,. W, COAL VJ J. in MlnW, Jmt Lkbor and Trans- ? JporUtlon Limited ( AM. 81. Tim airman Oov t'ta conducting1 a treat agitation or i Mvlnr of coal and all Its products,- In. r gas ana electricity. There Is. or plenty of coal In the German mines, ; treat quantities await only shipping to .centers of population, so that no actual inn or coal exists. .epkA Mflwim fii tha MAt.iavlni. oflttinnlffn ij'iitw' rather the lack of labor and transporta- w IN MEMORIAM rOTEH, In loving memory of LOUISE IT SWOYER on her birthday anntverssry. i fha (lav breaks and the ahariowa fl.a ay, then will I come again to thee, my be- DEATHS JDcat!ji AIMS, Sr, ' A. ...... .-.- MA . 1W . . A1A1B, AUg. BV, IUIjIAAL U. 1. AIMi), OIh tn ot lata Elisabeth rennlngton Alma, aged IR. Relative and friend Invited to funeral .services, 8at. 2 p. m., residence of son-in-law, j 'Alexander L. ralmer, 4702 Wayno ave., aer- U ifBLRASir'Vo: JOSHUA 8. AMBLER. .fated 83. Relatives and friends, Roxboro Lodge, ilp. 185, T. and A. M.: Harmony Chapter, No. IB: an otner organizations ot wnicn no was n Jsember. Invited to funeral. Bat., 1! p. m.. 432 ii taurliton at., Roxboro. Int. private. Wcstmln- ' &.,. Cmrtt Ni BARENTHER. Aur. 25. ANDREAS, husband ef Kmma Uarenther (nee Winter), aged (17. L Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv- Tk. Frl.. Be. m., 81110 N. 4th st. Int. private, i Northwood Cem., Sat., It a, m. Auto service. ST - ,i BARR, Aug, SO. Pleseontvllla Terrace. N. r A.J.. ANNIE ELIZABHT.l llAItH, daughter of 5 ! 'Dr. D. Miller Uarr. Relatives and friends In ifa -12 Tiled to tunaral services. Hat., 3 p. m.. residence 8,.rt,iewn, Delaware County, Pa. Int. private. l" AT ? BEESI,EY.AUg:. 80, WILLIAM II., husband , at Mamie Ueesley. aged 44. Due notice chen. )( rBRUNER. Aug. 28. HENRY C. husband of XJXSle IV. urune, agcci tu, jieiaues anu friends, also Sagklnah Lodge, 2411. V. and A. V Invited to funeral services. Hat., u a. m., t Episcopal Church ot the Sulour. 3Sth st, above Chestnut. Int. private. BRYAN. Aug. 2D. WILLIAM E.. husband of Clara B. Pols Bryan and son ot late Ralph and Starr J. Bryan. Relatles and friends, Stephen Olrard Lodge. No. 450. F. and A. M.: I'm lection Lodge. No. 243. I. O. O. F.i Olrard Council. No. 809, O. of I. A,; N. A. Harey Bible Class of Gaston Presbyterian Church, In dustrlal dept. ot the Home Fire Insurnnco Co., Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m., chapel of An drew J, Balr i Pons. Arch and luth sts. Int. Kernwood Cem. Remains may he Mewed Frl., between 7 and 0 p. m., 2827 N, Wornock st. Auto funeral. BUNNELL. Aug. 29, ORLANDO S son of late David S. and Henrietta 8. T. Uunnell. Rel atives and friends, also rark Avo Wheelman. Veteran Wheelmen and Stonemen'a Fellowship, Invited to funeral services, Hat.. 10 3U a. to., 000 N. lflth st. Remains may be lewed Trl., 8.30 to 10 p. m. Int. private. Monument Cem. UUHRISS. At Wlldwood. N. J., Aug Sill, ft.i v. husband of Sarah Matilda Ilurrlss. l(ni Pine St.. Philadelphia, pastor ot Church ot tho Covenant. 18th and Spruce sts,, Philadelphia. Cue notice of funeral will be given. CASSIDY. Aug. 29. ELIZABETH, wife of John A. Cassldy, aged 57. Due notice of funeral tlven. 28 South si. Auto sen Ice. COLL1SON. At Ocean City. N. J., Aug. 29 MARY A. COI.L1SON (nee Cileason). wife of Clarence I. wouison. iiemain may ue tieFH Frl., 8 to 0 p. m.. 4U7 Simpson ae.. ocean r City, N, J. Mats St. Augustine's Church, Bat., 10 a. m. Int. private. CONNELLY. Aug. 29. STEPHEN, eon of Catharine and late Andrew Connelly (nee Con- !ey), aged 14. Relatives and friends Invlttd to uneral, Sat., 8:3u a. m.. residence ot mother. 22 Melvale st. High mass Immaculate Concep tion Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. . A'Jto funeral. COOK. Aug. 20. MARGARET, daughter of William J. and Jennie Cook (nee Durnss), aged S. Relatives and friends tmitcd to funeral, Bat., 1 p. m., parents' residence, 22211 S Croa ker st. int. Holy Cross Cem. Remains may bo Viewed Frl. eve. COnRY. Suddenly, at Cape May, N. J.. Aug. 80. ANN I... wife of James C. Corry. Notice of funeral will be given, from 117 N. luth et. DARIN. Aug. at). MARGARKT. wife of John F. Darin (nee Slattery). of I'ethard, County Tip. perary. Ireland. Relatnes and friends. Altar Society of St. Agatha's Church. Ladlev Auxiliary, Qlv, A. O. H...lnMted to funeral, Hon.. 0 a. m.. 3S10 Waluslng ave. Solemn requiem mass St, Agatha's Church 10 a. m. Int. aolr Cross 'Cem. IfigAH DEMEREST. At Delanco. N. J.. Aug. 29. rJ?,. FREDERICK L.. husband of Mattle Grem- lT?VV inlnger Demerest and son of A. I.ukens and Cor "-- nena iemerest. aged 44. nelatlves and friends. iitlk "ve "ranch Lodge. No. 26. I. O. M.. of RUer y Side. 1. J.i Washington Camp. No. 3.1, V. O S. ox a., or ueianco, N. J.. Invited to funeral services. Sun.. 2 p. m., residence of parents. Cor. Spruce and Laurel sts.. Delanco. N. J. Int. Monument Cem., Beierly. N. J. DOUGHERTY. Aug. 29, FRANCIS DOUGH ERTY, aged SB. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m., residence of son. Louis II. Dougherty, 229 S. Willow Grove Pike, Glenslde, Pa. Int. private, Mt. Morlah .DUNN. Aug. 28. LEWIS T., West Berlin, If. J., aged 39. Helnflv- in.l frienn. I'.nn ;ownshlp Council. No. OS. O. U. A. M.: Hlro F tors. it 'ff ;" Bi!1 M" Tribe. No. 309. I. . R. M.: Oxford Castle. No. 104. A. O, K. ot M. C Invited to funeral serv. Ices. Sat.. 2 p. m.. mother's residence. 2033 N. Woodstock st. Int. Fernwood Cem. l'rlendj toar fall Frl., after 8 p. m.' , EHMANN. Aug. 2ft, AGNES, widow of Gabriel Ehmann (nee lleck). Relatives and friends, Rosary Society of All Saints' Church, invited to funeral. Sat., 8 a. m , realdencn of on-ln-law, Anthony Ktengol. 4M7 Edgemont St. Reaiulem high mass All Saints' Church V a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem FEIY. Aug. 29. HARRY FE1Y, husband ot Frieda Fely. aged 48. Relatlvea and friends. Supreme Yearly Beneficial Society. Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m.. 821 W. Cumberland st. Int. Oreenmount Cem. FINLEY. Aug. 29. MARY FINLKY. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeril. Hat., 8:20 m., j . .win et. Mass of solemn requiem We" Js-nes's Church 10 a. ra. Int. Old Cathedral rr i .'W.y-Y'NU' AU' 3. LAWRENCE J. son f Nlcholaa and Margaret Furlong (nee Pende-. fast), aged 23. Relatives and friends members of Court Gen. GarHeld, No. 101. F. of A In vited to funeral. Mon.. ,:3D a. m.. parents' resl flence. 1231 Leopard st. High mass St Michael's Chutch 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. , GILLESPIE. Aug. 29. JOHN J., husband ot Ann Gillespie. Relatives and friends. Holy Name Society of the Immaculate Conception Church, employes of Frankford Arsenal. In vited to funeral. Sat., 8:30 a, m.. 001 E. Haines St., atn. Solemn reaulem mass Immaculate . voncepiion inurcn iu a. m. Int. St. Dominic's ; Cem.. Holmesburg. Auto funeral, k CORDON. Aug. 30. ROBERT II.. eon of KBa "'.'i " iieien i. uoraon inee liradey). tZ'jL I1!4 -: Belatlves and friends Invited to funeral. WlX Bt.. 1 p. m., from parents' residence. 1300 & Bhunkt. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. Sf-. 5RAHASI- At Ocean Grove, N. J Aug. 29. W& fiu" UKAHAir. of Philadelphia, aged (IS. PJJ Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral without S&i lurther notice. Sat.. 2 d. m.. a.i.in N. Part nm hV, Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. pS i .SJtWBRn- AUif' :n- louisa v. auM- 5tVS tltERE (nee Brevoor), widow of Rev. Charlie 13. Class of tho Second Bantlat Church, will hnld ,H-Srvlces Sun.. 8 p. m. Funeral private. Mon . n 5. " " BM AiDer st. int. worth cedar inn "r Cem. 1 .HARD.INO. Aug. 29. ANNA REBECCA. 53t4 T.'aov or. Charles B. Harding, aged "0. Rela- 621 tlVefl and frlenda InvllMl tft fiinArl wlthnn. JV" further notice. Sun.. 2 n. m.. resldenre nt win. 8. Russell Harding. Slles, Pa, Int. William 2Snn Cem. AlltftM Will mo. I.aln. a. . rt.I2ln'r "" Station leaving Reading Terminal . 12:17 and Trenfnn 1'.a m h?b - HARRIS. Aur. 31, ALLEN HALE, son of Jf&V.- rr; Jm Andrews Harris, aged 88. Due lm. T. Xyitlr nt flinAl .0111 tA Dll.n tfj! JtOMBERGER Aug. 29. HENRY IIOMBERG. i T " ed 43. Relatives and friends Invited to Y it, -Sl"'A,i,"',.1.l' " -9ua u- victoria st. Int. i J),-"ilii,HCa,lr lul um' auio service. FW- fur jfi5E wi HOPKINS, aged 45. Relatives and friends! i ; K"J,,mr" ot New London Lodge. No. 64S. F. and " - ir MJ. Invited to funeral, without further no- 'i VST r'' Services at house, 1 p. m. Int. Union ! ) Hlii,S,',mC!Kennett Square. Pa. Auto funeral. f t , JENKINS. Aug. 28. JOSEPH, son of Thomaa ..ft and Margaret Jenkins fnen TventlncV Tl1nt1vrf an.4 (.(..J. C. , .1 ,m . n .. k'l .-. .."? i' unvia .icr a x, A. ii. anu h'.. .IllMin Un u Mam. Uiul.l.i !.,., .. I . -. --"'. ...ii ..mw umiEij, ti.vi.ru iu .uiicru, ,'t eat., 8 .SO a, m.. residence parents. 2S13 Asnen fj ! High mass of requiem Church of St. Francis &. Xavler 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. E:'i.,i.R,UB'-rAu'. 2I. 1DA- daughter of late ji T'Albert O. and Annie It T.a rtne n.lollv.. and m yf friends Invited to funeral services. 67 E. Mer it. ' maid lane, Chestnut Hill. Sat., 2 p. m. Int. Uf'H- prVval'i. pjili. , .uuimwiu. Aug. .a. jams nuiuia, L. if Widow of Charles La Tourneau. aged 85. Rela Ri t h lives and friends Invited to funeral services, ! j.-,Bat,, 2 p. m.. 1235 W. Somerset st. Int. prl Br 'f vste. Remains may be viewed Frl.. 8 tn 9n m. ". utiwia. ouaaeniy, Aug. 30, iawrenc-- it. y tEWI8. husband ot Ellen Lewis (nee Purcell). . JUlatlves and friends. Holy Name Society St. , '.Anthony's Church, Invited to funeral, Mon., 8 a.- m.. 2324) Catharine st. High mass St. An. . .Viflbonva Church OtO a. tn. Int. nrlvatn St. l-j . jiarr's Cem., Trenton, N. J. Omit flowers. at Auto funeral. Trenton papers copy. j. LIOHTFOOT. Aur. SO, 1324 8. 63d St.. Phlla., KfalA LANE, wife of John C. Llgbttoot, Jr. , ua notice or funeral given, ' J LOUER. Aur. 2. at Atlantlo City, ROSE R. LOUKR. widow of Marcus A. Louer. Funeral TrI. morning, p o'clock, from Mt. Slnal Chapel. t MALABX Aur. 29. EARL B. K. MALABY. S, sen of Earl B. and Daisy E. Matabr (nea toar). aged 1 year and 1 month. Relatives d friends Invited to funeral 'aervlees. Sat., 2 a. m.. parents' residence, sis vvnile jiorse cue, kiMubon, N. 'J. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. nanaa mar call rTi. aster p. ra. RBHALL, At West Cheater, Aug. 29, LEVIS A.R8HAL. aied AT. Relatlvea and friends rited-to funeral. 227 E. Washington St.. West tester. Bun., Sept. 3. Meet at house, 2 p. m. E W ? srl AUST. Aug, 79. PETER MAUST. aged 72, ULttvaa ana rrianas. ait. Airy triage. r.a. 7an. to. 6. I".. Invited to funeral services. Ply "sssutB are.. Wraamoor. Montgomery County, .TTBimi.. 4 p. m. Int. Ivy Hill Cem. Auto will i Meet, trolleys at Qarmantown and Willow Grove JC'rVBLI.. Aug' 30. MARGARET MAX. KBeri. pi jjerrrnasaen, v.uuniy Kalativea and friends In. . at..' 70 a. tn.. Industrial wfpn, 3821 I'owelton ave.. reaoiem mass m. juiim'i a. Pathadrat Hata. Hamalna BeSriam. .? La.ro.'BL. OHvr H. Blr Hid. Kte&j2r$g& u(. ptiirey.,' rawni, la.wowo i are invited. at,., . a. 3TSaH2 SK.U-. PARCEIi POST Hay-Fever Instant, Continuous Relief Ws A. No more struggling for breath. -7i sneezing, eyes burnlnr. Get tiny W c BREATHE - O - TOL 111 INHALER now. Slip medicated r-.V' cartridge in each rup. Put In- Fits any haler In your nose and your .. clogsed nostrils open right up. t"" Fllls only 1-3 of opening, stays ?n cup In place without holdlnr, day or ,n each right. nostril TRIAL 8ET A Inhaler and 30 Hay a iwiu Fever cartridges. OFFER l' Ptpald. 