vmwmmzz Btw-BF W T " s tsK l'e r B' iff e. TVr ItM A SHCNANSO "RAILWAY LIOHT COMPANY FIRST CONSOL. 5s NOVEMIER I, 1920 Y ?V ft V tV u rt thY WJ IK' fe V? aWv - R3 ww "W K & V1 v Si, ? FIHEE FROM OTATE TAX IN I PCNN8VLVANIA rARNINQS OFFICIALLY REPORTED 2A TIMES INTEREST ChROES 97 AND INTEREST NETTING OVER 6 REILLY. ROCK & CO. CANKERS JC6 CHESTNUT ST. l'llll..lll.l'IIIV r& i JlfcaJiMifca - V Hi ignArf i If i fail H.i ,,-f,..,,.. It 17 T"f7-v' 6-"t "FINANCIAL M- i '" fcA s? rKj I" UJ- V ?3 A Well Secured Short Time Investment West Virginia Traction & Iilcctric Co. "Two-year 6', Bond-Secured Gold Notes Due .May I, 1919 1 Merer p.u.ihlc without deductions for present normal Federal income Tn, :ind 'l":i Refund able in PeiuisjK.inia. Price 9j '' Yielding 6.i Descriptive circular nut tainiitK full inform. ition will lie scut on request. Bonbright & Company MllllltlS V'l!T.VIt SlltOlll Jr ," Minoger 4.J7 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia ew lork txindoii ronton 1'irls Oilman let mil 9 B"' vO,w iV' f" I! Electric Auto-Lite Corp. Gold fg Notes Seen rid In inllateial hiving .1 mtiket Mili. of niDio linn thtee times the amount nf those Note. Viiumil Iiiloiiip ficuu eirnliiKs ami dividends pi ires tliee notes In 1111 exception il position One-yenr Notes yielding over G.75 1 wo-year Notes yielding ov.r 7.00 Send fin complete ilesi tlpllve Chcular riM.1l The National City Company 1421 Clicilnut St., Philadelphia New Sork Chicaio han rranciico lioiloi ruttlrursh $. mK A- Tax Exempt in Penna. Free of Normal Federal Income Tax WestPenn Power First Mortgage 5s Earnings and Expenses li MiiiiIIk emleil .luur Til, ); Gross Earnings . . ..$3,542,606 Operating Expenses. . 2,129,863 Net Earnings . ...$1,412,7-12 Annual interest on Bonds 425,000 Balance $987,742 Particulars on Application A. B. Leach & Co. Incorporated Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street New York Chicago llutfil.i Ilonton laindon Kng llaltlmors ft Ik"' f1 muft THE HAYILAMRMSTRONG COMPANY STOCKS '''e WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA BONDS NEW YOBK-BOSTON ' "' " HTABUJMtO r tjr,. K'n: HIGH-GRADE BONDS DRAG WHILE WAITING FOR LIBERTY LOAN Competition With Next Government Issue Keeps Them Idle Gossip of "the Street" rT1Hi: lensuii vvh.v flist-clnss lotig-tenn bonds are declining In tlie itimkel nt -- present." said the tnnniiger of n large liionl lionil house, "I a ineie matter of ciiiniK'tltlon." "C'ompetllluii ltli wlml?" lie huh iiskcil. niul irplleil, "With tin- Gi)ernmenl." "Tuko for InstniRe," ho snlil, "mitli 11 hlh-lass bmiil no I'ninHj Ivanla general 4 4 . wlitcli am HcllInK today around 'iV-,, and were litmiKht out sonic tlmi' iiro b,v Kulin, I.ocli .t Co, at S7. To inv mind" In- lontlnued. "Hie rriixnn for tho dctllno not only In this particular liiHtnnto but In n number of oIIicih Is thn nearnesM of tho new Liberty Loan and the wpiculatlou about It. whether It will be S"j or I or 4'j, whether it will or will not be tn flee, etc .Mum ImlileiH of high-class, long-term, low-yield bonds, both tiiiinic lp lis mid inllrond ate calculating wluthei. In view of tho Income lax the will be mllnl upon to pa, n .Ti per ent tn-fite bond would not be n better Imeftmeiit than un olhei mailable Tbe me liolilltiK off till the tclins of the new loan ate announced olllelulh and, miluriilh, Ibeso high gtade bunds "' diagglng a little In the meantime ' Puiineiil al Source vs. Information at Source Itefcrilng lo the discussion whlth H now gohu, on In financial elides legiiilliug the (lluilnatloii of ollec IIoiih at the soiine and Miibstltutlng Iheiefor of Infoima llmi nt the Kfiiine,'l, I, At ii mi, of Whiidci. Illllolt .V Mann, In the Nottli Ameileim llllllillng, salil he "(ould not me how li-glslatlon (oilld be btoiight about to mnka Mich a ieotiitlouai change The law nml the piaitlie must lemaln Just as they i'. nt pt sent, ih u Is, (olleetlons al the xoiine Take ' he, said, "for Instance, the i inn minis Isiim In Hit- past of lung time, tlisl-ilass ralliuad bonds niul look up tho luottgiiifi link ol tlicse Ismiicm Vim will ilml In nliniist oei I-hiio of such t Hii ro iil bonds in (Ids Stale the wile Isxunl fiee of lax and liiniiabl the Indention has a laus.. to ilie elTei t that pilmlpil and Inleitst an- p.iMiblv In gold without dedm tlon fin mi laves 'l he (Icliliu i ol lionil Ion obllr.ales Itself to p.iv nnv tnves in posed In the t'ultiil Stales in tinv Stale in iniinli Ipalltv . How. then," he i on- tinned "inn any Irgislutiiiu be naetiil that would run iiiiiiitei to hiiiii a i i.nisr in thn iiioitgnges ' Collei tlons must be made at the soiuie" CdRNfclOES D0VN v ' ON GOOD CROP NEWS Continued Lowering of Cash Ar ticle and Fine Growing Wenther Makes Market Bearish Sales in Philkihlphifi m. . t rut ?ls .f ' it:: ; llilgh Power N. C. C"4 Notn, 101 Kdmontun. f'untiH fl. mil Cltr of Astoria, .Ore.. Hitler B. IUSJ, Blrmlnsliam Tldeu liter 3, 1UIU. I.uploa 7"4 Preferred. Cfrculari and 'rices on Application Morris Brothers Co. (K.tablUliril 1093) 1421 Chestnut Street LOCAL MINING STOCKS TQXOPAU ST0CK8 Ilia. ,HN 14 Ill ...... .11 '.'II 10 ..... Y OOLDKlEf.D STOCKS J. Blue, null ,,.,,.., , IMi -'Jim nutl.e . !L UacNimari V Mldwar "tft Monlana . . ... H! IUkuo Kulala . " '. "? : . -......,... .if. yiamona 41 J ,(. If "W 02 I " , ,','' "IMI "I j Hand Ken ., . ai ., JHIrrr I'lck '.jo if misci:linkous 8t . &:d ivonder .: :"...::.:' '",, 'Teeppa Sllnlns ... ,c5 ' JT --:.. r, rn (ct-, s aria jMjuriw rirm Ak. .111 ,n.) .OS .03 .04 .Hi .01 .11 .3H .32 (t'ohiff to the Front The win Is plnxiiig Iiiimx with the persunnil of miiiv ol Ilie bl' lliiiini'l.il bouses and In piopm (innate inannet with Hie smillei ones 111 the II l Ml of Monlg u. Clollilei A. T lei .oilth I'oillth Htieet, tlltee of tin- membets- of the III 111 have giadiliilid fiom the Nlagaia camp as (aitaius. TIipv ielo all mtmbeiH of the. KIlHl I'ltv Tioop TIipv ale f. I, Montgumei.v , IS. Al I'hlller and A. W I'orlei all foi tho Infaiiliv and (leoige I' Tv ler as llrst lleiiUnant for the aitllleiv branch of the wrvlce In the llrm of I'liirler A Co.. of the Noilli Ameri can iJiiildlng, eleven men Vlom the HtnIT have enti red the scivlce In nlmost eveiv aim of It Including aviation, while among the membeis of the firm of It W Kraler Is u (aptain and II I' lliniNell, .It . ban Joined the living imps at the C.aiilaudet aviation camp, Kast (iieenwiih it I A tout thioiigh the piinclpil Investment houses would hIiow vlituillv Mimllat oiiililiuns all over. High Price of Silver Causes Discussion 'Ilie loiitinuid high prhe of bat sliver In New Vorlt and London and the inn viiuetit aitlvltv of inliiliig toiks on the Cuib has lesuKed In mm It i oinniPiit iiiniing bmktts and holdtiN of mich h entitles, ltcnsons given foi the liigh pikes toe vatiotis. In addition to those aln-adv given It is said that foreign (ioveinmeuts ale Issuing wi nun h piper monev that they uie btijlng wllver to Mtiind back of these Issues, ;m ihe onl available haul metal obtainable. Some deulcts In silver tlaltu the maiket is cnineud, but those bettei informed on the situation take no utixk In sin li nimois. Thev clnlm It Is tho usual case of demand and Hiipplj, the piesint dematid being abnotmal in other quarters the Increase In the price of wllver Is Mild to be due to the iiiiisptcts of pe.ue when laige quanddeH would be i(iiilrcd In the arts and manufactures, but nm h a pusNibilltv is too icmote to Imp in ncii weight. i Atlantic City Electrics Decline It Is a. iiiatlei of Httipilsp lo main linestois to note Ihe deillne In Atlantic Cli KieUrlc .1 per lent bonds, whlth hue been selling mound US In the past, but hip now quoted n I oil ml and !M Some sav the reason Is to be found In the appio henslon of attack fiom submaiint's whlcli seitns to be quite genetal, hut (his liinll heems lo bu a leasonuble escuse Public Vtilitu Bonds Cheap Tlie head of a leading Investment huusp that makes a sptclallv of hlghgiade public utilities savs; 'Theip ale nn iiumbei of hlgh-giade public utllltv bonds olleud foi sale on the nun kit toda.v without buveis nt pilces that eight months ago would have appeared iliilculous Hven at Hie low ptlies It Is pNtremelv dilTlcult to (hid bids Famine in Oil Not Likely Sulueoll men (laim th it If piopei Judgment Is eveitised theie Is no danger of either in oil oi gasoline famine. Tliej obit louuv ngitaliiin whkh would liive a tendency to (urtall u llbeial iihv of gasullno at piesent prices, which ate acknowledged to be liigh. Such cuitallmeul would iialuinll mean a leduelion In prices, they say, and only by high prices can drillers be lnductd to lontlnue chilling. A reduction in dillllng means a i eduction of pioiluctlon and on possiblllij of u famine In oil or gasoline Is not to bo averted l nnv appeal to the public to restrict the use of gasoline In their motor, utrs as mutli nr possible, but h em out aging new drilling und ptospertlng. ... Speaking of oil piodiiitlon, it Is not erv geiuiallv known lli.it the I'an-Ameilcan I'etioluuin and Tuiiispoil Comp.mv whlih contlols tlie Aleslcan I'ettotoum Compinv, I dmlt ed. Hi tough stniL ownerslilp has one well whose mpacitv for pi od action alone Is equal to tho total pioiluctlon of a'l tho wells in California. This well, which was brought In i omp uallvelv lecentlv, had a pioductlve mpaclty of 200,000 barrels pit day. It is iiiulei stood tbat the lecent Issue of $7 000,000 fi per cent equipment builds of the I 'an Vuieiitnn I'ptroleum and Transport Company ate very active Tho se. uilt.v bin k of these bunds is a llrst mortgage on a fleet of seven new tank steam ships whose pieseui value Is easllv three times the amount of the bonds. Canners Taking Moneg of Country Banks Theie ate some loiiuliv banks tbat ale not Inning either shoitthne or long f in oi nnv otliei kind -of IhiiiiIh, although thev are right In tlie heart of pros perous agilciilturnl veitioim of the countiy, and are getting big deposits from lliij funnels," said a salesman of a well known Investment house today on his letuin fiom it tiip llirutis.li such a section lu a neighboring State, "and the reason Is." he loiitliiui'd. 'b.iause tho canners aie taking all the money the banks can loan. Theie will be a harvest for the bond silesman later on In these sections" ho said, 'when the aimers begin to lenlle on their stork and pay back what they owo to tho li inks," " ... 