VH ana ' b t ".' ' ' -r ," V , w-;'i ji V"" , EVENING LEDGElUpHiLADELPHIA, ' THURSDAY, AtJGUST 9, 191T HAN JOINT CONTROL ' OF ATLANTIC TRAFFIC $HippIng Board Chnirmnn Talks ways and Means with British Expert LE TRUPPE AMERICANE SULLA FRONTEITALIANA K - Eli1 tv.,. if 'J?' tf:i rs.4 M.w fci'V 4 .V."" if, a . w. X' iTj?.' IJ f fri WASHINGTON, All. 9. , Connop Outhrlo, trnme executive of IlrlN lah Govtrnmont shipping InttreM, conferred with Chairman Hurley, of the Shlpplp Board, today In nn errnrt lo plan Joint Control of transatlantic freight rnte. In addition to rate control, It In planned to effect aurh co-opcratlon list ween Amerl, can and Ilrltlsh ahlppliljc Intercut that the Utmost economy In space, ulll ho provided At piesent, It wan pointed out, elilps often return to tho United' Slates from Ilrltlsh , porta only partly laden. LeRal expert of the shipping board are, now engaged ln'senrchlnrr present laws to 'ascertain exactly how far tho board can aro m controlling rates from American to British and other Huropean ports. Through Mr. Guthrie, correspondlne rnte.t will bo placed on shipments from Great Britain to the. United States. Ifconomy of space, lo prevent tying up and underloading 05sei whcli every Inch of hold space Ii urgently needed, i only a prohlem of co-operation, It wns stated. No additional ntithorlty Is required to effect nn agreement with Ilrltlsh shipping control representatives, It whs declared, and that phase, of tho situation will be cleared up as fast as all the needed facts am avail-able. Lo Stato Maggioro Austriaco Non Ha Tolto Una Sola Divi- siono dalle Lincc dcll'Isonzo VIENNA TEME IITALIA SAMMEES AND POILUS JOIN IN SONG, BIDDING DEFIANCE TO AUTOCRACY "Star Spangled Banner" and "Marseillaise" Crashed Out at Unique Picnic on Ancient Battlefield Behind the Lines I CnpronI Itallnni Bombnrdnno lo Opcro Mllitari N'cmlcho nella Vnllc del Chlapovnno f COAL PRICE CONTROL NOW IN HANDS OF U. S. Federal Trade Commission Pre paring to Take Full Charge of Fuel Situation WASHINGTON. Aug 0. Armed vvlth authority to fix ro.il prices from the month of inlnen tn the consumer, the Federal Trade Commission tod.iv Is pre paring to take charge of the fuel situation, hoping to FOlve much of the Industrial troubles of tlio country Under the I'nmercno amendment to the fqod bill the President may fix prices and rules of practice of all coal men miner and middleman and. If he sees fit take, over the business The amendment establishes abso lute Government control of what experts be. Ilevo Is the biggest factor In war preparation. i enerni iraue i ommuaion omclals, ex pecting the 'resident Immediately to turn over to them the task of coal control, aro speeding their Investigation to fix costs from the mine to the consumer A leport of tho commission to be pub Ilshed shortly Is expected to put the blame for a coal "shortage" declared to be ar tificial Jointly on coal producers and rail roads Hugo experts of coal aro being mado to Canada, It Is charged In order to create a shortage that will result In higher prices here. U-BOAT COMMANDER'S BARBARISM CONFIRMED V9 B 11 Ih s m if Si U. S. Gets Oflicial Report of How Belgian Prince's Crew Was Murdered at Sea WASHINGTON. Aug 9. Official confirmation of barbarism by a U-boat commander was received by the State Department today In a report on the sink ing of the Ilrltlsh steamer Helglan Prince The State Department announcement says- A consular lelegram to the Department of State 'savs that the Ilrltlsh steamship Belgian Prince was torpedoed without earning 200 miles at sea nn the evening of July 31 She was lmirtid from Kng land for an American port Tho crew of forty-four enteied the lifeboats The submarine emerged and took tho captain of tho vessel prlhoner The oflkvis of the subniailne asked whether there were any gunners loft on board nnd ordered the crew of the Belgian I'rlnca on the submarine The men of the submarine searched them for weapons, threw away the oars of the llfehoatH and ordered the crew to remove their life pre servers. The