Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 06, 1917, Final, Image 5

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    . VJ, l
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i pi-epare to Fight Invaders
Tjofivpnn Dniester and
' Pruth, Says Berlin
, nnnuN, aub. 6.
' "The nusslnnn have prepared for battles
h.een tho Dniester and the Truth lllvers,"
ti,. War Odlcc stated today.
Southeast of Czcrnowlt tho enemy Is re
'iitlns. tho statement declared.
Of, .the numanlan frontier. Uadautz, on
,. Scrcth, was captured. Positions on
fth .Ides of tho Maldava Klver were
tn,.ncludlnB Hlstrlti and several heights
,n the east bank.
f aHJCEViV, Aub. c.
' jt was reported from Berlin today that
lustro-German forces havo erased the
nillelan frontier Into tho Ilusslan province
,, BMarabla. In tho Itaranczo-Bojan sec
" The report Is not offlclally confirmed.
u the foregoing report Is truo It means
Ihit tho Teuton troops havo" entered
Bessarabia province for tho first time since
Uia war began. nlthouEh they have made
number of unsuccessful efforts to do so.
Ituanczo and Bojan Ho southeast of
CMrnowltz. tho capital of Bukowlna. Tho
former Is four miles from tho Besarablan
border and tho latter Is directly upon tho
frontier. Tho Oermnn War Ofllco on Sun
ay announced the capture of Itaranczo and
Itated that the western part of llojan had
teen occupied.
The stlffenlnB of the morale of the Itus
,,, armies on the eastern front Is belnff
rn today In the sturdier resistance tho
Russians aro putting up npalnst the Gcr
,ns and Austro-Hungarlans.
Already gooa resuns uro uciiik seen irom
,w drastic policies adopted by Dictator
KerensKy anu m ."j e
The Petrocrad correspondent of the Morn
ing Post cables:
"General Kornlloff's prompt severity has
taved all that was worth saving In the
miles at tho front The first corps to set
tM example and lead tho general exodus
from the fighting lines was the Coi ps d'Kllte
if Guards from Pctroprad. Their com
mander. General MacvsUy, was among those
who received Kornlloff's order to fire upon
deserters and failed to carry out tho com
mand. Kornlloff, in strict accordance with
Justice, sent Maevsky before a court-martial
for disobedience of orders and he was
sentenced to bo shot. Russian history thus
has a new precedent, for never before has
the commander of the guards corps under
tone such shame. A fighting general hero
tells me that the Russian army will soon
le as good as over under tho bamo com
manders." PETROGRAD, Aug. 6.
A democracy that has created within lt
Itlf a "rule of absolutism approved by tho
people was Russia's latest contribution to
war governments today.
Having been Klven a vote of confidence by
council's representative o nil Russians.
Premier Kercnsky is In a position to proceed
With his work of regeneration with absolute
The following Cabinet officers have been
Mmed by the Premier!
Premier, Minister of War and Marine
Alexander F. Kercnsky.
'.Vlce'Pr'emlcr and Minister of Finance
N, V. Xekrasoff.
JJIInlster of Foreign Affairs M. I. Te-fntchenko.
' Minister of tho Interior M, Aksentlcft
Social Revolutionary, lately released from
penitentiary). .
Minister of Public Instruction M. Olden
burg (Constitutional pemocrat and member
M the Academy of Sciences).
tMlplster of Labor M. Skobcleff.
Minister of Trade and Industry M.
Minister of Social Tutelage " " Astrort
(Mayor of Moscow, Constltutioni.st Demo.
Minister of Supplies M. Piescheho.
Minister of Justice M. Yefremoff.
Procurator of tho Holy Synod M. Karta
heft. 'Minister of Posts and Telegraphs M.
Klkltlne (Social Democrat).
State Comptroller F. A. Golovlne (Coil
Itltutlonal Democrat).
Minister of AgrlVUure SI. Tchernoft
Assistant Minister of War M. SavlnkofT.
M. Tchernoft, who again becomes Minister
f Agriculture, has been fully rehabilitated,
Ma accusers having withdrawn charges that
te had relations with Germany.
