"41 &1- 'V'" . 4,- v '(... A -"v t 1 wr 'hi' M jf"J' v. , .a BpiWjy-f d, ; " 'EVENING -BEDBBPHIIAibELPHI, SATUBD&Y,- -JULY -2&- 191ft ' "' ' ",''. ty.'l WEftS HOPS 100 POINTS IN HITTING AND HAS TY COBB "SKEEREP TO DEAThI .5" y IE, LOSES A GAME TO TIGERS 'SHE FINISHED EVEN ON THE DAY: LEFTY ANDERSON SHOWING FORM f K k's . tt-rt . . - - iicago wnite Sox Considered New Portsider a aBig Favorite on Initial Start, But Mack Fed ?fHim Raw Meat or Something-and He May Do JNNIE JJACK lost a ball game yesterday, but finished even on the day at that. ,It was necessary to suffer defeat to make the startling discovery that Lefty lerson la a regular pitcher and soon will bo on tho mound working with the llr twlrlers. Lefty he got this name because of tho manner In which ho ew the ball stepped Into tho picture after Jlng Johnson had been slammed all erthe lot. He was cm the verge of a knock-out when Connie mercifully tossed One towel. It was a technical knock-out. Andy for It Is he whom wo aro ?faritinK about took UD the Job and worked well. Ills nort.slilnd slant shot over " J pan with sizzling speed, and In the four stanzas he was nmong us only four TlithglM were registered by the foe. One of theso was duo to a bum nlay by Lefty Kl .., .. ....1 ...... .. . ... jjffj mrnseii, dui mo omer xnree coum pass tno pure rood Inspector. Four runs were wS: Cored, but only one was earned. And to rnnkn tlilnr-i mnrn Intnrpstlmr. his ual BUT HE ONLY PLAYED THE NINETEENTH HOLE r?V ifeUlIeri fmir Kpnnmtn ntirl iliaHnrt hnnara wViMVi ViAlnAfl ..? a Unt tVin Ao ' - (rr'" - " - .. ua ...a. "VIIV0 MiitVII IIVI(LU V J UHV MMb IttV sTkOt $f&& Th'8 ,s Anderson's second appearance In tho big show. Ho debuttcd In '""iiiT"', B" "" w, '" mj', mm uuuuusii me wnuo nox piaycrs Dcggcu v-onnie to -1. Wt him BtaV. he VIU vankod nnii phnsrwl tn llj rpflllnf nnvltfnn nn tlin VionrVi V f, (AUtcher ever was so popular with the opposing club; but Manager Mack Is not ' "V-KronB for that kind of stuff. He fed his kid twlrler raw meat, tied him on tho .ifbench unt" he was wlld enouBn t0 bIte an' stranger and then turned him looso. ,C ; The treatment was a success and Lefty will travel In the fast set Instead of the Jr'; Verset set In the future. m .4i Ji 0 im VTl most recent southpaw started each Inning but one by spotting Detroit a man on first. Threo times ho handed out free transporta tion, and another time Grover obliged by making a picturesque muff of Hellman's lofty pop-up. However, startling double plays gummed up things In two of tho stanzas and tho flock of errors brought In tho scores In the others. Connie Has Done Well With His Pitchers These Busy Days TT REQUIRED some ground and lofty maneuvering to dope out a system whereby the pitchers could last In the six games this week. Connie got rid of a couple n Thursday and another pair were utilized yesterday. He wanted to save his 1-4 best bets for today In the double-header and will work Joe Bush and Rube Schauer KiM la'nst tne Cobbs. The series now stands even Stephen; with two victories each. jU ,-i.oaa.y win De a nara one, ror ine Ainieucs are coming strong ana navo expressed w ' , desire to cop both ends of the matinee. ST i". t 13lr T3a4I. .ln.1 ln.l mh n hum. m..h a.... .. ..J .. I. . & !..... J A. t .. ... ,.!.... In the first Inning he walloped the ball against tho center field bleacher wall for three bags, and In the fifth Veach backed up against tho wall to pull down his ,Iong smash. However, our noted outer gardener splashed a couple of hits on tho outside and was satisfied. Stuffy Mclnnls also btnged out a pair, ono of them being a two-bagger. Statistician Scores Technical Knock-Out Over C. Ebbets jtOR the last month there has been a prolonged howl from tho big leaguo mana- Ty Cobb pulled a great play In the third when he trapped tho high fly hit by Mclnnls and made a double play which retired the side. Stuffy hit one a mile high and Bates and Bodle held tho bases. Cobb noticed this, so ho allowed tho ball to drop and caught It on the bound. Bates was doubled at second and Bodlo ,tore for third. Young hurled the ball to Vltt, and Oscar, thinking it was a force-out, merely touched the bag Bodio had the same idea and overran tho bag and was tagged before he could return. It was an old play, but It worked line. W ' w && -TT10 HiM. A " Iters Decauso or tno unusual numoer or uoumo-neaders on tho schedule. The two-a-day stuff was beginning to annoy them, and a few took sides with C. Holiday Ebbets, of Flatbush, U. S. A., In an attempt to start tho season a couple of weeks later. These weeping willows figured that tho pile of bargain matinees would ruin their expensive pitching staffs and put their pennant chances on the blink. It is strange how short one's memory can bo in regard to facts and figures. a certain