Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1917, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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ills Board Will Not Fight
frf AtnniMsci WVlJVi To
jw. ......,...., ,.4u..
ETW Free Country
i L. ,-i,-, A A A 1 V 11
. rf Alexander Herner. n llueslnii IMiik at
,,t4H North Tenth direct, caused cons-Icier-
enfant fllaftirhnnnee fn.l'iv tifnr llin ThtrtAtif li
fV.sJUtrlct draft board at Hlghth nntl Je.Tfi
J,'.4)n streets by declaring Hint America Is a
Siv l'r(? country and that lie would not light
&r' j0'" '' Herner, "but you won't put me
in the army. I lert IiussIh because I re
fused, to fight and I won't tight (or Amer-
itt,'.'f K."
'S Hhik I.A.I tinaon.! tltA ittit'ut.'al ..vnlitltin.
.Hon, but wan denied an exemption blank
When ho admitted that lie had obtained
j-nia nrst citizenship papeis. uespno ins
a-'vhirotests the draft ofllilHls lefuned to uld
iif hm and announced that he would be lifted
-ffln the now aripy.
Jt.lM' f 'The flusln.n, who Is a hip:, branny chap,
F'S created such a disturbance that n scoto of
IJt J Wen walling to be examined rushed toward
him Hoard olllclals vvau-d them back.
When Herner liad llnlshcd bin harangue.
James II. llorhan, a hunchback, who had
been rejected, stepped toward the board
and pleaded for another chance. "1 am
utrong enough to do Homethltig," cold llor
han, "and want a chance." The board de
nied 'his request, and Horner shamed by
the conduct of Hnrhaii. slipped out of the
That martled men who are. childless
will have considerable trouble cviiiIiiik mili
tary service was made plali, by Clinton
nostra Woodruff, iliiiliinau of tbo Sixth
District, Twelfth and J'lne streets, today.
This boaid continued to hear exemption
pleas, but at the outset Mr Woodruff made
known his Intel prctatlou of the draft titles
governing the exemption of mat r led men
"Any tnarrled man whose wife will not be
Compelled to suffer liutdsh t because nf her
husband's army service will not be exempt
ed by this board," said Mr Woodruff
Alfred II, I.oeb, whose case was the flist
tq be considered today, said that he should
be attached to one of tho noncomhatant
units of tho new nrm He asserted that
ho had conscientious objections to war, but
did not wish to evade service "I cannot
promise anything," (.aid Chairman Wood
ruff, "but I will do my best to liavn you
placed In one of the noncomhatant organi
zations.". Oscar T, Mai shall negro, of lSflii Krcnch
street, claimed to be n divinity student The
board declined to exempt him until ho fur
nishes an nllklnvlt from the dean of the
theological seminary of which ho claims to
he a student,
At 2 o'clock, Mr. Woodruff announced
that the district's quota of 4A3 had been
reacned and ample allowance inado for the
10 per cent overdraft ns pi escribed by the
War Department.
"Wo have 46G men,' s.ild I'halimun
Woodruff, "who are icady to don uniforms
Our quota Is 413, but as wo must tack on
n additional 10 per cent to allow for dis
charges at Camp Mcude wc have cei tilled
466 men."
The exemption claim of Frank I.. Morris,
416 South Twenty-fourth street, who filed
a. claim on Industrial grounds, was referred
to the district board.
Draft officials of tho Thirty-second Dis
trict Joday announced that they would
hear exemption claims tomorrow night.
The board Is siting In a flrchouse at Sixty
third street and Lancaster avenue.
, Although tho Forty-third District board
urancniown polico station is not
L ready to hear exemption claims, w ft.
..Margesen, chairman of Hie board, antici
pating a flood of claims, Issued a warning
to married men. ".Many men bavu tiled
claims," said Margesou, "on the ground that
the Htork is hovering over their homes or
because their wives arc ill Such claims
rnust be supported by allldavlts from reput-
Die pnysicians or tney will receive little
The Second District Appeal Hoard, which
has tho final Miy as to whether any one
of about 05,000 Philadelphia youths shall
r shall not fight for democracy, will meet
tomorrow for organization.
The board has received about 1000 ap
peals for exemption on Industrial grounds.
The organization has been delayed for
Some word from tho Government as to how
to proceed. Finally tho members queried
Harrlsburg and were ordered to organize
and legal authority to proceed will he re
ceived from the Government at once.
Walter Wlllard, an attorney, 40 Car
penter street, Uermanlown Is chairman of
the board. The other members are Ullls
A. Glmbcl, 18.10 lllttenhouse bquarc. head
of aimbel Brothers; James .f. Ityan. 1130
Xorth Fortieth street, a retlicd builder and
contractor; J. C. McDonald, 4010 Old York
toad, a railroad man, and Dr. Frnnk C.
Hammond, 3311 North Uroad street, who
Is a surgeon at the Samaritan Hospital.
United States Marshal Noonan. of this
city. Is to provide the members with the
necessary Government warrants to mako
.their actions legal, Ho had not iccetved
orders from Washington today to grant
these warrants, and this was all that was
holding up the work of the board.
Men Accepted,
Refused, Drawn
and Exempted
Local boards throughout the city are
rushing tholr work of giving physical ex
aminations to men for tho national army,
and In one district, the Sixth, which meets
nt Twelfth and Vino streets, tho work of
acting on exemption claims has been started.
Here are reports of the work of boards
In several of the districts:
District 4
Hm OoMbtrs, M9 P. 34 l.
Harrl raruao. 12H H. Hchell 1
Itard-n lc llimtn, Sin H. Front t
Jlorrl Kahlnowltz, ll'.V H. 4th at
Morrla Itnantf, flirt llalnbrldct at
lorze loatraki. 603 8. 2d at.
Waller Waanirrldr. I'M FltawaUr at.
Adam Ifaveratlakl. 119 I'tmberton at.
Nathan Chrry. Ml tins at.
Sam Solomon. Oil H. nth at.
Ararhtno lllcrone, "It 8 Sth at
laaac Trar te nbrr. 307 Hatnbrldge at
Jfrry lllaar. IMS H. I'd at.
tttrp)in Kfftnrk, lis I,ombarl at
Morrli Frefdinan, 70S S. American at
Ab (Jrubfr. 3tr, HnlnbrUsc at
William f l.eo, (120 H. tilth at
David Illume, 31B H. Lawrence at
.lafob Katcmati, e'S Nprute at
Jarob Mmlth, IMS H. 31 at
Ati!o Halmo, fli'a Kentlworlh at
Joseph elanakl 7.10 S. Kront ai
Gulav l.tholru 'Jotl Moravian at
taral Voeler. 0J4 S. American a'
Daniel Itlrketta. 723 I'rmberlon at
Harry Caraon. 022 H. 0th at.
Michael Htolotr. M8 South at.
Mandril M laonberg. S19 (laaklll at
"mini M. Chenkln. 724 8. aa at
Frank Jobllnakl, HJ2 S. American al
Itnrry Hodman. 1303 n Moyamnln ave.
.Ticob Wolpert, 1ll S f.lh si.
Peter J l,one. 032 Hater at
District 6
W-CUy Officials Stand
o.. frit nn itnllnv r-ino
te& ' . """
t.flX ' Continued from Pace One
matlcally on January 1 this will be In
creased to twenty-five cents on each dollar.