JA great Improvement In the morale of
- troopa at the front Is reported,
, Only Chance for Freedom Is Loyalty
t to Allies During War, Says
, Richard Crokcr -
PALM BEACH, Aug. 6. If Germany
( Wins the world war, Ireland's chances of
I-Jt r? ' repuDiic are gone, declared
iV i hard Croer, former Tammany leader.
w . u interview in IMA Pn m TlAnntt Tnst
f " recently returned from Ireland
P .he had been living on his estate.
, . uirU uiul iiumuu snouia remain
12? 1 Knland tfnd tho Allies until the
no of the war, "after which Irish free
jm will be an established fact."
'ta May Tear Out K-n-i.R.p.r
K.,7?lCAG?. AxiB. 6- At tho meeting of.
I'i S ,?" board tomorrow, Anthony
HL7? M' a trustee, will request that Su
Ifitfhl i!? nt Shoon nnd the board designate
R fctftlM. h. .... . .
fr .vBe eu'Klng the Kalsep be torn
1 from the school spelling books.
hj.ere wl be, if Mayor Thompson's school
i ward annrAvoo v. i- j, -j
PI tS.'i ..the chlllren will rise and tear.
Eri WtrlOtlc demonstration u-lll fnllniv nf
?a.i, lh! pages wl" b0 burned and the
, -..v. taei io xne winds.
"T "STVr
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fi liiis:-:gSMrs.?i.R M t. K-BSBS
Ammunition Train of Pcnnsylva.
nin Division Auxilinry Units
Now Complete
MT. Cim:T.'A Pn Aug. 6.
The nmmuultloii train of tho Pennsyl
vania Division of nuxlllary units was com
pleted here today by the arrival of four
additional comranlcs, Increasing the
strength of tho command to twelve com
panies. Two companies, Xo. 4, Lieutenant
Garfield J. Phillip. Srllnsgrovc, and No. 0,
Lieutenant William J. MtClunc, Cnrllsle,
reported at noon, whllo Company No. S,
Lieutenant J. Fred McKay, Wllllamyport,
nnd No. 5, Lieutenant Harry A. Hall, Al
lentown, followed during tho early after
noon, Tho ammunition train, which h com
manded by Lieutenant -Colonel H. S, Wil
liams, Is the second complete unit In camp
here, tho motor truck unit of six companies
Major J. 11. Wheeler commanding being
the first.
Whllo preparations were made tod.ty
looking toward tho phtslc.il examination
for muster of the Philadelphia company
of the military police, plans nlso were per
fected for the early arrival of tho Pitts
burgh company nf tho same unit nnd the
field bakeries, all of which organizations
are looked for here within the course nf
a few days.
Many Changes in Boundaries
Proposed for Safeguarding
of Nationalities
Tlfo Allies hac come to a full agreement
as to tho remodeling of Europe's map after
the war.
Taking territory here, straightening lines
there, they Intend to havo such restorations
as will tend to guard International peace In
tho future. While ciermany dreams of a
Middle Kuropc running from the North
Sen to Itagdad, under Teuton dominion
tho Allies havo ngreed that tho wnr shall
go on until this dream has vanished.
First In tho Allies' proposal Is the rcstora.
tlon of stricken Melgltim. Then France, ac
cording to plans, Is to have Alsace-Lorraine.
Constantinople will bo Internationalized, nnd
the Turkish Government's grasp In Kuropa
will bo loosened,
The Grecian boundary will be shoved
northward, while Greece will also get some
of the Islands near her In tho Mediterranean.
Italy will hao Trent nnd Trieste, somo
straightening of her northern boundary and
a small slice of territory ncross tho
Croatia nnd tlohemla will be made Into
Independent .Stales, while Poland will lit.
established ns mi Independent territory as
a buffer between Germany nnd Ilussla
It Is further propoved to dlvldo Austria
Hungary Into two States.
Thuhe readjustments are not based upon
conquest, but upon determination that peo-
11 ... '. ""
pies shall live In t&t . at-th.
tlonallty not under an 'UW
The Allies do not propose to yield 1
man African colonies In view of I
abuses there and moreover becatiM
colonies threaten the Allied territories
art hnnd.
