Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1917, Final, Image 9

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f tfancy Wynne Has a Number of Things to Talk
ADOUb ou xxiiuiun vjmu rorgoes Annual ,
v Dinner-Parties for Sailors
ttrtHK. everything Is 1'ort
Angara and l'ort Oglethorpe, these
I wl". , i . whlrli commission und
?, happened to "so and ho," und didn't
unovv ho luul been transferred a few
f0ttll "aBo to the aviation corps? This
you have nearly lost an eye looking
'"'some one you expected to hear was
i set a genernl It not a first or second
' ,tnantj for the list" are ho long they
to he limitless and every other
"Tut you find somo one you did not see
."'something fierce and frightfully
Itlnr uut thls U only tlle beBlnnlnK
5 tnlflis, ' u not? d,el"1 thc dR'8
hn the flist llstl of casualties will
Zmt- for come they will, and many a
J!trt will ache over a bravo boy who has
' ivin his llf or hcu,th fm" a K,cat usc.
lirHAfS a dill to do these days? Shall
Wshe mnrry and lose her husband
lthln a fcw' days, or shall she wait until
hi returns from the war? It's a question,
A most of the girls, I must nay, are de-
tldlnf not to walt lM a wny lt l8
totter, for, if any of these men are
Nfjff y
4f :"(V- iM7
Pm f ,IB
Photo hv Mllrliell r.lllot.
rhcito by Phillips.
' Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Lesley nre
interested in the arrangements for
the Sporting Carnival, which will
be held at the Bryn Mawr Polo
Field, September 28 and 29.
iij .sunded. tho wife Is certainly in a better
t' . . ,t... l...v. tUn Hnnnnn-
1. BOSitlOn 10 EO III litem '" "" -
A vet and it seems a com-uiooaeu
i ikinr to sav some may tie wounueu
', fd some misslnK
f r. and many i
.. ...1 l,,f nvni nilH Villi ('Jill
wiaows uiifn inuj .. -
tee what a complication that would bring
Ibout, can't you?
But most of them nre not stopping to
think of these thitiBs; they are very much
In love, and tho thought of nepaiation is
3 quite unbearable, ho many weddings air
$, Uklns place, nnd I can't -iy I blame
them. It puts courage lino a man iu
know that a little wife is at home wait-
iV Ini eagerly for news of him.
rn'if ..x miugim. fur veai-a after
.. l.l..ls lltllV Ill'f.
r. ana many in " "-'
to poe her again. Small Urvlllo H with
her, and they am going up to Mulim for
a shoit vlnlt. They nre both quite sun
burned fiom living much outdoors in
the South.
Uelng a Mayoress i-ati't bo awfully
stieiiuoUH If you can ko awav for a
month or so, mid it must ceitalnly be
an experience few women can match up
"lyritS. I-'HANCIS
" Martins, and b
1 H
ixn;ciiii:in'v. ot st.
her (laughter (Jertrmle
nre going to Capo Mo. this week for the
test of the Hpasou. d nihil in Dougherty
is In the KiiHt City Tioop now and ie
ports cveiy lay at the armot . lt milsr
bo a relief to the mothers who have sons
in the Kii-ht City Troop to heat that the
cavalry is going to be kept as a leserve
force, although I guehs the members of
the Troop nie not so keen about the Idea.
Did you hear that .Inhn Kell lost his uni
form tho other day? It was iu his suit
ca,e, and ho left the sultcuse in ills car
when he went Into the Hacquet Club, and
when he camo out both had dlsuppeaicd.
1 wonder whether the thief took the hint
and enlisted when ho found what was in
the bag? Incidentally, John muft have two
uniforms, or eNe he'd havo to pay a line
and be imprihoncd for leaving it in the
Wns Married by Hor Uncle, Former
Bishop of Philippines
Tlie mart-Inge of Miss Hone 1. McCor
inick, daughtrr ot Mr. and Mro. 1'. J Mc
lormlck, nnd Mr William J. Kcrron took
I'lne on Saturday in the Church of Our
Mother of Sorrows, Forty-eighth street and
Lniicnntrr ninnim 'i-h rfA,Mnnt. ....... ......
I'lrincd hy the bride's uncle, the Went llov.
lluff I Dougherty, D. D Illshop of
The bride mah ntlended by hr sister, Miss
noioihy MrCormlck, ns timid ot honor, nnd
iter lirldomnUN wete Mips Mnrgnrct 1-5.
i iBBUm, of Kliamoklii. !a and MiM Harnh
needier Zlnck, of this city who were clans.
mntes of Miss Mi-Connlvk nl Mount St
.loveiir College. In Chestnut Hill. The
(lower girls were MIsm Heln McCormlck
ami M1m .,re,i McCormlck, and the
upiers were Mr DaMd Dennis nnd Mr.