submarluo proceeded for fourteen miles nnd tnen submerged, drowning the ireu except William Knell colored, of .Jacksonville, Fla the chief engineer, anil a Itussinn KNOX'S LIMERICK SPURS HOUSTON TO QUICK REPLY Senator Drops Into I'ootry nnd Secre tary Comes Back With Natural History Problem 11) n KlaT CnrrrtpaiirfriK WASHINGTON'. Aug 9 Senator rhllan. oer C Knox today. Just before starting to motor to his home In Valley Korge, imp. pened to meet an old friend uho h.id been working on thp Intensive canning ramp-ilen which .Secretary D K Houston, of the I)e partment of Agriculture, his been lecon mcndlng The Senitor commented with en. thuslasm on the splendid effect or this cam. .....-H .. nn in.ir the newspapers have ccn uuiiis 10 mane it a success. He sent his compiimenti to rteeretaiy Houston, say. ii v.1. . . remincieci ot the famous vi. . nn o uoKgerej- "A rsnnr exrerrllniilv rnn. nn rnW -laimn In hit ,r,nn, w.,f"Pnjrr.,f,an r"n. "" thine IHat h. run, Hut a rainier can't can a ran. ran lie? When the message, was conveyed to Sec retary Houston b rnm.-irkn.i n.. ,i. c tor's comment was exceedingly apropos and M'1'icvn.iru, aim inai lie was sure the Sena, tor was also familiar with the blmllar bit of lore: 1" a woodchuck would chuck nil the wood he could chuck, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood? PHILADELPHIA DOCTORS ' TO TEST SOLDIERS' LUNGS Thrco Specialists Will Examine Men at Gettysburg and Other Camps for Tuberculosis Three Philadelphia specialists have been enlisted by the War Department In the fight against the "white" plague," any tend ency toward which Is considered fatal In modern trench warfare. The lung specialists are Captain M H Fussell. of noxboiough; First Lieutenant David Rlesman, of 1715 Spruce street, and Lieutenant Augustus A, Kshner, of 1619 Spruce, street. They already have gone to Gettysburg to search for any Indication of conditions which might develop tuberculosis In the trenches. The three physicians later will work In the army cantonments to pre vent the plague from entering the ranks of the officers and men of the new nrmv. ..; The men at Gettysburg urn nhnm --,.,.. Wl j,or e"vl In France. It was said, and they i 'V ' t ;:""""" morousniy ror any i v V iymptoms of lunir weakness. -'-. Indian ITnrUlncr. tn R AI..J ilf. YrABiitxmnw. Am- , -i vuiiHinmoner ui inumn Aiiain Hens toaay wired 'Super Jntendent Davjs of the reservation at u "'vnB lo Blol on immediate ln- f""f' j , me jnnian uprisings. He L.T lo "ni Pcincallywhetlr ft PT H.WMM ll influwif ea are at' work infl'f'iwi WASHI.VOTON, ! Agoolo. lerl II senator J. Ham Lewis dlchtsrnvn che la prosslma spedlilone mllltare amerl cana all'Kuropa sara' dlretta allc frontl oriental! Inveee che a quella oecldentnle. asglungendo che II dovere dell'AnVrlca verso 1'Italla e la Russia o' pari a rjuollo che cssa ha verso la Francla e l'Inghllterra. Slccome II senatore Lewis ha sempre par lato dletro Isplrazlono da alta fonte ufD c.'nle. si rltlene che nncho epiesta volta egll esprlma II penslcro del governo Gil Stall Unlll proeederebbero cpilndl a dlchlarare la guerra anche contro l'Aitstrla e gll altrl duo alleatl delta Gcrmanla. Interrognto a proposlto dl ciueMa dlchla razlone, II segretnrlo della Guerra. Ilaker, ha detto dl non poter dlscutere per ora su cpieslo soggetto c Bill planl ill gucrr.i del gov'erno. SI sono avule qui Informazlonl da fonte ufllclalo socondo cul la Germanla In tendeva dl mettere la Russia fuorl dl com- batllmento con una grandlosa offenslvn sublto dopo roffenslva del rii'sl nella Oa llzla. II piano dclto Stato Magglore tedesco rlchledcva cho numeroe division! austrlachc fossero prelevate dalla fronte Itallana per eisere mandate alia fronte della Onli7iln, ma II governo dl Vienna declse che sarebbo stato perlcoloso togllcre una sola dlvlsione alia fronto Itallana rlcordando che I'anno rcorso nucsto spostamento dl truppo dal Trcntlno o dall'Isonzo alia Gallzi.i enfto' Hll'AURtrla una grave sconfltta o In plazra dl Oorlzla II governo auitrlaeu acconsentl' soltanto