These term -are Allied terms. An
has not lent Itself to them. All this
ernment says on such subjects It:
beat Germany nnd Urn lln will ihn
- ?M1
Lehigh Legislator Dies of Apople
ALLKNTOWN, Pa., Aug. e.OlfveWil
Len, rarmer, Assemblyman from the S
District of Lehigh County, died last
nine at his home In Egypt suddenly'j
apopicxy. jio was sixty years old.
Lch was one of the big men of the Leh
cement region and was Identified from
start with tno development or the An
can and Reliance Cement Companies.
leaves his wife, one daughter and 'to
$12.00 ft.""1
Aucmt 10, til Hrnttmher 7..31)
nnd October IS
Philadelphia. Ilroad St. Station. 8:s A.M.
Writ Philadelphia ... 8:32 A.U.
J'nrlor Cut: Itealaur't Car, Day CMehet
Via rictureque Hunqnehanna Valley
Tickets snort for FIKTHEN DATS. Stop.
ner at Iluffato nnrt Harrlabure return
inc. Illuitrated rtooklet of Ticket Arenta.
Un Aeroplano Austriaco Abbat-
tuto sul Po Gli Aviatori Ne-
mici Fatti Prigionieri
noMi:. " Agosto.
Icri sera II Mlnlstero della Gucrra pub
bllcava 11 seguente rapporto del generale
Cadorna circa la Bltuazlone alia fronte Unto
austrlca: Lungo tutta la fronte dl battaglla si
soho avutl combattlmentl tra pattugllo
In recognlzlonc, ed nttlvlta' Intermlt
tente delio artigllcrlc.
Durante la notte del 4 corrcntc nero
planl nemlcl cs?Bulrono una Incurslone
su varll ccntr abltatl sulla planura tra 11
Tngllamento o l'lsonzo. l'cro' non si
devono lamentaro vlttlmo c l'lncurslone
ha causato soltanto llel dannl.
Un aeroplano nemlco o' stnto abbattuto
dalla nostre battcrlo antlaeree cd e' ca
duto ncl Po nclle viclnanze dl Pontcla
goscuro. Gil aviatori sono Rtatl fattl
Ncll'Albanla II 4 ccrrentc una del no
btrl rcpartl In clcognlzionc lncontro' un
grosso reparto austriaco, tuttl gli uomlnl ,
del quale furono fattl prlgllonlerl dal
Telegramml dl Parlgl dlcono che le
truppe IngleM, rlprendendo roffensivn,
hanno avanzato In dlrczlone Jl Lens da cul
distano ora pochlsslmo. Nondlmcno non
h puo' dire che la cittadlna. che o' centrof
dl una rlcca rcglone carbonlfera, o' vlclna
a cadere.
La sltuazlone in Ilussla sembra in ccrto
modo mlgllorata. II presidente del Con
sigllo Kcrensky ha dl nuovo accettato dl
nortare II peso del governo nel caos che
ancora regna nella Ilussla ed ha rlcevuto
un voto dl flducla non soltano dal cinquo
partltl che erano rappresentatl nella con
ferenza tenutasl l'altra notto al Palazzo
d'lnverjio, ma nnche dal comltatl csecutlvl
del Conslglll del lavoratorl e soldatl e del
contadlnl. Soltano 1 masslmallstl, che non
sono la maggloranza In nessuna manlcra,
votarono contro. Kercnsky dlvlene ora 11
vero dlttatorc della Russia e da lul e' do
speraro la rlsurrezlono della grando repub
bllca o sulla fronte dl battaglla e all'ln
terno. Intanto o' notevole II fatto che Mlllukoff.
ex minlstro degll Ksterl e capo del partlto
costltuzlonalc-democratlco, ha dlchlarato dl
essero pronto ad appogglaro Kerensky cd un
gabinetto dl coallzlone, II generale Kornl
loff ha domandato al governo plenl potcrl, e
sembra che II avra'. Naturallmento II ge
nerate si rlferlsce alle operazlonl dl gucrra
ed al mantenlmento della dlsclpllna alia
fronte dl battaglla e nell'esercito.