LUwaiil Fitzgerald. The wedding wns fob
,, y n N,dhiB breakfast nt tho home
or the brlde'H imrenls, mo North Forty
eighth Kti(,t. Mr mill Mrs. Ferron nre now
on their wedding trip tluough -Vow lIiiKland,
Mrs S MelouBhlln. 017 North Sixth
"reoi. announces tho innrrlRgo of her
rtniiRhter MIfi Catharine D. Meljiuldln.
nnd Mr John H Donohue. of HlnghRmton.
N V formerly of this cltv. The wedding
ook plni-p in St. Patrick- Cliuu-h. Illng.
lmmtnn. on Krldnj. August n, rnd the ceie
iiioio was performed by the Itcv. J. J, Mc
(oiighliii The bride wns nttendrd by MIks Mni
(iirner of thin nty, and Mr. Robert Dunn
hue. of ItlnKliiimtnii. was his hrotlior's best
mail MIhs Mi-i.miulillii ..- ,.n,...,i
' georgette clone, und furrled u Imuniiet nt
Urlde KiKeK. Alter a short wfddlng trip
Mr nnd XIix Donnlme will live In lllngtmm-ion
Colonial Dames Entertain Nnvy Men.
Queen Lane Manor News
The Colnnl.il Dames, who hae railed
theniseliHs tin. Welf.ir,. c,, Kave the third
oi a sciiPH.or parties at Stetiton manalon.
eighteenth and CourtUml stteet, on Satur
ila. afternoon for the tnnrliies and sailors.
Tills ioin. was owned by (lenernl Logan,
and Is of pnitlcular Interest blhtorlcally.
Music and a mipper addeil gnatly to the
nccasion. and once again "thev" had the
time of tlulr IU en. The Indies 111 iliarge
wete Mrs. William Kelly Heard, Mrs. llemy
i.. iioiuns, .-mis Henry C Kidman, Sirs.
Kobert M Hooper. Mrs. David Kngllah
Dallam Mls.s Judith Jennings played nml
nng ihnnnliigly.
Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Hetsenbrnok havo
retuined from Seal Harbor. Me. where they
spent sevenil weeks. The HessenbrookH
are oreupMiig their house on Queen lane,
iu (lerniantown.
i ii, u, i nrtr.iii uii ntmb,kf i riiM.
&&to mkrmUMmmmr
& ..BMW
rnprlslil, I. if- I'utdlihlng Conip.iii. Heiirintrd bv Piiecl.il arrangement.
While ciuisinR in neighboring waters the raider was suddenly surrounded by submarine chasers.
The Red Mouse
A Story of Love, Jealousy nnd Politics
IJLK, with he
KILE ae aro on tho subject of these
war marriages, I nm ko sorry to hear
that both Mr. and Mrs. William Coxe
Wright are ill with diphtheria in New-
I' port.
it nun. i. in ti.n Vnv.il llnmiital there.
hlln the Coast Reserve, you know, and
Ml wife is quarantined in their apart-
manta Thplr WPlldltllT Was qUltO nil
event In the spring. Hlll'.o had just grad
uated from Yale ano Joined the leserves
to they married nnd went directly to
, 'l'im.rl nihai'K lio 1.VIIM tfl lie Stationed.
Pw Mr WHi-hr w.iB F.I(.annr Carnetlter. the
wcond daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John i.
Carpenter, of Radnor, and a sister ot
Elizabeth Carpenter, who married Lieu
tenant Bowley, U. S. A., last year. She
and her husband nnd baby are living Ir.
Torresdale fcils summer, by tho way,
Lieutenant Bowley being stationed at the
Frankford Arsenal.
Mr. and Mrs. William Townsend
Wright, Billie's parents, are in Newport,
as they took apartments there to bo
nearer the young pair, so lt'n good that
they are on the spot for this trouble.
I understand that both cases aro very
light, and that they aro on the mend;
but It li frightening, to say the least.
ALTHOUGH persons living In the sub
i. urbs do not find it necessary to go to
the mountains and seashore very early in
the summer, by August there are very
few houses occupied. On the Main Line
the exodus has been very gieat this last
Week. Mrs. Charles Scott, Jr., has gone
to Northeast Harbor. Mrs. Nathan Hay
ward and her children, of St. Davids, are
In Manchester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Justice and their family aro
pending several weeks nt Nantucket,
nd Mrs. Charles "Walton and her daugh
ter, Mrs. "Wllllhm E. "Weldershclm, 2d,
have gone to Ventnor. Mrs. Itlchaid
THshman and her daughter, Oabrlela,
, are spending a few weeks In Cape May,
P1, the Powell Evans aro in Rockland, Me.,
for the rest of tho summer and Kath-
V erlne T..i Hf.nr.lit.... nt Mr. nnd Mrs.
RrtjS Charles- M. Lea, of Devon, has gone to
M- Buffalo, N. Y on a visit.