a chiamurc nlle arml lo classl plu" vecchle ed Invlarle Alia Gallzla. II generalo fonrad, cho iomanda le for70 austrlachn operantl nulla fronto Itallana, non ha voluto mal laiciaro 11 fuo nuar- tlero generalo ad eccezlone cho per una brevlsslma vlsltn alia fronte della Gallzla Lo Stato Magglore austrlae teme ora una grando orrenlva da parte dell' Italia e Milla fronte dcll'Isonzo f (UlTrentlno ammasa tru)e e mate! lain da guerra SI sta pro cedendo con Iavoro febbrlle a fnrtlflcnro anche Innsbruck cd a sbirrare tutte le vie dl accciso a Trlesto ed a LUilana. Quetl lavorl Honu dlrettl pcrsonrtlmente dal gen eralo Conrad glacche' tantn lo Stato Mag gioro quanto II governo dl Vienna rltengono cho la mlnnaccia plu grave per l'autunno vleno all Austria dalla parte dell'Italla. SI dlco che l'Austrla ha cessato dl pres taro truppe alia Gcrmanla rltenendo dl etrere serlamente mlnacclata dall'Italla, In flnltamento plu' che dalla Russia la cul mlnaccla Vienna rltlene presso che eliml nata, almeno per II momento. SI sa che l'Austrla st-v pure nccrescendo II numero del sunl sottomnrlnl operantl nell'Adrlatlco o nel Medlterraneo AMERICAN' FIHLD HL'ADQUARTHnS, Aug. t. "The, Star Spangled nanner" and "The Marseillaise" reverberated through verdant valleys today as American Sammees and French pollus raised their voices In song. Tho Sammees and pollus picnicked to gether on an ancient battlefield. Renowned French and American soldier hands crashed out the national airs of the two countries, accompanying the men as they sang democ racy's defiance to the enemy, In what was one of the most unlquo celebrations that has occurred since the Sammees landed American "chow wagons" cooked for tho pollus, while French field kitchens cooked for tho Sammees. In deference to the French custom, tho Americans dipped their field cups Into barrels of red wine, fur nished by the French, and drank to democ racy a victory, American and French officers toasted each other with champagne. Though It was a picnic of Frenchmen and Americans, the British were remembered, Tho band! Plaved "Tlppcrary," and husky throats Joined In the chorus of the Tommies' first battle song Sweeping over this scene of good fellow ship came constant rumbling sounds, fol lowed by sharp clatters and explosions. Be cmd a neighboring ridge others were prac ticing grenade throwing and machine gun work. These sounds came as reminders that war Is far from being a picnic. American olTlcers who have Just returned from nn Inspectloi. of parts of the French front speak with amazement of the wonder ful and Intricate underground lines of com muntcatlon. Tramways are operated underground, and even miniature subways have been con structed at various points for the transpor tation of supplies from field depots to the trenches. Huge warehouses are constructed beneath the surface of the ground, where thev are safe and unseen These storage, places are lighted with electricity and con tain omces for the clerical start. Motortrucks and horse-drawn vehicles, all carrying supplies of various kinds, make their way nlong concealed roadways. There Is a constant stream of traffic nlong these hidden roads, ono part going forward and the other returning toward the rear French officers Impressed the Americans deeply with tho fact that an army Is dependent upon lis supplies being handled expedi tiously nnd sstem.itlcnlly. BAKER DENIES DISPUTE WITH BETHLEHEM STEEL Question of Price of Rails Ad justed, Secretary of War Declares COLONEL SNYDER BUSY TRAINING HIS ENGINEERS Men Make Up Lashes for Con struction of Bridge Across Lake Conewago SULLA FRONTi: ITALIAN'A ROMA, 9 Agosto. II generale Cadorna ha rapportato che sl sono avutl dlvcrsi scontrl dl repaitl In rlcngnlzlonc sulla fronto del Trcntlno o che aviatorl Itallanl hanno bombardato le opore mllitari aus trlache nella valle del Chlapovano. Hcco II testo del rapporto del generale Cadorna pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della Guerra: Sulla fronte del Trentlno nella glornata dl lerl sl e' nvuta maggioro