if L, -.: Ft ' .'U' ' ivf . 1. Tj.r?!",:; Hs. OSSIP OF gVggNG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST iVf vs; L?TRE 31, 1917 .1 ,-r " ?JVS i -HERE'S A NICE PREDICTION ABOUT UNITED STATES STEEL !'Bullish" Brokerage Manager Foresees Hammer- ms .luwu j.ur a rime, Followed by General Buying by Wise Folk-Gossip of Street feJT IS just as I promoted- remarked the manager of downtown Investment house; "they hammered on steel- until ,, m. i.,. . l e.terday. And they W continue to hammer It tomorrow Se C'SCa "Thon," ho added, "they will continue to hnmmrr ., ,', .. the exchange opens on Tuesday morning and will keen I , , ,. , e public will come In when they Beo the 17 Sto tCSwff'we.? Will keep moving up fractionally. Heo If my prophecy doesn- com" Sht " doseTrangTn ' " U" BtCCl Bnd hQS B'Ve" 'n-tockTonslder'b.e study at Costs Hloney to Think Long Talking about tho high price Bethlehem Steel has just paid for money, the principal f an uptown bond house said: "I know of a concern that needed somo fTnanclng feW w".,BB0 and' !n?Idcntn11 W vlco was asked Short term bond and Bte.a at h ".Si bC,nS "'if" fl'CCly Ut pdCeS t0 ,(l 6 " Per cent . f wPrB tnlT , ?" 'eCd t0 leaV ,n the mllW1 f w neBottatlon. and tte papers were almost completed. I urged haste, but something else happened to eluded to launch the proposition on a 0 Pcr cent basis. Then camo still another delay and tho result was a decision for a 7 pcr cent ban!. It is now nanclm: lire to decide u in a lew days it should not be put out on an S per cent basis. "It costs money to stop and think theso days," he remarked. George H. Earle's "Real System" George H. Earle, Jr.. president of the Ileal EstaWflTuw Company. Is spending his Wcatlon at Upper-St. Regis, one of his many supcrbountry seats. He has as one Ct his guests Colonel Louis J. Kolb. A friend of Mr. Earlo who was speaking of his many successful real-cstato ven tures yesterday said that Mr. Earlo has a system which he follows out In buying real estate. Ho is a great believer of rapidly Increasing values where railroads or traction lines Intersect. This friend said that Mr. Earlo had bought up properties at Flfty-second and Market streets ahead of the advent of tho elevated, and cold them at enormous oroflts. Ho said Mr. Earlo also owns lnrtrn i.wiro f -v... -v, ..i .. n e w i . ..v; xut.v uui viiului kiiu UL ft these, ho said, ho bought In the center of tho city at an Intersection for i $600,000 and at once rented it to net him 10 per cent, tho tenant paying all taxes. tc. i u.b tnu ul ninety-nine years the property reverts to his estate; meantime he has 10 per cent clear on his outlay. He also told of Mr. Earle's going Into a small cigar store on a prominent corner In New York and asking tho proprietor If ho would let him have the store for the remainder of his leuse, which had three years to run, at a flguro $5000 a year in advance of what tho dealer was paying. Tho cigar man was only too glad to make $5000 a year for doing nothing, nnd told Mr. Earlo to hurry ut the lease and ho" t would sign It. When signing it he thought tho man who had mado tho offer was '"! a fool, but ho changed his mind when on the tack of tho lease he found that his tmi "u uceii it.-iut.-u lur signs ior mree years at 510,000 a year. Besides his magnificent estate of 1,100 acres at Havcrford, said this friend of Mr. Earle, ho owns an estate of 1,100 ncres outside Washington, and another of MO acres almost adjoining his estate at Upper St. Itogls. West Active in Investment Line The representative of a big New York investment house stopped off to visit the local representative hero on his return from a western trip. He announced he found business In tho Investment lino out Wmi vnrv much t" better than in the East. 1 "The trouble with the East," he said, "Is that they aro too near tho Influence fr r ef.the New York Stock Exchange, and aro too easily Influenced by Its atmosphorc. , Out West," ho continued, "they don't bother about what New York does or doesn't 1 do; it has no Influence on them; nor do they keep their ears turned to catch news from Washington. Tho decisions about tho Income .tax, the fixing of prices, tho taxing of excess profits only seem to concern them In a general way, but have not the lnAmnAA nn ltiIAatATn tet. I V I nAMn a - Im t It n T?nnt ft j IUUUCULC I'll li tOlUI o IV 1111,11 II. DCCJlia IU CACI I 111 mu ijanu I Effect of 'Change's Closing p "Al" Turner, of Harper & Turner, Stock Exchange Building, said that the shut f ting down of the New York Stock Exchange at noon yesterday had the effect of virtually closing many of the Investment houses. With most of the principals L away on their vacations or in tho service of the United States, and tho dragging out 4 si me uuuesi ween uiui nas ueen Known, wun iwo iiouaays coming in succession, , the opportunity to escape to country or seashore was taken advantage of by tho p bulk of the personnel of the various houses. p, "Labor Day," he continued, "has been looked upon In recent years as tho turning H point, or rather as the beginning of the financial year, after which every one is 1 txpected to return to his work Invigorated by a well-earned vacation and ready to Bieet whatever situation may develop. "This year will be no exception, but the problems to bo grappled with differ so much from other years that not even a guess can bo ventured. As usual, wo will meet them whatever they may be." f Argus Eye Nets Quick Profits A customer of a prominent brokeiage house who can nearly always bo found In the board room doesn't seem to take notice of tho usual ticker and other news which draw the attention of a majority of fellow-customers. He watches for tho odd happenings. Ho mado a nico turn on Liberty Bonds by buying a good-sized block at 99. Yesterday ho said that the British Government Es at present prices would net 7 per cent; and, ho added, "they aro tho best security In thewoild." Now Two Classes of Utility Securities Speaking of public utility bonds, tho manager of Edward B. Smith & Co. says that for more than twenty years they have furnished a satisfactory form of Invest ment, but that in recent years they have developed into two general classes, namely: Bonds of operating companies which are usually secured by mortgago on actual properties, and bonds of corporations holding control and directing the economic management of operating companies. When asked which of tho two classes yield tho larger returns ho replied: ?' 