line of business. but theso same managers have a, mental lapse occasionally. Their plaintive wall cannot bo taken seriously, S. mriA an fnr tliA iimiRiinl rmmhpr nf nnstnnnpmpnts It is nil hunk. -.W E?. A neroic statistician wok nis pen in nana tno omer aay anu cneciea up tno itv' !., .F' ft w III && pxW' specially when facta and figures are prombient In i iMS e ST1"0100?6 's tne principal feature of baseball, ...,.f" fisVtt o mftntal lanaa nrnlnnillv Ti(t. nlnlntlvA wnll sstponements this year to compare them with 1916. Much to his surprise he jjWf - Made the Interesting discovery that the percentage of scheduled games played this W1JL . . . . .. . ... ..... .... . . . j -.... . jr?f, eaaon is nigner man lasi year ana mat means Dom tne American ana .National h-1' V Leagues. The average number of games played In the National League is five more pw&T than In 1916 and In the American It Is better than that. We don't know what to y t wtvf.o w biua, uincoa b uo mui mi, .wmc.o a ncubtit.. ., ,0,1 . ,Yut.i, uiu i,iiui 11. la written on. at win ce rememocrea mat .naruo ustu up a. iui 01 penecuy gooa inic n his weather chart to prove that there- was a heavier snowfall In April than in August. And we begin to suspect that Ebbets's protests over early spring postpone ments consisted of a liberal portion of bunk, and ho probably would have been deeply grieved had every game In April been played as scheduled, thus denying him the Joy of double-headers In the later months. IV r" &. r - CYWAY, there are fewer games postponed In tho majors at this date AN pursuing the subject further, Negro Mascot Not With Tigers 1AM CRAWFORD is not the only one missing In the Detroit squad on the eastern tour. Alex Rivers, tho negro who acted as mascot on the last swing, F?iri 180 I among the absent. Rivers, who makes his home In New Orleans, was only r P.-nsf WCUiCil. U.UU Xivuia iuoi. ma juu their great eastern drive in the early part of June , I .1 1 111... V.n ..... .A..rmaaa nlin wnnnli.n ln..m.n l tk. Jr m llSLall 1U LUC PUIl, illlU llivc Lite IIIUIIJ' juuii,digio n.m icbcitu lluuia 111 lilts ST Wring, ha looked good. But as tho saying goes, "It's a great life if you don't vwr weaken." and Rivers lost his Joo because tho team Degan to lose. When $&,. Timers started "-- the considerable ho was let ;P credit for the fine showing was given to tho dusky bat-boy from the South. Rivers if ijMtitoA tVirnnrrhniit tho eastern trln. hut when the team returned to Detroit tho Ld&KTBgers wavered, Cobb's wonderful hitting streak was broken and bad luck over- t:.j;,)t00k. the Jennings clan. fi?$ti Adverse conditions continued, and as it was Rivera's Job and duty to see that tjftjV the Tigers' bats were in such condition that they would slam out base hits when ltfg, wung against opposing twlrlers, Alex was unconditionally released to New W$, : "Pie" Way Us in liaa With Diamond Men )IE" WAY, who got a sheepskin at Yale and a tin can from John McGraw, is I'iK?1 - In bad with the ball-playing fraternity. As a student at Yale, "Pie" Way was ""riX-fBomewhat of a bear, for his sheepskin had an "A. B." attached to it. As a major KSSiilwwue ball player this same young man was more or less of a flivver, and when ho K,I'1SfViJrecelvecl the tin badge from the Giants ho decided that he wasn't cut out for E, . baseball and that basenall was a jow-Drow game, anyway, way was absolutely hTAlAmAAt mViAn i a rinMprt thnt hh n-nsn't PAlt nut for thn nntlnnnl nnstlmn Tnt i(7","iv'- " " - - - - - tn ne expressea IIIO opinion vllUb uaouuuii ia n, ivn-uivn baniu no uuuicu uno. .. ..mn t.lm..l a ntinlA In n "rrAnArnlts" tntftrvlftw In ii.hfnl. Via unM IkV pcrmincu liuuacii fcw ww Uuv,.u ,.. . 0...w ...w. ,.v,., ... ,,.1.1,,, ,, duiu hut baseball Is a losing proposition for a aollege man; that few big leaguers do Cy worth-whilo reading, and that the man who goes into the big league with a V',r college education comes out without It. In this ho quoted Jack Coombs, who was ?Ct one time credited with the statement. He added that from his own observa- 4'mMia he had round, among omer tnings, mat association wun Dig league bail fe" '''W&y ooea not tend t0 any """O1111' ot mental development. Kt'- ft Evidently "Pie" Way suffered an attack of "sour grapes" when Ikit by the New York club and took ths view of some few persons with regard to jjfciiaverage run of professional baseball players the viow which classes the ball lfc .. 