'The iuiiifiji.il leason why coiintiv banks are Investing heavily in short-term notes," said the iiiliulp.il metnbei of a leading Investment bouse, "Is, that thev aie uncertain us to the future, whether the war Is going to contlnuo for ears or whether It will end soon as abruptly as it began, and they want to be In a position to lentlre In u short time In the event of the Hist contingency. Alost of the olllcers nnii directors of these banks don't understand the maiket or study It closely but thtv believe by shoit-term Investments under juesent conditions they are nctim- nafely." A Prosperous Local Concern With unlets on blind, not started ujion. on inly 1 last, aggiegatlng more than f 1,316,700, the llrm of David I.upton's Sons Comjiany. of this city, mako a sjdendld showing for the llrst six monthH of this ear with earnings of 30 per cent toward the common stock. Corty-flve jeats ago this concern started on a capitalization of $700. Its capital, izailon today 'Is $1,2:0,000 7 per cent cumulative preferred and $2,225,000 common Mock (authorized). At juesent It employs about 1800 men. Why ihe Bond Market Holds Back Notwithstanding tho fact that Secretary McAdoo Issued a warning against unfounded details us to the next Liberty Loan, the bond market has been ... . ns to tho amount which will bo Issued at this time. This confusion arises largelv from the wide variation of the various estimates which have been submitted to th vailous financial committees of the Senate and House as to what will be reouli " to meet war exjieiif.es tiji to the close of the fiscal ear. Of the nine or ten billion v.hlcli It Is said will be needed, the larger portion must be raised by loans. Of cour " a large part of this outlay will eventually be reimbursed by the Allied Government6' on whose account much of this borrowing will be done, but that fact does not rell " ' the strain on tho money-market to enable It to meet financial requirements, V Colorado Power Company Extends Operations ' Coloiado I'owder Company rejioits that for the six months ended June 30th it has signed new jiower contracts aggregating 3883 horsepower, an estimated annual revenue of $114,600. The jxwer business disconnected within the same period nmounted to 1521 horsepower, an annual revenue of $52,902, leaving a net s?aln the period of 23C2 horsepower with an estimated annual revenue of $61 698 A . July 15th the company had under contract not yet connected power business J gresatlng 2900 horsepower with an estimated annual revenue of $99,260' this lnrlnrf 660 horsepower -signed up in the (list fortnight of July, ' ""-'"ues CIllCAOd Aug 17 Willi tlie dish article lowef anil bujer" bending away from the maiket, coin whf weuker todu .Sentiment was mule bearish owing to continued good rop repeats nml fine growing weather. Trade was largely Incut At one time iirofesslonsl apecululors were compelled to cover on n roily, bur there was not suttlcleiit demand lo carry the ndvume along Slop-loss Felling was a factor and the local irond pressed the be ir side, cuiislng sliiuji lecesslons. Tho leading In dustrie pulled out of the cosh mnrket. No 2 mixed, In the sample crowd, was $l80i I 88, against $1.92l D5 jesterday. and Vo 2 vcllott, XI 86ft 140, compared with $1.9491,97 jestetday The market at Liverpool was not so strong The high on Septtmber coin was $1 14'4 i the low $l and the ilose $ll2'4i? 1 12. against Jl 13'. at the end veidei day, the top on Alav was ijc above jestir day's lastt price at $1 U'i ; the low $1 08 anil the dual $1 09, Dais also wele weak untie! stop-luss sell lng lli.ivv selling b.s wish handling ton leins nml local Ikhis was Indiilerd in tailv, but the lutlei was furred to ioti on a smait linjuovpiiii'iil later Oil the rise sell ing hiis irsiimid. sending pi lies backward Larger tciclpts wile forecast frintlmiiit was lienilsh iiiitultlistatiilliig lepoitu that salts of I oOUlioii liushils had In in made for evpnit luentli 1'rlits In Hih simple ctnwd were easlei .Standard eie llHifiJe, iignlnrt fi2L li file vesti rd iv lleiu.iiid for spiii hi I.I v -i pool as less urgent and llm lu.m.el tlieie vas i.iti 'Hie high on Septi nibei o.ils was 65c; the low .", IT,, ,) lp ,il)v rili( Kl,,t nr lit the end Msli nla.v . Ilu lop on Diieui bi i was fit, i,i the bottom e,i,r ,lm ,e (lose r.-Tj,,., ,iK11nst r,S"ji nt the (lose jis lildaj. tin hist mi .Ma was R'l 4 , the low B7i, and Ilie i lose .ri7',u Hgalnt fiSijC es( ida s last pi lie The wheat jilt was negleclid Sfplember sold I lent above vestmlnv s eloe al $.' ill, while It iniled .No li.u il Hlalii was J J '." f f J 'H against $2 251 J 26 esterdH .Miniic.ipiillM. leportnl an lniie.ie In Kies uf flout The iinilttloiie it l.lvetpoul was lasler Sliipiueiils of wlii.il and ,,iii rroin Hie i mini Mini ror Hie wetk wile 5.1175 065 biilnK against 7 SD8 flS'i bshels n .vear ngo; for (lie le.ifcun thev amount to 'j'l. lUD 72S liushils, tonipated with C5.S 18 .'07 busliels In tl. p,evlous season. Cvpurts from Aigentlni for the weik were K.'iiiiO bushels, tile visible supplj theie Is 'ICO nun bushels i:poits of corn from the I'nltid Slates fin (lie wuk weie .17U.221 bitslit'ls, against I "..IS 7'i7 liusiiels n vtai ago; foi tlie t-f.i-sou l.'in'i.'H'i liushils, t'umpired ullh 'i in,. ' bushels lu the pieviuus m-isoti hhlp minis rioiu Aigpiitlna for the week weie IiS.'