'Those of tho latter class, and many of them are Issued tax-free of tho State . tax In Pennsylvania. , ' "It properly selected," ho remarked, "they afford a most desirable form of Invest ent and, to my mind, one that Is especially adapted to residents of this State." Bethlehem Stock Oversubscribed That the new Bethlehem stock was largely oversubscribed was evident yester toy when it was reported that at least one buyer who had asked for $200,000 of tho 5 Itock was told by tho syndicate that only $70,000 could bo allotted to him, and It f'WU eaid that other subscriptions were proportionately scaled down. t Pressed Steel Company's Patriotic Plea ; The following patriotic plea has been Issued to the workers of the Pressed Steel i,Cir Company, MoKee'a Rocks, Pittsburgh, Pa.: ,.. I The plant Is engaged on Important work for the United States Government. ? Our country-the United States of America-is in a big and serious war, the peatest of all wars. Every item ror maiermi e u. .... ......... .. .. by the railroads and the Government to help win the war and quickly bring Mace to tho whole world. Each ono of you can have A part In this. By staying on your job every day and losing no time; by willingly, when you are able, working extra hours upon being asked by your foreman to do so or by showing Vour fellow-worker you aro anxious to do "your bit" for the flaB tha .protects Touwelf, home and family. Our country needs us now. This Is tho time to show your loyalty. Aro you one of us? ...... n,. :":V, wL nrmtod m twenty-nine different languages-whlch is In fM elgnlflcant-and posted throughout the company's plant. Warning Issued Against Coal Extravagance TortBv i i. o i nf war." says an appeal to coal-users Issued yes- My by 'the Chamber of Commerce of the United States In an endeavor to fi- consumption of that commodity asawaM me m as re ..mm,- f that Issued this appeal Is co-operaung wu " i ..ntinhlA atnrV nt rnnl mnv to" who unnecessarily reduces the coun ry - j"Wtan the nation's energy In the great "' """" . fci . . . .. .. nnt nVAJiaDlO IU vucii iivh I mt ;Xava7ant neeos'Tnd'Thkt transportation facilities ar 6 M limit of thtr canaeltv. SV Tt .r..i-.j . iir.Hnn tn users as follows: -a..u ----- mnlnv(ld bv your fireman W.) inquire into xne meu.uu ?"-'-- - :,,, hv the Bureau of relation to mose - coal mines burdened to and con- alder felnei, bla methods In ... .v.. host results from coal. ' (2.) Learn what plants In your loca y - - r bMt . ?.) Endeavor to have the wasteful users oi coa. , rience of the locality. consultation with the Bureau of Mines B .j improve an ioca. ihcuiu"" - - . . th. bureau. v ltrt .tudy of tho stoking methods recommended by the bureau. b 'v w.i iuy your coal as near iw" found Advice From The Advance Th Advance," Issued by the Corn Exchange auonu. . , !R. wrap- the. following timely aQV'cci;ilI.neg,es nave been making extraor tVv large number of industries and businesses nav j unary earnings such as will never " ""- construction costs aro wiaering improvements ana aeiajr." """ tha( la not to distribute tne -. une tnins; cear ior i - : . two ana thres-yearso i el their ret eriJie,,ou ' f "li., .HI beeoeae lu , i..." "-. t.JjidI . it the money v,Wr7- .w. 4-j uoi wmmm ''i2sj ga&. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIV AVn winitn kot'ii'ST-r:,'?"0'". 7B.n7 LuiliclK. Tht mar- No. s I rid I i i vY".,Tl,t'nt. tn''ro lnpTtlon) -". j rrrt i .7. v' ' . " -'."'". - r. 12 Hi. vTl ": 4,". r. HOII. .. li .so. 1 vn r t "v'' """. )..u o (i rra, "O. G ff(J nof.. ini.. Avm an.T.l fJ i I2.0S." 1,a 4 T.W. tllj.btT "inflfsi. .rtliii'0 ,l0' smoltod. L'Jr-i bullion In rlrUlc. .." '.' "vernn, iooo. soci brrriKruni i. .. Vir" nu ttn'' iM'tneo. rltv cured, uses n fast , , mi nlft. imTli,'clrUi ,0'1 lUBheln. Trndo wn ttlon V.. tkt m nominally llrni. Quo. tlon uv.i AC '." ,or 1&,,l trndp, in tn lorn. 3 llow ir2:. N?' : X-llnw. tt.MWS; Jo, No. no. No J",Cn,nal- Jo. No. i jfllow. nominal; OatmI.5 T"0'' nominal, little tf'.7ivSc,,,t."" 4".-0 tuk'irlt. Thrrp win wuoniin "" niuf were inrKriy nominal, white 251 -hi ,", "Wl. "Id. "1'OSOc, No. 'J 7Sc! l.rt.V7".7"c "tandard white, ofd. 7iHo -. . ' CLnfiard whn ,.a... t ,.-... v? n .. i.,.r ri)llii 7.,".'Ci No- wh'te. ew. 7S073 n..i'J.u''. ltetellit 4011 l.arreU and 1II.V1 ruled firm .!?!'"., J'P"1 flou'' old fairly and loll"'"! under llnht offerlnua. Ouotatlonn tier Mo Ye.. . T..."00'1 'eollon or Jute narks nlmut Kamal "i 'nl'r utralKlit, new. llOMlii.'.Ui new llin-S,'l,BSw' IllWll.ROi do. i.tralht lSi nrii,.2oS,,,7Ri 'lo- Patent, new. Jtl.;,(l patent SFl 'rV.lk"r' ''l. Jlir.niM2.iir, .1.,. .I.V'JtoiQfn"-r,"'a.23. Jo- faorltn bran.H. f'-'-.-'Vyiann. iity mlll, rholoo and fancy pa traf.hi ..SF'"- d. tegular Urartu, winter nvi ""-""""i patent. l0.ar.O10 7.V undep 'f''.01!!1 ,vn" ln "nitl miPPlv nn' firm nirmcnt, U05f lu.Su epot. acrordlnit to quality. PROVISIONS niIT rnr?rk''t ruled firm Willi n fair Jobllns de nnrl nii,V0.,ll0I1,! Ulty beef. In nets, emoked Zl.il!1"1' . 'Hc'. wtern beef. In eels. "mnK.i,.Jic:.clty l"'fv Knuckles and tenders. I ". JSi "nd alr-drled. .ibc. western beef, knuck .1" SU.i.,.ndcr"- mokrd 3.-.C, beef hiu I30 few .f-'ift'. 147.ROW48: linnn. S. V. iiirert. do ft 4"ilc- rin- "KlnneJ. looe, j:.U.".'fic. rltV ,."V,kpd- 22rtl4ci otlier ham. emoked. do ',',"'! n" ,n hr-ind and irraee, jiiK.U'J7r, m.im5kfl'. w"tern cured. W", r 27c: do, holbvl. ........ u, wrniern cnrpii y ivi fif'Te. no. doi en. luc: picnic ahouldera. H. I. cured, -icon, H.lf. hrirnn ua.--.. :.. no-. ..... ...na.ABn refined .l.'.-.r-T.'." l' '. J"c ! "'.l.'" lard, pure, city kettle rendered, In tlene. -Jttc. do, do. do. In tubs. 254c. REFINED SUGARS .Ti"'.m.,,I',''t aulet, but sternly on a balls or S.3..s. lOo for extra flno granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS Ill'TTKR The market ruled firm nnd.r "ht orferliiBa and a fair demand. Quotation ""tern, eolld-piiked creamery, fancy apeclaln. JS'ic; extra. -OH GMI'ics extra flr't. 43c, nrt, 42ci ercondx. 41c. nearby prlnta. fancy, 4wj nvernt-e extra. Iflf47c; flreta. 4 10 IS.-. jecondt, 4243c, Bpeclal brands of prints Job. hlnc at 511354c. i:0(ls rine new-laid cucn wero pretty well cleaned up nt full flrmre. The miotntimia roliow- 1 rec cases, nearby nrt", 112(10 per standard case, current receipts J12.30 per case; seconds . MO.O.