-It la the extra five cents that public-spirited
citizens are now seeking to have the city
yield so that users of gas may have u, more
equitable rato and at Hie same time con
tribute by Indirect taxation the same pro
portion as during the present year.
Xecessarllv thn InrresRA In ii, ..
K profits by this Indirect tax will make a
KJ, ,t, much greater dlfferenco than Is shown by
aV$?' ' revenues this year by Controller Walton's
k!'r, estimate. The value of the controllers es-
.'JJsJ'Uniite Is shown by tho fact that for 1317,
fjifr when revenues at the present rato w 111 ex-
t:l?L ceed $2,!S0.000, he estimates n total Income
''S'Pof Jl. 900. 093. Theso figures would seem
f.'i'r to Indicate that In 1918 tho city will do-
feZyr1 wv nearer ?3,uuu,uuu tnnn s:,6ou,ooa from
'iifVthe sale of gas.
ib'vSs 1 No matter what grand total Is reached
If.;-'' 918 the city already has derived more
FJwi. Vthan $20,000.000 from this Indirect tax on
.- frtnaltmerM nf trim vulin tn vnnat Inntan...
the lease was
necause of the big
;1 consumers of gas who. In i
(?.rarA lnat ablA tn nnv sfnnA
l-i X r ' T . . . . - ..I.'!
I-'?H,cnterea into in isst
r vJs .proms aireauy maae, tnose advocating a
jfc Wasaert It In an Injustice to contlnuo the
iWi l"h prices so that the city treasury can
Ker-e- uaenncneu. mey ajso contend that the
f 7 V Itwreased sales of gas would In a large de-
;arcs 111MHD up iur 1110 iosh in revenue.
'y u"' hiim uio t-ji uiuciais wno
.Cr)tend that they must have tho additional
, to" revenuo or add additional burdens on
realty owners. In discussing this phase of
Olhe question Controller Walton today said:
-"Why; the small consumer of gas likes to
not tnai ne is inus indirectly a tax payer.
flV likes to feel that he Is a part of this
V city government and I have yet to
r any one oppose the payment of the
U gas rate. As a matter of fact. th.
roust have the money or iret It bv
Ing realty- This Indirect tax makes
every one a tax payer anil to .hi.
t Interested In the municipal govern-
rt M. Grlfflth. who la ham !..
Jlarirlee qoromlsslonn which Is the em-
!T-2CT f, "" fominiatratlon.
W fHbControlIei; Walton that to
2w Willi wi
llenjamln ijlnsburg MorrH Hotel. Atlantic (it
Hltnon t'reas 1111 Hodman at
Franklin 1: nhtne. 7HO Pine at
Wood Collla, ntro. 111 Addlaon ai
llobert Pryor, nearo. 1022 Houth ai
t'harlea Krneat, 210.1 Hutchlnaon at
tleorto llradley, 8O1I S. llth at
Itiih'rt J Jaarr. 2I.'H Naudaln at
Hm-.len Ha Had. 20S Arch at
I'ardln llulllo, Dll H Utti at
i.nakla Hlarros. Sl.'l H. llth al
iarence Urein niBro 20111 Addlaon at
K,1jM Jnniea. nczro, 510 H. 211th al
Mtlo TiallJihcttl. 41H i. 21th at
Haro ltlumateln 215 M sth at.
fleortfo .lonea. nsfiro, 1014 Lombard at
Joseph liuhard, negro, 1207 Hodman at
Joseph Nell ncRro, 423 t Ifith st
I'harlea Andlc. 3D.' S. lirond at
llobert McKlliI'V. A27 H. 13th al
Moaea f Blushter. negro. 1120 Pine al
P-r. Ival (.' Smith, 1K10 Hlltenhouae Square
ttiegory Chanquet 1400 Lombard et
l)udle Long, 2023 I)mbard at
tlnnaon lloope' 034 Spruce al
Willi Ileddlck, negro. 1144 Harahaw at.
Holunrl lljn. in S 10th at
John Shn.u, negro. 1118 Locust at
i:.irly White. 1027 Spruce at.
Hapharl liaetz, Ht Maris. Pa.
Albert Bernert, 1700 Ixicuat al.
Alfrrit :. (lalrlondn SI3 Spruce at
Joseph Corcoran. 2400 Pine at.
Stuart J Woofenden. Colonnade Hotel.
Kranrk llab'rman. 2312 Lombard at.
Charles tlroaher. 1I2U s Hlcka at
Joaeph A Corcoran. 2400 line al
Nellaon Edwards, 2117 Locuat at
.Vornian llurna. neaio. 103 .Naudaln at.
Joseph A Hoyle 2..33 Natldlln at
Jamca II Scott. Jr.. 2J22 Hlltenhouae at,
Mulor 1) Griffith. 1115 Spruce at
John Splndler. t'nlon League
Sim llarfleld. negro, 233 S Kulnce al
Charles Davla negro. 1 30.1 Hodman al.
John Kretzdoln. l.Ml. Spruce at
Dm Id Itilbln. 333 S llth at
Alfred J I'crcelU. 2Bli S luth at
Jacob Klfenaleln. SIM P. Juniper at
Carl Price, negro, 307 S lHlh al.
Edward Marshall. 70H S Waahlngton aq
Francia I" Dixon 2.'.ul Naudaln at.
M Earl llragg, lt.1 S. Hth at. .
It Walter ivteraon. 233 S. 15th at.
Cleveland II, Parkins, negro. 320 S. tamao al,
Alexander Hamilton Nelson. 700 Sptuco st
Samurl Hoarnberg. 244 S. llth at.
Luther Mallone. negro, 122.1 Hodman al
Minna Leonards. 32U S. 12th st.
Joseph Toller, U07 South at.
Charl.s J Oarman. 117 Croakey at
Max Stein, 325 S, 10th at
Laurence Hunt Sonford. 530 E Monaateij ave.
Kobert iltealar, U2.1 Lombard at.
Paul Shell, rolor-d. 2n32 Waverlj at
Nathan Nafle.l 11I2S Cheatnut at
Jiiarph S. Jleortce, 1113 South at.
Walter .If role. 221.3 N 2d al
John HaW colotcrt. 1320 Waverlj t
Morrln L.ueni'U), 112S linn at.
Jusenh Patteraon. 840 S. Smedley at
John Staton, 1000 Lombard at.
Silas lloune. 1300 Hodman st
Nunma Jackson, IH.1l l,ombard al
Henry Taliaferro. 1323 t.ombard at
U'Hla Jackaon. 527 S. 13th at.
Hen .Ilalley. 1312 Lombard al.
Frank llullock, B07 S. llth at.
Samuel Martin. 1022 Hodman st
Erneat Coleman, 2100 Hodman at.
Jimea nragg. 1010 Naudaln at.
tlHorge llrldtra. 1743 South at.
William Cartvvrljht. 321 H. 16th al.
Steven Holnen. 522 S. llth at.
lteelcnornr Morrla. 2050 Locuat at.
Oeorin Williams. 210 Sartaln at.
Alfred Silver. 1043 Lombard at.
Leonard r Armatrong. 211 Rtttenhoute at.
William tJ Dixon, HUH Walnut at.
Herbert Schellenberger. 1012 Pino at.
Itaglmer Mayvvakl 1011 locuat at
WHIla Ifesrn, 207 S Jeeaup st
Clinton Jlorris, 1304 Waverly at
Alfred Illahnp, 132.1 Soutll at
Charles Paine. 1131 Lombard t
Isaiah Uatna 411) S llth st.
