mwwm frfJL TV ,. , , ' - , :. HBHmmVPVTXJFMmU Ts C"BWV,-'tP ' -. . , ' ' r - . a- v . . ." ' S(J ', r ' .rt -"3"-,-" " 1 V. -; RCILLY, MOCK CO. ANKERS rf f PHILADELPHIA PLAN EQUIPMENT TRUST ' CERTIFICATES i 3M CHESTNUT STREET rniLADEtriiiA &2l K-fc l ' W its rW f. t ? fc j-.' ' If1 V if MY i JL. J 4 f- ic ' t t wr A J-M" ! SVt ; x -' . K . Short Term Investments v We recommend tho following Issues: Yield Maturity about Chtsapeaka Ohio ny. Co. ioio 4.90 to Equip. 4", Note 1017 $25 New York Central R. R. Co. io:o S.00lo Fqnlp. 4 Notes.... 1032 5.25 Baltimore Ohio R. R. Co. 2-year BRiNotes..... 1010 592 General .Rubber Co. Deb. BftNoles 1018 6.06 Mil, No. Shore & Mil. R. R. 61 Not 102O 6.50 Erie Railroad Co. 5Noe... ioio 6-95 Electric Auto-Lite Corp. 1-year 0?i Note 1018 6.75 Electric Auto-Lite Corp. t-year Note 1010 7.00 Un.Klne.Gt. Brit. Ireland 5 Xoles 10IS 7.25 Amer. Foreign Securities Co. 61 Note 1010 7.38 full particulars of anj ot the above Issues will be sent upon request, TheNationalGty Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Chlcaco Ban Francisco Boston Pittsburgh . , rtif I J&F,, -3 tf m y i ft!." '. j !,,'. fj&v v ,'. ''J, '. m , it'i' . y , . rA. . KfH f. ; - fc V . ? ft A Remunerative Use of Money War conditions have caused many of tho strongest cor porations to place on the market short-time bonds and notes. Many of these se curities are selling to yield from 6 to 1. They are con sidered sound, havo good markets and present unusual opportunities for a conser vative and remunerative use cf money. We will, on request, bo glad to make specific suggestions. Bonbright & Company HOlmiS WI8TAR BTnOUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York London lloaton Paris Chicago Detroit Long Term Bonds vs. Short Term Notes We hae prepared a circular on tills subject which will prove of Interest to Investors. Copies will be mailed jm application. J? 14 MMk 123 and 125 South Droad Street Membera N'. Y. anil Pblla stock Exchanges '.j tow. w yv THE HWILAKO ARMSTRONG COMPANY , STOCKS BONDS HI 8 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK -BOSTON tSTABUSHCO mt .. V ''Sf iA 7 l lit, xu mi; hoi.dku.s of i-in-ii nthtj-jtuLu STOCK AND MiJtONU 1'lll.riCUItH) hlotK OF HUrCKIUK ST1SCI. COKl'UltATION) NOT1CK 13 1IEUDHY QIVEN that In the ? linking Kunil ot Superior titeel Corporation the ollowfnr suma are applicable to the purchase or hare ot Writ Preferred ana Second Preferred Slock of the Corporation' 1800 0OO to the nur. ehaae of Klrat Preferred Htock, IJ5.83J 33 to the purchaae ot Second Preferred Stock, and that Superior steel Corporation Hill use and aeoly uch funds on September 15. 1917, In the rur. cbaae of Klr.t Preferred Block an J Second Pre. f erred Stock as provided In the Certificate of Incorporation and the Dy-Lum of the Corpora tion, to such extent as the funds In the Sinking Fund may permit, at tbe loweat pricei i ; which jucb sbsrea may be offered for ssle to the .Corporation, but at a,Prlce not to exceed On! 'Hundred and Seven Dollars and Fifty Cent. (1107.80) per share and the amount of all 5" pald and accrued dlvldenda thereon. Sealed offerlncs plainly merlcerf n. . l, s k areftrred tock". are hereby Invited to be made ts -l o, Superior Steel Corporation, at the office of 2 ZnnVtr Aant- 'umbla Truit Company' L-'.tS9 .B"L,,wy'.,5w Torlc '"' n or before i, Such offers shall state tbe number of shares fcraata and whether First Preferred or Son3 jFrefsrred. and tbe price at which such shares so offered, and shall be slcned by the aoioers nereor. !, v ,y. W r A" f BUPBRlOn BTEEl, COnPOrtATION. By Columbia Trust Company. Its Transfer Acent. fXT DIKECTOBY OF ACCOUNTANTH Certified rublle Aeeoontants ULWMBfCE K. BROWN CO. L J' 0VF.ST10ATB AND ADJUST I'ARTNRRHlilP tw w.w. .,. m UAr.A AljUUUnTo rAKTNEHBIIlrS TBJS rAFKB STOCK MUH1NP.HH rns. ' ducted Dndtp lha imma n, Tha 11..L.. Ba Coawaar at 817 Dm Lancer siren. . 'Wed on. Aiur, 27 by mutual consent. A. r naa tanen over and will continue bust. at earns address. "K2f iST t f r)ryipgNpa" AMBKICAN OA8 COMPANY (MdDm. U. J.. Auaust 18. hit. terly dividend ot . or (t per aharei. asnisreq on ine capital stoca or tnis arable aataaibsr 1st. MIT. to atock. P. SB. .AH sfJsWl. sPsWr"? TsFTT " Jttawt.aac!fe usTUSt 31st. Sd. Treasurer, " . " ' ' , ' kit'" tw, r rxrtr.T. nrrrT a nur nm a OTTT.AV A TTrTTTKT ftf. 1017 ' k FINANCIAL NEWS-NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATION ! 