.(: JATIDELL'INTESA r i, con il Suo Intcrvento. -Modificato la Situazidnc Militere nei Balcani, Egli Dice jA fronte italiana sf Ripeiegano in Galtzia c Uat- il Nemlco 6u Corpoiii e nella Rumania Voci Contradlfto);ie ,.fv TimtA -R Tnirlln elesrramml da PrtIrI dlcono che all. Mmonla dl apertura delta conferonzn. In- Ute&ta dl Parlgl, II presidents del Con- rrancete, lllbot, pronunCIo' un dis till Quale dlase: -'Alia confercnta ttnutasl a Londra nel mrnl 28 e 29 nprllo ultimo Bcorso Francla kl'TM.IU.H. .. ll -I--I-, 1 fcftiBiiiiLciia vcmieru una uccinionc 01 we' una nuova nunlone in lugiio con ;Hre potenze allcate nllo scopo ill e mr la Mtuailone mllltarl nel Bnrpn.nl beHeldere circa le future operaztonl dl' wra in quelia rtgione. in segulto a Utlla dedlonft vl nhhtntnn ihteatn rll rlil. t ' Jrtrvl con hoi aul. ,'" 'i ,'fNegll Ultlml duo mesl un avvenlnionto -''0Pravvtnuto a camblare In cerlo modo kt sltuazlone. La Qrecla. le cul nlmn.itlc . AraAA tf I'll nltnfttl Afil1Tnf j.t,n ati.lM I1- .Bpedlta dall'azlone Incostltuzlonalo dl un M' petere personate dl prerldere quella dlret- (jiv cne le venlva sURRorlta dal suol Into ..'S' dalle sue tradlzlonl, le potonzo pro-'ft-ytattrlcl declsero dl rlstablllre, con la forza. j.,Sfc do' fosse staio ncccssArto, l'autorlta' ? Vlrf" costltuzlone cllenlca. coslcche" 1'ordlne ' j. J) Kf tn K1!inlntllrt ilnnnAtnlln Hn.n ..In.. .. "lij -........, uuffcuuiiu sna aituiiiij 'v; - t'.ftostra. La sua accessions all nnt s tY-it,1!?od,ftca le condlzlonl e la Mtuazlone nel U. -..T. Vklnai.1 I -, ... l-i4 iiii c uoi uovremo csaminaro qucaio iVtittovo stato dl cose e studlnro Insleme la fli .Mmnnvlflnna n 1a fiii. An.nlnnl .1.111 i u fcv JWftta d'Orlente. Tutte le nazlonl che F.Sa nibattono nel Balcani sono qui rapnrc-DXwntate. K'Ock. dlttazlone dlchl.nr.im rho I lr mnl .11 w?vVi BUcrra non hanno lmlphnlltn no' la nnotr ! ('x tiMen via 1a .... -..- -...-. ji aVrt.i ... i iiuoiin iciiiiH. vuiouia ui con pl,"fC.l,otrv- Porgere a mlo mezzo 11 suo saluto." llJtfli'1 conferenza nondlmeno non pI llinl- i''JnTsi. . B0,lanto n,,a discussion delMiro- ira Dmanici. ma uiscutera anche II re ,5vijeat dldcorso del cancelllere Mlchnells e t" It&J'obabIlmente traccera' una Tlposta In S-is ri ttMTOa dl una dlchlaraztone collettlva da fiVCyrt dl tutt ,6 nazln9 rtcll'lntesa. $$ BULLA FRONTE ITALIANA J'.l. lerl sera II Mlnl.ttpm itriin r.nrr r.v. Tj(Wlcava II scguentc rapporto del general? Jitj ijr"""'""' 'i ouuaziorie aua ironte L-i . Nl Trentlno attacchl dl sorpresa da PjrSf ''artS dl repartl nemlcl contro alcunl n v1 nostri dosti Avnncfifi rnmnn tnti i.BniHti r , - ..-.. .u.w.tu turn ICDtnilll k V?- ompletamente. . " tiw iiuoLiii aiimimna nn nnm nrnnin ,na rldotta nemlca nella reslone dl .trfires, ed ha colplto con un ben dlretto Y-rAtlro It comando austrlaco sull'altoplano K KrTOPPl dl operal e dl soldatl nelle valll g,.v?i;eH'Astlco e dl Qalmannra ed ha provo- ,'W Sct0 un Incendto In uno del deposltl dl 8.