1L M.I.. Jtno n fan, hnuro' nrrrr a (Inv nnrl anAna Viol tVin .lti YCT BB U, leilUM W11U UVVO IV ifcfT ItWUtU ,,U..b M ,, M..U ""-MMO UI, bllU Ulfe'lb ig to keep the breweries busy. Many a ball player takes his glass of brew, .'i is safe to say that not metro than B per cent of tho major leaguers overdo thlng. If they did they wouldn't last long, and they know It. Furthermore, r are dozens or Dan players uruwum uit; muuey iuuay uu npcuu ino on season Ting themselves to medicine, dentistry, school-teaching and law, and others 1 .large farms or are engaged In business of some kind In the commercial , Yqu can't class such ball players as low-brows. And because ball players times use lurid language is no reason for classing them as such. The public 't call the golfer a low-brow. The football players and tennis players also kUT because professional baseball Is a "business," It sometimes comes ri. a ,,ni,oHfl. attnnks. That It should be attacked bv a man with a. re education who couldn't make good as a player is amusing. KT... DvaHAAlfA DjV DMOdhflff OflSlIM V r (JUr (VUOSCt'O IKUltff uotuun uriuiv : JtTJBSELL, of the White Box, was the only pitcner or mat name in tho big sT thr years ago, put since that time three otners nave broKen in, making Fit. 'four -Pitchers named Russell now under contract with major league A0l Mmll, of the Yankees, is the only one well known outside of the ; bttt'Brfoklyn has 'a young .pitcher named itusseii ana uonnie Mack also Dp. yaoBcater ef'tbat name. MOM jrouta jf mm vmera tteuremeni jai.oaWhW,' U 'believea to be slated for release by Presl- a . A a4 aa&-.llu-. 'nliili UTa-i1 taaiai haan ai1yuln-s nn am fl'IW lwifii fTJ """" """ "" "H " pi from.HU UJc in not so prevalent. Release far uu MAMMtr jaiaawn inaian, tor ne nas 'bwhM.j TToo ARE au- huh DoulW- Yotf MOiT dTolM 30M6 GOLF , fi 1 in Akir ftc-p OUT I -THe;OP -. ftua sixes r- EXURCI56- OUTDOOR! . huVAl V -Ths POT LlFG If -1 V. 5"Ke J v, J pvjr a aa , "-- 1 ali right I hiw 3T" y59ft BUe'"'r &ri' ?( -S l!'' Tne ul, toct YooftE I "" UCR0 kt r LOOKING 1 " 1 , I j" - IJe cluo (SfTweLtj TUGHT The I S V ki$& y&SSi Afes &Yi "' ' CNn 1 LoT qp goon" I I You SO H "'b Wf-yr mijd' ne iA.rs a eXo-i-v Pautfos) - -rS M'INNIS AGAIN JOINS STAR CLASS Athletics' Popular First Baseman Earns Place Two Points Behind Baker BATTING AT .309 CLIP Jack "Stuffy" Mclnnls Is back among the leading nvo hitters in the American League. This will ho most pleasing news to the many followers of tho A's sterling first baseman, as for almost two weeks Stuffy had boon unfortunato in placing his drives. Ho has been steadily plugging, tho general all around work of the A's helping his usual good portion of pep, and today we find Mclnnls batting at a .309 clip, two points behind his old pal, "Homo Itun" Frank liuker, now with tho Yanks. Stuffy made two out of four yesterday. "Gawgla" (Tyrus Raymond Cobb), as V. Jones Is wont to articulate, secured a double and a single In nvo attempts. Ono of Stuffy's blows was for two bases, Ping Bodle connected for a single and a triple, while Vltt, of Detroit, had threo out of four and Hobby Veach had a homer. KILBANE AND WELSH BOX FOR CAMP FUND BENEFIT ALLKXTOWN. Pa.. July 28. A crowd that packed Lyric Hall last night cheered Johnny Kllbanc and Freddy Welsh, who came hero to box at an exhibition arranged by Columbia University Unit, No. 77. of tho United States ambulance camp, for the benefit of tho- camp fund. Kilbano gave his exhibition with Johnny Downs nnd Welsh boxed with Kddlo Moy. Other bouts were between Young Nell and Willie JIc Geovor, Jackie Clark and Johnny Dutlto, who is now a sergeant of the Allentown unit at tho camp. BIG FIGHT SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE OVERSHADOWS A POSSIBLE BOUT WITH WILLARD AS BIG ATTRACTION No Demand From Lovers of Pugilism for Heavy weight Scrap Why the Professional Ball . Players Are Not Enlisting By GRANTLAND RICE Three YcarS Ago Today Three years ago today A sudden shadow came by land and sea; But all the groping millions went their way, Qr smiled and whispered, "It could never be"; And they were right for toho was so insane To think the world could turn to blood and tears, The world that knew the sunlight and the rain And all the golden visions of the years? Three years aao todaii The shadow was no longer than your hand; And so from all the wondering array ow coidd it be that one might understand? Yes, they were right the shadow soon must pass, I' or blood ivas still too dear a thing to flow m mrlt1J rivers pushing in one mass 1 o fill vast oceans waiting down below. Three years ago today Five million men were living, where tonight rS,v 2,,0,s'f a-re !rPin0 from the shell-swept way To find their peace beyond the bitter fight; Five million vicn were living who have died, And who must bide their time in unknown grots. Because a mad king vas not satisfied To sit content with eighty viillion slaves. UAt.kbS we havo slipped a calcndarlc cog, Jess Wlllard gathered In his title two years ago last April. Since that time, a matter of nearly two years nnd a half, the champion has ex hibited his wares In exactly and precisely ono ten-round