attlvlta' da p.irto del notrl repartl dl rlcognlzlone, cho ha portato a dlversl scontrl con re partl nemlcl. Sull.i fronto del TarRo II nostro Intenso fuoco dl nrtlgllerla hi dannegglato In illfese nemlche c nc ha cllsturbato I lavorl nttlrando II fuoco delle artlgllerlo nemlche n cul le nostre batterle hanno rlposto etllcaceinentn con un fuoco ben dlretto. Nella glornata d' lunedl' ed In quella ill lei I le notre sipiadrlglle dl Capronl d.v bomhardamento, nonoMnnln 11 vlolento fuoco delle batterln nntlneren ncmlcjie Insclarnnn endero qunttrn tonnellato dl alto esplnslvn sul b.irnccnmenl! mllitari nustrlncl nella valle del Chlapovano, nr. lecamlov! quis! la rnmpletn dlstruzlone. i no uei nosm veuvoll fu rnlplto da un prolettllo nctnlcn, ma r'ubci' ad nlterrare dentio le nosire llnee Tuttc le altre nostro macehlno rllornarnno sen7a dannl alio loro bal dopo aver compluto la lorn in'sslone I'll telcgramina da Pelrogi.ul dice che le truppe russe hanno ntlaccato di iiunvo gll nustru-tedeschl sulla frontler.-i siid-nrlcntnle della Gallzi.i. ed hanno concpilstato un'al ttira e due vlllaggi facendo ancho trecento prlglonlerl. MT GRETNA. Fa , Aug 9 Lieutenant Colonel Frank A Snyder. In command of the I'nglneers' outfit of the Pennsylvania division's auxiliary units in camp here, today announced nn ambitious schedule of training for his men. Passing from the course of tying knots, they have taken up making lashings In preparation for the construction of a bridge acro Lake Conewago, which Is but a short dis tance from the camp. Colonel Snyder said today he had no Information ns tn the com ing here of the companies necessary to com plete his outfit, and the work of Instruction would be continued wlthc-ut regard to the absent command. As tho result of the completion nf the ammunition train by the muster of tho last companies last evening the camp now boasts of a third complete outfit, the hos- " .:, T m"l"-!,unn' ""J" nnvmB prev - a trrm for pomMi.inp lopg than a p,onv vunij utrcii iuii; wi tsttMICU tlllll rUIJt'sl t U. S. FACES SHORTAGE OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Specialists Asked to Give Serv ices in Passing on Qualifica tions of Drafted Men WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. A shortTge of medical examiner to pais on drafted men Is feared In the oftlce of the Provo't Marshal Oener.il An appeal has been made to HcrUIIts, it was le.irned today, to offer their services n t the nominal fee paid other examining physicians. Tho maximum fee It $1 a day. To clear up any misunderstanding about persons called In the draft who may have been so unfortunate as to have been con victed nf some slight offense against the- laws of the community. It was stated at the ofTiee of tho Provost Marshal General con viction for misdemeanor Is not a bai to f.ervlee In the nntlon'il army. Merely be cause a man happens tn be In jail serving liv a Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Secretary Baker declared today that there was no dispute with tho Hethlehcm Steel Company over the delivery of rails, It was said officially that there had been a dispute some weeks ago about the price, but that this had been adjusted. The Intimation was thrown out In official circles that the story had been printed for stock Jobbing purposes. The story, ns given circulation In New York today, went on to say that Schwab, of the Bethlehem Com pany, had refused a Government contract for the manufacture of rails Intended for uso In Franco because tho price fixed by the Government was too low. ALLENTOWN, Pa.. Aug 9. President Kugeno Grace, of tho Bethle hem Steel Company, has Issued the follow ing statement: "I ofllclally ilenv that the Bethlehem Steel Company has refused to furnish rails to the t'nlted States Government for use In France " Mr Grace says the matter Is now under negotiation with the proper Government of ficials, the negotiation being necessary on account of the price, as first suggested by the Government, being below the cost of manufacture To prevent any delay