i' r TMiifv"ll rv bHnM . fV. nOwHMvLiLiPiLiBfllLML . ",-fy .J- - ivtVWMMflEEZiiiiiiiH'VMVIP'LIIIIIIIIIIHii PHHnBBH i ' tf JHyp TIhW'. Wl'' SMklKWWlMwJjW'SBWM i i i I. i In this pictures tile new concrete bridge, shown on the left, is bearing its first burden after it was ) it SWEM 0 ,C HfSSKN9HBVSr''jHBHl Placed in position by a score of workmen. It wei ghs many tons and is situated near Collingdalo, 'k'-1H' "" :; 'WB''wJ BBoH?H '- a quick job HHHHHHHHkHb 'KBHiRBRHwPHIVSPB1HjHHHHHHHHHHHfHHHH K- - - . -Law--.' -' --.,,-,.;'. ? , fci lZtrzzz:::? , ' - . . . . - . . l f t iCJ "'fJS i fiS .ill $ II Copyrlitht ltarrli A Knlnir. THE nRAWINfi AS IT WAS ACTIIATXY CONDUCTED vf This picture shows the busy "draft" officials as they called off the second lot of num- rt ucr in wusiunKion. it was a uresoinc jod inat guvo uieso uicn nio m-i "f K work they had experienced for a long time. Their faces show that they were begin- ning to feel the strain. lm .ftJy rm :4 ijfl isti PORT RICHMOND'S BOYS AND GIRLS WAIT FOR OUTING TICKETS And no person can blame them for being impatient when the good timo that is assured them is considered. They are to have one of the finest outings of their young lives on Thursday, when they will bo tho guests of "Mother" Ketchum at a picnic. Tho picture shows them waiting for the precious cardboards permitting them to attend. ?a Hifl J4iJ - Conrrirbt Harris A Ewlnr. CAPITOL PICKETS AFTEIt THEin PARDON BT PRESIDENT That their Imprisonment In the Occoquan jail did not caure these suffragists much worry is clearly Indicated by their smiles. Tho picture shows tho militant workers for equal, rights just after they returned to surtrafre head quarters In Washington. They had served a few days of a sixty-day sentence for picketing: tho Whlto House. 51 SOMEOP OBRMANTOWN'S BUSY YOUNG RED CROSS WORKERS itfn.Wf5La25 ivamjmtw nr a nuoi iyn "" ;uj,u ", r:nr.T ,,. i,A thv rnntrlhuterl to tks Desiring to ao someining neipiui ior we soiaiera oi unc o , FOTTERALL SQUARE WOMEN WHO WORK FOR AMBULANCE ' .tsjH frtfjf ' ' Desiring to do something helpful tor the soicuers 01 uncie oam,,wno'nve gone naJ go.croMfww At uviwm unwi ww 1 1 j