-5EK' Sua fronte Glulln U fuoco dl artl f ?t;'sillerla da nmbedue le parti o1 stato nlu' fr'tlntenso, speclalmente nella conca dl : ,'MPlezzo dove baraccamentt nemlcl furono W Tb!11""1' e sul Carso e ad est dl Jamlano. ''' II duca dl Connaught e' glunto alia fronte m naiiana aove e- stato ricovuto da re Vlt- fe. ,V -mticompacnAto It duca In una vlelta alio rS?rsixloni avanzate ltailane, ed il duca ha niv " nun. win aiuiiiii niuiiu Jjvr Kll iorz. aeu esercito uaimno, per la sua or lanlzzazlone e per 11 suo alto morale. hi duca parteclpo' qulndl alia cerlmonla II presentazlone dl mednglle e riecorazlont nglesl . due regglmentl Italjanl. Alia ccrl- aonla asslstevann nnrhn l" r.itinmnnlan(l i'-Alt'lIl artlgllerl Ingles! che nrestano servlzlo r:S?-?'-MlA fronte Italiana, le cul unlta' furono pure St. j,i5corate. r3JV; Con decreto luogotenenzlalc 1'altczza ml- 7'f' Hmi nPT Cfll llnm il III nta' enrrrrnMri a ' H'-'l" " " O". "W......J U( .! L'VObtkll I g.ievlzIo mllltare e' stau rldotta dl nuovo ,f?H circa quattro polllcl. SI calcola cho wtu'7AiiARtn qva ui aUa mnnnn ..iUI .1. Ir-rSfciS ,llamatl a prestare servlzlo mllltare mentre '.Wnrlm!) AAin Ctf1f ArAKAt 5.AiAA"ii''r " " "..... iWirir i-a- situaziono mnitaro in rtussla-non si e1 lailj!7 uuuBKiutiu UI111I.U.U in ivuaa '(AST ynatto rlschlarata. Mentre si sa che le ,.-lnnate russe uella Ciallzla si rltlrano nncora !'ffi',!;vant' a" forze austro-tcdeschc, ora si if 4.T?annUnCla Chfi I riltsl rhp nl l-Klr.nvntin nalla .jfeGalizIa merldlonale lianno nttaccato II ,-?tmlco e l0 hanno battuto. Non solo, ma V4"1 olco cne ancnB nejia mimania i russi ea k"lMirtuscendo a penetrare nelle sue trlnceo. f, 'f'jl.E' naturale che queste voci contra MTiUtorle non valgono a rltchlararti la sltua- '-B""- 5K3..D& Petrogrnd telegrafnno che e' otato '"Qirrestato Nicola Lenln'e. II soclallsta rlvolu- P'VS-aalonarlo alia cul pcrnlclosa propaganda si K-fyill'eserclto russo. Lenlne, cho e' sospettato '. j&.l.ssere un agento della Uermanla, sara' ! ..Arocessato c el dice che. se snra trovato (S.ftcolpevole. sara' fucllato. Kercnslty Intende r ?ljr4lappllcare II masslmo rlgore per rlportare oraine nel paese. jThe second explosion yesterday afternoon WOt si.V?mikU in n Atlll which hnri hrtln enrnil hv thn ;ijvireiiien during the earlier blaze. It was M 9. V1?.-fltAtd that it contained about 10.000 barrels. ft t VtAM J 4 A AAA irnllAm nf H T iifAa mnlA !. L.i iianiu -aiuiuuu liaiiuiia ill ijii. 11 non amu liiil 'probably icnlfecl. from natural causes. arerat of the men who were fighting the r.V,iirftre'V,'vere slightly burned when this still l,:mr." . ta-y'iii' trt. fr n X', tsimn mi K.nssinrts ItlyllnDed from Tuce One ..vflt nan TtiiRi(n nut Intn the AeM mrh nn J ii-'eormous army as on this front. and never fy-';hitott has any Russian army been so ti .'v javlehiy supplied wan tne tecnnicaj aa- j. Juncts to f.Khtlng capacity. British and , 'iif r?p,ch jrunners and guns, flying ma- .A , f lnes, and aviators and British armored ' tanks were added to the unprecendented '4hnlcal strength of the Russians them- .J& mmUritm tn mAWe. tht. nnrttrular frnnt pniml F'-lttti nvh(nff. Artlllarv was nlacd In such jnlrao'.e natural and preparen positions 'mounted to the Ideal. There were iwere the artillery lay In absolutely m-ound." not 300 yards from the nan trenches. guns were Ideally placed, thanks character of the terrain, but It was ' food, hard summer soil that the guns ed tnclr emplacements. F'iaRTIL'LEHV LOST" TO FOES Ak - l - - for the guns of the Eleventh Army, ave Information that almost staggers !: It appears that the Infantry shot i' their own gunners In order to get ' horgea or shot down the gun horses RCe they Retreated, and this itrlcken act Indeed If it was not liot purchased treachery left vlr (tt the, artillery In the hands of the lnr i i-tvit, the artillery and technical ap- i : or the sevenin ana Kigntit there Is also no hope of their aved. The Germans' were already of-ys across the best roads tWHMM retreat. t tHnmy' advance Jin haieen aeeierated are MMiMitba line qermane. jit le'fcj . r MMHH question mf "UI tcet rat M maKina; jne- P mfr 'ai-t J! 3 &" -1 "tv" ,' .J - rvv. - Vst -'' T,1 "V -to. ? 