Truxtun Haro has Just gone up to
Grindstone Neck for the remainder of
i'he summer to Join Mrs. Haro and the
cWIdrn, who have been at their cottage
Ince early July. And Chnrllo Munn,
who came home for a fow days to Rad
nor, has returned to his family at Dark
Harbor, Me.
l-i QU1TK a lQt f men are down in An
& .Vtnnpolls these days taking a special
Wo months' courHo that they may be-
$j come ensigns In the Navy. Lewis Smith,
. on of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Lawrence
1 1 Bmlth, Is one of those who are pegging
way down there, nnd young John
Beaver, son of Dr. und Mrs. John B.
teavr, Is another. In fact, there are at
' ta4 . ... . . . nt
'. "soov iwo aozen or tne younger m "
, Philadelphia at that school.
her daughter, who have
been at Dark Harbor, Me., for part of the
summer, came down today, and will stay
at Woodi-rest Farms, the summer horn
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexel Paul In
Radnor till the Pauls come homo from
Dark Huibor In September. Mrs. Paul
wan It-abel Biddlc, you know.
Mrs. Wlnthrop Sargent, of Hnverford,
leaves this week for Bass Hock. Mass.,
to visit her t-nti and daughter-in-law, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wlnthrop Sargent. Jr.
Mrs. tJeorgo Reynolds, of '104 Pine
street, gave another party today at her
cottugo In Atlantic City. This time it
was an Informal luncheon. Last week
hhe gave a hiidge party. She oxpects to
come up the latter part of September.
rna. QKOnOK HORWITZ, or, rather,
;-t .Major o.f Moore Haven.
SEE that Henry Hntfleld has an
nounced that the St. Anthony Ofiib
dinner Is to bo given up this jear on
account of the war. So many of tho Delta
PsI men aro in or enlisting in the Army,
Navy. Aviation Corps and everything oleo
that there would be Just nbout enough of
them left to 1111 one small table. So with
the generosity peculiar to America nt this
time they have decided not to feel cocky
nbout saving that much money, but to
spend It anyhow and give it to the Red
Cioss. Some of tho memheis of Delta
Psl nre (ieorgn Brooke, 3d, who has Just
published his book on the encampment
of the First City Troop in Mexico
last summer; Jack Holllngsworth. Ed
Thayer, brother of any number of other
Thayers In Chestnut Hill; Ted .Madeira,
of Oermantown; Roger Townsend, Had
cllffo Cheston, who has Just been named
for the second oflleers' camp at Foit
Oglethorpe, and too many others to re
member nil at one shot. So you can
see for yourself that most or mem nio
entirely too much occupied in learning
the war game to think about any kind
of dinnei, except the regular daily one
and I'll bet my hat they think a lot
about that.
WE HAVE all been Inclined to think
tha' tho parties for tho marines nnd
sailors given at the various country clubs
have been pretty attractive affairs, but
when Mrs. William AVillot nnd Miss
Cornelbi Creenough gave their party
on Saturday at tho AVlllet homo and
studio In St. Martins It seems to have
been the best one yet. There wo- a tour
of the studio and nn explanation of the
making of stained-glass windows for
West Point.
Then n stroll along the Wlssahlckon to
Indian Iloclc li delightful, you know,
f you've ever taken It. Supper was
served under a big willow tree at the
WHtlome. and afterward Mr. Grafton
Greenough sang "" "
,,,,rmal dancing is nlwas popular, so
hat's what took place next. Among the
?. were Mrs. Edward A. McEucn.
C MW Mcaellan, Mrs. WIVIam Good.
n Mrs Greenough. Mr. George Moland,
rVamuel Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Melville
M Znnl Dr and Mrs. Jump, Mr. and
"'""soencer A, Ml" Comegys. Mr.
Mrs. Spencer . nreenou.ht Mlil Mar.
Bnd ti Archambault. M.. Eleanor Bush
V. Miss Rachel WllletcMiMMary
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold White, who nlso
beloiiR to the Queen Lane. Mnnor coterie,
bae gone to Portland for a mouth.
Mr nnd Mr.i. John tlrlni, of Queen Dane
Munni, ha( gone to Ventnor, where they
are oceupjlng their cottage
.Mrs. tienige Dallctt. of West Queen
lane. Is spending several weeks In Cheyney,
I'.i. Mi Ilrlnton D.UIett has gonn to the
l'oponos to be the guest of Miss Katherlne
Dallctt, who Is (.pending the summer there.