.iiiiii Inisl,, M, tK. Vs,t. Nllpplj Hi, i,. Is .'.I.0H lino bush, In ' !' I ill II IT f lllllfM t 1 til's-. I ..It VVH.i,t "" Net Ullh. Low 'Mote, chre tAm na .. lOSWlMW lo H .. 4 Am Hw jif on no no H Cambria Sti .. t ., lo Crucible Sti so '? 4()i:iec Stor . Ali',4 f''l "1 v to flood rich Co 4014 4014 40H I nil Ins Pn N A 15i! tnisl 2n(, 1 4JO Lake Sup Cp mVt II l.rh Valley HI Allliehlll 1.'3 I'euna 11 It StVi am I'hliu nitc tn1 Sioo I' 11 t tr ctfs st l'hlla Trao . . 10 Heading . . . 1 Aid Ton llelmont i s Ton Minims lift no Cnlon Trac 4(1 4H C (J I 7H",4 2310 (' S Steel W Cramp Cx ilivlileml f Quotation given Is jesterdnj's ilose 111 10 "h oi?! nty, t.V1V4 W J 'ft 50 SHTf. UMi 31 31 1, V4 rii't 03 03 "l 4A 4 A l' l' !' A 41) 40 'i 7SV4 :ki,4 111 UM4 1 t "', 4 I '4 ts? tr RPIFIM'IES1D'ECLIE '.MEN , ' ' NEW LEASE IS GIVEN TO dOUNd Nervousness Is in Evidence Over Proposals, Although Fav orable to Company, ana roues onuw ureguiar Ten deiicy Lehigh Valley Transit Earnings TiiImI .le. ,013 shiireo. eonipwreit with H I VI ulinres inlerilan thus fur tills wrek. .11. MI I lnires sniiie perliiil liil week, It 5(1, uluirei. IION'DS cl lllstl bun (lire, ilil.'' fi.100 Am (las A. Illee 5s 00V4 0014 'V4 U 1000 Daldnlu Loco 1st 6s 101 toii tol; f . 01.10 I, Hi Ilonili w i 09 Jfi-ino 09 ,10-too no rai-ioo . loooo Pinna Co (einp ctf 4'js . . Bt 01 03 I 7300 Phlia Kite 1st 5s .. 101 100, lOO1; -I hero was little of special Interest In the small turnover of stocks on the rhlla I ipfiln Stock nxchnnge today. f niiplil Transit crnim-nire. ...... -y-.. States Steel common there was no activity worthy of mention and price changes were generally uninteresting. Steel made the greatest gain, following the showing of strength In New York, advancing as much us l. over the closing quotation of yes terday, hut business In th'.s Issue was Ighter than uiml I'lilladelphla Wectrlo was a trifle lower, selling ex .lUlclonrt. Ilarlv in the day the Transit certificates uuiile u trifling advance, but soon reacted mid remained unchanged most of the nay. Traders were Inclined to wait for the ext of the new lease, which was presented lo Councils this afternoon, and after Its pros etilatlon there was quite an "v"" tendency l'rltcs were down a trifle at first then they recovered and went to 3.', a quarter point gain. Hut very soon trans actions took place at lower quotations, ami the ceitlflcates leaded to 31, oft ?s of a point There whs a slight recovery Just before the close l'niislwinla Railroad was the second most active home stock and was off a. quar ter, ns was Tonopah llelmont Klcctrle Stor age Dattery, Lehigh Valley nallrosd . all reached slightly lower level, unf.nJi Oas Improvement snlneH . ... nlIa, Heading was oft K. """ion mt It Is said that 110 change will be niA J the fiscal car of the PhlladelniuJ T'. !? Transit Company. The company has mM with the Pennsylvania PnMin h.L?" "'4'3 mission n report of earnings covering?" calendar year 1916, but the fiscal t!,1! tno comiiany remains the same ii i U June 30. A number of utilities hflvM-!' It more convenient to change their fw.i ', years to correspond with the period rJ. which the commission requires a renor ' substantial increases In the gross e.n'V Inira nt Hip T.ohll, V.ll... m..r.S ' ' liany were shown by the reports for r.!?' and eight months ended July 31 Jit'li came out today, but the net a.'..".'?5 Tho gross operating revenue durlnr i.-"J month was $268,711. a gain of $31, J over me corrcs()onaing month of last v... 1 but, owing to Increased operating ,,i... ' the net dropped $124 to lioi.ixf. C1 1 Ef' WS 'o, iu"s 01 skii.'jBH, as comn'l wnii ine corresnonii nsr iwrU.i .L .' ,. ,.,. " " " " ne ous J ear. prevl- nt fi Inllll Hillri, X.'K.IAO, loinpiirril ullll Ml, I id elrrilnl llnis far Ihli week, Hllll.n'illl omiie IH-rlinI In -1 week, SIJ.I.I.Ill. Local Bid and Asked 11 IIUli Jselil J llll'. "Ill I nt 11 imhu 1I1 Hw n 1 I'm 1 Hi, I HH Mm 1 tu 1111, II I IB S' PI - .'.V. I-," lfl ll'j "lll. Mm IN'j VI'. I.1111I h. pi j.''i-, Hit i-l IL' l&n 1 7'l llllis seni 21 SJ On JJ 7n I'nrK .spt -II '.'- on Jl 1' Ilia tAcl, I.I, IV 2 HO I 'Ins t J (II ll l s 1 'is t! InH III. I in'. " I J -'- oi -' I sj J I 711 11 111 4 I .1 il '.'1 lill i'1 411 4.1 till I J 71 .14 '. .-.IN 1 I .' si 1 tJ.' iij Jl N-i 21 llll t.'l 'ill TiiiIhx Vintndiv lllil AfUrd III. I .Hkid ViniriiHii hlur. in ;iiia an .'ih'i llililvvltl 1, 1 V Til li''1 70 lirill J (I .'il i's'4 .11 js'i, I lug . .susii t , ... ,-,11 -,s r.il "is 1I0 pri t ,,n li "hi ei Kleilrli. .Slura rai 1,0 Vi' iiii'a ilimriil mi l ilt . pi in tin .11 (In iref .... llll III till Iil ki slenti 'IH pliulia ll'3 li ll'i li ilu tr UN .... I,", 1,; H", 117 I ik fin, i'oiii mi, inv, hi'-, u, l."hlBll .SaMltlltlull .. il.'j 77 TH'i 77 I . nlxli Valley ... IIJ (,..l, II.-I, I.Vi l'(iineliitil . rii' ."