1- imr r - i - null si j i I I tXtf RUSSIANS LOST IN GALICIA mS W- ABUSK ViVfABUTCi TX.':.PO0JWtW y ifeiJHr:5 ilVv V; S(-flw" yxfewowi V' -s-W.' olmowI I J, ff- TARNOPOt!f& 3LERgHlNSKOAl)-tBOHp'ODCA.KV '"iW1' USCIESKO O 3 to IS SCALE OF MILES SO SO PRESE.HT BA.TTLE. t-NE ..tumitAU.RQP5 FORMER RUSStNl LIHV BATTLE LINE JULY J Under tho heavy blows of the Austro-German armies, made possible by the revolt which undermined nnd disorganized Genornl RrussilofT's forces, the Russians not only have lost what Oalician territory they had Rained in their recent drive, but Rnve tip towns which they held since last year's ofTcVisive, principal among which arc Tnrnonol and Stanislati. The above map shows tho battle lino as it was at the boRlnninK of Kornlloff's drive, July 1, the extent of the Russian gains and the present battle line. vigorously attacked the Teutonic forces. The fighting on the far northprn front, around Vllna, however, has practically ceased. RUSSIAN EXTREMISTS SURRENDER ARMS PLANT PnTROORAD. July 26. Carrying out Its policy of firm repression of all discordant elements, the Government today forced surrender of an ammunition factory nt Bestrorezk, which had been one of the main bulwarks of the extremist radi cals aiming at counter-revolution. Co. sacks, armed with machine guns, mir rounded the building and tho workmen In side were ordered to submit. After half an hour's parley they marched out, de positing their arms with the Government troops. Seven leaders were arrested, but the remainder were freed Premier Keren- sky It receiving telegrams from all ocr Russia, from hundreds of military and other organizations, pledging full mc.ihuic of loyalty to the Government and offering their services In the sternly reprcisl( measures the Government has determined upon against traitors. CAR SHORTAGE KEEPS TOMATO CROP ON GROUND Railroad Men Announce That Refrigerator Cars Will Be Available More The threatened shortage of refrigerator cars In the New Jersey tomato belt during the last few days has prevented shipments being made to distant points and has caused many growers to ship virtually all their supply to this city rather than lot It spoil Railroad ofllclals announced today that tho car shortage has been relieved. Rail shipments of tomatoes arp made to Now York, New Knglaud and lower Canada, while for tho shorter haul to this city waxons nnd motortrucks are utilized. Despite the Increased supply of tomatoes In the last few days prices In the local mar kets have shown no appreciable decline. Consignments of potatoes from New Jer sey are Increasingly heavy and are of good quality Vegotablo shipments nlso fiom the other side of the Delaware, Including corn, onions, beans, cabbabe, squash and spinach, are Increasing with the growing demand. ACCEPTS PLACE ON DOARD Ex-Assemblyman Hammond to Become