10 days' trial. Money-back guarantee. RET B for CATARRH. COLDS. EAR NOISES, etc. Inhaler and B0 cartridges II. Descriptive Leaflet 403. VRKK BREATHE-O-TOL COMPANY XMM Arch St.. Philadelphia Phone Bell, bprute BO-II PAWNSHOP AT 904 VINE . " Loans 11000 fer B10 Btiar roor, Umon4e, vraUbes anil ienelry to ' v . Js tascsst paws step I the. werUt .' PWP(PlaPijWW . M4BSWr...' jivr ii-r ter of late James and Marr Tobln (nee Byrne). Relatives and friends, Ladles' Auiltlarr. No. 1. Camp 1, Sons of Veterans, Invited to funeral, Mon., 8 Jo a. m.. 20131 Belgrave at. Solemn high requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. McCALLUM. Aug. 29, at Presbrterlsii Home for Widows and Single Women, ELIZABETH. widow of William MeCallum, aged 79. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 10 a, m., at Rome, BSlh st. and Oreen way ave., W, Phlla. Int. Mt. Pejee rVm. MCCARTNEY. Suddenly. Aug. .10. fllANK r . knn .. vta.u vt'nA.1 .. lata tVanlf AteCart. ney. Funeral, to which the. relatives and friend. Pollen 37th District, members of Police Ren. Asi'nS First Ward Republican Club, are In vited, Mon.. 1 p, m . 24.11 S. Sheridan st. Int. West Lnurel Hill Cem. Remains may be vle-ved Sun. eve. Auio service. . .. McDERMOTT. Aug. 20, JOHN F.. ecu of Elltabelh F. Mrllermott (nee Nonnemaker). and lata John F. McDermolt, aged 20. Relatives and friends, Sharkamnson Tribe, No. 10, I. O. It. M.I Sheet Metnl Wnikers of the Navv Yard. 3d Regt,. N. G. P.. Invited to funeral, Sun.. 3 p. m., mother's residence, 2029 s, 1.1th t. Services at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2 p. m. Int. church grounds. Friends mnv call Sat. eve. Mni.ANAPHY. Atlg 30, MARY A. (neo Mc Cauley), daughter of I'atrlrk and Isabella Mc- Calilev. Ilelntlvea nnd friends Invited to fu neral. Mon., H.30 n. in., resldenco of parents, 10.1 Roxborough ave., Mannyunk. Solemn high requiem mass St. John tho Baptist Church 11 n. m. Int. St. John's Cem. JIOlIll Aug. 80. CHARLES, husband of ALICE MOIIIl. Due notice ot funeral will bo gum rrom '.'.121 N 13tn at. MONTHlTir. Any. .10. LETITIA, daughter of late Samuel nnd Maria Montclth. Relatives and friend. Indies' Camp, No. (II, P, O. of A., Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m.. npart menta of Klrlt & Nice, n.int (lermantonn ave., Uermantnun. Int. Ivy lllll Cem jiooiie. Aug. :io, wn.LAiin n. moore. Funeral services. Sat., 2 p. in., 20UI) Green st. Int private. Omit flowers. .MORROW. Aug. 211, MARY A., wife of John J. Morrow and diughter of late William and Annie Hannhran. Relatives and frlrrnds Invited tn funeral, Mon . 8.10 a, in , 720 S. Marvlno st. Solemn high mnes of requiem St. Paul's Church 10 n. m. Int Holy Cros-i Cem. Auto service. ML'III'IIY. Atw. 29, CATHERINE, widow of Jeremlih Murphy. Duo notice of funeral given, residence of k-in-lndaw, William Ray, 2209 Jackson st. MU8SELMAN Aug. 30. D. O. E. MUSSEL MAN, aged (is. Residence, 3201 Archer St., Her mnntown. Due notice of funeral will Im glen. N1IILOW, Aug. 29, GEORGE W , hulmnd of Iste Mary It Nlldow (nee .Myers). Relatives and friends, members of P. O M of A.. No. 270, Invited to funir.fl services. Sat.. 1 n. m.. rrsl. dnce of .Mrs. Jumrs Daly Sprlnghous rnnl. Three Tuns. Int. private, Monlroso Cem. Auto funeral. O'CONNOR. Aug. 29. HARRY A.. huetMnd of Mary A. O'Connor (nee McCleod) nnd sun of late Owen nnd Susan O'Connor. Relatives nnd friends Invited tu funeral, Sat.. 8 n. m. 3rtM Stanton St., Falls of Schuylkill. High mass St. Bridget's Church 0.30 a. m. Int. Westminster Cem. PANCOAST. Aug. 29. at Woodstnwn. N. J.. CHARLOTTE- HILI.MAN PANCOAST, widow of the Into James C IMnroasl. agil M Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral, Woodstnwn. N J., Sat., 2 p. m. Int. Friends' Cem , Woodstown, 'pI'EIFrnR At Rlverlon. N. J.. Aug 2. FREDERICK PAWL, son of late Dr Frederick Paul and Jlary Emma Pfelfttr. Funeral nnd Int. private, convenience of family. Frl.. Aug. 31, POLK. Aug. 20. JOHN M.. huiband of Marie Polk (nee Gnul) and eon of George W and Kate A. Polk. Relatives and friends, Loyal order of Moose, No, Til Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen, I. R. R,. Invited to funeral services. Sat , 2 P. m., parents' rcsldtnce. 1221 W Sclzcr st Int. private. Frlendi may call l'rl., after 8 P. m . .POWELL Aug. 20, I.YUIA (nee Rohr), wlfo cf John C. Powell nml daughter of kath nrlno nnd lato Iioul Rohr, aged 22. Relatives nnd friends, Otmtuhoochtc Council, No. 132, D of P., Invited to funeral, Sat . .'I p. m.. lirother-ln.law'H recldence, P. J. O'Brien, 3'ia2 N. Mnrshnll st. Int. llretnmount Cent. Re mains mtv bo viewed Frl , s to in p. ni. RODMAN. Aug. 20, MARY C. wlfo of Frank Rodman nnd daughter of Ellen and late Josepn N. Croak, ogd 4.1. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 8 3d a. in,. Chapel of Andrew J. H.ilr, Arch and loth sts. High mass. Cathedral, lMh nnd Race sts., 10 a. m. Int. private. Auto funeral. ' SACKS. At Newtown, Pa Aug. 29, MIN NIE S SACKS, aged 71. Relatives and frl-nds Invited to funeral without further notice. Sat. 1..H1 P. m.. Court st.. Newtown. Int. Green wood Cem.. Frankford. Trains for Newtown leave Rending Tcrmlml 0.21 n. m. SCAIIHOItOt'GH. Aug. 30, at residence of uncle. 111. Ml Columbia ave., EUGENE SCAR BOROUGH, aged 22. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Frl., 8 p. m , Oliver II. Balr Illdg . lS'JU Chestnut st. Int. litrdlctree, Md . Sun. HCHHiMnnrt Alii-. "1 WILLIAM. 1.. hus. bind of .sullle Schrelber (neo McGulgan). Rela tives nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Sat., 2 p. m.. 2117 E. l'lrlh st. Int. private. Remains ma bo viewed Frl . after ti p. m SEIXAS. Au?. 29. .MARGARET GRAHAM, widow of William H. Selx.is. Rrlitlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral services, 2917 N. 10th St., Sat,. 