'v! RECOVERIES COME IN WALL STREET AFTER BEARS BRING ABOUT LOSSES top Orders Are fjneovered as Margins Become Exhausted. Call Money Goes to 6 Per Cent, Reflecting End-of-Month Contraction High Points in Today's Financial News Stocks sold off in Wall street early in day, but recovered in afternoon. The same was true on Broad Street Curb. Grain higher. , Cotton lower. Russian exchange reached a new low record. Government report iiwtcnreti a cotton yield of 12,1,80,000 bales for the year, against 11,UO,030 in the previ ous year. Lake Superior Corpoialion issued good annual report. JJuffalo and Susquehanna Railroad earnings showed effects of higher operating ex penses, liar silver unchanged in New York and London. , NHW YORK. Aup. 31. Tho etock market, with Its Intense fcorhhness in the early trading anil tho rocovcry In tho last half of the day, vus a natural sequence to the unsettle ment In yesterday's two hours of trading, caused by tho vicious bear raids which wcro mndo when tho market was unprotected Tho declines which then occurred exhausted margins nntl many stop orders were uncovered, which was tho object Intended to bo attained lj the. bears when they offered stocks without regard to rea.on or market value United States Steel common was one In which liquidation was forced by these bear efforts. Tin leading Stock i:clnngo houses staittd this morning with sales of 40,000 shares of that stock, carding lis price down to 100, which, after allowing for tho 4U per cent dMdcnds, which It sold ex todaj , icpresented a loss of 2?i points. In the last half of tho day the market was one In which liquidation had been comploted and bear energies exhausted Recoveries were then In order all through the list. In spite of tho fact that tho usual contraction of accommoda tion at tho end of the month whs rcllectcd In an advance of the call money rate to C per cent bid lato In the da A feature of tho trading was tho fact that In the llrst fifteen minutes fully one-half of tho business on tho floor was In United States Steel common and tho trading proportion did not nry much all through the remainder of tho day. About the only feature In the bond market was tho early decline In Lib erty Honds to 99 SS. Thcro were some silcs of other Issues at concessions, but the changes were not wide and the olume of business continued extremely small NEW YORK STOCK SALES AJax Kubbcr Alaska Old Mln Alank.i Juneau Allls-Chal . Am Agr Chem Am Beet Sugar Am Can Hlch. at & 25 Mi R9V4 S3 40 Vi Am Car & I'dry "o oott 'Am Int Corp Am Cotton Oil . Am Hldo & I.ea do prof Am Ico Sec . . Am Linseed do pref . Am Locomotive . do pref ... Am Malt do pref . . . . Am Smelting do pref A Am Sum Tob Am Steel Kdry Am Sugar . . Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco do pref new Am Wool . . Am Zinc & Lead do pref Anaconda Atchison Atlantic Coast L Atl Oulf & W I llald Loco Co n & o . . Barrett Co Uatopllas Mining Beth Steel do B . . . do pref Brooklyn n T Butte & Super Cop Cal Petroleum do pref . . . Canadian Pac . Cent Fdy Co Cal Packing Co Central Loather . Cerro de Pasco Chandler Motors Chesa & Ohio Chi Ureat Western do pref . Chic M & St P do pref (14 S4V4 13 flO'A 13 24 74 50 fll'4 10354 II 01 9l'i U7'. 14 02 111 118 197 101 47 IOVj OS 70 HS'i lOHTi 101 flHVa 8H 100U 100 'j lOOTi, 103 00 J7 17 40ri 157-i 2K 10 H3i 33 U 87 11 30 00 107 Chic &. Northwest 100 Chic U I & Pac t c J8 do G p c pf t c do 7 p c pf t c Chill Copper Chlno Con Cop . Col Fuel & Iron. Col Gas & Elec Col & South Comp Tab . . . Consol Gas . . Corn Products do pret . Crucible Steel . do pref Cuba Cane do pref Del & Hudson Don &. rt O pf Dome Mines Distillers Secur. L'rie do 1st pnf . do 2d pref . . . Gaston Williams. General Klcc Co. General Motors . do pref . . Goodrich B F Granby Mining Gt Northern pf. do Ore bubs Gulf State Steel 111 Central . . 01 17 Sit4 44 39 M, SO', 3H Mil -'IMf. 90"?4 09i4 . .. 00U Sugar 29 .... . 89Vi 10SV4 IS 0 23 Vi 22 V HVi H 30 149 1118 8.1 45 70 104 31 101 10J Inspiration Copper 51Vi Interb-Cons Corp do pf Int Har N J pf.. Int Mer Marine.- do prof Intern! Paper .... do pref 8ta. Hfc SI 113 13 89 27 0S Int Nickel 37 Jewell Tea Kennecott Copper Lacka Steel .... Lehigh Valley .. Lee llubber & 1 Loulsv & Nash . Mackay Cos .... 37 40 80 00 10 Vi 121 i 80 Low 02 S 3 23'4 89 8JV4 38 1.7 Vi Si 31 I2 fi!) 11 24 SO S9 103V& 11 01 9J 07 42 01 100 117 103 101 10 " M. A8 08 108Ti 05 . su 07 100 i 100 103 103 no -o 17 40 1S7V. 28 30 80 32 78 37 10 20 06 100 100 27 3-' 01 10 31 43 38 20 37 V 104 28 00 00 90 27 88 101 15 0 24 21 31 2 17 147 103 81 4'. 