Member of Prison Commission TRENTON. July 20. Ex-Assemblyman Ogden II. Hammond, of Hernardsvllle, has accepted the, appointment t-ndered him by Governor Edge an a member of the Prison Inquiry Commission to succeed Wl. Ham B. Dickson, resigned. In his letter to the Governor accepting the appointment Mr. Hammond Said: Tho foim of Inquiry which you suggest, namely, that of work preparing for con structive legislation, rather than through newspaper notoriety, thoroughly coincides with my Idea of a proper Investigation. Charge Against Postmistress Probed FARGO. N. D July 26. The Federal grand Jury here began Investigation of Charges of disloyalty brought by Senator JtcCumber, of North Dakota, against Mrs E. M. Totten, postmistress at Bowman, N. D. The charges were made In a speech Monday In the Senate. TRADE COMMISSION ASKS WARTIME PROTECTION Would Have Legislation to Prevent Ad vantage Being Taken of Abnor mal Conditions WASHINGTON. July .G. -Legislation to protect the public In war times against unreasonable prices "not only when such prices result from unlawful agencies, but nlso whero they arise merely out of ab normal conditions" was recommended to Congress today by the Federal Tiado Com mission in a report on Its Investigation of tho "flag trust " Tho commission found tho price of Amer ican Hags JuuipcdVwre than 300 per cent when tho war broKo out, a;id that many new manufacturers entered tho Held hop ing for exces.slvo profits. An nttcnipt was made, the commission charges, to llx tho prices 100 per cent over the old prices. Tlil.s attempt was not a success, but It has been called to tho attention of the Department of Justice Majority Backs Lloyd George LONDON, July 20. Tho vital division In the House of Commons Monday on tho nmendmont to tho corn ptoductlon bill showed 209 Unionists, 89 Liberals nnd 5 Luboiltux for the Government, with 1 Unionist. 80 Liberals and IB Laborltes against. Boycr Now Deputy Prothonotary IiEUANON, Pa , July 2C Robert O. Boyer, of this city, was appointed deputy prothonotary by Prothonotary Rothcrmel today to succeed Alfred K. Mills, of Ann vllle, who resigned to become a law studont at the University of Pennsylvania. Boyer will take up his new duties August 1, A Health Producing! Vibrator 1 1 J TttHj -' ILIy Those who .uffer: '' i?13jgg. from headache,: ' '' eWtJwiE? rheui"t'm, stiff!! '' fcfl 't,lnl? and other : !: llJjJLXM? .1 ailmenti A . ', ;;. , conge.iea circula rs tion of the blood will find the ;: "New Life" Vibrator gives wel jijeome relief. We V will gladly demon- -fffttTTTTp .i,.(. u :r -....hi Kill lu Ilia ! call. Price $15. Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. .4 cc 3'J IN. Vlll SI. oki Mnt ,,,,, Save Gas Snd fnr circular dmrrlblnc the Hut on our bus ranse top. It's a money-sarsr. T nottom View Showing FIu PtUnttd and suaranteed ir W. H. PEARCE & CO. 41 South Second Street Uall Pbon Lombard 4140. trejPlBrjME23aS!flfABPs7'fWSi -' 5?r iiEBBrtntlA"--5Blm mw ? SJ IOCATED ninety . miles from the breakwater, Philadelphia offers all the safety and advantages of a world seaport. Tlie General Accident, with its Home Office in Philadelphia; offers to local interests all the Security and Protection for which it is famous throughout the world. Over 17 million dollars paid in claims in United States We rcspectMly suggest if you want reliable Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Health, Compensation or other casualty insurance that jqu request your broker to place it with the GENERAL ACCIDENT l.uVv V'V' .