In sup plying the rails the Bethlehem Steel Com pany has orders to proceed vvlth the manu facture, leaving the price to he settled later by the Tederal Trade Commission after n thorough Investigation VIRGINIA'S RED-HOT POLITICAL FIGHT ENDS Lieutenant Governor Ellyson De feated for Renomination by Westmoreland Davis TWELVE DIE AS GALE SINKS LAKE SCHOONER Man and Boy Only Survivors of Collier Hit by Storm on Lake Ontario KINGSTON, Ont Aug. !. Twelve out of fourteen persons aboard the schooner Georgo A. Marsh perished when the vcsel wan destroyed In n 35-nille gale which swept Lake Ontario Tuesday night, It was learned today. The dead Include Captain Swift, his wlfo and five children, Mr. and Mrs. McClennan and one child, William Watklns, mate, and Georgo Cousins, deckhand All were drowned except one child, who died from exnnsure. while XlerUnnaM survivors, was rowing for land In Ltt!i boat. The only other person ahn,'n,5 vessel saved was William Stilfi. i. ,h"J of tho captain. The vnim... ', '3 "on! nnd the boy were picked up by nsiicrn'cn"afi WANTS STOVES FOR ARMY U. S. to Ask Bids on 101,390 Tent He crs for Soldiers' Use Mosea Zalinskl, United States depot .. termaster nt the Schuylkill Aninl? " i eclved Instructions from the War Den r'" meni in viimuiiKion io oiitaln nrnn . ft from slnvn mnnnfneliirer. .. i,.':rP"l t stoves, to be used In the numeto'in !"' II rninpi throughout tho country. tnT ? Tho specincntlons provide for h,,, made nf light steel, adaptable for can shelters and easy moving, Captain it.,!?' of tho nrscnal, believes the bids win Ii' Issued within two or three rtnv. ' " All organizations have gotten clown to hard work In tho way of drllli In prepara tion for the call which will send them from here to the Augusta, Gn , mobilization camp. A military ball Is planned for this eve ning In the park auditorium hy Philadel phia Truck Company No 3, of the Motor Supply Train Music will be furnished by the Philadelphia Military Police Company's orchestra &, 1 tf J ' PRORING ACCIDENT WHICH CAUSED DEATH OF GIRL Miss Mlnnio Bradley, of Philadelphia, Dies After Automobile Mishnp Near LanRhorne, Pn, Coroner Bray, of Trenton, In conjunction wllli the Pennsylvania police, todav Is con ducting nn Investigation to determine the ex id nature of the accident that cauied the death of Miss Minnie Biadley. twenty-nlne eiirn old, lSOfi Jefferbon Mreet. The joung woman died last night In St. Francis Hospt. -"ii. iiiuii injuries received when the automobile In which she was riding lost a wheel and overturned near Langhorne, IM. Miss Bradley woh riding In a machine owned and driven by C. H. Letts 25"' North Hleventh street The couple we're an", proachlng Langhoino from . Philadelphia when the ncoldent occurred. The car struck a concrete culvert and overturned In n ditch. Lotts, who was only slightly Injured, procured aid from a nearby farmhouse, and hit companion wns taken to Trenton She died on the opeiatlng table, as physicians were attempting to lellcve the pressure on her brain Lotts was able to leave the hospital after he was treated Ho was summoned to police headciuartcrs to make a statement. CAMDEN WOMAN DIES IN AUTO DASH TO HOSPITAL Jitney in Rush Trip Knocks Down and Injures Pedestrian MMrH; ,IA?t,i?rlne J'ulz' lt"three years old. of 701 erry avenue, Camden, died In the Jitney of Jacob Silverman, of 1215 Kverett street Camden, nfter the machine struck and Injured Mrs. Annie r. Nellsnn. thlrty.flvo years old. of -102 South Third street, while Silverman was driving Mrs. Lutz to the Cooper Hospital. The woman was stricken at the Federal ViZ' ffrrl1" , Camden, nnd Silverman Placed her In his car and sturted for the 5K5" v'-i. At Thlr1 and F'dera rtreet. Mrs. Nellson stepped In front cf the car and was knocked down and Injured. Silver man nlded her Into the car nnd continued to the hospital, but Mrs. Lutz wa, dead when they arrived. Mrs. Neeison ,vas treated for lacerations of the head and body and for shock. Silverman ga?e him. self up to Policeman Miller, but was re l?,1 