across the Way 1 , ft? Suspicious Stammering Male Customer Er, er er, Urn, Ah, . Er He he. Jeweler (to , his assistant) Bring that tray of engagement rings here. Henry. -. An Automatic Check . -Bllton Aren't you spending to muchT Mrs. Bllton No, dear,' you don'tj make enough for me to do that. Ltfsl The young lady across the way says she Imagines the airplane Isn't so very dangerous If you have good, powerful brakes. 5fs SCHOOL DAYSt ByDWiPj 2 .''WiV f i?$ THE BIG PUSH . - BardUg , is the roeklnv Sagte Following, the Textbook A teacher asked her class to write an essay oh. London. She was sur prised tofread the following In one at tempt: . 'The people of London are noted for thelr( stupidity," ' The young' author was asked how he got that idea,' ', ''Please. mUe." was the realv. "It .. says', IA the tSKooka the ;popul4uia' or London la' V'ery denei'V-New Tefk' - i Frotn the fyMtmln.t. OiMtU (Englleb) ", V wLcWeBls Vejry dnsNw Tsfk'.l .,, i.JHLW ia?. if-, - 'CAM0UFLAG1 . rj..i.mKf l-;-.-. J i:&iBSi Jl lBSgSVBBBBkBBfBB IWIM PSJISjrSBMJBBeT WSMSMSMSeSS'. fT"w 'VrV'A" ..,. f.ll. BWlflhr limJmrfW ;1