-' ,0U fcuUdlag, Philadelphia BrwwArttl'Waljuast. i '. -rA :YWMniwTau.i.TiJ AeH; . toj "'r. . jCfiUn fA-wisttl Mmm AMERICANS KILLED ON CANADIAN FH0NT SdlNB OF CROWN PRINdE'S VAIN. EFFORT Three Fighting in "Legion" Win Objective Point, but Lose, Their Lives LONDON, July 26 The American Legion. Canada's little vanguard of American hoy, won their ob jective In the latest fighting on tho Cnna dlati front, but paid In the loss of three members Unofficial lists today gao the three killed as Lieutenant A. R. Mfnard, of Hoston.; Lance Corporal I J, i: Monroe, of nmrlrs ton, W. Vn nnd I'rlxnto l Wlnnham, machine gunner, of lliiffalo, N. Y. "We went over nt rxnrlly T a m.. said Lieutenant Frank II Ihirr. of Columbus, O., today describing the notion, "i:ery thlng went splendidly. I got one Prussian guardsman myself, lie had u br-itber In Ran Ilernnrdlno, nil , and couldn't get over his surprise Hint there uete Americans In Canadian tinlfoiin." Iturr said Mlnard, Monroe nnd Wlnnham were killed by shellllre. Mlnoid wns wounded In the head, arms and legs and died In twenty-four hours. Iluir was one out of sixteen olllcers who escaped without a scratch. Lieutenant Harry NoIvjh. of Detroit, a minister's son, was shot In one nrm. and Lieutenant Max Foster. f Ti averse City. Mich., a Cornell man. uas hit In the bark by n shell fragment. Lieutenant Fred Fal coner, of New York, u.is slightly wounded In Hie faro nnd neck Corporal F Mi'ltargue. a Kentiirkl.in, formerly nf Hie 1'nlted Stales roast Artil lery suffered n slight brad wound, and 15. M Ki'cr.an. f Seattle, funnel ly of tho Unlxnr'ltv of Washington, li.nl n painful shoulder wound e4i.," GERMAN UNE ilu, ' Phlfsielphjii ClieSmtst Refeosei! BALTIMOrtfc! 3iy 26. J6hn Mul',r' 4 alien, who was associated with a Phlla'di. phla manufacturer with a, ftovernrnent corf tract to supply a concentrated food for th American army In France, who was U. rested n this city on Saturday, was released" on the order of Attorney General Oregory His rcleaso was ordered because of hi connection with a firm that holds"nn ' V m y Demand for Cash "Stumps" M'Adoo Continued from Pime One pletely token by surprise by the new de mands nf tho mllltaiy establishment that he has nothing now to suggest to meet the fresh emergency. With tho proceeds of the )2,0n0.non.0no which had been paid In up In July 1 diminished by pearly half III the llrst three weeks of July, and with nnt expemlltmcB stnrlng tho Treasury In the face, the situa tion would not bo exactly a nmifoi table one were It not for the Sect clary's power to sell nearly J.'J.Onn, 000,000 In short Ictm Treasury cer'Ulr.iteM of Indcbtcdncbs. Study of tho Treasury statement icwnls that there is only a little more than $300. 