-iWll 25 per ase: western extra nrsts J12.IHI per tase. Ilrsts. M2..'ln per raw, seconds, flu imff 11.25 p, r case, fancy selected crrs were Jobblms nt 50M51c per dozen. t'lIUKSi: was In fair request and steidy under lleht nfferlriKs. quotations: New York, run (.ream, fancy, .lune. 25c, sa.H-lils higher, frcsh-mudo, best, 2IU W2l'c: .-hoiii-, 23'4 0 -'4c. fair to good, 22'ni23c POULTRY J.1VK ruled firm under llRht nfferlnKs nnd a fair demand Quotations row la. an tonuolltj, J402I1C. roosters. I'CtJ llc; rprinic chlikens. not Lechorns. plump, ellnw -skinned, wi-IkIi-ing 14B lbs. iiplei-, 2SJi:10c, do, do, smaller slies, 25ft27(;. Whlto l.ri-borns. 2l2Hc, durka. lVkln. 20&21c; do, ln.llin Ilunner. lSwlOe. dn sprlnet, 2ll(8'21ci plEeons old. per Pair. 252(lc, do, jouni.'. per pair. 2H&22C DrtK.Ssnr) Tne market ruled firm under llffht offerings nnd a Kood demnnd and prlies of fowls advanced Mq QuotntlouH follow: I owls, 12 to box, milk-fed, dr-plcked. fancy se lected, ihc. wilghlnK l1 lbs. nnd ocr apleie. 27'4c, do, 4 lbs. apiece, 27c: do. 34 lbs npleie. 20c: do, 3 lbs. aplec-e. 24f25c; fowls, bid. In bbls , fancy, dry-picked, wclshlm? I'4 lbs nnd oer apiece, 21c. do. 4 lbs. apiece, M'i) 2i'.'4c. smaller slzc, 2HiiT23c: old roosters, dry-plckcd, 20c: brolllnu chickens, welithlnir 1V62 lbs. apiece Jersey, fancy. 30r!IV. Vlrclnla. fnnev, 20e?2Bc: other nearby, 25W2tlc: western, 2IW 2He. turkejs, fresh killed Iced, per lb, western, best hero. 2.1!ii24c, common, 20?22c: ducks, sprlnjr. 2lu22c, squabs, per dozen, white, welshing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. t4.255; do. do. U to 1(1 lbs. per dozen. U.U'HM. 1", do, do, S lbs, per dozen. 2 75tP3IO, do, do, 7 lbs. per dozen, 2.25W2 6(1: do, do. (1 to 11 '4 lbs per dozen, SI 75SI2; dark, 11.500'J: small and No. 2. 0c It. 35. FRESH FRUITS Demand was fair and jtrlrpa generally ruled steady a follows: Apples, Virginia, rr bbl llraenstiln J i.'. .".a (If 5, Summer ltambo, Sti.ftO 5; ltlush, $i:.r.UW5, Hlthy. l!tt 1. Am!'. nearby, ir hamper, nurill.riO; do, do, prr S bush basket, l'.V4i $1, Jeinuns, per box, tUr0)t. OrariKfB, CallforntH, pir box, t- fiyW4 7fl. (Jrappfrult. (.Mllfornla, per box, tl 10. 1'fno upplea, 1'orto Klco, ptr cratu, $J uOU 1. Orupes, Delaware per S-liaakrt larrU'r, r.OWlHV; do, do, per 3lb. bnsltct, Dtil3c; do, Cultfornla Tokay, per 4-baiUet cralo, $2. IOfT2.tl; do, California Malagas, pr l-baVet imtp, II ".'(( l.ro, I'lums. lHllfornlu, (Irand Duk. pt crate, $1 'jnUl 7C. rantaluupen. California Turlock, per standard crate. I J 7." it 'A; tiinta loupiH. California Turlock, per pony era to, $1.(10 5(1!; cantaloupeH, C'nllfornta Turlock, per flat crate, l, "5 LAO. IVacliPH, Delaware. Mary land. Mrglnla and West Virginia, per crate, ftOrltfll, peaches, Delaunro and Marland, Itelle and llbertu, per ld-nuart banket, -7ii 7."c: peaches. VlrnlnK nnd West Virginia, per buih. basket. no407r'Cj peaches, California, 131 berta, per box. 0c(Ul Pears, Delawarn nnd Man land, per hamper Ilartlett, ll.7r-M10, Spckel. 1.7rV2.ao. pears. California, Ilartlett, per box, 3014. Watermelons, per car, U0W K'00. VEGETABLES Choice stock of most descriptions met with fair sale nnd aluea generally were steadily held under moderato offerings. Quotations: Whlto potatoes, Kastern hhore. per bbl No. 1. J2.5O0J.OO. No 2. 1.50W2. White potatoes. Delaware and Marjland, pr bbl. No. 1, t2.75 83.B(. White potatoes. Jcrse. per 4.bush. basket No. I. 7.i(fS5c. No. 2. 4l)ft50c Whlto potatoes, per bush.. SI. 051. 30. Hweet potatucs, North Carolina, per bbl. No. I, J.'l.r.oM-l . No. 2. Jl.'-'Jtol."5. Sweet potatoes, Eastern .Shore, per bbl. No. 1, $404.50: No 2. I1.75W2 25. Sweet potatoes, Jersey, per H-bush. basket No. 1, J1.231.50: No. 2, 50fpM)c Celery. New York, pcr bush. 1550c. I.ettuco. New York, per box, BOeSJJl. Onions, Jersey, per H-bush. basket, ,75ctli do. Kastern Shore, per hamper, 40c Jl. Onbins, Orange County, N. Y., per hamper. $1WJ,40. Onlono, Orantre County. N. Y., per 100-lb. baB. 12.(10. GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL MARKET REPORTS This daily report is sent out by the Rureau or Markets of the United States De partment 0 Agriculture, Philadelphia branch, with headquarters at 300-315 In surance Exchange Building. Dell Tele phone, Lombard 717. FItUITS APPI.nS. barrels, no sales: nearby, per hush, baskets (8-U U pecks), handplcked, 60c tl; culls, 15eKc I1ANANAS, per bunch (10-10 doz.), 11,20 1.75. llLACKDCIiniKS, Now Jersey, per Qt.. 100 13c. CANTAI)UPES. California, per pony crate, (45 small melons), $1.251. 75: per Hat crata (12-15 melons). 75cOfl.nO! nearby, per S-bush. basket (1B-1S melons). IIOWOOc: culls. 20W4OC. OllAPKS, per 8-busket crnte, 75 110c. PEACIIKS. New Jersey, per (l.basket crate, Ilelles and Champions, 1 101.23: few. $1.73! per H-bush. basket (0 U pecks), Ilelles and Champions. 23SC75c; Delawnres. per 16-qt. baa. ket. Klbert.is and Ilelles. 2575c; per O-bajkct crnte, AOrQfl.fiO, PUAKS, nearby, per -buali. basket (8-9 U pecks), Uartletts, fl2; cooklne, 2535c. . PINI1APPI.GS. no arrivals. WATErtMELONS. per car. f00G200; nearby, per 100 melons. f825. SOLD AT AUCTION YESTEHDAY ORAPE8. per 4-basket crato (21 lbs.), Tokays, fl.30O1 80. PUACIIKH, California, per box (72-100 peaches). 03070c. I'EAIlfl. California, Ilartlotts, per box, (125. 175). fl.4508.70. PLUMS, California, per 25-lb. crate, Grand Duke,, fl.BOUl.70. , ORANOna. California, per box (lanro size, 10. 12 doz.). II. 50.'.. 23: medium ajze (11-18 doz.), fl.9005.15: small size (20-2(1 doz.), f 1.400:1 411. LEMONS. California, per box (25 doz.), f3.40 06.35, (30 doz.) $5.26. UKAPEFHUIT, no arrivals. VEGETABLES DEANS, nearby, per K-bushel basket (0-10 nuarter pecks). retn, 40085c; wax, 60073c; llmas. BOc0fl-15. 11EETS, nearby, pcr bunch. 203c CADHAQE. nearby, per -bushel basket (12 15 heads). 25055c. CA1UIOTS, nearby, per bunch, Uc. CELERY, per bunch, (12 stalks). 10045c. CORN, nearby. Per H;bushel basket (8H-4H dozen). llsOflOej per hundred ears. 73cfl.T5. CUCUMHEUS. .nearby, per S -bushel basket (60-73 cucumbers). .'OWQOc. EC1QPLANTS, nearby, per K-bushel basket "UVFuSb.'-N. VoCfk. per box (2-2H dozen). B0ON?ONS. narby. per H -bushel basket (80-S3 pounds). OOcOflj per hamper (50 pounds), white Xdyiuow. ,M'SBI0NW Jy. Pr 100-pound ,llPEPPPll. nearby, 'per H-bushel ba.k.t (8-10 nl. xw'vi. euiAiWtt Eastern Shore Virginia, per bar. rel (30-fU gu-."'..J-:. No. Is f 3.50 1 mas, 05c-, 50: No. 2. I2J'j-... '3.73; nearby, per H-8-0 quarters), No.. Is, grerUSbounds, .V:..