2 p. m. Int. private SHELDRAKE. Aug. 29 132.1 S. Bancroft St., SADIE M., daughter of Charles C nnd Surah Sheldrake, aged in Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, ,s,it,, 2 p. m., Oliver 11. Hair Bide., 120 Cheetnut st. Int. private. SLUGO. Aug. 2.N. JA:1L;S P. husband of Mary hlugg (neo Schlmpf), iiged 00. H-jlatlvoi nnd frltnds, Penco nnd Lovo Lodic. No. 337, I. O. O. F , Jenklntown Lodge, No. 47(1, K of P.; bheklnah Castle, No. 20, it. (1 1! . Invited tn funeral, Sat , 2 p. m , Huntingdon Valley, Pa Int private, llatboro Cein. Train for Bcthavres leaves Reading Terminal 12 31 p. m. SMITH. Aug. 21. C. ELMER SMITH, hus. band of Elizabeth C. Smith (neo Hart), aged 04. Relatives and friends. S S. White Dentat Mfg. Co.. directors of Oakdalo Bldg and Loan Asso.. and all other organizations of which he was a member, Invited to funeral services, Snt 2 p. m, 4410 Baltimore uve. Int. private, West Laurel Hill Cere. SMITH Aur. 29, at 21.1S W. Sunuehtnna nve.. ELIZABETH RINEAR, wife of Ixirenzo Smith. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, r-at., 1 p. m.. parlors of Weslpy Craft fc Son, 2010 Diamond at. Int. prhuto West Laurel Hill Cem. .STEVENSON Aug. 20. ALFRED I... hus band of Angeln O. (neo Welsh! Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Sat. 7:'iu a. m. 372S Sprlnglleld nve. High mass of requiem Church of tho Most Blessed Sntramcnt B a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto funernl. IsTREEPKH. Aug. 20, LAURA MARTIN RTREEPER, wife of James W Strceper, aged r.9. Relatives and friends Invited tn funernl, Sat., 2 p. m , hu-diand's residence, Fltzwater lown. P.i. Int Hillside. Autos will meet Willow Grovo trolley at Ardsley 12:30 to 1 .10. THOMSON. Auir .til. IJAVIll IIENnV THOMSON, son of William and Laura II. Thomson (nee Hellyer), aged 27. Relatives nnd friends. Washington Camp, No. 29, P. O. 8. of A., emplojea Znbel Bros Co., Phlla., Invited tn funeral services Sun., 2:30 p. m., resldenco of parents. 141 N, Huh st., Camden, N J. Services, Thomson Memorlnl Church, Solesbury, Burks Co., Pa., Mon., 2 p, m. Int. Solesbury Cem TOOHEY. Aug. 29. SARAH wlfo of Wil liam A. Toohey (neo Corrlenn). Funeral Sat.. 7.30 a. m.. 2328 Brown st. Solemn mas of requiem St. Frnncls's Church 0 a. m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. Int. Old Cathedral Cim. TRIMBLE. Aug. 30. SARAH A., widow of John T Trimble, aged 00 Relatives nnd friend Invited to funeral eervlces. Sun.. 4 p. m., resi dence of daughter. Mrs Lulu Whitney, Janney Station, Bucks Co. Train leaves Readlni; Terminal 3 n m. Int. private. VAUallAN. Aug. 27. MARGARET II.. wife of Henry C. Vaughan. aged 71. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 p. m 2400 N. Reese st. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Frl. eve WAGNER. Aug. 29, CARRIE, widow of Al bert M. Wagner. Relatives und friends. J. C. Fremont Council, No. 32, D. of I; Garfield Lodge, No. 11". S, of H.. Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m . residence of son-in-law, Joseph Leadbcater. 13U9 W, Clearfield at. Int. private, Falrhlll Cem. Remains may bo viewed Frl. eve. WALKER. Aug. 29, LIDA F.. daughter of James Marshall and Mabel F, Walker, aged 4 vears (1 months. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral servlcea, Frl., 8 p, m., residence of parents, 4915 Paschall ave., West Phlla. Int. Sat a. m., Sadsbury Friends' Burylns Ground, Pa. WALTON. At Tuckerton, N. J Aug. 29, MRS. MARY I WALTON (nee Reilley), daugh ter of lato John nnd Mary Reilley, of Phlladel phla. aged 07, Mrs. Walton luaves six children to mourn her loss, as follows: Mrs. Georgle F, Lamsorr. of Woodbury. N. J s Cape. II. M L, Walton. of Norfolk. Va.i Irving Walton. Mrs. Sadie M. Jacobson, Mrs. Mamlo I. Smith and Miss Ida V, Walton, of Tuckerton. Mrs. Wal ton had resided at Tuckerton since 1MI7. WATERS. Suddenly. Aug. 28. CHARLES A., son of John and Mury Waters (neo Gillespie), nged 24. Relatives and friend. Kensington l,odge. No. 113, B. It. T Invited to funeral, Tues.. tl.30 a. m., resldenco of parents, 302H Almond st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. WILEY. Aug. 28. JENNIE H.. daughter of Thomaa J. and Elizabeth Wiley (nee Doyle), Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Hat.. 8'30 a. m.. 1424 H. S3th st. Solemn high mass of requiem Church of Most Blessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. WRIGHT. Aug. 20, OSHORN, husband of Emma T. Wright (nee Le Maltre). Relatives and friends, also Samson Lodgo, No. 07, K, of p.j Brotherhood of Patterson Memorial Presbyterian Church Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. tn., 6830 Race st. Int. private. Friends may call Frl. eve. YOUNO Aur. 29, JOHN W husband of Marietta Pondexter Young, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, 1813 Reed st.. Sat.. 8 a. m. Remains may be viewed, Frl,, 0 to 10 p, m. Int. Hat., at Trappe, Md. G ljfiDGER-PHtLADELPHlA, FBIDAY, AtTGtfST SU'W.7 : i r-- f-r- 1,r ' -1 Ediichtional - l r j var iv Unth rfirn l.o(h Pct Ilolh exc I-" f y TEMPLE UNIVERSITV 1 College of Music 1 Thaddcus Rich, Mus. Doc, Dean Thaddeus Rich, Alfred Lorcnz. .Violin Henri Scott, Lewis J. Howel, Gcrtrudo Haydcn Fcrnloy. .. ..Voice ' Robert Armbrustcr, Philip Goepp, Emil F. Ulrich, Tinno, Theory and Organ And Competent Assistants All Branches of Music Taught Full details in Catalog M-39. riione, Illnmond 031, or Cnll Sluslc Department, WIIon Itiillillnc, Saulliwest Corner 10th & hanom Streets SSBafeaVSBtseaaaaaaTiBtaBaHtyi iinxr.niNo and vx school a 40tli nnd Snriirr St. PhMn. w Reopen for 41h tear In October 5 R"ll Tel. Proston 4412. Auto service. Kj .-rlenlllle Dlrrrllon for MlltMAL Chil dren, 3 to 8 ve.ir. The nlm of this school Is to give Normil Children nn environ ment In which tho spontnnenu Impul of child llfo may hnvo freedom for Indi vidual growth, and where peron of brond sclentlflc culture may observe !m partlilly which acts to hinder ii"il which to encourage. Direction covers Diet, Ex. ercle, Recreation Deportment, Control of Emotions Occupation, etc., differing for each Indlvlduil child. arniiiinp cowrie jnr Tiaclieri. x.