nffalr, lasting exactly and precisely thirty minutes, so far as actual sparring wa concerned. Wlllard was not a kid, even then. Ho SGRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS By LOUIS II. JAFFE JOHNNY KILBANE never may be light weight champ, but he always will be a man of his word. Before entering the ring against Benny Leonard the featherweight champion agreed, and was very enthusias tic, to put on two exhibitions for the benefit of Uncle Sam. Despite the result of the memorable battle, that which will live In the memory of tho 15,000 or moro who were eye witnesses of the conflict, Kilbano did n?t forget his promise. Last n'.ght he motored to Allentown with Jimmy Dougherty and thero appeared In the star bout of a boxing performance the proceeds of which were turned over to a camp fund. Next Wed nesday night Kllbane will be the fea ture character at tho opening of the United Servlco Club for enlisted men of tho army, navy nnd marine corps, at Twenty-second and Locust streets. KMbane will box three rounds with Johnny Moloney, who now Is a regular sailor boy. Jimmy Dougherty will referee. Five other bouts will be ar ranged and Teddy Moloney will be master of ceremonies. JIMMY DUNN. Kllbane's manager, left for Cleveland Friday morning, and at the urgent request of his cham pion allowed him to remain over to provo himself "a man of his word," LOOIC TENDLEIt, after coming off the J road this morning, said that ho would try to emulate Benny Leonard's victory over Johnny Kllbane when the newsboy boxes Terry McQovern at Shlbe Park next Wednesday night. Both Tendler and Mc Govern are good lightweights and each will bo In line for big matchbs and big purses this fall. The result of the McQovern Tendler mix will mean much for the winner.' While Loolo Is the more clever, he also Is a slashing southpaw slammer, McGovern, on the other hand, relies mostly on his power of punch. It Is probable that the bout will go the limit and the victor will be a matter of opinion. However, no ono believed that the KUbane-Leonard contest would end de cisively, and either McGovern or Tendler Is likely to spill the dope. A GOOD wallop landed on a vulner able spot will knock out any one. No one Is Immune to a kayo. PENNING poetry puglllstlcally, wo blame George M. Kramer for the following; Oh, Johnnv, oh. Johnny, what a lhami. Oh, Johnny, oh, Johnny, tou'v loil lour namt. We never tiptcttd anything like that, h'nxr tiptctrd that Benny would lay you fiat. Oh, Johnnie oh, Johnny Kllbane, Oh, Johnny, oh, what a ehame: You have ouoht Champa eo many. Still, they were notehtre'e near Benny, Oh. Johnny, Oh, Johnny Kllbane, Benny Ienoard ham stolen your name. Oh, Johnny, oh, Johnny, you took all Benny POt! Oh, my, but you mutt have felt to hot, ,Vo, Johnny, now, Johnny, don't be to vexed. Johnny, Johnny Dundee it next. It U apparent that Dundee will be Leon ard's next opponent, and It's a, cinch Phila delphia will keep up its ring repuUtloa.bjr making a high bid for-ttto bttl..' -,n, ..i. I i if-w... -v'- . I. I V 1 if: f"i" t ' S4f '"'if KILLED BY FATHER Al Palzer, heavyweight boxer, who was shot by his father while de fending his mother, died in tho hospital nt Perham, Minn., today. will meet Bobby McCann. Jimmy Canon ve. MucklB Itlley and llattllnit Hurray v. Willie Spencer are tha other bouti billed ai a trlole wind-up. Two other numtwra will how Youne Lowrey In a match with Youne Stewart, both RfK?"' "n(1 Toot'le. Boyle, asatnet Tommy lilddle. Evening Ledger Decisions Cona r Urow, Job (lelrer won from e, uuiy lllnee defeated Young Tter- CAMBRIA A. O Tommy (lorraan defeated Bobby Mrl.eod, Andy, llurna knocked out Johnny Morgan, aerondi Denny llughee and Otto llughee, ley. NEW YORK Paul Kdw.rf. knocked out Dummy Burnt, flfthi Kddle FlUilmmom out pointed Johnny Urummle, Jim HnvacA knocked out Jack llanlon, eighth) Joo Tlpllti ihaded Joe Leonard. UAYKTY TIIEATBK-rercy I-awrenee won from Kid Sharkey, Young Battler defeated Johnny Brown, Jimmy Dundeo beat Billy Kelly. Joe (lannon ou Mailed Jack Burk, Jimmy Mayo ahde rat Bradler. Baltimore Kid WUllama defeated Jack Shar key. , Benny Innard and Johnny Dundee are sotnc to box at IMatt.bur-. N.,Y.. tonight for thf pleaiure of tho rooklea of ithe officer!' training camp. No. they're not going to box each other but ahow In different exhibition!. " Tommy Elm. a Patenon, X. J., bantam will appear In local bouts In the near future.' ilia ..,.. n.a.cv ..v.,, u,vuIJTI! IHai VIM apored nine knoexouta in "many bouta. AlaoT atatea the manager. Elm will meet Dutch Brandt -. ..... - i --.--. aae jeaiiung aan eariy , A'-Ml U nil ni in Au uguat. '.