-sr r-; rr-; ' . TTnrsrTi717 TXT A lvl K. H T lH A Xl fE' conservation of food, is of interest to every hu"1- -1 "..if & .w r. 'Iff, d. Jf i ? l&u suit . t Bff.t ftO1" ft y Kw Br Bi 'f Br' ' V' 1' ? A ? !A. ,C B W'At m' ft '.'- r w J U bv v Ik '' . Kite- , l . muB v - t( m ,' .. CopyrUht. Underwood Underwood "SOCIETY WOMEN ARE TOURING THE COUNTRY IN ITS REHAT.t? . In. their food conservation and preparation campaign prominent women are touring interior New York. -". M. V- V... WWUUU '"" fc ,L5 n talks on cann: g Specials using the train piatformo as rostrums for brirf ibg and preserving of food.- ,- -f " Jf'itrfHlf r? Ttir- .fn r -i " , .r f .w: rfiVA :-.i, , SrlJiS - ; jC At L.,kr isU 'M"f. M-."";rLii "A WORD TO TUP wisni I Wft!fttta?3i!assis WMt, OH11. nation's loss through nm B THE F00D CONSERVATION FORCES fdmlnfatMtSrwH ihf consvatlon sectlonV , the food' In'a 1 uSa f' ih oh -,a. rapidlv beInB dopted ly women mtbu parts of the country aa Bervi.ki. -j ;..n,iML country as serviceable and conomlcal. ;Jwj n-'Jk?. .j f V.f "J :y