." ."J'j ,rii I'lillu III. clil. . is'sj j'i i.il, i'i, I'lilli rmnpsiit ill is 'li, as ilu I inr tint prer .li a", .K' 'II ilu il ir rent unf . :isij "pi asij an I'hlli It r tr Ufs .11 ai', ill', MP, It'ii'lInK j' in 11 PU P4 'lunnpili II. Imunt 4,, l. If, JS 'lUlHUHll VllnhiK n 111, IP, I,' t'lilun 1 1 in (Inn ,. n; 41,1, pi ii,', I' (I I - 7s'.j 7s1, 7s'v 7s I '-'-I Iil'. 12 11 lil's 1-M'l Vnrl. Itnllw .in 11 t 1 t I', ilu prrf ;,; is -17 371, Mm 1 ramp & .smid si sji, si si', PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR WIIIIAT IteielptM 20 553 liuih. The mr ket w ik rntlielv ni)niln;l. ... COltN Iltrelpts ran,, tnish There wi u- tle tnnlliiK nml the mirket was Ijratly notn'niil Uuntntlens (ur luts fur ncal ''. '" la' tlon) VVi-Mrrn No. '.' Jellim, S.'bSMM, d. 0' INACTIVE PIIILA. STOCKS Tollowlng aro quotations for Inactive. Mocks listed on the Philadelphia Stock Hx change and In which thero were no trans actions today Tlie prlco given is the last previous close. jj 'in J 1 Hi il s", til 711 II in 4 1 ill DIVIDENDS DECLARED New Vurl. .ml OKI ilium 1 Oil Comiuim iimnlli It illiil.ii. uf I prr mil pohIjIh iViiKunt L'O lu ntoi k uf muni Aiimiki I," Iniini illonil C.ittuii Mllie lesiilir cnnrlcrlv of 1". pr cut mi tiri-ferrtil piwililo .epi,m btr 1 lu Blink of riconl Aiiuusl 1 1 American I'onir ami i.IkIiI Compinv, iniar lirlv uf 1 inr nnt on 1 nininon pivihlc ,sti timber I In siuik of r iiinl Auitust Jl I'oloruilu Power I'ompanv. ipiirlirlv of one half of 1 p r tent on fomiimn pivable tlrtolier P, to sunk of reiuril srpmnbei is nisn otitr terlv of I", p 1 1. nt rm pnl.ri.il pivHl.tn ,sp temliei 1" to Htm k uf leioni August .11. Crucible Steel 1'iihhes Dividend l'lTTSUl'lini! Aug 17 Chalrnnn l)u puy. of tho Crucible Steel Conipjuv of Anieilcj, slates that lu older to conseivc the company's winking capital and to meet the heavy costs of Improvements required to mtet novernniLiit demands, and with the restrictions made bv tho Cov eminent sur rounding tho ewupniiv'M output, declaration of a dividend on Its common stock was not considered at a meeting of the board of diteclors. Clu'sebroiiRli Co. Paja 30 Cents Extra N'lIvV VOltK Aug 17 The Clusebrough Maniifactiuliig Company has dicl.ueil tho ngiilar quaiterly dividend of $3 and fifty cents extra on Its capital stock, pavahle Sei tember 20 to stock of record September 5 UJ18. Aug, 17.NotWhtandlii- the jm course wa nrra totHyr Power Plant at Taped Almost Completed Arizona Steam Generating Company roiKirts that conHtroetinn .l. .. power plant at Tarco Is p0greilnB tapldly. The company expects to hav. earn- On tllB lllant for teulllie inir-..,..r. t.. , , .. : Si oieiun-l September 1. - --" -" . nBve me piant ready for option Financial Briefs The committee on admissions of the New York Stock i:change has accepted tha rtslgnatlon of Krnest II Wiener, of tho firm of .Inscjih & Welner, and revoked the privilege nccordiil him of lepresentlng tha firm on the floor of tho exchange. Air. Wiener having entered tho Culled States naval set vice William II Nash has bien elected n member of tha exchange. The commlttiu 011 ndmlsslons has authorized tho substitution of Graflon II Pyne for cieorge 11 Post, .Ir , of I'ost & Flagg July gross of the Cities Sirvlco Company were $1,365!12, tompaied with $072,190 for the same month last year, or an In crease of $61,1 13.' Net, for the month. Intrease $673.1 tt Twelve months' gross in crease $H. 720, 2 15 with net for the period Increasing $'1,619,467 II 1! Stearns, chief executive of the Milwaukee Klectric Hallway and n well known street railway man In the country, has become vice president in charge of operations of the Hay Stieet Hallway Com pany, Chicago. lie will asfume his new duties September 1 The board of managers of the New York Cotton L'xchange has appointed Alonday, August 20, as the day on whlcli a ballot will be taken In respect to closing the ex change Saturday, September 1, before La bor Day The boards of managers of the New York Coffee and sugar exchanges has appointed the following committee to confer with Pood Administrator Hoover, In Washington regarding the suspension of trading In sugar futures' Henry Sehaeffer, William Ilaync. Jr. Leopold S riache, J J. L. Lueder and Manuel II Hlonda The New York Subtreasury lost $1"30 000 to the banks on Thursday, leduclng the win uci uuio mute rriuay lo $1,742,000. The Federal Reserve Bank of Hoston has advanced Its buying rate for prime ninety day bankers' acceptances to 3?J per cent. United States Gypsum Company' earn Ings for six months ended June 30 1917 were $625,296, against $395,682 In the same period of 1916. Net Income amounted to $410,072, an Intrease of $188,127. SumlJs $222,420 against $59,361 last ear? rp,U8 Governor Ithoads, of the Federal Ileserv. Rank of Philadelphia, Is out of town Xr a few days. Frank M. Hardt. deputy irov ernor and cashier, has returned from a brief vacation. rlel Alilnnro Ins .. . Amir Mill Alitor Htures .. do pref .... . Am Ois war ... Prill IO : Huff Hum) pf Cim Iron .. Catauisei 1st pf ( on Trao N J (Sen Aapliilt ilu pref , , Key 'lei .... do pref . . . . I.rl'Uh N iv Leh V'a I Tr .... 