- y-. hasn t grown any younger since. And while there have boen various and sundry at tempts leading to nn outbreak, not even the most thick skinned of all the promoters could quite go that far with tho rival ma terial nt hand aR an antidote. First mention was made of Jack Dillon. Then It was Carpentler; then Fred Fulton, and then Carl Morris. But the expected demand from the public failed to develop. Tho attitude of the pub lic was one of growing calmness. But the signs aro now ripe that Mr. Wll lard would desire at least one more per sonal encounter nt so much per encount. And there Is a hazy rumor nfloat that a Mr. Morris nnd a Mr. Fulton will bo hooked for ono more Jamboree, the winner again to test the public demand for a Wlllard battle. Thero were times when It would have worked, and worked with abandon. But Just at present thero is a fight under way 3000 miles distant which Is occupying most of the public mind and which by a great man Is still considered as a trifle more Im portant 'han a test of Wlllard's punch. So the heavyweight schedule for the moment stands but little chance of being sent through. A Call for an Explanation "Can you explain to me," queries R. R, J "why football, tennis, golf, etc., have all given so many voluntary recruits to the army and navy where professional baseball has sent only one man?" We can only glvo the player's side of It, as outlined by the player himself. A majority of the ballplayers are mar ried, with dependent families, and no great amount of money saved up. And they know they hnvo only a few years at best to carry on their profession.. Those who play football, tennis, golf, etc., aro playing their games for sport. Those who play baseball are playing for a living. Baseball In this respect can't be treated as a sport, but as any other profession. The average of voluntary enlistments by the younger, unmarried players should have been far higher than It Is. But there Is at least a very good excuse for the married majority. Army Life and Sporting Skill How will army life affect sporting skill? No one can tell yet, as no test has been made. Two or three years' service would undoubtedly lower the average standard heavily. The younger entries might get going again in tennis, golf and even base ball after two or three years' service. But most of them would lose far more of their skill than they could ever hope to get back again In a more peaceful age. AMATEUR BASEBALL Anchor Olanti, of Oermantown. la without a game for Auguet 4 and would like to bear from any club offering a fair guarantee. Phone Oermantown 4005, Frank Roblnaon, ISO Eait Chelten avenue. ' Onion A. C. a alxteen-seventetn-year-old unl. formed team, haa August 18-23 open. E. Jlarih Auauuon. N. J. "arin, White Diamond A. A. would like to arranra gamea with any flret-claaa teama at home or away. J. Brown, 2827 Orthodox atreet. Fannonla B. A. would like to hear from fe.?t.AhS, artr.t!J0JLtA' ' K"""' " An outfielder would like to hear from an team. Has played with Indiana B. C. c TeJ. ner, 2501 Natrona street. " " . When the Indiana B J, r. II. S-.'&,.y..!L'"tth. It will en ,S h. ir'i.""" "a plcklnr. With Heller, fn form' I'M "S ? du for aeatln. :.m;oth(.llf.:v,'b",lndf.iV."5 Llt's Calls Off CurtU'a Game Th b team of tha Marine Headauartera Washington, will play the Curtis g V Ii LawndaSe thla afternoon. . Llt'g nona'orlalnalJ ii- ii-i.wii .i'-Lzra'. i.-;r'iA Cravath The averages lUted below Include the games exrluslTe of Wednesday. '. im-HiiiiK in, sbiu" . J Mwn vwuu, ioim) meter, ,j)jl nne&lf,. a.i and Jaxk Mrlnn . .301). In the National dmlmt fnr. will, .ana. S3t!iv s4l 330, Flulier, .821)1 Ilornsby, .358, and Grimtli fifth with a .318. u e0II mlnate figures linker, .an nun Tha nn.l.jL. American League DATT1NO AVEHAOKS o. ah. n. h. sn.Tn. Hamilton. St. h. 22 IS Cobb, Det HI S-1.1 Myers, Athletics. 18 80 Iluth, Do 2)1 70 Russell. N. Y... 27 20 Hlnler. St. I,.... 01 Sim Speaker. Cle.... I2 S27 Jamrs. Det 10 27 Humler, St. L... 47 fi.1 Raker. N. V.... H8 331 Chapman, Cle... 04 328 Russell, Chi 20 3 Mclnnls, Athletics 83 313 Hrllman. Det .. DO 3.13 Roth. Cle 80 304 Milan. Want!.... fin 327 Weaver. Chi.... 02 340 Veach, Det Bl 33(1 Rice, Wash..... 80 33T Striink, Athletics 84 310 Hates, Athletics. 81 318 (lardner. Hos.... 01 820 Walters, N. Y... 40 114 Felsch. Chi 02 341 J. Walsh. Ilos... 21 01 Ualner. Ilos 28 0. Nchang. Athletics 71 208 Jacobson, at. L,.. V0 831 K. Collins, Chi.. 04 328 O. Hush, Det... 80 3211 Wambsz'as, Cle. 01 324 Jackson, Chi.... 87 817 Ilodle. Athletics. 82 815 I.enl. Ho 8.1 311 Pelhold. Athletics 10 37 I'lpp. N. Y 00 S40 Nunamaker. N.Y. no 177 Mioan, t. L,. ... irj i&a Shawkcy, N, Y.. 18 49 Severeld. St. L.. 80 200 Harris. CI S3 104 Spencer. Det 04 145 Oandli, Chi 80 328 Austin, St. L... 03 341 Judge. Wash.... 84 330 Ilendryx, N. Y... 74 200 Hooper, Ilos 87 333 uouia, Cle Vltt. Det Young, Det C. Walker. Dos. U. Miller, N, Y. Morgan, wash 18 10 77 202 78 207 73 241 78 237 40 1A3 llaler. Athletics 23 SO Hoblltzell, Dos... 72 247 Peckln'ugh. N.Y. 80 334 I.eluold. Chi 75 231 Hale. St. I, 23 84 K. Foster.Wash. 81 821 Shanks. Wash.. 00 235 Marsans. N. Y.. 84 2U0 Pratt, St. L..... 08 238 Smith. Cle 58 168 Agnew, Dos 48 137 Harper, Det.,... 