-.in irTATniCfl. Eastern Rhorw. nee h,r. re I (S5-M quarters). No. 1. M04.7B: No. 2s. !! n.arby, per H-buihtl baak.t (8-9 ISfrterJJ. No. UV fLlbfJl.BOi No. 2i and culU, PRICE SET FOR WHEAT SENDS CORN UPWARD i Oats Advance Also, Due to Bull ish View Tnken on Govern ment Price Fixing "!"l2 IIE,-T wkatiiuk rnui;c.sT ....... n.w, .ur. HI I nnl- lnlr, wiirmrr lownl by Allkn,,.t 1--I- . ... ilai. ii.iM iv . ... i u ""'"ler Innlzliti Untur. loofer,n,Irl,;t.",,, ',ro,'"l- -liunrP. and ..,i,,ii,i i-nrtlr elnmlr (nnlcl.i ,..i .,.. Ibnn. Ill iiml .hn.'J."n" '''''Olar. .rolml,l foil, l.r Ll,I?.0,"r;V"";"l',l nrnbal.lv louil cfi.l? "" lllU ""rnooii. tonight, i lni11 .I'nnlf I..1 prilall local thunder -.Till I'lMIIH' tonlrhl nml no Siitiirdax NHii i ii,rL..sr l..lp.!"nli1,t ."m sniiTiiu,. Sn ir la, iirS m.T7' V" "0,,,, . "i'''t ntl v.i.i i ' .;,lll '"'Hers SOIltll, iini,. i,iVTr!l,r,.,y cl,"d5' "llit nnd Sal in Veni,l,ly "h"''rl """r lonUht wr.t rentri.l. r it find I! .'.n.1:'""'?'" ""rl" "rmer tonlsht raej ii hi snuilii cooler mirth, amlNli'inlay:"1 ""-'n.tllf,l lnlRl,t CIIICAOO. AtlB 31 i ratactlons wore on a lartre Kcnto In corn and owners hliowcd les- illspnRilloti to p.irt "in nuKiiiiBs tnnii in mmo time, with uny e-0 that l-Oierlnir (if ahnrta rm ., 1,,rr. .,..!- mill a ileinniid from oilier pcnttcrcil xotirceit i-auscil a nrni tone throiiKliout the hcsslon. -ui.tiu nrin-s un not neem lo ho inducement to the holders. necembei- finished at J1.13U to $1.12, an advanen of 2 points. The high h l i-'. and tin- lowest $1 00. Mny ended at the ldRhest. Jl.pv, to Jl.osn,, tin upturn of lo. The low was $i.or,r.4. StreiiK'th In tlio e.ish market hud much to do with tho upturn In futuies. Ch.m1i hmines wero Kood liuyein, and No. 2 rnKcd wuh quoted at $2 to $2.01, niralnst $l!i0iii$2 cMcrdny, and No. 3 yellow told at ?2.0.if $2 o:i, 1-omiurcd ith fl.01 Oats were PtrotiR and hlRher, due mainly to tho fact that shorts were al.mned at the llh-ht receipts and i-oered .Seplemhi r on a larKo scale, althouch It was i-.-ilil sonio of them iold December. Accordlui; to state menls utoiiml the pit the s.iles for expoit In .September have been Liikc. I'rlccH at cloio wtre nt the highest. Sep. tmlier at 58", to tlG'.... an ailx.iuce of I 10. I no low was r,,,'a. December ended nt r.C-'i, to r,0i,c, a khIii of t?i,c It sold us low as 55c May llfshi-d at !) to rdHjc, up l'4c. Tho low was B8n;e There was a linger lUniand In the cash market than in some, limn and prices weie hlRher standard selllnp; at RT'j to B8ic, uR.illist Titilii ,"."( jesteid.i. In (ho wheat tr.ido the price of $J ".0 llxed by tho Cfovrrimient was looked upon as u fair acr.iRo that should be acceptable to the Kroner as well as the coiiMiniet. The committee appointed to lis: a price for the settlement of untllled i-ontiacts for September wheat decided that f.'.IH would be fair and iqultnhlc rW 'K .'-.'v Men Accepted, Excused, Drajvn and Exempted Men drawn for possible, tervlco In the, new Nntlotml Army aro bolni? examined phj-Blcally nnd n to their ellRlblilty to ex. emptlon by boards In many parts of tha city. More men are helne called at rnpldly as those summoned aro nccepted, rejected, ordered to Bene or exempted. District 19 rtonrd sits ,10th and Lancaster. Horn. .led by Meadow (40th). Ilavee'ord, Mth llelmont. City ave Hchuylklli River Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, 40th West minster Preston, Lancaster. Sprlnc Garden. UHll aualll. Market. I.eadliiR future ratiKcd ns follows: t'oin (new dt-IUcr, I Yes'.HVa Open HlKh l.nw rinse i loie Dec... llii 1 IL" l.ii'H, I Iji, Lima, May 1 07', 1 us', l.(u i.u-'s l.mlS Oils sun.. r.n's .".us "h r.n, r,,-,i, Dei-.. .-..-.'i .-, .-,-, .-.! ,-,!; May.. .s'-i MPSi r,n BUS r.si. Lard Sept.. J.I r.U 23 00 SS 50 'JS 57 M 17 tlit .. L'n.r.O LM 57 .'.1.45 LM.-.7 -.M.l-, Jail . . Si .'IS L'J ,17 .'.' Ill) tL".'..17 trj.'.'.l lllbl Sept.. 3(17 2.175 iJl'.l 1 2.1 75 t2.1 UT M.. 2.1(17 2H 75 2.1(12 '2:1.72 LTI.fil Jan... 2121) 21.27 21.17 121.27 t2l.lL' Sept'.. ISir. 4.105 1.112 IH 55 tl.lC. Oct .. ri."s -i:t tin 4:1 20 ri. is 1.1:12 Jail 4l (HI 11.5(1 1U.75 Hid. tAskcd. Shoe Company's New Enterprise An announcement of particular Interest to thq shoo trade Is inntlo In the adver tislnR columns of this paper by the. Newark Shoo Stores Company, which operates 2.17 stores ln iilnety-seoii cities of tho United Slates, purveying, heretofore, nothltiR but men's shoes. This company has now de cided to ndd women's and misses' shoes to Its merchandising. Tho company numbeis n, 000,000 persons nmoiiR Its patrons. To morrow, which Is opening day of the women's department at tho eleven stores of the company ln Philadelphia, a vanity case will bo given to each purchaser as a souvenir of tho occasion. Local Rank Clearinus Gain As measured by tho bank rlenrluei, business continues in Rood volume In I'hllade.phla. For tho month just closing the total turnover of checks through the 1 hiladclphla Clearing House was jl.3(i8,. 185,581, an Increase nf $3G,GtD,0fi! as com pared with July, and a gain ol f .170.005, 178 over July of last year. "TCSIin" South African Bank Pays 14 Per Cent NEW YOP.K, Aug. 31 A cable to tho agent of tho Standard Itiink of South Africa, Ltd, says that, subject to audit, the dl regtora have declared an Interim dividend of 1 1 per cent pcr annum, less Incomo tax. The cable udds "Tho bank's Investments stand in tho books nt less than market value on July 30. last, and all other usual and necessary provisions have been made." Pari3 Bourse Steady PAIUS, Aur. 31. A steady tone vailed on tho Potirso today. pre- Financial Briefs With the exception of tho Chicago Hoard of Trade, which willMio open becauso of delivery day, stock and commodity ex changes throughout tho country generally will bo closed tomorrow, and Monday, being Labor Day nnd a legal holiday, the mar kets will remain closed. Banks nnd trust companies, too, will be closed on Monday, but will be open tomorrow. The New York Subtiensury gained 448, 000 from the banks yesterday, making a cash not gain since Krlday of $4,451,000. F. O. Itanney, for thirty years treasurer of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, has at his own request been placed upon tho retired list, effective September 1, and will be succeeded by Archibald M I.oomls. Tho gross revenue of tho Lehigh and New England Itullroad during July was $.114,. 