20 I eh Val Tr pf 4(1 li'i .No Central SI 37' N penna . im' US l'hlla I'o pf . . IV Hi rhlla Co cum pf 3SS 2''S l'enn hilt Mrs- lit 1J Penr. Irafflo . 2, IV l'hlla Co is', .'.i PUT . . 204 7.1 I'n 1 'us of N I in. l'l'. VV J,r Heasore 41 'I. VV Nl'tf,, . "i Il 1 Warwick nn 1 Of It lW )U . ... II l.'.lj I.', lurk ltws pf .'7'i Went t'oul 37 'a 73 .MONEY-LENDING KATES NHV Ioiik Money on call opened at .1. high, 3'4 . low 2s, , last, 2 I closed, 2iii: tilling 1 ate, 3 per cent Todays money rates on good mixed Stock Lxihango collntei.il ate III 4'; per cent for slxt dnvs 4", lil'i per cent for ninety davs; 4 'j 51 f, for four months, and 41, m 6 pei cent for five and six months. On Industrials, 5 ner cent ii bid for ninelv davs to six months Alonev loaned at 5'j. and that amount would probably bn paid for five and sK months in Indus trials Pi line bank acctptances aro moderately ai'llve at 4 j5t -I & per cent for Inellglbles. and .CU'iiS-! jiir cent for ellglbles, l'llll.lir.l.l'lll fall, 5 percent, time to four mouths, 5Hitt5'.. jier cent; lime, Sifir.1, per cent Ccmmerilal piper, sl moiillis, 5'4(f5'i pei cent I.omion Aloney on call was unchanged today at i per tent; tho 1.U0 for dis count In the open market for short bills J 10s i4i. .'eer cent- "nd for three months' bills 4 1J-16 jier cent, unchanged Reserve Banks' Discount Rates ipor Over HI Over 30 Over (lit .. - ii- iu .1.' up 10 tin nn 10 nn llnnlon .New lurk . rillll'lxlphl, Clee mil Itlrhmond Atlanta Clilruuu Ht. I.uula Mlnneapolia , lvunsdri Clti OullaK Kan Prantlsco ArtIcuI a-, ii 4 3'H 4 4 4 M 4 3 t i't 4'j 3 Vi I 4 4 4., 4 4 4 '!" 4H 4 4 4 4 V' 4'a 4', I IVs 4'-i 4 4'i i'i! L.'1 .".'. -ei'tni es Coin- noston . rZ UP3V" UV N'ow 'Vork .11 At i? ' I'lillidelphU .. 4la .mj Si? Cleveland . r, 31J V'" : Itlihmnml . 4'm 314 m J, Allsm a ,tf ? 3'i Atlania Chliaco SI l.ouln Mlnntapolli, Kansas City nan im H111 I ranrlsro 5! .IH a 31, 4'? ,1'4 i'i i". .i'i l'l 4 1 M'-i ir.. 1,. 11,1.1.. .... "f ' iiiuiv itih, o fr IIilrf (in ei.i, t l?i-"'"i? '" "" ' l-'r iep!"oR!e,ri,4r 5 Per it Ilt, BANK CLEARINfiS Hank clearing! today compared win, .. spondliiK daj last twu carli ",1 t"rre" mifl Phllaileiphli ?'i w York ItuMon ChlcaRo St I.ouIh Haltlinoru .-.1,''.u,i'-,,,.,.1s,7,7r"4S .V,i, 5US 4211 (17(1 470 4(11 111,1 370 Tr.Vfi- X 2 1 1 (llll 27 Ills HIii ' .., U V;2 7S 20-..2 17 1,11 hi-, 4,,i' - ',!7.143 Vi 7(14,770 11 4211 lllll 7.2iS,7.1 IIIIS4 73I . . . . . Indian nefihing Company reports for six months ended June 30, 1917. net earnings after all charges, of $1,404,158, ton,Dari with $2,771,774 for year ended December 31, 1916. Out of this accummulateu "im' dends amounting to 28 per cent, or $840 000 were declared and rcserv nf iw. "..' u gainst prospeetiv, excess proflts lax ' aJlSCS: IZT' " mmimifmmmu FOREIGN EXCHANGE Ni:w YOniC. Aug i7.-Tho foreign exchange market In the early ,iMii today showed little f.nturo 'beyon S steady tone and a moderate volume of business Pesetas were an exception shn,v lng a blight leccsslon ' snow- Quotatlons' Demand sterling checks. 4 75 0-lfj, cnljIeH 4 76 7.16, slxtj-day bills nominally fiv nlnely-day bills 4 701 J. ' ''-. Frane cables 5 77"4, checks 5 78C Llro cables 7 40. checks 7.41, Swiss cables 4.42, checks 4.44' Guilder cables 4 2, checks 41tjl Pesetas cables 22.45, checks 2"50 lluble cables 20.90, checks 20 76 ' Stockholm cables 31 25, checks 33 Chrlstlanla cables 30H. checks 3034. Cojienhagen cables 30 25, checks 30 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKVV VOltK. Aug. ,7.-The market for coffee futures opened unchanged to a da cllne of 1 point Trading 0n le ca Wflg quiet, with sales amounting to 1260 bags Yet, .1 1 Hill ,1 e ll'V II I"" , . , .,,,, (IA1H llnelpls '1131.1 huh. the market was nun itini nuuiiniu i.. Ic,rv, "'. v- r r.J..;,e.r,i 1 Uuntntlnns Nn 2 white, sn'i Bhic. stsmlirii 1 white s-,i, MS(k Nu J w niu ni.oui,.i -. W I'lait'll llere'lpte MiO ll In earks The mir kit was dull and laruelv nominal 1 ollowlns are the iiiioliiilons per 11)0 lbs. In wood I eot ton or Jute nai ks about 21c .less): Winter straight new- III) 21 1" 7.1, Kansas, elenr. li. w Ill.Vltrll 7.1 do. straight, new. $11.7.1 I221 ilu, patnit new, Jli 21W12 10. sprlnc, llrst rlear. old $11 KIW 11 7.1, do. patent, old 112 21f1i.7.1 do. fuvorlte brands. $12 75W 13 21. nu mills, rholre and fanrv patent. Jli-Js tilJJ'i do regular grades, winter straliht. 1ii.u.10Iii.7.i do ilu, patent $10.1illl. 11 i: Pf.lll It wan uulet anil illKhuiiKid. VVe uiiole to 'ilfl Id 25 ler bhl ns lo uualltj. PROVISIONS I he market ruled firm with n fair demand Quo tations Clt beef. In eels nmuked and slr-drld. u-o-, rsiern l)l"-I III ll Ollllin. u .. .. --., beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr drled .IV western beef, knuekles mid lenders, smoked 31c. beif hams. JJ0P.12. pork family, 44 .1ll'u,41 hams. H I', run.l. loose, 24W24'4e. ilu, skinned, iucise 24'a Oi.lc. do, do, smoked, 2.l'a4i2ile, other bains, smoked, iltv cured, as lu brund and avrriBn, 2.1W21'4c. do, smoked, weittrn rured ilil'ic do, boiled, boneless, .1'ic: pltnb sliniililers S. P. rurcd, loose, 20c, do, smoked, 21r, bellies In pickle, according to average, louse, 2he, breakfast bacon, as to brand and average cltv cured, 3llc, breakfast bieon, western cured .Ific. lard. vestern. re lined tlerttn, .Kit, do du. do. tubs, 24c. lard, pure iltv kittle rendertd, In lltrres, 24c. do, do do. In tuts 21c REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady, wllh Frank lin 'luntlm; un it basis of S 40c for extra fine hrnnulated DAIRY 1MIODUCTS MITTRH Ijpnlrnbfn stork sold fairly and rulfU llrm under IlKht offerltiKf" Tim tjuota tlons: WcHlcrn solid parked creamery, fancy ftpeclalu 44c, extr.i, l$Ate, fixtra firsts 41c; llrsts, 40c. seconds. 