79 104 .12 00 101 49 8 33 113 33 Vi 80 26 0S 30 33 40 78 00 19 121 80 I loc 62 S 3 21 80 81 40 08 .11 1 Vi- Ve t chc?. 4 1 1 1 1 3 Vi n 1 3 1 Va 3 3 U 1 4 1 Vi 1 1 1 1 1 7 10 20 no 100 loo 27 S2 OS 17 32 11 30 20 37 101 20 00 07 99 28 88 10! IS 9 25 21 32 24 30 147 108 81 45 70 04 33 101 102 81 8 St 34 12 80 11 21 SO 00 101 11 01 04 07 43 oj Vi no 117 105 lot 41) 10 S3 0 98 108 08 S7 08 100 Vi 1 100 103 113 00 27 17 10 117 28 40 82 33 78 IV! I - - -2 h "Hi - - -3 J. - 1 2 Vi Vi 3 1 Vi Vi 113 5 33 Vi 80 27 I 03 30 31 2 40 80 t 00 10 .. 121 Vi 80 .. Hlch. Mux Motor ... 32 do 2d prof . . 20 Mox! . 92 Miami Con Cop . 31 Mlihalo . 31 Mo, Kan & Tex o do pref . id Missouri Pac . 29 do ttfs . 52 Nat Con Cable .11 Nat Biscuit . loo Nat Acme . .33 Nat Unam & Stpd 38 Nat Lead r,3 Nov Con Cpr 31 Now O Tex &. Mcx 28 New York Cent.. 81 N V. N II & II 30 Norf &. West 114 Northern Pncillc 101 Ohio Gas 4S Ontario Sliver 0 Owens Bot 01 Ohio Furl ... 18 Pacific Mail .. . 27 Penni It It . .12 Plilla Co 33 P C C& St L.. .71 Pitts West ... . 20 do pref . . 02 Pitts Coal ctfs . 47 Pressed Steel Car 81 Pullman Pal Car. no Quicksilver pref.. 1 liny Steel Spring 48 Kay Con Cop ... 21 Beading 86 Itep Iron & Steel 80 do pref 102 Bojal Dutch .. . 00 Saxon Motors .... 10 St L, S F 15 Seab Air Lino pf 20 Sears Roebuck . 16 Hhtttuck Ariz .. 23 Southern Pno ... 03 Southern II It... 27 do pref .... 54 Sinclair Oil .. .. 38 Studebaker 11 Sup Steel 30 Stutz Motors . .40 Tenn Cop & Chem 17 Texas & Pacific 10 Texas Co . . 161 Tobacco Prod 71 Transue Williams 40 Union Pac 132 do pref 78 United Alloy Steel 44 United Cigar Sirs 110 I'td Paper Board. 21 Utd Ity Investmt. 7 do pref 10 U S C I P & F...17 U S Ind Alcohol.. 127 U S llubber 01 do 1st pref . . 101 U S Smelt &. ret . 89 do pref 00 U S Steel 112 do pref .. . . r 1 17 Utah Copper 00 Va-Car Chem .... 37 Va Iron C S. C... no Wabash .... II do pref A . ... 48 do pref B 25' Wells Fargo Ux. 91 West Maryland .. 17 West Union Tel.. 02 West'ghouso Mfg. 45 WooHvorth 131 do pr 121 Wheel & I, n pr.. 29 Wilson Co 09 Whlto Motors . .43 Willys Overland . 20 do pr 04 Low .12 19 89 33 V't .11 B 10 28 82 31 100 31 37 82 21 2 80 30 111 100 40 0 91 48 27 31 3.1 71 23 02 41 no 140 i 40 34 84 78 101 on 15 is 20 160 23 01 20 54 30 44 39 40 15 10 100 71 40 130 78 42 110 24 7 10 10 123 80 101 58 00 109 110 93 30 00 10 47 25 01 17 01 43 133 121 20 7 Vi 43 28 04 Cloir 33 19 91 34 83 B 10 28 83 31 too 33 .17 82 21 20 80') , 30 114 101 48 0 91 18 27 Nit dine - 1 -t 1 -i-l 82 - 31 71 20 (II 47 60 140 1 4n 25 81 1 1 1 70 101 no is 1.1 2(1 102 23 01 27 Vi 1V1 3414 36 41 39 1 1 40 1 11 10 102 74 40 111 78 41 119 21 7 10 17 120 01 103 58 no 109 110 04 30 00 3 10 48 23 .. 01 .. 17 01 4.1 123 2 121 1 29 1 89 43 38 04 1 Vi 1 1 2 1 0 Vi 2 Va Ex dividend United States Steel Corporation 11 ami 3 extra. Canadian Pacific Company 25. Union Paclttc. 2 and Vi extrv Union niamond Mutch. ltt i United L Hmilrn 1; California r,?J. .;.;..i n.' v,; .". ?". union Kaatman Kodak Company, 2W : Eastman Kodak Havana Arms, 1V4 ; Central round ry Clfffir inrB iunirany preierrea, l ti.eifio 1 U. Amerlrnn Ftnrptsi 1 li 1'acklnff Company, 1U . Erie and Pidsnurch H AJax Rubbtr Company, IH; American Coal Company, fi. American Sucnr Heilnlnir. 17 American Sugar nnnin preferred 14 : Lacledi r...- rnn.n.inv I. ITnllii Mta,B -. viu' UUO iuuiy-ii. i - . ....-. around Electric Hallway, , Total soles, 803.800 shares, compared with 307.700 alinres yeilenlayi thus far thl uiiu 2.002 000 sbnrcsi same period last week, esiifc Company, 1. : United States Cast iron PiS. Wffi?..5r.&.E l E- mt.Und'ePr! New York Bond Sales 7814 lllxh lyoim Adams Express 4s., . 800O Amer Agr deb 8 180300 Almlo-Krenrh 8s .... 40000 Amer For Bee fis,... 20000 Amer Hmclt & lief 6s 2000 Amer Tel clt 4 Soooo do t. IOiio Amer Thread 4 2000 Atchison Ken 4 S000 Amer Steel Fdy Us., 7001) Halt A Ohio 3'is 2000 do I louoo do cv 44 s 1000 It ft O Hwn 14 a . 5000 llrnden Copper ca .. nitoo lirkn ltp 'lr 8s 11)18 2000 llorileaux Us . . 1000 Can Oovt Ka 1H11. 17000 Cent Leather 1st Cs r,00U Chill Copper 7s 21000 Ches A Ohio cv Ss 1000 Chi Un flla 44a 21000 Chi 11 Q Joint 4s .1000 Chi II I p 4 3000 Col A South 44 s 4000 City of Paris Us 1500 Con Oas cv lis noon Cerro de raam lis 10000 Ills Hecur Corn 5s 1000 llrle cv 4S Scr 11. 1I80O0 French Itepub 54 a 2000 Hon Klec deb 8s 0000 Intcrb it T ref Rs 4(1000 Inter Mer Mat IVk 1120000 Mb Bonds w I 3i 00 M1 jiniu .Marseilles Bs in? Bono Minn t si i. is 4R SOU .Mo Kan A T 1st 4s 07' 1000 Met West of Chi Bs Ht 82000 Mo l'ao gin 4n 574 500(1 .V O T & Mcx Bs . 45 3000 Nat Tutio Bs 100 81000 N Y C & II 1004 1000 do 44 s .. 01 18000 N Y l-Ity 44 s lm 101J, 8000 do 44 a May 10B7 lot'. 4000 do 44 Nov 10.17 10l 4O00 N Y One II L V 4s 7S'i 12000 N Y N II & II CV 34 a HI fiOOO N Y Ilwy 4s . ... 81 2100(1 do B . . 