095, nn Increase, of $120,920, as compnred with July. 1910, The net gained $72,945 to $145,905. For seven months tho gros3 wus $2,011,703, an Incrcaso of $341,418, and the net was $775,001. a gain of $108,780. CLOSING LIVE-STOCK PRICES CIUCAOO. Au 31. HOpS Receipts. 4500 head: estimated tomorrow, 5U00 head. Market sternly at early advances, Ilulk, tlT-.lnfrl8.fl3; light. tl0.85W18.75: mixed. jlll.75QH8.85j heavy. 110.75 18.70: rouirh. $10.75i17. CATTLE rtecelpts, 2000 head. Good steady; others weak, tin 50. .... . . SHEEP lleeclpts, 0000. Market steady, 111.35. Lambs, $17.73. KANSAS CITT. Au. 31. CATTLE lie-' celpts. 1500 head. Market slow and weak. HOOS Receipts, 500 head. Market 15023c HHEEr Receipts, 1000 head. Market steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Aue. 31. 110QS Receipts, D0OO head. Market 15 to 25o higher. , CATTLE Receipts. 1400 head. Market SHEEr Receipts, 7000 head. Market steady. NEW YORK BUTTER. AND EGGS NEW YORK. Aug. 31. nUTTER Receipts. 8402 tubs. Mvrket firmer, with fair demand. Extra, creamery. 4aUc: high core. 43H 44Wc: nrsts, 4lU IMsye. No other changes. Eaas Receipts, 12,403 cases. Market Ir regular. Extra, firsts. 42043c: firsts, 3U41c. Other grades unchanged. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAOO, Aug. 31. EClOS Receipts, 1101,. 000 dozen. First. SflwaO'ic: ordinary firsts, 3434Vic: miscellaneous receipts, cases re turned, 8233V4c; miscellaneous receipts, cases Included, SSOSonei dirties. 27084c: checks. 20 20c; extras to grocers' fillers, 40Hc; cartons. BUTTER necelpU, 1T.409 cases; extras. ACCEPTED Harry II Renin istlc. 4251 Osden st. All n E HMhe. (,07 I'reston st. Jnsenh P. Wilson fll'i N 41st st. 1t.irr Lenin. 41150 Mtrird me. William W r. ins n.'l N. 4nth st. Harry Nlmemn Mm N. 42d st Lewis l Strict I'.'IM N. 42d st AlU-rt l.ut as 1231 Market st. James MrCullnugli. 44(11 Market at. William '. Sheeiian 7.11 lloll st. (lenrae II. Ilrouk 1131 N 12.1 at. Joseph T Henry. Mi Holly st. .lames Knox, 757 N. Ilth st. Lnvls Tnlchlnekl linn JC. 4st St. .lo.-ph l'uzlss, 3N0H Wvnluslmr ae. .lames A Dock. 4215 Stiles St. Harold 1. Mer 4.U4 I'irrlh st. IMnard 11 rount.-ilm-. 71(1 N. 1 2d st. Kriiest I,. LuekenburR, 4(3(l Spring Garden at. Willi im Mcln 1114 State si James R llronks. 7n-i Kronkljii st. William Maenner. 11 211 N list st. William Winters, 4214 Wallace at. (leortie C Neeli 1507 llelmont ae. CharlfS Itldimau. 1127 Sloan Pt. Demlnsli Zimbrano. 4n3 Cambridge st. Albert 11 Hurr, 430 I'reston at. lialley R IMrkman 17 I.eldy ae. Jacob llreuman 4122 Stllra st. S.imii'-I M inkier, ."lima Waluslni ae. Abg.ih Anderson 727 llrookljn st, D.iMd C llHlshau. 11113 N I'.'d st, Isidore Il.irli.ll. 1212 (liter St. Willlim l,eln llti'i I.eldy uve. Alexxnder Ilrltten. 713 llronklyn st. Piter L. Vnrderceest. 33:1 Holly st. Wllll.im Abiams 7(13 Sloan at. Renjninln Toll flMn (llrard ne. (leortie 1) llrnwn III N. 4 2d St. Morris S I.Uli, .111m Pcnnsarnvn st, Andrew V-ne. 1n3'( 11aei nrd ne, Ralph A llowtmn 4310 Aspen st. Spencer Miller. 4111 l'ennsarove st. Samuel InKber. 1210 dlrar.l ave. John N. Stephen, H32 N 48d St. Robert l.nne. 3IC.7 Melon st. J (1 Astwond C31 N list st Samuel Mondrns. 112(1 rennsirnn st, ronrnd L Koehltr 311 Wota st. l'ranils A l.onev, .Tir.d Aspen st. Morris rale" 4014 Poplar st Joseph A O'Nell 702 I'reston St. .I.n-oh I. llrimn 1131 4tst st. Samuel Row. nthal 532 I'reston st. Ilarrv rink 10 .1 l'nneitnn ave. !nrK.. 11 Camnhell 1t(3 Palrmount r. Mlnr (lllhand 41.T Me. -ii ne. .Inliu Martlnnn 4f " .mbrtdse. st. Max llmnn. Silo IV nnHcrnio at. REJECTEI) Alphnnsni Cnx. Oil N 42d St. I'hlllp tlirlsh ll.'o l.eldv ave llerlH-rt W Small, 4n.'S Ilirlnk- st. Ihrn l.oe. 3S7I WnluFlng ave, Ueorif. W I'cterfnn, 4227 Purrlsh st. Harold II. Shin. 4327 Westminster ave. I in nirln Dbtro, 1033 i'atubrlde at. Harry tilt Jr .T'i2 (llrard nve. John V Parley. I20'( Al.pen Ht. l.nillM Spirtor. 3'Mll Poplar St. lllllert I. RIMiie. (iH7 I'reston St. I.lllfonl C Hong. 055 N. 43d at. John V I'nrcv 021 N. 13d St. Waller Turn at, 71(1 llmM st. David Johnson 420", Omlen st. 'lluodore Mnstlnsnn, 7S7 I'reston st. Harry Wellier. 1123 N. 40th St. Harry Weber 3MI1 I'ambrldao st. Stephen P Srhusier. 4237 Hestmlnater vs. IMwaril I. Keller. 7d!l N 42d St. Noliin Patiernon. 4123 Warren at. (liursn v iiinej. .Ir lillil rowelton ave. slinon M llunn 1113 Cnmbrldne at. .Michael A Sniler, Tot N 14 til St. Herbert Lew. Ilii'i Mantui ave. (porKi A Hau-r. 717 llnlly at. Alexander W. Tailor vjl llelmont ave. rank It. Faulkner, oil N. 44th st. Ilenjimln HnriiltJ. 61b N. list at. AiiRelo Massaru, 40 J Cambridge st. Thonns U. Milnerniy. 4237 Osden at. District 26 lie ml alts 2sth nnd Oxford sis. Hounded by MontKomery ave., 23d at.. N. ('ollece aw... w. College nve.. I'oplar st. and iiluijlklll River. William W. Messlck. iiarrr uamDier. 4. t- rank J. Ilroderlck, N. Sslford sL . Robinson St. rodarlek. aog V ad at. David L. Helm. 1211 N. Robinson at. Joseph Lebano, 0402 Carlton at. Uluseppa Mlstretto, 04)3 Carlton tt, Nicholas. Lauaccla, U412 Carlton it. 1 ranclo Kelm. coot Vine at. Edward C. Zwlcker. 0053 Vine at. Philip K. Keith. 5810 nibert tt. Antonio Querrera. 5100 vine tt. Thomas Kane, 5741 Wettmlntter ave. Prank liulrle, 0(110 Bummer tt. Alessandre Paradise, S54 N. Simpson at. George P. Welder, 152 N. Wanamaker tt, John II Itagarty. US34 Haverford ave. tlolllelb Welnhardt. 5033 Appletree tt. Paul Urumewald, 433 N. Conettoga st, Charlet linhorr, 5418 Westminster ave. Clarenea H. Owens. 118 N. Yewdell at. Pasquale Fanelll. 338 N. Simpson tt. W-IIhur K. Williams, 3820 Arch tt. Jacob Relsman. 423 N, RedOeld St. Joseph R. McLaughlin. 0323 Callowhlll tl William J. Slanlx, 3320 Callowhlll at. Samuel Pelken. 0145 Vine st. Charles S. Long, 322 N, Salford at. Anthony Salucca. 230 N. Simpson at Krtnclt J. Henry. 313 N, Allison tt. .Samuel Oudike. 134 X. Oltt tt. William C. Korterotot. Jr.. 137 N. Conettoga it, John V. Helsner, 6003 Vine st. Howard Ixve. 70011 Lansdowna ave. Harry 1). Nlckles, 43 N. Hcbart st. Charles E. Kreehold. 3311 Waluslnc art. Thomaa Marsden 0110 Noble at. Abraham Ilerger. 30 X. 511th tt. District 39 Tloard alts 4th st. and Snyder ave. Rounded by Passyunk ale.. Mifflin St., flth t.. Snyder ave., Tth at.. Cantrell tt., flth tt, igalu. Porter St.. 5th St.. Delawara River at League Island nnd llroad tt. ACCEPTED CleorKe R. Harmon, 2321 Jefferson st. James V. Medium. 2451 Turner at. Homer J. Snjik-r, 3S X. 2'Jth at. Wllllum Vniiel, 1211 N. 25th at. Albert E. Keebler. 1320 N. 2Sth St. Carmine, lonettn. 