Intanto per quanto rlguarda la sltuazlone
mllltare sulla fronte russa lo ultlme notlzle
sembrano dover glustlflcare qualche spe
ranza. SI dice che la rltlrata del russl o"
cessata a nord'del Dniester e sulla fron
tlera, e Berllno nnnuncla che e' lmpegnata
una vlolenta battaglla dl artigllcrle nella
zona dl Brody, la sola cltta' gallzlana che o'
ancora In possesso del russl j ma ancora non
si puo" dlro se si tratta dl uno sforzo lm
prowlso del generale Kornlloff dl sfondare
le llnee tedesche In quella zona, o dl un
nuovo attacco austro-tedesco per cacclare I
russl anche da Brody.
Un telegramma da Aten'e dice che II re
Alessandro ha prestato 11 gluramento
davantl alia Camera del Deputatl greca,
presentl tuttl I component! del corpo
dlplomatlco. Nel dlscorso della corona II re
deflnl" l'attegglamento della Grecla verso le
potenze belllgerantl. f
Mandano da Berllno che II cancelllere
dell'lmpero, dr. Mlchaelis, in un aiscorso
pronounclato davantl a pochl uomlnl poli
tic! ed nl kaiser, ha dlchlarato che 11
governo era dcclso a conservaro lntatta la
Germanla con una pace "forte o saggla"
aHlnche' la razza tedesca possa mantenere
II suo posto e contlnuare 11 suo salutare e
vlgoroso svlluppo.
riioto from tTndrrno(l & t'nrtrrwoort.
An immenso throng lined the
streets of ChicaRo as the future
soldiers of that city, carryinpc flas
passed in review hefore General
Thomas H. Barry. U. S. A and
members of the Russian Commis
sion. Thomas Clancy, first to ap
pear in the list of "perfect 2o8's,"
is shown wearing the new army
brassard, or arm hand.
More Strikes Threatened as Re
sult of Killing I. W. W.
Negro Thought to Have Iicen Killed in
Chester Turns Up
OUer Jones, a negro, who was reported
to havo been killed In the ("heater race llots,
is In Moyamcnslni; Pilson lie came heio
a few days ago with u bullet wound in his
back and went to the Pennsjlvanla Hospi
tal. After his Injury wnt attended Jones was
sent to prison, accused nf Inciting to riot.
He is being held to await requisition by tho
Delaware County authorities.
f i
TJ -k I
3ovc jfub
w ft & your nerZsJ
Real Havana
10c and up
Life and Trust Company
ofc Philadelphia
What will your income be
when old age overtakes
you? A Provident Income
Policy will answer this
question satisfactorily.
y. ? jf
Excursionists Fight Policemen
kel, a Philadelphia excursionist, was badly
battered w'th blackjacks nnd then sent to
Jail for assault and battery upon Heading
Hallway policemen as n result of n fight
which nearly created a riot when thousands
were boarding lato trains In a rush In tho
excursion dlstilct lato last night. ICdwnrd
Mooro, ono of tho policemen, was knocked
down in a free-for-all fight w'th Flnkel's
friends and saved from a worse beating
by reserves.
Bt'TTK. Mont . Aug fi.
rtutte today was facing several additional
strikes which threaten to tie up local In
dustries as ji result nf the killing of Frank
W l.'ltle 1 V W leader.
Seven hundred members of the clerks'
union are lo take a strike vote tonight. A
decision to walk out will close, virtually all
Ftores In llutte. All liilno engineers lire
hprlmislv considering a stilke nlpo, accord
ing to lendeis of tho metal mine workers'
union, which would force a complete shut
down nf the mines.
No attempt Is being made by the Rtreet
car company to break the strike of caimen
and no ram have moved slnco Saturday
1'nlon leaders declare 12,000 miners were
still out as a result of the original miners'
strike, and that lest than 3 per cent of the
miner! deserted the Union.
The funeral of Frank Little, held yester
day, was a peaceful demonstration and no
inli.nrn insulted Paraders. estimated nfr
nnno, marched behind tho body. In tho line !
of march were members of the I. W. W. and
the Pe.irs-e-l'onnolly Club, an Irish Na
tionalist organization. No religious service
was held, the body being Interred after
speeches of protest and condemnation by
various leaders.