21 0000 N Y Tel iren 44s. 034 27000 Vor Pie 4 . b'i 8000 1'aclOc Tel Is . . HO1 2000 Penna 4 11)48 . 02., 14000 Penna Kin tt 44 s 024 4000 Penna en 44 a 101. 28000 lleadlne Kn Is HS', ioooo lien ir & a ns nss moo hi t, & s r in si. , 70000 Ht Tj & H r Srr A . 0T4 1000 Stand Mill Is 014 3000 Henboinl A 1, Jilj Cs. BA 200(1 South Par 4 75". 1000 South Pnc iv 4s 814 Binoo South Pnc cv B 004 200O South Put rfd 4 8t 1O0OO South Itivj ecu 4s (II 41000 Texas Co s 102 rnoii Third Ave 4s m's 1KOO0 U s llulilier 5s H1? 8000 II S llubber Or 102 1100(1 U S HI. el H I' fi 101 12000 Union Pac 1st 4 no 2100(1 U K of O II . I fin !i7 77IMIII rto n'4 HUN ll'Us (ioooo do 54 s l'llli i"4 llil'l IM)4 01 8(1 7M4 113 1014 110 71 61 074 too. 804 111 111000 do 64 60(100 ili Blis 11)21 300(1 Western lllicirl fs Tntnl ssleo, $1691,00(1, kiiiiii irrd nllh 81 800 000 vcntenli! Hum fir lids iek, fel2,l99,O00 Mime mriuri lusl wik, SKI. 104,000. GOOD CROP REPORT SENDS COTTON OFF Government Figures, Showing Condition Better Than Last Year, Bring $3 Break tonos iimi ur.v nil it condition Mill (IUK, .Viir. II The following trm perntures ueii reiorilul In Hie cotliul lic-1 1 llilx iiinrnlnRi Okliilinmu C 1 1 . 02l Abllrnc noil Mimpliln nti I lltln Kork mill .Nuilivillc. CUi I ort inlth mid AiOirville. 08: slirevopnrt. m Aniimln. huttaiinoju Kmixvllle, 0i At lanta urid Itnlelah. 72i Mrrldluii, Mnrnii lllr nilncliiiin und lliormiMlllo, 71 1 oruiii Chrlsll jnil MontKunierv. 70: Inhesion, hen lrlciii, Mobile, Peniiicolii, AiiEiistn, snnnnih VVII mlnKtnn, Tnmni ami .IiicUsoinllle. 78; Clinrles ton. 82 1 Ikksliurs. 81. There was Ot Inch of precipitation at Mnnt Komervt .08 Inch at ( hnttiinnnni. Niislnllln und Itiilflkhi .10 Inch lit I'eiwnrol i mil lllr inlnchnmi .32 Inch nt Ahbevlllei .30 Inch nt t linrlestoni 40 Inch nt Atlanta and t nrnns tlirlslli .12 Inch nt Tnnipiu 03 Inch nt V.UI inlnBton, and 108 Inch nt Tlionisvllle NHW YOUK, Aug 31 For the first tlmo this scartn the Govern ment collon condition report did not cause a surpiNe and, therefore, 1' was perhaps only natural that tho publication bhottld bo lollowcd by a selling wavo which carried prices mitcrially lower. However, after tho selling had been nb borbed. the market gradually worked up to a small net advance on buying by trade In terests and covering of ishorts The advance did not hold, however, as trjders generally vere not Inclined to have nnj commitments over tho three holidays, nnd when tho South tent belling orders, prices worked off again Jiitll they were 13 to 37 points net lower nt the end. Yest close Open Illirh I ow I ast October 22 22 22 30 2J 14 L1 n I 21 'II December . 22 Jl 22 10 12 14 2171 "101 Januar il 18 22 21 il 10 21 7o 21 0 1 March . . . 1'2 21 il 41 22 61 21 01 .2 01 Mi .... 12 11 22 00 12 70 21 U5 22 1(1 bpot .... 1 I 40 . 2 I 10 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Aug .11 Spot cotton was dull with sales 2000 bales The receipts wero 8000 bales, Including 7500 bales Amer ican. Spot prices were- American mid dling fair, 19 2d; good middling, 18 78d; middling. IS. 26d; low middling, 17 7Sd; good oidlnary, 16 80d; ordinary, 1C 30d. Slocks Quiet During August Trading was the dullest of any month of tho j ear on tho Philadelphia Stock Ex change during August, tho total shares changing hands being only 218,013, as com pared with 2D3.4GD during July and 230,005 In August of last year. Bonds, however, were moro active than during either Juno or July of this j ear, as a result of large sales of tho Liberty Loan bonds. Total bales this month were $1,24,4,10, as compared with 5904,950 last month und $1,4JO,200 In Au gUbt, 1916 Phone Company Plans Bis Stock Issue ALBANY, Aug 31 Tho New York Tel ephone Company has petitioned tho Public Service Commission for authorltj to Issue $25,000,000 common stock to dlschargo out standing domand notes, rolmburse tho treas ury for expenditures from Incomo for con structlon and provldo foi tho proposed con struction and Improvement of facilities Dank of France Gains Gold NEAY YOIUC, Aug 31. Tho weekly state ment of the Bank of France shows tho following changes (figures In francs). Notes In circulation, Increase 100,345,000; treas ury deposits, decrease 2,657,000 ; general deposits. Increase 67,075,000 ; bills discount ed, Increase 31,023,000; advances, decrease 11,420.000; gold In hand, Increase 2,110,000, and silver In hand, decrease 312,000, 600 shares. veek, 2,318,. INACTIVE NEW YORK STOCKS x Following are quotations for Inactive Now York stocks and In which there) wer no transactions today. The price given Is the last previous saie, Mex ret pref... A.dms Express , Adv nunely ... Auv llumely pf A 11 8 ft K ctts do ctfs pref.. do peer 04 .118., . 