2703 'I'hompson at. Ienrm C. Nlchlcrleln. 1253 X. L'Vtll t. ThumiiK Mulo, 2(115 Stanley st. Conway Johnson, 2335 Xassau bt. Nlrholua J. Cnnnclly, 21(1.1 Nicholas et. Wilbur It. Ilocltzel. 171U X. 20th at. Alfred Safka. 2H20 I'oplar at Pasquale Dainuto. 242.1 Columbia ae. Adolpli (1 Ran, Ji.. 1(122 X. Xenklrk st. Waller Cornell, 17(11 X. 20lh at. Jiihn J. McMonngle. 1338 X. 27th st, Edmund L. Hans, 537 Cnlumbla ave. Samuel R. Itluinentb.il. 2000 Olrard ave. Harry Seese, 2521 dxford st. John A. Turner. 2317 Slewart at. Jnst ph M. Tlnsinati 1532 X. Marston st. .Inlin l Swisher 2700 Columbia ae. Rlihard P Diinoinn, Jr.. 2.11(1 Turner at. Juliii J)elp. 172" X. 27th st. (borne J. Lionard, 2531 Jifferson st. Harr Rauer, 1022 X. I)ocr st. William Luvall. 251 J Stewart st. Harry J. I.evens. 1343 X. Dover at. Martin 1. Hettlic. 2114 Oxford st. Abraham Lnnduw, 3I0S Montgomery ave. Karl Hrii'lhag 1220 X. Pennock St. Joseph P. McCon.iBhy, 2101 Jefferson at. Albert P. Hlrk. nmiler. 1704 X. lialley at. Mlt-hiael J Itidmon.l. 1220 X. Ringgold St. Prederlck W. Srharrr 13 Id N. Dover at. , Ueorrfe .Nair 21107 Ihompaod Bt. Prulerlik P. Holer. 2011 'lliompson st. Prank Durt. 531 Summenlllo ae. John A. Uretii. 2I3", Thompson st. Joseph i:. l'i-ti-ra. 1235 N. Xewklrk at. Mjers Alirams, 3220 Turner st. is.-nrae .obei. 244U lll.lt-" ue. Thomas Thalman 35(H( Lancaster ave. William A. Rulon. 172(1 X. Taney at. EXEMI'TIOXS ORAXTED Carl P MartUssen, 2150 Columbia ave. Rudolph Melkus, 3010 Thompson at. Ernest Llpiiold, 1331 X. Xewklrk st. Harry Ilurfnagie, 1413 X. Etllnu at. William Han. 1047 X. Xewklrk st. Chnrks P. Tryon, 2011 Cambridge st. llenlamln l'elilman. 2020 Oxford at. William R. Ilraun, 12 HI X. Hollywood st. Thomas A 1'rarer. 1237 X 27th st William J. A. Xoonan. 1511 X. Hollywood Theodore Karsch, 122s Harlan st. John K. Koetxel, 3127 Clinord st. Charles II. Pcca. 24.13 Stewart st. leorue Simon. HI33 X. lialley at. Herbirl J. Scliefer. 1023 N. Cnrlles st. Samuel S. Voae, 1722 X lialley at. William A O'Neill. 121S X Taj lor st, Charles O. Vosel. 243U Oxford st William J tluckus, 1115 N, Hollywood st. Samuel Jones. 1325 N. 24th at. Cnnr.nl Trnenker. n-ir of 2140 Jefferson. Edward M Ncwmark, 23! Olrard ave. John Sessler. 14u7 N 2th st. Prank A Kiitzbiik, 1434 X. Eltlne st. I.oula A Kllng. S!sS2 Cambridge at. William II. II. Rueiia 01s N. Rambrey. Riomond E. Hummel 1702 X. 23th at, Robert C. rUnkey. 1458 X. Corlles st. Alfred Chase. 2423 Nassau at llernard Ruedy, Rloii X Marston st. William Raaf. 303S Harper it. Harold II. Hukle. Tnmklnvllle. Pa. Frank L. Trinket. 253(1 Columbia ave. William L. Roach, 2005 Columbia ae, William P. Dunn, 1720 X. 27th st. ii. Richard Schweder, 2433 Thompson tt. llenrgo W. Wlttltr. 1515 X. 27th at. William V. Kullman. 2433 Turner at. C.eorge H Ogdcn, 135 X. 32d st. Harry P. Morgan. 2028 Turner st. Murk Mejcrs 2312 JefferBon st, Harry Traband. 1520 Dover st. Herman A. Muller, Jr.. 1510 X. Myrtlewood sL August L. Wllley, 1215 X. 20th St. Arthur A. Rlenian, 1413 X. Corlles st. Richard hterner. 132(1 X. Xewklrk at. ACCEPTED Francis Wallon. Delaware and Dlgler tta. Harry Snyder. 2211 H. 0th st. Jamea McCali, 2141 S. Front tt. Louis Friedman. 123 Snjder ave. James J. Lafferty. 140 Mercy st. Charles Rrumhacn, 330 Wolf st, Frank Feldman, 2034 S. 4th st. William Jacobs, 2440 S, Orkney at. Edward W Prescott, 5310 8, Lee tt. August Mantock. 2341 S. Lee st. Abel HIU. 2045 S. American et. Meier Math, 147 Jackson at Richard A. Qulim. 2231 S. Front tt. Herman V. Marrell. 333 Emily tt. Pazlral Ornhl. 35 Mercv at, Joseph Wlshneskl. 2425 8. Falrhltt st. Walter l'rettjman. 213B 8. Hancock tt. Ihmnn llrngln. 424 McKean st. David C. Kohn. 2423 S. 3d at. Abraham Waldow, 2400 S Cth tt, Xnthan Adels. 441 Emllv st. Sam Ooldateln. 2(120 S. ThlUn st. Issy llrenburg. 2440 S. Philip st. Thomas llnerty, 2531 8. Howard st. Samuel Sokloff, 2430 8. Lawrence at. I'hlilP Plotnlck 412 Rltner at. Thomas Kee. 323 Daly st. William Mossner. 210 Shunk st. Herman Platen. 103 Rltner st. Poevp. Lehtor, 2224 8. Lee st. Elchel Rreecher. 2434 S Reeso tt. Abriliam Trasoff, 020 Snyder ave. Clarence L. Scott, 141 Tree st Julius Helser. Prospect Rank. Harry II. Penetn 424 Rltner st. Albert Kurlrto. 2323 S Tront st. Abraham Sllier. nil Emily st. Joe Cantan. 313 Gladstone st Harrv Rosenberie. 318 Gladstone st. Max Manes, loll Moamenslng ave. Samuel Silverman. 427 Daly st Samuel Surnlck. 300 Cantrell st. ITnkhos Prltcky. 535 Tree st. William Lngue, 2103 S. Howard at. Ravmond Isaac. 2131 8 0th at. William Hoffman. 2500 S. 3d at. William liroodno. 422 Rltner street. Daniel Whalea, 133 .Mercy street. John R. RarracK, 310 Roseberry st. Michael Lnbrom. 2514 K. 3d at. Harry Itudman, 221 Shunk St. John J Moran. 2237 S. 0th st. Morris Arahevsky. UOH Snider st. Joseph Riley. 2130 8. Philip st. Heo Unrsky. 43(1 Dudley st. Jacob Hohn. 427 Tree st. John ri.it.ngan. 2000 S. 4th st. CI M Cromley, 108 Durfor st. Flnlej Spratt. 037 Tree it. Jake Gormankln. 2403 8. Lawrenca It. REJECTED J. J. Silk. 148 Durfor at. Jacob I,evin. 120 Durfor tt. Jacob Tofsky. 300 Wlnton t. Abe Trachtman. 513 Wlnton St. Eirl Lynch. 14H Daly st. Joseph Mlntz. 032 Snyder ave. 1- red Moeller. 134 Daly st. Morrla Levlnson, 2303 S. Thlllp tt. I.'hua. E. KrovltX 2542 S. 2d St. Morris Axelard. 418 Treo st. lohr. T. Davis. Ill Dudley st. Harry Weintr, 1HIO S. Galloway st. Edward Qulnn, 120 McKean st. John Shoemaker, 133 Durfor st. Charles Richardson, 2345 S. Front st. Ilnrrv Clauson. 534 W. Moyamenslng ave. Moe Lyman. 103(1 S. Galloway st. I.oula Kaplan. 314 Cintrcll st. Max Dubln. 420 Wlnton st. Cornelius Mellueh. Ol Dudley st. Harry Gallop, till Cantrell st. Pernnrd p. Mour.t. 2-'2t 8. Front st. Myer Stein, 1003 8. 5th st. .lo'eph Lesnlck. 2528 S. 3d St. Nathan llarurkln, 301 Wlnton st. Joseph Llebfrman. a. e. cor. 4th and Rltner. JneoV, Axarvn. 410 Dudley st. Prank W. llcsser. 1022 8. Front st. Isador Dlvor. 533 Snjder nve. Meser ltoenher(r. 2143 S. Falrhlll st. Hen FrledOeld. 230' H. Philip at. James F. Lafferty, 2024 8. 4th at. District 40 Roard tits 4th st. and Snyder ave. Rounded by Mifflin St.. Delawaro River, 5th at.. Porter St.. 0th at . Cantrell tt., 7th t.. Snjder ave. and 0th at. again. Emllv at. 20 s. lleulah st. District 33 Roard sits 0017 Market Rounded by City Line, Havcrford. Lara downe. Sixty-fourth. Olrard. Fifty-fourth. Market and Cobra Creek. ACCEITED Charlea L. Garman. 