(mlfcd. Announcement will li miila Inter nf the orenlng of our Ccntml Ilrnnch School. .vir. Anna vv imlle r.ilt. I)lrectres .vionleorl Il.liliimu, Unme, lull fSsGC9s9CdeE9esKB4tftKK School of Industrial Art of the Pennsylvania Museum Rrond nnd Pino Street Till: IDEAL SCHOOL FOR ART STUDY Course in Illustration, Architecture, In. terlor Decoration. Pottery. Metal Work and Industrial Design. Cuurmj In Normal Art of Colltro Crude. Philadelphia Textile School Practical Instruction In nil branches of tex tile design, ng. manufacturing, chemistry nnd djelng. Completo mechanical equipment, Sue ccsBful graduates. School Reopen September 21th Day and Evening Clasi.es Saturday Cl.e for Teacher LESLIE IV. .Ml 1. 1, hit. Principal BANKS' BUSMESS C9ZZFGE in I You Ca Find Out About Us To lenrn whit wo nro doing for the roung men and women of this com munity you havn only to nsk any grad uato, any banker, or any business man who )s emplolng bookkeepers, stenog raphers, accountants or other ofllco people. Tho fact that wo nro fully accredited by the National Association of Accredited Schools is further evl denco of our reputation. Dan and XtoUt Sessions Knter any time RANKS IirsiM'.SS COI.T.r.GE AND SCHOOL FOR SECRETARIES n.M l neslnut St.. I'hiiauelnlila PHILA. TURNGEMEINDE School reopens September 10. Gjmnastlcs. German, drawing, painting, needlework and swimming to children, 7 to 13. for JO per year. Enoll now. Broad and Columbia ave. Elocution and English Lessons Coaching adults of neglected education. Lady receives nnd visits pupllw. Add. M 440,Led.Cen. WE PREPARE STUDENTS for any college or professional school. Business courses for girls and oung men. BROWN PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Broad and Cherry sts. Prtvnlr 1 eunnil English, French, German, l rivate Lessons latllli Mathematics. backward pupils. Miss Wlldman. 1039 Race St. i.nwununo. pa. Backnell University JOHN HOWARD HARRIS, l'resldont Tun demand for Trained Men and Women, now nnd for several years to come, will exceed tho supply. For worthwhile young men und youne women Bucknell has thorough and modern courses In Hducatlon, His tory, Kncllsh. Modern nnd Ancient Languages, Mathematics, Chemistry, Iliology, Physics and Domestlo Science. A scparato school of music. Courses lending to degree? of A.H.. Th.B., So.D . C.R.. E.K , M.K.. Chem! K , Sc.13 In Domestic Science. All athletics. For catalog address Walter S. Wilcox, LcvvUliurff, Pb. Yonng Women nml Girls FOR GIRLS Miss Marshall's School OAK LANE, PHILA. Day and Boarding Departments. Primary through college preparatory courses, also Art, Music. Expression, Domestic Science, Teacher to every 0 girls. Campus of 4 acres. Large, airy study rooms. Outdoor athletics. Appoint ment may now ho mado with tho principal. Belt telephone, Oak Lane, 1020. MISS i:. fr. MARSHALL. Principal. THE STEVENS SCHOOL 10R GIRLS, 221 W Chelten nve., Germantovvn 50th .year begins Sept. 23: Kindergarten In charge of Miss F. Uhler. College Preparatory. Special courses in Domestic bclence and Conversational French for girls nnd .women. MARV BEMH.V. Head of School. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 SPRUCE STREET MAIN LINK BRANCH. AKDMORE. TA. Kllsabeth Hill. l.)nian. Principal Phila. fSchool of Design for Women Reopens October 1, 1017 BROAD AND MASTER STREETS. rillLA. AMBLER. PA. School of Horticulture jgj' Short fall courses for women In growing veg. (tables, flowers, fruit, canning, bee keeping, poultry, landscape cardenlnr. Catalog. SWARTIIMORE. PA. MARY LYON SCHOOL College preparation. Riding, canoeing, swim ming, aesthetic dancing. SEVEN GABLES, our home for little girls. Catalog. Address It, M, Crist. A. B.: Frances L. Crist, A. B., Principals. Box 1808, Bwarthmora. Pa, CHESTNPT HILL. PA. MT. ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Ideal school for young ladles. Courses In Art, Muslo and Domestic Science. Elementary. In termediate, Commercial. College Preparatory and Collegiate Classes. Affiliated with the Catholic University of America and University of Penna. Catalog, Box 40, Cbeitant Hill, Phils.. Pa. nETIILKHKM. PA. MORAVIAN SEMINARY AND COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Bethlehem. Penna. Preparatory and College Grades fully accredited. Opens Sept. 20th. J. 11. CLEWELL. Ph.D.. President. NO HRI8T0WN. PA. Norrotown Academy d . 4ktr soaool nssr rM mmSSSk Wjmk' OIRL8' SCHOOL, JSINEsi' Nearly everyone rl knows the derful results attain- won- 1S jinsiortune it you not investigate. we your do Stenography or Bookkeeping Taught in Ahout30Days Call, write or phone Locust 389S for catalogue. Day and Evening & .Sfs8ir.na O-'J MWUtflUUO mJ t- m k aaJ V o . k.A. riprurnri Jj Penna. School for Social Service Offers Training for Social Work Threw Scholarships now nvmliblo for 1017-18 For nirllculnrs npply In person to tho REGIS1RAR, 1S02 Pino Street. Philadelphia TVIpoTiriri School. Day and night classes, -iv.,'"IJ 1034 Arch St. Call or write. Vacancies Because of the War Now is tho time for young people to seize n Rrcat opportunity perhaps tho fjreatest of their lives. Because of tho war, many Important .positions will be open to those qualified to compete for them. Peirce School of Business Administration will teach you thoroughly nnd rapidly. It will fit you to securo and lrld a high salaried position. Commercial nnd Secretarial Courses for both.Ecxca, Day and evening classes. Saul for 53d year book PEIRCE SCHOOL Pine Street West of Broad Philadelphia, Pa. SUMMER RESORTS , ATLANTIC CITY. TV. J. IXfiDI TVC Greatest Hotel Success YVKJtKUJ D Greatest Resort Dine nnd Dance In the Famous SUBMARINE GRILL Spnrlous Fireproof Oarage yALENHAtt ATLANTICUTV.N.J. riotQUndSaDaioiium Noted for iV8 superior Lncue ana fir-v Tonic on d Curat: RC.Voue.q.t a and service. LtVODl QUgVyrw...'ts, baths. Young Men nml Hon Chestnut Academy St. Martins, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Tho most Ideally located nnd finest equipped day and boardlnc school for boys In or around Philadelphia.. Especially low rates for five-day boarders who spend Saturday and Sun day at home. High standards of scholarship com bined with unsurpassed nthlAtlo facili ties, lncludlnc gymnasium, Mvlmmlnff pool, threo athletic fields, etc. For Cataloguo Address J. I.. Patterson, Hendmustcr TheWilliamPenn CharterSchool No. 8 South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA Founded In 1083 nt tho request of the Illus trious rounder and Proprietor of the "Com monwealth," nnd chartered hy him on the umi day as the city Itself. October M, 1701, tho School enters upon Its L'.'Oth academical jear September 25. 