Hit hard Ola acne, foil Lombard at
William Juhnaon. 202ft Iximbard at.
Albert llarnea. 20(1 S 24th at
Albert Heed. 1134 !.omlard at.
Krali Hauabnrrv. 1207 Hodman al.
llobert Smith, 1313 South at
Henry Wilson. I2H S llth at.
fleorgn llrovvn, 2220 Lombard at.
Francis I. Flltnii. Continental Hotel.
Alexander Pacltte. mil Locuat at.
William Nose, 1011 Locuat at.
Horace de Veai-ev. !217 Waverly at.
Maxwell Miller. 1717 Addison at
Moaea Parker. 400 s. Quince at.
Mimas De tlrath, 1720 Lombard al
Douglasa Ilraiton. 42:i 8. Carlisle al
Charlea Murgll. 029 Spruce at.
Jamea Andrlchoa. 240 S. 10th st
ManuM Parlrs. 1520 I)e Lancev al,
William Lolly, 1132 Rodman at.
Willis Havvlea, 2111 S. Bchell at.
Erneat Smith, 027 Locust at.
Charles A. Casey. 30M S. loth at
Michael Povvera, Jefferaon Hoaplul
Howard Waller, 10011 Naudaln at.
Frederick Pendleton. 511 H. Juniper at.
Murphy J nedlc, 520 H Kith at.
Peter J. Thllker. 1S30 Illttenhouse at
Charles Tailor, lull Locuat at
Paul Jonts, 1741 Soutll at.
Major nedlch," 20nn Lombard at.
tlrunt Harrla, 1027 Rodman at
Frederick Kartilrk. 13.10 Hodman al.
Jamea Howe 320 B. Camac at.
Howard K. Marvin, loll I,ocuat at
John E. Dow. 2301) Naudaln at,
Edward Htokea, 503 S 18th al
Rafael Padella, 1011 Locust at
William (4. Cox. 233 fl. 13th at
Cecil Colllnt. 1032 Iximbard at.
f'ampeo Htormetta, 1024 Sanaom a),
Herbert H, Taster, 711 Bpruce at
James Trowtr, 004 Lombard at,
Walter Webb. 824 H. llth at.
nobert McKter, 1418 Lombard at
John Stewart, 1712 Naudaln at.
John Wllllama, 1023 Naudaln al
Anthony Santos, 1110 Lombard at.
Edgar J, Smith, 20.1 ft. Sartaln st.
Edward Crnabv, 340 8. Smedley at
Albert D. Sullivan. 1027 Manning at.
Joaeph 31, 'lalley, 1119 Spruce at.
Frederick 7, Vega, Continental Hotel,
llonald H. Oyon, 301 K. loth at.
Tarrow llottoms, 1.12.1 J'inbard al,
Joseph Morklkljsskl, 142 S. llth at.
Jnhnle Oodley. ISIS South st
.Nicholas Deraxlo. I3H8 I'lno at
Oscar lle)ea. 014 Sprue st.
Harrison Austin, 1037 Panama at
Norman Taylor. 123" Rodman st
William Miller. 4u0 S. 18th st
Joseph lloyer. Clinton Arts.
Splroa Sakalesopoolea. 240V Klmlmll at,
Conatantlnoa Thervaa 243 S. intli st
William Jl Lee. I32S lmbard at
John Martin 020 Clinton at,
Jnae TermMides, 14'id Lombard at.
Herbert Wlton. 100S Naudaln at
William McCnlutn 2400 South al.
Roland n. Davla P;l Locust st
C. A Lanon, 1.134 Iximhard st
Douglaa Thurston, 527 f'. 13th SI
Eugene lllarkwell 1H.'2 lxmhard si
Joaenh .lohnson. 17.10 tximbard st
Horace Mcllraiv, 1700 Iimbard al
Tusey Exell, 517 S lMh al
Harry Mines 211 S Darlen al
Otto Tiaon. ISO Nnudaln at.
Frederick F, Power. 02.1 Spruce n
rieklet Ilrooka. 1012 Iximbnrd st
John Oscar. 22S S. llth st.
Oenrge Redding. 131V South st.
John Henry Johnson. 247 S. Schtll st,
DjvIJ Paul 41H S. Ikth at
Edward C. Wllaon. Hellevu Hotel
Clarence Martin. 823 Lombard at
Julius Jamea IU7 Itpruce at
I'ultor Callens. 1311 Rodmati st
Herman Alkens. Iintl Lombard st
Wllllim -rencer. 52J S llth at
John W llcaaton 1112 Lombard at,
lannc Drew, 200 S Alder si
James Stolt, 1R17 South ai
Robert J Cox, Hilt Locust st
Robert Johnson. 2.10 S. Clifton ai
James Cokonls. 250 S. lciih si
"leva Stallanoa, inn Pins st
Frederick E. flreen 120.1 Pine si
William E Stanley. 1.122 Lombard st.
Alfred De Paul. 212 S 10th st.
Constantino AUsnnK 17 N 12th st
Cheater Tillman, 315 S lunlper si.
Hrbefl L. llentc.n 210 S 0th at
Frank Fine. AMen. Fa
John Shaw, HIS LomisI at
Douglas Kenny, 1701 Lombard al
David L"tI. KOI Parilsh at. married 2 i till
dren, railed to file exemption "lalm
Jamea Jones, 10311 Naudaln si. married, wife
employed. . .
Edward Hammond, 1020 Hodman st. married,
no children
K A W Pnaquerelil 113 Walnut st . single
failed to file exemption claim
Daniel Tyson. 311 S 2d st , married, no chil
dren Robert Sylvester 1114 Vaudaln at married
4 months.
William Dutlsol I'ennsilvanla Hospital, mar
ried, failed to flle exemption claim
Joseph Young, 12.'V Waverly st . married failed
to fli'a exemption claim
Hairy Cores. 230 S 8th st married, no
He William P Murphv 242 S 20th at.
Emll Legaut. 1311 South st . Herman auujeel
Erneat Smith. 027 Locust st
Edward Have a. 2153 South st
l.awrenc Williams. 427 S 10th si
(leorgo Crimea. .112 S 15th st
Edward Meyers, 310 S llth si
Loula H Melaaen, 220 S nth si
Irving Tal.ir. t200 Locust si
Joaeph II. Simons. 120 E. Oxford at.
Jamea II. Dougherty, 310 V. Allen at,
William E. Schubert, 1428 E. Oxford St.
Elmer P. Thompson. 532 Relgrade at.
Ernest Lautenhelmer. 437 E. Thompson al.
Leo Couraault, 1030 rrankfnril ave.
William Richardson. Kill N. Front at.
District 14
Mareln PleraeJ, 100 .Dawson st.
Frank Jl. Ooodroe, K. Shnwmonl ave.
John W. Gallagher. 2770 Cresson st
Peter Anuaklewlc. 1.1.1 Carson st.
Frank P.Nealls, 242 Sumae at.
I.uclsna t asello. 4820 I'mbrla st
Jamea Liwler, 431 Shlir's Is.
Ralph II Rlrkmlre. Urt Delmnr st.
Joseph Long. S SchoOrld alley
John Scanlon, av70 Terrace st
Alvln l.eaoxlnakl, 4137 Apple si
Elmer II. Herrlon. 427,Pensdalo st.