Tho entlro police department, many extra
deputies and two companies of the National
Guard were mobilized during the ceremonies
In tho expectation of trouble.
A mass-meeting, nt which speakers de
manded Justlco for tho killing of Little,
followed the funeral. Sensational charges
that Tom Campbell, president of the local
I. V. W. miners' union, was offered $15,000
by tho operators to call oft the strike, and
$15,000 more when tho men returned to
work, were made.
Tho third session of tho Coroner's Inquest
over Little's body was begun today.
Delaware District Appeal Board Named
WASHINGTON, Aug. B. President Wil
son today named tho following district ap
peal board for Delaware: A. H. Magee,
Dover ; Oliver A. Newton, Drldgevlllc ; Doc
tor Itobln, Wilmington; A. H. Saylor, Wil
mington ; Chnrles Warner, Wilmington.
Mann & Dilks
We Have One Sale Each Year
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Goods
About 72 Price
(Some Things Less)
1.00. 1.50 Silk Neckwear 50
5.00, 6.00 Silk Shirts 3.75
8.00, 1 0.00 Silk Shirts (Best Qualities) '. . . 5.75
,2.00 Madras and Mercerized Cotton Shirts . . . 1.25
6.00, 6.50 White Flannel Pants 4.25
1.50. 2.00 Knitted Neckwear .75
1.00 Madras Knee
Drawers 50
15.00, 16.00 Raincoats. .. . 7.75
Fine Raincoats... .About Yl Price
4.50 Office Coats 2.75
6.00. 7.00 Motor Dusters. . 4.50
21.00, 24.00 Golf Suits 15.75
2.75 Bathing Pants 1.37J2
5.00. 6.00, 7.00 Bathing Suits Y2 Price.
18.00. 20.00 Overcoats, Motor Coats . 14.75
7.75 White Flannel Pants (English Cricket) 5.75
Mann & Dilks
Truck Representative Wanted
A business man of Integrity, ability nnd popularity In Philadelphia and Eastern
Pennsylvania who has financial responsibility Is today helng sought by the
N 3132-34-36 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.
manufacturers of the now famous MASTER utility trucks, which range In
capacity from one and a half to five tons, and which retail to the publlo
at from $1000 to $4000.
We want a hutller who unde'ritand the fact that efficient
and economical truck are virtually heading the lilt of human
necettitiei today, and who in return for earnett co-operation
from a factory well financed and able to fill it order
promptly, will get to the public and hold hi share of the
buiine.! For uch a man there i a wonderful commercial
future and independence in itorc.
Our trucks are built of the finest materials obtainable, are specially designed
for durability and flexibility, nnd carry the maximum truck guarantee. At
our prices THEY CANNOT nu EQUALED, and are not equaled In the
tpon market today. Our now tractor, with duaLtlrcs and fifth wheel at $3250.
guaranteed to handle six-ton trailer with safety and case. Demonstrating;
trucks are now in Philadelphia.
Are YbH the Mai We Are Leekiit For?
KJi'VASa..iSjkUlj ,.j..v ' - Vm, PuJU, fi. -J.
-1 ".- -ijfj
J01llig?r II
lllffh Hoy Jn Dull Mahogany,
lifter nnc of Chippendale'?
Our Entire Stock of Summer
Furniture Included in
This August Sale
IN ADDITION to a general stock unequaled in magnitude
and variety we have included our wonderful assortment
of Summer Furniture in :his greatest August Sale. True,
there are weeks of hot weather ahead of us yet, weeks when
Summer Furniture would, in trade parlance, "sell itself," but .
thoroughness has always been our motto and our idea of a
real Sale is one which includes everything in our line. So we
have made a corresponding reduction on all porch, lawn and
Summer suites and pieces, offering much of our stock at
actual cost and some even below cost.