124 . 28 .102 a til. PVial tirar. . H3 Am Air Chm vt.vM Am Can pref . . . . 100H Am Car Fy Vt 11 J Am Express OS Am Ice oref. . ... 484 Amer Smelt Prff.111 Am riuaar Pref..ll . Am Sumatra pret 05 Am Tobacco..... l8Vl Am Tel Cabls.. 0 Am T T 3d oref J24 Am Woolen pref. 1H Am Writ Pap pf .. 85 ASSO it jst vtm .'u . .113 m a mi Atchison pref CAOTION NOT1CK ar hereby cautioned acalnst tarn we craw et ins Atlan O W I pi fislt Ohio Pf.. 08 Hsrreit Co vti-.W Bald lACO'pf.... 0K Brooklyn Un Uas.loi, Brown Shoe 71 Burns Bros .... M Buttsrlck ,...,. JO Cent Kdy Co P. 82 Cent Leatb pf. ,,Js Cent Bo Am Tel. 1184 CM A Alton,.... !.. fei sj"'. Si N,H ..... .HI lac w( do pret Con Int Cal Mln Continents! Ins. CRIAPfn... 70 Cuba Am Puaar. .180 . Cuca Am Hue pf.1074 D I. li W 100 II S S ft A pref. . , TJeere Co nref .. .lOOVl Den ft It Od 8 Detroit Kdlson. ..12.1 CUo Htor Bat... SSU Elk Horn Fuel.. 234 Otn Clxar Htores. 84 Greene Csn 414 lien Aioiora pi. Cloodrlch pref.. Hurtman Corp., Itavsna Elen . Homeatake Mln Int Acrlo , do pref . . . . Tnl Iturv Corn. Int Harv of N J. Ill let Nickel Iowa Cent IH oo prei j"i Kan C Bo 10V4 do pre! 02 Kelly.Sprlnc .... 44Vi ICeok ft DM.... 44 Laclede Oas .... to fins; 1st ctfs pf 4 40 Lk.Erls ft W ..- 15! iiks una w or x Llss-ett ft M Prf.lll IN mail ixuse w Mackay Co pref.. 044 Manhattan Beach 1 Manhattan E1V..118 May Dent Sir "M01 Max Mot 1st pf.. 69 May Dept Stores. Bl Mich Cent 11U, Minn St L new 18 V4 Mont Power . ... 83 Morris Essex. SuVi do pref ....... 114 Ifn Hsif A nf A t T fllsA Mont ifawer rf..ll0, Restt."? ? s V tS,u.!"ft 30 Stand MlillnS stud.b.k,r"nSf ; gloss.Bheff Steal South Ball .,,"' Texss rts . Third Ave ''.'.'' ;"i'.waU"- PU 30 8B 04 lutt 10U 81 ..102 .. 02 ..101 .107 ,. 104 .. 61 ,8 Mont Power Pf..ll0 Tobao Prodi."'?.,. Nstl Cloak ft Hull 784 Tsl St l iv,.?"' 10!J Nat Bit Mex 2d pf 8 N T l' Ml I.... za N Y O ft W 204 N Y O ft W I'd Pf 601, N Y Deck J14 do prer 4U Norf ft South,.., Norf ft West pf, North American Ohio One rts fun-Am Pel pf. , do prior pf ct,, Pearls ft East. ttAB.A Tlfsvnllalte I A Kr. "Ma pr pi 484 K'l,?MVl& Peo Oas ft C... 724 V ?.R"t la" "fi Plerce-Arrow .... 884 ..,11 JJW 80 Plerce-Arrow pref B(II J,a oCorp.., n Pressed S Car Pf.1024) "i a Car Chain Pf.lll,, Pitts Coal of ctfs 121 ' do 1st pref..".. 314 Pitts Btl pf..., 0BH, west Pap B n., 174 iitf 88', 81 (HI 01 74 w ...1 .i' j . . '. b,ia ill "Cliir fl if .I1 United Fruit ..A Underwood TypelioJ -nlted Dyo WoSd W do pref gsu; I'nl.tei DruV!" is unit Drua 1st pf Bi U, SoCJ Pf 82 i J a Express...; x vi Cbts .... ltt do pref 264 do pref ...,,,. 4T Open Illah Low Close cles" UU,, II. Pitts West .....63 Wh.,1 I, , isAf, September.. ,, , 7,47 7.S2 7 53 7,82 1 10 i3,,t,jUP!i''f' ' ""jfyi!? fv ! MP ittlJiiiiff-C.i ......!.. ?,Ki.- (m .a., .. uaiTiAeSs, iMiiiiBs-ihii i' 'ii i "- t i'rir in' Sales in Philadelphia Illah. 33 Am Bys pf. 89 100 Crucible Stl. 07 Elcoi Storago .. lOOKrlo 22 . 10 Ins Co N A. 23 lOOKenno Cop.. 40 1123 Lk Sup Corp 10 180 Lehigh Nav. 75 70 Leh Valley. North Penna 340 Penna It It. 10 Phi la Co cum pref. 80 Plilla Klcc. 00 IrflW. 80 07 23 2S 40 10 73 00 53 . 38 29 1270 P II T tr ctfs 20 118 11 ty Cons .. 75 Bending . . 1140 Ton Belmont 800 Ion Mining. 70 Union Trac 087L7 O I .. .. 10830 U S Steel.. 200 Will3-Ovor 25 83 4 0 44 78 113 29 5 W Jcr & S S 49 .18 29 29 21 84 4 0 44 78 109 20 Vi 49 Not Close chire, 80 07 2V4 ta .. 23 , .. 23 40 .. 10 73 1 00 too 52 V 38 20 29 Vi 23 Vi 81 1 4 0 ft 44 78 V 110 3 20 V 49 s close. TQuotntlon given Is yesterday Total sites, 17.031 sluires, compared with 7816 shares jrsterdnM thus far, this week, 48,058 sniirrsi same period last wren, ai.toa nrri. IIOMIH Utah. Low. 90 00 09 99.02 Close 00 Net chze. 99 99.90 8100 Amer Gas Kloc Cs 1000 Con Trac N J 6s ... 09 31650 11b Bonds . 99 90 1000 Penna Co t c 4s . 93 8000 Phlla i;icc 1st 6s . 100 100 100 2000 Reading gen 4s . 88 1000 Un Ilwjs t c 4s . 71 100 Wclstiach Co 5s . 07 Total sales, $11,710, compared with S81.110 yestenliui thus fllr this week, $120,100) sumo period lant week, SIH.ioO. 03 88 93 88 1 73 71 1 07 97 V4 Local Bid and Asked Today Ycslerdav Hid Asked Hid Asked Jl Id .10 .14 .(1 -y'4 in 284 67 IS 67 68 TO 62 60 62 .18 684 (104 l 5S f'l 6S 611 18 10 18 20 684 00 B'l. 01, 11, 12 11', 124 in (is ci ns Kl'i 104 104 17 71 70 70 77 ( l'i ti()4 lid 1,(1 12 524 62 624 2', 2-1 28T4 2II4 II .11 11 11 .12 .11 .12 31 174 3 .17 .10 204 2! -O't 30 81. Ml N! Mi', ,' 4J, 14 411 It', l4 (14 uii 41 15 114 414 77', 7N4 78 78J 110 1104 112 11 It 11 It 17 IK .17 .IS 70 80 . 