18 58 Witt, Athletics.. 71 270 (irover, Athletics 74 210 C. Thomas, Bos, 53 188 Scott, Do 01 310 Shotton, St. L. .. 78 251 Caldwell, N. Y.. 37 72 Sothoron, St. I,, 80 60 Rlsberg. Chi 02 320 llauman, N, Y.. 81 84 Schalk, Chi 81 261 Hums, Det 07 234 Menoskey, Wash.. B5 125 Htanace, Det.... 01 172 High, N. Y 67 201 Malael. N. Y.... 82 305 Maeee, St. L.... 60 18 Oharrlty. Wash.. 27 39 K. Johnson, Bt.L. A2 160 Jameson, Aths... 30 101 Gallia. Wash... 20 48 Meyer, Athletics. 35 83 Henry, Wash.... 43 113 Oraney, Cle 88 312 J. Leonard. Was. 63 104 Clcotte, Cht 80 63 Love, N. Y 21 25 W. Miller, St. L. 44 81 Mays. Dos 20 61 W. Johnson. Was. 34 72 Ayers, vasn Alnsmlth, Wash. Oulsto. Cle McBrlde. Wash.. Janvrln. Dos..., Darry, Boa Lavan. St. I. ooley. N. Y.. 0 0 U 7 04 13n 28 20.1 5 13 0 15 II 2.1 0 SO 3 10 0 12 32 120 10 ltll S3 112 21 158 3 0 0 0 R 18 1 30 88 104 12 133 68 101 81 132 8 12 0 1.1 23 00 12 113 33 100 10 137 40 01 81 133 30 OB 10 113 65 100 19 131 47 07 IS 1411 41 00 17 122 51 80 0 114 50 01 0 122 82 91 7 121 13 32 1 34 30 05 10 13.1 5 17 0 25 11 20 0 4(1 21 ,1 8 80 87 00 7 128 51 89 10 111 118 80 22 104 37 88 11 112 49 86 5 118 83 85 0 124 82 84 3 108 5 10 1 11 60 01 0 140 10 47 1 65 22 42 4 65 3 13 0 16 27 78 8 103 15 43 3 00 8 88 2 411 27 85 10 9.1 60 88 8 113 47 83 12 120 29 60 4 V2 62 84 11 113 0 4 0 5 23 05 7 83 43 73 0 00 29 69 4 88 28 58 8 73 11 40 3 44 4 12 2 13 80 69 7 88 33 70 10 107 29 60 13 73 1 8 0 11 40 75 4 103 23 64 5 71 34 0(1 17 81 20 54 0 72 13 88 a 54 0 31 1 30 .8 1- 2 14 42 02 6 71 24 54 0 64 10 81 1 38 25 69 7 00 28 66 0 63 0 10 0 24 7 IS 0 20 37 70 7 10S U 14 (I 17 21 07 184 04 189 42 122 80 1)0 71 231 69 195 V. N. Y.. Ill Rl Johnson. Ath in Ino Turner. Cle 88 88 Billings. Cle..... 40 77 Shorten, Bos,... 41 100 O'Neill, Cle 82 224 Crane, Wash... 20 78 Crawford, Det... 63 06 Evans, Cle 79 211 Bagby, Cle 30 63 Ducan. Athletles 16 64 K. Johnson, Ath. 17 31 iiaieui tic 82 41 La wry, Detroit ... Athletics , Chicago ... St. Louis.., New York. Cleveland Boston . . . Washington Detroit ..... St. Louis.... Chicago Athletics ... Cleveland . . Boston New York... Washington Cobb. Detroit Speaker. Cleveland. Slater, St. Louis..., Roth, Cleveland Veach, Detroit ... Plpp. New York..., Hellman. Detroit... Chapman, Cleveland, iu,er, ngw zorK 57 81 27 37 43 03 40 0 83 21 10 17 23 03 33 13 .1 10 12 14 5 85 30 21 17 43 Stl 10 20 16 14 18 40 13 17 87 11 0 00 71 38 48 60 76 46 10 44 22 14 10 28 82 43 13 5 on 17 10 5 61 45 20 10 61 43 12 20 17 15 S3 40 15 27 42 14 1.1 7 1 Ave. .400 .877 .361 .3.17 .345 .344 .343 .333 .327 .314 308 .308 .807 .300 .299 .204 .280 .289 .287 .287 .286 .284 .281 .279 .270 .274 .273 .272 .271 .271 .271 .271 .270 .270 .270 .268 .280 .266 .285 .264 .262 .262 .2511 18 3s .2.14 .252 .260 .248 .246 .245 .241 .243 .240 .289 .237 .235 .285 .234 .230 .228 .227 .220 .226 .2J0 .225 .225 .22.1 .223 .22.1 .222 .220 .210 .210 .218 .21 H .210 .213 .214 .2U .212 .200 .208 .208 .208 .203 .204 .202 .201 .200 .200 .108 .107 .194 .192 .190 .100 .169 .189 .188 .185 .188 .183 .182 .182 .180 .179 .179 .177 .178 .17.1 .167 .160 .146 National League BATTINO AVERAGES n. in Roush, Cln...... 83 320 Pren'gast. Chi., 20 18 Cruise. St. L... 88 813 Fischer, Pgh..., BO 172 Powell, Dos 13 61 Ilornsby, St. L.. 84 303 T. Clarke, Cln... 40 04 Grimm, Cln..,. 64 187 Ttawllngs, Ilos... CO 140 Rarlden, N. Y... 48 123 Steele,. Pgh 22 39 Paulette. St. L.. 30 08 Oroh, Cln 04 3.15 viiaee. i.in . . . . . . Utf 305 a. Burns, N. Y.. 81 318 Nenlo, Cln 75 231 J;, Wngner, Pgh.. 40 143 Wheat. Dklyn... 60 260 Packard. St. I,., 21 27 rrniatli. Phillies 80 203 Kaufr. N. Y 81 289 Hhltted, Phillies 76 208 McCarty, N. Y. . . 8,1 100 i,.a!".r- I'hUUes. 17 81 Klllefer, Phillies 73 243 Ruether, Chi.... 81 42 Olson, Dklyn.... 70 284 Zimmerman. N.Y. 70 800 Carey, Pgh 8.1 828 Mann. Chi 87 823 Knffe!,,1!1l,n--- 8 282 Fltrpatrlck. Dos. 35 08 I.urterns. Phillies 80 265 M. oilllMl, Dl. Ltt, Til 274 wijhoit.'rgh .? Klllott. Chi Barnes, Bos.... J; "m'th. Bos.., McKechnfe, Cln. Hendrl. Chi.... Robertson, N. Y Holke. N. Y Hi MI'S.- Dklyn. 49 18 Oinir, i-gn 68 20.1 uauyert, Bklyn.. 60 210 Kopf Cln.. pr, S72 S. Mates, Bo... 71 243 Cadore. Dkljn... 22 54 Coombs. Dkln.. ii o? &! Jt'hllllfjs... 