Social Activities
Miss Krncstlna Goodman, of HO Bethle
hem pike, accompanied by Miss Mary
Brown and MIsh Quakenbosh, of Washing
ton, left on Saturday for the Northwest by
way of the Canadian Pacific. She expects
to lie gone a month
Miss .Topephlno Shlppen Foster has gone
to the Adirondacks for a stay of several
Mls I'llzaheth Hood I.atta has gone to
St Marys, Pa., for a visit of about two
weeks Miss Datta sang in a number of
concerts hero last winter
Mrs. B. Dobson Altrmus has organized
a Bed Crnts headquarters In Wornersvllle,
where tie Is spending the summer.
Mr Eugene Slmonln, o fOermantnwn.
sailed on Friday for France, wnere he will
resume his work with tho American Field
Mr. F. A. Hlhlmaler. 1049 East Camhrla
Htreet. announces tho engagement of bis
(laughter, M'ss I.eona Hlhlmaler, to Mr.
HenryS McCaffrey, of this city. The wed
ding will take place In October.
Miss Eleanor Charlton, of Savannah, Ga.,
who Is spending the summer with her aunt
Mrs William K Beard, of Pulaski avenue,
(ierniantown, will leave this week for East
Gloucester to be tho guett of Mrs. William
Wurts I farmer for two weeks.
Miss Alice Daniel Is visiting at Lyndon
Cottage, Pen Mar, Pa.
Fishermen Beat Off U-Boat
PA HIS, Aug. 14 The ciews of tlshing
smacks of I.a P.ochelle. who abandoned their
nets July 2 to give battle to a submarine
which they compelled to retreat, havo been
rewarded by the Ministry of Marine. War
rrosse.s have been given .to tho captains nnd
also to an engineer and quartet master who
continued to fight after they had been
lll.l'Ti:il IV (l-iintlniied)
III" was another pause In which
borne looked nt llrodcrlck and Bio-
derlck lookrd nt Thome
''This Is prepoMerous '" exclaimed Thome
Murgntrojd mado no answer. Then ho
proceeded with nss.ertlin
"And with the earnings of that gambling
house," he said evenly, "mi have stoppwl
the mouths closed the e.ves and i.irs, and
paralyzed the hands of tho authorities.
With tho earnings of th.H gambling house,
you have bouclit tho tiillui-niv of Chalinun
Petjr Ilrnderk-k. who lives upon Uiom- earn
ings grows fat upon lliein "
Hroderick's eyes bulged ; he. too, roe and
started toward the ptosei-utor.
"Say," b yelled "I'll open up my anat
omy to you! Pick out any ounco o' fat
and tell me Cradlcbauglfs put It there!
Come on my fat Is my own t earuid it
by the sweat of my brow ' !"
With perfect coolness Miugatro.vd con
tinued -.
"Thome, ever since you sprang Into
nrnmlnem'e here. Mill have, po-ed ill tills
community as a self-made man boasted of
carving vour success bv industry. Integrity
and brains And yet " pointing a linger
of accusation toward him ".vou have
bought every Item of your leputatlon. oven
Iota of your respectability'." He stopped
for an Instant, and then- "Every inch of
your political progress yoil'vo bought with
this tainted money, nnd with the samo
kind of money you'd buv the mited States
senatorshlp If oii could"
"Lies all dellbcralB lies'" 'Hint no ejac
ulated. "Worse than slanderln', in.v fat!' added
Peter Broderlck.
Befoio Brodeiick could spoak again.
Thorno took another tack.
"What evidence, have you. 1 should like
to know?" he said. "Vou can't prove these
tilings, Murgatroyd."
That." leturned Murgntrojd. "Is for mc
to worry about not .vou I'm going n.
n nd when I'm through you can stake your
last dollar that I'll know all nbout tills
rotten system that '' ",lr ,,,K"":
UatTon-from the most Insignificant ward
politician up to Peter l,r0,lrrl( lp,. ,..,,
Tho accusing foieflnger shifted from
Thome to the County Chairman: under 1
Se'MolVdu'pol- of that gem l''""",,'
!hl l I I of Uilk, nnd he wasn't used to It
ATnt once he felt that his com ago was
fi".,.,r.,vneot0'Vote a man "ho !....
".roSerlill0.' 'sum? 2Tl..a P cutor.
:l" h0alo;e. K you. don't come.
mm ". v . .. um orKinnu
n ,,---
i f 5 '
( y 'V
i i '
. " ' l v '
I'll send for you
he opened the
door and. slipping " "
Mugatiovd laughed niM, turning to
Thome, he '"' ""j , tcll you to
e,o,;'o"urrcradurh'si- " "l
Tut r?;; t'm
"nhat ST you.fJ!S..,d? Are
yoin ''fi'ier leaned 'nto Murgatroyd's face;
h.s'Tyes'fl'asneSllre; (ho accuser became
tho law; you have lln ()f au.
r"-iiite chai-
loner, for Insisnce. Fom(s.