10 X, Conettoga au Joseph Pranclseno, 218 N. Cecil at. David Siott, 0553 Havcrford ave. Joseph E. Domlnlck. 328 N. SOth st. Henry Carfone. OB10 Vine ft. George Massa. 217 Tvnndale tt. Albert T. Skllton. 6747 Filbert at. TOO I.ATK l"t)R CLASSIFICATION DEATHS nF.HXADOtl. Aug. 30, at Cragsmoor, N. Y.. FI.ORENCE WHITINO, widow of Commander 8. N. Int. at Arlln.lnn Va, New York and Washington papers pleatt John H. Ilernadou. U. "("HESTER. Aug. 31. KEMPTON HARRY 8. CHESTER, husband, of Hannah Cheater, aged 53 Relatives and friend, alio Enterprlte River and Harbor Alio.. . of Q. L No. 3. and offlcera and craw of dredge Delaware, are In. vlted to funeral from ret denca In pcnnlivllle, Cape May Co.. Hun.. 10 o'clock. Int. Dennltvllle ANNA LANDKLL. wlfa of Jamea C. Corry. xn Relatives Sat.. 3 P, private and friends are Invited to services. at ii n. ivm ti rniia. int. WIHTER In Chicago, Aug. Illnett. JONES WISTHK. of funeral will be given. 31. after a ihnrl aged 78. Due notice L08T AND FOUND Iw.7V..iYat nsarbv . Dr H.bughel balktt flavAl I RUTTElv lieceipia, it.tuy yascs; eiini, I ins nani fr.ii .. .uivi, ,m aiimuiio v,hj SQVA8H. .o'Ysi'aKf ,""' M " .'Tn MlRet xtra flrati., 41iltfct flntt, MHt ,N. J.. Aug. lt all persona ara.cautlona fe?-.ft iit'4i.i'rite mi tfiffti liMii&tiiiiMM'-v-'-'iA'A'MLkCLi,i&.L;:j-. -. J CERTIFICATE Lott. Certificate No. 883009 for 100 aharea of Pennaylvanla Railroad Hock, In ine narae ot fr-iir u. vsrnivr in Aiianiio i;ity. j.. aui, ai . i.iw .uima4ii rtiurs4 ,. ACCEPTED Armelllnl Crlthlana. 1018 Mercy tt. Samuel Shllman, 11(22 8 0th at. I'hlllp ill Pletro. 2020 8. 10th st. Albert Saures, 2020 S. Hutchinson at. Harold A. Franks), 2043 8. Alder tt. Morrli Singer. 031 Fltrgerald st. William J Halenstlne. 1220 Wolf st. John J Conlln. 800 McKean st. James A. I.awler, 213 S Percy it. Chris. 1'. Roedel, 2018 S. 13th st. Harry A .Matthews. 2213 S. 11th st. Harry Lavcn, 1010 Snjder ave. Nathan Rubin. 2423 S. 12th st. rasnuaic, ltuppatori. iui- Jacnb Scheiulleld. 2620 S. Ike Pachman, 2002 8. 6th st. Mej-er Rrown. 2000 S. Camac tt. lsadore Sokolff, 2034 S. Alder st. Abraham Shoostln, 2340 8, Ueulata tL Jamea J. Falls 1038 Daly tt. Roco Dadso. 1238 Daly at. Emll Maddolo. loll Cantrell at. Abraham Gattman, 731 Wlnton tt. Israel KrufTman, 2027 8. 10th tt. Rnlph Mason, 100O Isemlncer st. Henry Cohen, 2340 S. Franklin at. Alexander M. Hell, 1B0S 8. 10th It. Joseph Wise. 2.131 8. Alder at. Harry Glersh. 2522 8. Reulah st. Iljmun Katz. 2(1.10 S. flth st. Michael Candelore, 1211 Mercy at. David E. Yospan. 21103 S. Sartaln st. Henjamln Torr. 2321 S. 11th at. John Eglzu. V3t Dudley st. Joseph Chaderker, 720 Wlnton st. Ellck Cohen, 1033 8. 7th St. Henjamln 1. Ellis, 2028 S. Sartaln it. William Hecker. 2328 S. 8th St. Joseph Stella. 101(1 Emily tt. Gerson Hurvltz, 203') S. Alder st. Danto Inzlllo, 1018 Sartaln at. IMwIn I). Zilhl. 3200 S. 10th at. Jacob Forman. 1020 8. 10th st. William llacon, 2307 8. Mildred at. Gerald J. Coj-ne. 2331 8. 11th tt. Harry Evans, 030 Cantrell it. Hjman (lieenfleld. 1043 S. 18th et. Jacob Rlank. 2433 S. Franklin at. District 41 Roard alta Comegyt School Rounded by Ilaltlmore ave, West Chester Railroad tracks, Klugsesslng ave.. 411th at., I'aschall ave,. Gray's Ferry ave.. 8chuyl Mil River, 58th at., Florence ave. and Cobbi Creek. ACCEPTED Irving F. Merrill. Jr., 3030 Elliott it. Fred O. Swanland. 1841 8. Allison st Joieph O'Donnell, 1730 S. Conestoga st. Charlea Morlock. 5528 Chester ave, John Crowers. 5511 Woodland ave. Joseph Relk, 1441 Hunson st, Martin Klldorf, 510(1 Ilaltlmore ave. John Meyers, 5414 Angora terrace. Robert Winn, 1844 8. Yewdall it. Victor Krauskof. 5330 Angora ave. Charlea Krewson, 3110 Pentrldce st, William Walton, 333(1 Elliott at. Citrydon Moore, 5428 Malcolm at. Harry De Clejne. 5517 Sajbrook ave, Thomaa II. Smith. 1(121 8. 34th it. Robert Craig. 172S S. Conettoga it. Edwin Raker, 3U30 Angora ave, Michael Gllllgan. 020 S. Yewdall it. William 1. llennett, 5020 Woodland avt, Arthur Hubbard. 1230 S, 57th it. Ed J. Welsh. 2115 8. Ssth tt. Ernest Tompkins, 4712 Woodland ave. Sam Sallt, 1N12 8. Yewdall st. Harry Y. Richards, 6714 Windsor ave. Joseph Nlchol. V05 8. 55th it. John W. Rlitel, 5800 Angora ave. John Harris. 1715 Conestoga tt, Alex Gillespie, 1483 8. 411th It. Everett Roberts. 5410 Chester ave. Harry L. Ilojer. 1217 8. 47th tt. Joseph Dunn, 1)10 8, Conettoga it. Pat Roylan, 1210 8. St. llernard it. Elwood Uelderman. 1250 8. Ruby at. The Shower Bath's Crowning Feature The Fleck VIN reoua China Shower Head Is the final achieve, ment of the ihower bath. It Is guaranteed never to crack, chip or discolor. Unlike nickel, plating; It never corrodes and Is not affected by rapid chances of water temperature. zJXx?AOS.Ck DISPLAY BOOMS NaaMa. UUHKHill, WMIIMm ". s:T7 T,Jv ('?. (HHe- GxSak W ' '.A vjft. f'l wini David Elfnap Walle 8am Rlrvlna. tfton a fl,M mt Ralnk rVhoi aaia Ann. .... Oeorga Bchrandt, 2047 8. Aldtn at. Harry Held ck, 3011 Qreenwar av Arthur kiiiax' mi a It. ?Z: r y.orJF9 RtaM.'BSBS Llnmor at. r.a j ouieii, aiaa utimar jtrrac. John C. McCardle. 16VI tt. DSd it. ; VV."'""'. 5f u axon sv. Joieph Ounthtr. 1810 8. Vogdet iL Robert T. McDuell. 5000 ilalcolm at. John Jaintikl, 60th it. and Woodland arc ' y,).v , - f-'.-1! i. riiila' J Xfu... inn a aiii..k . Sym?2,.A' McNaman, 1803 8, 67th at. ' ( Fred.Ftnderton. 8431 Regent at. ,. Claud, Sm(h. 1J30 8. Markoa at. William Dodlne. 6318 Patchall avt. Latlmtr Callahan, 6908 Baltimore avt. i. Lance Staller, 2151 8. Cecil it. S Charlei C. Schuemrruir. 921 B. Yewdall at. Richard Crout. 6114 Hadfletf at. Ed Moran, Jr., 2039 8. Cecllit. i Frtnk Frailer. 1023 8, B4th at. Raymond Grlfflng. 1932 8. Ithan at. Henjamln Welth, 1337 8. Ltndenwood at. Charlea Souder, 1312 8. Slit IU George D. MacQallbray, 1242 8. 4Mb. St, Charlet Rlournt, 1041 8. 68d it. WIlllAm M.vfln Ktia (.l..L .. John McOrsth. 1232 8. Peach St. Rertram C. Rhoadt. Md at. and Klngitetlnjr ara. Oliver Dlckerton, 1334 8. 40th it. Howard Peck, 1203 8. Ruby it. John Van Harllngen. 1008 8. Frailer at Jamei Patterson. 6330 Relnhart tt. Frank J. MrXamara. 5703 Btlmar terraet. j..i,ui, . iiicijeii, onai .vtaicoim at. Stanley Smith, 1232 8, SOth it. ' John.Katalut. 1824 8. 47th it. j Frank Kendle, 1334 8. 53d it, r Robert Knowless, 3129 lltdfteld it. i !"u?l iv Lowe, 67S7 Wlllowt avt. j Allen Hobbt. 191T 8. lthin it. Harley T. Rrlttlntham, 180S S. Vogdes at Joieph Sctnlan. 932 8. 83th it. ", , Rethel V. Clapp. 