80 298 Mcrkle. Chi.... Maranvllle. Dos., Konetchy, Bos.. Klctcher, N. Y., J- .Johnston. Dkl, Balrd. St. L Nlehoff, rjuillea, Deal. Cht Rudolph, Dos.. Lonp, dt. L,..., po.ylo. Chi..... Sallee. N. Y...,, Regan, Cln Williams .Chi.. Thorpe. Cln..,.. Gonzales, St. ,., Mitchell, Cln.. ",'"' "h Rejig, Bos J. Miller. St. t, n. ir. 61 100 1 8 42 104 22 6T 11 20 50 09 11 30 24 69 14 47 13 88 0 12 12 80 61 108 62 110 07 05 22 09 0 43 29 74 2 8 40 80 60 85 41 84 11 20 6 0 17 70 85 312 00 103 63 1.12 33 60 83 287 15 41 20 4.1 81 810 81 277 82 45 128 83 312 a 277 83 811 81 200 6.1 164 82 282 74 246 82 272 22 65 82 289 88 313 17 37 15 37 88 302 69 227 08 182 31 75 40 188 15 63 86 821 CLUD BATTINO RECORDS oifi ferB& ".ViV-Jft :' S!5o?f 529 2?? ni 5si XZ "" 1U0 144 "J7 03 3040 810 747 87 22 "Hll SI 20iio ss si A 1 --.- ltlU LONO HITS BY CLUBS 2B. 8B. HR. Tn T-n i ... 99 14 IU41 27T mn Ul 229 .320 071 227 .822 894 1D4 ,321 021 223 .314 017 280 .314 043 218 .314 883 108 -nn LEADINO TEN SLUac-ERS "a ri "? T5; EB- Ave. -a 20 3 203 75 .Koi Zi J 138 21 9 1 20 7 6 ?i 8 12 8 a 10 6 1 13 2 4 a 6 W,"c"o,?faU"e ?? Orlmes. Pth;;;.! "7 kl Olbson. N. Y.... 17 SJ H'fdkma'UMBklyn. 62 207 ftf'der, Chi 09 241 Ward, Pgh.... 17 !l, if.rtoa-. $.:::: II ?.rf MJ r. JJk'yn. 67 183 Mamauz. Pgh. , Chi Wolter, Chi...; Rlxey, Phillies.. ;t"!Jley' Uklyn.. Dlgbee, Pth..." Detiel. St" I... JJfCfJthy. pgh.. . Wagner. Pgh, fueto. Cln:..... Mowrey, Bklyn.. vnwua, X-KH 10 81 72 223 09 193 21 64 21 86 70 244 60 220 49 151 34 101 44 129 7B 250 25 75 23 88 1.1 .l J.". '..'. -o H A vir ! 5r .77 Denton'." N-. Y.V. f,h'n, Cln..... Daley. Bos.... Kelly Bos....'. Schmidt. Pgh... Snyder, St. L. . Meyers. Bklvn.. Hinchman, Pgh,, a$ Marauard, Bklyn! in p. omitn. nicivn r,i Vaughn. Chi. Tesreau, N, Y. . Dagey, Phillfti;: Lvers, PhUUeS;. 64 141 17 34 80 270 35 85 43 165 82 67 68 lot 41 114 144 64 88 88 22 6K 18 83 10 28 31 111 no 38 13 89 38 33 87 10 33 IK 24 2 29 32 3 o 36 27 23 8 24 0 41 82 23 4 O 20 il n 2 34 81 2 8 22 13 16 12 10 10 11 a 13 12 11 1 21 7 18 6 7 4 27 2 8 3 8 2 12 81 87 92 00 78 27 73 75 d 41 1.1 77 11 12 82 73 48 64 65 07 03 14 7 33 70 70 78 74 41 70 Ot 67 16 73 76 0 9 73 65 44 18 45 15 '(6 50 60 13 8 48 68 68 64 37 7 B0 48 12 8 64 48 83 22 28 64 16 8 21 16 29 7 67 17 32 13 85 00 46 10 7 7 10 6 6 ia SB.TD. 8 141 10 14J 2 " a sa 18 163 3 8 81 3 68 2 43 i ,8 .0 42 10 149 15 152 20 129 18 00 4 49 8 104 0 8 8 152 10 108 4 117 O 42 O 10 3 75. 0 10 4 100 8 117 28 120 11 122 0 115 3 86 2 08 9 106 13 113 4 61 4 54 O 16 7 101 0 13 1 17 0 120 11 02 2 (13 7 62 4 60 11 131 6 81 1 18 O 7 8 114 8 08 2 40 11 110 11 96 12 10.1 1 4 103 0 40 14 04 B 85 6 73 1 19 12 101 a 107 9 10 93 81 63 10 60 21 90 84 69 15 78 69 68 72 48 7 03 n 12 66 69 87 81 83 70 28 10 32 43 10 70 24 44 14 88 24 07 11 7 14 11 a 0 18 SSI .8S2 .811 .82 .837 .818 .318 .813 .806 .808 .806 .804 .801 .861 .299 .297 .298 :IH M .290 .290 286 .288 .285 .284 .389 .279 .277 .276 .271 .274 .272 .272 .270 .270 .268 .268 .267 .263 .264 .264 .263 .262 .261 .2.19 .239 .239 .238 .288 .2.18 .253 .2.13 .231 .290 .250 .248 .248 .246 .246 .244 .243 .248 .248 .242 .242 .242 .240 .239 1.238 .287 .287 .237 .238 .233 .232 .232 .231 .229 .227 .228 .224 .223 Mt .223 .221 .218 .218 .218 .21T .218 .213 .211 .200 .208 .208 .205 .204 .200 .194 .194 .193 .183 .189 .185 .184 .184 .182 .182 .170 ,lt 129 181 92 101 129 120 103 100 8 11 11 a 8 17 Felsch, Chicago 13 TEN LEADINO BASE-STEALERS 164 133 146 148 187 132 133 133 75 ,594 48 .483 88 .448 4. .438 49 .43.1 83 ,429 57 11 81 ,402 29 ,402 40 .390 Roth. Cleveland Chapman. Cleveland.. Malsel, New York... Cobb, Detroit " Bush. Detroit Speaker, Cleveland... Hlsler, St. Louis,..!; " Weaver. Chicago...' E. Collins, Chicago.;;;.' Marsans, New York.; a. 89 94 82 81 86 02 01 02 04 84 SD. 81 31 28 28 2 21 10 10 10 17 TEN LEADING RON-C-ETTERS Bush, Detroit Cobb, Detroit "" Chapman. Cleveland,:; Plpp. New York...... Htrunk, Athlotlce.;..: Weaver, Chicago,...,; Hooper, Boaton Speaker. Cleveland...' ?. coiuns . chiwgS ;;; Austin, St. Louis,:; PITCHERS Clubs O. w, io Pitchers Bader .Boston Cunningham. Det, 22 Shocker, N, Y. Klepfer, Cleve... Roland. Detroit., Denz, Chicago,,, Love, New York. Clcotte, Chicago, Ruth. Boston ... Russell, Chicago, jhryi, fjoaion O. 86 91 04 t 00 .. 84 02 87 92 04 03 RECORDS L. S.O.B.R, a 20 1U 80 30 51 18 48 R. 62 04 68 68 51 55 62 63 61 60 Ave. .85 .83 .32 .81 .26 .23 .21 .21 .20 .20 Ave. .73 .70 .62 .02 .61 .60 .60' .68 .04 .64 Cincinnati New York. Phillies ... llrooklyn . M. Louis.. Dos ton ... Chicago .. Pittsburgh Cincinnati PhllUes ... New York. St. Louis., prooklyn . Doeton ..., Chicago ... Pittsburgh , CLUB BATTINO RECORDS $ $5-, TO. "v. Si i& i l It .ft -88 2828 284 607 66 84 '.246 89 28,16 327 718 73 8? 5l 8 J 2762 288 067 74 101 .24? 