1017. More than one thousand of Its students have entered the various college" and professional and technical schools ot the country, while many havo entered direct upon a business career. Tho Prospectus for 1017-18 is ready for dls. trlbutlon. Rulldlng will bo open for Inspection and classification of pupils September 4th. FREDERICK L. SMITH, M. A. Acting Headmaster Salesmanship Public Speaking CLASS AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTION under n Lecturer und Teacher of '20 vears' In ternational cxperlenco and estab. reputation. NATIONAL EFFICIENCY LEAGUE COS CIIKSTXUT STHKr.T GERMANTOWN FRIENDS CpiOfiT Pens SePt' 2'' A few vacanclei OV1 1 VV7U fr earnest college preparator puplle. ego Dreoarntnrv BTANLUV It. YARNALL. Principal. niKSTKR. TA. Trained for Leadership in Peace or in War PENNSYLVANIA Military College Men COMMAND In the XT. S. Armyi In tho National Ounrd nf many citntesi and hold Important rank In tho Officers' Ro sen e Corps, U. H. A. Collegiate courses In Clrll Engl neerlng. Chemistry, Economics and l'lnance COth enr. Crnck Cavalry, Infantry and Ar tillery. Preparatory and Junior Schools Col. CHARLES E. HYATT. Commandant Uox SOS, Chester. Pa. "The West Poiflt of tho Keystone State" nARKIStlTJRO. PA. Harrisburg Academy A Capital School Near a Capital City A country school founded 1781). modern buildings, large campus. Advantages of small classes and individual Instruction. Thorough college preparation. Rates 1150 to J580. Supervised athletics. Heparato school for younger boys. Wo Invito closest Investiga tion a personal visit If possible. Write for our catalogue and plans of new dormitory. New Junior school building will bo open for September term. Address ARTHUR i:. lmtlWN. II. A.. Headronsr SWARTIIMORE. TA. Swarthmore Preparatory School For Boys A well.establlshed school for a llm. Red number of students. Each boy la developed to do his best. Recreation bn lanced with study Strong Junior Department. Writ a frank lettir about your boy problem ask for catalog. A. II. TOMLINSON, Headmaster Swarthmore. Pa. v NAZARETH. VA. NAZARETH MIL MILITARY ACADEMY NAZARETH, PA. TOUNDKD 171J A mllltgry academy for boys. College prepare. tory and business courses. Benlor. Intermediate and Junior Departments, Vigorous athletlo Ufa ind military lite. Of Nazareth Hall. fo?mer Sec retary Oeorgo B. Cortelyou says: "Nasarelh ils.ll Is a claracter builder not a mers trainer ot tho mind." Address Military Secretary. WENONAH. N. J. WENONAH EEffi Where a boy Is taught ftoio to study how ts nam. Twelve intlss from Philadelphia. Academic. Business and Special Coaraes. 'r gavaiog. mi f : . SPAlUiS UJAMm&Ur, yiu -Hj $1 E0 Complete Standard Course in Stenography or Bookkeeping Tn ndtrrllie our school we will give every pupil reentering before rpt. 1A complete cuurso in eltlier siilijcrt for only Sin, regardless of time required to complete course. PoiltlonH Kiinritiitced. Touch type vvrltlng. liny nnd evening. Install ment iiii menu m'c eptccl. School of Business Efficiency 70S Walnut St. i rx ORATORY Elocution I ,ti!Ws7i!p Jlflnd UniUUno Self lUpruatan k'alismanshlp I Jrnmnllc Art Fnll nnd Winter term opens Sept. 24. nav, Afternoon nnd Rvenlng Classes, Both Sexes. Cnll, write or phono for iiiouuuiiu iii.'r.iiure. Phone Niruce SJ1B NEFF COLLEGE 1730 Chestnut Street STRAYFRN T,,n " RuKlneKs School. OinttlCIvO 8D1-S07 Chestnut Street! Positions guaranteed. Ilnter now. Day or night. Wo do not have to uie largo ndtcrtlnemcnts beciuse nearly all of our &! desks for day students and Ti00 desk for night students hnve nlready been engaged Register now If ou wish to aecuro ndmison to tho best business school. ACCOUNTANCY EV & Languages Iv! Berlitz School 41 Chestnut Street ver Hiker A Hera. mnn'H )h..m.,.i Reduced rates for army und navy. SPRING OARDIIN INSTITIITB Div or night courses In Automobiles. Elec trlclty. Art. Mechinlcs. Cn-educatlonal. Rooklet KINO s TON. PA. WYOJIINO SHJIINARY Co-educatlonal. Where tho young people get e proper vision of highest purposes In life. Ex. ceptlonal teachers. Collcgo Preparation. Rusl ness. Art, Music, Domestic Science. Athletics. Lndnned low rate. Catnlog. I.. 1.. MPHAGUi;. I). I)., Pre,., Kingston, P. Young Men nnd Roys University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of rinance ana Commerce OFFERS EVENING COURSES Accounting and Commercial Law Real Estate and Insurance Advertising and Selling Finance and Banking Session begins Sept. 28. Write for catalogue. I.OGAN HAT,!., SOth nnd Woodland Ave. The Episcopal Academy Locust aRd Juniper Sts. FOUNDED 1711 With Which Was United In ISIS The De, Lancey School Thorough, traliiTng under Christian Influence In preparation for College or Business. Separate Bldg. for bo's 0 to 11 years ot ass Voluntary Military Jrlll for boys In the Middle and Upper Schools. Upper School opens September 20thj Middle School September 21st; Lower School yep- tember 24th. Head Master will be at the Academy on and after September 6th. Registers mailed oh