657 Hatfield It. ' Henry Sharplest, 1814 8. Cecil it. Harry Detcher. B8l8 Oreenway ave. Leland .Ryder. 6400 Trinity place. Ed Gallagher, 1342 S. Paxon it. I Jamet Cooney. 2081 S. 68th at. I Robert MacKaj-, 193S 8. 67th tt. Oeorge Rradshaw, 1440 8, Paxon at. I Oeorge Anton, Jr., 3510 upland it. , Alex Hell. 2li2 8. Frailer tt. Jtmet Sneeder. 2033 S. Cecil it. John Johnson. 1220 8, 47th tt. Antonio Mucclgrono. 1443 8. Fallon at. William E. Dennis. 2143 8. 68th at. Henry Hlddell. 6109 Woodland ave. Loult Havens. 1740 8. Yewdall tt. Pat Curry. 1232 S. Markoe it. Ctrl Q. Moser. 1219 8. Peach at Silvester Shtrpe. 1443 Hanson it. Mansfield Clement, 5718 Windsor place.- Millard Ilerger. BIOS Warrington ave. Howard Ooucher. 2083 8. Alden tt. Lemuel Walker, 1350 9. Markoa it. Louis Sharp. 1743 8. Ytndall st. t Thomas A, Wetiel. 1700 8. Yewdall it. I Orion Rutler. 8048 Hadfleld tt. Allen A. Miller. 5544 Whltbv ave. Alfred Stevenson, 3728 Springfield in. Carl Whltly. 5720 Warrington ave. Theodore Hoechat, 1230 8. Hsnson it. Hugh Murphy, Jr.. 2010 8. Frailer IL Joseph Morelli. 1415 8. 84th it. John McCloekty, latll 8. Conestoga tt. Prancla Murray, 3214 Klngaetilnc ave. Paul A. Frl't. 5301 Cheiter ave. Thomaa J. Hajee. 8733 8prlngfleld ave. John A. Rurk. 5829 Angora terrace. William Willis. 1534 8. 82d tt. George Rlankley, 2023 8. Alden tt. Jtmet U. Magulre, 1483 9. 51st it. Normtn N. Dennis, 1548 8. Wilton it. Herbert Fox, 6534 Droomall it. Fred W. Dohrmann, 1400 S. Alllton tt. Hnwtrd A. Wilson, 1030 8. Ithm at. William A. Jarrett. 6342 Chester ave. James MeOralh. 1247 8. Ruby st. Hnraco Welsh, 3122 Chester ave. Cheiter Fltglev. 3623 Angora terrace. Louis i.ynm. 1032 S. 60th at. Otcar Campion. 6544 Upland it. Charlea Henry, 1435 S. 49th it. Dvnlel Lawrie. 1533 8. Wilton it. Ixiult Merrlfleld, 6033 Angora terrace, William A. Davis. 1340 S. Wilton at Ed D. Stevenson. 1821 8. Ruby it, Thomaa R. Roberuon. 5837 Athland tL Herman Nlckent, 5919 Lincoln ave. unaries uarainer, xuii i-ratier tt. Jacob Nosbaj-. 5728 Cheiter ave. Ililirj uuiuuiHit, ,..a o. iiiBrKoe IL Ed (1. Bcbrelbels, 2027 8. Cecil tt. William F Rltts 6021 Woodltnd ave. Oeorge Powell. 1330 Divinity pi. T.hn W..f Rft W'hltl.u .... Joseph R. Walton, 102 s. 63d it. tiugn iiiaaau, oti Angora terrace. Howell A. aiillngh-vm. 1300 8. Paxon St. Ktanly Carroll. KISH 8. Ithan it. John J. Connor, 1103 8, 64th it. William Jamet. 133(1 8. 40th at. Henjamln Russell. 1833 S. Alllton tt. Arthur Hunter. 5631 Angora terrace. Myron Werkhelser. 3123 Trlnltv. pi Carl J. Oebhardtshswer, Jr., 3025 Malcolm C John 11. Wentzell. 6002 Pentrldge it. Joseph Collier. 234(1 8. 57th st. i George De Laney. 1931 8. Ithan tt. REJECTED TEMPORARILY Raymond Osborne. 5700 Klngtetilng ave. John A. Wlneberg. 2030 S. 37th at. Henry Maney. 1028 8. 60th tL Horace De Young, 2001 S. 58th at. DonJtro Keilo. 5702 Woodland ave. Thomas Craig, 3007 Pentrldge it. Clarence Lvnch, 1437 8. Paxon tt. Trenton Coleman. 4917 Lincoln ave. Allan McGlll. ti2l 8. 53th tt. Pasquale Maglesser. 4813 Paschall are. J5bfr.t -V Slmcox. 1824 8. 33th tt. Christopher Ross, 1328 S. 83th tt. John Royer, Jr., 1221 S. S8th tt. Lawrence V. D. Laponlte. 5040 Angora. Howard Tl man. 5002 Florence ave. Leo M. Daly, 5022 Thomaa ave. Nevllln Courtney. 5418 Malcolm tt. n2?n f Trueley. Jr.. 5040 Droomall aL 9".CRruR.'. voelkeri f'81 Pentrldge it. fnk U. French. 1)11 fl. Yewdall at. Vl? A7er,ieller. 532T Rroomall it. i-mi?s..J,.tLre'' 8B25 Angora avo. . r.I?.!,kT,JI,,J,h,,lm. 1-21 -s- 4Tth it. V8"1 J1,. Hartman. C313 Chester ave. wSH V .Hoffman. 1217 8. 47th it, vv alter L. Smith. 3033 Thomaa ave. tit.-IJ i. Heffman. 5351 Angora terrace. Harold C. Partington. 5817 Florence avt. S'" - McWade. 2111 S. SSth tt. rVi'i".m l," ?,?." B52 Angora terrace. Thomaa J. KUIIan. 3100 Wlllowt ave. 'rtin Danxe. 0740 Windsor at. Frederick II, O'Neill, 1410 8. 58th tt. gul Jerry, 2045 s Alden tt. Tx-!iHk JP'?aZ 593: Wlllowt ave. vvilllam It, Anderson mm s. S41K t. Thomaa M. Davis. 1604 S. 60th It, Charlea V. Wooten. 1240 d feat.i it. Joaeph A. Clnghana, 1310 3. SOth it. Andrew Rlvel 5831 Whitby ave. rinl.ii'. 112(ldr?k' i3t- 8- Wilton it. TrouaJU'V- FhVnl;:'r'' 1S s- Llndenwood at. vl!bSJ?xW,iPend,rl!l.m3 Conestoga aL (viliner W. Fraum. 188 S. 54th tt. Harry Wood. 1521 s. 60th at. Th.J wW I031 s- 04th it. ' Thomat W. Lent. Jr. 5432 Baltimore ave. Tn..mh"r,M',iMudl1' P9 S. 31st it. i2?Ji '..,Or,co,njj.llS03 Llnmore. ?Jhii AVi'.?n' 9P' cheiter ave. John T. Kelly. 3800 Oreenway ave. Two Cleveland Papers Merge CLKVELAND, Aug-. 31. The ClevellBd Plain Dealer anil the Cleveland Dally Leader In their editions of tomorrow morn Inu will announce the eale of the Leader to the Plain Dealer Publishing Company, The change will become effective with the Sat urday mornlnc Issue. The Sunday Leader will continue to be owned and published by the company which owns the News and la controlled by Dan IL Ilanna. v3 fl V?i A, m 55 $i -ri 'tU j. fv' T Ji ti a :SX'wr1' !! mial ISfet.y V-", ' AxM B3Per:Cttv Tjj ir I'er carat '" l1'1 j 1011 will nnd that these "l.m.lC ': My diamond, are being told at it'.l"? -4",. Kf actual wholesale prices. The $11.75 3t '7 fact that vve supply dealers, t. C-.a i J who la turu sell to their cot. "i.V ,f 't 'Ji turners at a good profit, should $18.50 t i''JiJSi J convince sou of the lovvnett of p--a ' irviil V our prices and quality of our 7J ?x; -(') geiut. ,e Import, cut and $29.75 ?, 1 mount them ourselves, thut In- . i"-- . JB "1 luring a more wonderful brll- yi arai, & : liuney and. more, perfect cot $42.50 ,-i Vi than might otherwHe, be "'-" -ato V' were vve to bur them from 5V. J". . diamond cutters here. m?,-2 tVirt " Uelihts are f rom A "7 M i to ,5 carats. Smaller AJ7 f,H$ V alte IS to . 1.64 7 . - Vt3 VfX carat are 113 per Vi'V j, "i X carat. JS 4 Malt X'WN. l-eX ' 1? V3 Orders n' TTr " ; ' , 'Z$U,L tft'ti .DDEsSS&SnilC Mi t irl irr mmr-wMtmm -m .,ftf. J Va M (), j13 p A y .'; i ?AND0iE5IniiT? II -.D bUJ iCtXSt Q4ti.Tr. W iHfTaesATvjMpo coK-naori 1 nr n isra.. :- -. STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS "BY BEA" BOSTON JACKSONVILLE ? Lew First to Jill n. p,i.-4 ..a ---"--'-- Polntt. Ueall and R.rth tneluilel on ataaau A. icoiJiajxcrH,,LA",!rHtA " -. : ,fvwr nvvir-vi, (!!S In. BRniB If. ) i J"S I WHARF 1TOOT FINK fTtJt 3 W. T. TUBNTO. a . A.. BaltJX. U. r f ". ?" STEAKBOAT FAMILY EXCURSIONS RON STR. THOMAS. CLYI TO ACOOSTINX KM kUpplog.at Cheater. MOaalleai ia.lt water batninx. ijaau. tstlsa 1 w&msi