000,000 in cash jet to come fiom the Liberty Loan. On the books It Is seen that about $600,000,000 of subscriptions still Is un paid, but against this must be checked ap proximately $.100,000,000 In Treasuiy cer tificates still outstanding nnd which In all probability will be paid in l.ibcitv Loan hub.scrlptlons. This means that for half of the remaining lesouricx available, on ac count of the loan the Treasury will iecele only paper. The money it received for that paper last May has been spent or lent to tho Allies, On July t2t the net balanie In the gen eral fund of the Treasuiy fell off moio than $80,000,000. anl nn authorization of a now loan of $75,000,000 made In favor of Russia July 23 Is a further immediate liability against tho net balance Payments on ac count of tho construction of the inntonmentF nnd the big army contracts aio beginning 10 tan eiue. increasing ine ilrnln on the Treasury l TRENCH Line mm mm mm. . ROAnDS HAHl-RA.Il.ROAOr The mnn shows the California Plateau nnd its neighboring height, the Casemates Plateau, which dominate Craonnc. Despite ceaseless attacks bv the Germans, the French still retain these vitally important positions. The battle, however, still continues. KITS I'OR CAMDEN HOOKIES Red Cross Workers Packing Comfort Dags for Soldiers 1500 Members of tho twenty-two blanches of tho nimden County Chapter. American Red Cross, loday are packing 1500 comfort kits which are to be sent tomorrow to tho boys of llnttery II, tho Third Regiment, nnd Company It, Knglneers. New Jersey Na tional tluard, encamped nt Sea Cllrt, N. J. Owing to a recent conference with guard ofllrcrs. Mrs. John II. Mather, Jr., and Miss nir.abcth Cooper Reeve, who are directing tho work, ate sending tho guardsmen only nrtlcles In the kits which nro useful and necessary. Tho kits nro being packed at St Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Fotiith and Murket streets, Camden. A(JEI) MAN ALMOST STARVED Civil War Veteran of 80 Picked Up by Policcman in Bad Plight Lzeklel Wilson, eighty years old, n Civil War veteran, today Is recovering from Ktaivntinn at the Twelfth and Pine, streets police station The old man was found wandering in the vicinity of eighteenth nnd Pine streets by Sergeant McAulllTe. who gave the aged veteran the first meal he had eaten lu two days. Wilson told tho police that ho had rela tives living somewhere on Federal street, but didn't ciulto lemember the number of the house. NAVY POSTERS AT COUNTY FAIRS An attractive display of recruiting posters for the United States nny will be made at all of the State nnd county fairs to be held this summer and next fall. Arrangements for the erection of display boards hac been inado by the publicity bureau of the navy nt tho lequest of more than 2000 fnlr secre taries and managers. The billboards also are being erected nt public amusement parks, nnd tho recruiting posteis nro being displayed all over the country with tho circus posters. This work Is being done by the circuses themselves, the navy publicity bureau announces. V mont contracts. 1 1 isij7A w n R 'g von dtdd: "" ri Vl CLEVELAND TIRE Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Our One Sale Each. Year Of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Goods About lfe Price (Some Things Less) 4.50 Office Coats . . 15.00, 16.00 Raincoats . 1.50, 1.75 Silk Hosiery 6.50, 7.50 Motor Dusters 2.75 7.75 .85 4.50 1.50, 2.00 Knitted Neckwear .75 1.00, 1.50 Silk Neckwear . .50 All Bathing Suits . Half Price, 2.75 Bathing Pants ., 1.37V& 5.00, 6.00 Silk Shirt 3.75 8.00, 10.00 Silk Shirts (best obtainable), . . 5.75 2.00. 2.50 Madras Cotton Shirt 1.25 6.00, 6.50 White Flannel Pants . . . . 4.25 7.75 White English Cricket Flannel Pants . 