Y"" r between you and me than this,
ut more between u i.u. to
K"?r llso:e- now dropped almost to
a whisper. "You have the enron.-, .- .,
attentions to-- , .. ,nne ,,,
Thorno -'"'',-.. , ,.,
glance, his manner
"So I
let me tell you
leaping at once Into In-
i.nd lies. Is It? Well,
something thst Possibly you
ii .., life I have had the
tag 7l wnamed-aU my deal... have been
f'uinfled. I wante d ,non - uotjlt. 1
wanted power, social i always
" 1 ha "vou hav? already 'Mid that I
pr0B,7ta senator oV "he United States-lf
would be Senator o i Agaln
I could. 1 tell ou "" , , worth
w sc M
v. ... i.inied at a woman woo i
you have hlnled aa KQlng m und 0
ad on. In spite of you" flnlih .. re.
"Y0U,?ra '"vd-'l have only uit he
turned "uratroy,,, I ko further it may
fU with , you. . .for. I o furlher
fart1 two o't Vour'dlV "",t d8mand
Murgatroyd had been gsnt convl
lately' .rrnS did no know what proof
f.on. ;rhv.rn' a?n his possession, end he
Murgatroyd had in i couI(J fln(,
"eM.. the people liked Murgatroyd.
Thorlie'beU.ved" In compromise, therefore
e 'It'uMoyd." he said, "you
'SVtur ammunition In
Thome, the next time the Legislature meets
to choose n Senator"'
Thome's Insolence bad retuined as be
"Do you menu to tell mc that your name
will be presented III the caucus?"
"That's precisely what I mean."
"of com in .vou'll try to buy votes with
tho ("hallonei- money you have."
"I'll Ret the voles - never fear"
Tiv It, then I'll match ou dollar for
dollar "
"Not with dollars coined from Cradle-
bntigh's. imr from cm i uptimes" declared
Thome's eyes narrowed.
' MuiKiitroMl," said lie. "you reckon with
out oiir host no matter who owns Cr.ulle
baugh's oi- runs It Tho organization has
its linger on every Grand Jury, every pelll
jur.v, every Judgo Vou can't :ircniiiillsh
the Impossible until vou've beaten Peter
Biodorlck and tho organization, and until
,oii do this oii can't beat me you can't
piovo .vour asseitloiiM jour hands are tied.
The ot gatilx.it luu backs me up"
"If your name," retorted Murgatroyd de
liberately, "Is presented for Senator, it will
bo withdrawn, and mine will bo presented In
Its place."
"Who'll present lt?" sneered Tborne.
"That." smiled Murgutro.vd. mjsterlously,
"Is my business and not youis But Inas
much as .oti told mo our story, Thorno,"
ho wont on, "let me tell you mine now All
my life I've snuggled liko the devil to get
the things 1 wanted, and I failed But n
big change Is nbout to t.iko place heio and
now. Vou stop light lici. ; and where jou
stop. 1 begin. It's my turn! The things you
waul I want. Vour surest and jour best
desires .ire my ileslies If vou've got them
in your band, ns you think you have, why
then " he clenched his hands "I'll take
them away from you. The time has come.
Thorno. when oii are going to get tho
things that you don't want, and you nre
going to get them hard I'm going to get
tho tilings you want, yes, and by George,
I'll get .vou too! That's all I've "
Murgatioyd did not llnlsh; Thorno had
Tim next day at 4 o'clock thero was a
resounding lap on the prosecutor's private
nllirn door
"Come In!" said Murgatro.vd
Tho door opened and Peter Brodeiick
ennio pulling Into tho loom with peifect
Ho had had u day to think things over,
and ho had made up his mind that tho
outburst of tho prosecutor had been all
bluster. Seizing a chair, lie diew It up
to tho desk and sat down, saying'
"1 never lefusu an Invitation to seo n
man alone; and now that we are alone, I
don"t mind telling you that I'm ready for
another one of them good cigars."
Tho prosecutor passed a box, fiom which
Broderlck bellied himself to a cigar, lit it,
nnd after sending a few clouds of smoke
In tho air, went on:
"Do you know, Murgatroyd, that I
haven't had a good chance to talk to you
slnco tho Challoner cao you've been so
blamed olllsh all tho time But now, hero
I am sitting hero with you you, the only
mugwump In tfie town that I eviir used to
be afraid of and you know I can say
any blamed thing I please, to you, and you
got to tako lt and say nolliln'. Do you
know that I'm ono of the fow that believe
tho truth about that bribe?"
Murgatroyd smiled
"In other words, you think we're both
in tho samo boat Is that It?"
"Not a bit ot It'" returned Broderlck.
"I'm In a coal b.uge; you'io in a motor
boot Why. Murgatroyd, thcte's many n
man been In honest polities nil Ills life,
like mo, for Instnnce, and who's never pulled
out three uuarters of a million ' Not much '
And out of ono deal, too' Why, look at
mo?" bo went nn glibly, "I've been In n lot
of deals; hut Hint gets me' Threo quar
ters of a million nnd moie on Just one
deal ! Confound It, man, do you know the
most I ever mode out of any ono deal?"