Rustic Hickory, Chinese Sea Grass and
Peel, Willow, Fibre Rush, Reed, Rattan
and Cedar Furniture are among these
special offerings, and in these lines are
numerous imported goods that are now
practically unobtainable at any price,
notably Chinese Sea Grass and Peel,
ideal Summer materials both from the
standpoint of beauty and durability. The
opportunities for saving on every kind of
furniture here are and we use the terms
advisedly unique and unparalleled, for
in this period of high and rising costs our
position as manufacturers as well as re
tailers works out to the public's advan
tage more strikingly than ever before.
f'f'r. ?V '&L fSfe
A charming suite in Rustic HicKory; the ideal outdoor furniture, eaeii piece expressing
qunintness and comfort in every line. Price complete is $15.50, but pieces may be
bought separately if desired, as follows: Settee, $7.50; Rocker, $4.25; Arm Chair, $3.75.
Such Values in Fine Floor Coverings
May Not Be Seen Again for Years
Because reductions ranging from lOft to 30 have been made from our original prices,
many of which were below present wholesale cost, all of which were unusually low, in the face
of a continunlly advancing market. Please note that we not only designate our regular and
sale prices, but that we give each article its full trade name. For example, wo say "Sanford
Beauvais Axminstcr," not merely Axminster, and so on throughout the line. We do this so
that you can actually shop through this advertisement because the grade and value of our mer
chandise arc plainly set forth.
$41 Whittall Body Brussels, 9x12 ft. $28.50
878 Hartford Saxony, 9x12 ft $56.00
$54 Royal Wilton, 8.3x10.6 $39.75
$60 Royal Wilton, 9x12 ft $42.50
$85 Royal Wilton, 10.6x12 ft $58.00
$106 Royal Wilton, 11.3x15 ft. $79.00 & $91.00
$24 Sanford Beauvais Ax., 6x9 ft.... $19.75
$45 Sanford Beauvais Ax., 9x12 ft... $32.50
$65 Sanford Beauvais Ax., 11.3x15 ft. $43.50
$52 Smith Extra Axmin., 11.3x12 ft. $29.50
$30 Bcattie Velvet, 11.3x12- ft $22.50
$36 Hartford Body Brussels, 9x12 ft. $24.50
$32 Smith Seamless Ax., 9x12 ft.... $21.50
$27.50 Best Tap. Brussels, 9x12 ft. . . $21.50
$24.50 Best Tap. Brussels, 8.3x10.6 ft. $19.85
$18.50 Tapestry Brussels, 9x12 ft.... $13.75
$3 Smith Best Wilton Velvet $1.95 yd.
$2.75 Bigelow Lowell Axminster... .$1.45 yd.
$2.60 Whittall & Bigelow Body Brus. $1.25 yd.
$2.00 Bigelow & Smith Axminster. . 95c yd.
Discontinued patterns and incomplete rolls.
85c Square Yard
Highest grade Linoleum; perfect goods;
part rolls, not over 30 sq. yards of a pattern;
bring sizes. Varied, selection of desirable pat
terns in effects suitable for bathroom or
kitchen. An opportunity to buy the best Inlaid'
Linoleum for the price of printed.
Genuine Oriental Rugs at the Price of Domestics
$70.00. Afghan Bokara, 10.2x5.9. . .535
$85.00 Afghan Bokara, 9.2x6.3 $53
$97.00 Cashmere, 10x6.9 $58
$217.00 Hyderabad, 10.4x8.1 $98
S310.00 Muscabad, 13x9.7 $125
$325.00 Sultanabad, 14x12.1 $145
Win ill!"' fe
AjiJSJ'litw:: .;:.
vi!,:'.::": .' '
1 WV. 'v.v ." v.- i . ,
A Quaint Hour Glass Chair in Chinese Peel Cane
Our own importation from China. The Peel Cane is attractive
in appearance ana very
durable; suitable for
living room or porch.
Sale Price, $4.75
Lawn Swing", $4.50
A roomy, 4-passenger
Lawn Swinjr.of stroncr
construction and neat
appearance; a lasting
source of comfort and
enjoyment to children
and grown-ups alike.
Canopy is $2.25 extra.
A pleh8ant, A-minute ride over the river to America's Great Furniture Store will
assure you the widest selection, the completest satisfaction and the greatest saving.
7Wlinr"i iiiwhi "
J. B Van Svkmr
Manufacturers, Importers' and Retailers
Market Street Ferry
, 'M
: 9
.-. vJJ" t