Andrew I. Eninaer. 4.158 WJMs st
Joseph .1. Mrdarrlglc. 3748 Manaiunk ave,
James Hnlaton, 471 Morlile st.
Wllllem Piatt. Uorass lane
Oscar C. Miller. 4827 Frceland sve.
Charles W. Harlan, Jr . 403' Sheldon at.
Peter J. Schneider, .11 Conarroe at.
John Hosocke. lftj East at.
Wadlelavv Ollnakl, 154 Levering si.
Francisco Llto. 4082 Uirtbrla st
l,onard Lebarro. t44 Pensdalo st.
Michael llnvne ma Kalos St.
Itaimond N. Frena. 223 Shur'a la.
Earl A Davlea. :I773 Creson st.
Harry C. Prlco. 4018 Pechln st.
VVtlllam L-e. 4833 Umlirla st.
Salvatore Doranero. 4HI.1 ITmbrla at.
llobert McN'oran 4813 Tlbben st
Wajclel Plnckor l,.fi Hnxliorougll ave
(leorge 1" Miller. 1331 Cresson st.
Charles II Creamer 88H1 IIIiIeo ave
Samuel J. Hutchinson, 215 Rochelle ave.
Russell Kltkpatrlck 4013 Mansion ave.
Oorro W Avne. 1312 Mnnajunk ave.
Frederick T Keebl-r. 4llll lllpkn hvc
llowunl I. Kent. 370 Dupont st.
'thomaa W Faulkner School lane.
Charles H Phy. 201 Krams ave.
Charles c Nbc. 1.11 l.aurlslnn st
Edgar J Smith. 373 Martin St.
District 17
District 8
Benjamin l'olonsky. 4.11 N 7th si
t.eotge Hannart, 721 N llth st
Anthony Fappas, ou.1 Wood st
Goseph Knecum. 814 N. 18th st
John Patrick, 103J Shamoklu st
Joseph Smith. 012 Parrlsh st
Walter Wella, 1108 Otter at
Armenia Knacarlan. 1312 llutlnnnood
Thomaa Devole. 8.13 N. Franklin st
Charlea Heed, 1210 Wood st
Oeorgo Mercet 540 N, llth SI
Anthony Ueulrtel. 017 Melon at
Harrv Karpsen 508 N Joplar si
David Lepbensteln 811 N. Marshall si
Felix Eulporak, 10.1V Mt. Vernon si.
David Anlnsman. S27 N 8th st
Mb hael Ilstlei, 802 Neclaline at.
narrv Kramer. 1214 Hrown st
Anthony Ooves lun7 Ollvo st
Ftanlej Swageea, 827 Vine st
Frank Dfvlctiola. 800 liuttonvvood st
Auguat Danofordo U20 Poplar st
Jack Ounnlan, 1311 Hrandynlns st
Kdmond Burke, 444 N llth st
Joseph Gorman, 407 N 10th st
Samuel Ituthae. 817 Franklin st
Harry Hlnnln. 1135 Ollvo st
Issdore .Munepz 1104 Poplar st
Leon Rltchertson, Raton Rouge. La.
Morris Schneyer, 003 Hrown st.
Carson Hnaklns, 827 N, Franklin at
Edward Morgan 11.13 Falrmount ave.
larael Eong, 7110 Wood st.
benjamin Julrlen. 700 Drown si
District 11
Milhani . Iluot. II 23 E Palmer si
rrank .1 Uhrinann. 814 E Mercer si.
John Ferrv. 2.102 Edgemont t
John Moabrook 2500 Salmon st
John Kent, 200.1 Livingston al
llownrd L Ouinn lmij K. Herks ai
i urtls S, Heller. (I4IO N. Lambert si
J'lex Lueyrlakl, 25(14 l'llton at
Llmer Fuller, 1120 E. Susquehanna ave.
paten H bchaefcr. Jr , 1)23 E. Palmer at.
Andrew SnwtJa, 10(13 Winter St.
Harry J. Oreen, 432 Salmon at.
Edward J. Allhlaer. 223 Richmond at.
Thomaa Jan Dvke, 22.1 Richmond at
Joaeph Shllds. 2738 E. Lehigh ave.
Jsn Mallnowakl. 253H Edgemont st
John 1). Hart, 122A Pearl st
Lewis Vlah. 2330 Edgemont et.
Stanislaus Olkowakl. 2714 Albert at
Alexander Lotewaky, 2838 Edgemont st
Harry tl. llah. 180(1 E. Columbia ave
larence D. Fegley. 2800 E. Norrls st
Tony llerkovlch. 2.140 Salmon et.
c arence D Hull, 1(114 E. Fletcher st
Wesley Bougher, 438 Richmond at
Rudolph F. Jacobaon, 247 Richmond st
Llmer Coett 1104 E Oxford at
USar5 ,w t'8"""' 1--4 Marlborough at.
Edward Krauae, 2530 Salmon at
Koate L Lavaaevvlch. 2.130 Richmond al
Stanley Jlorowv. 2033 Mercer st
Stanley karsstklewlcr. 2715 E. Boston st
Owen O'Rourke 400 K tiirard ave
JVank Uleoa. 2536 Richmond at
A ekaacler Czamlet 2709 E. Boalon ave
Wllmer E. Rosa. 1320 E. Esre st.
Jamea F. Evnon. 720 Thompson st.
Parton II. Henilsh. 62R Cabot at.
Felix Sokalakl. 2d0 Tllton at.
John IlarbJ, I18S E. Suaquehanna ave.
Raymond J Lex, 1112 E. Montgomer ave.
John Pokovioiiak, 2R08 Salmon st.
Jamea II, Uawson. 31B Richmond al.
Am',-,RchJa1,huhn'.l4,n K- Palmer st.
Oscar C.Uuchecker. 434 E. Moyer at , enllated.
John J. Hughes. 020 Miller at niiieo.
Marlon M. Henner. 1228 E. Herks at.
Allch Zanlenakl. 2707 E. York at"
Samuel K Powell. 017 Helgrade st.
Wactaw lludslatowskl. 2.103 Tllton at.
Stanley Dlsomakl. 2160 Keeper st.
Philip Perth. 1304 E. Oxford st.
Norman Byera, 1105 E. Columbia ave.
Herbert Cramp. 608 Qaul at
Albert Alexander. 1333 Crease at.
John O'Neill. 21140 Miller at
AL1"1 WKIenaka. 11.17 E. Oxford at.
Edwaicl Cra g 012 Shackamaxon st.
John 31. Ilollenback. 1042 Creaae si.
Thomas H. fount;, 1013 Crease at,
Albert T Koch. 1231 Creaas st.
Jamea Carey, 2020 Llvlngatone, at.
James II. olenson. 2(134 Mercer at
Warren M. Thompson. 45u Relsrade at
'Jamea A. Sherwln, 2(127 Belgrade ai.
Fred Eblnger, 437 Richmond at.
Edward K K'eti ham. 230 Harvey at.
Stanley W Pearson. 51 3.1 Newhall st.
Howard I' Lassen Mills U'nsne ave.
E Atlee Haines. 7 Coullcr st.
Walter II Lutz, 150 Queen lane.
William J Hearst, 27 W Haines st,
Harry J Shields 17 W. Hejmour st.
Thomas Henrv. .inns Pulaski ave
Dabnry Vounrt 53H'I Prlscllla at.
William N Hall. 21 W. Tillpehoiken st.
Philip If Wnrd Jr 481 W Price SI.