3.c, nearby prints fancy, 40c nrrace, extra 444i3c, firsts. 424'Jc, socondfl, 40IHlc, special brands or prints Job bin nt 4J)'!iV-,c. ,(iUH line ncvMnld epes wer scarce and firm under a eood deruand, but heattd stotk it tiull nnn weak I ne quolntion' j ree cose", nearby tlrstM, $11 71) per standard case, current receipts $11.1(1 per case, seconds. JlU.0"i (WlO.So ppr iate, extra firsts. $11.70 per case, llrsts. $11.10 per fase, second, $10U5UHHli per ense, fjncj selected eggs Jobbing at 47t31 4bc per dotn f'ilinNi; ruled firm under light offerings and a fair demand, Qitotatlona. New York full cream fancv June, '.Mc: specials higher; fresh-made, best, '.MWUMUc, choice, L'd'Jf'JJ'ic, and fair to good. I'JiUJJVa c. POULTRY TilVK was In filr request and firm under light nrferlnus Ouotatlnns J'owls, us to quality. "3tfp L'.'c. roastets, HJf(l17rt spring chicken' not tK horns, plump, yellow. skinned, weighing Vi 8 1! I lis npieie, LMIff?,'t0e spring chickens, not Leghorns snialltr sizes iMGHIc. White Iec horns jJffJiT'.c, ducks Pckln, lite; do, Indian Kunner ntiviiiti do spring, SOWlIlc. plseons, till ih r pair. Jf.ful.'Gc do. oung, per pair, I)Ui:sai;D The market ruled Arm with de mind absorbing the limited offerings of fine, desirable-sired stock lollowinr nr the quotations: row Is 111 to bov, inllk-fed. dr plcked, fancy selected, IMlc; weighing 4xfa lbs. and oer nplece, 'Jl'it; do, 4 lbs, apiece. -Of, do. 34 lbs. n piece, L'lc; do. H lbs apiece. JIW 23c. Towls Ued, in barrels, fancy, dry.picked. weighing 4'i lbs nnd oer apiece, UOc: do 4 ib. apiece 241i24,8C, smaller sizes. 1820c, Old roosters. dr-plcked. 10c. llrolllng chickens, weighing P4 (RJ lbs. apiece lersev. fancy, 3j .tnc: Virginia fancy 'J8t0c. other nearb. 2"W2Rc. western. JlvJflu Turkeys, freshklll ed, Iced per btrrel Western, best here, 23t& 21c, tnmmon 2t)tf?22c. Ducks, spring. "2i$2'Zc. Squibs, per dozen white, weighing lipl'J lbs. per dozen, $3.1)0t 4,ir, do weighing 9)1u lbs. per dozen f t 2teJ 7A, do, weighing 8 lbs. per doren, MAD U-.", do. weighing 7 lbs. per (foz en, SJSi..'u do. weighing ii&ti1 Ibi per dozen. 11.01)1.7:,, dark, U.r.lK'j' 1.75, small and No. 2, l,0c$L20. FRESH FRUITS The general markst ruled steady under mod erate offerings and a fair demand. Quota tions Apples, nearbv. per himper. 11.76; do. do, pir H-bush. basket, 25e$l, Lemons, per box JS4li Pineapples, Porto Rico, per rrate. J2ri(ja4 50. Plums Delaware and Marvland, per basket. fiOoiPtt. Grapes, North Carolina, Delaware, per 8-basket carrier, it 25 W1.70. Cantaloupes. North Carolina. Hldge. was tlQ2; do, Maryland, per standard crate, lliWJl; do do, per pony crate. 40)50c. do California iurlork, per slandsnl crate, 12.71 do. do. per pony crate, $1.5001.7.1, do. do. per nil rule, iiwi.ir,. I'eaches. Virginia and nu. iiir 'ears, ue COTTON PRICES SAG UNDER LIQUIDATION,! Trading Not Active and Sonti.-l ment Ts Generally Bearish. 1 urop Alter Good Start NP.W vnnif ...... Jfl Liquidation of cotton was continued I la.1 day and. nfter tho market hart ,.m.V?: saBged to tho lowest levels of the g.,'u jl In the afternoon "Business wa, not sctll, t and sentiment ETmerallv henri.i, ,,!.' , spot news was received from tha belt . I i vices from south nnd west Tcxa, J. t unfavorable as to lead to the mm left ' calculation., nf ih . J...r, "'m"ea " Hnl t An absenco of rain In Texas In the earl. neaincr man Kave a stena., :.. to the market this morning and Im m prices were 1. point lower to 5 Vn 1 uiBiicr ononiy aiierwards there was . 1 moderate reaction, duo to nriva. . " J of hliowcrs In the northern part of Mk, W State, and at the end of the first tea Al minuies me marKOt showed net deeiin.2 'H or z to 3 points. '" The private rain reoorti reeeiv.a Texas siiRBestcd.that the precipitation hid J been confined to northern sections. Som. $& ., . . ' . " rcauers inousrht It probable M that tho rains would work down Into -clffl flri.ttlvlit., A.,.n(, I..., .1 . . ."" VU .....,, u.cut,, out incro was conflict nf '," " "" lc"i,ci una ine markd worked about 10 to 12 points net hlrk. v. fore the end of tho first hour Th.r. .ni A Liverpool selllnsr after 11 o'clock, however nnd ni Ices cased off nf nVnu i..i i.l.,' ?J closing figures by midday fell im Utt October December lanuary March Jlav . bpot . . , Yesterdav's uiose. cjpen. Hlg men. ii orii Tj.n. L'4 hll 24. R 24.110 24.KO oil. i 7 ij Tn .. ot ...... -:v- ..I ir r.7'i:: --.o- .1,11 iij um 24 71 24.72 24.81 24.41 l ?1 24 Ml 2I.S7 21111 -J4B1 ;i7i!S 2101 210 J 2.1.01 24.72 HUH -"" 11115 nir lumh .IiuhIimI t1 ncirit r.ti l.An. r-i .... 