70 Amerlcin Stores . Hrlll (J G) Hurt & husa t l do prtf nildwln . Llrilrlr Htor.iro Ucneral Asphalt . do iref Kostono Telephone oo t c I.nko Superior Corp I.t hlch sivlRatlon l.ehlgb alley . IVnnsylvanl i Phil i Eltitrlc Plilla Compute do 5 ptr cent prof. ilo 0 per cent pref l'hlla Rap Tranlt t c lleidlni; Tonouih Helniunt Tonopah MlnltM Union Jractlon Unitnl Oaa Impvt . United Slnten Htecl York KnIU.iy do pref V m Cramp & foons INACTIVE PHI LA. STOCKS Hollowing arc quotitlons for Inactive Blocks llted on the Philadelphia Stock Ex clnngo and In which thero wero no trans actions today Tho price given Is the last previous close1 Alliance Ins . ... Amer Stores . ., do pref .....i Amer Mill Amer Qae . . Am Gas war. . , , llald Loco Drill J a luff &. Susq t c, Hurt ft Susq pref, Cambria Iron .., ("ambrll Stel . , Catavtlssa 1st of, Con Trao N J... Oen Asphalt . ... da pf . . KeBtr,no Tel .., Key ?el pref..., 20 174 00 n'.1 1034 1' 68 51 . 41 111 62 l M 11 604 Leh Val Tr dA pref ... , Lit Bros . I Itle SchujIlilU Mlnehlll North Central , Penna Halt Phila Co do pref . . , Phlla Traction Penn Trafflo . , P It T Un Cos of N J., Warwick Iron., W N Y & P..., West Coal Win Cramp.... 1 ork Hwva . . . York Itwys pref . 274 . 40 21 51 . 614 . 88 . 1)3 . 884 . 11 . 77 . 2 . 24 .218 . 0 . 21 : . 14 , . 87 MONEY-LENDING RATES Mill YOltK Call money opened Ht 4'4 per tent ; high, 6; low, 4 V6 ; last, G ; close, 0 ; ruling rate, 6Va per cent Tho tlmo money market was firmer all around Good mixed loans rose H per cent both In tho hid and asked to CQ5V4 per cent for porlods of fqur to six months and for shorter dates the bids on 60 dajs was raised '4 per cent to 4 '4 per cent, the asking Jlguro rising U Per cent to 4si per cent. For 90 das 4?Q:5 per cent was quoted Loins on all Industrials for fixed dates wero advanced to 5 '4 0 6 '4 per cent. PlIlLAlini.PHIA Call, E per cent; time. 5E"i per cent. Commercial paper, three to four months, 5H5 per cent; six months, Ciifjo1; percent. LONDON Money on call was unchanged today at 3 per cent The rate of discount In tho open market, for short bills was 4)1 per cent nnd for three months' bills 4 13-16 per cent, unchanged Australian Loan Only Partly Taken LONDON. Aug. 31. Only 42 per cent of tho Australian Commonwealth loan has been taken, 68 per cent remaining unsub scribed today. Prepaiatlons for tho, flota tion of a New South Wales loan havo been completed. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with corre sponding diy last two jcira. 1017 1010 1015 Philadelphia. 10 SSI 214 (42 481,412 111,110 718 Boston . ..Ill 010 780 20 044.802 21 5')').01U Chicago . 81.180.100 08 020.103 65.401,210 Rubles at New Low Record NEW YORK. Aug .11 The feature of tho foreign exchange market In tho early dealings today was a continuation of tho colla'pso of Russian exchange, with ruble rabies quoted heavy nt 18c and checks quoted at 17,00c These are tho lowest figures In tho recollection of tho present generation Trench exchange was slightly firmer and sterling, guilders, Swiss and Scandinavian wero dull but steady. Quotations were: Domand sterling checks 4,76ft, cables 4.7G,1',, sixty-day bills nominally 4 72, ntnety-day bills 4 70 s Pranc cables 5.76, checks 6.77, Lire cables 7.49, checks 7.50. Swiss cables 4 54, checks 4.56. Guilder cables 42VSt checks 41'4, Pesetas cables 22.25, checks 22.15 Rublo cables 18, checks 17.90. Stockholm cables 33 55, checks 33.30 Chrlstlanla cables 30.70, checks 30 50. Copenhagen cables 30 40, checks 30.20. In the afternoon rubles dropped Btlll fur ther to 17.50 for checks and 17.25 for cables At tho cIobo rubles showed a recovery of about He from tho extreme low, touching 18 for cabales und 17.80 for checks. Lire wero quoted at 7.50V4 for cables and 7.61 V4 lor checks. The general market was Inactive, with a lalrly steady tone. LAKE SUPERIOR CORPORATION ISSUES GOOD REPORT FOR LAST FISCAL YEAR1 Net Earnings Show Increase of $1,819,534 Fails to Help: Company's btocK Market Has irreg ular Tone Stockholders of the Lake Superior Cor poration received tho annual report today. Tho report, which covered the operations for tho fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1917, compared very favorably with the previous year. The Street had expected that It would show up very well, and It can be said that It was about up to expectations. Tha report did not havo a beneficial effect on tho stock, however, for while the Issue was the most actlvo of tho homo group, It sus tained a fractional loss as compared with the final quotation of yesterday. For tho jcar tho net earnings from opera tions of subsidiary companies were $6,323, 005, representing