5.75 Bath Gowns, Belts, Underwear, Knee Drawers, Golf Suits, Motor Coats, Overcoats, Golf Vests, Pajamas, etc., etc. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET , Where You Can Get Rinex Soles The completion of new factory extensions necessitated by the enormous demand for Rinex Soles has now made it possible to supply stocks of Rinex Soles to dealers in this city. You can now get Rinex Soles On New Shoes at These Store Wlk-Ovr Shoo Co., 1022 Ch-stnut St. Wntk-CUi'r Sho- Co., 122S M.irkot 81. llullahan'ii (loud Shoi'S, mo Mnrlirt SI. HalUhan'fi (.uo.l slio-n. Oitol (irnnanlown Ae. Hallalmn'H cloml Shofs, 2710 (lermnntown Ave. HRllaluin'K l.on.l Mhr, 102S Lancaster Ave. Ilnllahan'a Uoml ,shno. i.iuh Chestnut Sts. Newark Shoi' Co . 122 1 MHrkel St. H. Dalblmpr ( Honn. 12111-120(1 Market St. The KarlR Storil. Cor. 10th anil Market St. Newark Slum .Store, 32 S. 00th St. Konquprnr Shoe Co., 01)47 Market St, Philip Cooper, .Ti S. iloth St. A. Ilartman, filial Haverford Ave. RwBff'H Iloal .Shop, alii N. 8th St. Ftrurnpfa V.-Y.. 2220 N. front St. Iloelp llroa.. linn Woodland Ae. n norland. 1217 Itldun Ae, I'aye's Shoe store, sum llermuiitown Ave. Chan Clau,-. 1113 w, ilirard Ave. Louia c Srharff 121 w Oirard Ae Flltcrnffa Iluoterle. 2!),'2-54 lllduo Ave. Win Clayton, .'I03S KpnslnRtun Ave. Sol Marcus, 2030 Kensington Ave. Crown Sho Co.. 2.13K Kenilnston Ave. John Itoertk, 3030 Itlchmond 8t. A. R. Smolzjnekl. 3130 Illrhmond St. J. Sllpakoff, 5UHI Oermantonn Ave. CAMIIKN. N. J. M. Sacks, USD Ilroadnay. Lorran's Shoe Store. 542 Federal St. Anthony Kohus S. Sons, N. 1!, Cor. 4th and Spruce Bts. Re-Soted (Full or Holf Solet) t These Repair Shops Walk-Over Shoo Co., 1U22 Chestnut St, Walk-Over Shoe, Co.. J228 Market St. Hallahan'a tiood Shoes, BIB Market St. Hallahan's Oood Shoes, 1(004 Oermantown Ave. Hallahan'a Oood Shoes, 2740 Oermantown Ave, Hallahan's Oood Shoes, 402S Lancaster Ave .Hallahan's Oood Shoes, (loth i. Chestnut 8t. S Dalslmer & Sons. 1204-12110 Market St The, Karl" Store, 10th and Market Sta. Union Shoe Itepirlnt Co.. 244 Market St. Athletic Shoe Uepalrln Co., 30 S. 7th St. Penna. Shoe Itepalr Co.. J04 N. 15th St, Vernon Shoe Co., 5713 Qermantown Ave. Hautman's Shoe Hospital, 8S47 Otn. Ave, John Ortlno. S430 Clirmantown Ave. S. Chlaveralll, 5104 Frank-ford Ave. 8. Reiner. Cor. 20th nnd Diamond Sta. Union E'ectrlo Shoe Ttepi.. 1705 llldge Ave. French Elee. Shoe Ilepa-. Co., Kill nidge Ave. Herman Kaufman. 1102 W, Glrard Ave. Oreen 4 Son, 1002 w. Oirard Ave. Kleetrlo Shoe Repairing. 2818 Columbia. Ave. Sherman Shoe flenalr Shop. 2720 W.QIrard Av. Wm. I'asturlno. 2018 Columbia Ave. Liberty Elec. Shoe-Repair Co., 1S35 Itldze Av. I. Schneider. 2430 llldge Ave. A. Lotman. 3010 nidio Ave. Tho Kenslncton Modern Bhoe Repair Shop, 3043 Kensington Ave. Alleeheny Klee. shoe llepair Shop, 2358 Eait Allegheny Ave. Liberty Shoe Itepalr Co , 8t73 Richmond St. Modern Jlleetrlo Shoe Itepalr Co., 2010 lllch- mond St. r.imoua Shoo Repair Co.. 01 N. 13th fit. Liberty Klec. Shoe Hepu. Co., 3151 Kensington Ave. Segel's Illec Shoe Repair, 1300 Columbia Ave, W. Kolman. 2253 U. Clearfield St. Jacob Hosenblaum. 3002 Frnnkford Ave M. Itosner. 23(iil I'olumlila Ave. J. Itosner. 15112 Columbia Ave. I.. Tarry. 0233 Germantown Ave. Joseph Motarlanl. 