application. ueT. a-iiii.il- j. HTKINMETZ. r Head Master Central Preparatory School T. M. C. A. 1421 Arch Street ... tD5y. nnd Evening High School Department for men and boys. Complete prep aratlon for College, University, schoCoPsn C ft aiUl rrof"'onai All-Day School 0 n. m, to S P. m. for boys 11 to 10. Adds training In Music and the Man ual and Plastic Arts to school curriculum. Monthly phjsical LANCASTER. PA. FRANKLIN AND MAltMIM I. innvu. MKRCKkauUKO. pa. The Mercersburg Academy X0K U0V8 Mercersburg. ra. Send for catalogue to Wso. Moan lrvlue, I'h. U.. IM.D., lie uox lzo. BETIII.niOl, fA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for leading colleges. Extensive ground athletlo field. Nyw bldgs. CutalogS. on K22i.l! Jsbn 11. Tuggey..M.A..IIendmnter.llethlhem.pa7 MUSI0 &.PEALL CONSERVATORY na siring instruments, Including nd KTRKI, OU1TAR. PIANn IT SINOINO, KMICUTION. m&i AH wind nnd HilJl.l.l.i; nt VUICR. SIGHT Catalog. Phono Tloca 3al(i 3301 N. ISroud St. 1714 Chestnut St ZECKWER-HAHN ,'&, 1017 Spruce Street. Philadelphia, T Eminent faculty, modern equipment. Address Charlton 1-ewls Murphy. Managing Director Wanamaker Institute 23d U Walnut. Opens Sept. J7th Bugle and Drum Lessons for Roy Hcouts 2 for IS lessons. Bend for Catalog jr. BAQTIME tn 20 lessons or Money Deck. Uklt. mailed free. CIlttlrtTKNBKN Piano Beboi 10-2O Chestnut Ht 14U V.nango St.. l"i .Tasksr HI, Phons Bprucs Oei. w " Y. M. C. A. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Bend for catalog, 25 courses. 1421 Arch .street. PQwYty, HOTEL OSTEND Whole block Rosrdwalk from Iloston to Sot. erelgn Ae. Coolest rpot on the beach. New cafe the largest In Atlantic City dlstlnfulihed appointments, delightful culslrs. Glassy smooth dancing track eighth of a mils lone. Open all the year. Hotel Boacabcl Ksntucxy av nssr n rioici Dotcaoci 0jm aII ycar rnt , Dssck, i table. Uklt. Phons 117. A. E. MARION. r.Vinnnnl Illinois ft I-actno Aves. Dch. frost viiiuiuii.1 view. Amer. Kurop'n plsns. Ess. table. Csp. 2S0. 18th sea. dr.Jge. A.C.Channel. OCE.VN CITY. N. J. PH A I FfllMTF Oxin view. Excellent Ubls, -"VLr U1N L Rooklet. E. BLONDIN. Wnlters Tark. I'n. TUP WAI TFR WALTERS PARK, TA. m& ffAuitR ,n tha Mountani)i Lfnd. InK Health Resort of Wernersvllla, Pa. Rklt. CHATHAM. MASH. Chatham Bars Inn and cottages. Steam Itent, Electric Lights. Capo Cod Milk and Vegetables, (lolf. Shorn Rlrd Shooting, Salt and Fresh Water Fishing, Motoring. For September Res ervations address CHATHAM RAR1 INN. Chatham. Mass. CLASSIFIED RATES Public Ledger or Evening Ledger AOATK LINE RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TYrE (or llko this) Ono or two times.. ISo Threo times or more within weekA.... 1214c ti average words to one line. COMBINATION RATE Public Ledger and Evening Ledger Ono or two times 25a Threo times or morn within week 17',4c LARGER TYPE" Is permitted In nil clnssllleitlons except Help nnd Situations Wanted, Lost and Found. Per ronils, Hoarding nnd Rooms, at additional cost of So per lino for cacji lino In the advertisement. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office ratea LOST AND FOUND RINd Lost, 3 Jeweled rings, Thursday, Aug. 23, Sautter's ladles' room: $100 reward and nn questions asked, J, E, Caldwell & Co., WIdener Ride. PEBSONALS I WILL NOT PAY for any debt after Aur. 28, 1917, unless contracted by mjsclf, Fred W. Larsen. SAMUEL C. THOMAS, formerly of Sevlervllle. Tenn., will please write to C. II. Finley, Fort Smith, Ark.. Immediately. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, assistant, resident ot Northeast pref. i utato nge. where previously employed and salary desired. E 83, P. O. Dox 3500. CAKE PACKERS Girls to pack cakes and crackers and wrap packages: Government or ders, beginners paid t BU for 54 hours' work: rEfn'geiVff 3?8rlMig if. ,9, Keebl-We COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Wanted, experi enced girl for largo office; excellent chance for advancement: in reply give age, experience and. salary. P 318. Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER, working, to act as mother's .....oini., muu, lYmi noip ot competent maids, do work of house: first-class salary: experi enced, refined woman. Apply 100 Woodslds , . mm,iuium( ur pnono Aramoro 22 GIRL for clerical work: knowledge of typewriting nnd bookkeeping necessary; Btenog. desirable: steady position nnd excellent advancement for bright, willing girl. Address, stating quallflca t Ions. 13.11-07 Elizabeth St., Frankford Phils GIRL wanted who Is familiar with checking Incoming bills, contracts, etc.: state age ex. perlence and salary wanted. P 321, Ledger Office. GIRL, over 18 years, for general office work In largo office: must bo quick and accurate at figures; salary 8. P 822. Ledger Office. GIRLS WANTED OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE TO MAKE LITTLE CIGARS -LIGHT. AIRY FACTORY D:iU5A.B.IjF' STEADY WORK HOT LUNCHES SERVED t,.. .A.X.J'Eas THAN COST ...JLA.T. HJL'OINNnRH 7 PER WEEK INCREASED ArTKR SECOND i wrnr OOOD PAY " EXCELLENT TREATMENT LIQUETT & MYERS TORACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO OIRLS wanted, over 10 years of age for light' Pleasant work, making and fitting up medical supplies: learners paid 7 a wceltj rapid ad- Aann'itmierntT0,.",r,'ld!: workers: BO-hour week. . Apply II. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden. Pa" OIrJl'SM,niw women wanted. Drown and Bailey Co.. N. W. cor. Franklin and Willow """ OIJ?.I,'.a.. OVER 10 WANTED; LIGHT COM. GENIAL WORK. 48-HOUR WREK-cllANrp !iiENBen.?uI..SWraant,?o3r-d. ". has had at least 4 months' "xperfenea- mod ?"jeunlty or advancement: locat?d SSar Wayne Junction: stats age. experlenca and references. Address "11 2." p!o Box 1441 STENOGR A PI 1 f:h. for real estate n'fnTT fii'tell 2ft,ievr.'0.n.al.ltr' 9!c na iblS to0,tsC"K b?1L.8Sl. af.k!SS!l. !. thorlghtparty,- Addresk" p"fiSf Sl1."