an Incrcaso of $1,819,534 as compared with the previous year. The balance of prollts was $769,344, which com pares with $63,777 In 1016. The report shows thero was deducted $1,600,000 for genernl depreciation and $1,243,165 appro priated as reserves for depreciation, renew als, etc , of special assets, Including rebuild ing coke ovens nnd docks, also abnormal capital cost of construction and equipment. Wilfred II. Cunningham, the newly elected president, makes quite a lengthy stitcment In tho report of the Algoma Steel Corpora tion, Ltd , the chief operating subsidiary of the Lake Superior Corporation. He points out that the Algoma has completed another blast furnace, which has a possible production of 50,000 tons Ingots per month "Tho directors consider that they havo provided all the steel making capacity nec essary for some tlmo to come, and that, subject to certain modernizing of the older furnaces, they will havo a satisfactory open-hearth plant." ' Increased operating expenses cut Into the Railroad Corporation In July and seven months of tho fiscal ear. -While tho gross for July totaled $146,701, representing an Increase of $4412 over the corrospondlna roonth of last year, the net fell off $u 739 to $26,434.. In the seven months the gross was $977,012, a gain of $11,699, whlla tho net declined $73,929 to $146,518, due to the Increases In tho costs of operation. While there was a Httlo more activity In some stocks traded In on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange today In comparison with previous days of tho week, tho market 3 more llko a holiday affair nil through is session. Tho market lacked snap. ct attendance In the Street was not large and tho public wis represented In the dealings only to a Bmall extent. With a thrco-day holiday Intervening before tho next day ot trading, which Is next Tuesday, it had not been expected that dealings would be on 'a large Bcale. Stocks from the beginning of buslnesi took their cuo from tho Wall street mar ket, and qulto a number of them sold to lower lovols. The losses, however, were not great as a rule, and It was noticeable that many Issues stood unchanged ns compared with tho final quotation of yesterday. In. dlcatlng that tho underlying tone was firm. United States Steel common was under pressure all day. RECOVERIES ARE IN ORDER AFTER DECLINES ON BROAD STREET CURB War-Order Stocks Most Prominent Wright-Martin Finds Support Maxim Munitions at Its Low Record NEW YORK, Aug. 31. For a tlmo during tho first hour thero was nctlvo trading and a weak tone on tho Broad Street Curb, but after modorato declines recoveries wero In order. Tha war-order stocks were naturally tho moat prominent features, with Curtlss Aero plane dropping from 40 to 38. Wright-Martin was steady, finding support around 9 and was traded in at 9 to 8 on a fairly largo scale. Tho market for theso Issues was Influenced to a great extent by a lack of knowledge as to prices and terms at which their product will bo taken by the Government. Ignorance also prevails in regard to tho situation of tho munition makers, which keeps public buyers out of tho market. Aetna Explosives sold at 5 to 5 during tho first half of tho day, nnd Maxim Munitions was kept nt its low record, selling at 1 nnd 1. Submarlno Boat was weak, with sales at 25V4 to 24?i, and Lake Torpedo continued In supply, selling at 6Vs and G. Bethlehem Steel new prefened, when Issued, was steady, with sales at 106V1 to 10G. Tho rights wero traded In at 2i to 3Vi. , Independent oil stocks wero weak during tho forenoon, Merrltt selling down from 32 to 30, and Midwest Refining was traded In at 1GG to 161. Mining stocks were steady. INDUSTBIAI.S nid Air Reduction 85 Aetna Explosives ...... 5 Am Brit Mfg S Am Marconi 2 Am Writing Paper 3 Canadian Car Co 30 Can Car & Fdy pfd ... 05 Charcoal Iron 8 Chevrolet Motors 74 Cramp 75 Curtlss Airplane 39 Carwcn Tool 10 Carbon Steel 90 Emerson Phonograph ... 6 Hendcc Mfg 28 ICathodlin Bronzo pf.... Lehigh Coal Sales .... 75 Lima Loco 55 Maxim Munitions 1 Mnrlln Arms Ill Otis Eelevator 52 Peerless Motor 14 Poolo Eng 7.1 Redden Truck 13 Scrlpps Booth 18 S S Kresge w 1 OS Standard Motors 0 Steel Allovs 8 Submarine 21 Yes close Asked (Halo) St Joseph Lead Triangle Pllm . . . . U S Steamship . . . United Motors . . . World mm Wright-Martin Air Zinc Concent . ., ... 