81311 tlermantown Ave. A. I'olltano. suol (lermnntown Ave. road St. Elec. Shoe Repairs. 1330 W. Alrdrle. r. .oshay, 4S117 Frankford Ave. J. Manio. 4075 Oerm.intown Ave, M. Rosenberg, 1353 Oermantown Ave, I OroKHtnnn, Sin N. 13th St. Ade phla Shoe Repair Co.. 184 N. 11th St. "raliamtthoo Repair Shop, 120 N. 6th St AU Shotell. 721 Race St. Keystone shoo llepair Co., 3050 Oerm'fn Ave. Henry Kalllnger. 1U20 Oermantown Ave. Ilarpr KraMU. 420 W. Lehigh Ave. H. Wouch, 215 Westmoreland St. M Snider. 227 W. Ontario St. John Tansley, 3154 N. Lee St. I.dwnrd Askans 444 W. Ontario St. II. Olnsberg. 2S50 "n" St. 1.. Janofsky, 21MII "B" Ht, I'uchoUtz. 102 Norrla St. '.'lA-,.8'0"-.2'"' N. Front St. J, Fellman, 3125 "D" St.. Joseph Taillcr. 701 1;. Hilton St. Chns. Rycer, 2143 S. 71at St. n. S"r. 5510 Chester Ave. I. rnibuer. ll.i'.il s. 51th St Vh M?ii,.l.0,,-r!iTiJl. Woodland Av, L. Miller, .'.icio Woodland Ave. 4' VV'h,'.r' , Chester Ave. A.' V.hlck.,n,"k5''. B525 Chester Ave. ?.'.,, eve,f,k.y'. UK' 52d St. The South Milla. Elec. Shoe Repair, 8. W. . r,Cor' '."'Jl and Federal Sts. ' A. Oross k Co.. 1711 S. '.'1st Bt. A. Itosner, 1520 B, 22d St M. Kur, .1830 South St. BcShenrm4?a J.7n1.r,'3lnt Bf.,, Av h. i-onen, 1433 I'olnt Ureete Ave. L.. Hoffman. 2231 McICean St. . A. Mercurelll. Ioi Taylor Bt. J. R Mosley, 512 fl. jfith st" f?; ? land 42U nidge AvS. " HKWjtr 1,!"ini "l( B. 22d St. ffldJBi: aU'5f-N?20.1h0O84,-tt N- !9,h 8t' r"Wer.,"cmta,,vicK0B?h0, " F"tory' 00 ar,3n2mbriyC8V.C Sh' npr- Shop' l00 N-' M. Bnndensky, 1024 N. 31st St Levin's Elec. Bhoe Reps. Shop. 8444 N. 20th. Sam Ramnsh, 3514 N. lTth St. Christian Maler. 8828 N. 17th St. P. Fein. 5420 Market St. Nathan Cohn. 14 N. 68th St. Llttlefleld'a Elec. Shoo Repg. Shop. B916 Mar Champion Shoe Repair Shop. 0024 Market St. Modern Elec. Shoe Repg. Shop, 0041 Market. Nick Iladame, 0248 Market St. " Jos. Dentist, 520 B, 52d St. It Cohen. ,5551 Baltimore Ave. Angora Elec. Shoe Repg. Shop, 602T Daltl ., . more Ave. Jletmont Shoe Hospital, 104 S, B2d St. Morris Sedelsky, 002(1 Vine St. 53d"stEI" 8he n"'B' Factory- 308 N. aui?.?. 'Ft.t'h 45t n- coth st- Alok'is'ot'S's, 8hP 82 Mlh- I. Behliaslnger, 4820 Lancaster Ave. ,.. t'Oiila Elec. Shoe Repg.. 5013 HaverfnM Av V"fnl!i.tI.,rPAA E'CC- Hh"" "&.30Mi Nlcoblrrer,le?raHiS)-' 4fi0B Lancaster Ave. n ?t...r iVn'f'r48'4. 1anca5tr Ave. n v iT'.?2?4 I'nsdowne Ave. down Ave Pn,r Shop' 002H Un" A. Brooksteln, 2404 W. Somerset St Jos. Jackson. 5227 Oirard Ave. MANAYCNK. TA. Mcrrla Rosner. 4402 Main St. CAMDEN. N. J. Izzud'(lln' Elec. Shoe Repair 111 n,.,j..,. Electric Shoe Repg. Co.! 1218 ludfaon Ave. DARBY ' P. Rlttenberg. 11 N. 0th St. Sam Cohen. 013 Main St. OOONTZ, VA. John Mathes. ' JENKINTOWN. TA. c: T.'mrpnr!f.?e: 2o8,c,;Sah?8nt,.eU BMr- o'lNEY, VA. B. Kolman, .4034 N. 5th 8t. WIBSINOM1NO, PA. "LV'ZW 8h0 K,p'- Ca" " Tor. TACONY, PA. A. Miller, 6833 TorresdaU Ave. H. Budman. 0AK "NE. PA. Rinex Spies, placed on the market last year, have hepn a remarkable success. ' Dcen Rinex Soles are not rubber, but are waterproof. Thev ar tougher and more flexible than leather, but cost no ore You will find Rinex Soles the most comfortable, lomrest wearing, most economical and satisfactory, shoe-sols vm have ever worn. f ou , i j ,? . A r.'X-t ,i tH,yi,V .", HlOTihrlfr1 -'- -T "n ;& J. .0;:. .-ct- I ',! -I s I 1 Ji j I K: ttU iS'f 1 :':-.A'.-- .-.