1 , '..T... .V" "" . eu.o. MniHiiin uuu .naryianu iiarueit. per tamper. Jl.fiinff 2 2.1. Watermelons, southern, per car. S 1230300. VEGETABLES .. Ft,fi.r.r'?n"'"ir? .fr'v.?'"i price. ni", i5"l,i'..S5","A...JJ'.,."5. ' eJi?.'"ea 'n Liverpool Cotton LlVKHPOOL, Aug. 17. Spots were quletr ! who quoianons iu points lower Palis, 2000 bales Receipts 3000 bales. Including 8500 bales American. Spot prices were.V American miuunng, ralr, 20.0Sd; good mid dling, 2C.2Gd; mlddUng, 19.80d: low mld-iS dllng, 1135d; good ordinary, 18.40dj ordU,"! 1IU1J', lliHUU. t Cniinn Tlllvnra nn1 CallAva sH NEW YORK. Aug. 17. October Schm and Downs bid ; R. Hubbard, Orvls, Kelffer, Wlggln and Rountrce offered. December Mitchell, O. Gumoens, Geer, Hnrtcorn and Ray bid j Hyman, Cochran and Wenman offered. January G. Gumoens, Rlordan. Hyinsn nnd Mitchell bid: Hnzednrn nnd WnLrinf.'! fered. 'I March Frederlckann hid Allen nnera Ma Montgomery bid; Wachsman sal 4 waiters offered. i BAR SILVER Last 1917 ' Today Tea. Frl. High. I-ow. New York (cents) Rfi'. SGV R2' sn. 7t London (pence). . 44 44 42,', 44 33r l i .11,;, 11,1 ll'III ally ruled steady. Quotations. White potatoes" 1. astern Shore, per bb . No 1. IdSOMari' r,'-''.".'7fVf " n' u.0' rtp" Ir'wre ami iu": 11. i.u. 1. ,.j oii.i in, no ao, Jer bush, basket. No 1, 7.1&8re: No. d0' .'.'"..Per bushel, Jl.l.ltei. in k S"0'.1." i arollna. per bbl, No ii.T-J',.4i.9ii.d0' vlrelnla. pei ( J7: Nu 2. J1W4, do, do. Jerses . .fo'i o iu, ( bbl. No 1, S ..-.t r '" . "i . "i- .. .10. uu. jpr.... per ra-uusn. uaiiKet. J2W2 on On ons Jcrsei Per 'i -bush, basket. 00ctl.l0 do Connecticut 1 WJf.yInPer.J";1U 8ack' No 1, -'.7.1SPno ' I2&2.10. Mushrooms per 4-b basket. J.l4 September T ."''"Wli 'iTn0,08' '" December ... ,7,k" t il 5 ? "n 7.511 Till Ji!?h..-:V.::: iij Ji ?:2S in July ...... 831 8 l" 2'1" -'- J 8.22 8.H CLOSING LIVE-STOCK PRICFS L CHICAflO. Aug 17 HOflHr.. , . &0 ??S.,A.?,ic...l'Sy. yf'terclay's aV.?S2'. A?J.,.,' WIST fi heavV ' JlVo'is'flS"!!' W jg, Jlf.Td ,.?,v"L.Aelpt..45fl05one0ilvV.W.7'i,?.i.. "'-511, lffl7"3 head. Ve.k at'Jsrly decline. 114 on vssar m't!nm 100 """ w,.k. $11.10. 35So0,JhIad WXAiA ti&Xrv?yi. loti5,0o:'foW7f:,CIPl, 1 h"d' mbs. 2.I0 .-"? tTT. AU. 17-CATTI.Kr,. Hvpii, "sSa 8,.V MZte 1000 hed Nominal. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO -Aug. 17. HtJTTEn nec.lnt. in B8 tubs, rirm. Uxtra "ooi "ra llrsts 30'lc llrsts. 38W.19i!. t.innil. anli ji?nV '" J!'.KC' sinek -UW.14c Clear cool """v,u' P"CK'n ,.G.9S T'Pt". 7(100 cases. Frm. nrat, ."llWJIc, ordinary Urals 204 3, 14 c mhSii' laneous. 2S(ff34',i dirties. 2025c. checks li faiOc, storage. Joe, ' -neci.s, is NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOItK. Aur. 17 DUTTEn Uee.lni. 12 320 tubs, rirmer High score. "l. Voff'. Gneha"ngVdiCl """' 30"':' OtheV?u?tatlon. I.C10H Ilecelpts 14 2.12 cases Firmer F tras. 4344c extra firsts. 41042c: flVsta -!?) o?.C: 3044c?3B''Ci LrWn' miAd".. 81'KCIAI. MEETINnw SK..' oAfUVhV' CopayS03'S4huf Philadelphia. Pa. for the following S?in2 n,l purposes, vis : ll) to vote upon tha falSnrclFhal goodwill, assets and property reneralli ? rf .W" corporation (excluding It. francnllS i 0K,hl" eorporallon) to Investment nVglSfrySf Amerlea Inci (2) such other business relative, to .hi .bov. a. may 'WflrSM&tiKrj&u " lAYLOil, Secretary, iiiiiiiiWBiniiiiiiffi) I DIVIDENDS TOE AMERICAN OAS COMPANY 104 Market sir.r. """ CAMDKN, N. J , August 1 1... A ouarterly dividend of .. or 12 n.- Si7' s been declared on ih. .Ali.-i '. share. Company, payable Heplember 1st : li .... '".' holder, of record at 8 o'clock 1 ii il.'Ll 1017. Checks wilt be msiledP' m' Auut 21st. J. TOWN8END. Sd. Treasurer. ha niRECTOHV OF ACCmiKTAv Cerilfied l'ubll. AeeounUnt. lAWrtENCE E. imoWN t, nn mis nn.i. tcht. . V.V. . .V-'tiS CO iMWo'mmB. nlInTi?Frn8rJ,nAJMAN mwuhdju DO YOU KNOW now MANT MILLION IlOLLARH In dividends have been paid by companies whose stocks are traded In on the Xew York Curb? DO YOU KXOVVIIAT MIT 1NO COMPANIES are paying dlv fdends? What oil companies? What Industrial companies? HAVE YOU ANY inEA of th market appreciation of the lead-' inr uuro issues? "PROFIT RECORD of the NEW YORK CURB" Is the title of a new 24-page book con taining this Information and many other Interesting facts that .very In vestor should know regardlnr stocki traded In on the New York Curb. Send for Book 869-T.U. JONES & BAKER STOCK nnoKEBS Widener Bldg., Philadelphia Bell, Wslnutv 1680-1. Kerstons, Race 2290. N.w York Bo.t.a Chicago rittiburik Direct, Privatt Wires. J0VE3 BAKER, U'ldener flfdo.. Philadelphia, Pa. You may send m. your book S03-T.U. Name .. Attrtts City 11 BtaU. 'WRKM LEOAI, ADVERTIBEMENTfl tT35 IN THE COOIIT Of COMMON PHtl a' No. 8, far tha County or I'hltodelphl AJ , M.rth 'Jerni. 11U7. No. Ml. A Uu.rdlan for John H. I'arker, V, imnuea person. ,rjj n?llcZ " hereby given that th. account 1 Pvld C. Bchuler. iluardlan a. aforeSflJ. ,H n'fij hy Cloyde A. Kchuler et al, eieeulpfJIj em uriesea guaraian. na. peen pieu ,j """"of th. I'rothonotary of said court. i"i .." pi-count will be nre.enleq tJ in . uri on "omfay. September 11. ii p"'dl?nLlor ,uch acl'lV t. Court pfii AI.BEnT,T. pAUEBLB. marneyjorv'-'":y if iF M