Murgatroyd lit a cigar, leaned back In
his chair nnd Inquired In an offhand
"How much?"
Broderlck shook his finger nt him
"Foxy, foxy boy! Do you think I'd give
up to vou so easy? This particular deal
I'm telling you about Is away back out
side the statute of limitations. Vou couldn't
get me on It If you would It was the
Terwllllger tract I was chairman of tho
common council finance committee, you re
member? Bought tho tract for twenty-five
hundred and sold it to tne city ror two
hundred nnd eighty thousand That's me "'
"Good work I" said Murgatroyd, with
genuine admiration "I didn't know that
you were In on that."
"In on It?" snorted Broderlck. "I was
tho whole show! That's where I'm coy,
my dear boy; It takes Broderlck to do
these things; but It takes a bigger man than
Broderlck to llnd 'em out"
Murgatrovd shook his head.
'They found me out, all right," he said.
Broderlck waved his hand, nnd answered:
"Not n bit of it! It's all blown over, and
If It hasn't, lt will. All they'll remember,
after a while. Is that you've got a wad of
money. They'll forget how you got It. and
they won't core." He puffed away nnd
purred contentedly.
"You're a giant." he went on, "an Intel
lectual giant to bag six figures." Then he
waved his hand about the room and said;
"You take this old courthouse, for In
stance : I was on the bulldln' committee, but
to save my Ilfe-rhold on a minute "he
pulled himself up with a round turn, "that
was outsldo the statute, of course it was.
Well, to save my life I couldn't pull more'n
a hundred and twenty-three thousand out
It It. Teams near gettl.V caught, too." he
.Emitted, laughing, -. ,.., , ,.
".."?.. ...,. -..'i:- j - --- -n- '.IClMM-
' Iff-tftynvMBMhMliylim
Jobs that way You could have gone
through lh thing with a microscope, and
.vou wouldn't have found hair nor hide of
Murgalto.vd lazily closed bis eyes and
"Tell me nbout the new lwispltal that
llltlo concieti- Job "
BiodeiUk le.iiud foivvard. bis face grow
ing iriiiison ns h did so, and peered Into
the face of Murgatiojil
Murg.ilroil opened n drawer w-lthln his
dusk and took put a bulk.v batch of papers.
"llioderlck," be said severely, "do you
know that I've got ou Implicated In more
than thlity different violations of the law
right here iu town?"
".Mc?" llioderlck looked incredulous.
"Yes, you!" answeied Murgatroyd.
Biudcili-k held out his hand, and nsked
with a show of Interest:
"What are they, anyway?"
"See for -.our.elf." leturned Murgatroyd:
nod leaning back In his chair comfortably,
he gave himself up to watching the
ch.inires In the countenance of the other.
vvlm proceeded to scan the batch of papers
win. iimili,.il Inteiest. And. although Brod
eiick made no comments, he did .a lot of
thinking. Finally. o.etng Murgatroyd with
suspicion, ho asked.
"Without prejudice to anybody s right.
I'd liko In know how ou got all this!"
"It's easv when .oU know how." returned
Muigatroyil. smiling; "and I'M- learned
how-" , .
Hroderick's faro broke Into a confused,
dlstoitcd smile
"Now. without making any damaging nd
missions," ho com-ided. "do you know t
would bo blamid uiicoinfortnblo for mo If
1 worn dealing with any other prosecutor
than you?"
The prosecutor smiled again
"How do you know It won't be uneom
foi table for you ns It is?'
Broderlck buist lino a -aug" ,
"You an' me is two of a kind grafters
together, timed Willi (lie samo stick. "Ihats
Murgatroyd nodded, took back, the list and
laid It down. ....
That's all right, Broderlck," be asented,
"I didn't send for you about tbeso things.
I've got a little Job for you to do."
"Out with If" said Broderlck.
Murgatrovd leaned forward and told nim
In a low voice:
"llroderkk. I wnnt to sit In the Senate
of the Fulled Stales"
Brodeiick Jumped to his feet, exclaiming.
"Yes; I want to sit In tho Senate," re
pented Murgatroyd,
Broderlck burst Into n, peal of laughter
that well-nigh sliool: mo ouiiiung.
"And vou want mo to help you?"
"Yes of com so." persisted Murgatroyd.
Onco' mum Broderlck laughed Immoder-
"You'll be the death of me," he said, sink
ing into his chair
"You laugh too soon." remarked Murgn-
"Is'thcro more comln'?" questioned Broil,
erlik with a bowl "You know tho valvular
woikln's of my heart ain't over strong.
You're crazy, man'" he added; "tho whole
organization Is against you!"
"The whole organization," repeated Mur
gatroyd, "except you."