Edward (1 Mrlienrv. 147 W llarvej si,
John J. Miildoon 25i Kerald.i St.
William M Srhiflder 44.MI flrtrne si
John Danreiaen 11 Portico at
Theodore w Schalcr. 17 W Louden st
Edward J Mt'Joohan 4(!J Winona me
Joseph 1 Horden 4022 Wnjne nve
Hawthorne Hanks 5727 Kejster si.
Erllng It Larsen 14.11 Cclmantowii av.
'I'homas H Sawv 13 W I'hellsn ave
William (1 ilruhier 41 W. 1 psal si
Leon J Mevoitng 3034 Pulaski ave
Percy J Tait. 28 W Logan si
David Done, 3411 (;u.-n si
Mason Hanks 1 1ST Logan si
Samuel Sciitt 57.13 Kevser si.
Frank J. Jones. 53.1.1 Newhall si
(leorge E. Conover 222 W Haines st
David V Statu. Manhrtm Apartments
James tlralisln 112 W Woodlawn uve.
Michael Mulllgin .lo.'O tlermsntown ave.
lienrae Cramer 5018 Tacoma st
Patrick McAhrnr, 2SD W Haines st
Edward T Smith 37 Hoeers et.
AIxandr H Cratg. 101 Oueeii lane.
William H Lewis. 172 Queen lanp
Albln Weaterlund. 211 Herald st
William I' stiver bl'JI llurbtldgo at.
Russell E llartwell 157 W. I'enn si
John II Frederick 1.18 W. louden st
Hatold N Ecclealon. 52111 Pulaski ave
'horles Preston, 173 W Louden st
William MrClav, 311 W. Earlham terrace
John llnnsrn. 5S . Rockland St.
William Carrigan. 310 W Johnson st.
.Vicolo Hncchluo. 1011 Wavno ave.
William Stanley. 10.1 W. Duval st.
Paul ft. Klug. 5230 Archer st
Francis C llechtel, 4H12 Knox st
James Ulhlln. 311 Earlham terrae
Irvln R Truckesess, 5IIO0 McCallutn st
salvatore- Rannlcllo. 5031 Portico st.
Heorne F llrownholtz, (IJ W Hoekland si.
William 11 Hovzhauer. 105 W Wuming ave,
William 1. Sutton 23 W I'enn si.
William (I .Mavbunv Jr 5132 ovne ave.
Fiancls () Hickman 3.14 W Duval st.
(leorge A Harrington 5521 Wayne ave
Thomaa . Houlihan. OUJIl McCnllum al.
Maurice A. Webater 238 W. Winona ave.
William II Jonea, Wisaahlckou Apts.
IMvvard T. Qulnn 533.1 Pulaski ave.
Cornelius Mctllnlev, 2 Penns court.
Richard F Day. W. Claplnr St.
Lewis F Sanvlllc. 483V Pulaski nve.
Morrla Tetlnlck. 6342 Morris st.
Vernon T. Patterson. 117 W. Hlltenhouae aq.
Elijah Robinson, 4027 Wan nve.
William A, Cady. 172 W Moplewood ave.
William Je Soley, 441 Winona ave.
Stewart McCord 46 W. Duval st.
carl S Samuelaon. 200 Zeralda st.
William Mulvlhlll, 237 W. Seymour st.
Rush P. Mai shall, 61124 Knox st.
Penny Mints. 308 Queen lone.
Charles P. Sweeney. 6403 l.aurens at
Ellsha 11. Howea Jr . (1327 Shcrrhun at
Richard limbeck. 176 W. Sejmour st.
John P Harris, 137 W Prlco st.
Edoardo CrIIII 181 W Loran st
Alexander (loldherk-. 132 W. Chellm ave.
Arthur F Kapha, 4002 (Ireell st
Oeorgo W Hnffinan 5344 Pulaski ave.
Joseph P Mcllugh. 420 W I'enn st.
Francis L. Lannlgan 68 Reger st
Peter J. Alice. 2411 Xeralda st
Kugenlu Plsoni 140 W Logan st
Ernest W. Surgner, 437 Winona si
William A Oram, 4077 (lermnntuwii ave.
James A. Michaels 1130 W. Illttenhouse at.
Oeorge II. English. Jr. 523 Earlham lert.ne.
(leorge K. Flavell. 5242 Schuvler St.
Walter V, McConcghv, 504(1 Wado st.
Arthur A. White. 5702 Wavno ave
Ralph W Whltaker 101 Hansberry et
Edward II Williamson, 4711 Pulaski ave.
(leorgo W. Koehler. 21 IV. Pomona st,
Daniel McKavanngh. 2bt) W. Haines st.
Haiman F. Eccleston. 5240 Pulaski ave.
Samuel II. claton. 415 W. I'enn st.
Alfred J Katz, 5137 Knot St.
Payton Crump, 5340 Pulaski ave
John E Nolan. 488 IV. Woodlavvn ave.
James S. Armentrout, 0320 Hurbrldge st.
"Walter It. St. Clair. 54 It Tacoma Bt.
James Surgner. 437 W. Winona ave.
Joseph il. Fitzgerald. 5221 Newhall st
Euseno W. Hrambley". 4020 Germantown ave
Churles A. lilanco, 0330 (Jermantowu ave.
John J McLaughlin. 202 Apsley st.
tleorga J McLaughlin, 20 Maplewood ave.
Philip F. Coleman, Delmar Apts
Walter P. Nolen 220 Apslev st
Albeit Smith, 44311 (lermantown ave.
William Hodgers. 6222 Mai Ion st
Michael Callahan 6U11 Newhall st
Waller S. Troner 5700 (.lermantown ave.
Edward J Hakei 533B Prlsi ilia st
Mike Dlltka. 442V llrrenc si
John J Monteith 237 W Duval si.
James M Skinner 138 w. Louden st.
'1 nomas K. Jenkins. 5020 Srhusler st.
Lewis W 7.ara 324 W Hansberrv st.
Wallace C. Stlli 22S W. Harve si
Frank II Rorden, 4(.22 Wajne ave
William H. Grubb. 20 W. Pomona st
John Reed. 118 W, Duval at,
.lames F. Mahnnev 6J40 Pulaski st.
Louis Gesslnger. care (lermantown Cricket Club
William H. 'loplls, 13 W. Sevmour st.
Harr.v A Render. Jr. 5040 Wade st.
Robert P. Graham 4023 Knox st,
Irvln F. Oeste. (1315 MrCallum at
John Lyons, 6010 Newhall at
Herbert E. Evans. 237 Berkley at,
Alfred Walker. 5013 Pulaaki at
George. W. Lake. 210 Pomona at.
John J. Murphy 4537 Vv'nn nve
Charles J Walde, 327 W. Earlham st.
John E. Weckeily, 5110 Morrla st
George Hrandeth, 7 W. Chelten ave.
John W. Kejen. O80J Greene st.
John Hedges, 2d 5340 Pulaski at
James Lick, 6307 I'rlaeliin st.
Henry Itudnell, 300 W. I'enn st
Paul M Adamson, 4081 Pulaski st
William J Keller, 4017 Royal st.
Louis P. Tiers. 53 W. Walnut lane
Antonio Quurmelln, 4001 Wayne nve
Clarence. Golden. 0011 Concord st
Jamea V. Ilanlovr, 148 W Prlco sr
llernard V. Houlihan, iin.'ti MiCallum
..win, ., ,, .,.., , romouu st
Dzlan llaran, 4407 Greene at
- rzzz. t "
rvn--r a-
ACTIVE duty in the field makes it difficult for the soldier to
r. properly attend .to the details connected with the manage
ment of his personal affairs.