2084 341 701 73 180 .230 87 2830 282 073 03 102 .238 LONO HITS BY CLUBS 2B. 3B. HR. T. 115 62 17 1142 " 36 23 627 260 87 82 25 907 226 84 65 20 872 254 87 42 18 022 225 81 87 12 858 101 109 41 8 920 215 86 32 0 841 168 EB. Ave. 290 ,358 TEN LEADINO SLUQQERS .831 ,343 .839 .828 .311 .308 .293 Ilornsby, St. Louis, Crayath, Phillies." Cruise, St. Louis: R?uh. Cincinnati "'oh. Cincinnati. wi9! Cincinnati.. Wheat, Brooklyn: Stengel. Brooklyn. Robertson, N. York 2B. 18 24 15 11 24 10 11 15 13 10 3D. "IT 0 6 0 7 7 8 5 a 5 HR. 8 8 S 1 1 8 1 a 4 e T. 183 152 140 141 149 152 104 129 115 120 EB. 04 66 38 82 41 42 30 84 37 38 TEN LEADINO DASE STEALERS Carey. Pittsburgh... Burns, New York.. Neale. Cincinnati" . galrd. St. Louis . gelder. Chicago..... Chase. Cincinnati.:; Hornaby. St. Louis.. ..v.vuj, uusion. 8.1 81 7.1 82 89 89 02 84 8.1 SB. 20 20 18 14 12 12 15 13 13 12 ' "u'lun g3 ja TEN LEADINO RUN GETTERS Williams. Chicago 23 11 K. Myers, Ath.". is 7 Pennock. Doston. 15 r Plank. St. Louis. 17 Danforth, Chi... 28 llagby, Cleve..,. jo Oould. Cleveland. Is Culljp, New York 15 Heott. Chicago .. 17 W. Mitchell. Det. 17 Sothoron, St. L., go K. Johnson. Ath, M Coumbe. Cleve ,, 26 Noyes, Athletics. 17 Faber, Chicago,, 10 Shore, Boston ... 20 Caldwell, N. Y.. 20 Rhaw.. Wash,.,, 25 Dauss. Detroit., , 23 B.Coveleskle.Clev, 26 Leonard, Boston. 22 Harper. Wash.?! i Mogrldge, N. T.. l Lambeth. Cleve.. la Parks, St. Louis, 18 W, James, Det",' 19 Susssli, rf. T.":; M orton, Cleve,;, 23 i . 1 ' toil, K. . 0 O 1 2 4 2 2 7 n 4 5 5 4 8 8 8 8 2 8 4 4 9 5 0 7 7 8 8 e 10 10 A s K 1 T 7 8 10 o- 18 82 24 90 49 119 15 62 89 60 48 128 JO 187 10 102 il J" 60 120 fj M 1 e8 iS 8l 40 81 86 02 11 M 26 87 28 So J? 151 ?i 19 " 81 88 40 811 JJ 136 5J '21 02 12g 41 160 i ' 52 "" i B.1 . Ave. 45 1,000 88 1.000 60 .857 18 to :? s' 82 74 30 4t 04 11(1 .778 .733 .714 .714. .70S .700 .002 .08g .088 .636 .823 .HJ.1 .625 .619 .600 .571 .666 .666 .860 .346 .643 .688 .633 ,.633 .629 829 .628 .624 .524 .600 .600 .81111 .300 .482 .407 .4M iii Burni yornsbv, St. Louis ai groh. Clnclnnatf. "..::; 5 ?-a,Hlrtt Phillies 79 Kaurt. New York 1, Roush. Cincinnati :"" gi 'ath, Phillies " " So Chase, Cincinnati:..:.. Carey. Pittsburgh S? Kopf, Cincinnati.... V..'. 05 PITCHERS Jew.Tork-. M R. 57 88 1,1 50 50 51 40 62 48 03 Are. .588 .61 .447 .441 .420 .416 .416 .408 .408 .387 Ave. :8 :?7 :H .16 .18 .13 .15 Ave. .70 jn ,H8 .61 . 1 .81 .87 .8f .Si 11 INTEREST IN. SWATTING DOPE NOW IS CENTERED ALTOGETHER IN NATIONAL LEAGUE CIRCLES 1 Roush and Cruise Are Staging One Swell Little Pound Party Elmer Myers Hurdles 100 Points and Has Ty Cobb "Skeered" A GOOD deal of Interest has passed In tho matter of flffurlns out tha general don on big league hitting, for Tyrus Raymond Cobb, of Detroit and "Gawele," hat tho door locked and the key thrown awny apparently In tho American League. in the National, however, It Is a different matter, the combat staged between Eddie Itoush, the Cincinnati swatting demon, and Walter Cruise, the graceful wlelder of tho St. Lous team, being nip and tuck, with .341 and .332 respectively. And thsre aro other mauling stars close up, llko Roger Hornsby, who yet have a swell chanc for a pcep-ln. Cravath still leads tho Phils with tho willow with .294, ho and Whltted belntj right together, with Klllefer and Mayer Jogging "cheek by Jowl" about ten tjoIm. iunner uown. ins i-iius arc uuru in uiuu uuiuiie unu eeconu in long nits. Is running next to Hornsby as the League's leading Individual slugger. Sju'her, Chicago lo' Nehf. Doston..., 20 Schupp. N. York. 20 Te,reu. N. York. 18 Jloratman, St. L. 10 Meadows. St. r,.. 26 Alexander, Phils. 24 Bailee. N. York" 17 Perrltt. N. York" in Packard StrL.. 20 Toney, Clncln..,. 26 Cooper, Pitts,,,, ja Carlson. Pitts..., 21 Marauard. Dklyn. 10 RECORDS W. L. SO. "BD. II. Ave. 0 23 12 88 1.000 Vaugh chn fchnelder. Cln Chi cago. 22 26 17 23 22 2.1 29 21 22 20 21 15 21 Mayer, Phllllea. Kllercincln...., Hendrlr. Chicago: ?oak. St. Louis. Ames. St. T.mt!- Rliey. Phillies.., Cadore. Dklyn.., Anderson. N. Y. , Tyler. Boston... Coombs, Dklyn. 5ei5n..cincl'.. g. Smith. Dklyn Prendergast. Chi. 20 r,1"". St. Louis a Middle ton, N, Y. 18 Lavender. Phils.: 17 Cheney, Dklyn... SI RV.dtl,,.l! """on. 22 Ml'ehell, Clncln.. 20 Steele, pitta 21 Douglas. Chicago 20 giK!: fiSSS?:: ?Bn vv?.T.h'H.,,::: w arT" " ! u.ii 211 .tJT,m"fe..Fh'o.f. ?? ""., ll(S..... Jacobs .Pitta:-. IV, 8 10 13 9 3 11 J 8 6 'I 5 8 12 13 . A 5 6 10 10 10 8 7 7 7 6 B' 8 a l l 5 5 0 ! 8 8 I a 2 8 4 8 1 6 8 4 4 8 0 5 8 6 8 10 4 4 n 9 n 10 8 7 T, 7 A 5 8 8 1 1 36 11 82 48 18 105 94 44 110 54 28 75 24 28 02 47 47 145 110 28 184 27 18 92 89 2.1 07 2.1 15 77 75 62 192 60 85 164 88 25 50 40 26 100 112 49 148 86 78 178 48 22 08 88 24 60 43 8.1 01 73 61 133 45 44 148 01 42 183 64 40 125 44 28 86 61 65 115 27 87 01 18 23 101 25 27 111 27 80 70 23 11 08 8 8 8 0 8 33 40 28 77 64 47 9 69 46 178 8J 24 117 8i 22 60 45 8.1 88 70 23 188 45 81 181 3 SI Iti 26 85 103 42 88 04,v .800 .7 .730 .730 .730 .68 .067 ,667 6T ,667 .634 .643 ,625 615 .600 ,363 ,658 ,556 :64S ,636 ,626 .500, ,500 .600 .600 .500 .BOO .600 ,600 .600 .300 ,800 ,485 ,465 tiH i i I St