180 1 4 0 8 1 STANDARD OIL 89 5 10 3 3 31 60 8 76 .80 40 10 01 6 33 1V4 80 68 IV 113 60 16 83 18 100 10 0 25 190 1 4 20 "i 8 2 00 8 75 40 10 0 1 113 2594 21 0 Illinois 217 Ohio 341 Prairie Plpo 230 S O Cal 240 S O N J 565 SONY 272 223 355 260 250 S71 277 INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS Barnctt Oil & Gas 13 Cosden OH Cosden &. Co 10 Elk Basin 10 Federal OH 4 Inter Petrol 12 Houston Oil la Merrltt Oil 31 Midwest Ref 101 Met Tetrol 1 Ohio Fuel 18 Oklahoma Ref 8 Osage Hominy 8 Rice Oil f, Sapulpa Ref 0 211 250 S70 28 2 10 10 .. 10 10 4 4 12 . . 18 18 32 32 106 105 ltt 1A 10 9 8 0 8 ft .. 10 10 INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS Continued Yes close Bid Asked (Sale) Sequoyah 1 1 Sinclair 23 23 Unit West Oil i MINING Standard . . . STOCKS Alaska Standard 25 Atlanta 10 Big Ledge . . 1 Blsbee Copper (a pros) Butte Copper & Zinc. .. . 0 Cal & Jerome 1 , Con Ariz .. 1 Emma Consolidated ... If, First National 2 Goldfleld Merger 5 Goklfield Cons 50 Goldfleld Florence 13 Goldfleld Kewanas 11 Green Monster Hecla Mining 0 Howe Sound 5 Independence Lead .... 0 Jeromo Verde 1J4 Jumbo Extension 26 Magnate Copper McKinley Darragh 60 Magma Copper 44 Mother Lode 30 Mines Co of Am 1 Nevada 'Hills 15 Nlplsslng 8 Ohio Copper 1 Ray Hercules 3 San Toy is Stewart f, Tonopah Extension 2 United Verde 35. West End Con 07 White Caps 1 , Ycrlngton 22 1JONDS Bethlehem 5s 08 Cosden Oil 6s 03 Cosden & Co 6s 05 Russian Govt 5V4s 68 do 6s 80 South Rwy 6s 97 Sinclair OH 6s 00 Todd Shipbuilding 6s.... 100 Beth pref 103 Vi Rights 2 24 12 1 9 lft 1V4 3 7 53 18 14 9 V4 10 1 28 li 65 40 32 194 04 8 1 3 15 2 36 70 1V4 24 08 05 97 71 81 07 93 102 106 3 lft 'li 29 12W 1 'tV4 2r 2 2Vi 52 Or". 1 26 V 61 44 3'i 8 70 lft 22 98 69 80 Sugar Prices Unchanged NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Refined sugars are unchanged, with all local refiners quot ing 8.50c except the American Sugar Re fining Company, of which continued to quote at 8.50c. Last aalo In spot Cuban raws was 7,02c. I LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Bid MacNamara 18 Midway 11 Mltpah Extension 11 Montana 20 Northern Star in Tonopah Extension ,., 2,V West End 08 QOLDFIELD STOCKS Atlanta ,., Blue Bull Booth , niamondfleid B B Oro , Sandstorm Kendall ,,,,,,., Silver Pick MISCELLANEOUS Arizona United Nevada Hill Nevada Wonder .,,..,..... Asked .16 .11 .12 .02 .05 .02 .01 .02 .08 .21 ,14 .11 .1 .03 .on .03 .02 .03 .00 .30 .18 .H NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Aug. 31, The market for coffee futures opened fairly active today at an advance of 2 to 3 points. Sales on the call amounted to 4250 bags. Yee'dav'a MjkMMMJ.MmiLih DIVIDENDS DECLARED Standard Oil Company of Kentucky, usual Suarterly of 13 a share, payable September, ooks close September IB and reopen October " Stutz Motorcar Company of America, usual quarterly ot 11.25 a share, payable October 1 to holders of record September IB. Packard Motorcar Company, regular quarterly of 1 per cent on the preferred stock, payable September 13 to stock of record August iO Southwest Pennsylvania Pipe Line, regular quarterly of 13, payable October 1 to stock of record Heptombor 15. Consolidated Uas. Electric Light and Power Company, regular quarterly of 2 per cent. pay. able October 1 to stock of record September 15 Celluloid Company, regular quarterly of 2 per cent, payable September 10 to stock ot record September 14. Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad Corpora tion, regular quarterly, of 14 per cent on com mon voting trust certificates payable Septem ber 20 as registered September IB, Books do not close. Dar Silver nt 95 Cents in Toronto NEW YORK, Aug. 31. A dispatch from Toronto says that 201,000 ounces of silver sold there yesterday at 95 cents per ounce. The prices In this city and London today were unchnnged from yesterday. Comparisons follow: ' Last 1U17 Today Test Friday lllnh. J,nw tt DDK 88.4 00K 71K 40 44;, 40 8iU More Gold for Japan NEW YORK. Aug, 31. The Subtreaaury has transferred $2,215,090 to Sap Frartelaco,- 4 lurwar , wnai ,m mm m iKJM " w . .. 'TV ' 81 New York (cents) 00 .London (pence,, 411 gxjt jsKssoarVy A National Reputation Secured the Tioga Steel Company Building Contract acterIn!tSuC nfn,!..c?rganiz:l.tion K conct a building of any char-comn-inv. nr S imPort?ce that consideration be given to that company s past and present operations. supervision ot architects and engineers of national reputation. lizedA"nsnt!rMVi?hVetahxim;,ml,!!f .n BhX are .till uncryst.l wlth vour "arehltMt-r J?-! f -Sp"d' for we ay In conjunction the. completion on a iniM,'"'u ,OD- anfl ny guarantees eon.fruPcttonBfo?lhedefe (our buildings now under E. 57th St., Cleveland, wR o eSsedl .Ur, ,,om? m' i?51 our methods of construction or rnSi? you ,nfo"?'tion regard ng WalterD. McCormaeilevue-Suatfor'fHoTeL ,0C?1 rePr"entative' .f&Zmr&i t 0V9mxi