on..,nl;.own "wgnlfince. Coroner dhfease UUZ M trom " Two Hurt When Auto Turna Tnr.i. LANCASTER, Pa., Aur. . In awervlmr thJr.uCart0 void' a' collision. U. M L.h5 ?MIy hurt last night. when the tn aaiaw. KaxraavA ii --i m. t .M.WBVBf ' IMWttlinL.MAllnAJ . !,:- s-yfi v I n- . f j- tiuK .t-r- tiT,r wzmm DISCUSS PROPOSED BRIDGE AND TUNNEL TO CAMDEN In Conference Governor Edpe Urges Co-operation of All Interests Involved SKA GIRT, Aug fl Governor Hdge and the Delaware River Bridge and Tunnel Commission met hero for a discussion of the proposed Joint work between the cointnls. slon nnd the Pennsylvania board authorized to work for the Joining by bridge nnd tunnel of Camden and Philadelphia. The entlro commission attended the conference, nnd Governor Kdge stated that they had dis cussed at length the methods of procedure vnnd the problem of financing the project He suggested to them that they get to gether with the commission recently named for the same purpose. In connection with New Jersey and New York, and undertako a co-operative method of work. The com mission will also nrrango conferences with the Pennsylvania committee in tho near future Governor Edfie Wants War Nurses SKA GIIIT. Aug. 9. Governor Kdgo Is anxious to enlist tho aid ot the oung women of the Stato In war work, and has made the suggestion that they take up fho study of nursing to qualify themselves for useful work. In the strugglo nn the other side. 111 not excuse him from liability, either It v as decided today he must appear for examination Immediately upon being ie leased from Jail So that members of local boaIs will not have to pass on the qualifications of their own relatives. It yis decided today that If an applicant Is related to two members of the board he may be transferred to an ad joining board for examination. So much expense to the Government has been Incurred In distributing fo.fms for filing exemption nnd dlscnarge claims tjiat It was decided to discontinue t.c free distribution of them. RUSSIA AND ITALY NEED GUNS AND COAL, NOT MEN So. Declares IHrIi Officer Commenting Upon Senator Lewis's Statement Over Aid to Allies WASHINGTON. Aug. D "What Russia wants now, and needs very badly, Is guns and munitions, not men, nnd Italv needs coal nnd metals. Her man power reserv,' Is not even In action." That was the reply today by one of the highest ranking ofliceis of the Aimy General Staff to tho statement by Senator James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, In tho Senate late jesterday that the I'nlted States shortly would dispatch troops to Russia and Italy. The Lewis statement caused con siderable agitation hero because of the fact that the Illinois Senator had n lengthy con ference with President Wilson a few clays ago. The Senator today made It plain that ho was talking on his own responsibility "I believe wo will sond troops to ' all fronts," he explained, 'but my statement was on my own responsibility and was not Inspired " Oinclals In touch with the situation were Inclined today to crltlclzo sharply such statements ns certain tn make trouble for this country RICHMOND. Aug 3 Virginia today was smoothing ruffled feathers after cue of the scrappiest gover norship fights the Old Dominion ever had known. Indications were the total vote would rim SO.OOn, split as follows: Davis, 34,000; nilyson, 25,000; John Garland Pollard, 21,000 Last-hour emphasis by Westmoreland Davis that tho prohibition Issue was not Involved In the fight, and that he proposed vigorously to uphold existing dry statutes strengthening them If necessary with "reasonable" leglrlatlon was believed here to have largely offset alleged questionable efforts of Dr. James Cannon, of the Antl- bnlonn League, to discredit Davis as a "wet" candidate. Prohibition, It was pointed out, could have played no great part In the vote, as largo numbers, of dry voters admittedly must have swung to Davis to have given nlm such a substantial plurality. CONGRESS RESTS TODAY; FINAL LAP-STARTS FRIDAY Senate Will Take Up Big Revenue Bill nnd Other War