." 0"f V... """l 1WV" l0 SSSISt With Office wnrlrT state age, salary and ref. P 402? r'.0' T5lTr'An offering where advancement ii WOMEN AND OIRLS WANTED STEADY EMPLOYMENT AVERAGE WEEKLY MINIMUM WAOH 17.80 INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY APPLY T A.. M. JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY YOUNG LADY wanted In ,arg otflcsi mn.. h. experienced In. general of flee, work. i.!T.ut ., with bookkeep ng experience' rani, ?rn,",,,,1, rate at figures: .tat. TxpVr?,Vc,. .ati?2 wSS ed and wTien available. V a2ft'r"."!?'rA.ln, rv ... .. : .r ..,,. YOUNO LAD for clerical worki n.,-. ': position to bright part" ti gr.Prmnei,t - Ts)-: Y0"N.Q ,Vi!rA:ri.yith..v.raiy.wxrs: WtQWZt&'X rely'SfvJ'?!;,,'"!?. iMTm. i- oiv, imager xirnea. " "' YOUNO WOMAN CORRESPONDENT fn, .iii tlon department of Urgs manurltl.SnSoll," cernt must be famllfa? wUh Sount., .T2?: YOUNa WOMANftSosi rTOrd-dsii; HELP WANTED-MAI.g - AUTOMOIHI.B JIECHANICS wanted! nonl stitta Mjkd atinlv II. It ITm. ' 1 in5sif.rimn'Vi' u.wooaji a BOILER CAULKERS EXPERIENCED MEN! GOOD WAGEII "1 APPLY 7 A. M. TO 0 P. . UES '1 DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY. 12 NOON 13 2144 SOUTH OHTH STREET JM (68TH AND WOODLAND AVENUK . tW BOILER CAULKERS HRFT-CLASS. EXPERIENCED MTJNi fcrl EI.LENT SHOP CONDITIONS AND aOoSil APPLY 7 A. XL TO fl P, M. DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY, 12 NOON 271 SOUTH 11TH STREET BOY, 17 years old. Apply by letter only, statins?! nreviniia nrriiTiaiinn ina MnritiAn a. i -M Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia. BOYS WANTED OVER 18 TEARS OT AOE WAGES 20 8-0 CENTS PER HOUR AVERAGE WEEKLY MINIMUM WAGE $11.87 APPLY 7 A. M. JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN. NEW JERSEY BOYS ml 9WAnnEiri5fl WAIN 1 CiLI '1U Ui;i,Ij aWlnnra'TMl STICKS ON BROAD ST., SATimns-tfCll iurnnwnnv n niNn Ttn-. mi..- Ai.1 CHANCE TO EARN 1.1 ANI) MORE; MUa V HAVE J10 FOR SECURITY. APtif.vuW 'it llORWITZ & SON, 307 MONTROSE ST. wil BOYS, between 13 nnd 10 ears of age. for In side situations. Applr, by letter only. J. E. Phllndeiphla. Caldwell Co , BUTCHER, assistant, wanted. Bench front hnt.l Atlnntln f'lfv. 1 noil Ta.. rt.V " "'i ...,....... -... ... ...v. ,."u.r ..lire. CAIUNET MAKERS, first-class, wanted. W an.Uh Jf. r-n !HlOT Tln,..altnn n.. ... mini.. m. Mm, . m..m,, n . o. Oee, CLERK Young man. Hi to 20 years old. with some clerical "experience, who can operate tspewrlter: answer In ov n handwriting. P 33 I.euHfr .jnnr. DESIGNER Wanted, a designer of Nottingham curtains: only first-class men need npply; stats experience In application Scrunton Lace fo. '' Scrinton. Pa. DRAFTSMAN Exper. mechanical draftsman wanted on design of traveling cranes; repre sentative will Interview at Room 508. H21 Chestnut St.. Friday evenings, o toi 10 o'clock. Bring samples of work and reference. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored. Apply Chief Engineer, Ledger Hldg., 0th and Chestnut sts, ENGINEER, night, familiar with A. C. current. Apply E. F. Houghtun. 240 W. Somerset. ENGINEERS wanted; good wages; steady work jear round. Apply Crano Ico Cream Co., 25$ 8. 23d st. ENGRAVER Scrip; exceptional opportunity with good salary: plenty of chance for ad. vaneement: permanent position. Apply to II, C. Allen. Adelphla Hotel, on Friday or Sat urday afternoons between 2 and 0 o'clock. ESTIMATE and cost clerk wanted, experienced, In a wholesale plumbing and heating supply house; state age, experience and salary. Ad dress Thomas Trant & Bro,, 228-232 State St., Hartford. Conn. FARMHANDS wanted, single and also married couples, nt once for nearby Pennsylvania farms: NO FEES. Department of Labor and Industry. Bureau of Employment. 1519 Arch st. HAMMER MAN and helper wanted for 5-ton hammer. Apply Mr. J. Rose, Taconv Steel Co.. Mllnor and Weigh sts., Tacony. Phlla. INVENTORY CLERK to keep cost and graphlo location records of mechanical and electrical equipment: mechanical drafting experience necessary: satisfactory reference required! state age, experience and salary desired. Armstrong Cork Company, foot of Jefferson St.. Camden. N. J. JANITOR wanted, colored. Apply Chief 'En gineer, Ledger Bldr,, 0th and Chestnut sts. m 4Jm jl if LABORERS WANTED STEADY WORK AVERAGE WEEKLY MINIMUM WAGE, $15.17 APPLY 7 A.M. JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN. NEW JERSEY LABORERS GOOD. STEADY MEN NOT AFRAID TO WORK MUST BE FIRST CLASS ATLANTIC nEFININO COMPANY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT PHILA. GATE. 8141 PASSYUNK AVE. LABORERS STEADY WORK FOR STEADY MEN APPLY 1518 ARCH ST. LABORERS STRONG. ROBUST MEN: OOOD WAGES AND EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AD VANCEMENT TO MORE SKILLED WORK APPLY 7 A. M. TO 0 P. M. DAILY. EXCEPT SATURDApr, 12 NOON 2144 SOUTH K8TH STREET (58TH AND WOODLAND AVENUE) LABORERS OOOD ITALIAN WORKMEN MUST BE HEALTHY. STEADY MEN APPLY 801 CHRISTIAN ST. LABORERS, 150, COLORED, FOR LARCH OUT-OF.TOWN OPERATIONl 80 CENTS PER HOUR; LODGINO AND TRANSPOR TATION FURNISHED ,FREE. APPLY IR WIN & LEIGUTON. 154 NORTH 12TH STREET. LABORERS v STRONG. ROBUST MEN. NOT AFRAID OF UCRKs CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT TO OOOD MEN APPLY 7 A. M. TO 8 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY. 13 NOON 271 SOUTH 11TH STREET LINEMEN Wanted, first-class nonunion electrii llyht men; steady work: good wages. APPU . Wm. Foster. 1208 N. 81st st. MACHINE HANDS All-around machine hands. Geo. W. Smith. 8007 Powelton ave. MACHINISTS EXPERIENCED MENj GOOD WAGES APPLY 2144 SOUTH B8TH STREET (58TH AND WOODLAND) EXPERIENCED MEN ON FLOOR WORK 1 &?. Wi?ri .9POD WAGES,, TO J vKm.rtta.V'.,"m;Bi JSXUlSLi.bl " TI APi'YLA' M. TO n'p. M. DAILY EXCEPT 8ATUHDAT. 12 NOON. 71 SOUTH 11TH STREET i 51 T MACHINISTS' HELPERS KPWIRNCED MENt rmnn wirU LIT! ,lDAILT . M.