"Vou blamed Idiot!" roared Broderlck.
"Tho organization's against you because I
" "I've got to be the next Senator." persisted
Murgatroyd. "and ou'vs got to put me
"f can't put you there.
Murgntrnrt cast nn appealing glance nt
be other
"But you wnnt to. don t you?
"Indeed I do not!" returned Broderlck,
Indignantly. ,
Murgatrovd ro to his feet, saying, ns
though speaking to n spoiled child :
"I don't like lo see that spirit; It looks
as though you were opposoi to me."
"Have I ever been anytliln" else?" re
turned Broderlck. "Will I ever be anythln'
else?" . ,
Murgntrojd continued to reprove him.
"I prefer to sto a man do with a good
grnce that which be has to do."
"And who has got to do?" queried nrnd-
crlck. also rising
to be Well r a1
Clothing nnd Equipment
However, Not Bo Adeqiwl
lor some Time 4
t... :8!IWQTW. M',1
c luiirmcnis oi me national ana
assemble In their rjinm nn H.ni.t
Will havo nil thnv wont in a... iTd
be many days before they will feel
w ..ic mjiuiern. looming and enu!nm
Socrctary of Wnr Baker udmltted to
will bo verv rar,, at Or.. a. ..
It Is anticipated there will be klcln',.
large numbers, while imrenls n,l Ml
near relatives of tho men In camps!
capci-im 10 00 rignteoualy Indignant'
".1.11 iney w;u term the Jack of care
uieir Kinsmen. .,
Ufllcials pointed out todav that ther !
ery good reason for the lack of end
went. The regular army Is above wj
nuniiKin. us membership has had to I
outfitted. The cntlro X'ntlnnnt nunnt .;
tho nation has been sent to the trnlnln
camps, lt also Was verv hv nf ennlnmcnC
And the factories of ihn TTniiori aia. t,oJ
been unable to meet the demands up6C3
It Is admitted hero Hint many of t8i
men who report with the national arm
will havo to train for the first few week
.11 Idliul In tllA n1nlliB Ik.l Ik... -I.... M
--w - ( tiiu 1,11)11 rn LIlttL llirv lilTIVB . j.M
camp In. Hvcry effort, however, will ht' '$
......... ..J in.; uunriermnsicrs aepartmeal
to get the needed supplies, lt Is honed th'J
nt least thero will be plenty of shots oppZ
hand to that the men will not bo renulnA. ?K
to drill In the narrow toed shoes of cMVJjM
life and thus harmfully affect their fefcC5Ki
1110 uepartment early this summer ooH.
irocicu lor a.uD.oou pairs of shoes ah;.(
dellverV of (hesn ntrentlv hna hA.n h.ifte S
In this connection Secretary of Wlfif 'JPl
li!. n n.tn. ...I. ..-.. .--. ... A'" til
....... . ,u.,j iK,iiu winicu mill 00 nai nn , '
taken up the question of when the second "if
increment or noo.ooo men will be called ouB i'J
naturally nctlon on this plan is delaylr
t-l me .'Aiieioo -inoruiKO in equipment, DUljll.
the men will bo called un for nhvulmt .tv3
mutilation at least ns soon ns the first Incre i
incut of tho army Is safely In camp andfe1
Staffed nil ftlft rnn.l tt nrtr . k.-Q
soldiers. wif
There has been a creat deal of romnlslnt'i
111 t-erlllfn fl!!.irtor.. nv. ft.. Innllnn nt 4!?Pl'
... -.- n. - . ,C'A
..Hi....-, i-dnioniiieniN. unarges oi inaca-y
ccs-sibillty and of danger to the watsTWi
supply have been made, but officials of tUfi'i
War Department Insisted today that thorA.'
wero absolutely unfounded. Tho greateste'S
f'i fin la lintiin. .!. Il...i .. .. . I.. ......ii 'V
..v in .-x.ii.fS tuivll, lllt-y paj UI1U III 0CrjTat3
lnitnnce tne water supply has been carefully &KS
pxumlned nnd approed by chemlati olfc'1
rMiuitn. VVV'?
w uw uviyvi
Many Wounded in Conflicts Be?
tween Soldiers and Strikar XfM
m iuaarui acs
MADRID. Aug, H.X 1$M
-uiiruai law nas neen proclaimed thi-oug(-
out Spain as a result of renowed strike diaMi
orders which assumed serious proportional?
louav. k,.
A number nf conflicts have occurred Ia4
Madrid between strikers and soldlera.,yi
Man have been wounded. 'j3
Stern measures vvera taken in renrM ' i
.1lDfrrTni.a It DkiiAlnHn rt ... .. -7 4
poited to have been restored there todaynV
Vnm.cniia nt-r.a.B l.n.- k. ...1 c.-IVn
gossa nnd other points.