Those thus situated may relieve themselves of business cares bv
appointing this company as agent to represent them while absent,
Trita for our fotdtr
'CoUtetim of Incomt"
Philadelphia Trust Company
415 Chestnut Street :: 1415 Chestnut Street
PhiltdelphU ,
,!.. tiw .-Si.
!i7, -,..r..t. r?
t . WW P' sT
ThMnm J. JitcAnll.v. 423 W. Qu" Une
invtn H. RfcNabb. 4rtl AV. Venn it.
nichard It, Parch, Of in Wayne e.
,iama A. juimpRcy, . -Ji 'Ar.ic. ".v..
Mmrlm J. AfcIaflUffhlln,
KrneKl Jifomparrn. jm
Alva V DM
Clarfnc V
wi Apify t
V. rejmuur
.(..a aat
I ll'Cirj . . . . a
illlman. iin Abboiarofd roan
n. l?flrrn)J. r..10 Ofprnf St.
Htull. 471
171 Was
it-- .. Italia- silii W fliaaan Milt.
Joseph C. Ilonnlster, M.I I W. Uuvsl si
Flurklcy llurrell, JIM W., I'enn si.
Hsthh A, White. 41.', Winona St.
Clifton if. Vsndenrllt. 13J W. Hllletihouae st.
William M. Hester. 6740 Lno st.
Oliver K. Olhson, Mill Apsley st
Howard A, Hanson, S20 W. Duval si
John It. Iloolh. Wood Norton APIs.
Michael J, Heed. 41)11 Uermanlown ave
tiiwitnn l,rr MJO l.'evser St
Charley Kellv. 31 .Maplewood st
Hsrry J. Cresson. 131 Luray st.
John Lister. Alii King- st ,
Charles II. Karn, 84 K. Wjomliiit ave
llohert I.. (Hose. 15.1 .Manhelm st
HnlTn.el Conte, inn W. l-efsn at.
Anson C. llov.l. 1(15 W Washington lane
John K. Parker. 6M2M Pchulir st.
Joseph It llrownlee, 6031 Kevser st.
William II horher, 10 W . Johnson at.
Harry C Cutnmlnss 60 W 1 i m n si
Mtnntvnod I" Haumcnrtnr. I.i.l loultcrst
Thomas A. Holley. alM W I'enn st.
Krnest II. Hay. 40IS (lermantown nve
Mfred Decker. HI W. rvmoiir st.
riivmond V. Svvecne. MOO W. Clnplcr st.
.Milton t. Ilelnhelmer, 101 llansberry st
William Hanks. 3731 Kejser st.
Kdward 1 Oolclen, 131 W Heimniir st
Morris J. Woodrlnu. !' W. Louden si
Hdtrar L. Cummlncts. 401S (Ireene st.
Cdward II Lome. 6.15U Pulaski st.
Nnali K. Key, .11 A W Woodlawn ave
Walter Malorn- S3! Knot st.
William II Jones. 120 Wlnon.i st
lolin A Dohe-rty. 301M MiCallum st
Lnuls J (juallet, 1017 Wone ave
William M Allen, I4M Winona st
Cdward A rinnnlnsn IIM Carlham lenai-
Clarence J Shaw. 107 W. Hrjmour st
Charles N Carter .nil W. I'enn st
Joseph A llailpj 257 W Duvall SI
ansepn II Koljlnson M- vv c iimiicii sv
Jsnies r Hushes 6.1"1 Newhall st
Thomas Humsvvnrth, 217 ernlda si
Nathan (I Ahrahams .T Harvey si
Kdward Han.lall. Jr 501 Mldvale nie
L'danr J .Simmons 6.1H0 Wavne ave.
Albert smith. I32J Hermantnvvn hvc
Aniteln Cerralo. 4t.dll (lernvintovvn av.
Mlltnn I. Ilohlfeld H62I Lincoln drive
William J Clair. Delmar .Morris APIs
William I' Carson. .1J7 W Loaan si
Jacoh J Mann 211.1 W Halnea st.
Mortimer P Crane. tl14ii (Ireene st
Joseph J Kane 1002 Htentnn ave
James T Simpson. 4.15 Winona nve
J 1' Maritime. Jr lill W HtiifTnril si
William J Zimmerman 6n.1.t Krset st.
Charles It Heinhutdt 6540 Morris st.
Luther ()la, 232 W I'enn st.
Parr P. Harkson. 132 W Pomona si
William I' Coleman. 3413 Tacoin.i st.
Mlirrt J Hurst. 14 W Duval St.
Joseph II Smith. 445 (lermsntovvn nve.
John W. MrColicshv. 31 Manhelm si.
Lerc.v K Holzll II W Chelicn hvc
Patrick Ljons. 501 u Newhall st
Patrick llnkrarlv .MIDI Wnvnc ave.
Crancls It (iofhriuK. 12(1 llortter sr
C llowlaud Shaw, 331 Lirlham ter.
Stefaun 1'crrae . loll. HIRil Slcntuu live..
I.eieiv (Inrrettson, 50.111 lltecne st
(ieore I: Alllon Delmar Morris Apia
Harrv I. Ilellevllle, 6025 Oreene st.
Clinni J. Itea, 622(1 Oermanlown nve,
Walter it, I.nektnan. t.'ll W Duval at.
Krank II. Atmore. 10 Itocklaml st.
Harold H. Kephart. 1.11 (Juecn line.
James Strain. 16.1 W. I.opan st.
Charles A. Mclntire, .113 W l.oitau st
I'raticls McSwlRKan, M5I W. llaincs st.
John M Hammond. MIM W. WHlnut lane.
Jose-ph I'arlera M2 W. Duval st
('tenth (llllles 52.10 (Icrm.ininwn sv
James I; Crawford MHO Hcrklcv st
I'harlrs II. Pcttlford. 73 W Duval si
Arthur H Jordan MI Maplewood ave,
Mbert M (llhson. 57.IS Kevser st.
Henrv II Sholler. 31 W Hccklnnd st.
Walter J Siemens ML", Pastorlus st,
Henrv M NVIson. 6M7 Taccun.v st
Manuel Pinto, 42U W. Woodlawn ave.
Archie 1. Davenport. 5740 Kevser st.
Howard I. While. All W. Haines SI.
Walll"- A Clndlav 107 W. IVllll St.
Carl Kiaher. (11 Manhelm st.
Walter I' Heattj. W Haivey st.
Kimuel lliovn. 6553 Morris si.
Harry I Abraham. 4027 Pulasl.1 ave.
J'tmea A (loldfti. 131 W Seymour st,
William W llrovvn 1527 Pulaski nve.
Kusene J. Ilvrne. 6n.1I Schuyler st
WndA Jl (Jreen. 214 Apslev at.
Maurlcn liens, in. 5:112 Prlsi Ilia st.
John M l'rei li. 1.1 W I'otm si
Lawrence H llealel M4'i W. Ilaine at
John J (liaham. 115 W (Juenn st.
itavmond I. Wi-odhrtdre, 301 W. Si hool lane.
John I' McSpanon 5.130 Lawience n.
Carl l.lhle. 50(11 (Ireeno st.