Measures WASHINGTON, Sub? 9. Both houses of Congress rested today, preparatory to swinging in Friday on the final lap of the war session Leaders hope to adjourn by September 15 at tho latest. The Senato tomorrow will begin consid eration of the $2,000,070,000 tax bill. A general agreement has been reached to limit discussion as much as possible. Sena tor Simmons, chairman of the Finance Com mllii'e. believes it will pass without much change. Otner incisures still to bo considered are the tradlng-wlth-the-cnemy act and the deficiency appropriation bill. Majority Lender Martin, of the Senate said today night sessions may be held to expedite work on the revenue bill. . ii When You Change a Tire or Check Mileage You Appreciate Firestone Rims YssSSS 3gvS'j& LWi&r they Tr th,e "? -h tire removal quick and convanienL You fecot VSZ..? an?fa?tu1rer' That b why they ere o nizo the eflectlvenes. of the accurate Ital PCrfeCt,y odal"e1 10 meet 7 tiii need. the continuous support, and the true circle of the Firestone Rim when you find your tires wearing evenly and longer than you expected. If you have owned cars in the post you probably realize the importance of Firestone Rim equip. iquip- ment in safety, convenience and tire savinfc. Five minutes is usually sufficient for mnv.t n. i, :. . .I... .l . . , q u - coV lUe manufacturer a little the fit,S "cxe"neles yon will find that the far-sifchted car maker does not let the price -M. vucrv-e mm into Rtvinft you nra. If the an inferior fni iwumm 11 it the CAP vnn .n.....-..-1-i- i - are no complicated mw. n i tZTZL K" rrv P;7Mf """ P?s.n& does not fcEEsc '- -- i!s3Eia-,fflfc Brit If vnn bpm vmM...lM. a .. " '! -:-"---- your nrsi car let us Your first tiro SoT- -n' .? own crPen?' . ' ., "". -- ' ... .1 . - recommend that you insist 'upon Fireston.'Rimt SS yToLT'lK u? increased !.. FIREST?2N3U,RbE D RUBBER COMPAQ ' " Horn. Offlc. and Factory, Akron, Ohu'0"1 Stree, Ph-d.IpW., Pa. ......L.c. Bna Heaters Everywhere $m rireztom v.Ms - -t-v. J V,S"-'.- M 'Mo i'kii &kL j" $fo. .. tv ' i$:vWit ky-T .i t A1 k K. ' -k"" "v . 1 , -fst J-iy-t. kMlM..-: Ri 5 isim. ',i ..,.,a;.io ' 1.,, "JL'W flC WEasa .f.(V-3, I AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Open Saturdays Until 6 P. M. SAO .JLi UWm CcmPlete till I Bed, Bureau, Dressing Table and Chifforobe Choice of GENUINE WALNUT ANTIQUE MAHOGANY ANTIQUE IVORY Truo Adam Reproduction Kensington Carpet Co. 211-13-15-17 Market Street Si7 A H3f & Jfetll "-Sli2 J VV" T-r.pJ) I rvk - ' -" -i if. r p (hWf Death to All FLIES and MOSQUITOES This is the time of the year to eliminate all insect pests. Every home, store, office, public building:, hospital, etc., should purchase at once a supply of Radium ser the wonderful liquid that means quick death to all flies, mos quitoes and other insects. Spray your bedroom before retiriiiR and be sure of a peaceful nip;ht's rest. Radium Cleanser is now being used by all the Allied Nations of Europe in camps, hos pitals, barracks, etc. It is absolutely harmless to humana and wonderfully effective. Get yours today. Comes in 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.50 Cans At All Leading Department, Drtifr, Grocery, Hardware Store OR RADIUM CHEMICAL COMPANY 805 Bailey Bldg, 1218 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. The City 's Telephone Traffic At the close of 1915 the Philadelphia public's use of the Bell Telephone each twenty-four hours was approximately 550,000 calls. , . This traffic increased steadily during the spring months of 1916, dropped to 500,000 7nn nnn the SUmmer season and se to 700,000 in the autumn and early winter. The present year has shown even greater in creases the 800,000 mark being Cached in iZ hJ iSS been 80me falKng-ofr dur bXJ W!?rer' but the unprecedented business conditions have -kept the total high and will undoubtedly soon set a new record! This traffic is being handled by a force of The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania t :. i 2 t I i. r i e I Ml J9 VA mnJEb U t &r ! r fir, , k n t jcji