Soldiers From Tort Kennedy Carnf'S
ivrl. t: . rii.. i m i. .4W
..lanu jiij, iu iiiy III 1TUCKS W Itfl
A small portion of the American yoUtMlI$f
who win give llrst aid to tho "Sammeeatii
... !,. l.nHl..t.ln. I.. ..-..... ... . t:. i
.... .nn .,n.,.ri.i..'. ii, .-..nunc iimai vinxm A.H
cheered by stenographers, ofllce boj-B. mqrfwfj
"""'in ttlill i'ii;r, (Jill L IllTI lllfn illUK )JA 7
fn tlio Iclnity of .sixth nnd Chestnut streetJfe
Thfl clierrn voro for 138 membern of thc-v
n.nlilllnn.m rrvm nt .1.. ....I.n.1 (..n. .. t&
..............v. ..i,,,-i ... vii.i i mini ninirn ill Oljr. 4s
Tim men, who nro camping at Port Kep. fee
iindy. left that place at 9 o'clock this mornivS
!ng In tho small ambulance trucks to mka '.SS
a lour of Philadelphia. Dach truck csrrledS
A desire to see tho Libert v Hell hv infi.r'Vi
er.-il of the men who are detailed with seSi;
Hon 6G of the medical corps led lo today'SyTH
trip to this city section bo is composed Sj
of young men whose homes nre In Pasa-'fw
dona, Cal. . ,iji
Besides viewing tha Liberty Bell, IndlP-'l
penuenco nan, ine men visueu tne piant2i
of the Curtis Publishing Company and slspVV
Knvernl lmllrllnpv nf th. lTnlf.ral.v nt rtmt-'fFi
sylvnnla. Tonight the men will be th
guests of Lieutenant Charles Ketterman.?
who Is In charge of the partj-, and whosa's!
nomo is ut -Mount Airy. They win retuniiij
(o their camp late tonight. 4fcill
isrlr r-iaJ-.-S"
Ana ibtk ".,
"I havo Just told you." went on Murga
troyd. looking him full In the face, "that
yoii've got to put m In the Senate."
Instantly Broderlck becamo doggedly bol
llgercnt. "I'll spend my Inst dollar to keep you out
of it I'll work against jou till 1 drop in
my tracks!"
Murgatioj-cl seicu a snmu iniuiv imuu uuu
leafed It over. .... , .
"Vou'll do both," bo remarked, "and when
you diop In your tracks, Broderlck, lt will
bo with hard labor Sit down, and take that
pencil and pleco of paper I want you to do
soma figuring."
(Cor) right by DodcJ, Mead & Co)
GARRICK TONinirr at 8:15
i ran rn;,'a5
laV' iii'V.iiiPt?
, Eleventh and Sprlf .Ci
o'clock. Free. i!t"&.
Munlrlpsl Hand,
Garden streets.
Inlrniount I'ork llnnd, Stmwbrrr Masrvj
Sinn, s ociock, rice. titSi
Philadelphia limit!. City Ball 1'lam, aMJ
o ciocic. l ree.
llelmnnt Imprnvement Amorlnllon, 304S.,
uiruru iivi-nue, o u vioiK. t Ol
m mm
MATS. 2S0 TO 1.0(lj NIOBTB, 2So TO 4Jt.U0.
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Commenclnit .Vptemtsir 10 llnldwyn Pictures
nrai 1-ro.iueiion AiAt. AiAiiait in
MAItKRT sbove 1BTH
in hip. Atmirn w. riNKno's wonLW
"TVin Cnennrl Mra Tnnnuarav".iH.f
tll. ui.v,imu a.a&u. A..lliui.uj ?f i
as :
-l.v- J
-v a -r a rt-n inii t iitfiw CTtUfW.'w,
JrALAL'Jl to a. m. to mis r, w
rniCEs loo :oo .
Enid Bennett & Margery Wilsons 7S
AiVUXlLlin 10H5 A. M.. 12. 2. 8)41.-.
6(43, TH3 A ;4S P. M; ;
Marc MacDcrmott & Mildred Manntit'
in "M'PV TATJIT'R PI" . :'S-1
11 lUiAlW J. UA&illrl U A- . ". -
Dorothy Toe: Ktllur Mack & Anns Earl;
TravllU Ilros ft Srali Others.
Today at 2. 2Se k poe. Tonlulit at S. 25o to tl.
Wslnut bv'y?Jt;,4iJl
11 A. M. to 11 llS VJ-
Daily, tOo: KVf 1
0 A. M. lo Jtllat
pnicfcfl toe: i
In Flrrt Prueatatiajiaf, . vi
.. j ai. Ti.jiT-.Jj.aa
"jjurana ui cub osu'ti
OLOBE Theatre
VJXJV--4-i yAfityftfJ(-
loc. lft. sno.
ll-A.-. II