Ftnhert N .Mulon". lis W. Karlham st
Cliwood IterKrr. 23K W (jueen st
Hllwood D Thomas, 171 Maplewood ave.
I'rnnk V Schwartz, 20 W. Louden st.
Cllbert J IVrsuson, 4!l lien klin.l si
Jcsepll J Connollv. M2I Atislej at.
William I:. Dnus-herty. nt 3s .McCallum st,
l.lojd H. I'.lj. 3US W. I'psal st
David Hamsev, 4S10 Hreene si
Wallace n. Spratt, I Alt W. Lciidcn at.
James J Pietcher. 6530 (lieene st.
Kmslen Inamone. 172 W. emour st
( hnrles II. Davis. 17.1 Manhelm st.
Carry H Franks, 5114 Marion st.
James Slnileton. 310 W. Woodland ave.
Harrv M. Wilson. rnl0 W'lune nve.
Jtlin Heller, 4017 Hoval t.
I rank Ciithlet 40 W Duva' at
Paul II Ilcmierman, 6011 dieene st
Walter K Wllgjx KM W. Johnson at
Jcseph M. Jackson. 402 (lermantown nve
Joseph 1' Maher. .13 W School lane.
William 1. Johnson M Hlllerhouso pi.
John J. Steber. 44H7 Hrceno st.
Socn.-roso llocclla. 41 AVL (larOeld st
('larence Alexander 217 AV. Coulter jt
(ieorco D. Il.-omhead. 5!i53 McCallum st
Kavmond Clapp, 5220 Knox st.
.' Henry Hontr, 3d. 231 V. TuplehoiUcn at
I rnncis K. (Jreen. Wvneva apartments.
Alono C Clifford, 450 Harlham st.
P. llrneat Wade. 15J Louden st.
j w, Queen :.
183 Loean si.
Vt-nnle nurnell.
AUUtlns J-eonr. .- ;--j ..M
V her Vl I .' Sfl (ireene l,
Thomas (lallashcr. Boji "pJal st
Harold J. M"son. 6(1 w. "PJ"' "',
John W. J..ILrj!'r. 0I-" f""" " 0.n sve.
UVfi.r.lS.Vr'.'-45lO Pulj.kl 0
li'Z P BR?; uilmaA'n'a'ri'menta'
ir'anK'A': JoMT "
W. jV'mV, l.'MaeU,, ..
t taflon Jl 1 a I rilll "
(J - nievll mt .
VM1TIM1 ,i. '-ft ,!! v'
Stephen l'..C'",7'"r.r. (ireene St
l-nmk ' Lee 30(i"w. Duval st
il2, , .. I' Carroll, M50 Zcrelda St.
I'inu.' w" Mclivre Mil Manhelm st.
""."'. . ;" .c-i.ie: .-.7:tl Knot st.
i re-uerica ... ,, ,,,'.,ntnvvn ave
. m,Tp "row n 3230 Schuyler st
Carle, II Lvvln " Hermnntovvii ave.
lohn" I- llnffsTe 4013 Y""'.,""'
Samuel I'ohen. 310 W. I'enn a..
District 20
.Trreimei A LenlSham. 1 I " ; .'"""""
HiiBcnc Hlever. ,1T -'. ','
miner Shle ds. 1i.nl roskev st
;'ilc7s:.ir,mian:MyN. I.road.t
n! i'Tllilnm.': ,0i J .n ;
Thomas .la. kson. M227 Sharsvvood a
(-horles Tellev. IW0..VS"?-0.0"."1
John A. HalllBsn. M22i '(euncr s .
Itobert It M'rlv, 2121 Mas ter s
Ihomas C. Samuel lfllK Miles s.
I'atrick I'renncrnasi. ";.."""?
' U I Knlolistlan. 211 HdB-e v,
I Cdward J. Krnsrh 12 IN, HHh st.
I James W. Ilruje. 1621 Opal st
l L'arl llnhert-nn. lH.2eVir.r,,ri'-. .,
II rhnril D Iioiiman. J '-,' -, i.",,' ,"
...M it iiNiii.m. ...a itnrlan st
l.iii irr """"""" -r;.,a-vr itii, .1
f St
Charles (I Slauffer 023 S.SMb St.
Ilnrrv W. Kemls, 1233 N. loth st
James Tnll. MOOl Turner st
I nlumhus Shields. 2220 Oxford SI.
Martin A. Wolf. 17.17 N. lath st
llcnrun St-vens. 1020 Nicholas at
William c. Iljrncs. 1 l-'O N. !' st.
Charles 11. IMrklns. 2023 Turner st
W'nllato II. Ward. Mill Columbia ave.
Stephen N. Kirk. 1(.n N". 15th st.
.Vliriln P. Oreen, 1017 Ingersoll st
vvnmer vv . vviiuams, --;"" ,,,u
Walter J. Mathewson 1322 .V I7lh a
.Inseiih II. rictthcr. 1730 N. Norwood
District 22
s el
Leo niltll,e S3MI H. lOtli at.
Krank Do 1'rsncesco, 1323 )tcc1 al
I'asnuale Mlallll, 1030 , Ilosevvood
Adlal H. Mallhevvs llin H. lRth s,,
l!rnat ftnssi. 1107 Wharf nit i
(llnvniinl De lleneilettl, 11MI (Ir'ccinvli, .
lorenso Corlcso. 1130 Titan r'wicn at.
James H. Dubois, 1113 Lstunn at.
William Orant Jthlcr. 1841 H, Uroad
John Joseph Delaney, 1140 MeKesii
Nicholas Dcslplo. 16011 Dickinson i at.
Ktnlln Ilarcnle. 1020 Dickinson at.
John Clrlslln, SM7 federal st.
Demetrius C. Cuinian, 1730 .Mnoro at '
llnnilolph (llhson. 1.12(1 H. Colorado at
Pleirn I'j'ifcrrl. 1MM0 H. 16tl, at" "
AUKtialo Dl Pletratltnnlo, 1310 J, li.a.
Parlalno Marlnclll, 1MM7 H. 13th at.'
William Henry rlmllh, Itlin Manton i
Luciano llnaan. 1M2I H, Alder st.
''"vunk av. W
'.. i
Ailolph lllldchrancl. Jr., 1711 Snvdei- ave
tlluseppe De Snlvatore, lids Annln at.
I'hurlsa t.pwla Wlckerl. !ltfl u
Frank Ituceella, HUH Federal at.
Hrunn Aiimuin. i.i- r. intli st.
II. Kmldlo lllsmhl, 1320 MrClellnn st
Donntii Antnnuccl. lilii'i S Chidwlck .t
Thomas J Kecley. 2413 M. Clindwlck st
Michael Hrown, I.-iIli Heed st CK ,l'
Wallace J Hay,' 12.17 S. Ilroid at,
.Mcola Antonio, 11M1 lcdernl st.
Joseph 11. Turner. 1430 8. cnlorndo at,
Frank Lambert. M22l P. i.-llh , (
Lornn P. Cottrlll, MMMd H. Uroad st
Anthony DoLrturo, 1125 Linn at
Hmll Cnterhneiler. MMI2 S. 17th st.
nillpne 1)1 lllnrals. 1310 H, Clarion at
Nlcnlo Viinlante. I.1IH Dickinson at
Hplfanln lliurliilzn. N Cuoulneliam at
llenjnmln Wade, 1,27 Annln st,
Halpll De Musln, 13M." Slcitet st
James P. ScckliiKor, 103M H. tTtlt si
Peler (lolden. M0M1 H. Mole at.
John Samoriilo, 100N S. 13th at.
Crank Deflno. 8M0 Fedcrnl st.
Lewis Mnull, 20 III H. Mole st
William J. Htevvnri,
William John Neelcy
Itonro IVete. 11105 S
..... i, nil... -. ..,.,:,.
rieiro .wine- wntr. i.i-i iiik neon at.
John Pasquale. ,11.10 Dickinson at '
Hluscppe Cncchln, Kill Hllmvnrth st
nthony Plsantlon, 1M2H H, Clarion st
Salvatore (langenl, l.io.l Tasker st.
Crank Cnsiro, HUM Federal st.
John Meade. 10.1t st 1 vili st.
Hlliseppo Pmfoter, 1.131 H. loth at
NMiholn 1)1 (IlorKlo. 15.17 H. clarion at
lldwnril Ilornhncher, MI311 S. lijtli t
Cmldio Castclll. 1MU Titan St.
John (Iitllo. 1053 S. Hum roft st.
I.ulsl Pnclnntn. Klin H, Clarion at
Antonio Florlcle, 17M1 H. lflth st.
John J. Flnnertv. MtlMO S, irtlt st
Tonv Lnnnutn, 131.1 S, Mold at,
Theodore! Ornves. 17)t Heed st
Paul iiori'clht. MOIM H. Chadwlck at.
A. Hrlscoo Harris. M3M8 H. tr.th st
1 n. .viole st
;t. 121 H S. Uroad st
District 2,1
Donietil.n Cavaliers 1230 H Iscmtnser si
loeeph l.ovlola, 1427 S Homier st
Jcseph Mnstlangeln 1222 S. Juniper at.
lol."i Ippnllln. 11.13 Wilder St.
Itnrlci Tosl. 1300 Hllsvvorth st
I'armlno Neitarfr.uuisco. 122J S Juniper st.
Cnrtncn lrnll.i. 1225 S llth !,,,, .
John William Dlttert. 1044 S rhailwlik st.
Jos.'ph Hrown. 1720 W. Passunk ave.
( etllm I'lrrarclll. IllOS S. 12th st.
John Stroud Lewis. 17:'"'. S I.Mh st.
Dnmenlcii 'IVilesco 1 ISO S 13th st
lliirr.v Combs, 1.120 S. Uouvicr st.
Pleeltnimi Promo. 1.110 S. lflth st
Salvnltirc Velao, 11211 Dll klnon st
Paul Mturln. 15MU C. I'nssvunk ave
Crank M Clark, MM2M S Kith st.
Joseph (lrmutio. 1522 S Juniper st
(lliolnno Monastern. 1423 R. I3th st.
Pasquale Calvl. 15.13 Clarion st.
I hurl?" I'eltl, 1015 Jackson st
Joseph Massl, 1334 Morris st
Joseph Armano. 1117 Annln st.
Antonio Cniusl, 1504 Mharton st
llarr V. Kane. 2433 S. Il'.tll St. '
William I.auterbacli. 2331 S. Ilosevvood st
lofeph Nli hnlussi, 1520 Porter at
P i-r Pal chcr. 1511 Colorado st.
.Mart do Mascl. 1137 Titan st.
I'cti'r Urania. 1313 Wharton st
inicno I'mearo, 114K S. Oth at
I ,r.l,.rt,.t. miber 1 7.1'J S 1!tlll St.
Philip Snntamarli'. n. e cor. 13th and Iteeii sis
Ancelo l.etlcra. 1321 Heed St.
Joseph Lovovlcl, 1538 S. Hli l.s si
Annibdle Sclplone. 1011 S. Mol si
Caspar S. C.oodfrlend. 103.1 Federal st
illovannl De Luccl.i. 1030 S. Carlisle st
M.ithi'W lluslllo. 1201 M. Clarion st
.Vicola Virtu. lt'.'S nnln st
Cranl. llndlo 1145 S. Kith sr
John Ford. Mtl5 S. Ilosevvood st
CranU L-.i 1 4 1 S 13lh t.
Donato Toaluccl. 1721 Manton st.
Ilanle-l Jones, 1327 S. Colorado Ml
I'lauilo Johnson, 101'' llainlirldirn sv
Ceaaro Chcvuroll. 1171 Darlen si
Alfred Spann, 1H30 . Houvler st
Charles Marorlllo, 1H07 Federal st.
Joseph La Pore, 150S p. Kith st,
(IcorBO Wharton. 3s21 Olive st.
Orcslo Greco, 2030 S. Chadvvlck st.
Vlncen2i I.ucarlnl. 1130 H. 15th st.
Attllio Dl Monti. 1201 Latona st
Pasciualo Cnlaraccn, 1440 Dickinson st,
Hnmlldo Spatno. 1011 S. Carlisle st,
c.trmelo Cotanoso, 1115 Cross st.
Ileiulotto N'ordello. 1K2K S. llth at
Frank hherts. M.lutl S. 10th st.
HuEcne 1)1 Vlnccnzo. 141s S Ilnmrcift al,
Aneeln 1'retcnJ lliMil S .Mole St.
Carmine Manzl, 1500 Isemlnger st.
Wnrren P. Francis KIMS S llancroft st.
Victor Pic conn. 1721 Pierce St.
Cmldio Travasclo. 1144 S. 12th St.
Joseph (nielli. 1173 S 12th st
(llllsi'PPe. Unto 1113 Annln st
liluseppe Dl Ccnao 1153 Delhi St.
Aril Ian Pcabody M50M H. Hroad st
(larhnel 4! dill. 231 R. 40th st.
Hrucc W (Jardiier. 223 s. 4i)th st
Aithur J llaron. 4140 Mnrket st
IMward Martin. M13 Main st , Darbv .1,1
exemption. "arpy, uara,
Jnlm P. Sheehin. 3S1CI Spruce st . tm, ..
emptlon -im ei-
Harrison J'.hrlnger, 11 a. asm st
Vlaillslow' llutclkovvskv, 3M3 St. Jat'nea e
rthur Smith. 3734 Market st ,d"le "
Cdwanl I' O'Donnell, 8J3I1 Irvine at
Mlllnrd K Du. Pot Morris Hiilldinc
John J. Helllv, 1500 M. 47tli si B"
Uenree llrntcher. 3R17 I'eurl at
John (J. Cornbash, 10.1 S. .",4th 'st
''CV1" .cjtiuaiasa, ,.u l. JVIarl.a at
Callahan, lilt a, 4 Mil at
)thu. 3703 Chestnut st.
John M. Hairls. 4223 llcccnt st i
Joseph V Martin. .1NII3 Spruce st '
iv?m i ";e,.??",l' " 7?3 w'""Hnnd nve
Wlllln Mattlson 4017 Irvlnir st
i.ovinu .ahiiarntilEl lllivale. 4lin Halllmore a
Michael I
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THE School you have always known
Jlgger better than ever in its
ZZT-. "aing. it is one of the
"Iuai "uipieieiy eqmpped schools
in the
Peirce School has every facility for
preparing y?ung men and women
to fill really important positions.
Its classes grow in
efficiency yearly.
numbers and
Day school opens September 10
night school, September 17. Office
open daily for inspection of School.
Peirce School
a... Business Administration
Pme Street, West of Broad, Phuadelph'la
Send for 53d Year BoM